P.E NIGHT #14 SOW: $Jai3bee https://tithe.ly/give?c=212336

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[Music] lord we just thirst we hunger for more of you jesus lord i first for you [Music] my soul [Music] draw me nearer to the beauty of your [Music] [Applause] [Music] home [Music] for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] amen in the beauty [Music] holiness [Music] hallelujah [Music] amen oh [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Applause] jesus we just want more of you we just want more of you oh we thirst for you jesus we hunger for more of you jesus hey [Music] hallelujah jesus said that if any man if any man if any man thirsts if any man hunters hallelujah and he will be filled [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah glory to your name jesus glory to your name hallelujah glory to your name come on let's worship hallelujah come on he's worthy he's worthy [Music] lord we just thirst we hunger for more of you jesus lord i first for you and i know to be in your presence [Music] [Music] le [Applause] [Music] for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] father drawer [Music] i [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] holiness [Music] hallelujah [Music] you foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah keeps us [Music] is and as we were [Music] thank you take your place [Music] hallelujah lord we just embrace your presence right now [Music] hallelujah come and take your place come and take your place oh jesus yes we did [Music] come on and worship [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] come lord jesus take your place take your place take your place [Music] take your place take your place [Music] thank you jesus come on and lift your hands up and give the lord worship in this place give him worship in this place my god we give the lord praise we give the lord praise we give the lord praise we give him praise we give him praise we give him praise we give him praise we bless him for who he is and what he is doing in this hour we glorify him because his word is true he said let every man be alive but let god be true and his word be true and for that we magnify him and we praise him and we give him the glory that do his mighty name oh before you take your seats just open up your mouth and give god a praise out of your spirit come on give him a praise out of your spirit thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus come on giving my praise out of your spirit yes lord give him a praise out of your spirit come on you that are watching give him a praise out of your spirit this is the move of god that we've been asking for and we will tarry in his presence until he get the glory out of us call by shaya and we thank you for it now god and we thank you for it now in jesus mighty name you may take your seats in the presence of the lord thank you father thank you father i don't know about you but i am excited about what god is doing and what he is getting ready to do and tasha is going to help me preach again tonight i don't know why the lord has you in my spirit like that but the lord has you in my spirit and i can't i can't shake what i know god is doing for you my god my god somehow can't shake it so let's go to another house let's go to another house come on somebody give god praise for another house because he's doing what he is doing in another house those that are watching he's doing what he said he was going to do i keep hearing that scripture he is doing with his hands when he has spoken with his mouth i believe god i believe god i see the change i see the change that god is doing in his people lord have mercy jesus i got up here last night and i had to bring myself back down because i'm telling you when i stepped up here i felt like preaching last night but the lord said no and so i i stepped back but i'm telling you god is doing something supernatural because i can't even explain to you why i don't feel exhausted in my body and we are in day number 13 i believe it is 14 one of them days i i i stopped counting 14 we are in day 14 and god is giving me supernatural strength because he wants us to be free yes he does i woke up this morning with something in my spirit that is going to connect with what god is saying and we give god praise for for a pastor and prophet stephon being with us tonight we give god praise for you tonight and for his worship leader being with us tonight we honor god for you amen and to all of the saints of god that i represented and i told y'all i don't need no whole lot of people i can preach like this by myself i want y'all to know that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cause you know you i've had to preach like that by myself in my prayer room you know so a lot of these messages i can i can let people come up here and see all of my markings i didn't i didn't preach these before i wasn't in no church but i was in my i was in my prayer room during my time of transition when he picked me my god when he said it was my turn when he said it was my turn to be tried in the fire i preached to myself so i know these messages right here good lord have mercy thank you jesus we started talking about people that know the way and when you don't know how to get to where god is trying to take you all you have to do is follow who the lord has brought in your life to help lead you there and so i started going back to talk about this carnal mind and when i went back to the colonel mine i i i started thinking about it and and the lord said to me i want you to go back and i want you to i want you to look that up again and i ran across another definition that said pastor stefan