Peep and the Big Wide World: Quack's Square Deal

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quacks square deal he was one of those days when people on to try something new because counting his feet wasn't as much fun as it used to be one - always - quack I'm discovering there are no surprises in counting my feet well then count mine ducks feet are full of surprises Thanks one two [Music] I never thought feet could be so disappointing what you need is an octopus hmm I don't know but it's got to be more surprising mid feet let's go [Music] what are you doing chirp I'm making a collection of things that are all the same shape it's my new hobby hmm those aren't the same shape ones big and one small the size may be different but the shape is the same they're called squares huh yeah we're okay for ducks who don't know squares have four equal sides see one two three four plus four corners one two three four I call them square corners that's the best-looking square the one with the picture this it's not a square but it has foresight and Kanner's yeah except the sides aren't the same two were long and two are short see oh yeah you're right I just wanted to fight just to know just to know what what a square tastes like forget it no no that's allowed beyond this line I can't believe that worked there's something you should know about ducks my friend we respect boundaries I don't like squares anyway I prefer shapes with pointy tops and you know what I'm going to collect them it's my new hobby while quack sent out to find shapes with pointy tops peep help chirp look for more squares [Music] Oh square with lots of little squares on it oh it's the collectors dream come true unfortunately the dream come true was hard to move huh maybe Hawk would help us do you think he would yeah I think he once said Ducks are always helpful or maybe it was just full let's get these little squares home then we can look for quack quack was still looking for shapes with pointy tops he found some but none that he could take home a collector must have patience and the drive to keep searching [Music] and a snack wouldn't hurt either okay let's go find quack [Music] chirp hadn't thought about what might happen to her collection of the wind began to blow one single point I can actually collect whoa hey what when did the day start getting so short was it what was that a corner nor no copia pointy tops this is more exciting than I expected who is the king all the pointy things and I'm bringing pointy things back to my pond there's kind of tough rhyming things quack was proud of his shapes he put rocks on them to keep them from blowing away there you are we've been looking all over for you you should have looked where I was and skipped the other places so how much do you like my collection this is the most point a shapes I ever saw next to a duck isn't it though they look awfully familiar [Music] where's she going my collection you took my squares you square take her I found those and anyway they're not squares they're pointy tops see square but now it's not a square it's a pointy top hey I found magic changing shapes the shape didn't change at all it's just a square on its side see for even sides one two three four and four square corners she's right quack it's a square hmm hmm you know you are right I am NOT wrong did you say right I am right see you admit you took them no I found them did you put rocks on your squares like I did so they wouldn't blow away no since you saved them I guess you can have half Hey look when you fold a square it only has three sides and three corners what forget it this is getting too crazy I'm out of here so quack left the squares to chirp and began a new hobby counting his feet [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Peep and the Big Wide World
Views: 5,398,830
Rating: 4.2614717 out of 5
Keywords: preschool science, WGBH, Peep And The Big Wide World (TV Program), Quack's Square Deal, Animated Cartoon (TV Genre), shapes, squares, preschool shows, preschool math, Chirp, Peep, Quack
Id: DGnjSia8Lm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2011
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