Pearl Davis: 'Feminism Is Hate Group That Wants To Take Money From Men' | James Whale

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uh PA Davis anti-feminist commentator joins us now I thought we keep on this theme for this hour and anybody wants to talk about it we'll do that after uh take some calls after or maybe just before the news um right welcome pear I know you've been on lots of other programs but I don't think we've met before have we no thanks for having me well listen it's our our pleasure uh more than a third of young men think feminism has been bad for society what is feminism well I guess when I hear that first I I think feminism really is a hate group that wants basically to take money from men and give us all the freedom without any of the responsibility and I see this in divorce court you know that's something feminists really fought hard for I see this with the useless jobs they give us for diversity and inclusion and I see this a lot um you know you can get a job purely because you're a woman yeah and a bloke's got no chance well I found out the other day that I can get and I'm excited I'm applying for these diversity and inclusion jobs I've just started the the application process I get paid the same to do that as a firemen so you could say equal equal work you know but if you got one in the N person oh yeah sorry you can't say fire fire them huh oh fire person yeah fire you don't know what gender could be yeah um that was Matt our engineer who actually has made a good point very first time in at least a year um or no first time ever probably um it is stupid though isn't it because men are capable of doing certain things and women are capable of doing certain things some can interchange but a lot of things men can't do as well as women and I think we have to be honest about that well I don't think you You' be on the front line of a war would be great I wouldn't want to see but that's cuz I'm oldfashioned really well brick laying 99 you don't see women going oh want 50% brick L Miss understood you women I thought you said women were better at things than men I actually something women better sorry yeah I me I can't think of anything she disag okay right let's um maybe she's right actually think about it I think you're right I actually I had this thought a while ago and I was trying to think of anything and anytime I'd look up the data pling hair I've I have over I've done this 50 years now and over that time the majority of bosses I've worked for have been women the guys terrible weren't they terrible boss no they were very good and actually if you're watching Boss sack him he's getting on my bloody nerves and the guys are all all get a bit sort of you know women are much easier to get on maybe it's because I'm just heterosexual unlike you um that I find it easier to get on with women where do people get along better sorority houses or frat houses so what is a sorority well that's because my point that men use violence and women use um more um getting your personality ruined I think women are more violent than men now that's an interesting point do you yeah we can't be more violent because we're not capable of it but when you look at who kills infants and the elderly the most it's women I mean that so we when we get the chance to kill we do it can be quite vicious well they can in an argument you know I yeah I I understand and uh then you men will get done quite rightly by the way for beating up a woman um but very seldom does a woman get uh into trouble for beating up men women are more abusive than men U when they looked at most abusive couples are just beating each other so they just like to you know e hit each other so whatever that's equal but lots of well yeah men are are more able to physically hurt somebody than a woman in many Cas yeah but when you look at one-sided abuse um women are more abusive really are abused men there was a big story a couple years ago there's a lot of men who get abused yeah 70% of one-sided um abuse cases or women why do you think divorce should be banned because surely you don't want to keep people in a relationship that they hate oh I changed my opinion on this actually I think that men should be able to divorce women but women can't divorce men really okay yeah cuz women divorce for stupid reasons where men tend to divorce because their wife hasn't slept with them in two three years oh they're so juvenile or they'll get really fat or women go oh we left the toilet seat down and used in court these days really yeah it's um I I interview don't you also think women shouldn't have the vote oh yeah I don't think we should vote God you're great well should the husband decide what they vote well because it us a compromise let's compromise I'll tell you how I let's work out why you think a woman shouldn't vote if you're if you're listening and you want to talk about this call us now 0344 499 1000 would the world be a better place if women didn't have a say well you know if we just took women that pay taxes they're net taxpayers they're not taking any alimony child support um or they're in an infrastructure job most women wouldn't vote anyway I say if we want to be equal be equal be 50% of the military in the US a men are find $250,000 if they do not sign up for Selective Service which is kind of a modern version of the draft so why is it fair that the men and that the men have to sign up for that and the women don't well I do I mean you that's America and let's face it your country is not doing terribly well at the moment you've got two geriatrics oh no one geriatric uh who's President and can't remember which way is up it's very sad actually to see well it is very sad I I don't understand why he obviously and oh my gosh and if he steps down we have a woman in charge no no well Michelle Obama they're talking about she might stand hang hang on H hang on just a