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fools like that capping on your ass you know yeah i know the nerdiest guy in the group is getting one up on you man how you letting that happen when he jumped in i was like all right man well i will say this was kind of funny though he coming at parking lot looking for everybody all dressed up and as shiny as [ __ ] he's looking for everybody like oh there you go here we go oh man yeah look at him look at that like that like that fool's about to go to a birthday party yeah [Music] double toasted live has two more dates left on this tour gonna be in orlando and dallas join us for a full night of comedy and games and if you get your tickets now get 15 off the regular price get your tickets by going to and we'll see you soon we had i believe if not the full season we got most of the season of peacemaker we got seven episodes to watch you watched them all right yeah i sure did i did too we might have one more or two more episodes but we watched everything that they gave us so we're gonna try to give you as much of a comprehensive review of that show that everybody's looking forward to and let me tell you something peacemaker what i like about peacemaker right now peacemaker is giving us something that television has not given us in a long time and that is a lovable racist and i'm not talking about like the grand dragon of the ku klux klan i'm not talking about some wannabe hitler i'm talking about something that maybe if you're cool some of you younger people know but your mama and daddy know and your grandparents definitely know i'm talking about something like archie bunker that's right right there archie bunk if you know what your bunker is go ask go ask your parents go ask your grandparents they'll know who i'm talking about but back in the day boy archie bunker was he was the lovable racist look at that you're falling in love with him already looking at that that guy yeah he just got through calling you uh where all these colleagues come from huh but you can't jump can't think and let me tell you something man when i say that they were not afraid to sh that they did not shy away from racism and any other thing outside them hey when i say they did not shy away from that that's a that's a character from a show called all in the family now this back in the 70s where you know the country was getting more integrated we were having to confront all of these feelings about race and gender and sexuality and this show right here never shied away from it and the way they did it is that they made archie bunker who was a complete bigot they made him the the main character of the show and the thing is when i'm talking now you're saying well what that ain't funny a racist why the hell do i want to watch that calm down let's let him finish exactly listen people like i said all in the family you know it addressed racism by having the main character be a bigot that you laughed at the coons are coming uh people those were the days when a white man could say [ __ ] openly on tv without all that hassle if we could say all that without having to worry about somebody talking about cancelling our culture out there i know i know y'all are cringing right now like y'all used to watch that back in the day that's what you found funny thing is yes yes people excellent show it was an excellent see the thing is you laughed at this man you laughed at this bigot right here because of his ignorance yeah you didn't laugh with him you laughed at him you laughed at him you know but because of his the thing is because of his ignorance not only did you laugh at him but you laughed at him a little bit easier because you kind of because he was so ignorant because he was so stupid you thought you know what well he's not doing it actually out of pure hate he's just stupid and you know maybe just maybe there's hope for this man well yeah that was that feeling he also you know he was it was it didn't come from a place of hey it came from a place of ignorance and his mind would occasionally get changed yeah you know he had george jefferson come around or whatever you know just every once in a while he would be more ambivalent i should say yeah just every now and then you know you saw just something just click and you said one day not today yeah no no not today but yeah it was it was ignorance and it was also that hey the world has changed and he is not caught up to it right exactly exactly he's just not caught up to it yeah he just he's he's fighting to keep things like they were he just doesn't know yeah actually if you felt bad for the man in a way believe it or not i know it's hard today to feel that way but back in the day you actually did you actually did and and you know because you always thought he'll come around not today definitely not tomorrow but before this series is done maybe just maybe oh archie will come around and ladies and gentlemen that is who we have with peacemaker peacemaker is just he's just archie bunker on steroids man the man covers all the ist out there you know racist sexist he's definitely the stupidest person i would debate that oh yeah you know there's others okay you know there's others and sure and if if you got all those it's covered right there homophobia is just right around the corner oh yeah right around the corner oh it's front and center but people keep in mind we're not talking about your average piece of [ __ ] right here we're talking about uh we're talking about a super piece of [ __ ] you know we're not cause a guy's a super villain he's a hero he's a villain he's a super [ __ ] villain his head he's a superhero i'm not in his head right now i'm out here i'm out here and i'm telling him you are a super piece of [ __ ] and the reason why i say that is because listen listen the last time we we saw this man i say super villain because last time we saw old peacemaker he was trying to take