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like kevin don't even give him the costume that's bulletproof man kevin hey he was talking [ __ ] there you are yeah what you gonna do you wanna put a target on my ass what i got to paint a target on my ass pants [Music] this [ __ ] watch this watch this that's what i was [Music] why is kevin even there oh god because he guilted him just going and adventuring with me well he also you can do you want to save it yeah well yeah we'll see if we can reach you but man you know how we always laugh and [ __ ] when people are talking people still talking about actions happening that's what i was trying to tell you you said to let me do all this [ __ ] and why are you somebody [Music] before there was black panther before there was blade before that was black panther before that was blade how dare you sir how dare you there was blank man and medial man yes people in that for black folks that was the early 90s and that's all we had sure that was batman and superman now that's all they would let us yes maybe maybe every now and then maybe brown hornet for those who know about that for those who know look at it afro's so big it fills the whole screen it was a rough choice man it was it's what is what they used to call back in the day of sophie's choice but we had we had people that would and this is something you don't know about about about black culture and black people every person every black person there has had a gun put to the head and said which one black man or medial man yeah you know what no no wait wait wait [Laughter] and believe it or not a lot of people said well [ __ ] i don't want to die blank man blank man was always yeah but if you had to pick one blank man always had the edge i don't know why because i never saw it myself seriously he looks like a ninja turtle yes but for people but people that for some reason blank man was always the choice and i never saw it but today i get to see i get to see what saved many a black person's life man now stand back okay there you go yeah staying way back yeah so huh okay yeah so folks i'm the only that now martin has never seen this either i haven't you know did you ever see this when i was a kid when you were a kid fun memories right yeah yeah yes it all come rushing back so robin gibbons let me see here so let me so so this movie and i should have had this up already but this uh there's an interesting uh there's an interesting a story behind this this movie right here a lot of people are thinking why why why blank man why why did this movie even exist but there's a reason why they did a blank man it's because they could not do a handyman movie back in the day in the early 90s there was a show called in living color and one of the one of the sketches that damon wayans did at the time was a character that he felt like he said certain there's a certain group out there that needs representation so he decided to create his character called handyman right complete complete with the handyman poster oh man you know you can't well you can't that there's two reasons why you can't bend that wrist today because it'll be it'll be homophobic it'll be making fun of handicapped people it's homophobic if the hand fingers are out so if you do a fist yes then so there you go then it's ableist well i just i just choose to keep my hands on me there you go but this was again people that was the 90s well we got away with a lot of [ __ ] in the 90s i'm a man of few words and i was like my first [ __ ] laugh over here right over here yeah i wish i had a camera to show you what's wrong with you you we all wanted to laugh but we kind of held back but he was the first to say to one those who never believed in the power of the handicap and this is his badge something else you can't do but i like the way my look back in the day we all laughed and it was representation oh we no it was that they really he thought that this man it was one of those things where like nobody does this nobody even acknowledges handicapped people yeah so this is you know it's a joke but that's what it is he actually he did mean to do it in a way that he says believe it or not yeah i'm paying respect to handicapped and that was the thing it was funny but it was also like it was like oh man that's wrong but it's like well he is representing wait like he's not ignoring the people yeah it's just it was it was always the visual though people just people always laughing at that crazy because i go live like today like that that that [ __ ] ain't gonna fly [Applause] you said you want a [ __ ] no if you were in a bar [Applause] [Music] but that's the thing right it's wrong but it's not wrong you see what i'm saying that's the best thought about it right it's somewhat accurate yes and that's what if you were in a bar and it came on and you were you would you're like man this this is some i got to go to the bathroom i'll be right back and you go in the bathroom you laugh your ass off and then yeah straighten yourself up and come back that exactly representation remember how he would fly he would just fall out disrespectful but at least he was acknowledging that the people existed [Applause] [Music] yeah right now people talking about you martin i acknowledge you had to have this step to get to the steps where people did it correctly because up to that point everybody was like i'm gonna do nothing steph mart you mean this so with this they're trying to look they're not taking anything too seriously right here this takes place in a