Penn and Teller Fool Us // Danny Cole Impossible Balance - FOOLER

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my name is Danny Cole I'm from Beverly Hills California I actually fell in love with magic because my grandparents took me to see Siegfried Roy I got accepted into the junior program at the Magic Castle in Hollywood when I was 13 years old it was a dream they would let the young magicians perform a regular week at the castle the tricks that got the most notice were the ones that I had created so I felt encouragement to continue doing original stuff I try to use object that audiences can relate to the trick that I'm doing on foolĂ­s is an original piece so I'm hoping that it can surprise them and fool [Applause] yes well thank you so much thank you thank you it's a pleasure to be here and it's a real honor and a thrill to be performing for two of my magic idols so I did get a new jacket for tonight a new necktie so the special occasion sorry one second one second all right there we go now we're ready for magic so I thought I would do a little magic with these you may recognize these from when you were kids you can take a look they're wooden blocks solid wood nothing strange about a right solid wood no great now what I used to love about playing with blocks like these as a kid was that if I just added some imagination I could really just about build anything so today I'm going to try to build something for you something magical of course I'm gonna get really comfortable so I need those blocks I'll get everything all set up now I should tell you that I truly believe in the impossible and what I'm hoping is that tonight after I'm done with this little construction project that I got going on for you if you don't already you too without a doubt will also believe in the impossible all right [Music] [Music] [Music] this may seem impossible but it's really happening and I should tell you that it's not a trick [Music] and it's not an illusion [Music] it's actually real magic [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to play with as a kid what's amazing is I didn't start playing with these until I was like already over 30 so okay so where did you get this idea at 30 to play with blocks well I was at home playing around with different magic ideas and I set up a camera and I started playing with this trick and like I was like oh this is like maybe something but I put it up on YouTube and like it got some views I mean not like a crazy amount of views but people seem to respond to it and so it kind of got me thinking like maybe I should develop this into actual tricks so it took three years for me to take it from the floor of my apartment to the stage but yeah here it is so do you think that these guys are gonna figure it out well they are obviously very gifted and smart magicians but maybe they haven't seen anything like this before since it's from my crazy minds yeah you know it's uh we'll have to see okay all right well let's check in with these guys shall we Penn teller what are the rarer things than fooling us is showing us something that we haven't seen anything alike this doesn't look like any magic trick we've ever seen before it doesn't look like you got into magic shop and you didn't this really looks like something different also the effect and the whole way it's laid out is very different than we see and it really is it really is new original and your presentation did not have a lot of jive and garbage which is simple straightforward sweet and beautiful and we don't know if we know how this is done we really don't we've got we don't very few ways to do levitations there's just very few ways that we know of and the first thing you might think of is some sort of to make them float you think about magnets but magnet stuff has to be spinning you know we'd also think that maybe who's attached to you but it would be wiggling in some way you know this was really secured really steady and the one kind of threat of an idea we had was that was that the fear is so we'll lit you know it's so well lit there's the 50,000 watts of power going faster miles an hour any of those two little desk lamps and that gave us a little bit of a hint and if you have some idea we're talking about then you didn't fool us and if you don't have some idea we're talking about then you did fool us and we are thrilled to little pieces because we love this act whether it fools us or not I believe I did fry maybe what you're suggesting and it didn't work for me and so I had to come up with something else so I think it isn't what they said [Applause] $15 [Applause]
Channel: Danny Cole
Views: 966,290
Rating: 4.8619685 out of 5
Keywords: Danny, Cole, Fool Us, Penn, Teller, Magic, Believe, Blocks, ABC, CW, Fooler
Id: ufpoQmsvJEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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