LIFEBOAT Among Us w/ ChilledChaos, ZeRoyalViking, Doto, Rhymestyle, KyrSpeedy, and others

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hey guys welcome to among us i took um nausea medication and it made me really sleepy so if i'm out of it that's why would i want to who do i want to protect so for some reason you guys oh god does she'll not like the submerged map it's gonna be so buggy [Music] there you go i shielded that [ __ ] you interrupted that one rhyme oh is it a uh wait do we have ultras we're not no no it was no i i'll explain in two seconds assuming i don't get shot at the camera [Laughter] oh did they really crash or yes i'm not kidding oh you did you think i was kidding yeah uh yeah oh no hey children like a black screen what is what is what planet no i know obviously she's crashing but like you know noon tick tock oh i want you to say yeah oh yeah oh oh oh oh god that okay it looks like a sheriff come down fire on cruise cruise just leaves uh and then i'm staying there with a dead body okay i don't know what rhyme saw what did you say he went into med bay at the beginning these are an o2 oh was protecting me and we were walking together i stepped away for three seconds and i see chill like the two dead bodies oh no okay cars shot and see signups okay i was falling after someone who ran into specimen but that was me that was you think do you think he's a bad guy ryan oh okay buddy hmm i don't know no all right thanks bye z would never kill me that's the only thing yeah you two were together on that one my lawyer hold on one second hold on i guess my freaking thanks fine it's fine my lawyer didn't have my back that lying [ __ ] i was about to get that report off and surely surely he would i thought ryan would call out child's name surely finally carts don't call me shirley okay not calling cara shirley you're making note of that can you can you write it down yeah now i'm dead hey welcome he he just straight up murder to me wait donald trump why did you say why did you say uh rhyme i was dead so i came to talk to dead people and you were like haha they don't know what i'm going to do and i'm like i forgot to mute so i was like are you dead or no i've got three reds just dead just ghosts let me see hold on this is colorism what's up with this there's so many dead bodies what the hell yeah i've upset that cheesy killed me in what's that specimen and was like yo who went to specimen what was that all right ah understandable wait daddo so you died first well she got pretty close to first yeah i'm relaunching right now i don't know why i did that well we're in the game how many people were in the last meeting uh when sin uh dc'd uh i think sev three died so eight eight oh okay i just want to know why you want to kill like z in front of me he was protecting me uh we killed cara and then z walked him in i shielded you ungrateful you shielded me yeah i walked in there to me ryan walked in and i expected him to say chilled chaos you're a killer chaos did you don't have a show chill children were you swooper no no i was undertaker and i was i guess breaking it and we weren't having to ask on my screen you were like way off to my left and i was like i was like what how did he just get me cruz were you an assassin okay i think she was yeah it was an assassin you were undertaker on my screen shield okay yeah that was another thing because it just said uh imposter uh for me excuse me on her screen so i was like oh i didn't know because you because you just i think in this one you just don't know your buddies hold on okay um cinna yes put on a goofy hat for me okay all right um cara there's no way to have it um show up i can see the medic thing wait how do i do that yeah oh yeah now we will judge you basically what your first pick is so just keep that in mind okay uh don't pick something dumb or if you want to pick something there's nothing about visibility of the medic field it just says medic is notified i don't i don't think you have the you're rocking the mod right now what are you wait did you launch this oh or did you just launch oh yeah you gotta launch with light bulb i didn't tell you that yeah that was my is that a dumb one no no the only reason i asked that is because i didn't think you had the availability to pick because there's a there's a bunch that's that's the smart test but i had my test but like a bunch while we wait here donald's going to tell a funny story what happened yesterday go ahead i don't have it i don't hear it you're supposed to praise me i feel like you want me to incriminate no improv what's the funny story yeah come on donna we're all waiting yeah i'm glad i'm glad i know it's an improv bit now i was going to tell how i got a new comforter and it was probably that's not funny at very bad all dotto you shouldn't tell these i wish i had to come up here all right i can't let this slide oh my god i hadn't even deafened yet what the heck just happened so you heard the screams our dragon brother is dead if i hear someone say my name in an incriminating fashion i'm gonna see royal viking did you buy a company yesterday as well or no no i was yeah i was your comforter mine honestly i think if we've had our bed for too long i think i got to get a new oh wow you voted on basically comfortable you know what i agree i agree i agree oh wait wait wait wait what what happened in the actual round of this current game uh either yeah yeah do you want me to explain what happened i'll explain what happened yes please chose out of all the possible starters and i was just right i actually wasn't sure if this was a bulbasaur but yeah well it's enough for me it looks like blastoise yeah i always thought it was blastoise but maybe um you know uh doesn't have beers though like that yeah yeah he totally does what are you talking about yeah look him up right now yeah he's got a little character either way charizard is dead should or somebody else that because he had been dead for a little bit he could be shifted i know it's like strong that was [Music] i completely was not paying attention yeah i thought there'd be someone up here not okay there's uh sidearms flopping over just there by crews and whoever else is coming in uh okay it's uh there's uh sidearms flopping over and then there's platy running away from sidearms flopping over so cheesy naturally you want to clear me right yes i clear z z is clear uh um don't tell them why don't tell them why which side is it on is it on left electrical outside cage it is uh right outside of electrical it's in that hallway right before you go in to electrical um rice died you i i saw you walk from lights out through the right side yeah yeah but that's also exactly where sidearms is you just said it was the hallway to o2 don't confuse the boys no no no like right yeah it's it's like directly connected to lights it's right above lights see the whole way or the hallway that's why that's why pilates in it that he's in the unless one of us killed in front of each other like a mad person i would be surprised if it's cheesy because the first round i was around i need you to follow me at the end of this i think it's more likely to be easy than it is z wasn't theirs if there's anyone i know who it is coming out of office i was going in and he just saw a body flopping so yeah all right that is z follow me okay what are we doing here cheesy what are we doing oh my lord he got too close to the truth see he wanted to take you somewhere it was rhyme trying to take z somewhere and now here's everyone right now where is everyone right now i am um i just got the lab and i just left cheesy in the electrical area yeah i just walked into o2 i'm at the top near the so this is utc what no my screen just turned gray um you said you just walked into o2 and i saw you and i saw what appears to be you killing rhyme style right in front of me no uh my screen just turned gray there's a grenade ear a grenade grenadier and is reporting this body i'm thinking that well i was asking where's everyone just in case you would say a different location maybe this was a more fling platy was kind of suggesting more fling but you're just standing right here at the top of o2 so we can't left him though cheesy walked into o2 from the bottom side and sliced rhyme right in front of me on the tree on the bottom i did i did walk into o2 i didn't walk in through the bottom yeah i left the middle so that's so cheesy's near me at the top i don't know about unless maybe we have another glitch or is there another assassin roll that or an assassin assassin but bad role that can change identities i don't know if it's z but my screen just turned gray so we do have a grenadier what the [ __ ] guys i didn't say two words and i didn't get booked so it's probably cinna if it's a morph link or a glitch right like that's probably if everyone saw everyone no no no i feel like i haven't done anything this whole round i've been killed [Music] oh thank you for representing me cruz i very much appreciate it i just it was a wait an accusation on cheesy and everyone's just like nah that lawyer three people defending him was like oh they're still you were the mayor you voted for me can i ask you no no no i only did one vote i only did one vote no okay you voted for me by yourself who voted [Music] because you did walk away from oh who killed uh side then because when i mimic i don't know how i mimicked um oh my sample oh i sampled chilled oh no cruise oh now we don't know where the body is i'm pretty sure i saw a z kill cheesy yeah um my imposter buddy dc'd after uh and and cruz cruz was my imposter buddy and she hopped into the event as soon as she did it she just dc oh yeah we'll turn off the minor then i think that maybe yeah i saw that yeah okay yeah bloody were you an evil girl by the way besides the glitch watch i'm gonna prove it this oh yeah yeah i'm glad yeah this time i wasn't i was kind of killed see he's the glitch i'm the investigator or we vote the glitch and it's over too side you're a gesture [Music] yeah let's go [Laughter] i want uh question going back to oracle because that was oracle so you predict who you think is the imposter and then when you die that gets revealed yeah 70 accuracy yeah oh okay cool cool that way it doesn't immediately just tell you but yeah it gives a little bit of a weird thing but yeah i'll turn the miner off um because i think that is a straight-up question undertaker off too because we can't drag the bodies yeah um okay i did not i like undertakers funny some of the other ones i scrolled pretty far to get this stick one i just kind of like it because it's like a mini me you're making me laugh so you're you're embracing it or your height don't call me short okay you're starting with the short joke yeah i didn't think that download okay yeah i was curious why you faked the download that was like what i had look i like how we're both embracing it you're embracing your short height and i got the scientist but i'm actually not uh cruz you have to get back in i'm actually a scientist is it same lobby because yeah the same lobby yes does it count towards your height if it's just another person on top of your head though or three kids in the trench coat ireland she's like two feet tall oh my god that is not true two feet tall wild i love facts what is this engineering what if i jump in this vent there's a lot of people i don't want to jump in the vent when there's so many people you even see anything barely seen that vent anyway or was that chilling in the elevator with you that wasn't wait cruz you're in the elevator with me yeah i noticed you after once like i was yeah but there was no report button in the elevator wait a minute it popped up we got at the top we weren't in the elevator yeah there's there's like six elevators okay okay i don't know we're in one i'm gonna try and break down what i think happened i saw what appeared to be speedy walking into the elevator as me and crews were walking out and i saw a report button someone's fascinating me and i thought speedy was dead but it finds out it's either chill chiller cara who's who i reported who did i report oh [ __ ] i didn't get red i was over by the telescope looking for that big whale what uh what elevators are you guys talking about is it the one like on the left like kind of near the main area but to the left yeah is it the two main it oh it's like one of the main elevators it could be dotto because he he left the elevators not too long ago we were running it up and down together this body just dropped like it's either outside the elevator or maybe was it in the elevator i don't know [Music] i could once i walked in the elevator i couldn't see anything it was like fully gray i don't know what that was i mean or if there's is that a grenader thing no it's that's just how lights work you can't see anything okay okay i couldn't see anything as we get towards the top the freaking button pops up i got two votes i need some trust in this lobby guys please oh my god hello hello i still got the stutter on this one oh damn dude yeah i don't know what caused it or what's going on it just throws me back uh it's it's definitely annoying to focus on especially after how smooth the other ones that is uh i want to see what your stuttering is like it's the uh you can see it just takes you back it's like like a aggravating to be honest oh yeah that's what mine does yours is a little worse than mine though that's weird yeah i don't know what was causing it because sometimes it like it fixes it depends like it's in the area too like right here it's bad uh i don't know why certain areas are made comes and goes but i'm just happy that this mod kind of works with some of the other ones um at least you know in terms of like it running smooth it's so hard to go from a oh wow okay cheesy just almost turned in on the elevator i like watching people who are evil and just seeing what tasks they fix and or don't fix and fake i don't don't think through that's still broken bro i didn't know phobia this is among us okay um real quick ryan i just have a little bit of information i'm pretty sure platy tried killing cinna and then someone finished the job and actually killed sarah uh okay really you have the floor um i turned on lights so that one yeah but cinna just ran out of electrical and you were the closest person to her i got a green flash i thought it was just an electrical connection yeah i'm pretty sure it's gotta help i just left this i gotta go it has to be sidearms nah mate [Laughter] uh from the from the first time i think it's out of because he ran out the elevators and then the kill happened because we we were riding up and down i i trusted you man and then this time uh you were in election yeah those were the good times i remember happened so i think it might be sidearm it could be i guess you know not follow you you went my separate ways yeah the good days the good days [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah when you're a lawyer you can see that yeah your clients yeah remember that make me look yeah it's funny yeah that's not cyber throwing but so i was a genius the whole time i thought he was dumb yeah oh i rot i chilled i agree cheesecake is bad anyone here what is cruz doing oh my oh my god wait oh yeah oh my god i'm pretty sure plenty of rhyme just off uh speedy all right it's chilled then uh they're they're gonna double vote this is crazy i just left him in the room with you are we not finding bodies like what the heck yeah what is the janitor we have a janitor no i saw the red on uh vinyls as well crews you saw uh yeah i picked