out the suicide squad which i know is a group of villains themselves not all of them on the same level but my man peacemaker he went and took he took out the only good guy on the suicide squad the only good guy in the suicide squad randall flagg peacemaker what a joke oh that just hurt his feelings right there look at that hey just to avoid an email later randall flag is the best i'm sorry randall that's from stephen this universe what's his name big rick flag even when i said it i was like that don't sound all right yeah rick rick flag i'm sorry big fan you're not gonna avoid that email lady i know it don't matter the thing is somebody just wants to feel right even though we corrected it well i'm already writing this i'm gonna finish this [ __ ] that was random flag in the stephen king series that was also featured in the stands get your [ __ ] correct coleman i get it and no way to write it too after hearing you guys correct yourself let's still right there is no property where peacemaker and randall flag ever met each other in another thing i get it i get it nerd but people killed the man right there so folks there you have it you know we're talking about peacemaker we've already set up that peacemaker is a racist sexist homophobic stupid-ass murderous sociopath but hbo they say if you get to know him he's really not that bad he's he's he's trying and if you look at his past and what he grew up with he's much better than what he came from yeah you know the guy if you actually just got to know him hang out with him a little bit you know maybe him do a killing or two with him he's actually pretty likable it's not bad at all no yeah i don't know about likeable but you you might not hate him so much i'm gonna go as far as to say that hbo hopes that you find him likable not lovable okay just just likeable just likeable let's not push it too far just likeable they say that you will find him so likable that they've gone and made him the hero of his own series on hbo march thus we are here with peacemaker however in this day in this day and age of overly sensitive snowflakes out there who already cancelled anything that they don't like because you know they speak for everybody can they actually pull this off let's go ahead and take a look at this trailer of the likable not lovable bigot peacemaker how many people does this blow up i don't know i invented it this morning what [Applause] eat peace [ __ ] let's talk about a let's talk about another pretty ass handsome killer out there let's talk about ryan reynolds [Laughter] around rentals but now i got plenty and then somehow yeah i think i've got i think i got enough but you know what folks i still do admire ryan reynolds man and you do too i mean look at that that's a man that you would love to to buy things from that's why that man is able to sell so much stuff the man is almost a billionaire just from selling stuff because of that handsome face right there now i don't need you to tell me i'm no no no no ryan reynolds by the way [ __ ] you but i will do this for you while i am no ryan reynolds i can put this on right here i found this in my closet no okay i was wondering what that was all about that can be this is deadpool islam i didn't have a ryan reynolds mask in my closet over there but i had this so people i'm surprised yes if if you will buy something from ryan reynolds but you won't buy from me maybe you'll buy it from deadpool right here people say now you a fake ass dick you must take that [ __ ] off oh hebs deadpool ain't no back of the head right there if deadpool told you if i if you won't listen to me and ryan reynolds isn't here ryan reynolds who actually sells people meant mobile that is his company right there he's he's a he's on the chair of that he's on board of that okay people meant mobile if you buy it from me maybe you'll listen to deadpool people say you're a dead foolish kid all right all right if i can't say it as deadpool all myself then the product will have to sell itself and i think that it can mim mobile you've seen the commercials on tv you've seen ryan reynolds talking about it he's got your attention so let me get your attention too for those people who are looking to save a little money this year as i said a lot of you that was your new year's resolution you said i'm going to save money this year well you know what we are still in the early days of january and i'm here to help you keep that resolution by saving you money with a phone plan you know with mint mobile they offer premium wireless for just 15 bucks a month you can go online and start eliminating the traditional cost of retail because mint mobile passes significant savings on to you all plans come with unlimited talk and text plus high speed data delivered on that 5g i'm on that 5g right now all right yeah 5g is good you can use your own phone with any mint mobile plan and keep your same phone number along with your existing contacts and with mint mobile you can choose the amount of monthly data that's right for you and stop paying for that data you know you always got that leftover data sure it's still making you pay for it but now you don't have to worry about that you know stop paying for all that extra data that you never use out there so folks switch to mint mobile and get premium wireless service starting at just 15 bucks a month that's right 15 bucks a month i told you i'm here to save you money and i'm here to make it even easier for you here's what you do instead of looking all around where where's this deal at well here just go here forward slash toasted do that go there and cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month right now let me thank you for all your support and let me thank mint mobile for sponsoring this portion of the show all right moving on let me see here so a lot of people are saying you know what forget how you bring back a character that's a politically