PEACHES SMP - Parrots 2, Electric Boogaloo

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anything she just wanted to play minecraft with her friends good for her though she she wanted something and she did it she did it you did it all right too yeah i think she did a good job because we're some of the only people like in our friendship circles that work full-time um we just complain at each other all the time about jobs oh and has she is a lot brother than i do yeah i've heard the roughness that she goes through freaking spider what's wrong guys uh i just built something wrong we're okay row this should be this i'm so smart sometimes like not all the time most the time i'm really dumb but sometimes all together oh god am i gonna die [ __ ] why is minecraft hold on what's wrong with minecraft oh my god congratulations on the promotions thank you silent whisper thank you since i'm still in jackpot category oh i think i am too i should probably sleep before i change that don't want to get blown up i want to write a to-do list and tackle it hmm yeah that's probably smart yeah and it'll help me i think just to get things straight in what order we want them like you know theoretically having incredible tools would make buildings so much faster yeah we join our speed when enchanting and getting some some books and villages and stuff yeah i've been thinking that too could also just make an enchantment table i think we have enough stuff to do that yeah for sure oh we have to yeah we actually have quite a lot considering we've just sort of been exploring and and we live on this like deserted island with very few resources yeah i think we just raided enough stuff on the way here um yeah i was trying to wait until we had like buildings and stuff before like yeah that's the problem is you you like you don't want to put them somewhere temporarily you want to set it all up yeah um i mean do you want to build something do you want to build a big building to house it i want to build our tree house you know the tree house the treehouse might be really baby to have a scene chanting place diamonds oh god my getting to level 30 is going to suck yeah i'm not looking forward to that uh this server was originally going to be a hardcore from day one if that was not going to happen could you imagine if me and scott went out like that would have been a good clue would have been a better clip i mean what was it phil's in minecraft died in his hardcore award to a baby zombie and went viral and he's a millionaire now yeah i feel like me and scar just so accident prone it's only a matter of time oh scotch would just push me into the war and drown me while i'm afk there's no way that looks good right do you know what you could you could do scratch you could throw some trapdoors on these posts too uh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's not just spruce trap doors you know there are other types uh barely spruce is there on anything for this application like yeah barely actually go back up and try something oh jesus that scared the crap out of me to cover you've been playing for nine years jesus oh yeah we have a zombie grinder right we have a zombie yeah yeah we have a spawner somewhere yeah it's very roughly where that is yeah did you get the the coordinates i didn't get the coordinates but i can find i can get back there and get them right now cool because if it's oh yeah it's close that's perfect because that means that it's pretty close and um also that's infinite emeralds there's a zombie phone i found another geode is there anything in geodes that we need uh the outside the um the white site okay yeah i'll get some of that thanks you get a lot of white-washed like walls i feel like in in this time period mm-hmm that's like the best way to wear the boots the cheapest way [Music] but i'm not sure i'm happy with jack's wall i feel like it's just it's the wrong color it's just the same color as the dark the design is super cool you could replace it for him okay yeah i'm sure he'd be fine with that because like he wasn't sure what he was what we wanted anyway yeah i felt like it might need to be stone he's put some stone on the bottom of it which looks nice but it's the same color as like scottish buildings so it kind of just makes the building look long [Music] [Music] well we can't have that yeah how's that okay wow the coordinates are really easy to remember are we the only people on right now uh yeah i shouldn't say okay i'm just gonna do that then everyone else should be in badge theoretically it's white scotch we don't want them stealing our our location for a spawner exactly yeah i'm not really sure how the world's gonna work on two different times hmm i just have to pick something that we're okay with being awake for both parties i don't know all right funny just like we're not fighting like a physical war but just sort of like a war of attrition yeah yeah deep slate would have been cool for that i panicked over the lava too no worries okay i put a bunch of torches down the hallway that the i found the spawner in as well so like it's pretty noticeable but you literally can't get lost on the way there cool get the hell away from me spider um i turn around and there's a creeper there and it surprised the crap out of me fenced on this bit yeah oh i've got another spider you kidding me just oh yeah that's right water does work on cobwebs i forgot what's in water works on cobwebs uh it makes sense i guess you wouldn't want to be placed a cup of underwater would you yeah i guess and a huge spider in the bathroom earlier and i decided to stay [Music] depending on where i find them in the house i decide whether or not i'm going to like evict them um into the garden he was he was a big boy and i was like if i put him outside he's going to get spotted by a burb oh no scotch can you sleep oh oh thanks i was getting frustrated my own bed because if i break this one it's gonna break someone's spawn point and they're gonna die and they're gonna be mad at me i'm in the blue one that's my spawn point the blue bed yeah i feel like someone's has to be the white one i feel like jax or something and he's been dying so much true i understand it's quite intimidating like when we clearly have some kind of vision and you've got to kind of come and put your mark on it already [Music] mess thank you it's good to see you playing minecraft again all right i guess i'll come out now do alrighty what's up horse do oh yeah that's way better hello i just need an easy way to get out of here where am i planks might end up having to change [Music] hmm okay um if i head west i should get it oh yeah you can survive admitting it's a certain level of four dimension right yeah not all of it yeah slimes on the other hand slime blogs so something hey they're cheating sorry someone had to say it slime blacks are cheating yeah okay okay how am i gonna make this boat that's not something i've really considered okay so it needs to be i shall stay down here this high doing more of that thinking out loud i like to do yeah oh good okay we want to do we want to keep it low to have the effect of this being really rickety and i think we're now look with this is the height it's always a great game to like relax and always come with friends it is um so so to talk about streaming and talk about among us a little bit um one of the issues like i've been having is like i've not i've not really streamed long enough to kind of know how to switch games or like when to switch games or i feel like nothing i feel like usually there's something obvious presents itself but i feel like among us has kind of had its time and there's not been like you know the next whatever the point where people are just going back to like the classics which isn't a bad thing you know it's fun and minecraft is pretty timeless it is true here we have a lot of pink palm trees i keep coming down just to spend time with them oh i'm glad you like them yeah they're really nice helps set the mood yeah i think we definitely need to make sure we don't really touch this section with buildings because i agree it's kind of it's so vibey over there yeah the dead floating fish as well you know it's just amazing this one sucks touch asap we could do you know i don't know where the closest village would be because i feel like i still touch villager and amending villager would just you know we'd have two librarians and then just sort us now happy birthday cara wait are you late for the senior special at denny's carrot blind mello thank you oh where am i i know where i am you're late yeah that was a very odd cave i agree i love the little the palm tree i love our island it's so cool that's so cool it's so cozy i love it and the water just being that color as well just make it feel like one holiday mm-hmm yeah i'm so used to grey english water there's a place near us um like i live surrounded by loads of quarries and um so i don't know it's something to do with the minerals but the quarry water is always like that crazy like gorgeous turquoisey blue um and so they filmed loads of sci-fi films around us like they closed it down for star wars um like four months ago and we tried to we didn't try to sneak around they had they had um like guards on all of the little routes that we sneak into the quarry um but they didn't they didn't know there was the secret secret one you had to go past like a haunted house that's right cool well they knew about it they were too scared oh yeah yeah for sure clearly the big security evil security guard too and this in this country they can't carry guns they have um i think instead they have like like this really heavy flashlights yeah yeah yeah that's a classic i love the maglites the maglites those things are heavy i wonder why these aren't growing hmm [Music] ow bro yes are you waiting for something to grow or you're bone mailing it i'm bone mealing oh okay i thought i thought you were just standing literally watching crops just shouting yeah oh baby it made sense for them to nerf bone meal but i'm still not happy about it oh did they nerf it what do you remember it used to be one click on everything what no it's not for trees for crops maybe yes definitely not trees no because they added that um like that like green sparkle animation are you sure i don't recall dark oh this looks great scotch thank you the stone cutter still not sold on the oak planks i think i might swap them out for something else yeah maybe it's just like even if it looks okay it also just gives off too much of that first