vitals and i saw three reds so i was afk for a good chunk of that but i like it i was wondering if anybody you're standing there's right now with me you're what okay he's jester no she's not she just went at the bottom no but which one of you are on vitals right now that's an o2 though in that area i was on doubt you're not all right right now you don't see me on vinyls right now no what the [ __ ] am i not like dc is chill the jester i don't know so i voted for him but don't don't remember apologying and he's actually a killer i just checked vitals he's running jesse and there's like you dirty are all five of you against me no i literally saw cruz leave vitals and go into bottom decons there's no way she's not how long ago like five seconds ago jesus christ she was just on vitals um i think voting running planning filming i just left speedy with platy or maybe i didn't i don't know i just like speaking with vladimir this is such a where where but you just claimed you're in office i walked from o2 to office what is happening i gotta get rid of him hey jester i gotta get rid of him i gotta [ __ ] him up there's cheesy going ah the [ __ ] i should have killed look god damn it how do you okay okay all right this is right wow laura just walked away from me so we gotta we have a problem i would love to hear the problem cheesy platy where are you i'm on right uh a little nuke thingy i'm in weapons they're both [ __ ] liars cruz they're both [ __ ] lie wait if you're on weapons you probably killed the car then wait what cruz i i did leave speedy with platy and rhyme last round in o2 and i walk from o2 to vitals where i [ __ ] saw you i'll send you the clip after and then the body was hit the button was iris said that you were lying though that she saw chris last round is like so the only thing is this chilled was just hanging on button most of that round unless but nope did not leave okay so if you didn't kill cruz you got both killers right here cheesy platy which means we're [ __ ] we are [ __ ] up uh yeah okay no you let them fight hopefully they kill each other yeah i was actually on right nuke no one came over to the top right so then you're gonna want to play you're gonna vote cheesy then because cheese is bad i got you i'm gonna vote what okay we know we have two baddies um they're on opposite teams otherwise the game would have ended there could be actually three baddies here i don't know we just let them kill each other and maybe we win if you're a good dude we can even kill each other unless they're on the same team that's a good skip whoa i gave you that skip in order for you to kill platy i really hope you do me that solid all right all right sounds good godspeed everybody sounds good [Music] not a whole lot of crew members [Laughter] yeah it looks like it i can't believe i thought chill was actually an imposter he's innocent he's the only good one among us i don't know what he was talking about i don't know what he was talking about i almost feel like of how many neutrals we have we should make it so i thought you were going to go around and kill the other one oh god this is not good i thought you were going to go around i have been looking for plotty the entire game [Music] i have been looking for funny show i don't know man i just saw me murder crew so what the [ __ ] i have been looking for platy the entire freaking game where'd you go jeezy where'd you go i went i i went into med bay um [Music] because i saw him around there at the beginning but uh he i think he got away from me i think he vented out of it i did not i actually was still in that bay i'm hiding not in the bathroom stalls where my name would show but i'm like just underneath that and how come you didn't go out and try and fight cheesy i'm not i'm actually not a killer yeah no you are you are i was i was actually on the right nuke that one round no but i was holding the button or holding up the test you weren't pushing the button though i thought you were actually a jester no god no no no no jeezy i'm gonna i'm gonna skip again and pray to god that you two actually fight each other this time okay yeah glad you want to fight him platy you want to kill him i'll i'll vote for chilled if you want oh i already skipped this is bad oh man we'll go for him regardless okay oh what you two gonna fight each other it's confusing i'm gonna kill each other it's the only [ __ ] home i have alright place your bits hmm i know this could be good i mean you could just swoop if they trade crew wins yeah right dude if i had a millisecond longer uh i was so yeah who did you um honestly whoever one of them just needs to kill children and just immediately self-report yep there it is [Music] what did you think if you killed me your cooldown was gonna be fine dude i thought that you were actually the bad guy and you were gonna assassinate me you killed me oh my gosh i didn't think he was swooper though i'm almost thinking chilled that we should make it so the sheriff can shoot the neutral roles there's so many though well the thing is that's the problem with the addition of the lawyer that's another neutral role that just makes it so crew just can't win question so how does the lawyer then like balance with my cheerful allowing sheriff to shoot neutrals at least gives crew a chance yeah but then the sheriff literally just starts shooting people and it's hard to recognize how many good guys are actually alive or how many dead the point it gets interesting yeah all right but if we have too many people in the meetings have ulterior motives and when someone just has a blatant accusations everything yeah i can agree with that with the ulterior motives okay i hear a name um i think i i think reactor above the child what about upping the sheriff yeah but then if it didn't come down to if he has to fight the glitch at the end people were upset about that last time true but without this setting you wouldn't even be able to shoot the glitch at all yeah yeah but then i guarantee you when they have to shoot the glitch and like his cooldown was up but okay we could put up on 30. damn damn i was trying to make it so crazy were you gesturing what are you doing no i was an i should have reported right i don't know who i'll do my fellow red boy where's the red boy who died there's nothing of value lost just left it wait but hold on hold on while we might agree with the sentiment speedy committed a crime right in front of me it's not true okay then what happened he went over you that popped yes no no did you see that exactly so i was just yeah we have three people watching so i don't think a sheriff thinks keys well no he didn't i no i don't think he fixed keys well then we could say speedy was a sheriff and he saw that got dotto um and i said not my problem ran away that's a good point cara junk did you say hi i did you guys were all done who i trust yeah it'd be on rhyme if he was gonna use it that soon well ryan already wanted dotto dead immediately he said that in the beginning this round no no no no not that i wanted him dead i just said nothing but value was lost i love you know sheriff i love you huge huge fan of what you do is probably dead hey whoever share i'll protect you for the rest of the game why don't you protect so far why did this happen when did this happen why is this happening what is going on where's oh there's the z come here see come here z come here stop running you just did i'm tired i don't [ __ ] know all right that body's recent yeah platy's yes yeah for a bit uh i see uh i see platy dead inside of admin cloudy with where he's he's like in the middle of admin oh yeah i just walked through there you're a liar cheesy i was just in admin though he's in the middle of admin what the hell okay and oh [ __ ] was chill spying oh jesus christ would you do you think that he did uh maybe um he's in admin wait when only speedy was dead and then i left admin did you check vitals again carl i did not i left like almost right after you left okay i went i went to lab looking for speedy's body i also went to lab i hadn't gotten in yet so we got three dead people platy speedy and chilled crazy yeah yeah um i'll just die cruz what have you been up to i am in laboratory are you gonna hear going i am i did my tele telescope i was just doing i'm voting for myself i think i know what happened here [Laughter] yeah that makes sense i can't catch up wait i can protect someone else maybe i'll do junk for your junk i got something for you he doesn't even know some vinegar is my favorite cheddar and sour cream better than sour cream and onion cheesy you son of a [ __ ] what do you mean you murder right in front of me i did not do that i am oh i i am in med bay um wait wait alone can anybody confirm that uh are you getting more now i'm outside of my med i'm not with anyone right now i'm going to either you're getting gl you know what i'm going with cheesy yeah why i am getting glitched [Music] bro oh things are going well for the first time uh let's see um cara is the glitch [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] glitch i was gonna kill him i killed sweetie and i like people giggled about it and then i feel the judge i got to shield two people you were an imposter i was a glitch yeah so you were about to kill me saved my life yeah i'm the hero i'm the hero rock a rock should i just do something random i think i'll wait until it's dark and then i'll try to predict some random guy [Laughter] someone in the dark predicting in the i've just been on that a long time i'm going to predict john he's being weird about that ryan went that way he's evil [Music] child is dead all right ryan let's see if you come do this i just oh he's reason he just died like reason five seconds ago probably oh hello uh found them in the bottom left oh do you see anything else down there ryan no somebody worries are you sure right now you sure you didn't see anything else i think this is a self report i'm on camera i see coming in hot i'm on cameras dotto kills junk and ryan walks up on it and somehow didn't see otto even though they're dancing on it um it's time to just you know come out and say it i am the sheriff and rhyme is my medic yeah oh don't say that they're both dead you're an admin okay i just saw a second platy also walking into admin wait hold on question question is it possible to have a morphine glitch in the same game yes yeah yeah okay wait yeah ryan [Laughter] chilled anything about child no i was looking for child's body [Music] [Laughter] not a fan who was a part of that sidearms cara part of what oh my god these are good these are good why the hell you guys were all doing sabotage car sidearm speedy yeah by the way oh yeah well i don't know if that's you know that's really it means it's a good thing i'll see you for the next round [Music] i'll show one time dad [Music] i just came from vitals and there was no dead um [Laughter] right past the dead body when it exploded [Laughter] he was up near me yes unless the game bugged i literally watched cheesy pass when i was like that i definitely killed sweetie i mean as much as rhyme is correct it is also i also have more information um we were with speedy alone in the beginning of the game and he didn't kill i see i didn't kill but then later when we looked around that's when i said i bought it by explaining cheese while five minutes right by it please with me yeah i was yeah yeah oh my god oh my god oh oh oh my god i literally appeared on the [Music] literally bottom i'm zoned out too don't worry cheesy came down and murdered him right in front of me i'm trying to he's trying to throw me out the door he was happy with him [Music] it's it's not it's a hundred percent not that or just trust me i'm saying that guys [Music] guys i can't believe you just did this you gave me the win this is so cool thanks guys thank you [Laughter] yes we have to think about what to do next that's funny there's a reason why i'm a youtuber not a lawyer all right mm-hmm what the [ __ ] oh he's alive wait wait what's the space okay yeah what wait did that just happen no one has ever done that it was literal there literally was no one dead when i just checked except like someone who got dc'd whoa yo this is a button barry no this is not a button battery this is me [ __ ] people were getting cleaned chilled uh i just said i had a report button below rocket and it disappeared immediately oh they're cleaning yeah oh is he got brought back yeah no i've been fine i've been fine what liar okay that's that's us he was dead okay okay i got brought back to life but thank you for you know outing the fact that i got brought back to life well who killed you yeah uh it was actually dotto who killed me but now he's dead did he is he the one that dc did he dc i got brought back to life by cheesy uh and then i ended up no clipping out of the map like my body walking on the wall yeah um someone's impersonating chill they just walked out of the bottom left and chill just hit the button like three seconds later that's we did okay we did cross each other though right you saw me initially bottom left yeah at the bottom left oh you fast as [ __ ] then never mind yeah people also thought i wasn't that vilest that last time when i watched it wasn't by the same dude that was fast then okay never mind yeah no that was me that was me we crossed on left bottom most lobby has point five uh faster speed that's impressive fleet foot over here [Laughter] [Music] oh that is cold yes damn it junkyard you got some explaining to do no no i was chasing i was chasing z it was z at 100 it was z uh junk you have imposter vision 100 white lights are currently off i have imposter vision but i was chasing z i did a little bit of lying last round i am the sheriff i tried shooting cynicism was good i shot crews she was bad or annoyed that's i did see crews in lights apparently was chasing me like you know where i was going yeah i know exactly what oh oh you're investigator sorry yeah can you clean a body in this yeah yeah yeah okay so i just crossed paths with cara raiden like entering medical and she uh she died and there was a report button i went back to click it and no more report button lights around hey i'm cleaning anything else i'm just saying i think that's what happened long ago five seconds max five seconds max okay the only person i have eyeballs on was junk running from the dead body yeah i was chasing z because i saw him do it and i wanted to make sure he investigated he just saw my footprints and i and i was chasing him off but this is there's a dead body near this area i saw okay but he's also claiming he's sheriff john yes yes and the reason why i'm lying junkyard's execution that's right i'll skip i'll skip cause it's seven but it's just it's weird with the whole thing coming back oh my you guys are insane oh wow i didn't even say anything dude you gotta tell me why you saw him with the lights out though next meeting buddy oh my god i am really surprised z is not dead right now um wow well he just uh he did that he tried to stern dist oh oh i don't know who he's gonna try to shoot though oh he's around the batteries [Music] you had an arrow on you z do you know why because you're you got altruistic and you're i got [Music] what's worse is i was like great they're i was thinking in my head they're here to protect me oh my god yeah protecting you as in you know ending the game so that we can play a new one and then protect you i'm so sorry i'm full of questions today but so for the mayor role right do i just get extra votes like as i go and we do that um yeah that's all i do and then okay and