r/AskReddit People Reveal the worst mistake they've seen someone make at work!

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what is the worst mistake you've seen someone make at work PT with late stage Alzheimer's had been progressively getting sicker used to be a walker / wanderer eventually just got a bit sicker each day in bed bound everyone kept giving his meds like normal ate less tummy became distended he was found unresponsive in his bed apparently vomited and died the nurses aides were in charge of cleaning him up one went to clean the strange vomit that came out of his nose she wiped it with her gloved hands it was [ __ ] he had [ __ ] coming out of his nose he apparently had a bowel obstruction and it got so bad to the point that everything backed up and he was vomiting up his own and digested food and fecal matter a simple monitoring of his distended stomach would have revealed that a simple charting of his last bowel movement would have revealed that nobody could find when his last bowel movement was and the charting that should have been done apparently hadn't been done in months it could have been caught he didn't have to die that way all those little negligent mistakes eventually lead up to one gigantic mistake my family started a recycling business it was a somewhat large business my grandparents aunts and uncles parents and cousins were all involved about a week after it had opened my aunt bought around 50 tons of newspaper she hadn't checked the prices they changed quite often and bought it about 50% higher price than what it was selling it almost caused the business to fail my grandfather was angrier than I had ever seen him when I was a teen I worked at a full-service gas station one day a guy came in towing a boat to get gas a guy a couple years younger was working and thought the owner had taken the gas cap off of the boat he placed the gas nozzle in a fishing rod holder it is basically a hole in the top of the side of the boat he proceeded to pump about 40 dollars worth of gas on to the floor of the boat the owner was understandably upset an old friend of mine was feeling up his 36ar with gas at the floating dock except that he fed about $400 of gas into his freshwater tank / system a well-liked director of our art department was leaving for another company he crafted a beautiful and inspiring message which announced his departure how much he'd enjoyed working with us and how he was now on to a new adventure he sent the message to the entire company one of his junior employees accidentally replied all how her life was devastated she was heartbroken and she was going to be despondent over losing the best lover she'd ever had he was married not to her and had three children the bon voyage celebration was quietly cancelled he left silently ten minutes after the reply had been sent without understanding the mail system she tried to do a recall all and Senna please don't read the message this is attached to it was a private message between colleagues who boy that was an interesting day in the army I was assigned to a field artillery unit during a training exercise a gunner in our unit didn't align his tick marks up with the kilometer correctly and his tank ended up shooting a dummy round into a formation of soldiers killing four or five if it were alive round the whole unit would have been decimated dude got 15 years or more in Leavenworth sincere question do you think 15 years in prison was what he deserved I actually just barely prevented this from happening an undergrad was working in the genetic research lab I'm doing my PhD in keeping things clean and eliminating contamination are a pretty high priority in our lab different people will use different chemicals ethanol hydrochloric acid or bleach are the most common the undergrad decided he was going to rinse some bottles in Bleach before placing them in the hydrochloric acid bath to make them extra clean creating chlorine gas in the process I stopped him right before he turned our lab into a scene from World War one this is exactly why you have supervisors for undergrads though heck even for graduates dumbass didn't clear his weapon nine-millimeter before cleaning it shot himself in the hand just second lieutenant things how do you miss this pushed a corrupt windows image to every PC on the domain using system center erase the whole university including the system center server itself recovery was a labor-intensive process I didn't see the guy doing it but I saw all the pcs suddenly start formatting themselves my bill owned a bar and live music place once upon a time I worked there off and on there was a guy who would bring his girlfriend in on Friday nights and his wife on Saturday nights his daughter turned 21 and showed up one Friday night with her friends that was a mess I practice as an architect in the UK I was working on a job which was a refurbish of a listed hotel the problem was that this hotel had had a fire and then sat open to the elements for five years before the refurbishment work began obviously the entire interior basically had to be stripped my firm was hired to do design and specification work but no on-site inspection or design for the demolition and slapping works if we had been hired we most certainly would have been able to stop the accident the workmen on site decided to speed up the demolition work they would bring a small digger up the old hotel lift to the fourth floor and begin the demolition work there the entire interior of the building collapsed three people were crushed to death and several others were seriously maimed and injured I take health and safety way more seriously than most of my colleagues but it's because I know how stupid mistakes and oversight can lead to people's deaths watched my coworker cover