Peanut Butter and Jelly (From Scratch)

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I could absolutely destroy one of those right now

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/smellycoat 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
thanks to beam for sponsoring this video hey what's up peanut butter and jelly has it all basically it's soft it's sweet it's creamy and somehow allowed to be both lunch and dessert at the same time today i'm going to show you how to make a rated r version of this sandwich that has tons of interesting textures and flavors and male nudity i mean just kidding but think about that to get started i'll need to make a grown ups version of sliced white bread for that i'll grab my stand mixer and in the bowl of that measure 130 grams of warm water 5 grams of instant yeast 1 large egg 45 grams of melted but not hot butter 45 grams of sugar and 100 grams of roasted and riced rusted potatoes in general adding pre-cooked or fully gelatinized potato starch to bread attracts and holds a lot more water than the wheat starches could hold on their own plus the potato starch molecules here make it harder for the wheat starches to retrogradeate or stale so adding potato gets us both more shelf life as well as the unnatural squishy tenderness of commodity sliced white bread plus it tastes really good lastly i'll add in 430 grams of all-purpose flour and then 10 grams of salt the dough hook goes on and i'll mix this on medium speed for about four minutes or until the dough goes from mashed potatoes and flour into a slightly sticky dough like this from there i'll turn this mixer up to high speed and then mix for another seven to eight minutes i'll mention that all the stuff that makes this bread super squishy and tender like the butter potato and sugar for example is also gonna impede the gluten formation so to mitigate that i'm gonna mix this dough longer than i would for say pizza or bread dough after 12 minutes of mixing this dough should be clearing the bowl and more than strong enough to resist tearing when i give it a good firm tug like this that means the gluten in there is all linked up and it's ready to rip next i'll flip this dough into a medium bowl and then i'll round it off into a nice taut ball so that i can have something more uniform to shape in a little while after the first rise that looks good now i'll cover it with the lid and ferment it here on the counter for two hours while that rises let's make the j part of this pb and j specifically i'm talking about jam not jelly to make it i'll grab my heaviest bottom pot and into it combined 500 grams or three little clam shells of fresh raspberries i know the most classic pb j combo would probably be concord grape jelly but fresh concord grapes are only available where i live like two weeks out of the year and raspberry is just as lively and bright and fun but in a different way next i'll add in 75 grams of lemon juice 75 grams of white distilled vinegar and then 700 grams of sugar yep that's a lot of sugar but that's how much it takes to set a jam properly the ratio of acid sugar pectin and water here is a fixed target and there's really no way around it i mean you could use frozen fruit juice concentrate and extra strength pectin to make a jam but that's not really low sugar and those styles of jam tend to be firm and bouncy as opposed to jammy now i'm going to scoot this over the stove and drop it over high heat once it's up to a bare simmer i'll come back with a wooden spoon and stir it until the acids and raspberries are combined and the sugar is fully dissolved next i'll cook this fruit until it's fully tender and has released all of its razzy goodness that's maybe 10 minutes of cooking over high heat once it starts to foam up like this though i'll turn the heat down to medium high so it doesn't boil over and burn then i'll jump in and stir those bubbles down a little bit after 10 minutes or so this fruit is just about fully softened and the mixture has had a good chance to reduce so now i'm gonna do an unnecessary but beneficial step that's take the pot off heat grab a strainer and then scoop about a third to a half of the raspberries into that strainer from there i'll take a wooden spoon and press to get as much of the raspberry pulp and juice push through it as possible while leaving behind all of the seeds but to make sure that the sugar and pectin ratio stay within the sweet spot i'm going to stress that you really need to work this to get as much of the pulp and juice pressed through as possible and then make an effort to come back and scrape that pulp on the bottom of the strainer and make sure that everything of value gets back into the pool now the pot goes back on the stove over high heat and i'll keep on cooking once this is back up to a rolling boil adding 60 grams of regular not low sugar fruit pectin i'll whisk that in right away to prevent any clumping but in my experience pectin dissolves in any hot liquid pretty easily so there's no need to mix this up like a cornstarch slurry or anything like that once that's stirred in i'm going to cook out the water to raise the overall temperature of the sugar and i'm also going to take a second to thank beam for sponsoring this video to be honest i've had a lot of trouble falling asleep at night for as long as i can remember and although i've taken a lot of lifestyle steps to get into a healthier nighttime routine i still lie there awake flopping around to try and find the right sleeping