fictional city i believe it's called like metro illinois or something like that but as usual the mob is trying to take over they have a mayor that's trying to clean up crime but it's not working the town needs more than politics the town needs even more than the cops the town needs a superhero and that superhero is blank man not the hero what they want but the hero they deserve they yeah they did yeah just keep believing one keep in mind there's another key point to the plot the cops don't give a talent no they don't no they're not that's the way he gets so upset a lot of the service people aren't getting paid so the town is just rampant with crime uh as a again like a lot of superhero origin stories are including batman sorry anyway to get on with them with the actual movie though uh now here's what's funny so when this first comes on for for a second for a second like if you don't if you haven't seen blank man don't know what blink man is and you just cut this on right at the beginning you might think that this is a this is a nice black black people period piece you know got the ice cream man rolling you know this look like this look like some spike lee might have directed yeah you know you might think you might think you're watching quickly or something you know at the beginning but and then and then almost immediately you know exactly where you are because you see these idiots right here yeah trying to t tearing up the house trying to watch batman forking the tv right yeah yeah yeah what what they've done now this is actually kind of this is actually kind of funny all right i'm not gonna lie it's actually kind of funny because what they what they're doing is they're so poor uh that they gotta kind of rig the the house to watch uh batman so they they hooked up tin foil and strain to the toilet they got to keep flushing the toilet to watch the tv you know honestly i think that that was uh it's a funny game no it is a very funny gag man because we've all listen it's relatable for everybody i mean unless you were just in a super duper rich family that had amazing tvs we've all tried to watch your channel that way we had to use a coat hanger on your tv yeah wow it must be nice oh fork or fork stuck [Music] yeah man but it was funny even when the opening even when they cut to modern times because what you saw right here that was a blank man before he was blank man uh brother that daryl and his and his brother kevin who will later be played by uh what's what's that boy's name david allen greer so so uh they cut to modern times i i found the beginning kind of funny even despite the open and i want you to listen carefully let me see if i can turn this up oh and as david wayne's a junior he became a star in his own right uh even even despite the opening song being uh terrible i mean you gonna you don't laugh i'm just y'all [Applause] [Music] you know what he's doing that for he sounds like antoine the homeless dude from in liverpool he's doing that he don't sound like black man or a handyman got my baby every day bang man my peoples keep talking down that's prince's band the new power generation oh really i don't know if that's the that's it but they did do a song for the movie called superhero and prince actually wrote a song for the movie i don't know now i might have been one of them songs he wiped his ass with and said here take it yeah yeah he would do that especially yeah for the new power generation yeah prince would just find songs in the bottom of his boots and be like yeah at the point when the new power generation did a song without i mean an album without him he was like all right here's a bunch of [ __ ] i'm never going to record yeah with that take this [ __ ] don't y'all come in here again so there's some so there's some trippy for you what are two superhero movies that prince wrote songs for batman batman and blank man i got i actually have a lot of good things to say about this movie like i got some compliments for this film uh i gave you one already you know i thought the beginning was funny some genuine laughs right there but you know if i compliment this movie for anything i compliment it for this blank man is probably the world's first mainstream autistic superhero the autistic community has never had that before but they do now it sucks that it's like man dude wearing a goddamn uh bed sheet and a dish rack for a mask but you're a heavy ass cape yeah i am a crime fighter you know but but sometimes you take what you can get hey that's the story of my life i tell you what autistic community let's let's make a deal you you you take blank man we'll take me to a man i know that they say that he's a geek but back in the day some geeks with just nerds we didn't know were autistic oh oh absolutely yeah every time yeah you you go backwards and you look you're like oh wait that dude i thought who was extremely nerdy he was actually on the spectrum yeah there's a lot of autistic kids that got their ass beat because they just thought they were nerds there's a lot of bullies just living regret today like damn if i had only known i would have been easier on them you know this guy wouldn't be a super builder earlier in the movie you think that uh if you don't know anything you think that okay the daryl played by damon williams oh he's just he's just a nerdy guy morning kevin ah daryl man come on sound activated aerodynamic insect predator uh what now see that's that's why i thought he was a nerdy because i've had several conversations with my mama talking that nerdy [ __ ] it's like a what you talking about yeah yeah exactly so i just you know so you know i'm looking at this and i thought i was even thinking like yeah he's just a nerd but it soon becomes way obvious that this goes beyond nerdiness that this you know as we always say this this dude is on the spectrum see you put this in your ear and then you talk into the buckle kevin come here where am i he is returning see that's back where you can use that word and that's back when we thought that he was just being geeky you know a lot of times we just thought like he's just weird i i feel like this is your mama talking to you when early is over yeah well that's a that's a deep down they don't know who really is but early was way only within this dude but but you know the thing is his social skills you know that you know they're that they're they're off his social skills off his way of of uh his way of living life is just you know it's this is not normal you know i mean the glass is held together by a fork i was waiting for you saying i knew i said cause i know billy was like there's nobody gonna mention this goddamn sport holding his glasses together oh wow yeah i didn't notice that yeah i was like if you don't talk about this fork on his glasses nobody gonna say no but that goddamn fork on his head right now really i know i'm the [ __ ] that sees this was that the fork that was in the tv yeah yes it is he's not a total idiot he's actually pretty brilliant this was like a ghetto tony stark man yeah yeah like like they you know okay so he don't have billions he don't have billions of dollars to uh to you know to to make you know these cool gadgets out of so he just takes junk and he just makes you know he just makes all this crazy looking stuff out of it i mean yes it look it looks stupid but again when you're in the hood you ain't got no money you do the best that you can didn't that the dad from gremlins try to sell that same idea all right man i laughed when i saw that [ __ ] with the toothbrush no no i mean the thing it's supposed to look stupid but the whole thing is but the whole thing with the movie is that he makes this stupid [ __ ] yeah but it works brilliant it works [ __ ] he might be he actually might be smarter than tony stark tony stark needed billions of dollars to make a robot this dude just takes grand busted ass wash tub and makes a a a scented being out of that thing okay watch out for grandma okay tony should work better you know again i know but he's working with junk put one of the fry guys heads on yeah from mcdonald's yeah here's the funny thing you know in a twist that i at a twist that i did not see coming again paying respect to and you know we're not telling the moving order we're just you know giving you the main points right here uh in a twist that i didn't see coming he gets the girl thank you blank man [Music] now why she stays with him that's another question [Laughter] oh my god i don't know plus plus your man is plus you making just get a little creepy sometimes blank man [Music] man uh i i laughed more than i thought i would dave and alan grier they see what the thing that goes on with him getting the girl in this um him getting the girl made dave and alan grier's character kevin made that even funnier because uh kevin the brother he's set up to be uh he's set up to be the cool guy you know even at the beginning of the movie at the beginning of the movie he goddamn smuggling holes out his apartment i was thinking that blank man that he would uh that he would be he would just be the big hero of the movie while kevin he would be the cool guy uh who's content with uh with getting the girl because he said no he's been on robin gibbons in the movie works with her he works at a tv station where he works on like a cheap ass tabloid uh show yeah cameraman yeah he's a cameraman he works in the basement and uh so the show does so they they even said that they're like oh go to the dungeon and go to the basement other than i was like goddamn he really isn't a basement talk about that basement a little bit too but you know uh so i thought he was going i thought he's gonna get the girl man i'm gonna take by the end of the movie kevin don't get [ __ ] kevin gets nothing kevin don't get kev kevin don't get no girl kevin don't get no thank you kevin don't get no respect nothing nothing you remember this yeah by the end of the movie he's actually worse than he began oh no because the movie you know like i said the movie opens up with him sneaking chicks out of grandma's house by the end of the film he's just a dude in a stupid-ass costume [Laughter] and not only does he not not only does he not get the girl but she's constantly using him and kind of admits that that i'm using you like you you were the you were the last person that i was actually looking for and he falls for it hello i'm not busy tonight what do you want to do you want to go out to eat well it's not exactly what i had in mind and my best cameraman's sick so i'm desperate she's like god damn you had to put that desperate part of that you could have just asked me for a favor he's probably more like like desperate i can work with that yeah no he is he is but he falls for that all the time [ __ ] hey it's a starter yeah you got to begin somewhere it's a wedge yeah [ __ ] even if i'm getting but get that desperate like kevin don't even give him the costume that's bulletproof man kevin [Music] that's what i was trying to tell you only my costume why is kevin even there oh god because he guilted