incorrect bigot as you can see right here people want to know how do you bring back a dude that actually died yes i mean i ain't talking because y'all remember if you saw the suicide squad i know a lot of you did because you couldn't shut up talking about it spoiler alert right here just a little bit uh well [ __ ] the spoilers that they made a series so i ain't doing nothing you know the man came back but at the end of suicide squad because i was like how the hell did he survive that because if i recall my man got shot by either zelba smaller bullets and then a building fell on his head right after that building fell on his big ass so you want to eat people like all right you know what how do you explain that easy look he was lucky like that answer too bad too bad because that's all we got right now yeah hey as billy pointed out it's more of an explanation than him being vin diesel's brother yeah they had the nerd to sit up here and say well golly peacemaker boy you got shot in the neck and a building fell on you and all you have is a broken clavicle man you're the luckiest guy i've ever met moving on and i'm like no this is just the stupidest explanation i've ever heard he's like actually i didn't even break it so people that alone right there that tells us that tells us how loose and silly that this show is playing it uh we're mainly here for the humor and i would love to show you the intro i can't but the intro of the show beginning of the show that kind of tells you everything you need to know if you watch if you watch that intro and by the end of it you're like this is dumb then you need to leave because it don't get no smart it gets clever but as far as the humor goes it is intentionally and very self-aware at how crazy silly goofy and dumb it is at times you know it it wants to do that um you know that's the tone of the show and they're telling you doing the intro letting you know uh i will describe it to you since you can't see it i would just say that the whole crew even some people who died they come out and do a whole choreographed dance number to [ __ ] rock yeah not cop rock cockrock uh cockrock features a lot throughout this series oh yes yes it does i mean it should be listed in the credits that's the stuff it should be doing it it should be dancing along with the rest of the cast i mean we talking about we're talking about some some some like macarena [ __ ] back of the head hips thrusting i mean the most serious [ __ ] in the show yeah are out there so serious about the most sick the most serious [ __ ] in the show at every episode we had we had seven episodes the most serious [ __ ] on the show is at the beginning doing this [ __ ] and doing them hips the goddamn [ __ ] hair glam metal and if that sounds stupid to you it is whether you enjoy it or not well you have to see for yourself but i can tell you by the end of that intro if this ain't getting you and you're like this sucks don't stick around get the hell out of there but for the rest of you who want to give it a chance well is there anything there for you you know because the thing is the challenge here the real challenge here is to bring back a guy who is a far-right nut job i mean you know they don't ever come out and say it but the man hear me look he's again he's like cute and on on steroids you know he's that guy that believes in conspiracies he's getting news from all the wrong places yeah he's he's getting news from pepe pepe the frog 183 oh facebook oh facebook facebook you know that's what i'm telling the the man is the man is ignorant so he's some he's a far right nut job a very dangerous person and a super bro oh he's bro to the max to the max bro this [ __ ] i don't even go beyond bro i say brah as i said the the the challenge here is to bring in this far dangerous nut job and making him someone that the audience can root for can they really do it the answer for me is yes yes they can for me they did i don't know how the people feel about that i don't know what that says about me i don't really like that i actually like peacemaker i don't know i don't know how that makes me feel but i do i do i do like it i do well corey the the problem for you is that john cena he's really talented telling you this he is he's very talented he's great at comedy he's he's got a charisma and it is that archie bunker thing where he's a horrible human being but but he's he's trying and in so many cases he don't know no better you look at the father he was raised by how could he get better and he's a mess that's the thing with with uh with john cena in this and i told people i remember people used to laugh at me and i'm gonna call you while you were one of them you laughed at me sir well he had to prove himself yeah i'm glad he did but i i say just like with just like we talk about these these racists out here the lovable racist i said the same thing about you you'll come around i'll see you you'll get on that cena train i've always thought john cena was was was talented man maybe maybe this first movie the marine i was like okay this is a joke right here but ever since i saw him doing comedy the movies have not been great but he's been getting better roles better movies and he's been better in them well i always thought he was just kind of hammy in the comedies he was in uh but in the suicide squad i saw potential of what he could do uh but i didn't project that it could be this where he could carry a show uh and work with an ensemble where everybody's working together so well and just how much how complex he makes this character oh yeah no it's a it's that's one of the cool things about the show which i'll talk about in a little bit but you're asking okay so how do you actually make this horrible person how do you this living cartoon yeah how do you make this guy that no one should like i mean like i said at the you know at the end of uh at the end of suicide squad he was