house i've ever built in minecraft vibe have you tried looking up a build yeah i looked at a couple and ripped a couple ideas i just need to make a decision on some materials the hell am i doing this all right that's gonna look way better ow [Music] all right we have lots of building materials yay i've been using a lot a lot of spruce what is this so what is this supposed to be elsa okay so i need to hear me out theoretically yeah it's gonna be all right so you get this rickety staircase this section here is gonna be like half a ship with cannons pointed out towards the sea oh okay and then on top of the ship there's gonna be uh like a like the tavern like the main bar and like the the the ship itself is gonna be you know like the balcony where you can sit out and have your beers um and then there's gonna be like sort of like chantilly stacked houses on top of the top of that that's kind of the accommodation you know with the beds and stuff the guests okay i have another image in my brain and like i've got to make it more square and then i think with that i think you know i gotta put it into block form make it pixel and then can i make the fountain pretty yes please i need to the rocks need switching out for some variety as well i was thinking when i dare i had was like put in i saw someone do this before if you put gold ore if we had silk touch right and we got gold ore and put gold at the bottom of the fountain it would look like people had phone coins in oh that's cute um there's sand there's sand oh that's a half oh it's a slab [ __ ] uh yeah feel free to generally just change the design completely down there it was more just to get some rock down and there's more to both yeah this spiral staircase is kind of just like you know my spacebar key is dying uh-oh oh how was your keyboard two or three years oh that shouldn't be have you do you clean it yeah like once a month i think once a month that's a lot of cleaning yeah well like once a month once a month is like when i completely pull it apart really wow do all the everything yeah that's actually pretty impressive yeah i do not i have a husky so it's required um oh that's her that is uh let's get the remember how to get it off there we go we're gonna have to put a cannon here because we can't bring this so the only answer is to put cannon if you can't if you can't fit a slab you can't fit a trapdoor you put a can in there and then we'll put some more trap doors have we run out of chat doors we have i knew this day would come i knew this day would come i i deforested a whole spruce forest for these trapdoors do [Music] huh no it's actually dying that sucks what oh no i just i tried to clean it out more and it's actually dying so that sucks oh no maybe it's a sign to get a sponsor very good it's actually not too difficult like if you ask like if you're willing to do that like you know it's like oh it saves the now it's very flattering that you both think so highly of me i think that'd be silly not sponsored what scotch heck did i just oh oh no i am stuck oh you are stuck okay let me get rid of that i put that there yeah okay cool cool like it um okay this is gonna it's gonna work i just i feel like we've been so ambitious yeah it's been quite ambitious [Music] i mean yeah yeah no it's all doable it's like should we do it yes we're the best yeah yeah uh-huh yes we're the best should be the answer to most questions you can get some fun better than everyone else and they need to know it oh my gosh i put vines on your walls god uh they probably won't stay i the more i look so i'm probably taking it down very soon for i don't know what yet okay oh you can't find it i like the whole shape of the building and everything i just materials alone are what i'm tied up on i gotta i gotta look something up yeah that's the hard part but i don't know if that was kind of what i heard when you said like do we need any that's kind of what i had in mind it's perfect are you kidding me let's try and see if it works why'd you put a stair here what whoa yeah ozza they uh those stairs don't um they stay downstairs so you can break it easy enough um and bamboo cool yes that works cool all right that's better oh i need lanterns tiny lanterns right now give me the [ __ ] lanterns i every time i remember they exist it's just like all right i need i need a hundred hi iron bye bye i didn't like you anyway we had 64 in the oven let's go that you can put what what you can put vines on slabs on a trapdoors wait wait what oh you can put ladders on them that would make sense yeah yeah because uh yeah we've been using some of those that's cool you can only put a because if it's protruding past the block then i guess you can't put it but if it's in if it's in line with the blocks because a lot of these trapdoors i've used for like textures they stick out right i guess i should first this is fine cool all right that's good hi cow cows make weird noises you said the high cow then the same way you say hi to someone you like when they come into your stream i like cow how many are these native cows did we have they are they're native cows yeah we had one of every animal on this island right i think so is our horse still here i haven't seen the horse in a while he's by the birch trees all right it's raining slabs yeah it's currently running slaps from the sky yeah go ahead and turn off fallers only you can do whatever you want guys uh did we have this where are we out we have what gravel we probably have some gravel oh i have 28 gravel is gravel i put it to end the area of your blacksmith yeah you got it just yep just roll with it okay do you know that do you know the string trick with vinskara stuff i'm like spreading everyone of course cool who do you think i am who do you think i am mcc winner cara corvus oh [ __ ] we don't have bones oh yeah we keep using them all yeah yeah we we keep using them i keep using them all is that what you're trying to imply you're like you're like by a meal cara i just wanna make my forest you know what i'm gonna go travel and get some more parrots that's a that's quite an adventure but i know where there's a better forest surrounded by water hell yeah so i'm gonna go there instead we do need a third parrot at the very least so we can all walk around with parrots on our shoulders yes it's so hard to tell what iron looks like now yeah i'm not used to it yeah i can't think of it off the top of my head at all i just completely forgot what the oil looks like uh can i make some something cool scotch yeah go for it okay did you ask a question anyone's ever said no to can i make something cool no go away you think you're banksy um shooting iron for it oh i have it all on me sorry okay cool cool uh 54 behind you well kind of under the furnace oh [ __ ] nice under the okay i found it it did go under the furnace yeah i have a great arm okay oh wait oops you'll see what i'm doing or maybe you already know i think i get the idea already and i like it hello oh nice up here yeah um let me get i don't really care what it looks like in there because i'm gonna make it all look messy anyway cool uh i just need spruce uh i have a bunch on me okay just a little bit coca-cola yeah making an auto smelter yeah oh yeah chad has a good point i might make one executive decision can hoppers lead into barrels yes i believe they can can they chat because that's a much better idea okay yeah that's a much better idea yeah i don't need to mess this up either oh wait that actually looks so much better anyway yeah it really does the chest is just burning in here the the chest it's next in line to get burned oh no oh god oh geez yeah oh that looks so nice i love it cool oh it's night time i need to kill some skeletons nice [Music] got um um i'm being messed up right now but i'm gonna think i'm gonna win this fight honestly you're being messed up yeah there's a trident guy yeah i'm trying not to drown whilst i fight him but also every trident does like all my health oh god i see creepers he could one hit me right now but he's also being really clever and like staying really under the water got him tried it no damn he throws 100 tridents they stick all over the place and you can't pick him up i know what a scam okay i'm gonna go get some more parrots and some more trees because it's exhausting cutting down all these trees dude i need to bring food do we have food uh check the barrels that are right in front of the blacksmith there's like a stack of three barrels in there that are loaded with food not loaded but we're starting to make progress okay i'm taking all the potatoes all yours oh yeah should we sleep uh i still need to kill things [Music] oh god it's a baby zombie villager oh god okay you know what [ __ ] it don't [ __ ] kill me i'm i'm taking your bed scotch yeah go nuts oh no there's just so much [ __ ] out here that i i don't want to blow nothing up so many creepers spawned okay let me know is it is it good is it good yeah you're good uh yeah yeah nice okay who go there wait wow clinton's ow i'm on fire stop burning i forgot if we don't sleep spiders like we get full of monsters yeah all right time to go off on adventure we have to remember where it is okay i think chat this will be easy if i'm going south okay i'm going north never mind okay don't worry this is fine this is fine this will be easy if i'm going the right direction which i'm not oopsies god i love my giant palm tree it looks so good it really does i'm so proud of that thing i get a nice view of it too from my uh from my balcony all right who am i killing and eating who did it hated what hmm we did what well judging by the fact that you're not giggling to yourself right now cara i can't imagine this was you yeah i have no idea what you're referring to i think an enderman probably did it you might be right did you not even get poisoned from that oh i did oh you did okay perfect that's all i wanted it's all i wanted i have no idea what you're talking about oh yeah it's going to throw one of your friends first i noticed in my escape in your escape i was poisoned and i was trying to hide the [ __ ] i spread poisoned myself to avoid any questions [Music] oh my god oh my god oh no what is happening i was laughing at this garage poisoned himself when i stared at an enderman mess him up mess him up your quarrels not with me hey get wrecked it's my sand hi i am you can follow me if you want to of course the second i get the milk bucket the poison oh can y'all check on the eggs you have to be there when the uh when it hatches to get the scuttle uh eggs are still eggs there's four of them do we get do we get more is like a way of knowing uh four will hatch but we need five so if you can breed them again in that area that'd be cool did they take a while to hatch i think they take a couple days yeah okay thank you chastity i appreciate that a dolphin are you shay no no you are not i can't wait until we find that dolphin again if it didn't suicide itself of course the nerve of these europeans right here at the exact same time for telling me to go to bed i'm going the wrong way being all turned around over here the bad as i can get that's not gonna be enough oh you can check how close they are in f3 or cracks oh interesting we found polar bears holy bears are they that are they only aggro when they have a baby yeah oh i thought it was just if you got near them oh there is a okay this is really bizarre there is a desert village right on the peninsula but it's also touching an ice a glacier they've raided that really if there's no if there's no hay there i've been there i took a load of hay this is a cool place we could honestly like kidnap them and take them back to our island so one of them i i kidnapped one of them oh yeah that's perfect if you if you own a boat there's a black cat no way there is i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming stay there where's the where's the quartz where's the quartz 1180 and 1870. i'm dropping everything i need fish i need more fish there's a fish when i get there um 11 what sorry 1180 and 1880. 