that that the carnal mind is not only an enemy against god and enmity against god but the carnal mind is hostile it's hostile it is angry and it is aggressive against the will of god my god have mercy is not just an enemy it's a hostile enemy it fights back it is aggressive it's aggressive because it understands that its position in our lives is temporary and so carnality knows that it has to go and so it fights while it's leaving somebody said that just helped me that just helped me i'm telling you when i read that it helped me and he said and that's why you would you will find out that that that that how do i know dr bynum when i am on my way to freedom i am on my way to freedom when i start being attacked for no reason good lord have mercy can i help somebody with something so when it says that carnality isn't is a hostile enemy against god when you start telling the lord yes in your mind yes in your spirit then there is no more of an eternal hold that the enemy has on you so the attack now has to be external so you can always tell when you've given god a real yes because when you silence the enemy in your mind he finds a voice somewhere else somebody need to ask god to help us tonight he finds a voice somewhere else and he and watch this and he will call that voice to say to you what you have discarded him of so the very oh god the very thing that you have walked away from is what the devil will come and attack you with and that's how you know you're free so you're not supposed to get angry you're supposed to praise god because my freedom now has come because the enemy is attacking me because he wants re-entrance is somebody being helped right there tell somebody he wants to read entrance the carnal mind is transitory it is brief and short-lived you got that tasha it's it it's it's it's brief and short-lived god i love you jesus it is brief and short-lived good lord have mercy so let's go to hebrews 11 chapter because we had to we had to we had to make make that real clear good lord have mercy jesus having that compression again who where is he in the nursing the fourth verse the fourth verse the fourth verse we're going somewhere with this prompted actuated hebrews 11 and 4 by faith and we taught that abra brought god a better and a more acceptable sacrifice than cain we covered that now i want you to go down to the seventh verse prompted we're still in the prompted prompted by faith noah being forewarned by god concerning events of which as yet there was no visible sign god i'd love the lord for that tasha when the lord can speak to us about something that does not exist yet and how do i know that i am operating in faith because i prepare for what i don't see man i go i start getting ready for what is to come and that's how i know i believe it because i can see it in my in my in my in my spirit's mind oh god yeah lord i hear you i hear you i hear you we're going there it said of which as yet there was no visible sign took heed and diligently and reverently constructed and prepared an ark for the deliverance of his own family that's why he said let's go to the house now y'all that y'all i don't think y'all see what i just saw here he prepared for his own house in ark and then understanding that that everything that god is speaking in here is is really a typology of what is to come so so here noah is he prepared an ark for the saving of the house of his own family because the ark of the lord was coming again in the new testament by way of jesus and so now he's asking us to prepare an ark for our family no no i don't think you heard that did you hear that in the house it's time for us us to prepare to prepare an ark in our house for our family somebody said it's for the family now somebody says for the family now and so people are saying you know i don't understand that i know i seem like you know so many people are distraught and so many people are going through things in their mind you know and god god allowed us to know that that these people we were already off we bit off but you know we're going to the grocery store we're going to school we go on here we're going there and we don't see crazy in our family y'all ain't saying nothing because we're not still enough to know that we're not sane and so what the lord does he allows the pandemic to come like he did the waters are with noah so that you can bring the family in the house so they can be saved by the ark of the word [Applause] oh my god somebody somebody say god is preaching this god is preaching this so he causes he causes it to reign with a disease so that he can save our families somebody said well he didn't save my family because because because they died we had 12 family members to die but he also gave us a word and let us know through his word that he allowed them to lay down in the book of isaiah and go to sleep that they may escape that they may escape the hand of the enemy in other words they may not have made it if he had left them here so we give god praise that they gone and none of them would come back here if you paid them a million dollars oh y'all come on sit down let me let me let me let me just do this let me just do this let me just do this oh god so it says here that he took he diligently and reverently constructed and prepared it up for the deliverance of his own family by this his faith which relied on god he passed judgment and sentence on the world's unbelief and became an heir and a possessor of the righteousness now i gotta stop like that because this next sentence tasha is gonna bless you it's gonna bless you he became he was able to pass judgment on the world's unbelief well what does that mean dr bynum what does that mean