Stuff no one tells you about Living in MISSOURI

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missouri's got a big gap between the urban and rural areas in one town you'll see rednecks who shoot fireworks off down the river and then one town overs all meth heads who can't seem to get their lives in order and then 10 miles down the road is a big city it's a really pretty state with a lot of big sunsets and lots of really pretty forests small cities are shrinking big cities are growing it's just sort of average here okay so we learned a lot about missouri in the previous video i did when i unboxed the state we learned that the northern part of the state's mostly corn the central parts a lot of woods and the bottom part has a lot of poor small towns and drugs we also learned about st louis and kansas city basically in st louis the bad part of town is here and the rich people live here and the nice areas in kansas city are on the southern side here but there's a lot more to missouri than just that there's history and facts and issues impacting the state of missouri that we didn't even talk about so that's what we're going to do today kind of pick up from where we left off from the last video and talk about some history and facts and even meet people who live in missouri and hear what they have to say about their state so get ready for cornhouse tales missouri the redneck state missouri tales not misery tales there is a lot to talk about misery now it's time for missouri facts everyone i like learning about facts okay so everybody knows missouri is the show me state but the reason is because way back in 1897 a congressman said i'm from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and democrats and fraud the eloquence neither convinces or satisfies me i'm from missouri you have to show me until the nickname stuck that's pretty interesting and clearly people way back in 1897 spoke way more eloquently than they do today samuel clemens aka mark twain was born in florida missouri which is interesting because people say missouri is the florida of the midwest he went on to write many childhood classics based on his time spent in missouri other authors from missouri include t.s eliot maya angelou tennessee williams and sarah teasdale whoever that is st louis might be one of the worst cities in the u.s for murders but if you stay out of the bad areas on the north end of town you'll be okay now if you vacation here or you moved here you'd be happy to know st louis has more free major visitor attractions than just about anywhere outside of dc that's cool missouri is a show-me state but it's also the cave state that's because there's more than six thousand caves here one cave has a restaurant inside that doesn't sound healthy because you know bat poop and if you want to get married underground there's something called the bridal cave in camdenton there's been 2 000 weddings held here people seems kind of weird the 1904 world's fair in st louis was home to mini culinary inventions the waffle cone cotton candy iced tea and dr pepper were all first served to people in the st louis world's fair in 1904 and that's pretty much still the diet for many people in missouri you also might find it interesting that as part of the world's fair st louis also hosted the 1904 summer olympics at the same time and at the same place it was the first time the olympics was held outside of europe it was a disaster only 12 countries actually came so of course we took most of the medals i guess we'll take it tug of war was an event if you can believe it or not and the potato sack race seriously those events are no longer part of the olympics and you can see why of course earthquakes aren't just for california come on now four of the largest earthquakes ever in north america were here in missouri they all happened in 1811 and 1812 in new madrid missouri apparently the missouri river rammed backwards during this time missouri has the largest beer producing plant in the country the anheuser-busch plant in st louis you knew that they pump out 11 billion bottles of beer every year enough for americans to drink 33 bottles every year of course kids don't drink beer so that means more beer for adults it is not a fact that all missouri towns look like this but it's kind of a fact this is basically what any small town in missouri looks like people and you've heard of the pony express right it was a mail service that took packages across the country in 1860 at the time this was the fastest way to get messages across the country using ponies you can get something from the east coast california in 10 days well the pony express route began here in saint joseph missouri and went all the way to california but the company went bankrupt after 18 months and then we started using telegraphs so no more pony express the lake of the ozarks is a modern marvel this is where all the unvaccinated kids party on boats but it has more miles of shoreline than the coast of california kansas city missouri has more fountains than any other city in the world except for rome the fountains here were originally built for horses birds and dogs to drink out of that's cool everybody knows about the st louis arch did you know it's as tall as it is wide you didn't missouri's tied with tennessee for most states they border each state borders eight other states and you probably didn't know that or maybe you did the first monster truck ever came from hazelwood missouri it was called bigfoot and now every dude missouri under the age of 25 thinks he's driving bigfoot he is not you may not know it but walt disney developed his love for drawing in little marceline missouri when he was a kid and mort walker the guy that created beetle bailey he went to school at the university of missouri lots of drawers are from missouri i didn't know that did you know they made voltron here voltron the cartoon i thought that thing was made in japan well that makes missouri extra cool i loved voltron growing up i didn't know they made that in missouri you know what else