a clear and cut villain he was the bad guy of the movie besides the john starfish yes but he was the one that was actually the the personified villain here and so you're thinking how do you take this super villain who even take the super away the guy would just be a horrible person in real life how do you go and make that guy someone that that you actually that you that you you try to find redemption for you know uh well the way you do it is you show the abuse that they had to endure to get to where they are you know his father who's played by oh robert robert patrick man the terminator himself that guy's his father's worse than any terminator yeah terminator just does a job he's programmed to do that this guy's a now you talk about a complete piece of [ __ ] his father is horrible man and that's the that's the cool thing about peacemaker man it takes a clear villain tries to give them some redemption by showing them by showing you what they had to endure and what he had to do with his father right here man they do a good job of showing you just uh how and not we're not even talking about physical abuse we're just talking about just the the mental abuse of this guy national abuse yeah yeah that's that this guy has to go through well you know the thing is in the suicide squad he's villainous here in peacemaker he's douchey oh completely just you know just saying so it sounded kind of downgraded yeah all that racism that we're talking about with him all that sexism but particularly the racism comes from his father man uh you know the father who taught him actually how to kill and then later guilted him about it and you know the but you really feel for peacemaker because peacemaker this guy this is where we went from being a clear-cut villain in suicide squad to being shades of gray here yeah what they've done here is that and even in the suicide squad what you have here is that he's not a mass murderer and he does feel remorse for the things that he's done uh you know when you start when you start to see his his mental state the remorse that he has just all the guilt that he's carrying with him because he does feel guilty for some of the things that he's done uh man i just i just felt i feel her i felt so terrible for him man uh you know they ain't nothing more heartbreaking there's nothing more heartbreaking than looking at a big-ass man a shirt that's way too small for him yeah it's tight or not yes look it ain't no worse than looking at a big ass man with a shirt that is way too tight for him having an emotional breakdown and john cena sold that scene man he is when he was crying it's not like a grown man crying it is like a little kid and it's like a little kid crying a little kid who's crying and not a little kid was crying because having a temper tantrum they didn't get a the toy the candidate they wanted like it's a little kid who's crying because their feelings and their heart is really broken like their parents are getting divorced yeah buddy exactly see when i saw him crying like that i just wanted to give his big ass a hug i'm doing this because my arms would never go all the way around around a tree or something i i kind of felt bad for him but nothing he said was untrue so right it's kind of yeah [Music] go ahead and cry a little bit more yeah yeah i fell for it man i did i did you know the because you know watching this what i like about this series is that unlike something like uh birds of prey you know the harley the harley quinn movie you know that movie right there what they did was uh you know one day harley quinn is not so villainous because the fans like her right they got him they they got to make her a big fan favorite and they can only do that if they start to make her someone less villainous not killing as many people you know a little less disturbed they didn't give any real arc to why she came around to being the person she is you know at least with peacemaker maybe you don't like the guy i get it maybe the guy you just can't get around his personality how annoying he is how sick he is the things that he's done you know maybe he can't get around that but at least they gave him some lead up to where he is right now they gave us a reason to see where he is sure they did not have to do all the character work that they did and it's interesting that it's these dramatic notes that are woven in between a show that is such a a comedy and almost a living cartoon at times you start to kind of have pity on him just for being a dumbass yeah because nobody on the team likes or respects him no and he but the thing is he doesn't help yo he doesn't he doesn't like every time you think like man if you could just be cool i feel like you're learning he'll go and do and say something you like never mind listen i might feel bad for his ass but you still brought the [ __ ] on yourself exactly i gotta draw the line somewhere exactly i can't defend him on everything no when you're in the middle of a restaurant and they have a a meeting where things supposed to be private and your big ass shows up in that stupid costume it was like i was like okay he don't know no better that's fine but but the stuff he says later on he just i can't you know i but the thing is you brought on yourself but i still can't even get mad at him i'm just like god damn it man you just you just don't get life i mean what you know that is it he doesn't get life what is wrong with you are you kidding me did this [ __ ] really show up in full cosplay mode what people the other people at the village people try out why is there a bald eagle in your car okay i ain't gonna lie that [ __ ] was lame village people are trying but all these other all these other fools when he brings up that eagle they get on his ass like all right you know what i i like the eagle so i was letting it go but yeah that's a stupid-ass name i don't want to say number when they said it i was like