Can I make Chick-fil-A's Original Chicken Sandwich FASTER than ordering one?

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is fast food actually that fast today we put chick-fil-a's original chicken sandwich to the test so for those of you who haven't seen the taco bell crunchwrap video the premise is simple i'm going to send my brother out to the nearest chick-fil-a to order a fried chicken sandwich now while he's out gone he'll give us some updates we have to make our own fried chicken sandwich by the time he gets back i have nothing pre-prepped i do have the ingredients but we're gonna do all the clean up and as much as we can and hopefully finish before he gets done and then finally we've got to do a taste test to see which one is better the mission is clear here's the card see in a bit all right see you then all right everyone so he is on his way i'm going to set a stopwatch just to keep track of our time let's do this thing so obviously the first thing we just got to get everything out which helps and as we go through this video i'll try to point out all my best tips for deep frying to make it as easy as possible number one is starting with a clean kitchen making sure you have everything you need and anything you don't isn't out [Music] we've got some dredging trays and let's grab out our ingredients chicken dill pickles some milk [Applause] i need some egg need the mustard mayo [Music] i'll get the buns out [Music] and if i feel like i have time we're also gonna do some homemade pickles okay so first things first we're gonna get our chicken going now i can't really do a full like pickle brine or anything like that so we're just gonna kind of get this you know at least semi in there so a little bit of pickle juice some milk and one egg and i'm just gonna crack this in and mix it all up we'll throw our chicken in there we'll probably need to slice this chicken a little bit smaller than it is so i'm going to grab out this and wow week [Music] got a lot of chicken breasts oh yeah so these are like whole chicken breasts so the big thing that we have to do with these is thin them out a little bit so what i'm actually gonna do slice it in half and then you see how this is like a big thick piece up here that's actually okay and for the sandwich i'll probably use this slightly thicker piece but i'm just going to kind of help thin it out just a tiny bit so i'm going to cut this in roughly half so this is going to be kind of one bigger bigger sandwich size piece so and this texture will actually get some of that breading and stuff in there so it'll probably give us some cool texture so even though this may not be perfect like that's actually fine in this case so i'm just going to toss that in there i should have beat that egg up and we'll do some thinner ones too we're going to use the top half for the sandwiches just because they look a little bit nicer a little bit more imposing and again just trying to thin them out a little bit so we don't have like a big bulbous end now i'm just actually just going to mix this with my hands so we've got the egg in there just everything mixed up so we've got plenty of salt in there from that pickle brine and normally you know let this go overnight that salt's actually going to kind of move inwards it's going to brine it and you get all the benefits of brining but in this case i'm just kind of at least getting it in here you know to impart a little bit of flavor but really all this is doing is gonna help our flour dredge stick on there also we gotta talk about chick-fil-a in that i think we're gonna crush it in this contest because every time i see a chick-fil-a or go buy one those lines are literally like there's like 15 cars there now chick-fil-a's a solid but i don't personally i don't get the whole like i feel like it's kind of over hyped of how good it is like it's i feel like it's on par with any other um you know fast food chicken it's like yeah it's solid you know but am i gonna go out of my way to get some personally no you maybe which is perfectly fine all right guys we just pulled into the chick-fil-a drive-through um and it's actually not as busy as i thought and it was only a four-minute drive so um we might beat them their wait times are ridiculously long so while this is sitting there i'm just gonna clean up the stuff that my chicken touched i know everyone's afraid of raw chicken literally just use hot water a little bit of soap you know you're kind of good to go generally i think people are a little you know it's good to be afraid of like the the you know potential you know food contamination and all that but i feel like people feel like you need to like bust out a hazmat suit sometimes to like clean raw meat or chicken appropriately like hot water soap good to go [Music] all right so we got that out of the way i'm gonna put all this stuff away that i just used again to put stuff away as you're going we don't want to like have all this stuff out just because it gets in the way especially when we literally don't need it anywhere now let's get a little dredge going so basic dredge here we're going to do a flour and cornstarch mixture generally what i like to do with my fried kind of classic fried chicken