that time means it's time for missouri trivia let's call some people from missouri and see if they can answer some tough missouri questions i like trivia time so like i do this new thing where i talk to people about their state and then i have like five trivia questions that i ask to see if you can answer them um you're a very smart guy so i think maybe you'll do i'm not i'm weird i'm really bad at trivia i'm gonna let you know right now i am oh it's it's like yeah no it's like facts about your state that you'll probably get most of them all right okay so you know about the um the big earthquake that happened in 1811 that like rocked your state pretty hard uh what's the name of that fault line oh it's the new madrid that is yes you worry about that do you worry about earthquake do people still talk about that today or are they like oh that was like 100 200 years ago people talk about it in the sense of like oh you know we're near a fault line it's down in the southeastern part of the state it's closer to memphis than it is here but they're like oh you know there's earthquakes you know how many old buildings are in st louis that aren't up to code maybe i worry about it a little bit in missouri there's a in 1811 there was a big giant earthquake have you heard about that earthquake oh yes it happened in new madrid i believe okay well that was gonna be the question what's the name of the fault line the fault line um no i have no idea but all i knew is it happened in new magic okay well you what do you think the fault line would be called if it's a new imagined imagine i think it was called like you know let's say the um the fall line you know earthquake i believe i think it's called the new madrid fault line yeah new madrid i think it's the new magic earthquake yeah okay okay question two what year did st louis host the olympics oh it was 1904. it was 1904 same year at the world class it was and apparently that it was a disaster they tried to merge the two and it didn't go very well it was terrible if anyone has some time make sure you look up that 1904 uh i think what was it was a marathon that worst marathon ever operated the history of you has to be yeah it was hot and humid people but like i guess people were cheating they were like getting at cars and driving like 10 miles and getting out or or did they have cars in 1904 i feel like i think so what i read and they've seen wasn't there can't verify this but 1904 uh there was one guy who like stopped because he had a cramp or something and then they got him they put him in a car they were gonna take him to the end he said you could stop me here and he ran to the finish line and then he claimed he was a victor and he wasn't another like two guys got shaved who were like they're expected to win they're from somewhere in africa got chased by wild dogs like off the course one dude took a nap after eating stealing some pizzas and he finished in fourth it was stupid i don't think st louis is going to get the olympics again let's just say yeah i don't know if they deserve it after that one what year did st louis host the olympics um the olympics um i believe it was like at least 2005 or at least 2006. no uh that was not uh it was actually 1904. all right you're doing pretty good you're two for two so um clearly uh st louis um is up against the mississippi river um what's the longest river in the country that's got it's got to be in mississippi isn't it am i wrong think i'm wrong i don't think it is the mississippi in the united states you said i'm gonna go mississippi but i don't think that's right it might be the missouri it's the missouri i know because they coincide it goes way west dang it i do it really far yeah so you're over two let's try this one here okay so st louis lies along the mississippi river yes um what's what's the longest river in the country the longest serve in the country that'd be the missouri river yes that's right good job thank you all right yeah all right do you have you been on the missouri river before oh yes i have you know been to you know saint charles where the missouri river was at and i had actually been to the confluence of the missouri mississippi when we were like in alton okay um okay so you missed one so you're two out of three so far you should be able to get this one maybe not um so st louis people consume more what than any other uh city in the country i there's a there's a couple things that i think is go for but i think the answer is barbecue sauce it is barbecue sauce yeah but i knew i knew that one that's that's something i've heard before yeah it's not crack it's barbecue stuff right it's not it's not bullets it's it's definitely barbecue sauce so like what what's your favorite way if someone is gonna come to st louis they haven't experienced the the missouri barbecue thing what what's your favorite barbecue sauce what's your favorite way to do it and where's the best place to go in in st louis i'm a sweet guy i like a sweet barbecue sauce so if you're a big carolina sauce guy and it's not a mustard sauce i'm not about it um there are a couple different places you can go there are some chains like people here of like salt and smoke is big here and pappy's is good but there there are small ones uh smaller places like hole in the wall types they're going to give you better ones i really like uh smoking barrels barbecue um and then there's also a place called atoms that they're the bbq's really good boat okay so it's bogarts is a big one uh salt and smoke pappy's and sugar fire those are like the those are like the four that most people talk about cool hopefully if you walk into one of those places they give you a free sandwich for plugging them you know you better i like it all right so you got one out of three so far so here's a question that's uh do you live in st louis no you live in oakville okay well how far is that from st louis um it's sexy not too far i just you know take telegraph road you know then once you get down you know to lemay you know it becomes from telegraph to broadway