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look like somebody threw an action figure off of a rooftop like that dummy was going skydiving [Music] hey everybody double toasted live is coming to new york on september 10th hey that's my big birthday weekend so help me celebrate with you and get your tickets right now over at or go to x1 forward slash double dash toasted dash brooklyn hey there's a limited number of all access tickets in vip tickets they're going pretty fast so go over there and get your tickets now hey everyone support our patreon which helps us to continue bringing you our live streams videos and podcasts while bringing you new content such as exclusive live streams and animated shorts you know a lot of people say damn cats was horrible i haven't seen you before have i oh not horrible downright terrifying is what you meant to say corey coleman you know when people bring up a bad cat movie or a cats movie that's what they think of but before there was cats there was cat woman but you were reborn [ __ ] [Laughter] just tell me yeah [ __ ] i'm gonna kill you yeah people this is the infamous movie from 2004 starring holly berry the one that people know people said man she'd be perfect and you know this is based on the character of selena kyle here selena kyle of course the catwoman from the dc comics you know that's the character that's been played played by a lot of females a coveted role as you can see here you know you got ertha kitt who these other people are man and uh lee merriweather yeah and tim burton's version right there michelle pfeiffer talking about some real s m [ __ ] right there of course he would frankenstein suit together and people you know at the time they said well [ __ ] of course it makes perfect sense perfect sense for holly berry to join the ranks of these great cat women by accepting all of who you are jumps around like a cat what should we call it [Music] people say call her anything but cat woman because after they saw that they said that is not the catwoman that i know about you know well it is it's okay not the cat woman but yes it is a catwoman they changed their name and then they said all right okay well cool all right but then they took batman out of it and then they took her right out of gotham city and people like are you sure this is this hold up hold on we got this just trust me cause this [ __ ] is sounding like this this [ __ ] is sounding like generic ass black woman in a cat suit you call anything but catwoman because this is not the catwoman that i know people like hey look give it a chance give it a chance and people did give it a chance and his and over the years you know this this this movie has almost become beloved because of just how bad it is and the attitude towards it i mean it's one of those movies so bad that almost everybody when you bring up how bad it is everybody yeah you know nobody ever tried to defend this clue and holly berry this is very popular for holly berry going to the razzies on stage and accepting her award for catwoman see there's an oscar on the other hand he just tasted asking just like this i finally got a rezzy [Laughter] i know she's i know she's a good sport but right now she's like i could kill you your son's a [ __ ] and stuff i'm actually supposed to care what you nerds think not like well you're here again i'll tell you these movies these one thing these bad movies do they start out from the beginning telling you exactly where we're going i mean it's not y'all's fault really because they made the movie but they do tell you at the beginning because right from the start here they tell you how they want you to know that they [ __ ] up catwoman because when it starts out they started out just showing you all this mystical [ __ ] got that woman wailing yeah all right it's the same woman [Applause] [Music] i'm in a museum right now where's catwoman ain't nobody want to see all this you gotta know about the mystical cats first all of them if that woman sang it at the beginning of a catwoman movie you ain't getting no catwoman movie because they're supposed to be nothing mystical and magical about no cat woman batman has fought a lot of mystical magical people but catwoman ain't one of them i know i know but you know tim burton started this you know i'll tell you about this woman though it was almost like they they said you know what oh yeah we got a movie with a black woman in it so that that woman that's wailing she got some soul real quick halle berry said oh my bad oh yeah every time i got a blackbird or something they gotta get funky with it first she was getting then she started performing also be careful if the director still hasn't found his last name by the time movie star i know that's like oh no you wouldn't put your last name on that [ __ ] man who you think you are when you sound with pete when you sound like a side dish to a senior citizen one of the worst things about this movie is that every character is defined by one thing maybe two if you really stretch it but by one thing all these characters all of them all of them patience best friend she's the worst who's played yeah peter griffin's wife