or things is use one part cornstarch and then two parts flour and that cornstarch kind of just helps it give it has a little bit less gluten and it kind of gives it a makes it a little bit more crunchy than just pure flour and then what is great about making your own you know dredge is that you can throw all the spices you want into it so so for four chicken pieces i'm gonna say i'm gonna say like a hundred and we'll say 150 grams i think that'll be plenty plenty flour and then i'm gonna do 75 grams of corn starch [Music] then we're going to add some spices so got just got a little bit of chili powder or i think this is cayenne powder actually some smoked paprika a little bit of onion powder and you know what i forgot to start this camera so we got no other alternate views so we're gonna do that right now as well there we go look at that we're live we got an alternate shot make things more interesting rather than just the straight on shot okay so i added that onion powder let's do i'm going to do a little bit of ground ginger actually which i think kind of gives it a little bit of like brightness which is just interesting you're probably not really going to notice it that much but at least some of it in there and then just some garlic powder and we're going to do some salt [Applause] and some msg in there too now i'm not putting like a ton of salt or salt in this we're kind of layering it in there so we've got the chicken sitting in the pickle brine we've got a little bit of salt in the crust and we also will give it a little another sprinkle after it comes out of the fryer all super important to kind of build that flavor and again probably best practice if you had the time was to let that go overnight so just going to mix this up okay one other thing we're gonna do too now is i'm gonna start preheating this oil just like on low just to at least get it going a little bit so i'm gonna bump this up to 275 for just for just for now we are going to bump this way up to like 350. and then you guys know i've showed this a million times this is fine oil i've already used i've strained it off back into a container so i can reuse it again and then we'll do the same thing you know after it cools down after this video this is the one thing i'm not gonna be able to do during the video because it needs you know at least probably 15 to 20 minutes to cool down so adding that fry oil and i am going to top it off with just a touch more and for me i do like using peanut oil um i find it's kind of the cleanest tasting and then it does have higher saturated fat which you know marginally should help crispiness a little bit you know it's not it's not going to be like ridiculously game-changing you know if you use any other kind of regular oil but like avocado oil you could just use regular vegetable oil canola oil anything like that they'll all work personally for me i think uh peanut oil is the way to go i'm gonna pop our spices back as well and then i'm going to cover a couple cranks of black pepper in here too and for our chicken i'm actually going to add a little bit of the liquid into this to kind of create some clumps in there and these clumps again it just kind of gives it a little bit more texture so just like it's just these little tiny things that like kind of help a little bit here and there that like you don't really realize but actually do have a you know a fairly decent impact on the overall final dish a lot of times in cooking it's it's the little things that you're doing that kind of add up to being a lot but you can see how we've got these little just you know little clumps okay now for each of these i'm just gonna bread them only on this tray and i'm just going to kind of tuck them into their own spot and then this will be our flower hand and again i want to make sure the flour is kind of well coated on there kind of pressed in making sure we're getting a bunch of little craggly like nooks and and crannies in there because that's what's going to give it that nice kind of texture and obviously chicken thighs really great for frying chicken chick-fil-a does use chicken breast for this sandwich so that's why we went this route but obviously um thighs are a great great option as well and i know we had some people comment on like the taco bell video like you know i should include you know timing about like get buying ingredients or things like that and like that is that's a fair argument um you know at this but at the same time like for most of this stuff it's like literally like for this it's literally chicken and buns like that's the only thing that i would really need to get everything else this is all pantry staples it's spices it's frying oil um it's that so you know valid argument and again this isn't like about creating the perfect example of like a challenge it's just like this could could be reasonable you know for me i enjoy spending some time in the kitchen i'd rather spend you know even if this takes an extra 10 minutes compared to going out for fast food or you know stopping away back i'd rather do this for me this is more fun you know it's it's hanging out in the kitchen it's it's getting creative it's being able to enjoy yourself a little bit okay so