position while usually toiling about my next video everything but sleeping basically that's where beam dream comes in it's a blend of sleep promoting ingredients like nano cbd rice extract magnesium l-theanine and melatonin all of which work together in a tasty chocolatey powder to help me feel a little bit more relaxed and ready for sleep i just blend it with some warm water and drink it about 30 minutes before bed throw in some blue blockers and catch me snoozing you guys click below and use my code brian l to get 35 off your first order when you subscribe then 20 off all following orders with a subscription to dream powder 2 you never pay for shipping and you get this sick looking beam mug and frother with your first order you can pause skip or cancel your subscription at any time and this offer is available for both new and existing customers again the link is in my description and use code brianl for 35 off your first order thank you beam it's been about three to four minutes since i added in my pectin and the jam is looking syrupy and slightly thickened so now i'm going to grab my thermometer to see where it's at the game here is to reduce as much water out of this mixture as it takes to raise the temperature of the syrup to 220f that's eight degrees hotter than boiling so it takes quite a bit of reduction from here i'm gonna carefully ladle this jam into two pint-sized mason jars disclaimer this is hot syrup and will burn you really bad if it gets on your skin so pay attention when moving this stuff around and stay frosty once i've got two mason jars lined up like this i'm gonna pop on some lids and let them cool for three to four hours at room temperature and then another 12 in the fridge so they can fully set up but we don't have to wait because i've got yesterday's jam here ready to go take a look texturally it's perfectly set or at least in my opinion that is an ideal texture for sandwich jam it's soft and spreadable but also firm and holds its shape when you need it to flavor-wise it's full of natural fruity brightness from the berries but also it's got a fresh lemon hit in there and plenty of sweetness to balance out all that acidity now let's check back on the bread it's been rising for over two hours now and as you can see it's over doubled in size and all gassed up next i'm gonna prep a bread proofing vessel in this case a one and a half pound loaf pan and i'll give it a heavy hit of pan spray or neutral oil because this loaf can stick if you don't grease the pan appropriately now i'm going to flip my dough out onto a lightly floured surface then press to degas aggressively once i'm flattened like this i'll grab the bottom of the dough and fold it up two inches from the top then i'll grab both sides pull them out the right goes over i'll press that down to seal it then the left goes all the way over the right i'll press that to seal then i'll grab the top of the dough and fold it in at two to three inches i'll fold the top corners like this now i'll roll the dough back towards myself pulling back and pressing down to seal in as much tension as i can each time i'll repeat that five to six times and once i have the dough sitting on the bottom seam like this i'm gonna use my fingertips and thumbs to make the dough slightly wider now pinch the ends shut and then plop this loaf into my sprayed pan seam side down now i'm going to spray this with a little bit of water to keep it from drying out and then i'll cover it with a towel to proof on the counter for 60 to 90 minutes while that proves let's make the pb part of this pb and j for that i'm going to show you two types of peanut butter made from two different peanuts on the left here i've got 500 grams of spanish peanuts these are defined by their red papery skins and higher oil content they're supposed to have the most delicious flavor too out of all the four major peanut varieties but we'll see about that on the right i have 500 grams of runner style peanuts this style of peanut is supposed to be a little bit more mellow in terms of flavor but it'll probably be easier for you to get since most commercially available peanut butters are made from runner peanuts to get these peanuts into a butterable condition i'm going to load both of these trays into a 300 f oven to slowly roast them for about 40 to 50 minutes yes higher heat will get you where you're going faster but the likelihood that you'll over roast these is very high so i go low after 45 to 50 minutes in a mellow oven i'm gonna pull these out as you can see they're not really that toasty looking but for nut butter you don't really want a deeply roasted nut because it will actually taste kind of burnt once it's milled down i think that has to do with the friction of the pureeing part that tends to heat up the oil and if it gets too hot well it'll taste kind of like it's burnt and or oxidized now to butter these nuts i'm going to scoot them one at a time into my food processor i'll spin them for about 10 to 12 minutes each but that timing is going to vary pretty widely based on how powerful your machine is but ballpark is like 10 minutes of spinning the stages are dry and chunky pasty ball that spins around the center gritty but getting close and then finally after about 10 to 12 minutes it'll be well pureed and just starting to get loose like this this first batch was made with the spanish variety as you can see it's a touch darker than traditional peanut butter it's a little bit looser mainly because it's warm and the higher oil