Guys Meeting Their CRAZY Girlfriends Father (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit guys have reddit what is your worst meeting the dead moment when dating someone new I had been dating this girl for about three to four months and it was time to meet her family we made arrangements and went over for dinner he was nothing short of a [ __ ] prisoner I still refer to him as the prisoner the entire night he barely spoke and when he did it was only after being directly prompted by his wife or daughters and it was always one-word answers the entire dinner was the making jokes at his expense making fun of him while simultaneously spilling the beans on intimate personal details of his life his wife treated him with absolute contempt and disdain which was translated into how his daughters treated him as well the only living thing in that house that had any affection for him was the cat this man spent 30 years working his ass off as a civil engineer to raise a family his wife never worked a day in her life before or after him he put two daughters through college paid their [ __ ] rent on top of paying for their cars and basically everything else and they treated him like a malfunctioning robot Butler his eyes were completely dead like a lion who's been in the zoo too long it scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me so I broke up with her about a week later it was like a visit from the ghost of Christmas future not the first time I had met the father but easily the worst moment I have a long-distance relationship very long like Lando FL - I stand bull long there's a story in and of itself I had recently flown to Turkey to meet her for our semiannual be in the same country time when her parents found out I was in the country now we aren't some secret lovers quite the opposite but if her parents aren't helicopters they are flying saucers that threatened to abduct her and anybody near her at a moment's notice because I was in the city they took it upon themselves to get a hotel and stay there for three nights and impose themselves into her life the thing is we are both adults we had our own plans and in my last day I and plans to meet a friend of my girlfriend that I had become something of a pen pal with then we were going to drink a [ __ ] ton of coffee pull an all-nighter snuggling and doing the thing significant others do on their last night together then drive out to the airport in the wee hours of the morning to avoid I stand all traffic on the way to the airport ha ha ha no my girlfriend's father convinced she's a paste eating more a new can't plan and a thing he's a logistics manager for military contractor has a profound ability not to leave work at work decided to buy us a hotel room much closer to the airport so we wouldn't have to deal with traffic regardless of any plans we had after a 2-hour argument it's decided that we are taking this hotel because he already paid for it and he proceeds to drive us from the Asian side of this mega city to the European side so we can check into the hotel we don't want to be in but that's not all he then asks what we want to do for the rest of the afternoon / - for dinner - which we both explain for the fourth time we had dinner plans with somebody else on the other [ __ ] side of the city B and to a lesser extent her mother proceeds - through a passive-aggressive hissy fit as he finally yields to drive us back because we can at least spend time together on the drive I didn't realize how terminal those words would prove not 15 minutes into the drive he takes a weird eater to go to a shop and get some water he's stalling then we see the clock 4:00 p.m. 1600 hours for you international people it is the height of iced and bull traffic this is a city with the larger population than the entire nation of Greece that has only recently began an automobile familiarity close to what the US has mastered this is New York traffic with Florida level drivers a godless wasteland that mad maximum couldn't survive it because there's nowhere to move and this guy chooses the longest way back to my girlfriend's apartment to spite us for having other plans after all of that the man insists we have dinner because it is now 8 o'clock by the time we finally get to the other side of city we finally part ways I have a truncated meeting with my pen pal and we have to take the metro back to the European side conveniently free to the public at the moment and get a cab back to the hotel probably not the worst moment in this thread the easily the most frustrating time I've spent with any Bordas folks I'm a white guy who dated a Palestinian girl in 1st / 2nd year University I live in Canada and grew up with a huge multitude of people from different backgrounds et Cie so I never really thought much about how people might differ in how they handled things I guess I just figured everyone was kind of the same more or less I learned a lot for the first few months it didn't matter because it was fairly low-key and I just liked spending time with her so I didn't mind not meeting her family but eventually I either asked or she told me that she had to keep it secret from them because they would freak out I was basically like ok I'm sure they are traditional but I'm sure it won't be that bad once they meet me and see I'm not a [ __ ] I'm sure it'll be fine right she was just like I don't think so eventually they found out of course and freaked out they did her father in particular it was pretty intense to say the least first he freaked out on her and physically abused her a bit he then called me from her phone and told me if I wanted to be with her I had to convert to Islam then I could buy her a ring and propose to her at which point I would be allowed to see her every once in a while under his direct supervision once we were married I would be allowed to see her more often and I'm guessing unsupervised I was 19 or 20 at this point it's also worth noting that his daughter was basically a average Canadian girl she didn't wear a hijab or anything and had drank alcohol a few times before and