that he was able to pass judgment there ought to be a belief system in us that will cause our faith in god to be a judgment against those that will not trust him i don't think you heard that there ought to be something about you that people can look at and they can recognize what they don't have by what you have [Music] is y'all saying something is anybody saying something in other words i should be able to gauge i should be able to gauge what i don't have by what you have whoa jesus jesus that's why that's why i look at people like you know you still you're still aspiring i look at pastor boy that's going on to be with the lord i look at i look at people that are still here mother boy that's going to be with the lord pastor collins that's going to be with the lord when they were in the earth realm they were a judgment against us that was operated in folly and foolishness oh god somebody say something up in here am i am i preaching right now and that's why the devil hate people like a like a pastor's show and a co-pastor jackie and and and evangelist t renee glenn because because they their presence judges us come out here somebody we're walking around here talking about we love the lord but when we watch the way they love the lord we have to we have to step back and say i don't have that oh somebody better say something i don't have that and that's the way we're supposed to be living pastor stephan our lives are supposed to be as such that people that follow us can look at us and say i don't have that and lord i want that god oh somebody say something up in here i want that god don't tell me don't tell me it can't happen because the bible talked about how how how the people of old called on the god of abraham isaac and jacob and that was a reason why because their god worked for them we're living in an hour now i don't want to shout anymore i don't just want to speak in tongues anymore i want the god that worked for mother boy i want the god that worked for plasterboard i want the god that works for t renee glenn i want that god somebody say i want that god y'all sit down y'all sit down y'all sit down okay we going we're going somewhere we're going somewhere he said here here's a line right here tasha here's a line it said here that he passed judgment and sentence on the world's unbelief and became an heir and a possessor of righteousness watch this that relation of being right into which god puts the person who has faith so in other words i'm not supposed to try to be right i'm supposed to obey what the word tells me to do and god will put me in righteousness oh jesus oh lord oh lord righteousness don't you yes lord you can't go get it you can't go get it well dr bynum why do i keep failing cause you keep trying to go get righteousness like it's something you can go get you can't go get that he has to give it to you okay is somebody is somebody hearing what i'm saying here is somebody here you can't go get it he has to give it to you righteousness has to come down he has to give it to you and how do i get it when i see your faith when i see your faith in my word then i can put you in right standing other than that you're just a bible reader you're not right oh god i'm not hearing y'all talk to me you just read the bible before you go to sleep that don't make you right it don't make you right i'm not hearing y'all how do i know you're not right because you can't do it you can't do it when nobody's around you can't do it you can't do the word you read the word but you can't do the word because why he knows that you are reading the word to get out of trouble you're not reading it because you want to be right that's when he said he that cometh to god must come believing that he is and that he is a rewarder to those that diligently seek him but the verse above that says it is impossible without faith to please god i know you don't want to please me you want to be comforted you don't want to live for me you just want me to get you out of trouble so you a bible reader that still do wrong because just because you really don't mean you have faith and because i don't see your faith i can't make you right i can't put you in right and i can't download righteousness to you jesus jesus who who is he talking to lord have mercy lord have mercy jesus is he preaching this i'm telling you he preaching this no no no you want to be right watch this you want to be right here's a secret now you want to be right then then prompted faith puts you in right it qualifies you for right prompted faith what i do immediately when i read it uh okay i'm i'm gonna push on because y'all don't y'all don't hear that not what i hesitate with not what i have a conversation in my mind about i'm not hearing y'all not what i fumble over not what i mess over but when i'm prompted i do it immediately when i read the word i obey it immediately when i read what he says i do it immediately when i hear him speak to me i don't argue with the word of god i don't argue with god i do what he tells me to do immediately plot me i do it with speech i hurry up and do it thank you jesus i get in a hurry about it i can't get nobody to talk to me lord have mercy i don't hesitate one second if the word said put it down when i put it down i don't hesitate good lord have mercy jesus if the spirit of the lord speak to me and tell me to do something i don't argue with it i don't watch this watch this because i'm talking to somebody right now i don't say to god if you say it again i'll know that it's you how do you how are you asking me to say it again when you hurt me the first time because again mean you hurt me the first time i'm not hearing y'all talk to me you're trying to