all right you know i can't i cannot disagree that's equal you guys are working without me eagerly is your pet eagle yeah is your dog named doggy all right do you have a daughter named daughtery no i mean normally those jokes wouldn't fly but when they applied to him and that stupid-ass name was like all right if even fools like that kevin on your ass you know yeah i know the nerdiest guy in the group is getting one up on you man how you letting that happen when he jumped in i was like all right man well i will say this was kind of funny though he coming to park looking for everybody all dressed up and as shiny as [ __ ] he's looking for everybody like oh there you go here we go oh man yeah look at him look at that like that like that fool's about to go to a birthday party yeah and you i felt bad for the people in the restaurant because i mean even if they weren't talking top secret [ __ ] who wants to sit with with with that [ __ ] right that's what i'm saying look around remember the first shot is him looking for him oh no no no he didn't even take the helmet off when he sat down no that's part of the uniform he said they're like y'all's problem [Laughter] he's looking at the menu seriously man he is like what the [ __ ] y'all got here to eat like what's good here you take for granted how serious you should look at the menu until you see him he just makes he makes a simple act like looking at a menu looks stupid for all its silliness and it is pretty pretty silly i gotta tell you that uh and we already established this that this is i think up to this date this is the best role that god damn not uh i think that this is the best role that he's had so far oh absolutely i mean you know it's it's i know he uh you know he gets to show a lot of range and you know and it is his show yep yeah and he holds it down man he holds it down you know it's probably the best role that he's had depending on how it is we keep watching you know like i said this character i can understand that this character does not appeal to everybody i'm not even talking about an offensive way i understand of just the humor this character just doesn't resonate with a lot of people out there you know uh as for the rest of the show again depends on your sense of humor i think uh because i think that the humor while i enjoyed it because i enjoy it i like james gunn who actually i think james gunn and we all know james gunn guardians of the galaxy suicide squad if you go back deep trauma films uh tromeo and juliet uh you know some of his horror movies uh you know but the thing with uh james gunn is that you know james gunn has a certain sense of humor especially when he's left to let let loose do what he wants to do when he's free to do the insane things that he's known for and with uh with with peacemaker he does just that you know it's funny because you know when he's over at disney they got him on his best behavior they sure do that when he's over at disney he's like he's like when you sit with your mama in church you know you ain't you ain't acting up you ain't you know you're not clowning you're not you're not giggling and laughing if you do you don't get a pinch uh slap uh peacemaker for james gunn warner brothers in hbo they've been like the divorced dad that gets them on the weekends it just just lets him do whatever the [ __ ] you want to do hey don't tell your mama that we saw these titties don't let your mama know you shot guns sorry right we're out of town yeah don't let your mama yeah let your mama don't let your mom not let you drink a little bit they let him go crazy and do whatever he wants to do over there and you know with that uh you know we this this show goes hardcore man uh i mean i'm not it wastes no time going hardcore oh no no not not at all man we you know when i'm talking about hardcore i'm not talking about just with the violence you expect that already you expect to see gore you expect to see a lot of blood and they they i would say that they get gorier than they do in suicide squad so if you watch suicide squad normally you would be expecting someone to say well if you saw suicide squad naturally we know what to expect with peacemaker being that it's a spin-off of that thing is uh it goes a little harder in the violence here i think because for one you got more shows uh they are definitely showing you more more uh splattered blood uh heads exploding uh you know uh full bodies exploding yeah yeah if you're into the gore and the kills uh this is the place for you yeah yeah you're not fighting giant starfish no it's just a lot of dudes yeah yeah we look we are seeing the human body way more eviscerated here and you know and uh i don't know i'm thinking about it maybe maybe it's on par with suicide squad but it's definitely a lot of violence right here but unlike suicide squad you're also getting a lot of nudity a lot of sex here uh [ __ ] there's even a bad shot in here there's a there's a there's a scene where somebody catches a glimpse of a vagina i didn't even think you could show that without getting like this yeah yeah yeah yeah you can yeah there's a hole you just can't show an erect penis okay our swole vagina i guess what's up yeah they actually have a they have a shot of a just it's a quick shot but they definitely have a vagina shot in there uh you know the violence in this man i'm not gonna say i'm bothered by violence at all or anything like that but i will say that with uh suicide squad was something that was way more comic book this is also comic book in a certain way but i will also say that since this is a show with a lower budget uh it's also feeling a little more grounded yeah you know it feels it feels a lot more grounded yeah it feels it feels like it's more in the real world james gunn's humor when it comes to violence because it seems a little more real world it feels a little more mean-spirited here i think you know you got