you had to you know do you know we may you know which is a little run down then you drive all the way down to broadway you'll head you'll just keep going down further until you see you know the budweiser and you'll see downtown st louis from there okay okay that was pretty specific so you're sort of close to st louis yes okay that's what i was wrong okay so people in st louis eat the most of one thing more than anybody else in the country what does st louis eat more of than anybody else more um my guess is probably um ted drew's what did you call it ted jerusalem ice cream no it's not ice cream oh it's not okay um i believe it's probably like you know some emos pizza i believe no oh it's barbecue sauce oh barbecue like kansas city bbq yeah well just barbecue sauce right yeah okay we didn't get that one all right so last question um anheuser-busch produces the most beer in the in the world um i think right the world country several frozen uh what's our most popular brand of beer that comes out of that factory that people drink the most of most popular brand or most popular beer yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna say blood light but i'm not confident that answer it is bud light yeah dang and i even knew the missouri one too i was almost five for five yeah you should i think i'd give you 4.5 because you kind of said both but like you i didn't i didn't commit but i said it might be missouri because i thought it was a trick question but i was so bullish on that missouri mississippi that's okay i'm yeah myself what's the best-selling brand of beer that they make at that plant in st louis which beer sells the most i believe it's the bud light yeah it is the bud light yeah and i drink bud light as well you know so all right well you're apparently they make like 70 billion bottles of it or whatever a year and uh like each person could drink like 30 bottles but that includes kids so you're helping set the record for what life if you're drinking a lot of bud light oh yes what's your favorite beer to drink yeah and my co-worker around he loves bud light you know he in fact he actually drinks a ballet after he gets home from work every day yeah and now it was time for the history of missouri in three minutes or less long time ago missouri wasn't all anti-vaxxers meth heads rednecks and old farmers no they were all native americans one of these tribes was called the sioux but the french called them the missouri or people of the wooden canoes that's how the state got its name the french were the first europeans to set foot missouri in 1673 when they pulled over after a long journey on the mighty mississippi and then ten years later france claimed the entire region they were like we got here first they called it the louisiana territory it was pretty big the first settlement missouri was in saint genevieve in 1731. st louis followed in 1764. spain and france fought over this mysterious missouri land for a long time france controlled it for a long time then spain took over and then by the year 1800 france had it again but then in 1803 the u.s offered the leader of france napoleon 15 million dollars for the whole kitty he actually said yes and the deal was called the louisiana purchase this acquisition doubled the size of the united states ha ha suckers that's like three cents an acre a year after we bought missouri thomas jefferson the president was like i need two explorers to go check out this new land we just bought who wants to go and two guys meriwether lewis and william clark were like we'll do it so they left st louis on the missouri river and headed west and wound up making it all the way to the pacific ocean in present-day oregon they got lots of bug bites later in 1849 gold was discovered in california and the missouri towns like st louis independence westport and st joseph became points of departure for people seeking gold that's why missouri became known as the gateway to the west but things were getting interesting here because of slavery see a bunch of states allowed slavery and a bunch of states did not allow slavery maine wanted to be a state but they didn't want slavery missouri wanted to be a state too and they liked slaves so to keep the balance between free and slave states the u.s government passed the missouri compromise maine and missouri both became states in 1821 and part of that meant there could be no slavery north of missouri except for missouri itself and that decision led to tons of fighting between free kansas and the slave state of missouri that's one reason missouri and kansas don't like each other still to this day well the missouri compromise didn't last long because in 1857 here came a guy named dred scott he was a missouri slave who was taken from missouri into illinois then he came back to missouri and he was like i should be free now so he sued in court for his freedom well that backfired in 1857 the supreme court ruled that dred scott was still a slave and in fact now that you bring it up the constitution never really said anything about people of african descent being citizens so actually you can't sue because you're not a citizen and while we're at it the whole missouri compromise thing is unconstitutional slavery can be allowed wherever states say they want it well that pissed off a lot of people eventually as you know the north and south went to battle over slavery a war which lasted four years eventually the union won and slaves were set free missouri would be the first state to free its slaves since the end of the civil war there's been many famous people and events in missouri jesse james was a bank robber he ran around missouri drinking and wooing women they couldn't catch him and he had a ten thousand dollar bounty on his head he finally got killed by a bounty hunter in 1882 in saint joseph charles lindbergh was a pilot he wanted to fly a plane across the atlantic ocean in 1927 he did giset after getting a 29 thousand dollar loan from two saint louis businessmen to pay for the flight that's why the plane was called the