quite enjoyed it in any case her and I decided that was pretty [ __ ] and either of us was down though we did want to stay dating so we did that's when [ __ ] really hit the fan he really ramped up the physical abuse even literally torture in her choking her out with a phone cord while interrogating her at one point to get information about me in particular what had we done sexually we had been having sex and I'm pretty sure he had access to her firm record / texts since he paid for her phone so I'm pretty sure he put two and two together he wanted her to get a virginity test eventually she had enough and decided it was time to leave so she left to stay with me this really rammed [ __ ] up even more he threatened to kill me and her he threatened to kill her brother and himself he threatened to kill her pet rabbit he said he would abuse a younger brother who she loved more than anything her mother said some of the most foul [ __ ] I have ever seen to her she was told she would be completely disowned from her family of course which was harsh for her since it was important she had something like 46 first cousins her Muslim girlfriends who she had grown up with berated the [ __ ] out of her constantly called her a disgusting [ __ ] I was a white piece of [ __ ] I would certainly burn in hell they didn't really know me and though I was a bit of a [ __ ] in high school I was doing well in University and had cleaned up my act but regardless I was basically subhuman and ruining her and she was a backstabbing [ __ ] of a daughter to her father so after a few days her uncle reached out to her and was much much more understanding and nice I spoke with him as well and he was extremely reasonable and said the best thing would be to let things calm down she could stay with him in the mean time and he would calm her dad down and make sure he didn't do anything crazy like cos it seemed like a good option so that's what we did it was a really stressful time her father still forced her to go get her virginity checked she actually got a doctor to do it ie she went in the room with the doctor the doctor who was a woman said all right so what do you want me to tell them cause this is [ __ ] and she was magically a virgin again she eventually returned home she'd started to get crazy again more threats more psychotic [ __ ] she ended up needing to have the police escort her out of her house and brought to a woman's shelter but that place was not at all great so she left pretty much immediately to come stay with me it was actually New Year's Eve I was outside a woman's shelter waiting in the freezing ask cold for nearly an hour right through the new year and yet it was still an incredibly great time because I was so much less stressed out knowing she was out of that [ __ ] and not being abused constantly when she came out she had a huge smile on her face and we kissed and walked off into the shitty frozen tundra together some time later her father showed up at the door of my apartment one morning and mighty at room mate let him in because he didn't really know what was going on this guy was never usually around and we weren't really friends or anything so he comes to our room and says hey someone's here to give mail to girlfriend's name I'm all grouchy and like WTF hey I'll get it no worries and go to the door I may not even have been wearing a shirt I can't remember still half-asleep I walk over to the doorway just down a short hallway from my room and I'm like I you have something for her he's like I have to give it to her directly super stern and grilling me hard but my brain couldn't put two and two together I go get her and tell her and she starts freaking witches when I realize who the guy in my doorways now I'm freaking out how the [ __ ] does this guy know my apartment number I was on the twelfth floor - so he got let in the building and knew my exact unit number somehow it wasn't listed in the directory she goes and talks to him and I'm waitin around the corner ready to storm this guy if he tries anything but luckily they just talked briefly and he left so yeah I would say meeting that father half asleep possibly not wearing a shirt evidently waking up from sleeping with his daughter who he threatened to kill us all over is probably my worst meeting the dad moment edit holy [ __ ] this blew up here's some answers to some of the questions sorry I didn't respond to much yet in ARC's got murked and i left for vacation shortly after writing this what happened next things calmed down we continued dating and she lived with me for awhile before getting a spot with roomies our relationship had some other issues as well and over time those caused us a lot of problems we ended up breaking up around the 2-year point I haven't talked to her in about three years but last I heard she went back home and is still dating some other white guy who they approve of I guess I can't help but feel like one in our soul for causing all that [ __ ] and not being with her forever and two for taking all of that [ __ ] and breaking the ice for the next person to swoop on in without having to deal with anything but both of those feelings are foolish when you think about it the bunny and her brothers were okay a younger sister got extremely sanctimonious and extra religious so that's cool my now father-in-law is a retired corrections officer but at the time of this story he was still working I met him the first time I picked up my now wife me 23 slashed her 20 at the time for a date and he a genuinely nice guy shook hands no Stern talk just the typical treat her well and have fun so will is good or so I think on our third date he decides to [ __ ] with me I pull up to the house knock and he answers since my wife is still getting ready now I think about the Phil is he's quite the window something I didn't know at the time but unless he's hammered you really can't tell he's been drinking so I come in and we small talk a bit nothing out of the ordinary after about five minutes I hear my wife yell she's almost ready so I stand up to get ready to leave at this time he