every time you don't vote you get that vote saved in the next meeting so if you just not vote for like the first three meetings you can basically just kill anybody at that point that i didn't know yeah so the best way to play actually there's no steam button in this one how it works what you want to do is basically wait three meetings and then automatically just dump all votes in dotto yeah that sounds like a good play i'm game for that play former lawyer cruz what were you chris do you remember when you won't respond to me on twitter yeah i'm gonna just got something where are you krusty some neutrals she might not be here z were you gonna shoot me he was i was gonna shoot shield yeah i think yeah i was a glitch i thought i thought junk was my executioner i thought of children was gonna shoot you in the meeting did you guys see the arrow on shield's head on z yeah we did we did so what what do we have here i was afk for a bit i walk right over to the right and there is a dead platypi sitting underneath the uh multiple platypuses were murdered oh sorry i forget the plural platypus uh the uh yeah thank you john yeah thanks for bailing me out exactly how it went we both walked up on it yeah i think z's on the thermometer it's not junk i'm on the drill yeah and then i saw cinna and someone else come down from drop ship that was great oh that was my cinnamon roll yeah yeah senna ryman uh me we're kind of around drop ship chilling up there i would like to point out i would i like to hard clear cinna because she would have murdered me frame one and didn't [ __ ] man hard cleared but if she would she would do this just so you know she would do it in front of everybody too so that's how i know she's okay if she's dead that means you're guilty you know that right trust me if i end up dying it is definitely wrong i'm skipping to see what happens all right it sounds fun skippy whippy rhyme you wouldn't actually do it would you no no no we have a pack we don't kill each other anymore remember that friendship vote for me oh my god i can't i don't study i'm eating my frozen uh sour grapes they're quite good i'm gonna get chilled chill's acting weird he wants chaos and that's always bad [Laughter] thank you todoro i'm not wearing any makeup so thank you i'm still exhausted i want to hope i sleep well yeah jeremy just [ __ ] up your entire day i guess i can explain it i don't think you can i can explain you can i can't explain the lights have been fixed and you were walking right up to that electrical door thinking that i didn't know if people were going to be dead i don't know what did happen down here guys you had cinna 100 try and shoot rhyme saw that happen she explodes and then rhyme explodes and now cruz is saying i don't think you cannot you can i think cruz is ridiculous just explode i think cruz there's no way okay there's no way cruz is swooper because i left her at the electrical door and i just walked in and reported this body she would not have beaten me too why did cro why did cruz say i don't get angry get angry no hold up can i i i'm just let me let me know okay i'm walking up i'm like okay i just want to double check the lights okay uh rhyme goes past me and then i saw cinnamon was at the bottom at one point i like i went past i can't remember who else i bumped into but anyway so i go up and i was like i'm just gonna double check screw it i don't like my roll right now and so then i come out and i see the reporting and i'm like okay the bodies that pop-up are people that i have seen somewhat frequently so that doesn't that i said it doesn't make sense because i'm like yeah either z self reporting or somebody else got a little bit of information they were lovers they were lovers yeah they were sticking on cine like glue it was uh they were lovers i i just oh my god they weren't cheesy because they popped at different times no no no no no they popped up the exact same time i was on vitals i was there i was at the [ __ ] crime scene [Music] kill me yummy kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me there's a joke no it's because i don't call him ever that's why he said i'm the worst daughter they're always neutral oh man junkyard what this is john guardado oh whoa whoa whoa no no no no no no no yeah i just left you with dotto and then you just had uh it was starting to speed up can i say what i saw of course so i go down to go because i got two things left to do in specimen i go down there and i see cheesy coming up in uh d cam and i i'm not gonna go in there so i just literally walked out past you at vitals yep yep and that's all i saw well jay-z was a live one he's dead five feet behind you so unless crews hit this to hit the body it's between you and cruz for cheesy's kill no chill that's what i was going to say is that i ring on my side because side disconnected i didn't know if we wanted to do anything about that i didn't see the body when i went up but i went up was it right side or left side isn't the middle-ish in the middle-ish okay so it wasn't there when i was there but granted i was kind of late to calling button because i had to wait for the countdown man and zelda what was your lie that you were going to say real quick it's not a lie i was going to say me and speedy passed you and then another you came up from uh what is it uh well if that's the truth only zee and car could be the other me because these other two over here so where are we where are the two bodies last scene this is funny with chunk and cruise i just want to say that sidearms the internet went out [Music] oh and junk got voted for no reason oh yeah sidestep is power flicker oh good oh okay um i was the lawyer good luck godspeed uh my client's already dead and uh doesn't matter jester got it right no i could have been lying like you need to do something i'm just gonna die [Music] perhaps this is a game saving move i don't know or there could just be one killer left well i got nothing so huh okay junk was that gonna be your last sentence if you were wrong i have no idea um i don't know because like i said i saw cheesy and i walked out and chilled was the last one i saw when i went out there and then chilled you know thought it was me but cruz you were in the general facility as well it sounds like correct but i was on button for a little bit but i didn't see any of you in there ara do you have anything dad i actually have no idea who it could be i voted you junk just for transparency's sake well i appreciate that i'm i would expect nothing less i thought it was dotto because of how chilled was talking about it but then she'll get voted so i voted dotto but i have a feeling junk is something else so i'm going to vote are we not going to talk about who just killed z z i mean i don't think we should say our roles right now yeah i'm saying i don't know he was i'm going to go with junk because chilled you know suspected him and and he did that bruce where are you going i don't know if i'm going to be honest i'm really scared between like vote junk uh if you're wrong cars aren't going to go uh junk won't be wrong okay hold on i guess that makes me feel better because i don't know between the two okay never mind duncan do the thing mom i thought i thought i knew something but i didn't know something she knows [Music] hmm [Music] we know who it is it's it's rhyme rhymes oh sorry dotto it's dotto because because cruz was on cams the cams went off crews died two people are in cams you're an admin and i'm in office because you just press the button so it's dotto i did because i just wanted to slow it down because yeah well there's two in security and the camp just turned off and cruz just died so it's dotto what's your toddler what's your rebuttal to this hello i just this is like i guess this is my chance to say i am the sheriff uh and i just guessed right you know this late in the game but now we have another i'm guessing the glitch is still alive don't listen to him oh that's a good story that is a good story ben's daughter [Laughter] that's a good story junk are you going to listen to your representation right now or are we going to oh my god dotto that was so deep i know but it's true that was good i mean you had some you had thought you had emphasis empathy i had energy i'm saying take the shot junk oh my gosh all right i'm voting voting democracy what is this i'm voting rhyme i'm voting right this is bad we'll find out what happened what a throw might be rhyme i can't believe you were guilty upon that meeting sorry i'm sorry i said the wrong name even when i'm dead i still get accused confused i know right i took medicine today and i'm very very groggy so i'm sorry all i'm gonna say is i told you it's always dotto it's always give me three seconds oh that was that was junk it was just too late for me don't get a swapper okay yeah yeah i was expecting you to swap it on the dotto i was going to i was going to but i wasn't sure so give it three seconds with if you see someone die the altruist as low as you can go is unfortunately three seconds oh so to tell you what happened to tell you what happened cena took a shot at me i tried to revive her because i thought someone else killed her and then the body got reported before i did she was my lawyer i was crazy oh i was her lawyer uh you know representing the sheriff i don't know you get to know what happened to me i well i i saw it unfold but i did know your role so i had an idea of what was going to happen it was a very drunk move yeah that's weird i thought junk was going to vote himself and then that's why i told cruz to vote junk well that's well that's pretty obvious yeah what's up hold on how about this i'm not gonna say anything i won't say anything no no no i i came down on the ramp and i honestly i wasn't paying attention and i saw a body in the corner of my eye and i turned around and pulled the bottom of the ramp i also watched you turn around and come back yeah yeah i didn't see you anywhere near it or look like i just walked out of med and i just walked out of med and it was z with platy i think that just walked into med so they could have oh i i just yeah i just walked in from the node and i was with chilled uh at the node yeah okay i wasn't paying i just saw him yeah paying attention to the beginning of the meeting did you guys accuse someone it is rhyme style he did it now i don't know who it was i should have i should have ourselves a confession [ __ ] him [Laughter] [Music] ah yeah i am [Music] is chilled my lawyer is bloody my lawyer i'll play as my lawyer okay yeah yeah chill said she knows and then i was like okay so junk's just weird got it the [ __ ] their prime in their primer dotto what do you have to say for yourself what do you know his daughter i crossed him i crossed him when i was um i was with cara and um she went over to medbay scan lights go off i see before lights go off i see dotto in my peripheral vision he's on telescope and i walk over the car because you know lights are off i'm going to stand near somebody and then he thinks i'm on scan and kills cara how come you didn't revive her though i feel pretty good about speedy yeah it's weird i'm not even over there did you say whatever the [ __ ] oh being thrown out hello dead chat hello what'd you guess dotto ultras no i thought i'd take the chance on rhyme and just uh see if he was really the jester no i'm going for a little baby boy sitting on the scanner [Music] i want cheesy dead why i don't know yet i don't i don't know yet i don't know yet either okay what's going on what do we got falling around a little bit we are near each other for like a little while and then i went over where chilled was and then that little office area like right above it but he separated from me and went to the left cool he walked up to me by the water outside office junk okay i was behind the rock i don't see who killed him but junk dad near the doors of lab no then it's not cinnamon or myself um oh is it not cinnamon i don't know but it's all right it's just it's not it's no it doesn't matter [Music] have you considered changing it you're voting right now because of that sounds like an executive you either change your name or you catch these votes uh i think they stay lawyers if they had a good camera was my lawyer electrical hallway and z's and bottom left admin entrance right now it can't be who so he says so how are these votes going to fall i just skipped crazy voting for cinnamon i guess as an engineer i really recommend using your fix now no no save it save until we all die who's dead with me cruise cruise i'm also dead listen drunk it's okay you're also dead and i didn't you were what i was a crewmate i didn't want to be alive chunk oh it's all right i did i didn't kill you i didn't kill anybody no i know but at the end of your message you're like i'm sorry i didn't pay attention or something yeah i didn't get a chance to kill it every time my timer went down i ca i got killed or something but that's all good i have i might have information cinna you should see this right i have information what's the information i watch chilled kill z what the [ __ ] then were you the second z wait who did he change from it was was it z who changed into somebody was z glitch there was a there was definitely a glitchy there was z chasing z puzzies passed me like a glitch in the matrix okay what's that what's that okay if i was a shields one in the beginning of the game and they still haven't been you know attacked yeah does that give us a possibility yes absolutely yes yes potentially okay well the person came before well i shielded yeah yeah shielded [Music] definitely didn't see me kill that's a weird lie uh chilled as a jester so we don't want to vote for him hey chilled i don't think cinna transformed i i turned on lights with cheesy yeah speedy z and me four people we walk out of electrical i come down and i see cinna okay because i thought i saw i thought i saw zz sinner i thought that's what i saw left of weapons i gotta go side then which is [Music] i'm going i want cinna but i think chilled's jester i think you got to watch out for that why would anyone else be afraid that except for the impossible everyone's catching a vote because i don't want to lose also well you're going to catch my vote now kid i got my role stolen from me how does mayor work in this one did you see the votes all the same assumptions i wonder how many votes child has up you should have just mirrored the [ __ ] out of side dotto were you a bad person baby oh he was 100 a bad person i am i am a bad person i'm a bad individual you're not bad guy you're just a bad guy this game bad guy character just this time around you know just your character was not a bad guy if i was a bad guy but i didn't kill anybody yeah i know i was trying to die i am 100 sure i know who is a killer then okay since i didn't die last round and i actually almost reviewed my role it's definitely cinnamon [Music] didn't kill speedy i know that for sure i know but i shielded her at the beginning of the game and the shield's not broken yet there's no way that no one has attempted to uh to take her life yet yeah you're right i think that people would automatically target me do you know it's been it's been like seven rounds what do you mean yes daisy went left after we turned on electrical yeah i'm between cheesy inside i'm between cheese inside that's what sidearms um i had my rules stolen from me and i'm not happy about it so you can you can receive a vote then yeah if you want to vote me out that's fine that's fine he could be jester too so it's wild i want to give votes on me what is