content overall this stuff has a pretty smooth texture but i'll clarify that it will never be as smooth as jif this stuff has mega machines doing all the work and there's a bunch of palm oil and sugar in there to smooth it out next i'll do the runner peanuts same process as before 10 minutes of spinning and once it's smooth and just starting to get loose i'll pop off the lid as you can see the runner peanut butter is lighter in color and a touch creamier looking overall it's also a touch thicker and looks a lot more like jiff than the spanish butter did not saying that's a good thing but it's noteworthy for sure here they are side by side now i'll give them a taste the spanish peanuts have a really nice deep intense peanut flavor texturally it's creamy and nice but i wouldn't call it overly luxurious the rudder nut butter is noticeably creamier and even smoother texturally amazing but flavor-wise kind of lame to be honest so my choice is the spanish style back to the bread it's been rising on the counter for about 75 minutes now and when i poke it you can see that just barely holds onto that indent but gently pushes it back out next i'll spray the outside with a heavy dose of water then grab my bread scoring lame and rip five to six scores on the top of the loaf on a diag like this oh i snagged it what a loser now i'm gonna let this into 400 f oven and lastly i'll spray the box with a dozen or so squirts of water to create that much more steam then i'll close up the door and bake for 30 minutes time lapse looks sick and after 30 minutes i'll pull out the loaf and yes that looks great almost like a cartoon version of a loaf of bread actually this isn't the snagged loaf by the way i made two of these just in case i biffed one here's the snag donkey still looks good but it's less tall now i'm gonna let this bread cool completely and make the secondary b of this pb and j that's whipped salted butter for that in the bowl of my stand mixer i'll combine one pound of fully room temperature butter and then a strong pinch of salt about three to four grams the whisk attachment goes on and i'll spin this on high speed for three to four minutes i actually got the whole butter with peanut butter idea from my boy ted wilson at union loafers and trust me when i say that you will never be able to make a pb and j without it again after five minutes on high speed this butter is almost white and looks like cake frosting that's how you know it's good in whip so now i'm gonna scoot this into a container and then make my freaking grown-up peanut butter and butter and jam sandwich the first step towards that would be to slice up my potato bread i let this loaf cool completely because it's so soft that if you didn't you would mush it into a pile of starch basically now i'm gonna cut thick chunky slices that are about three quarters of an inch that might seem overly thick but remember this bread is so light and just so tasty that we're gonna want a lot of it in this sandwich once i've got two thickens like this it's time to assemble first thing down is two large dollops of spanish peanut butter i use the back of a spoon to spread that instead of a knife because this stuff is super sticky and a knife tends to tear up the bread whereas a spoon is just easier on the whole thing once that's evenly spread i'll go to the second slice and drop a few teaspoons of the whipped butter spread that from edge to edge and next i'll hit the peanut butter with a liberal dose of crunchy flaky salt if you remember i didn't put any salt in the nut butter when i made it because chunky salt on top is way more dynamic and just way more delicious finally i'll squeeze some raspberry jam on top of the salted nut butter i put this stuff in a used mayonnaise bottle so that i could drop it on top as opposed to spreading it with a spoon or a knife this sandwich thrives on contrast and keeping all the flavors and layers separate is crucial to its success you really want all the mixing to happen inside of your mouth because that's like a thousand times more interesting and delicious now the lid goes on and a gentle press to seal it all together wow that is a pretty pb b and j like i said the name of the game here is contrast all in one bite you get to experience rich roasty nut butter oh and then some crunchy salt comes along and amplifies that then some unctuous creamy butter fat then cold sweet tart raspberries and now your brain is melted this is a powerful sandwich you guys so beware we're dealing with the forces of nostalgia here and this one is going to hit you pretty freaking deep i hope you try it soon let's eat this thing [Music] don't forget if you're someone who struggles with sleep make sure to check out beam's dream powder in the description to get 35 percent off your first order
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 1,955,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pb&j, pb&j sandwich, peanut butter and jelly, peanut butter, pbj, best pbj, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, pb and j, homemade raspberry jam, how to make jam, how to make jelly, homemade sandwich bread, soft sandwich bread, sandwich loaf, potato bread, homemade peanut butter, pb&j from scratch, best pb&j, peanut butter from scratch, whipped butter, brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, brian lagerstrom sandwich, sandwiches, lunch recipes, make peanut butter and jelly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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