yeah alex alex borstein from mad tv and and and family guy she plays sally and sally just horny just thirsty she is like go to hr horny exactly like i don't know how you still have a job i don't care if it's 2004. yeah i don't i don't care how you still have a job yeah she sexually harassed his mother don't even work there like like like here benjamin bratt who plays the character the police officer named tom long he comes by to ask patients out on the patients of course being halle berry's character the woman that we wouldn't be knowing as catwoman later uh she comes out to say to ask patients for a date and sally's like [ __ ] not if i got something to do with it tom tom loan rhymes with cone phone bone well she stopped joking at the end look at me look at me look at me seriously you know what i'm saying dance around this for about 30 seconds stop [ __ ] yeah you better come to me yeah yeah that's her character horny can't stop talking about dudes the whole time that is her one character right there like i guess it's played the comedic effect you know it's it's meant benjamin brat walks into that office and her and the gay dude in there are just like this they're like cartoon characters yeah [Laughter] [Music] and benjamin bratt he's 102. mr bone right here he's just there to be the handsome love interest yeah and the nicest cop in the world like this this fool he he is so nice that you know he just takes time off from his job somebody probably they're getting robbed and [ __ ] but he's out he takes time off from his job to go and give inspirational speeches to the kids some people don't choose to be bad but i want something different for you can i see your gun no [ __ ] karen said this nice guy right [ __ ] gary was like [ __ ] let me see your gun shoot some of these black kids around this black kid behind me she said i don't feel safe being on a little blonde white girl hey real quick if you notice she's the one with the dancer when she the only one didn't answer and he was like everybody understand she was like i don't know about the rest of yeah but yes yeah i'm i'm good i'm fine i'm gonna be all right god damn she she grew up to be that woman standing in front of the house with that rifle and [ __ ] look carrie said let me shoot let me see your gun real quick shoot somebody here he is just the the the handsome he's the handsome uh dude they're gonna be the love interest he's just a good handsome guy he's the detective of that entire city because any kind of crime goes down he's the guy on the scene oh yes yep always there so there's no first 48 hours of the crime of solving that city he's somehow okay patience is boss george it's played by lambert wilson oh wow he's just i mean what do you think he's just the he's just the the the evil boss the evil french evil assuming he's breezed no he's british he's british that automatically makes him evil yeah you know if you look at this because you see that clip right there like he you know he's so evil that even his board meetings are set up with with with villainous lighting precisely we will launch the most exciting and revolutionary product to hit the beauty industry since so it put that little evil level you know that fool is apple is uh he's mr burns man he's like he's a young mr burns like if they make a simpsons movie they need to shave his head and put it put his ass in there that dude is like if you go to the beginning of the clip he is straight up mr burns man all i got to do is just put his he just need to put his top teeth out god damn they always do uh lambert wilson like that don't they i i what else is he in matrix the second one oh okay yeah oh that's him yeah he plays a french guy that's what i thought he's from okay okay that's right and he's such a stereotypical bad boss that he calls he calls everyone into the office to fire somebody like he's holding an event you do not in fact even know where they are your incompetence is staggering that mother throw tickets to that firing oh yeah he told everybody down here immediately i'm going to fire [ __ ] i i love how movies don't know how businesses work no to where the guy who's the owner of the company would never be talking to a graphic designer they call you first of all he would not be talking a graphic artist and the ceo and second of all if he did they would call you into an office right they had one other dude just there to be a witness take it out they wouldn't do this in front of everybody that's a lawsuit almost right there right and security that's it somebody on his level would have somebody under him under them unto them fire her right yes usually his level of of of evil and bad is especially to their wives because sharon stone plays his wife here who ends up being the main villain he'll talk about a little bit but he's so bad to her that if he was in a tyler perry movie he'd be black as that suit right there yep it's almost it is a white tyler perry villain you know scientists they're worse than models you have to cuddle them all the time like little children i'll have ways to be scheduled fine he even when he says goodbye he's got to rub [ __ ] in your face she's resentful because