11 18 you are so far away nice and basic i got a bit i'll also help you gather fish [ __ ] i'm sorry i've completely forgotten the coordinates again in my panic 1180 1880 got it that's nice and easy i also have three fish here for you oh this is your queen so funny seeing like there's like sand on the glacier it's so bizarre that's crazy that shows how far we've explored yeah we're stealing everything from this village even the villagers eventually i mean yeah i'll have to bring the cat back with me unfortunately because otherwise we could have just brought a villager back each and then just bread them that's all right but the cat takes party it does get villagers anywhere we can't get black cats anywhere true there's so many villagers oh my god yeah it was crazy they had um they had a big meeting in the middle of the village where i was there this is a big village holy crap there's a village nearby as well in that same desert i think there's a lot of cats oh my gosh oh there is another village right nearby [Music] jesus and a ship right next to that i didn't see the shipwreck yet this is a very interesting place for them to live um i'm gonna place a barrel right at the tip that's gonna have the fish in it thanks i'm gonna go explore the other village oh the cat is currently swimming towards the glaciers and i don't know why hey dude you want to are you sure you want to be over there is it a black cat oh why doesn't my death wish that's so black cat of it i'm gonna try to scare it back onto land thanks there he goes okay now he's back on land [Music] you'll you'll probably see him pretty easily he's on this like little tip right next to the glaciers [Music] also make sure don't grab a nitwit when you come back here if you do oh yeah the green jacket one mm-hmm [Music] what was was it in bioshock infinite that had the like the don't be or something uh probably like it was like you know it would give you like an example of something really stupid to do and it'd be like it wasn't a nitwit though but it was like don't be or something oh i know what you're talking about but i can't remember this is a sign there are literally just raw fish just dying and floating to the surface no lotto relief beneath me doing doing the lord's work [Music] this is such an interesting desert it's surrounded by glaciers oh don't be a dimwit don't be a dim wait that's why it reminded me of [Music] all right i'm going to move on my adventure [Music] okay i can see the ice spikes so i think i'm getting close oh my god thank you so much for those bits no no no no cara cara bits bits cara i said bits not tits i'm here i can see it i can see the village really yeah thanks there you are you see the cat he's right there and there's fish in there yeah oh nice she's in the water you can get them easy did you get them all you got them oh yeah first time let's go meant to be so cute thank you give me cattle they're gonna be called salem like the among us cat stupid ice there's a desert right there why are you like this um you just stopped a black cat and her name is wednesday oh that is the cutest thing i've ever heard that is amazing i want to get a cat but i want to get a two bedroom first but there's no two bedrooms available so angie oh big one donkeys cute where is my boat there it is we can build it to a bedroom i'm thinking the cat needs to be there there needs to be a cat room and a tavern yeah like a patron the cat or like the cat could like serve you beer okay that's cute for fish maybe we make a dispenser with some redstone and you put raw fish in and it throws it at the cap and it throws bearer oh that's cute atticus and ichabob that's cute adorable she boxes you that's so cute all right what's down below hmm i love that the ocean generation got so much nicer in minecraft yeah it makes such a big difference yeah do you remember you used to just sail over like just dark blue nothing yeah just nothingness and you couldn't even see through it because it is just dark blue i'm so glad they made it interesting hmm a ship wreck oh i just found a shipwreck too nice feathers iron and lapis this i'm drowning yeah i'm good now my favorite shipwrecks are the ones with doors yeah those are nice mine's upside down oh treasure map and we haven't done it yet look at that hey it's the front or the back okay kitty we're going on an adventure ah i have a treasure map too i wonder if it's the same and i would try and describe the shape but i i can't quite see any it's like it's like a dying dolphin and the x is the eye let me see mine uh mine is uh for me the x is very far to the right and like yeah low middle yeah that's that's where mine is we could meet we can meet at the tr join a race turn the race to the charger dying mine doesn't look like a dying dolphin though oh no i i was i was stretching okay so do you have like two small islands to the top right nope oh i think they're different i don't care they're different i think that's exactly the way i need to go this is perfect hey aza yeah someone you banned just came into my stream yeah oh no [Music] i don't know why people announced that because they like they were already putting themselves into their eyes right it's like oh it's landing this person's stream and i'm just like why did they why did they buy it i just ban them yeah me too it's like well i trust their decisions and they wanted japan so do i didn't find many people so they probably did something real bad is that another shipwreck oh but it's dark now that's dangerous by the way i cannot sleep i have a bed with me uh i might dc for the safety of the kitty makes sense i'm slip okie dokie i found the treasure already by the way it was definitely different yeah yeah i'm on my way to him how did that turtle get up there what i reckon this will have a treasure map point to the same place i almost have a completely intact ship on land that's cool i found a really really cool one that was like in a cove on like it was yeah and it was so intact it did just look like without the sails like a ship that just sort of docked in this cove neat diamond nice try not to drown oh actually um i shall eat so i'll take that now is this the same yes yeah oops oh [ __ ] yeah i think we have mars at home yeah we have moss at home the moss at home you know the um when mum says like we have that at home oh yeah uh yeah we do we have five in a chest um and you just make more with bone meal so yeah that'd be fine how many diamonds do you have i don't know like 30 something all right let's see nice chat we're halfway to the jungle but it's easier to get to this one because i can just sail the whole way oh i found another monument i think no it's just the hill never mind we are halfway there whoa living on a prayer hmm women on a stair dog elected mayor lemon and a pear um do we need anything from tigers um berries like the animal what like a tiger no from the tiger uh i mean some berries might be nice see if i see any from the show just you know just so we have one of everything there's some yeah the only thing i've ever used berries for is to convince a fox to drop whatever's in its mouth because they always prioritize the berries two why is there always massey cobble in tigers i don't understand yeah that's just a random weird thing they added i got excited the first time i saw it and then i kept seeing i dug all around it yeah and then and then there's another one another one i was like oh okay another geo just in the ocean all these resources are supposed to be ready rare and we're just kind of exploring what is that oh i found another monument i think yeah i did i found a monument i get my milk tea milk tea i got mexican on the way you're a mexican on the way yeah i haven't decided what yet but that's what we're figuring out right now i'm sorry jealous i thought we were i thought we were living in the middle of nowhere budgies but he's scott i can't get the food delivered uh if it makes you feel any better it's not great mexican but we i don't think there's a genuinely this is not an exaggeration i think within i reckon within 20 miles i won't be able to find a mexican place oh see we actually to my knowledge alaska actually has like a pretty decent sized uh latino populations really yeah oh they famously uh oh village i've taken this cat all over the world at this point just trying to find my way back blindly without coordinates let's head um northeast hmm i'm not sure what do you see right now it's insane i'm in a mesa and i just found a village that we haven't explored yet so that's how i know i'm very far away arena mesa the mesa is actually pretty close to us is it if you go southwest yeah you'll find us southwest from this okay i'll give that guy i'm just pay the gin the village this is one of those really poor ones that doesn't have very much though all right it's a savannah not a mesa it's a savannah oh yeah you could be anywhere do you see glaciers uh yeah yeah there were glaciers i'll go north east northeast from the glaciers okay hmm i don't know where i am between my facing e