Peep and the Big Wide World: All Fall Down

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I'll fall down most animals love the fall it's a time to collect nuts grow fur and kick a lot of leaves I can't hear you you have to speak louder screwie it's you what are you doing under all these leaves oh you know just enjoying the view in point of fact I'm waiting to be rescued really yes I need somebody big to remove these leaves from my house hey I'm big I could rescue you quack sure come here okay there we go nice work everyone yep fall down there that's right over here all of them oh please but don't you think they're pretty I wouldn't mind having some around my tan take as many as you like but if you're smart you'll go to your can and stay there before things get worse ah squeak what do you mean get worse don't you see haven't you noticed things are falling down all over the place leaves apples nuts next thing you know the Sun will be falling or the moon the whole sky even hmm you'd better hurry unless you want to get smushed do you think there's anything to it - what - the Sun falling down or the sky I could handle the Sun but the whole sky well that would hurt I don't think it could happen I'm not even sure squeak was right I mean sure leaves fall down but I haven't noticed anything else hey did you see that one of my feathers got loose and it fell down Wow uh did we never notice this before that things are falling down is that why they call it fall where are we going I don't know somewhere safe where's that someplace with the roof Hey I see it's going up I knew that Mouse was wrong that was quite enough for one day sure quack and Pete decided to head for home and stay there until it was safe there was one small problem with this plan Pete was the only one with the roof got room for a duck in there I was here first now you were we've tried this before remember we can't all fit inside come on peep I think there might be room if you season beside me this is silly I'm going Pete come back I'll make what look some more come back peep was determined to prove that the world is safe for chickens birds and ducks but how he was going to prove it Pete didn't know how could he be sure that the Sun the moon or the Stars wouldn't come crashing down Wow hello did somebody say something it's only Mina sorry to disturb you oh no bother no father what a beautiful day simply glorious hmm can I ask you something new mm how come it doesn't bother you all these apples falling down I don't know just used to it I guess but aren't you afraid apples can fall then why doesn't the tree fall or the sky what the Sun that's a good question I think trees do fall down sometimes but not very often as for the Sun or the sky well I've been here for a long time and I've never seen even the smallest piece of sky on the ground so you think it's safe to be outside even in the fall I do take it from the turtle Newton had given Pete a lot to ponder and ponder Pete did he pondered all the way back to his camp peep thank goodness you're okay I am and I think we're all going to be okay I ran into Newton and he said what about Newton I'm stuck in here with the Deaf breathing on me okay hold on okay so tell us about Newton are you sure we're safe well Newton said that trees fall down sometimes but not very often and he said that peeped old them everything Newton had said how little things fall down all the time and mostly you don't even notice and how the big things the Sun and the sky don't fall at all they stay right where they are hmm that settles it I'm never listening to a mouse again squeak maybe we should go tell her it's okay too sweet what are you doing I thought you were afraid to come out oh right you know peep I am a warrior especially on an empty stomach hmm lovely but why are you just standing there you should be looking for nuts if you think fall is bad wait till you see winter snow ice sleet oh it's a wonder anything survives hmm hmm hmm what on earth is winter Oh
Channel: Peep and the Big Wide World
Views: 9,112,407
Rating: 4.00914 out of 5
Keywords: weather, seasons, preschool science, Peep And The Big Wide World (TV Program), Animated Cartoon (TV Genre), Chirp, Peep, Quack, Preschool (School Category), Fall (Season), Mouse (Animal), Seasons, Bird
Id: H_zgJMntjLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2011
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