walks over throw his arm around my shoulder and says well you kids have fun but just know that anything ever happens to my daughter my friends can run a lot faster than you he proceeds to reach into his pocket and drop a point four five round in my hand pat me on the back and walk away I just stand there frozen in my oh [ __ ] what I have gotten myself into my wife comes out yells by grabs my hand and off we go needless to say it was a very interesting car ride to dinner in the end he truly was just [ __ ] with me but he knew it was a Father's right to do so as he saw fit looking back now it's a pretty funny story to tell but at twenty three fresh out of college it was terrifying so clearly I married this girl but the best part of this story came years later at the wedding at the wedding he gets up to give his father of bride speech for the most part it normal super positive and super supportive as he's winding down he walks over to us and finishes his speech in epic fashion I wish you all the happiness in the world but just remember if you ever hurt my daughter my friends can always run faster than you as he proceeds to drop from more point four five rounds in my hand drops the mick and walks away our guests went crazy cheering his speech as I put my head down on the table laughing and holding the ammo up in the air the photographer has a great picture of this while my wife is laughing we've been meaning to get the picture and memo framed but we haven't for some reason yet the best part is the majority of our family and friends never knew about the first half of the story which I then got to recount several times later throughout the night my Phil and I have a good laugh about this every now and then stories from a girl's birth but I'm pretty sure that you'd I was dating at the time would say this was his worst meeting the dad moment it was the early morning hours of my 16th birthday so like 12 to 1 a.m. I had been dating this guy for about two weeks he was five years older than me yes I know creepy etc and he was dropping me off at my house after getting dinner at Geoffrey days law my curfew was 12 a.m. so me being the 16y slasher genius I was decided that if we were making out in his car in the driveway that technically meant I was not breaking curfew because I mean I was home I was kind of a [ __ ] this was in the early days of cell phone so I had just gotten one and I get an incoming call from my dad at around 12:30 a.m. from the house phone he's obviously angry because he thinks I'm not home yet where are you in the driveway dad I said all Jiri at how amazingly my idea was going to work he immediately hangs up and I know [ __ ] is about to go down I say my goodbyes get out of the car and start booking it to the front door on the way there I run into my dad in his boxers hair all messed up obviously had just woken up and his face is very red he just looks right at me and owes [ __ ] you also more confirmation that [ __ ] was about to go down cause he had never said that to me even when I was being the shittiest of shits the guy didn't even have time to back out of the driveway so my dad walks up to his car door flings it open and oohs what makes you think you can keep my daughter out this late he just stares at him in utter terror as his answer then he proceeds to say I don't want to see you again at the earliest September it was late July then slammed the door and silently went back inside and went to sleep my favorite part was I guess he reasoned with himself when making his threat and decided that he'd be okay with seeing him in September I guess when I went to meet my wife's parents for the first time overseas she told me a few weeks earlier that he worked in the government in the national security department they didn't know what he does and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want them to know either [ __ ] me so I'll and after a 14-hour flight Dazed and Confused changed into a suit that was wrinkled during the flight in the airport bathroom and make my way over to their home they made a reservation to a seafood restaurant specializing in Blowfish all I could think about is The Simpsons episode with Homer almost dying after eating Blowfish we talked before the food comes out and things are going well usually parents love me so it goes as expected the father orders and I'm sweet in bullets because he orders the Blowfish after 15 minutes the meal comes out and I'm relieved to see that the fishes family-style on one big plate but just in case when I scoop my portion her parents wanted to scoop for me but I insisted on the opposite side from where I was sitting just in case but then I wonder if he's playing mind games with me and thought I would do that and eventually eat the poisonous side I nervously eat and answer questions which I've meticulously prepared for by preparing for it like a job interview while trying to rid myself of the thought of death they love that I'm an eater and order more [ __ ] sweating bullets the whole time having not slept for at least a day because I was so nervous and thinking I might die soon I actually think I did pretty well after dinner we go back to their home and her parents instruct me to stay in their daughter's room with her in it is this a trick a gotcha moment I think the Blowfish poison might have already taken over so I don't care my wife thinks it's funny to get frisky and watch me squirm DM HS we just celebrated three years of marriage my girlfriend and I were best friends before we started dating I'm from Virginia and she's from Oklahoma I go to school in okay which made me not want to jump into a random relationship that may not last if it had to become long-distance I ended up meeting her dad because her cousin was having a baby and me being the soft human I am wanted to go held a cute ass baby so my GF three friends and I made the drive to the hospital I had no idea that her entire family was going to be there but it was fine I'm usually pretty good around parents since I totally had a huge ass crush on her and it was clear to everybody but her that