him this is going an adventure with me well he also you can you want to save it yeah well yeah we'll see if we can reach you but man you know how we always laugh and [ __ ] when people are talking but people still talking about actions that's what i'm trying to tell you oh yeah oh i should have told you before you got shot [Laughter] david alan grizz just a funny guy anyway man a juilliard trained actor and look at where he got i know i i look at his career all the time i'm like [ __ ] he went to juilliard why is he having to do this [ __ ] over you know hey man again when i tell you earlier you work with what you got you know yeah i know and that's all he hated that's all he got i keep him down though he know up and everything yeah yeah yeah you're right he he does work oh but he's like all right christopher reeves robin williams oscar isaac david allen green yeah what color all those i know i know what i'm saying yeah let me see here let me see here y'all oh well he'll tell you'll tell us later but there's another reason why he wants uh david alan grier there yeah okay yeah we'll get to that oh look at you you two co-conspirators well it's all rushing back to yeah 20 years over 20 years it's coming back to billy right now that's where his face is looking right now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there it is that's it i bought the t-shirt oh oh billy it's coming back to you because your mind is clear because you're not very high right now people we're talking about blank man but you don't want to be blank in the head when you're smoking that's good stuff out there that's what i want to tell you about dad grass dad grass all over the place and being stupid you know hey man you want to you want to enjoy yourself you want a clear head man and that's why i'm recommending dad grabs now dad grabs first of all if this goes up on youtube youtube we're not promoting drugs this is 100 legal right here this is uh and we're promoting this to adults so do not think we're being dealers out here or anything but daggers not only is it legal but it's organic hemp and like i said man the way they put i like using their description you know i usually like to make my own but they said it's like drinking a glass of wine and not the whole bottle unless you're martin martin i love the whole bottle yes but this right here you can enjoy the effects of the cbd while keeping a clear head have that euphoric feeling being able to sit there and still talk to people communicate have a conversation and not sound as stupid like i do when i try to smoke the other stuff i know and that's that's the and it really is a good uh uh it's a huge problem for me huge problem for me when i i try to you know go all the way i hang with the big kids yeah i cannot either i cannot do it even a small little edible on the wrong thing will make me go yeah i was hiding in the bathroom two weeks ago at a at an afroman concert true story so but with this dad grass man i i they sent me a lot of this and i've sat in the backyard so many times and have just mellowed out you know i don't do a whole lot of inhaling or smoke it's just me so they also have tinctures that you can do put it right under your tongue and enjoy yourself nice yeah and like i said i've used all of these man i like to try that no i have some man i'll let you i'll let you try it yeah like like you i'm not down with smoking yeah putting stuff in my lungs plus i i'm a little asthmatic so it doesn't it doesn't always agree with me but i've had i've had i've actually had all this and i've been good man i've enjoyed myself very much so i want you to enjoy yourself too oh folks go on over to forward slash toasted and get 20 off your first order and i want to thank dad grass for sponsoring this portion of the show and i also want to thank all of you out there for your support all right let's move on here oh man uh listen i really i appreciate that the movie takes nothing seriously uh because 15 minutes into the movie around 15 minutes uh grandma who we'll talk about in a little bit uh grandma who's played by lynn thickpin oh yeah yeah she's in this and you'll recognize him when we show you more of her but uh lynn thickpin character actor oh you might know it from where in the world gum shoes that's all i know or a ton of black judges on lawn notice oh that's the truth she was the black chick with authority back in the day but uh she plays grandma here and 15 into the 15 minutes into the movie grandma's been running been trying to help the mayor who's trying to clean up the town and the mob ain't having that and the mob comes in and he mows grandma down oh damn bandit over good evening michael minnelli sends his regards this scene is done he's still shut up but grandma's murdered now what i say is like they don't take anything seriously so grandma's gunned down now this even in a comedy this would be the point of the movie where they taking it just a little bit seriously not here they're at that funeral and they playing that they playing that [ __ ] up straight for laughs [Music] well the thing is grandma grandma didn't love him as much she loved daryl anyway that's true grandma was all grandma was daryl was always grandma's baby you are a genius just like your mama made angels bless her soul no but kevin well she talked [ __ ] to kevin in a minute grow up don't good morning me you could at least fed that little heifer that girl she's like damn what she do to you noise late last night it's a good thing you so quick otherwise i never would