justify a reason why you don't do it lord jesus lord have mercy jesus again will you say it again then that means you heard me the first time because again means do the first thing that just happened a second time so why do i have to keep talking to you a second time but then you're the person that's calling for righteousness i can't give you that because you're not prompt enough why should i give you 20 things to do when you mess over one because righteousness watch this is going to require you to be in sync with me good lord have mercy righteousness is going to require us to walk as one unit righteousness is going to require you that when i move you move when i speak you speak in him we live and move and have our being righteousness is going to command that you walk synchronized with me not behind me not two days later not five hours later not two hours later not 15 minutes later when i hear his voice i speak when i hear his voice i move when i hear his voice i do not hesitate okay okay okay okay okay i'm gonna say something right here i'm gonna say something right here well why is it when i hear his voice i don't hesitate i don't hesitate god i love you why don't i hesitate what is it that causes me not to hesitate tasha because oh yes lord because the world has closed in on you when you became a believer the prince of this world shut the gates of this world on you because now you're the enemy of the devil and he is the power and the prince of this air can i preach this to you so there is no door open for you because this is his kingdom i'm not hearing y'all but when god speaks and tells you to do something it's because he divinely sends a portal from heaven and interrupts the time zone and pushes back the sides of the world and give you an opportunity to step in i'm not hearing y'all talk to me i can't get nobody to talk to lord jesus that thing just took my head right there are y'all hearing that are y'all hearing that are y'all hearing that uh the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof but satan is the power and the prince of the air and the way i see that the way i see that is the lord god got this earth all laid up and so because the enemy is the power and the prince of the air the wind of the enemy goes around slamming doors the wind of the enemy goes around breathing the breath of defiance in people that will stand against what god has called you to do but because the lord is the creator of all things when it's time for you to step through into the promise he will overthrow the enemy see wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait but how is he going to overthrow the enemy he going to overflow overthrow the enemy for you by one way greater is he that is in me that he that is in the world i'm not talking about some hocus pocus he's talking about his word and if you don't have a greater word than you you ain't got the greater in you oh god oh god oh jesus who am i preaching to tonight lord who am i preaching to tonight oh jesus he knows he knows that his time is running out he knows that he's an enemy against god and so the miracle becomes no good thing will i withhold from them who walk it up right before me that's why he said she keep first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then all of these things will be added unto you i'm not hearing y'all talk to me this man because he was prompt in his response because he was prompt to prepare the ark of the covenant for his house because we are prompt to grab the word of god and put it in our lives and keep it there we become heirs and possessors i'm not hearing y'all we cannot be stopped we move through the earth ram like a force that cannot be tampered with and we are put over in what is right every time sometimes we don't know how we get out of stuff sometimes we don't know how it is that we have escaped the temptation of the enemy because when i heard the lord said promptly put your word on the inside of me he picks me up at a time of temptation and he sets me over in right i don't i don't i don't know if anybody listened to that so let me just move on let me just move on let me just move on oh god oh god oh god oh jesus y'all i want y'all to understand what i just said cause people listen listen listen listen listen listen when an instruction comes and it says prompted by faith that's why i left off at prompted prompted by faith sometimes we don't understand why god told us to do things i had pastor tammy to come here and the lord let me to call her and say i need you to come she had been very sick i mean very low sick so she barely made it here in the car they had to drive her here she could barely sit up in the car when she came in here they sat over there in the chair and she couldn't really sit up in the chair her back something was wrong with her back and something is wrong with her kidneys and she was she was just like out of it over there in the chair and as i began to preach the word i saw her hands go up and then the next night i saw her get up and go forth in a dance when we got done she sat back there and in the in the in the dining room next to me and she said dr bynum she said you know i can't go up and down stairs i said really she said no ma'am she said whatever this thing was that happened in my back she said i can't go up and down stairs she said when i go up the stairs i have to crawl up the steps and when i come down i have to sit on the steps and come down with my behind and slide down one step at a time and when i get to the bottom then i can grab the railing and i can get up and i said oh wow and i said what what well that ain't gonna happen no mo i said i said well that ain't gonna happen no