spirit of st louis and there's been one u.s president from missouri it was harry truman he was a missouri farm boy he became our president in 1945 and served two terms when he retired to his hometown of independence missouri he led a simple life making do with his monthly army pension of 112 dollars and 56 cents but apparently harry truman conned us all he wasn't poor and pretended to be poor to get the government to pass the former president's act so he would get more money i guess former presidents deserve a good annual pay i mean we hand out welfare to everybody who wants it and they did nothing to earn it and that really happened it's time for missouri news i'm skip fritzman thanks skip there's all kinds of interesting news coming out of missouri that you should know about and some stuff that'll just clutter your brain you know stuff like when the kansas city police opened fire at a lawn ornament thinking it was an alligator so in the kansas city suburb of independence a guy was trying to keep kids off his lawn so he put a fake alligator in his yard black backfired cause a neighbor called the cops and the kcpd showed up guns a blazin they actually shot the fake alligator twice before realizing it was a lawn ornament actually missouri has a lot of alligator stories you know since it's a redneck state and all for this one we're going to go to wildwood missouri on the western edge of st louis here some dudes were tromping around their backyard when they saw an alligator in a creek behind their house well there aren't too many gators in these parts so they did what any missouri redneck would do they captured it i just rigged up a noose it took us about three hours because you kept out smartness i said we got to get them out so we did it was fun actually look at that some missouri rednecks getting outsmarted by an alligator well it turned out the alligator was a neighbor's pet he lived two miles away and he'd been missing for two weeks the gator's name is fluffy no kidding apparently owning a gator in missouri is legal as long as it's registered with the health department so the neighbor got his pet gator fluffy back but while letting your gator out of your yard in missouri's okay letting your hog out is not okay the state of missouri just signed a new bill which says if your swine gets out of your yard you get a classy felony which means almost 10 years in prison and a 2 000 fine what the what the apparently hogs are a big nuisance in missouri because they reproduce fast and cause damage to farms there's about 50 000 wild hogs roaming around this state as of this riding and many are just eating dinner poor pigs and on a more serious note we know how states have been battling with covid well missouri is one of the least vaccinated states of all folks there are just being stubborn about getting the shot and they don't want to wear a mask either although this missouri man was spotted in a homemade mask at a local casey's not too long ago what the hell well anyway all these unvaccinated people are getting some stern lectures from their parents at the lake of the ozarks young people have been partying all summer long there's a worry they're gonna spread covet around they don't seem to care though what's covid one person said an area bartender said i'm living breathing proof i've not been sick one time i've been as hands-on as you can be with people from everywhere one other person said do you see any masks here in missouri not one is anybody getting sick no they're full of [ __ ] well if that doesn't sum up missouri for you i don't know what will and that's a lot of stuff about missouri goodbye missouri tales not misery tales there is a lot to talk about misery hey guys if you learned something new about america or what it's like to live in america great you should think 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someone's a realtor now who wants to deal with a realtor they don't know when you can have me help you right the the crime rate's really high and that and and that gets attributed to the entire area but to really talk about how bad that one area is if you were to isolate just the northern half of the city it would be undeniably the worst murder rate in the entire world there's no there's no doubt in my mind because like let's say last year we had 250 murders or something it was probably close to that probably 240. maybe 190 came from the northern half of the city where there's less people i mean by a lot less people so it so most of the city is pretty safe but those areas that are bad they're horrible and then then there needs to a lot a lot needs to be done to help people out and make sure that's not the case exactly i i had to do a whole um canvassing thing there for when i was doing my internship and i mean if we had to go door-to-door in a whole neighborhood and it's like okay well there's one door and i'm gonna walk two blocks to get to another door i mean it looks like you're in rural america in some parts of it seriously because so many houses have been demolished yeah so since we're on the subject i wanted to talk about this later st louis uh you you seem to know st louis more probably better than probably anybody i've ever talked to um what's going on in st louis right now what are the pros and cons of living there and if somebody was going to move there what what should they expect in today's st louis climate um so it i'll talk about bros because i'm a very pro st louis guy i love st louis for the history it's got a good culture i think it get over gets overlooked in a lot of different ways because it used to be really big and now it's not as big it's roughly the size of pittsburgh um when he used to have a bigger population than like atlanta does right now um [Music] but it's got a good food scene it's got um great sports you know despite the whole rams thing which we're that is a as a source subject for everybody in the city still and it's been like six years um you know good natural climate if you're if you're wanting to do something like in nature