have got no sleep i mean she loved kevin but not as much as derek just take my business time to live in here that that funeral [ __ ] is so silly that even the robot got invented when they opened up the funeral they opened up with the goddamn robot [Music] everybody over there looking serious sitting right there these seriousness people i know you've asked those extra singles next to this [ __ ] action i guess yeah i guess whatever you got damn newt gingrich over here i know uh yeah and the thing is grandma grandma need to go anywhere because i'm makeup because our old person makeup was terrible yeah it's a it's that usual cheap [ __ ] uh cotton balls and cake batter man that that damn you ain't lying boy yeah that ain't your mama cake back yo hell yeah yes yeah because we all saw always saw lynn thick pin and stuff and she was never young but she wasn't the old but the thing is they show her at the beginning of the movie here yeah they show her a little young and they show you what she looked like at the time uh in this movie who's playing with the toilet kevin is that you and then right after that right after the opening credit i'm talking about like two minutes later they cut to her with all that goddamn doe in her face damn not just the old [ __ ] crusty old [ __ ] maybe because all that making all that dough was starting to get that dough was drying up they just got that cotton ball down there are no high stakes in this even the mayor may ends up dying in the movie even the mayor's cool what they did they killed a man even the mayor's like hey it's okay this bag is full of explosives you did what you could yeah he resigned himself to his face that quick you tried because before you're like give me a [ __ ] but he's just like well guys you gave it your all no shot you know that is it's uh peter lawford's son that's peter lopez sir yeah i did not know that's exactly like him too and you think because he's so cool about it like what [ __ ] you know they got a chance now they blow that up they want them jurassic park explosions yeah well they said in slow walk away no no they didn't no he ran out screaming yeah man there's quite a bit of in this movie yeah yeah he does he has me laughing every time he does it too even some of the extras in here they probably were related to the weigh-ins because some of the extras in here uh who uh who play victims they're funny too because there was a woman in here old woman got a purse snatch and damon wayans aka daryl aka blank man boy he's blank man he was the only one to help her get her purse back and uh when she sits down she looks at everybody else on the on the bus rest of you ain't [ __ ] blank man the the the hero and the movie is kind of ahead of its time because long before long before a batman became a hero who lived long enough to see himself become the villain blank man blank man he went through the same [ __ ] they loved him they trusted him just like batman everyone please stay calm [Laughter] himself yeah man that that actor i'm afraid again that that actor who did that man that actor is hilarious that actor uh he he sounded like a like a like an authentic new yorker man i told not to go in there yeah out of all these compliments this was still some old [ __ ] i was like how does this happen man cause i was laughing throughout the whole movie but yeah but man this is still some old [ __ ] yeah there's a lot of funny things in here but there's more low-hanging jokes to be had like the ratio is off man you know they can't think for one they can't settle on the tone sometimes it feels like a family movie and then there's other times so they'll just get nasty they'll just get nasty just for just for a a cheap laugh um so everybody that is the wayne's way it eventually worked yes it is and eventually it goes that way which is the way in its way now everybody had that fred in junior high not high school in junior high you hit seventh grade for some reason everybody had that one friend who loved drawing dixon titties and it was always in class like showing them to you hey look you man just just for a cheap laugh that kid grew up to be this movie right here [Laughter] now these are twitch about to show you that listen there's a pg-13 movie they showed these titties right here this is that they're fake so i i'm hoping that you trust me that i'm not doing anything that's that's that's out of pocket here with your guidance rules okay daryl what is this that's an aerial view of the fiji islands that's a tough one okay maybe that's funny that is you know what makes it funny is kevin looking at him like hey okay man that's funny right there even though it's telegraphed no it is it is oh you know maybe just maybe it's me haven't seen the whole movie because when you watch it just on its own that's funny but they have they they got scenes in this movie where it's full of nothing but just titties and but they didn't see it's not they got a they got a scene here that takes place in the the office of the tabloid that kevin works for and that room is full of nothing but naked women however it's not enough they they don't show the titties that's that's that's not cheap enough that's not childish enough they ain't the whole room is full of the naked women but the whole time the titties are covered up with cartoon titties look like a goddamn 50 year old ruler if that's not enough for you there's uh okay yeah yeah y'all laughing right now but y'all they're not really yeah yeah you had to sit through this [ __ ] like i did uh that's not