more and she said well dr bonham i believe that so she went home and she was watching she was watching the night the lord sent me forth about the seed about obeying god she sold a 133 seed she said after i showed the seed she said i got up the next day went up the steps walking came back down the steps walking and ain't had no problems why because when you probably obey god you don't know what god is going to do for you lynn baker said i didn't hesitate she said i i i i i didn't hesitate she said i reached and i did it my son needed a tutor for medical school for two thousand dollars and we didn't have it she said and i sold that 133 and i said god i believe you she said the next day a man called and said i heard that you your son was going to sign up he said that's what i do and i will tutor him for nothing don't pay the two thousand dollars because when you properly obey god when you stop arguing with god in your mind can i tell you what i just heard i just heard your mind as a process wait a minute your mind is a process but your obedience is a miracle no no somebody better give god a praise right there somebody better give him a praise right there my mind is a process my mind is a process but my obedience is a miracle somebody say that with me my mind is a process but my obedience is a miracle oh god oh god y'all sit down y'all sit down y'all sit down jesus jesus lord have mercy jesus lord have mercy jesus good lord i'm on eight lord have mercy jesus listen to this listen at this listen to this here we go so then we get to because this is connected we get to urge on by faith urged urged well i don't i just think people ought to be able to just do what they want to do not i just think it should just be free will people just you know when you tell somebody to do something this should be free will yeah yeah i don't know just let people do what no uh uh this this this this scripture right here said urged on by faith urge mean to push or force alone to impale with force and vigor is anybody hearing that you're supposed to be pushed to it you're supposed to be forced to it y'all ain't saying nothing uh-uh when i know that god is getting ready to drop something in here and i said everybody lift your hands up and praise god and some of y'all go like that no no i'm supposed to force you come on somebody i'm supposed to urge you because i know what the outcome is going to be you in your mind i'm in your miracle which one do you want come on somebody who am i talking to he got me standing up here in a different realm i'm in a different realm than where you are then you're watching right there in your house when i step up here i step up in a different realm i'm not hearing y'all so which one do you want do you want your mind or do you want a miracle and if you want a miracle my job is to urge you to lift your hands up to hurt you to give god praise to urge you i'm supposed to flush you i'm supposed to push you with vigor i'm supposed to make you mad while you're doing it oh jesus oh jesus i can't get nobody to say my god my god my god my god watch this thing right there don't move stay right there urge on by faith abraham when he was called obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance and he went urged to go he went although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go whoa he was urged on come here come here turn around he was he was pushed on turn around and look at me like you what he was pushed on turn around and looking like you know what i said he was pushed on turn around like you don't want to go he said he was pushed on turn around again like no he said he was pushed on and where was he pushed to he was pushed to a place that was his destiny and he did not know what he was going up but the word of god kept pushing him y'all links him and that's why you can't explain to spiritual dummies of what god has given you to do you can't explain to people who are under a dumb spirit what god has told you to do because when he tells you to do something he is talking to you well while you're doing that i'm being urged y'all y'all ain't saying no why are you why are you showing that cause i'm being urged why are you going ahead and preparing to build a church because i'm being urged why you over there in that building with them hard floors and them white curtains because i'm being urged into something greater because he ended up in destiny and how do you know when you end up in destiny because the bible said right here that once he got to the land that was promised to him watch this up he didn't act possess it like look at me he already had set his attention on another building on another foundation that was not built with hands how do you know when you're a person of faith because watch this because i can have it and not have it come on somebody that listen listen the joy is not what i get the joy is how i got it [Applause] y'all ain't saying nothing right there y'all ain't saying them right there the joy is not that i got a house the joy is i got it by faith so yeah the joy is not that i got a church but i got it by faith who am i talking about y'all shouting about the church i'm shouting about my faith you dancing about my car i'm dancing about my faith who is god talking to you ain't mine my furniture but i'm praising god because i've learned the secret that the just shall live papi oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus y'all said that i'm almost finished i'm almost finished lord jesus lord jesus lord jesus somebody need to give him a praise right there because that thing lord jesus i'm going to say something right here that's going to bless you and the most dangerous thing a