okay i know where i am we already have some birch guys oh trap once we pass the uh the swamp on the left we're gonna see some big old trees we need anything from um swamps it's nighttime so it wouldn't be be a bad idea to stop for slimes yeah if you spot any slimes that was a good idea i'm so much happier with the material switch what's the moon app oh it's a new moon there's not going to be any slimes oh is it that i thought it was new moon meant there were more gonna be more slimes full moon how it works yeah it's opposite unfortunately i always end up banning way more people when we play um minecraft i think excuse and that's what gives away the age for me yeah um because i i i banned you deep in the last few days and they both said my little brother stole my phone yep and i was like oh and you took it back at this precise second yeah exactly okay there's no slimes unfortunately i'm gonna sleep no you don't have to see i'm in my bed now oh magic oh someone check the turtles uh oh yeah i'll give him luck one day i'll find my way back yeah i mean i'm the only one home right now yeah see how many cracks they have if any yeah this is lots of creepers in the way okay i'm in the middle of like the glaciers and i'm worried that i'm going to hit dead ends like if you're at glaciers go northeast northeast if you meet a coast uh and you've gone all the way north and just keep going east just keep heading north and east no cracks just like that chat we pretend this never got exploded so my dog took my phone and typed up he was really smart [Laughter] the best thing was you know like the dog ate my homework um my mom's a school teacher and uh when we got bilbo he legitimately ate a kid's homework she was supposed to be marketing he got off the table and started eating homework my cat did that once just and just chewed up my homework so i brought my homework in like like half of it with like bite marks in it oh that's amazing i'm like my cat ate my homework i wanna i wanna try that but do it myself just with my teeth just grab it like go nails out do it with my teeth try and like replicate it realistically because i i do want to go do my messes in a few years i think nice let's say it's in arts masters so i'll still have time to stream oh some more time that i do my job we went down to um it would probably be crazy to you as uh somebody's science but it was um i think we i i was down to like eight hours contact time in my last year context i mean uh like like lectures um actually being taught we had eight hours a week only eight hours a week yeah um the whole idea was we were supposed to be being set like 60 hours of reading or something stupid like that but with obviously with a literature degree if you're gonna write an essay you're not gonna write on every book you've read that semester you're gonna write it on one or two so i would probably read three books a term and then spend a lot of time drinking and sleeping oh red time to cut down a lot of trees hmm we're back yeah you made it hey i was like really hoping to see you pull into the dock it would have made my day i got a cat all right close enough he's not it okay where are we where are we gonna get your [ __ ] card just came in and uh oh they used the big phone you can scare all the creepers away did you get out how did you get a cat or a boat out of a boat and break the boat i think you have to just break it yeah i don't want to hit the cat yeah you gotta be careful i'm gonna punch the furthest pixel hey yeah oh wait you sat down i don't want you to sit down you're drown there we go they lay down on the beds and in chests my cat is moving while sat down it's literally magic there we go let's go don't fall off wait come on they teleport right that's just me they do yeah not my cat oh my god it's sleeping on the bed i know it's so cute right oh that's where it went i was wondering why it wasn't following me all right give me the honest run down i think it's done for now that's so sick other than some minor decorations obviously i think this is the framework yeah i think i'm happy with it though dude that's sick i even got to mix in that new cal site that we were so excited about yeah yeah that's what i've been waiting for to make sure yeah i brought a bit i don't know if it's enough but we took we took like a stack from the other first year we found i don't want to wait i know where two more geodes are so i'm not super worried about it no don't don't go back just don't go right to sleep we're moving we're moving we're going to keep come on and we're moving and we're moving it's not moving oh it teleported yay oh there it is all right you need to scare the creepers away so you can sit here come here all right i have a stack of jungle saplings gonna make the best i love it freaking jungle ever let's go you can get a panda back in your boat uh probably if i find one i feel like a pirate island um complete with an animal that literally has two not one but two eye patches um as part of their markings like you know ooh a bird it could be it could be admiral there's a wait is it admiral what's the name of this twitch stream that's called the panda admiral yeah pandas are just admirals like it's like that default rank oh my god [ __ ] parrot having 14 seeds and he's still like more more murphy maybe one more perhaps not even five more oh my god what do you want from me you damn parrot there we go finally all right follow me parrot i'm gonna go find some pandas i know greedy parrot there should be scotches still always on my shoulder okay time to sleep i sleep i sleep what why am i peeing on hypixel hmm are you gonna name the parrot i don't know i'll name them all one sweet name yeah oh i did find one earlier i have no idea what i did with it oh add another one uh oh another one mark i think i put it on a chest somewhere well we used one of them to name shay yeah was it today i found this one i don't know the best treasure from these jungle temples is uh the sticky pistons oh yeah i really like the concept of them though i feel like they should have made them more dangerous with the traps because it's just the tripwires with the um arrows right yeah they should have made them less predictable as well because now everyone just breaks the yeah everyone knows where to break i mean i guess it's hard to avoid but like for the first person or for like just seeing this for the first time maybe it's like surprising yeah neat the inside i wanted to try something out too oh i found a panda i found two pandas wait what [Music] yo [Music] two pandas right next to each other damn we have a uh what kind of panda are you moving a big booty uh i think a normal and a normal two normals what do you think of the spruce trap doors on the side i think i do too if you want to make it really rockety you could knock out a couple of the um the support beams and put fences in them and dark wood fences not a bad idea have a look i'd be happy with what it is though here panda [Music] uh yeah i don't know how we're gonna what we're gonna do with these pandas i might have to yeah you know yeah can you get one in a boat and can you oh it's to take up the whole boat the two pandas made a happy panda ah maybe you could put this woman in a boat you could steal their child did we ever get sugarcane growing on this island yeah not somewhere well here's some maybe i'll just like maybe i'll just make a note of where these pandas are do they do spawn chat oh he's so cute and little yeah they fit in both oh some i mean but can you fit in a bit with it yeah oh sick because i know there's like i think turtles and something else you can't someone said we should name one of the parrots uh uppies in honor of scarge's tree climbing [Music] what puppies oh nice sorry i came in hot immediately assuming it was an insult puppies and yeah we should probably get to another very soon yeah they don't do spawn i think i may just leave them here then for next time i won't mind hooking up a another port of the jungle and just bring pandas back okay chat remember this negative 350 48.70 oh screenshots not a bad idea all right you pandas i gotta go get more parrots be good what does this do no it doesn't knock him down just from there i think okay yeah hmm all right so i'm hoping for a red and a blue parrot do it [Music] oh a pig in a tree that's cool what are y'all working on home trying to decorate and pretend i know what i'm doing cool it's not working no it's working i'm [ __ ] around oh uh i'm about to try and figure out how to build some cannons which is going to be fun cool might be able to steal ideas from the internet i feel like cannons or something that have definitely been built before yeah they're going to have been built a hundred ways and i want to find one that does it kind of with black stuff so like it looks more canon like but also um just so it's contrasts this really sharply yep hmm look at those oh sheep i'm a car yay we got another one let's go i'm gonna sleep mmm yeah we do i just need the dark blue one and we'll have all the parrots i think we found the blue one yeah oh another red one too i'm killing it don't be an [ __ ] yeah let's get the other red one still nothing showing on them eggs yet i am mother of parrots first of her name oh man german game of thrones was good i think about it all the time it was like i'm really tempted to go back and watch it and it was like it was cool as well everyone was just super into like the geekiest show on tv yeah times were simpler back then i um i'm not sure if you guys because my favorite youtube videos to watch are uh the kind of like video document not documentaries um video essays and stuff me too um and there's there's one guy who does kind of like he's very like writing based and he rewrote the ending and the rates kind of like his rewrite of what the final um season should have been um he did the battle of winterfell and i can't remember exactly what he changed but it blew my mind um how they didn't do that it felt like that you know it felt like everything they'd done had been leading up to what he wrote yeah uh and it was so satisfying and i just kind of like i'm happy with how it ended now because i i just imagine his ending here's michael i'll see if i can find him oh diamond horse armor hell yeah a part of me like wants to leave that horse completely wild even if we bring other horses here just like not tame it i just love that he roams around every now and then i look up he's checking out the shop and i just said yeah yeah what's going on how's it going my guy yeah