in this movie sharon stone who's hot as hell in this movie but she turned 40 so she's no longer the face of the company they got the young one in now and just to rub it in her face she called her down there just so she made her [ __ ] no so that she she could get a good glimpse of the pictures of her being thrown in the trash take it out he positioned her right there in the lobby just enough the right angle to see them pictures being walked out [ __ ] this is you he's probably like she's not here yet yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay take it out now take it in now yeah she just parked all right now these people might be stereotypes but at least they had one dimension to them there's a couple of characters who had no dimension it was flat see-through like uh like uh uh was the name patience patience sits next to this gay muppet hey man sandwich jesus man that's not even the only time he does oh well i'll show you i'll show you the jack of the box yeah did he say man listen listen right here hey man jumps hey it's a gay jump scare right there look at it and when and he's the the man sandwich between those two slices of bread of course is benjamin brown sure sure and he's staring at him like he ordered that man sandwich on grubhub or something like he [Music] man sandwiches here i didn't eat breakfast this morning i'm glad i ordered the large who's full he is like a little gay jack-in-the-box no like he's just popping up and nobody asked him to be in the conversation patience that is a man in serious life with you you think hello oh my god ain't nobody talking to you stop doing that he said him to your desk man watching a gay episode of sesame street hello it pops up from under the desk yeah but he has his back stuff out of all of those characters kind of let it slide maybe a little bit maybe i mean yeah they should be better but those are those those are supporting characters they're not important to them no no not at all believe me they're not well first of all you gotta have a plot to be important but barely got one here but the worst character is the main character patience is the patience over here man first of all a lot of people are mad a lot of people they were mad at this saying man ain't none like the comic you know no batman not even in gotham it's not even the same name you know supposed to be selena kyle her name is patience i tell you what if you're really that much of a fan they did your ass a favor you better have she had she been selena kyle you'd be even more mad you better you okay you better be glad this is this is not the character that you love and cherish they did you a favor because the character that they have here is horrible it's you you be thankful you got that gap that separation there be thankful her name is not selena you know uh cause with this character man i told you her just like everybody else only reason why her character has more than one dimension is because she ends up playing just a different character and that other character ain't got too much to them either but the character that she starts that with before she comes becomes uh uh patience i mean she comes catwoman she's patience the lowly graphic artist at this this uh this beauty makeup company and when she's first introduced she's so clumsy she is so clumsy that she can't even go to work without bumping every person in her path days blended together consistently ordinary it's like i'm surprised she hasn't injured people on a way there watching her go to work is like looking at her play tag with people you tag hey you know they do this in all these superhero movies man they create a villain because they've had their feelings hurt only because they were just two yeah once because they were too socially awkward to go out there and get a life themselves and she is so clumsy patients are so clumsy like she i mean when even when nobody's around even though nobody she lives by herself she can't wake up she can't even get up without tripping over on two feet what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i know well it's the first day of that apartment it's our first day it's like our first day of the night she had spinal surgery like god damn is your equilibrium off [ __ ] do you need a cat scan hey [Laughter] seriously she's like she's so clumsy that even the the cats the cats that like her they catch out the her the kid they think the character yeah like there's cats out there that she's stupid too the cats actually lure her ass out to the ledge she's stupid and she too she's too stupid and too clumsy to be out there on the edge of a building you're gonna make me come out there why i like the way they can i like the way i can it just got like yeah keep going it's funny because these cats these cats are almost like let's hurry up and make a catwoman before she hurts somebody somebody else yeah yeah really gonna hurt herself she's gonna [ __ ] one day but she might take somebody out with us so let's hear up and kill this [ __ ] before she hurt somebody let's call ass on this leg you know what [Laughter] her turning into catwoman it is one of this is the dumbest part of the movie it is