that i literally won the game yeah it could be this is ridiculous i can't believe it maybe he was saying he was sister this is impressive jk [ __ ] you guys what is pretty sweet what is oracle what's the oracle again uh yeah so i pick someone to predict their future and it tells me if they're or it tells everyone in the meeting if they're bad neutral or innocent and i picked you junk but i had to die for you to get revealed wow i'm so happy that we threw him out just thought it wasn't even right there's no way there's no way that no one tried to kill you yet your vote just came up just out of nowhere hey jungkook was a good role cheese was the oracle you know i feel like you're only saying that because he said his role was stolen though does that mean he's shifting no dude i mean sidearms what are you buddy what are you doing how are you feeling i don't know why you guys are accusing me from making stuff i haven't done anything besides um i want to vote for sidearms because when i saw him turn into z that's that's what i thought it was i thought it was a z and i go wait there's gotta be sidearms then ah no way i think we can wait we'll see who else turns up dead am i wrong for that i mean that's true i don't i don't i think you miss me with chilled cause we might be in with a lot of killers right now i think we're all here with one kid i don't feel safe at all but you guys are all just minutes you know you should never feel safe around me i know i know and i don't know why i gave you a shield in the beginning oh you know what that's fine himself oh my god this game is causing me physical pain this is causing me physically that is such just well they they've been saying side for the past like three rounds you'll just use your executive privilege and kill them yes wow that's crazy so um someone said they who voted side you know if you want to be honest man i think that was probably cinna then yeah i hope okay um i just don't see what i did wrong i generally skipped i am going to trust you right now that's a mistake why why didn't you kill me if you were the bad guy no because i'm a good guy but you said not the trustee it's a mistake i know because i'm a bad guy usually it's been a while i don't know i don't know you're so hard to read thank you okay wait wait wait wait wait hold on so it was three on cinna one on sidearms and one skip is that correct that's correct pretty good votes so i skipped one on yeah that was definitely no the one outside just one side that was cinna on side and then rhyme me uh inside on cinna um at this point i mean you could all be lying okay well you know i'm glad you claimed altruist but i don't know if that's true or not you know i'm good i'm not altruist yeah right [ __ ] for who you want to vote for as long as i mean with your specimen when a body went down i also know if i can trust side either i don't trust anybody right now no it's wild i'm pretty [ __ ] chill bros i just can't tell you what i am well inside himself so it makes me feel good yeah assassin's definitely [Music] [Laughter] this has to be the dumbest game i've ever witnessed in among his history i agree i thought that z was like the bad guy until i realized he was the one that was i who is i wonder who who is uh platy's client uh probably i was i think it's oh oh hey i'm pretty sure because he was following me [Music] which was wild to watch okay okay you know what we should do we're all gonna vote with our heart we're not going to say it we're going to move our heart wait but i don't know i don't trust i think we're [ __ ] that way just vote with your heart besides where were you i'm running to lights ryan where are you i fixed i was trying to fix the lights you were trying to yeah i hit the last switch before you guys reported the body and sides running there i didn't see side there though that's why i'm not i'm not in there yet though i'm at the door just vote with your heart chilled if this is a one-way vote each we're gonna have a problem i'm looking my look at my angry eyebrow there's two of them look at them besides rhymes claimed medic yeah which i believe him that's why i voted you what what are you then what i'm just kidding myself with your heart oh man the [ __ ] what were you guys what were you guys actually going all the way through i think it's over you guys [ __ ] up one of you is like [Laughter] what does the investigator do i was a yeah so nobody tried to kill you this entire time yeah [Laughter] that [Music] thank you and you're welcome you're welcome um black screen for anybody nope just you sorry bro sick dude let's go oh we got some experience they locked the door already who does that dude i know who did this um yeah wait how do you know then or do you know why his game crashes that way yeah his team just crashed yeah i i will say i i like this mod but i feel like the chances of crashing are very yeah yeah yeah then anyway it used to not be like this i don't know what they did this is a sheriff that's fire no i don't know is it a straight-up murder this is a straight-up murder but should we continue or i mean i don't know who did it when anyone say you did it he wants to do don't worry just vote me and i'll take care of it i did it but me vote me about me about me all right we'll take care of it i'll take care of it should the assassin just pop you yeah the jester yeah [Laughter] i'll just keep doing that swapper and then one day i'll be like don't worry guys i'll take care of it don't worry and then i'll just be gesturing uh this one seems to be dropping a lot more than others though [Music] aren't going on at all oh god my kid oh that's not my kid that's just blue oh okay before we start are we are we playing with this bronze still i think so why not i i saw something weird but i don't know if i want to report it tell us tell us the weirdest what is it [Laughter] what happened to dotto i will let you decide with your hearts a cold heart what if my [Music] [Applause] hey i'm [Music] your local poet thank you for the sub see now then it does the same thing what the heck oh my goodness you'd have to accuse cheesy right now right oh my god he voted so fast i was just hitting the button to make sure everyone was all right well clearly somebody's dead yeah yes he died i believe thought you were ready for some reason sweetie even though you're [ __ ] charger cheesy was chasing me around though thank you for coming to my rescue chill you're welcome i felt like he was a kid who just couldn't get over a lost love and tried to constantly try and find you and you tried to tell him to [ __ ] off go home i was and you know that i could only run around the table so many times that's true i'll never forgive you for what you did dotto i'll never forgive you i didn't do that that wasn't what i had going with rhyme so caesar you saw something cause you voted real fast i saw a thing what's up um i saw z die on vitals then dotto and i ran over in cheesy standing over the body classic gesture move by cheesy [Laughter] what i can't was there a swap oh no uh-oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i was literally about to get you killed but then i realized wait a minute this is a [ __ ] dotto jester play i hate you i hate everything about you i was going to try shooting dotto actually i shot cheesy i would like to out if you guys want think start a game without me we won't kill you i apologize i don't promise that yeah i don't promise oh do you have colored footprints on um let me double check they are white no they're white unless you're cheesy i should have known cheesy or as he was sheriff but cheesy didn't seem bad so i swept what was cruz i missed what cruz was wait where was where was cinna at okay uh this is uh the entrance to like electrical i guess in that area above that node that's where i got through it i can't see a thing though you know so i don't know um i think i might have seen a flash of red though yeah top bottom middle was it a more masculine red or a feminine red oh definitely feminine red i would say is i'm very feminine i would say a more darker red like a vibrant red you know speculation okay rhyming myself i did it speedy's impossible because he has imposter vision there's no way he would have seen that just remember that when you're oh the lights are up wait dude there's no way he would have known that was me without having impossible shots in the head shot in the head is cruz back yet no no no no no no no no me cheesy and rhyme are waiting who's going to kill her first we're playing that game yeah i want her to move and then i'll go i'm going to shoot her oh well okay i the reason why i was hovering children is is that yeah yugioh cards i want to see what kind of deck you were playing oh you know it's under chaos that's pretty good yeah thank you my deck is 40 uh cards you know i don't want to get any bigger some people like big decks right right right yeah no i don't have a big deck i got a small deck yeah yeah it's a lot of votes on speed well mayor small pee pee mayor very small pee pee no i have small pee pee i'm the small pp hacker this time i see oh [Music] [Laughter] there's no way z didn't kill rhyme damn he took out the angry rabbit i i didn't kill him i didn't kill santa what did you see i was i saw a rhyme with somebody oh no who was it that was it wasn't me i don't want to say it it was a shade of red i forgot oh no the corner of my vision when i was on my uh drill task like i saw just his name and then his name disappeared and i thought he swooped or something but he he actually died but i only saw z near him wait at the drill task yeah be fair i was i only saw him i thought i didn't have somebody i would kill cinna not uh not rhyme i would say like six to seven seconds before his body you have a long sheriff cool down remember that i have i have a feeling that both z and cara have the ability to kill i am also in that same agreement i am be wowed i'm gonna have a way to kill in other ways but not in no not with a gun okay what say you cruz i think she's just [ __ ] she's been really quiet guys i think we should put her dog out the dog's [ __ ] kind of like dog sitting but a little differently yeah unless you [ __ ] with your dog as like uh some mothers exercise i [ __ ] with tortellini he's in the bathroom sunday saturdays some sometimes when i see a red fire hydrant i leak a little i get it you know hey somebody didn't vote the mayor didn't vote yeah it was just kidding i was disguised when i got that kill oh really you're not bugged i just assumed it was you nice it was confusing wait oh wait oh my god i have my helmet on yeah but i don't know if that's how you appear to just me or everybody else no no z i didn't actually see you oh great job doing the assassin okay so we know we got the glitch out and cara said she could kill but um she didn't have a way to kill yet or she could prove it she maybe she's sheriff um i don't know honestly i think this is cruz [Laughter] she's afk man makes me weird that maybe executioner target yep [Music] oh please don't make me vote you because then we're gonna throw the other people away you're playing it's just a jester thing man because she's legitimately at the button she's not anymore she moved actually she didn't i trough i'm with her no you're not i'm with her no you're not and if you if you were with her platy why would you say she killed two people because she actually moved out away from me and she's like i'm not voting clatty oh my god [Laughter] [Music] that's great earlier and then i saw him dead and i just assumed you got it who did it i was more concerned with dowsing at that point i would have loved to have that court case that would have been great that would be a good time a great day in court it would have been that's what i'm going to name the video if it you know if it happened all right i think we'll play it because cruz she's still pooping so we'll just run oh [ __ ] oh oh god somebody's just gonna go oh clutch that was one second on the clock wow do they call you fast fingers [Laughter] uh cruz the game is up thanks to fast fingerplaty uh when we load into this next game if you're an imposter just please kill dot or frame one and if he's alive we've all i know he'll kill me like each time again i'm on accident you are chasing him that that could be self-defense i also want to point out he has an eye patch but it doesn't make sense it's a helmet why do you have an eye patch make no sense oh me cool looking no dotto hey hey he's just keeping his eye on you you left him i guess i gotta use it on dotto where is that boy wait did i miss him where'd he go oh no way cheesy did this no way oh my god why not why not tell me why just don't vote for me for you then you get to go trust me trust me you don't want to vote for me you don't have to vote for him wink [Laughter] easiest vote of my life if you if you want to give it a shot go for it but trust me you don't want if there's an assassin left you want to shoot a swapper we can see what happens so do was it rhyme we saw rhyme do this right oh god you're going to get yourself killed buddy you did not see me do this i would never kill donald trump my game just crashed [Music] oh my god that's a lot of votes oh my god yes no no um hmm still pretty good second time around [Music] oh hmm [Music] oh we've lost friends and quite a few people and i lost my client and and i i saw stein and someone else doing some [ __ ] up [ __ ] oh no what kind of [ __ ] up [ __ ] details oh my god i can't i can't even touch it side you have to take over right i i can't i can't it's a rain son he's well there i was you know going into electrical when i ran into me i was like holy [ __ ] i'm my own biggest fan so i followed him around but i don't know who it was and it's so vain they never changed that okay they they ran up and then killed junk at the top left reactor i'm thinking he was jester [Laughter] oh chill but on the hangs okay well no i think junk i'm pretty sure sorry yeah yeah yeah chill disconnect yeah so uh i was on um admin table and it said that two people were in electrical no one else it's me and ryan was electrical by the way i couldn't do my wires for some reason yeah this one pop up yeah yeah we might we might need to switch mods you know what i mean we might need to switch some mods here yeah because we have 12 people the other roles is pretty good with 12 people yeah at least people won't crash and then i won't lose my client why has no one shot me for being a lawyer by the way [Music] [Music] the worst i think other rules is better too kill me where'd he go what's water beep [Music] wish i'm on we just saw cheesy running by ryan what we just saw fake cheesy run by yeah yeah that's crazy right yeah yeah it's definitely an outsider we were dancing around you and carl was near me where did you go i i picked the second part of my note task because i saw you guys are dancing around me said what are you going to kill me and then you carl you said you were with rhyme when you saw a fake person yeah ryan was just coming out of weapons and i was just going over weapons and she's he just came from the left side of us oh so okay i see what you're saying you cheesy camera cheese is dead yeah yeah yeah so speedy and crude are they i'm with sidearms one of them is the killer right now what uh i just saw speedy i don't think i saw cruz though beginning of the round i went into gas i did the first flight gas i met up with finishing the first part of gas we ran into electrical together yeah to be to be clear i didn't i didn't have the gas tax i just saw him up there but you said you're