there's wild horses in there in a park near where my um granddad lives and they're so nosy they're so so nosy because i think they just assume that you're probably like out for a picnic or something and you have food whenever i can't find one of my parrots i have to f5 and there he is on my shoulder [Music] uh yeah i love video essays uh do you watch contra points yeah i love her so good i just like you know it's just nice to learn stuff for free on the internet that's cool i watched a um [Music] oh i can't remember his name i feel so bad just sort of saying all these cool things and not being able to say the youtubers but there was um he did a video he did a breakdown of booby armor and it's practicality because obviously like like the the kind of the takeaway is is medieval armor has enough space for boobs like it really is quite far away from your chest yeah and it's something like um yeah that's the guy isn't it something like the the the inner part between the boobs would like break your like break your sternum or something correct and also um there was a very brief period of time where um armor and guns existed at the same time and the kind of the pointed design that helped deflect arrows meant that like um a lot of the later armors were bulletproof knee oh it's strange to think of like knights and guns coexisting but um you know have you spent that much mr obama like a sea of armor is a medieval ferrari like you're gonna you're gonna want to keep wearing it after like it's a little bit practical um all the shinto research i've been doing has been super cool because it means i've just been doing lots of samurai things and um one thing i like is like the japanese development of technology their approach to uh to shields um and why they didn't carry shields in the same way that our knights did and that's just because they didn't like carrying them because they were just big and clunky and they got in the way so they built um those wall shields like the portable ones so they could just plot and like plop them down with a kickstand and then fight behind them unless you like that style like build a shield with a kickstand and see that to hold it right the uh i always forget it was it the japanese the chinese that were big in the crossbows as well because that kind of shield would be useful for something like that as well right because you need your hands for your load across though yeah yeah yeah i i love um you just like kicked that ball and in chivalry have you ever used a crossbow in the game chivalry like by the time like there's a dude there's a night in the distance you look down to load your crossbow and by the time you've looked up they're chopping this yeah they're chopping your head off oh no it's paying oh yeah yeah so uh chad versus in the same video he said uh cod pieces are a thing so why not boob pieces um you know if you are rowing it to show off yeah we don't have any clay man there should be um there's a huge ass swamp just to the south um southwest of us okay i have found so many birds holy [ __ ] where are you yeah chad i'm just trying to get to the boat honestly i'm not trying to find more birds and yet here we are i thought the camera was supposed to add 10 pounds not 10 years so i guess it's a miracle that you don't look a day over 21. happy birthday cara um let me see it's not there 1000 2000 blocks southwest oh okay it's it'll take a little bit but it's a huge ass swamp so it might be worth it no that's good i just need to know what i'm in for some more planes there's a happy horse family on the way if you've traveled west and found the west coast just travel south oh i found what is this oh it's a savannah um a savannah yeah but like a [ __ ] up one oh it's so weird is it a shadow savannah there's just a floating island in there it's bedtime oh uh oh if you found that it should be to the west of that requested that okay uh i can sleep wait i'm gonna step away for two seconds what are your coordinates uh my coordinates are 2154 1901 oh yeah i gotta go way more west okay and you went a little too far south so i got a little more northwest northwest you said northwest yes do oh no i'm gonna punch the bird did it deserve it yeah that's got in my way stupid bird well i see the ice oh if you're at the ice go northwest more even more i don't know if i can quantify the worst puns render distance don't fail me now found way more ice oh my god oh my god oh my god yeah you gotta go more north oh you found it yay it was right next to me the whole time and i wasn't loading it in oh no hmm okay this jungle is huge where's my boat what went south no wonder it's huge i keep going in circles don't want to go over there the amount of parrots following me is so funny i cannot wait to see you get home with them i want to see like one on each shoulder and just the whole squad behind you it's about what's gonna happen yeah perfect [Music] i almost home where's my boat where's the boat where is my boat oh is that a cool what is that a cool jungle island over there m oh god i think i know where i am and i'm so far we can come back [Music] i heard a doggo yeah she's hungry somebody thinks she's earned the right to eat today [Laughter] she exists doesn't she she's graced you with her presence barely she's jumping back now and i do anything about it [Music] oh yeah come on yes you can ask quiet another one has joined the army another bird hey what do i want this mexican restaurant how many i don't know i cannot count there's too many i can't count that high all right parrots you shall come with me i think i'm near my boat maybe i found a turtle too oh i shouldn't do doordash when i'm hungry i know that feel one of everything just one of it all of it oh what are these islands pretend i don't see that number all right back to digging out [Music] clay are you making bricks uh flower pots actually nice it's just not the same without a little fern in my house you know i know i guess we're going to have burns if you want one i can get you one yes please okay i'm literally looking at a fern right now you're my actual hero eat [ __ ] dave grohl i already went to one of your concerts it's all over with now how was it so good so so so good nice he is [ __ ] so funny by the way really i did not expect dave girl to be that hilarious on stage but the whole time he had me laughing that's honestly enough clay i think okay on my way back home now i slip check the partls what are the uh home coordinates just go north uh east you should run into it oh my god this jungle is so big holy holy [ __ ] wait this is north okay wait oh i think i'm close i think i'm close to my boat oh is that my boat oh my god my boat oh i'll go around for the parrots yes the boat we found the boat let's go oh i gotta get one more parrot i see a parrot alrighty here we go y'all it's parent time who wants to be on my shoulders me oh are you talking to the pirates yes oh man i haven't sat on my shoulders in so long i like as a tall guy at concerts i'm quite used to having girls um [Music] uh-huh yeah awesome yeah [ __ ] shoulder yeah give me some back and shoulder pain yeah yep it was uh the most middle-class um band i could think of it was mumford and sons um there was uh there was this woman and she was like she wasn't having a neck attack she said she was like she was like hyperventilating like the front of the crowd she was like definitely struggling to breathe you know because everyone's surging forward is crazy we're at the very front against the barrier and i was like do you want us to like pass you over the barrier and she's like no no i just love him too much i spent an hour with her on my shoulders and like my back hurt for two weeks uh the concert ended and she was like 50 i think and it was actually quite sweet we've run into an issue the birds don't follow you over water i have to make my way back via the land looks like only two of them are coming home then no they must all make it home this will be i'll probably be traveling for the rest of the stream but god damn it i'm gonna make these i'm gonna get these parrots home uh oh god have i gotten lost operation parrot drop they teleport you want then someone has to keep this chunk loaded yeah exactly they won't tp they will tp to me i wasn't going north enough i see holy [ __ ] car the palm trees helped not the water yes what i thought no parrot left behind operation parrot drop let's go let's go can check the turrets while i'm here still no cracks in those eggs good good that's bizarre actually help there should be cracks though i i didn't see any chad do you know what's going on with the does the chunk oh maybe the chunk has to be loaded you have to wait through the night really they're on the beach they're on the same beach they were laid on you think we put the effort in to move them insane uh okay the chunk has to be loaded too damn that's gonna be rough these parrots are worth it i say to myself as i travel millions of miles i won't have to go to the jungle ever again i say why about my parents i think so we're gonna have to go to the nether yep i need bath salt for my cannons all right that's this full commit let's just pick a place for our portal and then we'll build a ship around it and we can always shift the portal slightly you know okay okay everyone so we want we want a small island um off the front coast and we're gonna maybe use like a ship of the damned and we could build like the ship of the damned out of like a lot of the blue wood to make it look ghostly oh that could look cool that involves getting to the nether first i guess we could always just move our portal let's just uh maybe like build it in the mine or something for now with his humongous he's back i said i feel so bad for him that it's over now yeah he loves among us [Music] i i genuinely i think like i'm going to wake up in colds you know that you know the sound when you an among us game starts like the doom sound yeah i think i'm going to wake up in cold sweats in like five years [Music] i just time that noise um are you sure like are we gonna have to build an island to crash this boat into probably maybe we shouldn't have gotten rid of that other island i don't think that yeah that was decent positioning [ __ ] [Music] i mean like the the foundations are there if we did want to rebuild it well we don't want it to be the front of the island let's make it in the back of the island you want to put around the back yeah what wasn't it weren't we trying to make it so they couldn't use our portal to get directly to the or island or