actually one of the dumbest origin stories i've ever seen first first of all she gets she gets murdered for snooping around some place that she's not no no no the true setup is purple austin is mad at her because she didn't use the right color red oh yeah and yeah it makes her stay up all night it's funny yeah to the office at midnight well yeah yo yeah taking [ __ ] off at midnight oh it's funny too man because these cats they like y'all think i'm joking about them wanting her to die they follow her ass around waiting for her to [ __ ] up right they follow yeah they follow her as around knowing that she's gonna die oh he already killed yeah i guess realistically they would have ate her yeah because if they weren't going turning them up to have a buffet that's what cats do right yeah yeah hey dinner time y'all come on you sure this is the one cause i'm hungry all right cadillac i've been working on this meal all day i saw it first but yeah man her turn to catwoman is one of the dumbest origin stories i've seen so why does he kill her because she's well let me let me tell you okay first of all yeah they they got because see here's that of course there's a company that's up to no good they're making a they're making a cream a de-aging cream it's too good to be true because of course it ends up messing people's faces up it ended up scarring people turning them into horrible monsters and you see a picture right there that's funny because you know first she gets murdered for snooping around when she's not supposed to and the reason why i'm saying it's kind of her fault kinda but really i gotta blame the bad guys for being dumber than her so dumb let's let's discuss our evil plan with the doors these bulls are up here and they are they they are given they're given a whole they're giving a whole visual presentation on their evil plan i can live with it being addictive but these side effects from the long-term studies and we'll make sure they do because that's where the money comes from yeah yeah people they give it all so they get they got video [ __ ] they're giving a whole ted talk on people up with evil plans but then they they they do this they give all this [ __ ] out while not remembering to lock the door in a place that clearly says restricted area so both of them are to blame she sees this side that says restricted area but meanwhile these [ __ ] lock the door while they got visuals of their plans up here yeah is she trying to discover something no walking supposed to be dropping off the plan the the artwork that she didn't do which her boss told her drop off at midnight which never happens but go ahead yeah and and she's just wandering around the whole place and somehow they do the manufacturing in the same building where they do design and she's just wandering around hello anybody here i'm walking through these industrial machines for no reason dark corridors and [ __ ] but just okay so she just decides to go explore but they don't even give her a dignity of like shooting her with a bullet or anything they just flush ass away like a piece of [ __ ] they put her down in the sewage man that's when uh the cat that she tried to save on the ledge that's when uh this cat because y'all saw a real cat you saw a real cat right midnight he's called yeah midnight sorry midnight the cat oh yeah is that the last time you see a real cat that mother might as well turn into garfield because he turns into he turns into a cartoon lasagna he turns into a cartoon cartoon cat and in slow motion let's just boys know it's time to eat oh my god [Applause] how bad that [ __ ] is [Applause] this is stupid she got her powers from cat breath [Applause] some good [ __ ] cause so i mean that too cause apparently cat breath boy we could put a ziploc bag up to a cat's mouth and kept it that [ __ ] we'd be slinging this [ __ ] on the streets man cause cat breath is some potent [ __ ] it gets you high as hell boy it's tripping like pookie right now yeah it's so sam raimi so much movie and i ain't talking about spider-man that's my dark man yeah except without the being funny on purpose because there's a twist here and i do like it i love it i love it because you think that is magical cats like a led by a magical egyptian cat that's been guarding cat women over the years and bringing them back like the crow and [ __ ] and you know who gave her power and the cats are just the middle man it turns out that the cat's actually the one who's really giving this woman her powers the cats are actually they are owned literally by a crazy cat lady yeah it said that miles have special powers this [ __ ] is crazy get the [ __ ] out of here take us with you please she's been talking this catwoman [ __ ] for years francis francis conroy yeah and francis conroy yeah the cray she got a pounce from a crazy cat lady y'all i got hey look i gotta give the movie respect for that catwoman got pop outs of the crazy cat ladies i mean you say it like that where else would she get them yeah that's true and it's fable what's funny here is because the crazy cat lady looked like she running some game because it looked like she running the long game to just get holly