innocent people who are being killed uh you you have people begging for their lives in this who are innocent um you know uh people get those people who are begging for their lives they're killed by the protagonist in the movie the people were supposed to be rooting for well that's unlike so many other shows uh people aren't safe in this show no and while i'm not one who wants more and more violence i do feel like listen if we're gonna show violence push it make it disturbing don't make it something so comfortable that that you just kind of get used to it and get desensitized to it this is stuff where it's like oh [ __ ] yeah um that was uncomfortable to watch but as it should be we're dealing with a group of coal killers here the the story with this and the reason why i haven't told you the story is because there's a lot of things there being that this is a series i just don't want to spoil anything for you but i will say once again amanda waller has got together a team of black ops people and she wants to get this mission done by any means necessary that means killing whoever you have to that means anything that gets in your way men women are children you have they're all indispensable as long as the mission is done what that mission is you have to find out for yourself but i will say you just have a group of people who are just about as cold-blooded are desensitized to violence as maybe the suicide squad without all the villainy or super powers uh you know with this the black ops the black ops yeah uh as you can see there's the whole team right there you know the that you know the only thing i'm saying is like i found myself where i'm supposed to be laughing at violence i'm like that's a little too hard hidden from me there's a there's a certain torture scene in here uh it doesn't go too insane but it is it made my screen my my skin crawl to the point like i mean i don't know if i don't i find this fun anymore it's like this is this is uh oh no no no too much right now it's it's not really funny and it is treated with humor but i i i like that mix it where it was like okay you've been laughing at it up to this point now what about now well now hold on man i thought we were just having a good time here no no no no you like people getting killed and tortured sit down okay but can we make this quick it'll take as long as it takes now sit down i said sit down you know and it depends on the personality of the of the group two and uh also with the humor because i think with the group you know they have certain personalities that are not always enjoyable to be around uh daniel brooks who plays uh leota at a bio she's uh the new member of the crew and she hasn't necessarily uh got to the point where she feels comfortable killing people or the amount of violence that she that she sees around her are killing people who she feels are innocent don't deserve it but you know for the sake of the mission it has to happen uh she's probably one of the more relatable people because you have to you know she's she's the one that is that's like us you know these people are nuts you know that's sure sure they they they're hardcore they've been doing it for a while yeah and they're all about like hey you just got to do what what it takes to get the mission done yeah but quit standing there and shoot that guy yeah you know the the other thing is that uh that her she's probably the most relatable and therefore probably the most likable even though even there's a point she says well i don't know maybe i'll talk too much and it can be seen that maybe she talks too much when it comes to telling certain jokes i don't know how those jokes always work but she's likeable i like her uh some of the other members like jennifer holland as emilia harcourt uh not very likable and not wanting to be likable and i don't think the show wants you to even like her so if you're looking for people to relate to beyond the characters are or the character already said uh it's gonna be kind of hard because uh these are not the easiest people to grow into as i said they're killers and they're kind of emotionally closed off from each other and it takes them a long time in the series to actually get to a point where you start to feel like they become a team and start to like each other and let their guard down uh this mother just he's just nerdy steve agee john uh economist economized economist john economos you know he's he's a guy that's just he's that guy you've always had that friend in the group they say the wrong things all the time they try to be funny they're not funny they try to be cool it backfires all the time yeah you someone's talking a lot of [ __ ] he was yeah that didn't he barely got by on that because because you had a grown-ass man in the middle of a restaurant dressed up in a [ __ ] clown suit that's why he was able to get by saying what he said but really most of the time he's uh he's kind of cringing i'll explain why not because of the character now he was a suicide squad also i believe yeah yeah he's it's not because of the of the actor or the character i would just say some of the writing i think that they do with him and some other people here uh it doesn't always work and i'll tell you why at least for me uh i tell you the person that i was really i was really interested in and that was this guy uh chuckwudu is his name in the show uh he's from kenya i believe okay and he just had a really cool accent man he did he had a cool accent i couldn't fully i couldn't tell if it was african or if it was british and he just has a real this man has a real cool demeanor man he does he's the straight man a lot of his stuff even comes off funny because he's just sick of everybody's of everybody's [ __ ] there's so many times and he's yelling at the group like shut up he's tired of him the reason why i don't think the humor always works is because they have the a lot of the humor