something the front of the island is what's defended like we're going to build the castle there with the cannons you know oh i guess though we don't want them sneaking in the back oh that's true no i don't know oh my god jet we haven't even made it to the desert yet now the desert is like eighty percent of our travel ah hey turtle okay um you know what thanksgiving the very edge of the island that we blew up would actually be a pretty good spot for it um i don't know i'll wait till you're back i won't make any decisions be cool if we can make like a a fake cliff or something yeah oh we could build one of those like really either clips that only exists in pirate movies the ones that like really tall and pointed and in the really cheesy ones of the skull sticking out of them look natural those gonna suck that we're gonna make it very soon in 30 minutes from now it'll be worth it chat having all these parrots dancing the cat is gonna be so cute true i can just imagine like walking down the dock and just seeing just parrots everywhere yeah hmm i'm just so dumb i can't ever place a block in the right place it's fine it's fine i've passed by lots of boxes too oh my god how are we still in this tiger it's always scary bringing animals to the nether [Music] i've been here already bad thing wait we're going south maybe it's okay that's a cute little island awesome i think for the most part i'm done yeah dude it looks sick i think i got my whole project done yay messy and cluttered like i had hoped and it's perfect oh yeah random bookshelves photography tables there's some yeah just [ __ ] yeah i'm here i think i'm just gonna leave like this except that's gonna have a fern what's up the only detail i can think of is something we actually need we're gonna need some of to make things just look cool in general like we're going to need lots of them it's um i'm not suggesting you kill our local cows but you want to go to the mainland to get some leather for some item frames oh item frames yeah yeah you can put treasure maps above that cartography table we can put fish on our barrels we can organize our chests yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do you want to go do you want to go slaughter a lot of cows we could we could like factory farm cows out on the mainland where we can't see like the horrible conditions that we're forcing to live in that might not be a today project but i do like the idea of having all of our livestock away from where i have to hear it yeah i don't want to you know like i don't want to wake up every morning and and sort of question my morals oh i just don't want it to sound like a stampede when i go to sleep i'll see you guys aren't allowed to log off until you see the parrot armada of course i am i will stay awake i i've been listening to the harry potter audio books which um on older ones stephen fry like narrated them and that's kind of what i've been going so i'm gonna go and sleep to stephen fry's voice every day all right we made it to the desert we are one fourth of the way there uh i think the barrels inside the blacksmith area are where i'm just gonna start keeping all the oars nice kind of makes sense to me it does make sense yeah i have no idea if we lost any looks like they seem to be doing good that's why i'm stealing one of the armor stands oh i think we've lost a macaw we had three and now there's only two what i've learned is i think the other jungle is better for transporting parrots you're the jungle expert the resident jungle expert yeah i do really want to like make like this sort of this half of the island like the jungle and then we can hide the farms like in it [Music] i want to live in the jungle i want a a tree house in the jungle that'll be my project yeah my project's kind of stored until we get basil so i'm gonna i'm just gonna um do some landscaping is that even a thing it's a nether block yep oh right right you get like the black stone are they is it black stone fortress or is that a warhammer thing um no i think you're right i think it is blackstone fortress it's called a uh a fortress which uh that what you call it again uh bastion yeah bastion that's the one yeah a blackstone fortress is something else no it is called blackstone in this game though it is blackstone but yeah you're thinking of something else there's no lifeguard foreign nerdy saying that um henry cavill was banging on about how this chandelier and the witcher 2 looks like a black stone fortress and nobody knew what he was talking about because he's the geekiest guy on set i would do things to henry cavill i played i got to play total war with him start last summer yeah it wasn't as big a deal for me for some reason um probably because it wasn't like in person so i wasn't just in all of his [ __ ] is she single i think so and he's got the cutest dog in the world as well [Music] henry cavill instagram a yoga smiley face yeah hey winkie is a man that gets stuff done when if he didn't have a twitter right you know he's got his priorities right yeah [Music] oh we lose a cockatoo no we're good okay now that you've identified the the species yeah all i know is uh the cockatoo and the macaw i don't know the other ones a red macaw no i dropped a blueberry i missed my mouth how dare you yeah those are valuable blueberries how much are blueberries in alaska uh oh god oh they'll up you know i've literally never looked at the price i just look at blueberries and go oh i want those and i throw them in the cart if i had to guess a box of them is probably like five bucks okay that's not too different i'm corn it's not needed i i know this area like the back of my hand [Music] i need exactly three orange wool oh thank you for the birthday wishes guys thank you in the jungle that were okay no there were there were four creepers look at my parent armada i'm bringing them 5 000 blocks from the jungle to my home there's a fifth one i think i'm like halfway there i got buried i've got burger guys if um i had some really good sushi i love um i love eating glasses and floating beef and a pork chop and all right i'm eating berries right now too yeah i'm talking about yes she is so good i'm like a horse i'm a saddle i don't think i have a saddle white horses and black horses look at that everyone living together in harmony i love blueberries and raspberries i like blackberries only the wild ones that you like pick from your backyard because the ones that they grow and sell at the supermarket are not like sour enough and i love sour blackberries like the ones that are still a little red anyone else like that or am i just neurotic about that kind of thing do y'all like blackberries yeah yeah i make um raspberry and blackberry pies i don't like the blackberries you get at the grocery store because they're always like too sweet i like the tartar blackberries yeah i like the yeah i like the wild ones they're so much better we just discovered a bunch of raspberry bushes behind our fence and i'm so excited this random tree chat raspberry bushes yeah nice the spotted horses found spotted that nice family of white horses that i saw on the way here or on the way to the clay uh no there was a family of white horses and black horses living together in peace that's cute yeah we should strive to be like that but then someone said um until the spotted horses attack and i just ran into spotted horses they're planning something chat i believe it better kill them all just to be safe we need the leather oh my god i will kill couch on the way back but i just i literally have not ran into any okay i've now officially made my house a home oh dude i love flock of seagulls and i ran i ran so far away i just ran i couldn't get away couldn't get away the intro to that song is so freaking long [Music] it's ridiculous how long it is everyone okay dodge that cactus please okay we're good we're still good we're good we're good everyone's alive it's a good song when i was in high school i'd go to barnes noble a lot and some i don't know who it was like some work or some dude i looking back i think he was probably hitting on like some high school girls but at the time he was asking us our favorite um songs and like bands and i'm like oh i love flock of seagulls and he like stares at me and kind of scoffs and is like have you ever seen them and i'm like no i'm like why it's like you have weird hair me scratch what you doing what i just like listening to the music oh he's hanging out cool i thought you were doing something nefarious no yeah these are the cannon holes i put in i've written a pre-planned cannon holes yeah i like it and then there's gonna be two buildings there's gonna be like one here one here and then one more one top and then a hut on top of that building we're getting close to home kind of i think we're about i think like that's going to be like we can stick some kind of like animal planet more than that probably one of the i'm just estimating at this point 40 parrots that are on earth's way here yeah not that much we've got a lot of stuff to name we may not need to name them no we didn't name the other parents oh i'm halfway there oh there's tons of parrots here i think i'm halfway it might be all the deserts and savannas are looking the same i don't think we lost five maybe like two or three no we can't breed them you can't breed parrots yeah almost sounds naked yeah i haven't decided if i want to waste a bunch of materials on making armor yet yeah it's pretty early in the game in it oh yeah just chill hang him hang up where are the themes going scotch uh [ __ ] you're right i forgot about that campfire i just want to see smoke i feel like as soon as you add like an animated thing like smoke to a building it's alive yeah you're right you are correct yeah that's like that'll be the first thing on the dock that's like alive it's functioning and i feel like i can go to sleep happy we're right and i hate it and now i got to figure out an outdoor furnace uh i still need to make the uh like fire or something for the [Music] oh we need like some nether another rack for that so we need to go to the nether is what you're telling yeah everything we need is in another oh yeah this is a new server it just started like a couple days ago you won't be able to tell from the amazing amounts of progress we've all made oh yes and our iron armor yeah i don't even have boots i want to feel my i want to feel the sand in my toes did [Music] all right chad if we see a plane's biome that means we're very close to home a wandering trader wait no i've killed these