let's say you're like i don't like cities like nature the region's got a lot of that in missouri we have mountains now it's not like the rockies there's you know there's obviously the river there are high hiking trails there's mountains um i love all that now for the bad uh you live in missouri and missouri politics are stupid and i'm not just saying like from a being partisan i'm saying that a lot of politicians that are in missouri just i don't know if they think things through a lot um and i'm you know going to be transparent i'm you know a progressive ish person but in st louis there are a lot of progressive politics that are more on like there's a lot of spite politics a lot of like i don't like you and we're just gonna do whatever because i don't like you and um there's a lot of there's a lot of headaches that come with that what's the is there's an issue that missouri is gonna be dealing with you know in the near in the next 10 years or i don't know like what's something that that's on the on your radar in terms of things that your state needs to think about because missouri i feel like is lagging in a lot of different metrics we're losing a lot of uh big companies they're moving to other places sentine's thinking about moving out of missouri and going north carolina um they're a fortune 500 company um so just getting getting things under control and uh you know doing better in the in the long run to have it have a shared vision of what missouri can be and how to get there but we're not we're not there yet we've got a lot to we got a lot of skeletons our closet that we need to clean out before we can get to there yeah so would you recommend people come to missouri for to bring their family and expect to get a good job and uh love it i think it's that's so hard for me to answer because i think people could come in and there's a lot to love that's what i say i think there's a lot to love in missouri i think it is an underrated state from its opportunities and what nature and you know nature and um you know and culture but there's so many issues that come alongside of it if you had to come here or you said like oh but i got a job opportunity in like charlotte in north carolina well there i don't think there's as many issues in north carolina as there is in missouri um so so it's one of the things of like well yeah if you're going to play the long game and just hope the things you know kind of stabilize cool dope awesome you're good to go but if you're talking like i've got kids and i don't know if you know one day are they going to take money away from the school system so we can give it to charter schools you know that you don't want to have to worry about that it's going to be stable somewhere else um so would i recommend it maybe but i can't say that very confidently that i would be like yeah for sure and you're a lifetime missouri guy too yeah i've been here my my whole life and i really intend on staying in st louis forever i love the city but um but i i can't fault somebody for saying there's just it's just a little too not firm for me i need i need someplace that's definitely gonna be what i need to be for the long haul and i you can't fault somebody for that yeah what do you think about josh hawley i i he gets a lot of heat for the way he's all the things that he's done um is that the future of missouri or do you think he's gonna he represents a minority in your state you you bring up a good point that i totally forgot and it's it's people who want to climb the political ladder uh there's a lot of people in missouri that are like that um there's a guy who's running for anne wagner seat as a democrat he's not even he's not from st louis he's moving from like virginia or something so he can run for senate here there's a lot of people that come here and i think the old term was carpetbagger where they're like i'm going to come i'm going to move to an area where it's going to be really easy to get a seat and i'm going to move a political ladder and that's kind of how josh hawley is now he lived in missouri but he doesn't even live in missouri right now at all he lives exclusively in virginia and he uses his sister's address to to be in the in the missouri senate i think that in turn i think there's things that he gets a lot of flak for a credit for that he doesn't deserve do i think that outside of that he's a bum yeah i do um you know i don't i don't know if i can necessarily say like he's totally responsible for everything that happened on january 6th but i can say that he doesn't represent missouri because he doesn't care about missouri he cares about himself and it's you know moving up the political ladder for himself but do i think that some of the things he says represents missourians absolutely i think that a lot of things that he talks about um you know and while he could be maybe he doesn't even agree with it himself but i think there's a lot of things that he says that a lot of especially rural missourians would agree with he's been on record being kind of uh bullish against like big businesses um and being more like the little guy which i don't know if he again believes in that but he says it um and from that perspective if you're gonna say i take that man in his word i mean even the stuff about you know the former president stuff he would say about that a lot of missourians were really hard on trump they loved trump so do i think he represents the future of the state kind of but but i but he doesn't respect the state yeah i get you a lot of politicians don't anyway i mean there's we're about to have a another senator who's just like him and eric greitens our former our former former governor so um he's he's the front runner right now so missouri's gonna be gonna be well represented i'm sure so so you you touched on the issue of the schools might be broke the crime in st louis the political kind of infighting you have aspiring folks that don't really care about the state are there any other issues that you think your state has that are worth discussing other