Penn & Teller Fool Us Ondrej Psenicka - Fooled

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so let's check it out I'm Andre I come from Prague Czech Republic and product is a very magical City since I love magic it's a perfect match we have a kind of nice magic community back in Czech Republic but because of communism we stopped for about 30 years so I'm trying to bring world-class magicians to Prague because the close contact that's what to teach you the most the ultimate question is am I going to fool Penn & Teller no I'm not I'm gonna try something else [Music] name is so hard to pronounce I'm going to introduce them as though I were teller good evening almost every cartridge in the world starts with pick a card and ends with is this your card and the Penn & Teller have seen every one of those so I set out on a search around the world looking for someone who could help me and give me a fighting chance of pulling Penn & Teller here tonight after many months I finally found my guru hidden away in the Carpathian Mountains who shared an ancient secret of magic with me so complex I confessed I could not master it he whispered to me there was one person alive who Kurt alyson hannigan and Ethan [Applause] I can't even say your name and meet you I know will you please shuffle the cards I'll give a try well of course the cards can be marked so I'm gonna be looking away for the entire selection procedure okay and while I get lost in Ellison's eyes Penn Jillette sir please pick a card but don't show it to anybody make sure you are the only one who sees it will but memorize the card also confirm that all the cards are different yes oh you're you're put the card back and immediately shuffle it hearts okay Alex Bennett it was a pleasure I'll look back now are you happy thanks so much sugar well as I said it is impossible for me to find the card but Alison can do it would you please come here and put on these headphones and perform the secret contract of Carpathia [Applause] you [Music] then what was your kind the eight of hearts [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] do you think Google is open I think the flare of the Ring flying off my nose that was unexpected yes you seem to have a unique approach to your performances oh yes you know I really feel that a lot of magicians they just steal the focus on them look what I can do you know look how I can accomplish this but I really like when that goes to the audience to the spectator so look what you can do Ellison mm-hmm that's fantastic wasn't she fantastic by the way [Applause] I didn't tell her were impressed Penn tell her well we don't want to miss give credit you're just the vehicle here you're just some mountain top guru that we're dealing with and then to Allison you're barely a catalyst on this I don't even know why I'm looking at you but your guru was very aware of the fact the person on stage has so many things to do they can't watch that carefully your guru also knew that probably if you picked me for this that I would know whether I had a free choice or not and I do think I had a free choice and if I didn't you win I also think those cards are beautiful you know we've looked at all kinds of cards and that's that's a it's a beautiful deck with a little are they butterflies reasonable Rorschach tests and actually my mother being attacked by a polar bear we're those them were those butterflies they're very very very pretty deck I only get to look at it for a moment or two you've got to look at it a lot I think I think a looking at that deck is a great deal of fun for you and for the for Allison I think that the headset really helped you key in to what you were what you were gonna do on that trick didn't it I don't want to give you any credit because it was Allison but Allison you did a wonderful wonderful trick and I think with what I've said you didn't fool us what do you think could you just clarify what exactly did I see you all just tell them in a couple words where the going gets tough Penn & Teller become teller all right I don't know why teller is ignoring me in this I mean it is my chart okay well now we're gonna discuss again oh do you think I fooled them you may have actually hmm who gets the trophy we have to sketch out what we think it is but it's a little bit too hard to do it this way but you think we just catch it out here involved the ring no it does not involve the ring I thought that was pretty flashy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we just might sneak another one by them before the night is over stay with us [Applause]
Channel: eufhaye
Views: 1,150,741
Rating: 4.65241 out of 5
Keywords: Ondrej Psenicka, Fool Us
Id: gVhcJJw1ldQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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