llamas i've been here before [Music] [Laughter] i killed this this wandering traitor and the villagers are still or the llamas are still there foreign oh no we lost the blue oh no he's here my children are scaring me oh my gosh oh no jet i've been going too far east oh maybe not that's the ocean no we're good mmm i can't tell where we are man we don't have any puppers do we no there's there's one all the way back at spawn i've abandoned and i feel really guilty and want to retrieve but um if someone goes to spawn it'll teleport to you if they can get it to the stand they just have to use um oh my god we're almost home well this the the the situation is uh we have a set home command so i could set this as my home go by just born and then teleport back with the pepper how would you teleport back with the pepper well you know would it come would it teleport back with me if i just if i made it not sit sat home here teleported back to home and then the purple would it teleport no someone has to stay in the in the chunk to keep it loaded think we could arrange that i could convince one of those smelly old nature people to do it wait wait why am i at five thousand you're what are you that's not right cara no cara you made me stay awake but this makes no sense why is there water oh you you told me at half three to stay awake and it's ten to four it's gonna imagine like my morning me it's like it's like my boss is like you look tired i was like yeah carl would show me her parrots i went too far how did we get to are you are you finding your way back without coordinator so you're just like a general gut feeling no i'm following directions ah this way-ish i thought i was following the water i don't know what happened you know desert i had no water okay it won't take long if i've made it this far in this amount of time it will not take long to get back yeah we're gonna end up back in the jungle i'm not i'm not too it's not too bad all right aza wait return to return to that end of the dock real quick just uh give me a second here oh dude that's so sick what happened he fell off the top can you put the campfires down the smoke coming out of the forge now neat i was thinking um i just half-assed the little furnace together whenever i've built like uh i used to put like hot springs a lot in minecraft and you can put like campfires like underneath like the smoke will go through a block if you put it underneath the block yeah yeah um we could bury some campfires in the breeding lagoon it looked like the water was really like warm [Music] like underwater like volcanic heated build it out of something else actually i don't know if i like that color oh my god i want we got to go to the nether if i built this furnace out of blackstone instead it would look so cool and like i stole it okay so the question is right yeah the chosen aren't gonna be bothered to like head far enough out to find a jungle so claire spent about an hour and a half trying to find one today um what what would you i feel like i feel bad we shouldn't hold all this stuff to ourselves but i think we should extort them for like a sapling like how much do you reckon we should charge for four jungle tree saplings and one bamboo ten diamonds i think diamonds i think ten diamonds yep yep i think ten diamonds and we'll sell clare four jungle saplings and a bamboo i agree i found a pepper i have any bones no summer oh she doesn't even need to suffer she wants a cat you want some wood she wants a cat but like there's a village really nearby yeah they should get cats very easily foreign cows are we there yet no guys i just realized we've been so dumb with our food source like we don't need farms all you need to do is take a swim in the breeding lagoon and there's just like so many fish just floating on the surface that's funny i didn't even think about that like genuinely like if you just get a bit hungry just jump in and eat tropical fish well there's goodnight there's uh cars have been spawning in there i found as a card oh yeah you can eat tropical fish i am out of potatoes it's okay i have rocks oh it was the last season of parks and rec made that joke about like a restaurant where you eat like the dead fish of famous people they make sushi out of like um like famous people's dead fish like pet fish yeah ew that's really funny yeah i mean because i eat tropical fish my house is the first to get blown up in the war why because i chose beachfront property i'm almost there i'm keeping on the eggs i can't see any changes hmm that's weird maybe we need to let them go throughout the night i mean are we supposed to be missing a turtle like one of the boats is empty yeah it swam away he just swam off yeah i'm killing a lot of cows on the way though hey guys because i was just like on the docks just adding like i don't know random things and the barrels look cool and we can signpost all the shops yeah llg oh we we should have slept through the night or we shouldn't have slept through the night so the eggs could start might be that's what i was saying i was i am it's just reflexes at this point i'm just looking to the irl night at this point i'm sorry i'm almost there i was just talking about um like bees in minecraft and because someone said bees and just in general are scary and i'm like they're just bumble bees are just adorable and i never had a problem i'd never been stung as a kid like bees or wasps would just crawl all over my face that's fine and then one night we have like a forest cabin and in the summer it just fills with like you know not like like unpleasantly so but you know just there's flies banging against all the windows and you get like crickets coming into the house and stuff and um we had uh i was um i was going to sleep one night and there was this buzzing sound and like trying to sleep with this like oh it's so bad yeah yeah so um it kept me up and i got really frustrated but like i just managed to get to sleep and then the next night it started happening again like nothing in the daytime but it started happening at night so i waited for it to come really close to my ear i brought my pillow up and brought like smashed it down on top of whatever it was and then went to sleep i woke up now like a sharp stinging pain on my inner thigh this crazy so i like i stood up you know and i clicked my leg out and this wasp went flying out of the bottom of my um pajamas like bottoms right and then slammed against the wall and i kid you not on broken wings with just two working front arms started crawling along the ground towards me this crazy like i crushed it on my pillow it crawled down the bed up inside my pajamas and stung me um and like even completely destroyed was crawling along the floor to me like a zombie wasp jesus dude i survived i survived not having not been scared of wasps after playing fable lost chapters you know and then there's a game i haven't thought about in a long time do you remember the picnic like the with the wasps yeah oh yeah yeah yeah the very like first mission oh man they had some crazy game mechanics like if you um like committed a crime or something in your original hometown like the guards never stopped trying to kill you like the bells would ring forever yep i always remember being mad because i play every game like a good guy because i can't bring myself to do evil things uh but the way that you look like or the way that you look in those games when you're a good guy sucked because it always dyed your hair bright white oh i hated that yeah yeah it's also really difficult to play a good game um because there's so many little acts that just don't see me but it considers evil okay i'm here i'm maybe i'm i'm going to the island now i'm i'm at the big palm tree area picturing that the pigeon lady from home alone too but with parrots okay so my birds are not following nice come on yeah we do actually i imagine that'll be when you do the crow's nest though right for the the ship thing that you're doing yeah yeah that would be cool we can have like the four and the christmas oh my god these birds are being very annoying i'm gonna have to have one of you guys to wait here like they literally just won't travel over the water oh yeah uh let me go grab my boat and i can do that i leave it up for like over here somewhere i thought here i'll just be here with my parrots waiting for scotch yeah yeah let me just make a boat [ __ ] it uh yeah we're building a big menagerie without any buildings to put them in which direction am i going car i see the big i'm at the big tree uh go um west wait east okay go east am i going to this crafting table i see uh yes that's basically where i am i see a boat oh my good god [Laughter] what direction are you guys going to come from so i can just keep an eye out the direction of the big palm tree okay you stay here and then they'll teleport when i reach the palm tree yeah i think that's how it works yes all right a bunch of them just left if you keep going a couple more blocks the other two will leave as well did they they're all done goodness oh yeah here they are here's my armada pirate queen okay i believe how many parrots you've brought back with you this is insane should i put them in the tree okay just add this i want i want to end my stream with us three in the tree with an army of parrots playing cats and dancing yeah okay sit sit okay sit sit i saw a video the other day of like uh of like a woman on a farm with like 30 dogs just like they always just sat down and she's just calling the names of each of them as they run out the doors oh i've seen that yeah yeah just sit sit sit at all of them i think that's all i think so all right put it in scotch you do the honors you're the one who did all the work you you traveled thousands of blocks for this okay here we go here we go this is the best thing to happen in the history of minecraft oh he's so cute [Music] i can't wait till they're just like scattered throughout the island i love them i can't get over how good cats is it's very good oh stall that's what i like there's a disc that didn't make it in but it's in the official minecraft like soundtrack dog is way better than cat dog didn't make i thought dog did make it in [Music] although i'm gonna move it so they all dance okay that's fair that's fair that's fair there we go oh no this one didn't dance now we can push it you can push him they won't start dancing though um oh no one fell to the ground i'll save you parrot no i accidentally pushed him how was she able to bring back those people did you did you just sail with