Peep and the Big Wide World

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out in the country on a farm there was a chicken yard every morning a young girl gathered fresh eggs put them in a basket and took them to the kitchen one morning when the girl was on her way to the kitchen one egg fell out of the basket hit a little stone and peep was born but she wasn't a proper chick yet to begin with all she had were two great big eyes peep was so young she didn't know what her feet were for at first because she was the wrong way up but then she found she could wiggle her toes all the effort was worth it for at last she landed the right way up now she was sleepy and just as she was dozing off she had a strange little sound what is that what could it be oh it's me i can go and i can stand up too but by now she was so high up she got dizzy and fainted dead away now water is a cure for fainting just at that very moment it started to rain peep was so young she didn't even know what water is mine it's good she started to drink and drink and drink until all the water in the little pool was gone but she was still thirsty there was some water left but it was far away and peep didn't know how to get there then she got an idea maybe feet are to walk with do oh peep got so excited she ran to the puddle but she didn't know how to stop she sank like a stone luckily there was someone else in the pond quack the duck quack dived just in the nick of time to pull peep up before she drowned but he no sooner got her up then down she went again when quack pulled her up this time he placed her in shallow water he wondered why he couldn't swim peep ran ashore as fast as she could and shook and shook till her feathers stuck out like spikes then quack the duck who didn't like living all alone in the pond went over to make friends he walked up to peep looked her over and as any proper duck would he said said peep quack said quack quack deep quack peep creep crack was very puzzled where'd you come from from an egg said peep no you couldn't come from an egg if you came from an egg you'd say quack not peep and that that he turned and stomped away leaving peep very sad but i'm sure i came out of an egg and oh here's my eggshell then peep got an idea i'll go and show quack that i really did come out of an egg and then we'll be friends as usual quack was sitting in the sun feeling very pleased with himself he burst out of the shell and said look this is the egg i came from quack looked at her well then you must be a duckling after all even though you do say peep you can't swim so come with me we're going to green island it's a lovely place welcome to green island only ducks are allowed here you know while peep was thinking that over someone else arrived quack looked at him and said rather crossly who are you i'm a robin i can fly watch uh not very well yet don't you realize this island is only for ducks chirp said what do you mean she's not a duck yes i am said peep nonsense she's a chicken poor peep asked what's a chicken chirp who knew a lot of things said well uh chicken's just a chicken everyone knows that a duckling's a duckling you're a duckling a chicken's a chicken you're a chicken and a robin's a robin and i'm a robin but fortunately we are all birds birds said peep yes birds because we all came out of an egg and because we all have wings how come you know so much asked peep because i was born way up in the top of the tree and i could see the big wide world what is the big wide world asked me the big wide world is everything there is to see i would like to go and see the big wide world me too said chirp but you can't fly no not yet so you can't go and see the big wide world yes i can i can walk even if i can't fly aha said quack but we're on an island now i can go and see the big wide world because i can swim and at that he turned and stomped away wait quack called peep we all want to see the big wide world i have an idea you can swim so you can take chirp and me across the water and someday chap will be able to fly and then he'll tell us what it's like way up in the sky and maybe someday i'll be able to do something too this seemed such a good idea that peep and quack and chirp all marched off together to see the big wide world three little bird friends were on an island in the middle of a pond peep the newborn chicken her best friend quack the duckling and chirp the baby robin wanted to go and see the big wide world but first they had to get off green island follow me said quack ah water's lovely chirp looked at peep and said why don't you go fast okay said peep boy was she glad she'd kept her old eggshell she jumped into the water leaving chirp alone on the shore well chip said quack what are you waiting for chirp wasn't sure he liked the water but he wanted to go with his new friends so he decided to be brave and test it oh i i don't like water it's wet but how will you get across then asked quack well maybe today is the day i can fly chirp answered and he tried and he tried and he tried cried chirp listen chirp peep said quack and i will go over to the mainland and explore and quack said uh we'll find a way to get you across okay but don't forget me i uh also want to see the big wide world when peep and quack reached the mainland peeps said to quack while you explore the coast i'll go in land i'll explore the coast and you go in land said quack but don't get lost so peep set off to find a way to help chirp get across the water she went up the hills and down the valleys through the forests and across the plains until she came to a perfect lookout people look east and west and north and south and up and down suddenly she spied something that moved peep was very puzzled so she got down from her perfect lookout and went to see what it was you smell nice who are you i'm peep who's a chicken which is a bird are you all alone i have two bird friends quack the duck and chirp the robin and we're all birds and we can't fly and where are your friends asked the kitten uh chirp is stuck on green island because he can't swim and quack and i are looking for a way to bring him across peep answered i'm tom the kitten i'm very fond of birds i would be glad to help you tom being a very smart cat got an idea maybe we can use this log to float chirp across but peep said how will we get it down to the water oh it's easy said tom so off they went pushing the log across the plains through the forests down the valleys and up the hills crack crack i've looked everywhere for an idea but i couldn't find