faking your second part of your no task yeah and then i ran out and i saw him doing the first part of his gas yeah they came up with me and then we just throw it out a little bit you know power couple style do you guys want to see me around the corner i i don't see you [Music] meeting buddy cruz yeah it's probably cruz then listen it's not me execution unless speeding inside is like lawyer and whoever i think cheesy was lawyer well cheesy was lawyers that's right they could just be both bad guys [Music] i guess i'll do this test since it's open [Music] [Music] 16 months is the long time it is a long time almost won your care pog revived a single person this whole i want a fun one um so we didn't lose i guess right no we didn't live and why did you guys vote off a cruise this uh unless cara and rhyme lied about seeing a morph there definitely wasn't working tara pointed it out i just went with it what what i don't know how you could not have seen it i see i don't pay attention to details at all so like okay well that sounded that's not pretty honest sounds good to me yeah i i don't i don't know if speedy's a bad guy or not but he wasn't the morph link or whatever so from the last round um so the car then whoo who's who's there i don't i didn't see anyone there i'm pretty sure i i got up to him as he fixed it okay by the way i'm bugged and i can't actually do wires no we're all bugged and we can't do those okay speedy what are you doing right now bud i just left medical and i'm running underneath thank you so much to the comms thing because i wanted to see if that was a meet-up spot after it was fixed what'd you do in medical a task no one died why am i being questioned just asking questions just asking questions what's wrong with that questions bro nothing's wrong with them huh sorry we're getting i think we're getting confused by someone yeah i think someone's [ __ ] someone here we gotta make this interesting thank you doodle ee do cara do carrier yay and why are you all following me [Music] [Laughter] so there is a um there's an update in the uh in the private chat and if you do that um all you gotta do is just open steam and hopefully you don't have to launch among us just open steam and then just extract and run that you should be good okay sorry are we switching to no that one's brand new that one's brand new and opened up right away from me okay the only problem is it's not working disconnected from the server well check to see if it's on custom or north america still north america you might yeah i tried to host the game oh you try to host a game yeah let me try it with the old mod let me see i'm going to load it up because okay we can always use an old wait i disconnected from the server whenever i tried it okay let's see if the other one works quick game polo i have i've update two oh no i have three okay i have three i have is this the two two one or this is different this one's gonna be different crews it's gonna be question um i created a game but it oh disconnected from the server and which one was that uh is that one three okay you're trying two junk okay yeah what happens if we try it on a different server yeah i'm gonna try a ton of us on that one 6.3 is the one i'm on you want me to see if i could start a make a if you're on two so four and three aren't working see if two is working and i'll see if the town advice is working uh so far so good for me yeah no in terms of actually opening uh creating so i tried to on the on the other rules for i i didn't make a lobby but it's in europe's uh yeah north america didn't work put our servers down when we're the only ones that play this game what if they have to [Music] again because i got america to work on town of us uh you did yeah all right let's see if america's working on you see that which is one of my launching right now come on two two one t i could i could zip it up and send it to you it's a full thing yeah i mean otherwise it's working on europe do we not want to do euros working on yeah it only works on europe for me mine was 300. oh which town of us are we doing uh i am creating i'm gonna do which one i'm gonna uh you have two one four yeah oh no i think that's an older one i'll extract this for you and santa junk do you have uh do you have when your arms do they put it in your eye yeah yeah yeah yeah put in the can you put in the private chat just so other people know yeah i was gonna say what am i yeah yeah no yeah i'm gonna put it i'm gonna put it for everybody i'm gonna put for everybody uh i just need to uh upload it to google drive real quick okay extract the whole file and then run the exe yes has anybody seen hunter hunter here oh i just finished it dude you remember you remember that scene where they were telling going numbers and his brain was frying that's literally me right yeah yeah [Laughter] again working on it that's good stuff yeah mungus servers are just down what's wrong we have no choice about the play lifeboat though we might well i mean it was just working like literally a second ago but i don't know if it's still going to happen now and then the chances that we're going to see are going to be like super high it might be a town of us mod downloaded yeah 2.2.1 2.2.1 if it ends in the t junk i'm gonna i'll send you an assistant no t there's no t okay yeah i'll send it to you in a second joke um so we're getting the key version not just the public version yeah because the public version you have to put files in so what's the apr on that uh i don't know and i've got to answer that question all right try this and see if that works oh [ __ ] is this gonna work with 7-zip uh it should work or do i still have it on eu i do let me try n a dna was working for me right it okay with that one oh got it got it recorded because it's not gonna work oh it works yeah that one's working weird yeah and it works come on that's super strange that it's working on like specifically that version right yeah it's all just a fluke oh god a glitch in the middle i don't know why just glitching the among our servers so we're just extracting that and open that file yeah but i'm gonna planning i just try to do an a and i don't know it's not working now wait okay hold on hold on hold on let me probably really shot you okay extract it to its own folder oh jesus i just tried to create a game too and it didn't work yeah mine's not working either no all right back to life yeah it took a little bit it goes a little bit of a black screen yeah well it may work now but i think people are going to keep dc if the servers are unstable that's one too many so should we do like still or just for a minute and then see what happens okay okay do i just add this file yeah i don't know why it's not starting out i got black no so the the one that's there wait the town of us creator two two one just extract it and then just leave that as its own folder i can't join the lobby it's taking a little bit it's just mine says disconnected it was probably disconnected did you send it in a folder just when i opened it right now it didn't it just downloaded as a different file [Music] yeah i just did and it still didn't do anything let me tell you well you have to you it's fine you know what i'm going to probably won't even [ __ ] working anyway yeah yeah all right back to life for life [Music] when we play yeah what the hell that's really weird you would think nighttime would be the hot hours for it that they do wow yeah i'm gonna i recommend and i i have zero idea if this does anything putting the texture quality on low because like i don't know you know what i mean just like yeah just to try to prevent crashes that that's the stupidest idea i've ever heard i'm going wait what do you mean on submerged it asks you texture quality before you launch the game oh can you calm down stupidest [Laughter] oh my god i don't think there is one yet yeah yeah we're going back to submerged everything among us broke their game again more than five people played it and the game went down [Laughter] throwing i don't know what's happening every time we've been putting the game up uh this week it just goes down should we contact the developers and say wtf hold [Music] i just got a message from one of the among us people and they said they're actually updating uh something with the game that's why the servers are going down um out of nowhere okay they're actually adding one new color [Laughter] he's doing a bit got it yeah it better be red or else i don't want to hear about it that's another red i was like there's just no color so i was like what is the point of this role it's even worse when there is color you gotta figure out which three reds is which yeah you're right you just want to say all right let's stick together i personally think donald did it [Music] i what is taking them so long you know like what the [ __ ] uh i think that things are broken godspeed if not whoops let's don't worry you may have noticed something with the mayor the mayor what hmm [Music] [Music] make their neck one centimeter longer [Music] okay okay it's not what it looks like it's not what it looks like uh if there is still a mirror alive you may have noticed something but that's okay i want to say two things i saw rhyme and uh sidearms just standing over the body but also grenadier super powerful i was blinded for at least four drivers really so i came out the drop ship went to electrical cheesy was dead and so was someone else and then junk was there too someone else died there somehow i have no clue what the cheese is there was a second dead body yeah yeah and then junk sacrificed some stuff he was ultra so i didn't report so i was like well [ __ ] i'm about to be caught right here with four bodies and then some so someone just got revived whoever's gotta revive so you can probably say who killed them unless they're a gesture or executioner let me tell you what i saw yes i did i was one of the deaths but when i was when i was brought back the grenadier screen covered it so i didn't see who killed me no you no you'd see the kill screen yeah i feel like he wouldn't lie you know no unless you're lying you want to get thrown out this would be like a second layer for rhyme to lie on i was on pretty impressive and i didn't really see my heart and then i went into specimen and then also the mayor has 15 votes have fun i'm sorry oh nice let's go how does that work did you get the mayor did you never [Music] [Applause] what even just the hell i'll just switch that back then that was wild oh my god there was so much to happen i didn't know there's three of me there were so many bodies i didn't know who to revive so i just i picked one killer i brought the shirt yeah i i don't know because speedy killed me he was a glitch i don't know who killed him i killed him right after you did not reported i'm glad that worked out i would have felt bad if he was like something good wait a minute i'll think about three oh yeah so sorry mazrialis i i should have expressed more appreciation but thank you so much for that for the 20 subs i liked it oh then there's a dead body behind me i think crews tried to blow my brains out oh yeah i thought cruz exploded and then i just saw you on camp jill's a good guy because i could we could see that the oracle seventy percent win over experience said i am a good guy cruz had to shoot me a sheriff yeah ryan died on like cool down like within 10 seconds of the game starting now he could still possibly be a glitch as well no no no the blue i mean he could be there's a chance he could be anything yeah well also the cameras were actually on so that was me on camera yeah on cameras yeah they were actually on camera yeah so there's no way he could have killed him look at this clearing me thank you thank you appreciate it um see you were saying rhyme died early on basically i i walked out of drop ship i checked vitals ryan was dead i think he just died on cooldown i believe this he did okay he does go to admin uh very often at the start of the game quite often yes he always goes there he always goes in that hallway i was mad at cheesy then he went and got himself killed so you know how that is you know how that is yeah so now we all decide i'm absorbing information well that was a lame arso daus [Music] uh wasting time okay so i walked into lights there's no dead bodies i came from the right side um then i fixed lights i come out there is two dead bodies right where i just came from so it has to be super recent i think um so yeah okay i was on the left hand side by the little tree area and stuff like that but there's no there's no the only person i saw that was remotely close to me was i think sidearms yeah so we met up we met we met in commons we met in commons and still doing that okay because cinna you were in o2 with cara so that's why i got a little concerned i left auto in lab left-hand side by that little tree i mean what is that called i did note at bottom left near weapons and it was in that way they were both in o2 now car is dead oh oh did you did you run with anyone okay yeah yeah was there anyone else on the panel that could have swooped one yes yes yes uh you didn't call no i didn't see you on the panel area after that i don't know where the hell she went but i did see her in the comms area oh green was with red that's all i'm saying yeah i i don't know where you went after you know what i mean it was with red i'm i'm waiting it's not it wasn't zee's color red either this is the lobster red man yeah where where was z's color red oh you weren't popping up on the map i don't know how long ago did you check i got scared 12 seconds ago 13 seconds ago i guess it's possible i can't believe okay well then she murders again wow just wow yeah just wow and no one and no one suspects dotto you know you died in vain two seconds in you should always know this also if you don't want to strategy kill me in the first 10 seconds and then blame and blame dotto that is a good strategy i might use that but i'm also going to look out for you dying quickly you should talk to rhyme then because rhyme is definitely feeling that as well yeah no dotto killed me one second into the game yeah you guys can have like a therapy session it'll be really good probably voting dotto the restaurant did this do this oh okay that's why there were two problems you did it that's a lot of it oh we solved it patrick we solved it who is oh you guys can all just be bad well well well explain why i saw a uh another me oh oh i don't know i was a spider-man meme walking around i'm not gonna lie it was me pointing at me i'm a little curious where yeah where was this did you actually do this and i'm the wrong person i asked because i don't know do yeah by that little electrical thing oh wait where are you then because i just saw child's body but left the inside of the map i think but not like all the way at the top though okay well i walk into electrical and chilled bodies there now in regards to the you know okay well you know yes i'm trying to say as for the other bodies i have no [ __ ] clue where they are so focus basically all right but child's body is uh close to electrical okay [Music] how do you feel about me side um well i don't know where you were after we saw each other at the door but you might have been scared ran away so i don't blame you i didn't get scared okay i did then i know you're going backwards specimen you did [ __ ] okay all these bodies are probably left side oh holy [ __ ] wait how the [ __ ] would that happen dude [Music] he accidentally screwed himself up if he didn't blow all his votes he should have just skipped that round have