that's it those are those are good to go we'll just shake it off once that oil is hot and we'll get frying in literally you know two minutes here [Music] [Music] okay so this oil is coming up to temp we're sitting at like 2 45 right now so i want to probably get this to 325 to 350 that's a good general frying zone for almost anything it's it's going to be hot enough where you know it's going to take long enough where the outside gets crisp but the interior is cooked to the right temperature and that's always with brian what you're trying to balance is like you want it to get crisp but you also want to make sure it's cooked to the right temperature inside also i'm curious how we are on time 18 minutes not bad this will be done here very shortly so [Music] let me move this over here all right guys the bag is secured um so we're about to head out actually didn't take as long as i thought um so we might beat him surprise so we're going to set up our fry station so here we have this is where the finished chicken is going this is where the chicken so we're going to move left to right chicken into here and then on to here for the final batch once it's done so i'm just going to let that come up to temp adjust my camera angles a little bit and we'll get frying and those little pops that you're hearing in this oil is actually water that was left in from last time i fried so that's actually what you're hearing kind of evaporate and pop off so right now we're sitting at right about 3 10 so this is perfect timing we're about good to go and then we will make a quick sauce with just some mayo and mustard and i don't know if we'll have time for pickles i might have to use the store-bought pickles but i can actually get this going on in the side while we wait for this for just another minute so just a little bit of water some white vinegar i'm gonna throw some salt in this and a little some msg as well also i'm curious to see where gabe is as always i think this one's only maybe a two miles away but again it's gonna depend on that line and like i said those lines i think that's where we're gonna make our money today all right we're at three like 325 so this is good for me i'm going to bump up the heat a little bit because this will drop as soon as i drop the chicken in and remember how some of these pieces were a little bit bigger than um the other ones like the top end i'm gonna do those two pieces together since they'll be about the same cooking time so so here's the first big piece and again there should be no surprises since i know the temperature of this oil like i can literally drop it in it's not going to explode in my face slowly gently drop it in we'll let this go slowly gently drop it in there we go and i'm going to set a um a count up timer just because i'm curious how long this will take i'm going to say roughly probably eight-ish minutes on these and it is good too just to like move these around a little bit so we don't get cold spots in the oil we do want to kind of keep it up to temp but other than that we're just going to let this go and do our thing and this actually is a time where you can clean up anything or do anything like that i'm probably going to run out of time to do both of these you know within the time so like for four people you know you may just have to kind of take the l i'm gonna pop these in the fridge i'm just gonna do these two and then i can fry these later you know it's not a big deal so that is the one thing you know family of four you know it'd be it'd be tough to do this before he got back but again it's all about just having some fun in the kitchen you add another eight eight or so minutes for the other two pieces you're good to go so with that i'm just gonna get our buns out obviously we can't make homemade buns in like 30 minutes so i'm just using some some brioche buns whatever whatever you got whatever you like and then i'll also chop up this cucumber [Music] quick rinse and just slice this into pieces [Music] and you can see this chicken i mean it's already starting to look just like incredible those crispy and craggly bits and i like to flip this over so since these are heavier pieces you can see it kind of fell down to the bottom and started to get a little almost burnt on that one edge so i'm going to flip that over and make sure you know we're not over cooking one side [Music] i don't think there will be a video yet where we don't knock something over so we've got our pickle chips i'm gonna throw i think i have some very old dill in here that is probably on its last leg yeah this this deal is not in good shape uh maybe about half of that i'm going to throw throw the other half away because not good that's about boiling temp so we're going to pour this over our pickles not over that that would not be good and look at that super simple pickle they'll be warm of course they'll look better in you know a couple hours but again we're looking good so these have been in the oil for about four minutes and 15 seconds and they actually look pretty decent i'm going to check the temperature inside on these so we're sitting at like 130 right now so for me i like to kind of target 155 that's going to give us the juiciest level you know you