berry hooked on that [ __ ] you should come back any time i'm always here that's math yeah and tell your friends if they're cool and that was just the taste yeah i'm gonna get back man she got ain't no catnip that's some [ __ ] that's that's heroin or something man yeah some good [ __ ] ain't it that's how she's looking at it too yeah i know you like it yeah you can you go ahead and take that one yeah she's like got another one living for the city [Laughter] you come on back and say ain't married now anytime all right you're right telling my sister you know they cuz they try to make this so much about female empowerment here follow your own desires but you will experience a freedom other women will never know [ __ ] freedom to act like a goddamn idiot i'm telling this woman got this girl high got on some [ __ ] in the rest of this movie that's the whole story to influence how she acts she's mentally ill because yeah because this woman you want to know why cat women are alone because when they go on dates they act like weirdos dating it's uh it's all about the pursuit but when you catch them goddamn save me something [ __ ] benjamin uh brad is probably not even at the table right now probably heard just sitting there by us up just munching down that's as hard as she is that's grossing me out yeah approach anybody else cool thing about catwoman catwoman is a cat burglar okay that's where the pun ends right there she's not a [ __ ] cat not a literal cat right but holly berry is hell he's sitting up there waiting to meet benjamin brett if he's real and she's in the lobby acting crazy looking like she's tripping on something [ __ ] that's when benjamin brad would see that and turn right around [ __ ] i'm breaking this off now exactly i was going to try to get this ass but i'm a cop i can't be dealing with junkies exactly but also she's a cat she likes fish but does she have to eat like a pig and shove it down a gully you have to keep being a dead cat for this man i mean she's sleeping on shelves at all she probably lift herself clean right he's a bed right right there but cats don't sleep on beds and the thing is she thinks she's on the shelf but [ __ ] she's probably in central park in a tree right now can't get enough fish man that sushi wasn't enough oh no no regular food for me no more i'm a cat woman i got to go buy i got to go buy cans of tuna eating straight from the kids are you looking at this and it's like something that's nasty yeah what the [ __ ] is she gonna do next she gonna she's gonna [ __ ] in a box of sand and look at all that yo seriously i mean i mean why not let's have a look put a litter box over there just have a shower piss it in gravel right exactly then you know they'd be like hey man at least they have a sense of humor about it yeah and if water touches you she's gonna go ape [ __ ] you know what i mean like benjamin brown sure you haven't seen this brad shows up at her apartment and there's a box with turds in it oh sorry it's a big-ass cat you got a line that's disturbing but she's still hot so all right don't go in move it to the side look can we do this real quick might be able to get into that kind of thing here's what cause i see what you mean it's like she got all these cat powers apparently cats can also play basketball [Music] how many cuts did you count yeah 15 yeah [ __ ] even he's dizzy where did she go like what the [ __ ] are you doing give the kids back their balls i yeah you knew how to play yeah this is not this is not basketball even the kids are looking like damn man your girlfriend is high as hell because at first the kids are like yeah yeah for those who are wondering how do your cat just pop up out of nowhere don't you know cat's teleporting that's how she got her teleporting powers shift changes [Laughter] other times she teleports but that's the time it's most noticeable yeah like come on and you can see it wasn't like a pillar there that was a hallway it was all wall back there that because i i had to go back and make sure like was there a turnaround or a pillar and i'm like no no that's a whole different department there was a moment that it looked like it could possibly be kind of cool because no that's she there was a moment she became the catwoman yeah that everybody knows yeah uh she pulled out the sexy leather outfit that her nerdy ass had for some inexplicable reason we already had it no no they yeah they they early in the movie they go like oh you're going on a date you should put on that leather outfit and she's like i don't know i can't wear that to a lunch date only you're wearing that [ __ ] to the club and i'm talking about a s m section you ain't going to a bar you ain't going to a dance club you're going to some freaky [ __ ] looking like a member of tlc [Laughter] uh and then she started doing catwoman stuff she started doing cool things you know being being like the the the anti-hero you know that that we know of her like she's when she puts on that she gets those cat powers she uh starts uh putting on that leather she cuts her hair to be cool she instantly knows how to ride a motorcycle a motorcycle that she stole time it was like janet