I did I was trying to make a good impression on her family I started by trying to talk sports with her dad which he had no interest in doing so that was a fantastic start but I ended up getting along with her stepmom really well I shall pick up on her stepmom telling me how right it is that I'm in touch with my feminine side but her well I get to hold the baby and I'm happy as hell because the baby is cute as [ __ ] and I'm enjoying it her dad is more of a manly man and didn't really get why I was enjoying it and made it clear that he didn't want to hold the kid despite me trying to hand it off to him her dad ended up taking us out for dinner and he didn't really want to talk to me which is fine I just talked to her stepmom the whole time after dinner we were saying our good-byes and improper guy friend fashion I slapped one my buddies asses that was there played football it's a pretty common thing to do after I slapped his ass as a joke I looked up and saw her dad staring at me I think I was just totally caught off guard and I just stared back for a second and just nodded and walked to the car probably cold made a joke out of it but I was nervous for some reason a few days later I was talking to my Margie F and she said that her dad and stepmom were talking about me to her which I took as a good thing I thought I made a good first impression but then it clicked in my head that they definitely thought I was her gay best friend and they thought that for a while even for a little bit while we were dating took a while to convince him I was straight and I wasn't dating his daughter as a cover-up but we get along pretty well now so that's how my GF stad thought I was gay it's more of a meet them on horror story I had in high school I dated a girl that I was nuts about like all teens her hormones were aging and we'd mess around now and again and when we weren't together we'd talk dirty to each other on the phone went to her house one night to pick her up for a movie and she said her parents wanted to meet me seems reasonable I thought stepdad comes out first introductions and small talk happened while we wait on the mall he seems cool eventually the mom comes out and squares up in front of me nose is almost touching while giving me the most intense stare down like a never a call receiving I introduce myself and hold out my hand to shake her and she slaps it away never breaking eye contact I try to make small talk and every time she says something she addresses me as Jack not my name not even close very pointedly after the fifth time I try to politely correct her that my name isn't Jack it's actually before I could finish that sentence the explosion happened she erupted like a volcano and start screaming I call you jack because I think you're a [ __ ] jackoff you piece of [ __ ] wide-eyed and now stammering I apologized to her telling her I've obviously offended her but I didn't know what I did that's when she pulls out a tape recorder it seems she's ultra protective of her daughter to the point she records every incoming call to the house she pushes play on her recorder and immediately we hear some very graphic discussions about things that have happened and things we'd like to try next everybody looked stunned and I could feel Maya's burning from the embarrassment all I could muster up was a well I guess we aren't going to the movies tonight I was told to get off her property before she did something irrational I told my gf I'd call her later and her mom yelled from inside the house the [ __ ] you will Jack needless to say I was single shortly after that edit spelling I actually have two first one I grew up on a farm I know what a well kept shotgun Luxan feels like got my first real girlfriend at 18 first time I met her dad he'd laid out a shotgun on the table to intimidate slash joke with me I didn't realize this at the time where I'm from it's pretty normal to keep the shotgun or three accessible in your kitchen and I picked it up amazed at how dirty it was I opened it up and it was even worse on the inside I went out to my car and got one of my rifles in my kit proceeded to show him how to properly disassemble and clean his shotgun while making small talk I wasn't invited back as he didn't much like the idea of his daughter dating a man that knew so much about guns looking back when I asked him do you have this shotgun out and he responded for you the correct response was not oh I can't clearly this has been in your family a long time I'll show you how to clean it so it lasts for your great grandkids he probably thought I was being a smartass second one I went home with a college girlfriend over a break and met her parents state of their place and it was nice they were decent people now I'm not particularly religious and neither was the GF at the time towards the end of our trip her father pulls me aside and starts asking me about my belief system how I'd want to raise kids etc I try to steer the conversation away as his daughter and I weren't that serious and I was getting some crazy religious vibes from this guy now on principle I don't lie I'll dodge your questions so as to not offend but I won't lie unless absolutely necessary to save face his questions were getting more and more specific as to my belief system until he suddenly switches gears and asks if I've had sex with his daughter a dodge dodge dodge he asks again okay fine yes I thought in that moment was going to kill me nope this guy bear hugs me and half sobs that he thought his daughter would never find a half-decent guy after whoring around as you can imagine that led to some interesting conversations with the van girlfriend as I'd been told different and ultimately the implosion of the relationship years later I ran across this same man in a small airport in another country what are the odds and genuinely enjoyed catching up would have been a perfectly normal interaction had he not right as we were parting asked if I ever thought about his daughter in that way anymore me and my girlfriend were on a trip to visit their parents we are a mixed couple so