Massive anti-war protests at college campus' across the US calling for end to Israel support

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Also breaking right now, massive protests on college campuses across the country because of the Israel Hamas War. These are images you're seeing from a number of distant institutions around the country and I can bring you here live to Austin. This is the University of Texas at Austin. Many of these protests calling for the end of us support for Israel. Some of them have gotten very intense here at UT Austin. We've seen protesters face off with police and body armor. We're getting reports that some students there have been arrested at us. C we've seen huge crowds surrounding police vehicles. Meanwhile, at Columbia in New York, university, officials are continuing talks with protesters as they work on an agreement to try to clear out a large encampment. We'll be monitoring these feeds from across the country. We'll keep you updated on what is unfolding as more becomes available.
Channel: WUSA9
Views: 114,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [ national-politics, dc, local ], news, politics
Id: gwiHU9THbck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 49sec (49 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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