minute we had Margaret Thatcher who in my mind was is the best prime minister we've had probably since Churchill mhm but she only had men in a cabinet well didn't didn't she give up a bunch of power from like the royal family am I wrong I don't know much about British you've been watching the crown I mean you don't watch the crown I'm not a BRI politics person you know is it worse in America than Britain do you think we are better off as far as our feminist I nearly call them a cult you can't call feminism a cult can you see the US is so big that it's tough cuz would say it's worse if you go to La where I'm from I'd say it's a little bit better but I'm kind of from like country Chicago so I know I love Chicago yeah but the city's really liberal but I'm not from there oh right yeah I'm from I grew up with like chickens and stuff yeah oh right so did you as well didn't you all right have chicken goats um the the fact is as well you feel that that women um should not actually uh we've talked about that why do you keep saying things we've talked about yeah yeah yeah yeah no oh haven't we done that oh no apparently the the uh producer Chuck is very keen on you uh which is good and bad okay um and apparently it's the woman's fault if a man cheats oh well a lot of the times in 2024 yeah um because what women do they this is what they do they get married and I interview I interview men that have been divorced okay and so I hear all these horror stories and and I hear how common this is they get married they get the two kids they wanted they stop sleeping with their husband well okay if you haven't slept with him in two years what is a man supposed to do I mean and then you get mad he screws a stripper I mean I can't be I I can't say I didn't see that coming put it that so if you if you if you're other half did something like that how would you react how would I react well first I would ask like did I do anything to contribute to this because a lot of men cheat too because they have a nagging wife you know a lot of men cheat because you know their wife is just a nuisance at home but you know I'd rather he didn't that's like my preference do you like the 1950s Style housewife at home preparing the cookies and the the cookies will you stop that's what I do in America American prep cookies England now biscuits well I mean I think it depends on the couple you know but I I think couples or relationships work better where the men lead that's what I think so a man used to be able to earn enough to pay for a whole family shouldn't we went through this whole thing of saying men have been in charge for hundreds and hundreds of years is all for for it's about time we had a rest as I said before I I like I like a woman telling me what to do was a good you know you know maybe Thatcher was an exception how to use my knife and fork gold lady W is watching you know I would say if overwhelmingly women were good at doing these positions we would see more women as Fortune 500 because actually control most of the companies they always want to see a man in charge no nowadays they get more money if they get a woman in charge you just want the one who's the best and they can't Su get sued for harassment so they're trying to get the women in there we just can't do it they're like please a lot good at Big Executives but yeah in the main it's not but there are women who do as well as men women don't even like women bosses no yeah women like vote that they prefer male bosses yeah well and Men also vote that they prefer male bosses but there are there are quite a lot of women who get very upset and very aggressive and they'll say things like oh the media stuff full of men they can only get a job in the media if you're a man well I see a load of people who can't do the job who are females I shouldn't really go into this but I do and I think surely that person cannot be the right one for the job ah but she ticks a few boxes yeah no women have a way easier I'm a woman in media you have a way EAS I've managed male and female account managing I think women are better at and being behind the glass mostly better rat yeah I don't but but I I have managed YouTube accounts so I've done male versus female YouTube if you're a pretty girl oh my gosh it's way easier Nvidia you that is a problem for a man not yeah yeah like guys have to build themselves up to like become what are women better at than men well that doesn't go nothing I can't think of anything because they would tell me nurturing that's always what I would hear and so then I started looking at Stats you know if we're so nurturing why do kids turn out to be terrible you know they turn out to be School shooters criminals when we raise kids by ourselves or when dad's raise kids by themselves the kids turn out fine like almost the same what is this thing called body can or body count body count what's that that's one of your theories oh that's not my theory that's just I know I didn't come up with that but that's just how many you know men a woman slept with so how many is it sort of just so we know whether we're in the right ballpark or not I mean is there an average in a lifetime or not well you never know women always lie you know I've heard some some people say it's around 40 to 50 some say 20 some say 5 to eight would you ask that woman in there please to stop shouting women shouldn't have a high body count is what you saying well the outcomes are far worse when they do so the less the better yeah I mean uh if you look at a virgin they have an 80% chance of a happy marriage where if they have slept with over five Partners it drops to a 20 to 25% you even know uh would you actually know would you know well it's because they look elsewhere if they've had some others whereas if they have one man they go oh this is the best no I would say women are like in order to survive women had to hide their like past like