could go 165 all the way up if you want to there's a bunch of great science on why you don't need to um i have some videos that i've covered in the past on those you guys can look those up if you want to all right guys here we are oh he's back he beat me dang it how long was the line it actually wasn't that bad dang all right all right folks so officially he beat me so i'm probably at like 25-ish minutes 26 minutes so we're a little late um i made the i made the wrong i thought it was gonna be a lot worse i i did too i did too normally lines are so bad at chick-fil-a yeah it wasn't terrible yep um no worries i mean i'll be done here in probably within five minutes so not too bad i would say how are those sandwiches looking though you got two all right i made two as well so yeah we'll have a lot of uh we'll have a lot of chicken a little small huh yeah okay let me see let me see we'll do a little quick color exchange here do it in this camera here you got to come you got to go up a little bit here i got you that's what chick-fil-a is working with that's what we're working with i'm already noticing a crunch difference yeah i mean because those were probably you know they have been sitting for a while how far was your drive over it's like four minutes oh is it that close i thought i thought it was maybe like 10. okay okay yeah that's not bad that's not bad and they they don't do sauce on those right no i've got i uh okay all right so let's uh let's get a look at the internal on this guy 145 so we're getting close getting close i'm going to bump the heat down a little bit just to make sure i don't burn the crust before the interior gets done and we're going to adjust camera angles see if we can get some sexy uh sexy fried chicken shots maybe it was because it was uh i mean i guess it's not like past lunchtime yeah we are like two o'clock yeah versus like what we got to talk about like talk about we were at like 11 40. yeah that's pretty it's pretty high time for taco bell you know you can't win every fast food battle but we we like to try though i would have thought too because yeah i mean just look at that chicken that is absolutely gorgeous gorgeous look at those nooks and crannies guys just i mean come on come on look how much coke i poured into there and it's cool yeah that is weird ridiculous um another tip for these is to wipe down you know these splatters as you see them again this is what leads to smells like when these things sit on your surfaces or do anything like that so i'm going to just move this off because we're done with the oil now and again i'm going to let that cool down and then we'll strain it off later you know wiping down your stove or i'm just using the induction burner all good things but i mean like look at our chicken like this is absolute like top tier hopefully that's focusing absolute top tier i mean can't beat that uh can you move that camera on this guy okay so oven off toasted buns we're gonna make a quick chick-fil-a sauce and also i forgot to hit these with just a little sprinkle oh and these should have been i didn't i didn't double check them again but they should have been at like the one at least 155 they're a little bit over now that's fine yeah they got up to 160. and again they're going to carry up as they cook as well because that oil is still around the the edges so that heat's going to work inward so that's another reason why you can pool it earlier is because it does come up in heat continues to cook so we're going to take some time to like put together the thumbnail and just make sure everything looks good and pretty you know so people so people actually click on the video but what i'm doing here is about i'm gonna say one part mustard three parts mayo and i like using a nice coarse mayo for this and then we're also gonna just slot in a little bit of honey which this this honey is old let me use the back of the spoon to try to get some out all right so i'm gonna stop the time so 33 minutes i'm going to say this is done again like i have all the components i got the pickles we have our sauce we have our chicken we're gonna plate everything up take the thumbnail then we'll meet you guys back here for the taste test we gotta see which one's better he beat me on time by about what seven eight minutes i think at this point so you know i'm not too i'm not too upset with the performance though [Music] well we'll taste it without [Music] all right everyone so we're gonna evaluate this on four things obviously we have the time but now is the more important part at least to me we have the looks the taste and the texture so let's get into these things oh yeah let's get a let's get a juiciness test over there we're looking juicy that's so pitiful oh my goodness oh man that was really funny that is what i was saying though like we use the chunkier side for the sandwiches so you make the chunkier sandwiches chick-fil-a's got a little work to do in this department so i'm gonna pull out the mic so we can you can hear us both a little bit better but i think in the looks department we absolutely shattered yeah i mean like just looking at it we got all these nice little craggles in our edges um just the sheer dominance in the size of