himself and [ __ ] he improperly operated the waste pump out equipment at a marina I worked at the nozzle came off the boat and forcefully sprayed him in the face with several gallons of weeks old human feces this is also midsummer in Florida and he had his mouth open did he die pretty sure he dead he damn sure wished he did I bet I work in the television broadcasting industry and I work with people who have ejected slash rewound a tape that was live on air this was many years ago aired the wrong show not the wrong episode but the wrong show aired a different channels content it's all satellites and we get them all on the router [ __ ] happens no one died or was fired a mould setter forgot to be magnetized the injection molding press clamp and tried to pull the 30,000 pounds mold from the press the crane basically tried to lift a machine the size of my house off the ground when the the d-ring broke the crane bounced off its tracks I was able to feel the ground shake from 1,000 feet away a brand new hospital was built and they brought all the really expensive hospital beds by to start filling the rooms you know the kind that can roll in and out of all the rooms when the patient has to go to x-ray or whatever well they didn't build the doors of the rooms wide enough to accommodate the beds resulting in a long delay on opening the hospital while the doors were torn out and fixed Wow that's pretty stupid my father's best friend and a co-worker were cleaning a big oven apparently there was argon gas in the oven one of them fell down because he couldn't breathe and my father's best friend just jumped in to try to help him they both died this is the reason we have monthly safety meetings about confined spaces and why you should never ever try to rescue an conscious person yourself but fight your first reflex and call help I work in library cataloging services and arleigh deleted all of the customers information from our database she's still the lead believe or not well duh she's still lead the MLS degrees that know what they're doing get stuck working with the public because an angry patron knows what's wrong and then complains to the board a computer duck up get passed off as technological difficulties and the patrons are none the wiser a kid who was working as summer help in our Public Works was driving back a pallet of asphalt sealcoating on a one ton dump truck to their garage he didn't secure the load so when he went around a corner half the pallet dumped over and onto a concrete Street I can still see the seal coat on that spot ten years later a co-worker friendly asked my salary I told him I was making about three for X more than him and he was in a higher hierarchy hal was set loose we were both fired by the end of the week mine is a friend of mine is an intern medical resident there was a patient in her Hospital that a whole team of doctors had just convinced the family to remove from life support after weeks my friend went into the room after reading the wrong patient's chart and told the family she expected the patient to make a full recovery it was everything that the family had been praying to here for months only to find out it wasn't true that is terrible how long did it take her in the family to find out that it wasn't the case I worked at a dental manufacturer while in training a fellow trainee decided the hot wax boiler was too hot and took the high-pressure air hose and blew it directly into the boiling wax wax sprayed her face her arms and her legs she was severely burned and had to be rushed to the hospital after that every workspace had a warning telling us not to try to cool the boiling wax and trainees were not allowed to cool their moats with the high pressure air hoses headed hair not sir at office job boss walked over to show me pictures of the dead lift platform he built at his house over the weekend opened up his gallery on his phone and the first couple of pictures were of a chick spread wide open at restaurant job we keep metal plates in an open flame for the sizzling fajitas I was grabbing a fresh one with a pair of tongs for an order but accidentally dropped it a dishwasher walked up and picked it off the ground he got huge blisters all over his thumb and fingers that is why I always have the picture I want to show someone open before I get to them I watched a guy put his fingers into what was essentially motorcycle chain being driven by a 60 horsepower servo motor he didn't do that I'm betting he couldn't do that twice a guy sent in documents to a prove his dad had died and get his driving license cancelled because of it and B have his own license changed to include the title he inherited on his dad's death unfortunately he and his dad had the same name and then obviously the same title q in calling a month later to see if there was something wrong with his license only for me to access his record and find out he was dead whatever dumbass process the application didn't bother looking at any of the dates on this guy's paperwork and just cancelled his license that and the person who put a pot noodle with a foil lid still attached in a microwave and evacuated the building working in an online gambling chat room dude comes to take me off my break and comes in the room at that point a player had told us his brother had died so I said oh no do taking my place sees this and gives a big oh yeah kool-aid guys style I don't understand working in an online gambling chat room when I was young I worked in a cafeteria one night the head cook [ __ ] her pants and claims she just sat on macaroni that's either really weird [ __ ] or she has never had proper macaroni in her life while in the Navy I worked on the electronic systems on p3 aircraft we needed to replace a Winchester plug on an aircraft it's a plugin with