issues i think those are i really do think those are the big i mean there's like i mean kansas city has a has high gun violence too so when you're talking about um what to do i mean it's not even just a st louis thing like kansas city is i think like bird on gun deaths per capita or something it's those are state issues by far because it's not just a coincidence that two cities in the same state are so bad for the for that issue um so i mean i think what i think what i outlined i think it was the biggest thing i think yeah it's not even close so uh give me give people an idea really quick uh on what you think of missouri are you gonna live there the rest of your life are you gonna grow old and have kids in missouri or are you gonna get out of there well you know i'm playing praying live in missouri pretty much my whole life you know and i eventually do you want to have my own wife and some kids you know my little one maybe one you know one day move out to the country in saint genevie and have a house out there you know and and some little farmland that's that's my goal later in life all right would you where would you recommend people move to in in missouri if they were gonna move there what are some good places people should move to well there's plenty good places like there's washington missouri you know that's a very nice area that's where my parents used to live you know and there's also like um chesterfield there's also you know um herman kirkwood you also get you know webster groves that's a really nice area and also some areas like you know lee's summit st charles and great places in missouri to visit would be like hannibal washington hermann and also um kansas city mm-hmm and then and some pretty much um another great place to visit it would be branson but now in st louis though i would not necessarily especially i would not recommend everyone going there you know it's just bad down there just bad yeah i mean there's some nice parts of town right in st louis well yeah there is some but you know if you go to like you know north st louis you know it's definitely bad for sure and downtown you know it's okay you know as long as it's not nighttime you know especially go ahead no you go ahead sorry okay yeah especially if you're coming from a carl's game you just gotta be aware you know when you're leaving the bush stadium there could be you know some kind of criminals out there where are the bad places to live in your state oh the bad places well one the city of st louis and then the other ones um i can say is probably like kansas city can be another one and also proper blood vessel run down area and kenneth missouri that's another you know rundown area and ferguson definitely stay away from ferguson as well as jennings those areas are just bad and kenlock stay away from that area as well and that's pretty much the bad parts i can think of for their bad missouri okay well that's pretty helpful so what what's this what missouri gets a lot of stereotypes for being a lot of rednecks and stuff do they do you guys deserve that oh well in some way well if you go to jefferson county you know it does kind of get a little redneck you know but st louis county it gets more like you know more like the urban sprawl you know and more than you know average people walking around but in northern missouri though you get a lot more you know farmers you know plant crops plants you know corn fields and in southern missouri especially the blue hill you get more like the cotton fields which is similar to like you know in arkansas or mississippi and if you go down to the ozark region definitely definitely gets redneck down there look almost similar to arkansas like you said and but you do have some you know johnson sheldon's down there you know where people like to go camp and they're also got you know a great fishing area and like the current river down in salem where my dad and i used to go fish a lot down here yeah it sounds like a lot of fun what do you think about the politics in missouri are you happy with many things oh yeah the politics you know missouri is a red state you know no doubt you know mike parson he's an outstanding governor and said josh hawley we have a he's an outstanding missouri state senator but the the one politician i don't like in missouri is the st louis county executive sam page he is he is a piece of crap let me tell you he wants to enforce mass mandates you know especially for ones who are even vaccinated and to me that's not right in so why why are so many people in missouri like fighting back against getting vaccinated why are they pushing back so hard in your state well you know some of the reasons are is that they don't they don't want to deal with the vaccines you know they know the risks with the vaccines are and they do not want they don't want to be told what the government tells them to do you know they we just don't like being controlled by the government okay even i mean you guys aren't afraid of getting sick clearly no not at all yeah tough missouri people are tough oh yes you must have some good genes out there in the midwest oh yes absolutely you know it's all that beer you're drinking it keeps all the all the heebie-jeebies away oh absolutely not already been vaccinated so and not vaccinated by the hospital but also been vaccinated by the good lord up in heaven okay
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 42,702
Rating: 4.7829838 out of 5
Keywords: the worst places to live in missouri, worst cities in missouri, missouri, moving to missouri, should i move to missouri, missouri realtor, missouri mortgage loan, top 10, missouri history, st louis history, missouri facts, missouri trivia, missouri news, st louis, kansas city, jefferson city, anheuser busch, dred scott, missouri compromise, 1904 olympics, caves, mark twain, st. joseph, new madrid, lake of the ozarks, st louis arch, springfield, columbia, independence, realtor
Id: H9nChJAwK6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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