any quack this is tom the kitten he is going to help us get chirp across the pond i do know tom you swim asked quack where is this green island of yours it's out there watch out quack bring the log here tom being a very smart cat like to tell everyone what to do climb on board peep we're going to get church quack you are the outboard motor and you peep are the navigator and i am the skipper back on green island chirp wondered if peep and quack had forgotten him just then he sighted the log coming oh no they're bringing a cat don't they know cats are trouble for birds help help help help help hurry peep shouted i think chirp is in danger yes quack hurry tom added help help help chirp we're coming to get you cold people yes chirp we are coming to get you tom said peep and quack wondered why chirp was so upset chirp tried desperately to fly away from the island but he landed ah right on the log chubb cried and tried to run away but that set the log rolling help help chap and tom were all out of breath when they reached the shore but they were also very happy baby robins and little kittens don't like the water peep shouted chap this is our new friend tom he likes birds oh well if you like birds so much tom there's a whole lot up in the tree hmm yum thought tom i'll bet they're delicious tom ran up the tree and chirp ran down to the log tom he shouted thanks for helping me get off green island don't you think we should wait for tom asked peep no i don't think so said chirp he's happy with his butterfly besides cats can be in trouble for birds and i'm sure he didn't come from an egg and so the three bird friends peep and quack and chirp finally sailed off to see the big wide world so three little bird friends peep the chicken quack the duckling and chirp the baby robin were on their way from green island to see the big wide world peep was the navigator quack was the outboard motor and chirp was the passenger as they happily paddled along they struck pierre the cautious turtle who are you asked quack i am pierre and i am a very careful turtle pierre answered with his french accent will you take us to the big wide world asked peep pierre was shocked me oh i would not go near that place myself but if you wish i will take you to the shore the big wide world is that way but do be careful why what can happen as peep you could be turned upside down peep was not afraid of being upside down she was born that way come on let's go thanks for helping us said peep to pierre um they'd not gone very far when he tripped over a ladybug oh excuse me said peep who do you think you are grouched the ladybug i'm peep quack and chirp and i are going to see the big wide world don't you know it's impossible to stand on only two feet said the ladybug who had six feet herself peep wondered about that maybe two feet are not enough she looked over to her friends the other birds wondered about this too so much so that they all got dizzy and fell leaning against one another then they tried to walk away suddenly a spider appeared don't you know that it's unsafe to walk on only six legs you must have eight legs to walk the bird friends looked at each other this is ridiculous said chirp and we're big enough birds to walk on our own two feet so off they went in front of them sat a big frog rubber peeps stepped forward nervously and said is uh this the way to the big wide world the frog blinked thoughtfully and said uh hmm yes excuse me no robert um peep was puzzled and said well which way is it then the um to the right uh ripple and do the bird friends are really confused now quack asked is it along the water or over the hills well the best way to the big wide world is to go along the water do forgive me over the hills do forgive me please quack said to chirp i tell you we go along the water no said chirp the way is over the hills along the water over the hills water hills water hills hey hey hey maybe we should go just then the wind blew through the air the wind blew them up over the hills through the forests across the water and along the plains until they ended up against a wall peep said peep back said quack chap said chirp chirp who knew a lot of things pointed and said it's a wall as they looked at it three strange creatures appeared creeping up it ever so slowly now who is that whispered quack they had seen many things but never anything like this the creatures grew and grew and grew into big monsters the monsters swallowed up the wall and then the whole big wide world they couldn't see anything i'm cold said sure i'm scared said quack i'm tired said pete and they huddled together and shivered the bird friends wished they had never left green island suddenly the whole big black world shook shouted earthquake oh run shouted quack it's a huge cat no no that that's not a cat it's a dog said chirp the big dog noticed the poor little birds were afraid and said come into my house a moment later they were all snuggled together and she said i'm nelly the country doll now the birds were no longer afraid and started asking questions who are the three monsters on the wall well maybe there was your own shadows why did the whole big wide world go black because the sun went down who is the sun the sun is the big fireball in the sky that shines on the big wide world where does the sun go when it goes down said quack it goes around and comes up again tomorrow well what does the big white world look like ask peep it's round like this ball how big is the big wide world who makes the wind blow were you born up in a tree can you swim does a sun have a mother the birds kept asking more and more questions until suddenly they noticed nelly was asleep they looked out on the night sky from their cozy dog house the sky was full of stars peep said look at that who is that asked quack chirp who knew a lot of things said it's the moon what is the moon asked peep they all looked at it for a while and then quack said i think it's a big egg peep said and maybe the big wide world is a big egg too this seemed such a good idea that peep and quack and chirp all fell sound asleep in the cozy house of nelly the country dog bye so foreign do so you
Channel: NFB
Views: 4,898,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFB, ONF, National Film Board Of Canada (Production Company), Office national du film du Canada, Peep And The Big Wide World (TV Program), Peep, Chirp, Quack, Peter Ustinov, Kaj Pindal
Id: ZYkzNuEQhUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2015
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