the chicken breast alone i think is uh is good enough for me and then i mean we didn't make our own buns but like these buns look way better than these buns these remind me of like i don't know the buns nothing special to say the least and then the color on this one is super dark for some reason yeah i don't know and then i mean if we look at the other one this one isn't like it's way lighter so like quality control you know it's still super thin like who knows what you're gonna get quality control wise here you can cook it yourself so you know exactly how it's gonna turn out um so i think looks i think we absolutely dominated let's give taste and texture a shot yeah give these sandwiches a go i mean there's some crunch a little dry yeah i mean it's it's all right it's all right it's like it's not it's not bad i'm not gonna say it's bad but think about this chicken sandwich yeah the juiciness though on this one is like crazy different wow shockingly different yeah all right so now we have the taste and the texture and i think for both of us the texture difference on that first bite was ridiculous oh my god yeah i mean even in terms of the that first bite just immediate you have crunch and then just there's a big meaty piece of chicken um that's also it's not dry yeah it's juicy it's like this is the this like it kind of stuck to the roof of your mouth you needed to grab a drink this i didn't even need to drink it just there's so much juice as i bit into it it's just it was incredible yeah and it's it's super interesting like when you literally taste this stuff side by side like that because it's just like you're you're almost like a little shocked to this yeah that that took me back farther than i was not thinking it was going to be that different yeah i mean chicken sand was a chicken sandwich but uh i mean you can tell i mean like that that sat around this side around so like yeah i mean this might taste a little bit better but like there's no way like they definitely overcooked the crap out of that chicken breast um you know and that's one of the big benefits of cooking at home is like you can control that temperature um even mine i actually pulled it out a little bit later than i was trying to and like i mean way more juicy and then i think the taste from just it's super well the chicken itself is very good i mean we can actually do a chicken yeah let's do let's let's do a little chicken side by side crunch here so like you can just see like just look at the difference in the texture of these two pieces like for me i mean that alone you know what we i lost by eight minutes but like come on you're getting so much more quality yeah right there yeah a little bite this is like almost like a paste on there it's kind of weird to describe ah i'll eat up yours whatever one texture the entire time one texture also ridiculous overuse of salt yeah in my opinion it's it's uh it's like salt used in the wrong way where it kind of just tastes salty rather than like kind of enhancing everything in here um yeah and very dry very firm too when you bite into it um this you can see the chicken breaks apart in your mouth when you bite into this this is just one firm bouncy texture the entire time also just just listen one more time so in terms of texture i think especially in the chicken side by side absolutely crushed it yeah um and then with those fresh pickles like i would have liked to let those sit a little bit longer but they did give this really kind of fresh quality to the sandwich which and and that's kind of the one thing that you're missing like if you love the classic fast food feeling this doesn't feel like a fast food sandwich it feels like something much more refined it feels fresher especially with that pickles and the mustard coming through um this is gonna be your classic fast food taste that like you know over years yeah you have like a nostalgia factor for this is its own just like completely new thing yeah but it's still fast to make at home which i think is really cool to see so hopefully you guys have enjoyed the video again we lost by a couple minutes here um but we absolutely crushed it in terms of looks tasty and texture so much better it's ridiculous so i think that wraps up for the video let us know down in the comments if you guys want to do some more videos on this they're pretty fun to make and it is actually really fun to kind of taste test these side by side and kind of come up with things just on the fly and have some fun in the kitchen so that's gonna wrap it up for this video we'll catch you in the next one peace y'all
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 2,802,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, chick-fil-a, chick fil a at home recipe, easy at home chicken breast recipes, fried chicken at home recipe, fried chicken breast sandwich recipe, how to make fried chicken sandwich, how to make fast food at home easy, How to make Chick-fil-A at home, chicken sandwich recipe, easy chick fil a sandwich recipe, fried chicken sandwich
Id: es6-wkg2LGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 44sec (2204 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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