enough for you there's p jokes hey she's like she's about to chew her and her wrist off all right god damn it he could have drilled those holes anywhere anyway but that's not funny that [ __ ] ain't funny why stop at a pedro you just grab the whole dick [Music] go ahead laugh you go keep holding your lap go ahead and laugh god damn it laughs forget why he's acting like that's painful he would enjoy that well maybe this is a little too hard somebody put your dick in a clamp just might start hurting i don't know i'm giving him ideas right now michael about the show tomorrow thank you [Laughter] they get caught up in this nasty old toilet humor over here that they forgot to actually have blank man fight a crime that they actually set up blankness that's true so blank man's walking down the street and for some reason he sees some stupid ass criminals robbing a house in broad daylight [Music] he runs to a porta potty like to do a superman type closed costume change yeah it's almost as if like well he's still fat so he didn't take enough of a [ __ ] he's like yeah he's already taking the [ __ ] but he's like you know what i'm gonna have a sandwich and come back and take another [ __ ] [Music] they don't come back to the dudes robbing the house they never go back they never go back to that those dudes got away whatever they were stealing they got it because they never go back i mean by the time if you're the kind of superhero who hasn't changed to your costume by the time you do that the the theft but they set it up oh come on though i know and they just cut them like putting up flies about blank man who don't do [ __ ] well they got what they needed out there because he can't smell anything like they say he never goes beep never goes back no never goes back but we never find out what happened those dudes at all he they got that [ __ ] does he show up at the trial as a witness no hell no yeah no dude that's that's the one that got away yeah you can't you [ __ ] it's probably a pile sticking out the toilet man [Laughter] the also this is the 90s y'all saw them some of this you saw some of this in the trailer but there's you know this is the 90s so there's stereotypes and words that you could get away back then that you can't do now but they did it back then anyway uh and even for doing it back in what is 94 even 94 some of this stuff is kind of lazy so blank man inspires a bunch of other superhero types so instead of just being blank man they got to have their own version of dot dot dot man like you here's now i'm not saying this word they say in the movie they can put in the trailer they have [ __ ] man [ __ ] man what inspired you he's like yes superhero and that's also greg kinnear right there oh yeah they wrote their body in this man as they did they also got so this is probably the more offensive one they got and what's uh well the other one they got is uh is gay man i wanted to be in the army but they discriminate i would get out there so it's not only bad enough for him to be gay man but he also got to be a whole crew since i'm cruising the streets for dick anyway because you know we're gay guys that's what we thought gay guys did back then yeah looking for dick all the time on them too yeah is that the guy who was on uh mad tv no no no no no no no you can think of somebody else but okay he's been in all this all this stuff though uh that's what just not enough for gay man to be gay yeah [ __ ] man they got you know it's not enough for him to just be [ __ ] man he's a little ass gotta fall all over the studio oh easy with that chair you know i take it easy with that you don't want it [Music] [Laughter] i wouldn't say that's tony cox being funny tony cox yeah oh [ __ ] we totally caused our customers like an old black man every time no i ain't gonna lie that's that's what i'm saying some [ __ ] i shouldn't be laughing at i did love it with man that you can't laugh at tony cox and this this world's not worth living hey that's nothing that that's not any more offensive than he did me myself and irene yeah oh that was just little people jokes our best friend when he was negotiating with the what did you boy billy bob yeah 49 percent half yeah so the the the writing is laziness uh the the way do you remember the way he got his name yes it's it's awful the way she does it too even for a movie like this because i gave this movie a lot of leeway because they again then it's a comment they're not taking anything seriously i'm not either but the way he got his name in here just ridiculous stupid stupid who are you [Music] what um he's gone blank man oh [Music] blank man oh [ __ ] you heard him you heard him saying what are you saying everybody he's like no i said blank man yeah yeah not a black man don't call him that again god damn it let's see what he said unless he responds to it then go for it [Music] because he ain't saying nothing well martin he did respond to it blank man [Music] [Laughter] did he just orgasm yes i think he did well he did it before yeah yeah that so blank man gotta i mean his whole thing in the movie he keeps talking about no one can know my secret identity blink man daryl are two different people but when kevin needs for him to come and be blank man again that fool is yelling he's blank man to everybody in mcdonald's at the top of his lungs hello you don't understand mannelly just took kimberly hostage oh my god he's got kimberly he says he's gonna kill her unless black man shows up i'm not talking to daryl i'm talking to blank man this is serious