Peep and the Big Wide World: Quack and the Amazing Sandy Magic

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quack and the amazing sandy magic it was perfect finding weather so peep and quack went to the bay hoping to find interesting things what's that what oh is it on me take it off over here oh always say what is that thing over there so a duck doesn't think something crawly's on him what's that a blue circle we can't stop what we're doing for this but keep you must stick to your goal like a duck now what is our goal hmm to find unusual things like a blue circle in the middle of the sand exactly we should be examining this as peep and quack kicked the sand off they made a startling discovery it's not a circle it's a square let's bring it to chirp she collects squares but this was no ordinary square what is it yeah it's not just a square anymore mm-hmm no it's a flat down here goes to pointy on the other end thingy it's actually a pyramid but little birds don't know that word let's go get sherp so she can see where are you guys going to get chirp i'm right here look who we found first it was a circle then a square now it's a what is it one triangle two triangles three triangles four four triangles and a square on the bottom did you stick all these shapes together no maybe the sand did it hmm hey i found a blue line it's turning into a square like the other one pull it up but this was nothing like the other one it's a box wait a minute if that's a box why isn't this a box this is pretty weird this has a point like that one but it doesn't have any triangles and there's a circle on the bottom i know exactly what it is magic actually it's called a cone i discovered magic sand that turned simple shapes into big weird thingies wait didn't i see it first yes and for aiding my discovery you have my thanks come on where are you going to share my discovery with the world quack told everyone he could find about his discovery he invited them to come see it for a price wouldn't you pay one delicious acorn to see sandy magic who's she see who sandy magic sandy magic is not a she it's a thing that happens with sand i don't understand so no give up quack you're not getting any acorns okay it's me i'm sandy magic i thought you were quack the blue sailor sandy magic is my stage name for when i'm doing magic oh this is interesting count me in and stuff huh everyone brought an acorn then welcome i am sandy magic hi sandy at this moment we are all standing on magic sand whoa sand that turns simple circles and lines into squares and then this stuff wow watch this you will now see this circle turn into a totally new shape hear the magic working no you don't um because magic is quiet assistant peep help me show them the magic the circle will now look like a circle huh try it with something else rydo maybe the sand is shy in crowds turn your backs everyone let's give the magic a chance to work i paid a whole acorn to see sand in a hat due to magic difficulties all acorns will be refunded that was so confusing i liked it where are you going home i lost the magic quack had never felt so disappointed by sand in his whole life peep let's try something we know what this looks like right now cover it so what happens if i do this it looks like a circle now it looks square and now it's a box again so it's not magic it's just that if you can only see a part of something it can look like something else let's go tell quack you didn't lose the magic because it was never magic so there was no magic to lose you're just trying to make me feel better no it was magic but the magic stopped magic is like that there's no such thing actually really then how do you explain this he disappeared it for a second you thought i was magic fish a fish wanna hear about magic sand quack was soon to learn that even duck bottoms can sometimes look like something else excuse me that's not an island that is my bottom
Channel: Peep and the Big Wide World
Views: 17,417,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, WGBH, Quack And The Amazing Sandy Magic, shapes, preschool science, preschool math, Preschool (School Category), Geometry (Field Of Study), Peep And The Big Wide World (TV Program), Animated Cartoon (TV Genre), preschool shows
Id: LdAvKJnAsXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2012
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