MUKBANG FOOD that has gone TOO FAR 5

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hey can I see your glasses oh sure I always want to try glasses oh yeah they'd help you see hello friends it's me and today I am here with me did you know max today we're watching some more mukbangs today we're wool I thought they were jelly well I just ruined today's mutt babies that's like popping a very girls pimple oh it just keeps coming out what would you do that if you pop a pimple night came in our house it's very satisfying I love me some bags snail oh girl are they even cook who needs to cook this food one you can just season it Oh doesn't look good it looks tough it completely like deflated when she bit it other things pulled water yeah cook it celebrating 100k oh my god what'd she get a baby dinosaur for 100k I wish when I hit 100k I went back to Tonga yo man she do 100k right so I got a t-rex I cooked him that a whole entire mukbang brush he even got a lemon slice in his mouth this is what they did in Jurassic Park dinosaurs were out of line this is where the bad dinosaurs good what do you think it tastes like jerky I've actually had alligator it tastes like sour chicken I want to just take the tail you already won the fight against this thing yes you just like hmm okay we're good until dinner brushy eight twenty percent not even I thought that was a green bell pepper for a sec is ice bro what is this filter she looked like she in heaven with mmm delicious I hope with green apples I just want her to drink all of it okay comes a time and every ice eating luck bank where you should just I want to hear that slur she even making eye contact looking at us like I know exactly what the viewers want know I thought is the thing you know turn it let's be moon what's the wonder whoa is it a chocolate is that ice wow that is not how you're supposed to handle them no supposed to cut with them not eat them you fool remove the bad smell you put other snails in boiling water oh my gosh Go Go you got a live one right next to the food if y'all can slither off the plate by the time I finish the rest of your family and friends you're free to go no nowhere Gary you want a delicacy on YouTube we have some glowing slime don't forget to play with your food before you eat it just going ham she's going in mmm looks delicious it's lime flavored jello oh that looks good how well that looks real half of it looks jelly oh the whole thing is jelly Wow Wow ham oh that one anyone her boyfriend be like my girl compete with this is a real potato I know Mr Potato Head was made of our real potatoes look so sad he's gonna eat it almost like it finally I can catch that insurance check mr. potato had had kids would they come out with french fries no they just come out the mini potatoes does that mean his poops are french fries probably only on diarrhea days what are you eating what is this huge sea urchin on the desk I thought it was a tomato at first I did not notice the thing on her desk I was paying attention to the blanking buses Edie she's gonna eat her whole deejay setup donut for the headphones it's pretty smart but they said cushiony the only sound does DJ plays is chewing noises well this is my favorite part this is where the mouth 2 drops DJ comes back from the bathroom wait did you eat my host I wasn't done yet oh it's made of cake just kidding it's cardboard Oh looks delicious she used bread as the soil some flowers are edible you can eat them a lot of those are herbs and like edible flowers real simbari yeah these are real flowers with their edible flowers okay that's just spinach my girl Morais she drinking the juice first mmm don't you love it I don't know I love me some milk straight from the ice utter colitis I was thinking the same thing - but it's ice it's not that it's a nice lettuce with milk that's too thick to be ice it's like she froze some lettuce and died at pinks much like if confused is it alive I think it is like moving around where do you go and buy a wife we're doing dinner hunting my couch is gay what if he just like wrapped around her head and just like eat what should you go to his giant head and she just take him off the table and just put him in the oven all right you think she cooked him in that pan there's no way brah he's still alive why are you seasoning him he think he going back to the ocean he feels the salt oh my back home yet no you better go in the oven hey brothers waters give him high moving get high in here oh no that's just the chili paste nice yeah nice presentation good how did they cook the octopus nature's gonna lose that octopuses whole gaping right there why the sesame seeds Oh see that's me that's me exactly not as you would do whenever I go to a restaurant order sesame seed red give it Oh delicious I didn't know this is the thing I would do a mukbang straight up to drink normally meeseeks yeah I've never seen somebody loves sesame seeds as much as I do this look like ice in sesame seeds I didn't think she'd get her skin so good the power of the Seas that looks delicious that's ice see that's the thing she was eating before let's just see what it rise it's like they did ice in a lettuce molding hey guys should I bring you another muck bag from Heaven's dates eating what humans call a keyboard oh she was just control all and delete this video Oh at the core no she had a drink I didn't know you can milk I know corn milk the best kind America hasn't caught on yet I know this is why we're so far behind we still got all Minden now we just get in oh we just recently found the oats teeth they don't know what corn milk that looks delicious I don't know she will look happy imagine she look like this that show she's looking like this is her nine-to-five not the corn again not really gonna stay here for these people every day meal I eat well dudes on the other side like throwing money didn't go eat that car drink that kernel milk why is it moving like a balloon mmm delicious squeeze it it looks soft with scooshy but it's ice come on Georgie I wish these people would just throw it against the wall for me Himalayan salt lamps all they are worms yeah it turns on what I'm just hanging decorations not eating I think you can eat those no next time you go to someone's house and you see them just take a nice quick Wow y'all didn't offer me and you were freshmen oh wait you got this lamp though oh how nice leave it up for guests guys is not edible this one's made of rock candy no she's not gonna [ __ ] she would take a live frog it's not alive it's top ribbiting she ripped the ribbit out of it hop on the next train to my esophagus what do you think she got him from she wants that smarted River yeah walk into a pet store yeah I'll take 10 frogs oh you really love frogs delicious what no I meant they're cute sorry sorry I'd mix those words up a lot I know they're bugs that they always look so good luck they made him look so you see oh that one no that caterpillar he looked crunchy AAF what's the inside I wants you the inside look creamy I I didn't hear no crunch though I wanted to hear a crunch so bad vicuna my teeth food they're squishy where's Anita like that squeeze it as hard as I can then eat it no I can't yeah anything with a face especially the cute faces why do you feel bad yeah when I was a kid I could have not gonna eat those smiley face potatoes now I like to feel like a monster and go after them oh it's just like marshmallows oh they're so squishy I'm okay with this ooh these glasses look tasty crunchy out here eating somebody's vision oh it's crunchy two goes to the eye doctor I'm broke my glasses how you like them I ate them no this is what I do you nerds a bit like I'll stick to them and you can like drag them back that was like a fish blanket oh so that's the food what is that it's like an underwater tortilla underwater tortilla yeah that's one big beans from the Beanstalk Dinah she's the one who chopped it down those are magic he could sell those for millions why hasn't Disney made a giant Beanstalk movie probably nobody's made a remake because they can't make anyone look like honor Elsa characters but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which ones of these you would eat if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button the make sure you turns out notifications today click Add subscribe to the wall back Oh check out digital nexus channel I love you guys so much thinks rushing by guy
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,529,935
Rating: 4.9088101 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, mukbang, mukbang food, eating show, asmr, food, eating, gone too far, gulp, asmr eating
Id: C20RnN3kyuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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