I was a little nervous my friend told me to not go to a white girl's house I guess her mom was a psychiatrist or something anyway everything was going fine she offered to get me to quit smoking but I didn't want her in my hair I snuck out to try and smoke one night and their groundskeeper big burly black guy starts running right at me in the dark I thought he was going to hit me but he just turned and kept running her dad told me he would have voted for a bomber a thrid time if he Kurt that was weird anyways I'm going back in from my smoke and her mom is there and asks me to sit down she starts stirring her tea and I just couldn't move it felt like I was sinking into a hole and looking at the world through a little box like tunnel vision almost next thing I know I'm waking up don't even remember going to sleep but I didn't even want cigarettes after that there was a sort of party that day I was pretty much the only black person except for this other guy who was way too young to be with the woman he was with being a photographer I wanted to remember the occasion but as soon as my phone flashed the other black guy's eyes gleamed over and he charged me and told me to just leave I was so shocked everyone rushed him away and he emerged later just fine I guess it was seizures but that was super weird for a seizure at this point I'm kind of ready to go I ended up getting hypnotized again and this time they had me strapped into a chair and showed me this video they were programming white people into me so they could use our bodies I escaped the chair clubbed the brother and took the mounted buckhead off the wall and impaled her dad I'm trying to run brother jumps me stabbed him in the leg and make my way out my now ex-gf and the groundskeeper mr. macroon attacker I catch up he tackles me I get my phone out just in time and flash him too he snaps out of it and kills my ex but then he turns a gun on himself just then a cop car is pulling up great two black guys and a dead white woman I'm so [ __ ] but it was my friend who had warned me luckily he was absent I just got in the car and left so I should clarify I had technically met the dad beforehand but it was nearly 10 years prior and I was only 8 or so at the so definitely different people then much more innocent anyways I get interested in this girl in my town she goes to a different school and we start talking a little bit things go well and my friends give me [ __ ] due to the fact that I was a senior in high school and she was a sophomore side note I'm not one of those love is love people but 18 and 15 is not a terrible difference just seems terrible because 15 is considered immature so we talked for a while and I convinced her to leave her boyfriend of 9 months we routinely begin sneaking around and her parents were very disapproving of me whenever she brought my name up she told me so we figured it would be best to just leave them alone and sneak around smart high schoolers I know after a couple months things got a little serious she had turned 16 and was driving now but her parents tracked her firm so we had to be extremely creative leaving her phone at a friend's house even going into her house when she was home alone etc but this story takes place in her bedroom I month or so prior to my first encounter with them I thought it would be smart to text them and ask what the problem they had with me was I was very polite and not aggressive at all her mum basically told me to delete the number and never have contact with her family ever again because her daughter didn't need to date or 18 year old also I know they thought I was a pothead and the truth is I didn't do anything in high school I tried weed once my junior year and had obviously drank before but it was not my thing so I stayed away from both an import and notice my town is small and word travels lightning-fast and I hung out with the party kids I just did my own thing when they partied so her dad is in law enforcement and when he gives mitts to the kids I hang with I understand him thinking I do the same stuff that I never got a chance and that's what sucked so back on track here after the text message de Barco I basically continued sneaking and her dad apparently was catching on cops are good at that one like like eight nine months into our relationship we were in her room only her sister was home and mum was out of town her dad working so we felt safe as how anyways we got intimate and you guys can use your imagination on what basically happened literally when we get done I figured that'd be smart to not push my luck and I wanna get dressed but she said to me and I quote don't put clothes on yet I just wanna make out for a bit I said I was worried of getting caught I don't care if we get caught she had a hoody and short song and I only had boxes on next thing I know I hear loud yelling and a flashlight down the hallway to her own he literally storms into the room yelling and screaming about how he knew and how I was a [ __ ] pothead and whatnot that hurt me so I yelled back that I wasn't he told me to get the out and leave her alone there were a lot of words I'm not typing that he actually said but you can imagine also he was in uniform so he's all pissed with a gun taser nightstick and pepper spray he calls my dad while I'm putting my clothes on had the number from fantasy football and starts telling him to punish me and stuff this was around 11:00 at night so my dad was tired and honestly my parents don't care what I do I have never been in trouble so I don't have many rules he just kind of laughed it off and they hung up I get home and my dad just smiles and chuckles while my mom is pissed he called me a pothead on he bright side though we are now 27 months in today and her parents have opened up a lot to me after they gave me a chance and so I was a good person thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Top Reddit
Views: 4,890
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: NfVPvXqJFn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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