relies on these these tangents and arguments that just get ridiculous and they they go on and on for a while and it's funny it's meant to be that's what the way it's meant to be set up because they're going on and on and they're just nonsense uh that's the funny part of it but every episode has this writing where they have this uh this rhythm this these moments where these arguments are done and after a few times it feels like all right you know what uh it just feels like you're kind of cycling through these these kind of jokes these kind of setups uh that's what it felt for me except for the moments where it would get old and then a character would come up and start doing one of these nonsensical discussions or arguments or conversations and it would be genuinely funny the man who is the the uh uh jamil i don't know the actual oh yeah i never never remember that actor's name but i love him every time i see him rizwan manji is his name he plays a guy named jamil and whenever jamil was on the screen he got into it with with the peacemaker even the the intro scene but the intro scene yeah it was that's one of the things man that'll get you hooked up they did know how to set up the series there's a great intro scene with the janitor and and and john cena as peacemaker and from the moment that came on i kind of was into the series because it made me laugh so hard for a hero called peacemaker dude i'm famous not that famous aquaman he's famous no man no matter how many people i have to kill to get it look at that i'm a superhero you know what you are you a mother smoke weed within a wheelchair now get out of here i can finish myself i told you about this responsibility yeah yeah get your big ass mit other things in this in this in this uh this show if you like animals there's a couple of scenes that you you might not like they kill them got a couple animals in here uh animals that really is not their fault they didn't really deserve it um also uh but eagley is cool i love it if you don't want to get killed don't be in this show and don't be in this show i love eagerly though uh as i said if uh you don't like just complete [ __ ] as your main characters then you might not want to watch this show it might ruin your day if you're louie ck don't watch this show louie i don't mean i don't know if you watch this show right here but i'm telling you if you think about watching peacemaker don't do it man don't do it they laying on your ass hard they do not flinch they lay in on louis ck hard man and you know what it's funny there's now that we know about louis c.k there's not a picture i can look at what doesn't look like he has his dick out right he's digging his hand right yeah he's about to just start right now you close the door you don't have to go the way they went in on him it just made me realize like wow he's never gonna get to come back man peacemaker did not make peace with him because i'm sure he might have been like oh yeah i saw the suicide squad and peace man i've been looking forward to this show and it's like oh mother you might be able to get away with it but when this big mother brings it up yeah it's just too much attention well plus it's like wow he's a dumbass and he's capping on you right right right yeah like he's one of those like i know you're doing the same thing about this i just got caught judge not unless he uh it'll be you one day you'll see yeah as sexist and crazy as this character is he didn't pull no louis right he knew better to pull his dick out of pressure yeah exactly he didn't do yeah and believe me this man has done everything else he has said some terrible things but he said yeah but at least i put my dick out i wasn't jacking off front of people yeah and just indiscriminately checking and i tell you i still tell y'all man the moment i saw this trailer i was i was i was i i was pulled in cause i said wait a minute is that off go walking with him he's walking proud talking proud to eagerly steals the scenes that he's in man it's a cg eagle and that eagle thing is i know it's cg but because they give it so much character it still looks good yeah it does it yeah it looks good the the the eagle has personality um so far he's the he's probably the only good guy in this whole show yeah he is he's the most pure of heart i mean he's the ego just doing what the eagle does and gets their back yeah i mean eagerly when they get in trouble eagley is there he's there and eagley just has some really really really just nice emotional moments in here man i'm gonna just say this if you've never seen an eagle hug you've never experienced life that was one of the most adorable you know you know why because they make eagle a real eagle you know they give him real behaviors but they give him you know of course more personality than an eagle would have right but they don't anthropomorphize him like with big eyes or or anything like that he's got ego proportion he looks realistic the whole time he just does things where you go like oh you can communicate with him yeah he's like a very loyal dog yeah if i mean don't get me wrong you know if he giving a hug is amazing for an eagle but he's still ah doing all that crazy [ __ ] so yeah man it ain't putting his head on your shoulder oh no he's like he's still making annoying noises still looks scary tore somebody's face it's yeah it's it's uh people also yes martin was right uh if you if you hate [ __ ] rock hair metal glam rock music all that [ __ ] from the 90s it ain't gonna let up man i mean they digging the crates for some the deep dive cockroach man yeah last character i'll tell you about before we leave i'm just thinking about it ah this character judo master man i i'm still like this this this character judo man judo master this is this is uh i'm i'm gonna say this wrong i know nut nut lady it's n-h-u-t-l-e uh asian actor i'm i'm trying to find information on this actor because