what somebody say bling man what's up man yeah [Laughter] they can't just they can't decide if the villain in this can't decide if the villain is a mob boss or an actual super villain but it takes a real man to do it in saturn sorry if he's gay i don't know john paulido is gay i love i love john paulino he's great is he dead no i think he's still alive oh he was gay huh because he's good he worked so much for a while and then just disappeared he might have passed i don't remember but i know but yeah jumpsuit it was good i love i love the way the man looks hello mr man he like really supposed to be intimidating that's the guy next to me yeah this movie cannot decide if it wants to be just a straight-up batman parody because they don't stick with it the whole time everything in post in 1989 was a batman parody well not no not no not tim burton's batman i'm talking about the 1960s batman no they can't decide they want to spook the 1960s batman because sometimes they'll do it and they'll just leave with it and do just you know a generic superhero movie and then the bat i'm sorry the blank man logo will pop up [Music] [Laughter] well they don't they don't they don't they don't stick to it because they start they start the movie off the kids watching the batman show yeah and then they they completely let go of it for a long time then they don't know like back to back you know like like and that's what they do here like batman and robin did and so they have a batman type bat you know the 60s batman with the blam boom wow you know they do all that but these fools it's just them tumbling over each other and just being just just being stupid [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] and the filmmaking is really bad in some parts too man uh i mean when i say bad it's bad it's it's like you could tell that it's just a quick studio movie you know yeah quick quick production yeah yeah they got dudes they just they're just randomly putting the camera on people's faces they they got these bumps in this alley and they boom gloves and [ __ ] and they get into a fight in the alley like david allen great who knows karate as you say in the movie uh comes in and starts fighting his pimp and uh it's sorry just you saying that right now he's fighting his spirit his wife feels white pimp too yeah they start fighting his white pimples yes one does and then and uh they get into this huge fight and the camera just starts zooming in on bums randomly [Music] the guy seems to be their king so they're rooting for him i don't think he was um they also got random dialogue inserts that just seemed like they were shot at a different time in the movie [Music] you're a hero i'll leave it on a good note uh [Music] what's that that's a struggle but we can do it we're waiting autistic people love seeing themselves come out on top as blank man does at the end he saved the city he got the girl or not you know what was that same thing before that's how we want to end the film with a cram expensive ass crane shot coming out with robin gibbons just laughing at his ass the whole time [ __ ] help me i'm dying well there you go people that's bling man hey you know i give it i give it some i give it a very high some old [ __ ] you know you know you forgot to say who plays uh david grier's boss oh you know what i should do because he's he's actually great in the movie man he's just weird right you thought he was like this was a scorsese movie he's just going for it for mel brooks oh here i'll show you man let me show you here he's actually he's actually really good in the movie let me see if i can it was on top of the time too yeah before yeah let me see let me see if i can find it give me give me a second because i want to find i want to find the scene that i thought because i looked and i was like damn this is actually a pretty good scene counselor when you can be the messiah oh jason alexander that's right yeah i read he was doing this you i can't make the messiah did you give me an exclusive interview i give you the blank man this ain't a boil on my ass it's a wheelchair [Laughter] yeah he's paralyzed on the way down paralyzed from the waist down i can't feel a damn thing get through [Laughter] yeah he's actually really good in the movie man he's like the sleazy owner of the manager of this uh tabloid his person he's knocking the way there's even a funny scene right here he says have a seat walk with me oh yeah come on take a walk with me have a seat all right i happen to know no that is that's very funny i almost want to give this like a a very low low rental but man it's you know the highlights are the thing that like i gave you the highlights right here you know i had to cut things out so to show you how funny some of the parts are as a whole man yeah it does not flow together very well it's bad by the time you get to that scene you really need that scene yes yes you do yes you do in the tradition of black panther yeah there you go people it is that's a blank man right there [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 128,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blankman review, Blankman movie review, Blankman movie, Blankman reaction, Blankman, Blankman bad movie review, Blankman scenes, Blankman funny scene, Blankman wheelchair, Blankman explained, Bad movie review, Movie review, Movie reviews, Movie, Review, Funny video, Double toasted,, Doubletoasted
Id: 2H5_eJ42WQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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