you know yeah is there something I don't know it's an interesting point that you bring up and I don't know how I'm going to do this because if you're easily offended I told you before you shouldn't watch me or listen is it something to do with being penetrated or penetrating is that is that it's to do with giving birth cuz men can multiple women pregnant but a woman can only take one man's sperm sort of penetration is a sort of more do you know what I mean well it goes back to mating strategies yeah mating strategies yeah because um men like want to spread their Seed where women women want to get the best genetics so it's interesting because women automatically um go into polygamy basically yeah so that that's the interesting thing because women some women kind some women are as sexually driven as men well no so what I'm saying is that women when left to our own devices would rather share the top guy would that does it matter to a woman I me we have a young guy out here who's never really had a sort of relationship with a woman um is is there uh some women looking around for a virgin or not no no no women are not fact the opposite is women women prefer men with more experience they prefer men that are older but it's men it seems to me from from to it's men who get more upset if they think their their woman has already been in position of um sensuality if you like with another man and they get really quite upset about it where women don't seem to yeah know I mean obviously yeah that's what because you know men men have to ensure paternity there's like biological reasons why we feel the way we feel they can't help the way they feel about it and even even now like paternity test centers I think one out of three I don't want to or the step roughly it's either between 10 to 30% come back that it's not the father if your kid doesn't look like you get a get a gentic test they should have it at Birth I don't know why they don't and I know people that have been put on child support for kids that aren't theirs and they never have to the woman never has to pay it back and sometimes they're put on child support for the rest of the kids's life which is fraud is fraud are there some women who don't mind that a lot of men there are quite a lot of men who think they can have sex a woman could get pregnant they can then go I think that's the exception it's not the rule um I see when that happens because I've interviewed a thousand women and what I found when women are in that position it's because they were trying to make a man like be with them that didn't want to so they kind of so what is the point then surely we men should be trying to be equal to women because quite Frank well loads of ways I mean we aren't you have to apologize for being a man in certain areas quite often now because we shouldn't go in the changing rooms like that shut I mean it it is when you say now at the moment women are in charge I think so maybe that's feminism you don't think so actually they looked at I'm trying to I wish I brought my phone because I would have read these stats but when they look at the infrastructure the power supply the like what what do we need to make Society run you need Transportation you need the Internet you need um law and order it all of those jobs it's like 70 to 80% men yeah so meaning if women's jobs went away tomorrow society would be fine but if men went away it fall apart it would fall apart it's always younger women that seem to be Crosser about this than older women isn't it yeah well because older women just tend to be more delusional they just but young women they're just influenced aren't they by what they see online I think all women are how do they become delusional well because what what affs I mean men lie to us all the time I mean have you ever lied to a woman to spare her feelings oh well that's not lying is it that's that's what my my wife calls that um embellishing yeah but reality slaps men in the face it doesn't slap women in the face like there's no body positivity for men how can we get rid of this thing called feminism oh you can't don't say that I mean but things are changing around don't you see things are pivoting the younger generation maybe or do you think it's going to get worse no if I'm being honest I don't that's not me but if I if I'm being honest I I just see I don't see any indication that it's going the other way like if you pull young women gen Z and what they find important they rank family last and they rank things like traveling or things like experiences yeah yeah so you know what is traditionalism it's family first at its core um listen uh this is for Debbie who was in before uh well I'll answer for Debbie I've seen Debbie many times speaking on talk she speaks with dignity Clarity and sense what a lovely lady says Karen thank you that's about the trans issues one here that's just comeing do you want to read that this woman is talking absolute rubbish what an absolute yeah well I think that's fine um do I mean do you is it a woman who Saida how old is she I don't know a lot of women you do they what I mean some sometimes they uh women's are we fought so long to have equality and then this woman comes on you fight in a war no how did you fight you marched wow scrp um listen you must come and visit us again when we've got over all the Flack brilliant woman yeah very nice thank you very much indeed
Channel: TalkTV
Views: 56,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debate, free speech, freedom of expression, live, live news, news, politics, talk radio, talk radio live, talk radio tv, talk tv, talk tv live, talkTV, talkradio, talkradio tv, talkradiotv, talktv live, uk, Feminism, Anti-feminism, Gender roles, james whale, ash gould, pearl davis, hannah pearl davis
Id: 3TYud1fZSkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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