more people kill each other and then you just dump him on someone else yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that made no sense to split them what happens here what happens here did he get the double maybe he's going for the video see you're in danger dangled the mayor around he is in danger that's a good title pretty desperate for uploads nowadays we did it who was [ __ ] the flights with me see where were you i was i was trying to fix just shut up see oh wait a minute wait a minute let me see what's going on they don't know what's going on here i put two votes on all three of you z and i put an extra one on dotto and it still wasn't enough he used all of his books [Music] if there is a sheriff a mayor a swapper or a glitch [Music] and if there's a mayor and an evil person a sheriff and an evil person all you have to do is kill him [Laughter] i guess i should have guessed that he wasn't evil because me and zee were engaged in a life or death lights battle of my fleet yeah i think i figured yeah the odd one out was the evil person just put them out there i'm happy with that was a good round yeah it was silly it was really good wow also dotto can i talk to you in the corner over here isn't a voice chat mod but yeah i'd like to continue to wait one second before you shot me you know i thought they were gonna throw what holy [ __ ] i i think that was a swooper because there was that person died on no one yeah wait this is a skip for me i think this is a revenge play and i'll let it happen [Music] has to be invisible still right now i think wait ryan reported it what if dotto just shot on rhyme no i thought i wouldn't do that yeah dada wouldn't shoot for like frank here's what happens with the sheriff you actually you get like a 25 second cooldown at the beginning like there is no sheriff misfire there is no sheriff misfire within 10 seconds really do we even have shifter i've gotten like three well whoever swooped uh i agree [ __ ] damn that i've got a lot this time it was i was afraid it was going to come out wait what hold on a second oh wait oh my god oh let's go okay chill be fortunate just because i'm the best player in the game doesn't mean okay children though now he's dead i have information yeah i want you to know i killed both donald and cinnamon as a good guy right no i killed i killed them because i'm the imposter i just wanted to admit it because it was a mean thing to do i did it i'm voting myself i don't know i think it's i think it's chill it's chilled wait wait wait wait jester okay yeah yeah we were with each other until the lights went out we were muscling on the admin table we ran into cara platy was in there a little while ago then he went out yeah and then and now platy's dead i'm voting for chilled oh no one's gonna vote for me after i did the murders you're just gonna let me get away with this do you not know what i'm doing i'm sitting on the [ __ ] admin table cheesy the whole round you're not on the admin table anymore i am jesus [ __ ] christ i'm sitting on the admin table for about 95 wow wow i caught it all i caught it oh my god he caught it this is my clyde he's a great [Music] i he kept following him like lawyer it was it was like the click the little light bulb popped up i was execution at first i was going to throw patty out and he got killed [Laughter] formation w in this next one there's no voice chat formations are hard you know cheese grilled cheese grilled cheese oh i like grilled cheese mmm someone say grilled cheese smoke bomb oh you were gonna kill me i'm pretty sure i ran by both speedy and rhyme but it was pretty dark so i couldn't see but i saw what looked to be appeared both speedy and rhyme i definitely saw you so that checks out all right guys i was leaving electrical i saw her i was yeah i am crazy oh [Music] [Laughter] no i was like i'm just kidding bro you guys were in cam room bro it's definitely someone on cameras i don't know if there's something on campus i just went and checked after we turned the lights on no chill was on camps that's why i thought he said three people were on camera i was like what yeah i don't think weird i always thought chilled don't got you okay i i'm gonna just hypothetically tell i think it's dotto mungus what all right ryan i think your credibility is shocked it was nowhere near the body he was on cameras with me in careers i mean like camera lens yeah condensation condensation i would just spell condensation next meeting [Music] [Laughter] right [Music] [Laughter] does anybody know where junk was junk was dead last round did he record his own body i'm i'm dead bloody what do you want from um did he report wait wait it was jungkook i don't think he like looking at junk when i was making that sentence but it was chilled um we know nothing about anything i mean z was with me for like the round so don't you like hard clear me right now side he's well you know uh he he's probably a good guy you know i see not the high point of anything a bad guy clear from sidearms [Music] you are i am [Laughter] i'm a little suspicious where are you in medmay i'm on the scanner okay it's all needed why do you sound like a detective who's cracked it blotty i noticed that you know the left side did you what have you learned platie is wrong i don't follow me follow me i have to kill patty now why would you say why why wha jeezy why would you say that are you what are you what are you thinking is he your lawyer i have to kill platy now you've you sealed platy's fate cheesy platy must perish wherever he is i don't know where he is where the freak is oh hey god what platy just killed cheesy what the heck what it's not platy and cheesy walking together leaving vitals with me then i split to go to lab i double back and i see cheesy dead we walked up what's your alibi together i did see it oh you know i did see you guys in like no no i saw you guys on vitals together how did you see that kara walk out together oh cams yeah carl wasn't on cams i was on cams i didn't sorry i me maybe i literally got on finals with you what are you talking about i don't know if if cam's like glitched but platy moved really really weird around the time the death happened okay i don't think kim's glitch maybe i'm wrong i'm pretty comfortable with that then huh i i i maybe i believe platy i no because i saw everyone else and no one else was near this z you can save me also oh yeah dead is innocent question mark there's truth there are a lot of us on campus no it's i think it's blood could be side because i was with side and i conveniently lost him a very uh oh [ __ ] guys that was mayor you you killed you're like swapper you fools i was mayor i'm walking oh my god why would you say why would you say that's awesome yeah oh really i didn't know because i saw you chasing me i figured you were a killing world but you literally shot me from like five meters away man i don't know how much that's okay i got i i don't know if that was some crazy desync or what [Music] cheesy small peepee hmm without revealing anything did anybody happen to bug out with their characters no you went towards something but you didn't bug out okay first your camera was glitching now your characters are listening i think it might be i it's i don't want to say it because i don't know if this is supposed to happen i i knew that like a week ago because he just popped it could be sheriff he said you have to wait the time now tell us where he popped um he popped right outside of right uh admin but um was gonna say yeah i guess i guess he even said he's been getting it over and he's gonna wait the 25 seconds or whatever yep okay um what was going to say is yeah i i think sheriff can shoot really [ __ ] far then huh like super like they got a scope and some [ __ ] yo dude dude if you if you why i have the clip right there it's yeah i know you look yeah that is true it was very far i was like whoa yeah that was really fun what the [ __ ] then from downtown uh downtown that's why i thought it was swooper speedy because you were so far away oh yeah yeah big iron on his hip dude hmm i gotta work on ace race tridents well that is uh hey he's not sheriff she is not sheriff probably maybe perhaps i am sheriff and you just had what's his name turned straight into sidearms and he cut somebody and i cut him down okay this is o2 i don't know which one turned into which it might have been speedy turning sometimes or wrong turning the sidearms but somebody changed there was a flicker and they cut somebody down and i just got i think would i just who did i just report because that's the person that was cut down ryan probably like you reported okay then speedy changed into uh side and then killed rhyme brian was wrong 30 seconds do you want you want it public what you should hear now yeah dude that's i mean it's up to you bro you know oh okay whatever you think on hope you had a good day in like the actual mod yeah is there a sweeper in the no in this game is there a swooper in this game oh there i mean there might be how would i know well the only that would be the only way z died because he died on the first time we just didn't see it yeah oh uh uh i was just gonna skip we didn't sound very convinced right i am so low energy today i'm sorry chad why don't i see anyone no definitely not time for a white claw got its children cruise oh my god it's children cruise why oh my god it's chilled and it's cruise it is the combination of the two of them it's not cruz she's my lawyer dammit she's my lawyer it's jailed and it's cruz and i'm voting both i saw both of them kill how do you know she's your lawyer how do you know she's your she made the l unless she's playing me what do you think thank you very much were you all down there is he jester yeah you guys were all grouped together you schmucks i was just [Music] i oh it out okay i figured it out after i got two votes the cheesy was like whoa whoa what's the big idea i was like oh this guy's my way before you start the game i want to explain the sheriff thing i think when uh we you started the new lobby and reloaded uh lifeboat i think your old settings got reverted it's back to sheriff can only shoot imposters oh it's back to that okay sorry speedy oh it did also i want to point out if you can't do wires that makes snitch useless yeah yeah yeah you might as well turn snitch off i was able to get wires complete thankfully so i can't i can't get it to work oh my god doesn't work for me by the way buddy [ __ ] cross map tomahawk me dude messed up can i wait until i get the lights on before you guys kill everybody ryan was first susie if it's that quick it's got to be dotto dotto no no no no no donna you had some weird movement in the darkness right nobody's been long enough for us [Music] my biggest lead for this unfortunately it's dotto i just like this just my word alone i am innocent i disagree we have a remember lawyers are not to be trusted they're the worst of us right next to politicians i saw chilled walk very sus towards lights [Laughter] oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] purple green white red yellow one this one another purple because like i saw him what are these two clowns doing this is unfortunate it's still dark yeah i don't know what they're doing i beat you cruz i [ __ ] picked you up oh my god who's oh my god i was on there trying to fix it and then i got off and i saw it was cruz i said ah [ __ ] first and i knew you were just laughing the whole time the whole time so what happened to her uh she's an admin dude i don't know didn't get this kill admin really yeah yes in admin uh hallway just in between meeting room and vitals um definitely fresh because i went through i went to specimen from admin we could probably figure this out there's four of us some lights i just walked out i left lights children this chill is lights what is called where you were because i was above you whatever that hallway is that's directly above you yeah and the light that electrical cage is light i don't remember seeing you up there when i left though i walked on the outside no no no no no no no no no no no no was on lights thought i was on for this one probably it's probably platy if he didn't actually want to try and fix the lights he would not self-report in the situation he was that he did no he backed out dude he's got to be imposter i'm voting cinna cinna did this to ron oh oh whoa wait a minute only three of us have to do that okay i don't know how he caught three on that you'll have to kill i was uh altruisting yeah i saw platy kill rhyme and then i started to altruist rhyme when i should have probably just reported um [Music] i mean i don't think it's a bad thing to try to yeah i don't think it's the worst yeah yeah yeah i wanted i was reported so quick though because i wanted me back too yeah it's fair that's fair oh no wait send us i did it i knew it dotto's dead so uh platy i would just like to say you're the killer i knew it i knew it look at that why do you guys are you walk right past those bodies and not report it i'd like to know why oh you did how there were two bodies in the same room it was both dotto and uh honestly i don't know how did you see that because i'm in the wait what me yeah because i went into the room after him and i reported it but where did i go now i think sin is killer down you went south i think cruz and platy are both jester yeah i don't know reported last round as i was walking into that room santa oh wait is it in uh storage oh okay so she's the glitch and platy's just evil right that's how it is i think yeah yeah yeah or we vote cruz who's the gesture and then i get a w yeah are you voting for chill over chilled why not i'll vote for jester oh wow there's a lot of people dying here wow that was a uh god i'm gonna skip which unless there's a mayor you might want to skip two platypus he's and until calibrated did it i respect him you know if uh if you lost that one platy my head was dead i didn't know what to do but i was just [Laughter] they keep throwing themselves away it's hard to defend the fire that doesn't want to show up like a priest or something come on i wish there was a way i could but who am me it's we first met huh this they were at vitals when this died that's where this is aside were you mere last game by the way uh no last game i was arsenal he was arsenal he told us yeah he said to where is the battery chuck i hate when you do that voice because it makes me think you did this well i don't know i'm trying to figure this out because i saw a couple of people go over to the left yeah lobby i'm a bad guy yeah i want to i want to leave jungkook alive he's been dying where's the body [Laughter] i don't want to sour the please don't kill relationship please don't do it please are you lying to me buddy let's go let's go let's go let's go [ __ ] let's go doing the l i'm watching please not talk to my client without me present when what was going on what's going on platy oh someone just died in here perhaps yep god i have so many bad accusations to make oh i think i'm seeing ghosts oh this is on the node outside of electrical there's like four of us there i'm gonna take the fifth amendment on this situation oh this is on the node outside of gas there's like four of us there sorry who's coming to us who's coming out of bottom decontamination right now me and platy there's a body at on the admin table it happens that's probably sidearms happened like three seconds ago okay you had lime and cheesy work together this round they've been hanging out a while now they're both dead they were dead a long time ago so makes me think that