those parrots or i walked you oh like that you brought back this many parrots wrong is that going up on is that going up on youtube cara no it was so boring okay no don't land on my it's just on your shoulder wait do they dance while they're on your shoulder i might i might ask my editor to get that vote oh my god just just constantly throughout the episode just cut back yeah yeah he's having to be hilarious we lost another parrot no where'd he go oh he's down there just literally like ozza every time she like sighs just cut just you know the proclaimers like i would walk 500 miles yup i am i walked i mean dancing too hard okay all right all right sorry one sec awesome it's about to turn uh night time where'd he go is he on my shoulders we're safe here in the parrot tree there he is there he is okay land land land land oh oh don't push the other ones off no he's out of here he don't want to dance you can dance if you want to you can leave your friends behind bro okay there he is oh my god it's getting too dark like herding cats where is he where'd he go there there he is you gotta get higher up bub no why can't you be like your brothers look you say the word and i'll take care of the unruly parrot no okay here he is come here come here just get on my shoulder or something bro okay think i can hit it off your shoulder no oh oh okay all right i think he's too far to dance though yeah just push him back in okay finally okay okay no no no no okay okay we need to we need to sleep okay are we not going to sleep but we're just going to deal with skeleton shots okay you're right oh there's okay i'm sleeping i'm running to my bed i'm sleeping i'm also sleeping [Music] saved okay you come on come on you just the one is it just the one pirate yeah don't worry this one he's a he's a little more well behaved he'll be up here very fast awesome yeah he's right here okay now get over there a little closer okay you ready i was born ready i've been waiting my whole life for this here we go ah they're all dancing this is the greatest thing to ever happen and i love that they're all looking in different directions as well so it's just like it's i love it [Music] look at them go they're so cute i like the light blue ones yeah they're cute i'm gonna figure out what parrots they are minecraft parrot species [Music] what are the different species [Music] blue parrot what does the blue pair look like i guess it's just the blue macaw oh blue high okay hyacinth macaw is the dark blue one uh let's see light blue parrot yellow the light blue one is a [Music] it does not blue and gold macaw a blue and yellow macaw is that one how about the green one [Laughter] [Music] is it just a green macaw severe maca oh great green maka so we got a red maca a hyacinth macabre blue yellow macaque a great green maca and a cockatoo [Music] i like the light blue one cool [Music] good job everyone now let me see oh this looks great yeah this is the perfect way to end i'm really proud of this and i this is the little furnacey thing here is gonna be made out of blackstone when we finally get access to it because i think it'll look better but this already looks good though some garbage i threw together oh this is so cool yeah right it's like just the right amount of cluttered without being too busy yeah perfect yay [Music] ah so cute all right i think my food's been here for like 15 minutes i [Applause] good night everybody good night cool all right that was that was worth it no i i forgiven you that was that was worth the wait yay so nice on there's the cat yeah that's um not a permanent place for the cat yet now let me smell it yeah they scare away creepers so that's nice yeah and then i think the next adventure will be the nether because i need bath salt we need potions you know yep yep i agree we should grab some nether right while we're there too could you imagine the flex like showing up on the back it's born with all the chairs and in that iron gear and we're just never right that'd be great all right good night good night all right i've been holding in p for so long did you do a whole rebrand for your birthday i know you're really leading into that whole corvid branding thing but those crow's feet are next level thanks for the laughs all right i am going to work on my jungle and then we're probably going to leave beef i hate this one i'm gonna get rid of it oh that's much better cool um let's get the saplings oh it grew yay nice and then we'll put maybe one like right here and just one more like oh maybe we'll do smaller ones out over here yeah that's fine [Music] let's take a look closer actually put that there that there cool cool cool nice yeah all right that'll be cool good night solo angel i'm going to stop by to resub well thank you i appreciate it um let's also those way too much more of those some jungle stuff on the ground super cool very excited very happy flowers with the jungle leaves may put some melons in places maybe some ferns as well yeah chest organization is gonna suck we're eight hours already jesus and make it more jungly kind of working pretty jungly definitely not like the jungle jungle i think we need like some oak trees in there right try and get the small oak trees get out of here hmm we'll see how this turns out it definitely looks pretty see how that does maybe i'll just chill here we'll chill next to the um cows we'll show next to the oh there's no cracks at all i'll stay near the eggs while i warm up some dinner real fast wine craft okay we're still good this is foreign uh okay sorry for the weight yeah i remembered there's creepers i'm gonna try to place some torches around i'll make it prettier later but at first some torches torch porches is this going to be enough i want creepers to spawn and blow up stuff don't cats grab creepers they do we only have one cat alrighty now we wait while i eat takoyaki we're playing minecraft yeah taco yaki yum i forgot to warm it up before i put everything on it i'm terrible i got so into putting everything on it that i'm that i completely forgot to put in the [ __ ] microwave [ __ ] what day is it today tuesday or wednesday today's wednesday i legitimately thought it was tuesday okay um [ __ ] i gotta sign a contract we are doing the thing tomorrow we're uh we're playing raid shadow legends tomorrow at three uh so keep that in mind we're doing a sponsored stream i know i don't remember shut up and drive okay all right here we go wade waddle wedges i don't expect oh that's the tsushima bounty i don't even know if they still have it maybe i have a trailer i can do definitely gonna get that one i have naraka from naraka i thought the camera was supposed to add 10 pounds not 10 years so i guess it's a miracle that you don't look a day over 21. happy birthday cara damn these eggs i love that i don't know if these trees oh some grew okay these shoes are gonna have a hard time growing [Music] so cute someone slept through the night while i was getting my food ah [ __ ] i don't know why this was taking so long thank you i was wondering what happened it was kind of crappy again you probably find another turtle while we wait hmm turtle portal where are you where'd the other turtle go um where all the turtles go are there turtles just in the ocean hmm hi tuxe what's up portal what are you mm-hmm there's grass there is no turtle you're cool you're cool what my cool what what is cool turtle there is no turtle where is the turtle where is lake turtle hmm i guess i could breathe the chickies yeah that would be nice too hmm lame cool i get them all yeah hmm i'm probably gonna go to bed soon the day always goes by so fast when i'm playing minecraft how how does that happen so much with me hi guys one day i'll eat you and you will be delicious hmm yeah chilling with friends does make it go by a lot faster too what are you oh you're just a fish hmm taco yes there is many a long s p stream hmm you get burnt up from minecraft not too much not really no i like this small little audrey small tree yeah looking good looking good we're right there [Music] looking good looking good but yes i can work with this i can make a treehouse in this yeah the fandom causes the burnout exactly you will hatch you will yeah i definitely want to do that takoyaki stream for sure [Music] good night son so i'll light this area up it's pretty lit up cool hopefully this will prevent some spawning from occurring oh [ __ ] um don't act it is [Music] okay all right here we go all right my precious any baddies there's a baddie got some cows yeah okay probably yeah uh i do have some cooking or some pokemon cards coming very soon so that'll be nice you can open those and then do the cooking stream again i think that would be very good become crack we'll get a crack and then we'll probably end stream for today oh we could look at um we can look at some tree houses minecraft tree house builds it says what are we looking at where does it say it turtle egg eggs for hatch zero um oh jesus how did you get here where'd you spawn from what how did you spun that can spawn that means a creeper can spawn right any creepers hmm nothing here but us cows [Music] yeah i like this texture pack too it's it's simple but it makes things look nice jungle treehouse builds oh this is cool something like this is pretty neat i think that could be really cool i like the incorporation of multiple trees that's cool too it's pretty cool noob pro god okay what the what i miss a spotify playlist oh no yo cow go all right i just want to crack i just want a crack give me a crack hi rivkin the crack will happen i want a crack just one little crack ah it cracked it crack it crack it do a crack yay it do a crack hehe oh my god it's a creeper oh god is that my fault look at that jungle what a great jungle look at that [ __ ] that's a nice jungle all right spawn set okay time for bed y'all i don't know about this build but maybe i'll have to wait until it's done all right good night tess and i will see you guys next time um who do we raid now
Channel: Kara Games
Views: 174
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft lets play, vanilla minecraft, funny minecraft, kara corvus, kara games, corvus, streamer, girl, girl gamer, cute girl, callmecarson, captainsparklez, smplive, smp live, antvenom, smpearth, wilbursoot, technoblade, philza, among us, dream, amongus, gumiho, among, tubbo, tommyinnit
Id: SnBO5QrNvAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 7sec (13567 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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