jackson stole my body by the way she probably stole it to get some money for some of that that heroin that she gave her let me let me take a guess it was an [ __ ] neighbor's bike no i used to [ __ ] with it we don't know yeah you don't but there are they are the the [ __ ] neighbors she she decides to steal what we expect selena kyle to do catwoman she's a cat burglar so she decides to steal jewelry from a jewelry store coincidentally on the same night that somebody else decides to go in and steal jewelry they got these dudes and by the way they are the worst criminals in the world they are loud as you can hear them robbing the place from the street oh [ __ ] yeah man keep it down you keep it down why'd you wear tap shoes she's got a she got a her anti-hero moment where she beats the [ __ ] out these guys boy that edited man oh yeah and these reaction shots i'm gonna show you that in a little bit with something else those reaction shots though but you know what the thing they don't even know what to do with the character because once once she starts to become the catwoman that everybody knows and love then they stay like oh well [ __ ] man you know it's harley berry and this is a movie the kids are going to come see and whatnot she can't be no bad guy she wakes up the next morning and returns the [ __ ] she returns the jewelry with gifts cupcakes she gonna eat that [ __ ] she said cupcakes and don't expect him like they brought that [ __ ] for her cupcake we get to keep the suit at least right nope nah [ __ ] that's cool ain't stupid enough [Music] what you can have is the goofiest looking dominatrix you've ever seen real that's just ridiculous man and they try boy they try and try and they try again and try their hardest to make this cool they threw some ass up in there yep they made sure that when they made the suits that the titties would jiggle just enough yeah yeah pad the bra enough and they and it and it just does not work now when you get to the mask and you're like oh this big bulb is head it's just throwing off the whole arrow dynamic design you know what i'm just not aroused anymore the way you know this gets worse when they put it in action because then when she starts doing like the like the real catwoman stuff in that outfit it is the worst cg well it's a it's a it's a really bad for 2004. yeah and even then it's like because you can tell it's a really bad cg holly berry [Music] this is like something that wiggles that wiggle and everything so bad this looks like something off of a cg barbie dvd or something man yeah and boy these reaction shots they got these reaction shots where they try to edit it back into the action and she ain't got no good direction for that it's just it's just one move and it looks silly as hell you gotta look like dracula i don't feel sorry for you [Music] it's your own fault you're out there people look at that expression they shot this and they kept that shot that was that that's the one they went with they that is they did the scene several times they go that's the one that's the one we got that's the last [ __ ] right there that's the one they kept hey i thought i had to stop that rewind at a few times [Laughter] there's the usual cat puns you mean you looking you know that's mandatory here what a perv okay jesus yeah oh oh oh jesus oh yeah jesus came out yeah man we started wait a minute hold on jesus can't help you brother jesus can't help you cat got your time he this dude is like are you right [Laughter] the editing in this the editing is so bad martin when you talking about that basketball oh that [ __ ] goes on it's it's everything that [ __ ] goes on and on and it's in almost like they're proud of their editing you're right that taken got not taken three got nothing on camera this guy what's his name yeah who was a visual supervisor yeah i guess he just said like this is where i make my bones this is what i do ptop is apparently european for shitty editing right he said he's doing it with the camera i was expecting him to try to shoot with the ball and actually shoot the camera oh [ __ ] he's trying to he's trying to film with the basketball shot with the camera you see see that camera just go over there [ __ ] catch it catch it man there's a point where it looks like speaking of cats and catwoman it looks like they it looks like they strapped the camera to a cat and just let his ass come please they gave a cat some speed lsd and put a camera on his head and see smacked him on his ass it's horrible and that scene is just it's just a scene around the motorcycle but they they can't let it be something simple and it's all sped up like that movie torque except whenever it cuts to her you could tell she's going maybe three miles an hour baby yeah being pulled three miles an hour [Music] that's the camera man running down the freeway [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] i was laughing so hard today i laughed out loud at that like why the reaction shots are edited bad once you see this shot there's a do you mean the part the ferris wheel yes when that kid the kid and the mom oh look who couldn't act the editing first of all these reaction shots