at first i'm like i didn't even know what it was i was like is that a dude or a chick and cause he's so tiny yeah and is is it that is that a teenager is that a full-grown man i i couldn't tell i still i was looking hard teenager he's tiny he's tiny but those scenes one of the cool things about the movie i'm sorry the show is that they got some great fight scenes they do uh james gunn has uh he directed the first three episodes he wrote and directed oh yeah he write he i'm sorry he wrote uh every episode that i saw on all seven on but i believe he wrote he very positive that he uh directed the first three and even when he's not directing them uh the fight choreography on this show is is uh is is very good man there's a there's a lot of uh uh stuff where especially when you see the real the reveal behind the villains in here uh some great scenes with that some great fight scenes with them uh the action is done very well here i really did follow my complaints man i really did like this show i like that they were able to take uh you know what we saw what we last saw as a villain and kind of turn things around here and make him a character that maybe you don't even like him but there are points where you can't help but sympathize with the character or have pity for the character or just wanna hear what dumb [ __ ] he's gonna say next oh which is a lot which is a lot and it really thinks he's saying something yes and sometimes he's getting it and then he just backslides yeah i'm not going to lie i was expecting to like it better but i do like it quite a bit uh just for what they're able to do with balancing this real silly humor along with just making the like when you really get to see his childhood see the abuse that he's gone through and the moments that he has to actually get dramatic it actually works better than i thought it would i give this a mad name probably lean on a high man name but i do do like it i love this show i love a show has got to be brave to have unlikable characters now because everybody will that's the first thing is like it's not it's not likeable but like uh just recently been watching succession and search party and these are shows with all the characters your main characters are horrible people but unlike uh so many of the the anti-hero shows we've been seeing they aren't even trying to get you to like them they they're like this is who they are and this show is is kind of in that vein and you do end up liking them because you spend so much time with it and you see that there's worse people but uh it it hits in the and it's it's it's willing to be hardcore right off the bat with the the uh just the the the violence and the nudity oh i'd give it a high full price yeah i was uh i was trying to think of another show so you know what uh i guess the reason why i don't like it as much i want to because i really love the boys and this is a show something like the boys the boys you know this is that level of violence almost the same level of of social statements the commentary that they make here and i think you know in you know same sexuality uh you know has it's very similar to the boys to me and i think the boys they just have a better grasp of writing humor also it does a lot of uh uh name dropping on other super acknowledging other superheroes famous superheroes in their universe uh you know constantly so it really connects it more to everything else whereas you're not watching hawkeye and wondering like well so thor's not around and he's going to fight rich people right right yeah no it's it's a no i agree this is a fun show i think i'm glad you uh i'm glad you enjoyed it too because yeah i was i was i was upset that that seventh episode didn't seem to be the last so i was like it didn't even feel like a cliffhanger i feel like there's just more to come and i was like damn it do i have to wait seven weeks to get that yeah no i i it was i was looking forward to every episode after it was done and here's another praise of the show uh even though i might not enjoy it as much as you but i'll tell you i was really it didn't feel like seven hours to me or 45 minutes yeah so it was about five hours or so i didn't feel it at all man i was going from one episode to the other and i was by the time i was almost done with it i'm like really i'm almost finished yeah yeah usually we get shows man and they're 45 minutes long we watched a lot of netflix shows where those we can feel it with every effort oh yeah yeah we can you just like damn i don't know this is gonna be hard this is a chore not with this man this one's smooth yeah it's fun y'all it's fun i really think that uh y'all should watch it man it's uh again i don't think it's gonna be for everybody but then again if you watch the suicide squad or you watch the boys anything like that if you watch those and like them then i don't see why you wouldn't like this if you didn't like those and you got your answer right here this is not gonna make you like it any better so you know uh yeah highly recommend it hey everyone support our patreon which helps us to continue bringing you our live streams videos and podcasts while bringing you new content such as exclusive live streams and animated shorts [Music] you
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 81,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peacemaker, Peacemaker review, Peacemaker series review, Peacemaker season review, Peacemaker episodes 1-7 review, Peacemaker episode 1 review, Peacemaker episode 2 review, Peacemaker trailer, Peacemaker what a, joke, Peacemaker kills rick flag, Peacemaker death scene, Peacemaker vigilante, Peacemaker soundtrack, Peacemaker HBO Max, Peacemaker HBO, Hbo Max, The Suicide Squad, Series review, Season review, Funny video, Double Toasted,, Doubletoasted
Id: 12HV8ENHtM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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