they got double killed yeah there's like two seconds between uh rhyme and cheesy dying yeah yeah man it was a double kill i saw the whole thing happen what did you see so i came down i think i passed junk which is what was my question i was gonna do i didn't report anything but um but i also then came up on who was it was it dotto also yeah we were wondering i came from north northeast one of my directions and cinnamon we're also hanging out for a good time but i think they divorced midway through the round separate ways i tried to find you two to see if cinnamon killed you though i was very happy we were both on cameras oh but i would never do that i would never kill you dotto you know junk that wasn't me i would never throw you out even though you're murdering people left and right please remember that please don't kill me all right bloody take the shot take your shot me oh wow so awkward to have to explain um so who fixed top sabotage that was me that was you yeah which one wait top sabotage what do you mean by that the reactor left the right yeah which one the left one and then i went by i went by right and then i came back left okay and saw jungkook robotic dead body is with it's right outside of electrical doors and it is uh right by that pathway in which you know so you had to have walked by somebody doing this what if i told you pumpkin spice cinnamon latte committed a crime wait a minute now what what who's pumpkin spice in my latte yeah the only one with the cinnamon in there oh yeah i was going back okay who looks like brown or brown orange i was gonna say that was speedy would be the pumpkin but i mean there's brownish orange it's like fall colors it's true what if they're working together my god mirrors first of all let's not group me into that okay okay so apple has been long gone okay oh shall we we'll get his eye patch you know all right oh my god wow i think maybe we just have to go ahead and pin this on dotto wait when you say pin oh my god oh my god whoa did he guess gesture on me or was he assassinated i don't know junk your time's up i don't know what happened [Music] all right platy do your thing what are you going for hector think of the prime gaming sub uh-oh go play do your stuff do your thing go do your thing fatty nice good job good job patty ah [ __ ] he's dead that's randy marsh taking a [ __ ] i'm pretty sure i can feel comfortable saying that i'm sheriff because i assume that well whoever the last killer is we got grenaded that's why i'm saying this flashbang out car was right by me and uh and then dotto dotto walks up to me and cara flashbang goes off and she's just dead [Music] dude it sounds like he's laughing under his [ __ ] nose but he's thinking about you gotta worry about the lawyer engineer executioner jester [ __ ] john could just be a lawyer here's the thing man you're gonna are you gonna vote for uh i don't want to i have information you got to be you're going to believe me on this one cara hit me with the [ __ ] owl no what no you said you didn't believe me last time oh my gosh how would i say this right now chilled i don't know vote plating junk oh you thank you you're welcome only because you said the l and i'm willing to believe you but if you lied to me it's a portrayal of trust so deep right right i wouldn't do it it was so funny because i was like oh [ __ ] she's doing it i was really killing you i was really screaming i misunderstood the entire game then can i appreciate the fact that wait no wait hold on i need to bring it back to the beginning of the game i tried to kill sid of first and it did like a little flash and i was like wait nobody is my lawyer no i should keep her i can first represent but also i want to point out i appreciate the fact that both donald didn't kill me the first two rounds the amount of danger i played i trusted y'all i was actively looking for cindy to be next to i was like where were you again junk that's funny i was a jester oh man we were so close to getting you voted funny let's see why okay i am definitely uh going to risk my life here either cheesy or chilled just tried killing you side i put a shield on you oh really oh i'm not i'm not always stuck with cruz i saw chilled cheesy and sidearms on calm oh there's a more fling then i'm with cruz literally everything he says with a grain of salt that's true a couple of grains of salt but i'm i'm an o2 with cruz and you just had rhyme over here as well doing the uh why would i take a shot right in front of you though can we turn off normal crewmates is that not possible no you can't what okay [Laughter] assassin's feasting right so cheese z i'm telling you there is a more fling or a glitch by you i'm passing along okay thank you i appreciate you we should get to the bottom of that though um all right as we all know you're not here krusty krusty please tell him i was with you hello he was cheesy was with me for a little while too i was at the beginning yep yeah i thought that was settled you know what that's it you know what i'm gonna say it i'm gonna wait wait in a top left uh reactor and i challenge the imposter to come follow me i will wait for you right there by myself let's go as a normal crewmate as a normal crewmate thank you for scaring [Music] [Laughter] oh am i alone i'm the only dead that's sad oh you feel terrible i'm never taking dramamine ever again i feel really [ __ ] sucks like as much as i want to play one day i'm gonna find him and they're not gonna find his body who junk cheesy jesus killed you yeah he killed me he's wild he's wild and waxy he was the killer did you shield him that was my kelly oh so you don't know the body's about two feet away yeah potty i thought you're going to murder me be a little sassy outside that oh chill's dead nice so the imposter is just scared i don't have the ability to protect myself [Laughter] oh this body was right next to the top left reactor how did you get up there that's what is it that where you said that right ryan you said you didn't yeah ryan ryan was up there with him he's got a big meet up up there right oh yeah jill's body actually came to see us and i think a fan theory i have is he had a imposter vision someone bring it to you he came up a little bit up and then i saw him just barely so dotto are you and ryan up there yeah we were both up there up there and i don't know why man or hmm here i figured i would either kill me or he would think i was going to kill him well if he can't do anything so i'm going to put someone that's following me right did you see dotto do anything to be possibly chilled he was creeping behind the little tower and just didn't move okay i was actually going down to report chilled and somehow you also magically beat me up there i don't know how he did that he like a little teleported up there what do you mean i walk there maybe a slight jog all i'm saying is look i left my gun listen i'm leaving my gun on the meeting table i'm going to the top of the corner again alone if you're the imposter follow me i don't know sounds cess bro [Music] all right sid i'm gonna hang out with you when you're tired of me just uh [Music] uh cruz a crewmate if you will okay i've had no one or anything like that it was either you were cheesy and i guess it was cheesy who tried killing yeah i had a crewmate and an engineer so far as my clients i'm hoping to get more like six sons of [ __ ] as clients you know i really gotta be a criminal lawyer the civil lawyer isn't really paying the bills too much represent a crewmate the hell does that mean that makes me a crewmate you son of a [ __ ] why'd you kill him why'd you do it now hold on wait i'm in the specimen room and i don't know how to put it out did not follow me which is interesting he followed me and i'm why are you following me donald yeah because because i'm a specimen room in the lab brian where are you ryan was top left reactor again why do you think that i would have killed you because i think i did take the lesson looked at a wall for three seconds i said it you were gonna kill me listen okay i'm down here just dealing with specimens i don't know what you're talking about i feel like i'm in a room of bad beans [Music] i'm just doing it because i don't know anything else and we got to get rid of somebody and i'm also not cause i don't know if he might be i don't know i want somebody to put me on my misery at some point i might be doing 40 chests rhyme i'm not i'm not that smart you know this if if uh and uh and uh crews were like a lawyer executioner combo and so i guessed yeah [ __ ] i don't know why she was accusing senna because you clearly killed in front of her i didn't yeah no i didn't think i was that slick i really didn't all right hey why don't you kill me just please kill me though shut up you're not dying no time to be getting it thank you so no no no no i'm fine it's got to be dotto because i still think dada was no no no no no i'm i'm donald's innocent i i understand what's happening here okay okay yes i like i said i don't play chess okay i got it so it's sweet it's 50 50 50 50. it's not a 50 50. it's a 50 if they guess who we guess okay all right i'm going down cruz just like you said why are dotto and rhyme teaming together i don't know they're creeping me out i don't know why i think they are are we doing formation g that's why we're uh uh oh [ __ ] see they're going through their see they're using their childhood codes when they were kids they're going back to their childhood and just pulling out that secret code that they had with growing up it was a beautiful moment it's a beautiful moment but it's dotto yes you do peanut butter jiff paration g oh daddle daddy tied him we tied him okay but it's not over yet we got i know we got because they're going to kill us both they're going to kill us how does junk get out of this oh man i feel so bad for you stupid oh i want to like talk about how rhyme was like it's [ __ ] dotto and then in point five seconds he was like how are we going to vote this one uh chaos time's up let's do this all right jumps i want to know he's going to kill cruz oh didn't kill cruz oh [Music] i walked right up to the ramp and dotto just freaking totally sliced ryan which i don't understand why he would i don't understand why he would have done that because that was the stupidest play he should have killed me yeah that's why i would never it's why i would never do that play in a billion years okay listen if you're his lawyer cruz let's go okay no no no no no cruz dotto slice i would have killed either junk or you no junk junk answer me okay no rhyme no no you ran over to react or what i did and ryan ryan was standing right there on the ramp so i didn't bother we could have done reactor real quick i know but rhyme didn't do the he was standing on the reactor so i thought he was doing it then dotto walks up there and slices him on the fricking ramp and i was like wtf what the hell just happened and then he reports it it was like oh my god that's a good play but it's the wrong play because i didn't i watched him do it cruz he didn't click it because rhyme was on it so he just waited and killed rhyme that's why he waited i think i think the reactor would have gone through let's go my god oh my god terry junk you carried a roll i just want to roll one time tonight [Music] [Music] uh cheesy dude on top of you dude [ __ ] just i thought i reported that if you reported both killers go ahead good good good i mean i didn't see you anywhere but uh i i think i caught both killers when they were gray beans unfortunately i don't know who those gray beans were uh i might have seen everything but i'm not gonna i'm gonna wait one more time who were the two people who just like passed storage um and going they were going towards admin i'm being cucked by everybody i feel like they're not going to answer that yeah i just turned on lights i nobody else is there i think those are the two killers no one's fessing up about this i saw something more i'm gonna wait one more meeting before revealing this meeting dude no phone wait for just skip now it's too soon trust me look when he dies the information dies with him i like some chaotic plays if there's a medic on you put a shield on me this is going to be fun trust me trust me oh i'm ready to take a lot of [ __ ] listen dude okay here we go all right go rhyme go huh anyways uh anyways i want to go ahead and wait i want to admit yes i did kill dotto because he deserved it and i finally got an imposter roll for one time i had to do i had to get out of my system are you are you gesturing right now i don't think you were caught red-handed you didn't have to do that uh question hi i saw you do something that normal people can't do [Laughter] okay would you like to elaborate i saw you vent so i don't know if that was a different version of you coming from an area because you were to the right of me and then you somehow ended up in o2 tree i was wondering how you got down there so quick but i wasn't going to can glitches if you guys vote for me that's going to be really annoying so i found junk dead at the light cage door button i think dotto is dead in admin good what do you say then i'm rhymefest to it thank you what all right wait i'm going chill i'm going after you next good good i voted you killed next okay wait does this thing get removed they protect children wait who did i just protect i've protected i predicted z come on man did you get did he go for me or did he not go for me he didn't go for you okay damn damn he's really hoping he would go what about my couldn't find you at all damn well i was right there how about a quick challenge what's this mean because i'm not gonna get voted out after this challenge i'll meet you in the top left okay great so uh thankfully ryan was right by me this entire time while camouflage happened and um as we're running around admin we went through the meeting room and we actually saw the window there's a dead body it's green i think it's sent out right outside the meeting room left admin and there's a dead body there in his car so technically rime could not have killed either of these bodies what if i have any uh problem where um my so my my client has uh not received the subpoena in the mail and they don't know they don't know that that you're working for them my client has already attacked me once and i think my client wants to do it again who's your client yeah i'll make your comment yeah i'm not gonna tell you because maybe this is your shift i'd be super interested in knowing who your client is right now you don't need to know this question i'm curious i think they would have died but they are right next to me at the end of this round so if you would just like to maybe observe that person right next to me at the end of this round ryan who voted on you i don't know what i skipped [Laughter] you know what i'm gonna have to plating next uh well well we all sit here dead stop santa i'm not going to lie i sheriff i was going to kill you uh i think you would have killed me yeah you seemed suspect but uh you know i'm a lawyer yeah i was just kind of trying to look after junk but we both got swept up and won oh was i was was that your client yeah that's why i was following you around trying to oh [ __ ] here's my last time was really good oh no wow coming back oh i just got i just got brought back by z i just got brought back by zero i'm side killed me side killed me [Music] so i don't know um i don't know i don't know but i think all i know is that side side killed me stabbed my face off it's true damn who's imposter wait was there two i don't know chilled i love you