are so bad the way they keep cutting these still shots and close-ups with some of these crazy camera moves but then they they edit and it's look it ain't going that fast you can't catch this they added where somebody looks scared and excited the next thing they just like i don't give a [ __ ] look at that you see that [Laughter] whoa wait a minute i think you're right [Laughter] sharon stone okay so sharon stone i i know a lot of people make a fun of her back in the day because you know she showed a vagina on camera apparently uh but you know i i think she's a good actress but she would not know about this she's as terrible as [ __ ] here she's acting like she's in a parody of a lifetime movie yes and i can't like i said i don't know if i can completely blame her because this dialogue this cut this dialogue is right there with that kfc lifetime movie that they had yeah and you now why would you believe it was me [Music] because i finally trusted a friend yeah well your friend just got you killed you know what his stupid ass had it coming he did but also like all right well you just shot a cop in your own home and you know yeah where is this supposed to go she had a setup plan which didn't work but don't don't go up in no villains home that you that you know is guilty and start confronting it the editing in her direction like nobody's directed well here yeah the the the editing in her direction even when they're telling them these characters to beat the [ __ ] out of each other when they're punching each other even the punches have bad acting [Music] [Laughter] and i'm telling you if these fight scenes are edited to [ __ ] man overdramatic well i ain't never seen fight scenes over to many i would say this though sharon stone had the best death in movies she has the best death in a lot of movies that i've seen well yeah because they employed our favorite device oh man now was that was that what i think it was that a dummy hell yeah that was a oh what does that tell me and the thing is somebody something bad i waited too i had a feeling that real that that uh that famous stunt woman zoe bell for some of it but some of that [ __ ] was a dummy now if this is what i think it is somebody threw that dummy off at the the right way with that dummy look like somebody threw an action fig off of a rooftop i gotta give it to catwoman catwoman has an award for me if i could give a a dummy award it would go to catwoman i've never seen a dummy flip like this as if they said listen the thing that always happens wrong with dummies is that they get loose and they've been the wrong way so we got to make this one stiff they threw that muscle know how to die the aerodynamics were going to work like a goddamn starfish and then like this yeah yeah that [ __ ] looked like a bag of flour being thrown it's that third flip that's the funniest one right there oh that killed me man and then there's just a shot of it like skydiving almost yeah yeah like right after well they got an actual person to do the skydiving part i love how the movie started out thinking they were saying something and saying nothing oh no and the movie ended thinking they were saying something saying absolutely nothing you see sometimes i'm good oh i'm very good freedom is power to live a little you talking about yeah let's go as as if there was some strong narrative of like well she was mousy before but this would allow her to break out and just be the symbol of freedom for all women you're like no we got a whole dumb cliche plot all in between all that that that everything you talk about at the end it doesn't jail matter of fact it only makes sense that she does this that's how they end the movie boy her talking like you said jibber talking about not a goddamn thing [ __ ] ended with just the dummy yeah [ __ ] damn that was good at least say you know what if nothing else [Laughter] you know if if for nothing else i know it's a terrible movie but i will always cherish it for giving us at least at least we got the dummy a dumb movie with the most amazing dummy ever that's maybe the best dummy i've seen that is the best dumb that's the sharing stone dumb is the best gun i've ever seen you don't see it coming with all the bad seed bad cg that's been going on you don't think they're going to use a dummy no not every time you put in work it looks like they really did like i was joking like half hashtag just toss it up the roof like man let's just see how this goes oh people there you go catwoman
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 143,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catwoman, Catwoman bad movie review, Catwoman movie review, Catwoman review, Catwoman reaction, Catwoman movie, Catwoman trailer, Catwoman 2004, Catwoman 2004 bad movie review, Catwoman 2004 movie review, Catwoman 2004 review, Catwoman 2004 reaction, Catwoman 2004 scene, Catwoman 2004 dummy, Catwoman 2004 fight scene, Catwoman 2004 editing, Catwoman 2004 Halle Berry, Catwoman Halle Berry, Bad movie review, Funny video, Doubletoasted, Double toasted,
Id: sP_qOtsG5H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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