over 200 wires that plug into it the guy I was with walked over to the plug-in and cut off all 200 wires in fell swoop normally you would take one wire out at a time and transfer it into the new plug we now had over 200 wires with no idea where any of them went the plane ended up being grounded for over a month while we had to manually determine where every single wire went to on the plane and then compare it to the planes schematics he was permanently transferred out of the shop after that incident into a desk job not wearing his seatbelt while driving down a loading dock on a fork truck I held his hand after he was pinned down under it until the paramedics arrived he didn't make it I still feel like I should have been able to help it's all I can do not to cry when I see his kids around mine throw away for obvious reasons I was a trainee dental nurse for a year and about four months and we had one patient coming for a pretty standard procedure looking at her chart she had a history of heart problems in the anesthetic the dentist gave her contained adrenaline is stuck out to me as weird but I was four months in and she was ten years into being a dentist so I kept my mouth shut patient went into cardiac arrest on the table after being given the anesthetic God wheeled out by paramedics after I called an ambulance turns out she shouldn't have been given adrenaline and the dentist just didn't check her medical history properly for whatever reason that practice got shut down a couple of years later and I still feel guilty every time I think about it for not saying something she was okay afterwards but it was very scary I worked in a biochemistry lab that extracted a protein from animal tissue for study we stored samples in a fridge in the lab and one night the fridge failed my boss was cleaning it out while I worked at a nearby bench he opened a jar of rat spleens said phew that's stinky and threw it in the trash a second later the smell hit me my knees buckled and I nearly vomited on the spot I ran from the lab and within half an hour the entire third floor of the C wing of the medical school emptied out a lot of researchers were pissed off at us that day I learned about two powerful biochemicals Beatrice Ian and cadaverine my brother who works at JP Morgan and Chase as an investment banker told me once that his work colleague who was assisting a powerful person in a lucrative deal accidentally caused them to lose 14 meters soon as he realized the magnitude of his mess he started to break everything in his office and started shouting that he was going to commit suicide how did he cause them to do that then did they get it back I worked at a Costco for a year and a half and they liked to move certain items from one side of the store to another or just offset any item well someone had the bright idea to move glass jars of garlic from the floor to the first level platform basically a higher shelf now Costco sells things in bulk and their motto is bigger is better so these are large jars naturally someone dropped one in the smell dear God the overwhelming smell probably kept you safe from vampires had a co-worker in the late 90s get her glove caught in the Chuck of a pipe machine wrapped her hand and lower arm around it like a fruit roll-up gloves and power tools don't mix kids it's such a weird concept too for many we wear gloves for safety doing a lot of things but the instant we had motorized power to the equation clothing becomes an incredibly dangerous thing even things like necklaces rings ties etc are all extremely dangerous around moving equipment I worked in a busy pizzeria when I was young the pizza maker was talking to his girlfriend who was standing in front of him on the other side of the counter he throws up the pizza dough in the air to spin it and it comes down and lands on top of his girlfriend's head and continues to spin the packed dining room erupted and left her and she ran out crying with flour all over her face and jet-black hair people have to remember that they're not laughing at you were even with you they're laughing at the situation shot himself rhe whole string a pistol 40 calories slug entered just above his kneecap drilled clean through his femur and tibia exited his leg just below the kneecap he walks with a heavy limp now but he came within a cm or two of blowing his kneecap off the bullet was sitting in the knee pad when we took it off during medical don't use baggy gloves when you're carrying kids I had another guy do a no-look clearing of his pistol actually another 40 calories didn't observe a clear chamber pulled trigger and shot through his pistol case through the edge of a counter skim past his knee and land about a foot to the right of my right foot I wasn't happy I saw a girl who had just been hired dropped the water bottle when trying to put it on the cooler and it rolled across the office glugging out water the whole way by the time someone stopped it 90% of the water was on the floor evenly spread through everybody's work area in her defense those things are heavy thanks for listening to another episode of Rhett attacks subscribe and activate the notification bell so you won't miss any stories feel free to share your own stories below in the comments have a good day
Channel: Reddit X
Views: 23,118
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Keywords: reddit stories, r/askreddit, reddit, top posts, reddit scary stories, reddit top posts, r/askreddit questions, Reddit X, reddit all, eipc reddit, epic posts, epic stories, reddit posts 2019, reddit top posts 2019, ask reddit nsfw, r/ask reddit, reddit ask, top comments, reddit compilation, dark reddit, askreddit
Id: X0nZcefPPyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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