bro it's three there was three deaths then right uh so maybe yeah but we know that side did it right yeah i know i know this killed me and then z brought me back i don't know what the hell happened with chilled okay okay and someone cinna and chilled so wait what was was oh i guess that chilled was the oracle then because cara's role's been revealed z was the altruist and i wasn't i'm sure as hell not the oracle okay all right dude i thought he was my lawyer what the hell what the [ __ ] oh man he lied he lied what the hell oh wait i can't believe this still got someone oh he's not my lawyer no no man i'm just a prophet of the truth man number of the beast four four four six six six to bring he's yeah to swap it too my goal is usually to bring back an evil person when i'm all dressed that's fine wait what is easy then you did exactly what you needed he's evil unfortunately i thought it was speedy oh i'm just gonna do it this way uh oh man well peasy who who do you think is bad i think it's platy what yeah i think it's him hi i'm i'm in the meeting room any defense platy i'm a good guy no i think we both yeah that's a bad that's not a good enough man i'm sorry for me no i'm not convinced i'm go yeah it's just you know let's get one of them it wasn't convincing it was close but it just do you think he was the gesture bro no i don't think so right i don't think that my god is i caught it [Music] i think cloudy just dies i reported two bodies and i was altruist and i'm like okay i'll revive this one and he was like oh [Music] he made it but he can't get those things turned on yeah he loses anyway yeah this is gonna be a treat uh-huh godspeed oh wow what a coincidence [Music] i can't believe you killed speedy oh my god you guys are putting bait out there left and right the second you played the altruist players i can't tell why we out of this there's no way this is my real last game for real oh no junk's my client [Music] i kind of want to vote for dotto no wait hold on hold on hold on platy is a killer a cold-hearted killer can we kill you last room can we do one more see can you do one more after this wait why why because there's no way i got cremated again wait wait so i'm just trying to get a little handle on what's happening dog is accusing platy of killing yes and then z is accusing dotto because i saw you killing him not accusing him of anything he just buttoned how did you see what what say it out loud because you and your teammate might be able to get the jump on me you know i said too much i've said too much vote platy please i'm going to skip okay holy [ __ ] justice that's probably correct what the hell how did that what was his teammate who is his teammate guys you just voted out my you voted out what the hell [Music] him of something yeah that's okay oh really yeah wow well he is then he's gonna see something but wait a second she that means cheesy's gotta go if he's a lawyer because he's gonna still devote out oh my god will you guys you should definitely swap dotto to someone else kara knows how i saw the crime without being stop it to cheesy swap with the cheesy swappers i don't think he's just sir i'm on the swapper i'm going to trust [Music] the imposter i thought it was my target i'm like okay oh he didn't have a swapper what the [ __ ] you were the killer though right yeah i was wack yeah i saw that you were engineer were you in the hole when i yeah i i zoomed into the hole saw you kill zoomed back to the button and called it that's so unfortunate who's your partner planning yeah yeah wait you were actually evil i was you killed i was like wait wasn't that lg everyone this is the worst lg ever oh my god god i want to play gas station simulator but i'm so tired just kill me cruz you're probably evil kill me okay i saw there were two dead on vitals then one i just got there was a flash i got flashed i think cheesy or rhyme got brought back to life and then murdered again i tried to save their life oh if they're not having themselves wait a minute how did you try to save their life because he said he saw it on violence you weren't listening to me because you're too busy talking he said he said he came back uh and then he went through the button but he died again but that means he's gonna die within what like three seconds he had to have died like just now i'm guessing so we have the partners paired up if he just died not planning and thought he was with me when they were both i saw cruz where were you oh i'm into like the house fixing the message um so that means that three kills happened um no only one well one kill because rhyme is killed cheesy altruists bring back rhyme they kill rhyme again according to z okay okay i checked vitals with platy in the room and i saw someone got revived and then i went to the button immediately yeah where's that resurrection killer are you mean yeah same guy killed over this is a classic center kill right here you're only saying that i just asked you where you're at you said i hope not because only one person died deal same twice i don't know i used to catch these oats i love oh it's quaker oh my god oh my god we're just sheep tonight a bunch of sheep i mean there's two girls they hear a name they're gonna vote for yeah so you're gonna apologize [Laughter] i'm crying in the club bro are you okay i lost anyone else see that or is it just [ __ ] me there's a dead charizard right a lot of people against you unfortunately two or three people who keep my mouth shut then all right so what'd you see what do you got because i know it's it's not we're not getting you oh you're sold listening okay there's a dead charizard buddy there's a dead charizard above storage john can you turn me up on discord i gotta turn you up i'm totally gonna turn up yeah i'm ignoring you i'm not chillin i could be completely wrong because i was wrong about z you being in two places but i thought i saw junk in two places i thought i saw junk on the right above storage then i saw i saw junk coming from the light cage and again i didn't think you could beat me there coming from straight up oh no that was me no i'm hanging out with cruz and platy right now okay then i then this is the same thing as how the [ __ ] does he get there last time he just walked so we have to have more english i really don't vent that much when i'm evil in town of us i just i'm always concerned like when i'm walking left like how did you walk faster i'm not gonna lie somebody's real quiet well somebody's real choir jason is it jason i'm only being real quiet because i killed them and got away with it it's a joke that's just another classic joking i think that was the question i think he's serious i voted the real questions [Laughter] oh jesus what are you doing you're insane it was all possible do it do it right here chill get the frick out of here [Music] platypus there was two cars at least two ran into uh admin office i'm sitting by the button i see one head okay two head and then sidearm's head cheeks oh [ __ ] up a dead body shut the [ __ ] up jill why are you being so aggressive and you're trying to pass yourself off as a good guy oh [ __ ] decisions this game if i have to be miserable you have to be miserable i'll vote that just seems crazy talk to me i saw two junkyards two kills was cara good luck good luck with your remembrance car and car turned into chills monsters uh cara is a other imposter good luck godspeed oh my god why did you don't vote me uh she's evil good luck godspeed you voted wrong sicko you're a sicko get his ass [Music] thank you z you're the best us red's gotta stick together [Music] they killed z how dare you yo where is this yo uh i have an inkling on who i think it is i don't even know if that's right i think so too i know it's not you because you're by the table um is this in electrical it is yeah it's cruising i'm pretty okay oh no hold on no no i mean i'm not 100 what's up i've been getting followed around by junk which is made me nervous i don't know what you are uh you're scaring me i acted in self-defense [Laughter] he was mayor i don't think he was i think he was lying he could have been i'm like very certain he was lying because he totally looked like he was about to kill me so i was like i pulled a sheriff i don't think that i don't think that's true oh that's why i didn't report it i don't think that's true so cruz all right so you did this then we got to figure out who the other bad person is well how do we know there's another bad person i mean it's got to be for anything so there's got to be a bad person cruz is the bad person [Music] i was with cruz more than often during this whole round stop lawyering stop being a lawyer for cruz i don't know i don't no i'm not being a lawyer i just don't i've seen her i'm gonna cruz where did you go no don't don't no no no we don't know we don't know where crews voted okay okay easy one thank you side thank you side yes more years [Music] [Music] god [Laughter] for three years so i was going to kill her she kills me she saves my life and then cruz kills me again i died twice at once [Music] on uh 11 10 or nine oh jesus i won't say no but i also need to sleep wait one more for the problem i thought that was for realsies like two rounds ago well it's been like an hour and a half there was one a couple of weeks ago yeah yeah lg for realsies [Laughter] bro that's a speedy that's a skinny just try and turn the corner and pull up not me my head's down like the cops are going to run past yeah pretty much i saw it oh man dude dude cruz was my client man oh man oh tell me you're not a good lawyer [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] and sidearms ask me if i'm faking the same task he is are you my lawyer dotto [Music] thank you very much ffx man you've been here a long time pepperidge remembers the first lg i don't know what that is doing don't you [ __ ] kill me santa get away from me cena get away go ahead speedy speedy save your case i think sin is trying to kill me what do you mean say my case why do i need to save my case oh my game's no no no i don't see your cases and like i believed you code narc on cara and cinnamon me it was wild no i think cinda's trying to kill me she like 180 on me and then she she didn't stop chasing until she saw i was with you guys look i know if you want to redo another one it's up to you guys i'm voting since how about we oh we have to meet somebody let's just wait for people did senate did cena just get assassinated or was cindy i don't know i think she was assassinated oh dude cruz was evil too man and i was so excited i was like well i didn't know until after she was dead and i'm just sitting here like oh man it would have been a great way to go do you guys want to leave this game yeah let's leave it yeah i'm done yeah what role were you oh are you killing everybody i'm glitch so oh it's just a glitch if cruz died it's killer in cinemas i want to see what everyone wants so is was senate actually the uh cinema was assassinated i knew you're trying to kill me i knew it wasn't so i wasn't i've never had like assassin before so i was trying to kill uh karma but i selected assassin so i killed myself what did it happen i was like [Music] a swapper and i'm like well this is my best lead that's fair enough that's fair enough killed crews ran out and then i got away yeah he got away and you were just hitting right behind the door like don't look at me officer i was just standing there oh there's a new code so yeah there's a new code and that was a stopper so i didn't care that you guys thought i was bad no just you're not big i thought you just killed me for a bit because i keep getting crewmate i'm like i finally have no no i did it honestly you wouldn't invent it if you were bad there so probably when you said i'm not gonna die i'm not gonna die you're not gonna die well yeah time to start blasting so anyway i started blasting speedy's dead [Music] where is this it's in the entrance to lab like before you go to the temperature area cinnamon toast crunch was down there yes sound of a [ __ ] yeah yeah damn it i know platypus didn't get you know this so that's good yeah so yeah platypus was protecting me you know only speedy was dead and then honestly good on good on whoever killed cinna because i think she might have been evil so great job thank you i'm so sorry if you're innocent um me and cheesy we're all faking the drill and then she came in and she just stared at us like [ __ ] you two up and i was like cheesy we gotta go good job yeah good job where did you go i was in the middle you were in the middle i saw you on the right when i came down from drop ship with no i i went right and then i went down and looked around would you go right i started going towards the door but then i walked the other way around you see anybody else going no i'm looking for dodd i'll be honest with you okay brian dotto oh my god [Music] he is thanks for saying i look like [ __ ] black cheddar very cool very cool sidearm all right let's do it i saw that sidearm i saw it again oh they killed my lawyer god damn it i would like to make a formal confession cheesy yeah yeah good what i would like to make a formal confession i killed chilled hey man oh wait why are you saying oh so he's jester nope nope i killed children over his body was cheesy me or was dotto me it was cheesy okay what what [Applause] i'm supposed to be a goddamn detective this is ridiculous oh did you kill that one [Laughter] confusion oh this is not good guys this is a skip boat oh guys no i am not i want you to know laddie i'm going out in fact meet me to top left thought i saw dotto was it actually cheesy i can kill neutrals i'm going to shoot rhyme and cheesy anyway pretty go oh they're both dead oh oh he's [ __ ] dead damn it so is it just rhyme and i will do it again or maybe dotto and cheese have killed each other i don't know if that was a bad guy do we think judd has are you voting you carla no i was just signed literally the whole round yeah and i will do it again you know what [ __ ] it you know what rhyme i don't think it's i don't think it's rhyme oh my my game crashed oh [ __ ] nice so is it cruz and rhyme because he was with me that whole round i was not with you that whole round as the as the anime villain of this lobby i will tell you my plan when when i make it out this uh meeting because i won't get voted out i will go after cara next and then cruise and then platy and inside honor i think this is a jester play honestly i think so too but i'm going to vote cruz question okay why oh [ __ ] what all right uh cara i'm coming after you next okay [Music] hmm you know what that's fine that's fine i will try my best to kill him [Music] there you go hmm [Music] it was fantastic just hearing the list fall apart you were supposed to kill cara first if you actually know what he follows wow maybe no one is thank you guys for coming out today [Music] as always thank you thank you for joining us [Music] thanks for watching guys make sure to like comment subscribe and catch it live at corvus goodbye
Channel: Kara Games
Views: 7,926
Rating: 4.9789472 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft lets play, vanilla minecraft, funny minecraft, kara corvus, kara games, corvus, streamer, girl, girl gamer, cute girl, callmecarson, captainsparklez, smplive, smp live, antvenom, smpearth, wilbursoot, technoblade, philza, among us, dream, amongus, gumiho, among, tubbo, tommyinnit
Id: V6xIsXTbz6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 9sec (13809 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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