person can do that has been called out into the realm of supernatural faith is to hang around somebody that don't believe it good lord have mercy i'm not hearing y'all talk to me i might hear you but see when you walk with that thing and you walk with that thing on you it should it should cause other people to believe in the supernatural y'all ain't saying nothing y'all they say that god start talking to abraham this man that was urged this man that went out and did what god told him to do the lord came back and started talking to him and now the lord said you're going to be a father of many nations uh-huh but the lord already knew he was barren y'all didn't say that then his wife was past the time of bearing children but god told him you're gonna be the father of many nations i can't make this up i'm gonna read it to you so you can because when i read it it blessed me it said because because because because because because i'm too excited about this something wrong with me because the word because me for the reason that due to this fact because because it's due to this because of faith due to the fact of this the fact the reality faith must be a reality due to this fact it said that sarah herself received she did not have that people she received physical power to conceive a child lord have mercy you ain't got no physical problem that you can't receive physical power physical power to conceive a child even when she was long past the age for it because she considered god who had given her the promise to the reliable and the trustworthy and the true to his word so from one man though he was physically as good as dead there have strong descendants of who number is as the stars of heaven and as countless as the innumerable sansa on the seashore and i don't think y'all really understand what god is saying to us up in here that that washes because of the fact that we have this we can get physical strength we can get new organs up we can get new hearts and new kidneys and and new y'all looking at me like i'm i'm just going to stop right now because they i don't i don't know if people believe me i don't i don't because i've seen it done we can get new kidneys and new livers and new and new hearts and blood transfusions i just heard that for somebody that's watching new blood transfusion i don't see god heal people i don't see people come to me with aids infested with and god purify their blood and take them to pure healing and the doctor don't understand why who am i talking to i remember i remember teacher lord have mercy i remember teaching one of my spiritual daughters you remember uh teacher sister in his uh sister ingrid teacher came to us and she i remember i was teaching a class next door on tuesday night and she came she stumbled in the door came down the middle out dirty and stinky and she came down the hour yelling that's my mom that's my mama so the dickens went to grab her they went to grab her and set her down and i said no no no they said no they pointed to me like we gonna take her out i said no no i told some girls that were sitting on the front row that wasn't receiving nothing move over move over so i can sit tisha here and so i set her there and i said what's your name she said teacher i said okay i said this gonna be your seat every night she said but you my mama and i said okay and so after church she said can i see that lady and you know i said well okay i'll let her see me and she said i was in the beauty shop and she said i'm on drugs and i'm on crack she said i was in the beauty shop i wandered into the beauty shop to beg for some money for some food and the lady had you on the screen she said and i heard you preaching and god said you my mama i said okay and i said well every tuesday night this going to be your seat and so she would come on tuesday night and she would come down the island someday she would be high and you know just dirty because she didn't really have clothes and tisha kept coming called out about and we got teacher clothes and after a while teacher gave a life to god teacher had lost her children lord had mercy to the court system she had two daughters she had lost her daughters she was living on the streets and eating out of garbage cans y'all ain't man i can't get nobody to talk to me because see god has taken us back to the real church i said he taken us back to the real church and i'm talking about the real church because see listen listen we got these propped up centers now we got these sinners that's coming with cute clothes on and all of that god taking us back well we're going to reach for people that don't look like us i'm not i'm not hearing y'all talk to me and so teacher came in the church and after a while she got saved gerard and she got she got filled with the holy ghost and and and i took her through a little mentorship and so i started telling her i said teacher i want you to i want you to serve me and so the courts gave her back her daughters teacher got a place to live and she started serving me on tuesday mornings and she would get my coffee and my tea for 5 am prayer and she started serving me and so somebody came to me and said they said you know you got to be careful and i said why they said because she got aids and we don't want you to catch nothing and and she's serving you go to baha'i thank you jesus and the lord spoke to me and i told that person i said then whatever she got i'm gonna catch it because she gonna keep on serving me no no you don't hear me i said the lord told me to tell her to serve me and i said and if i catch aids from her then i die in the service of the lord you don't hear me teacher had 17 venereal diseases y'all don't want to hear me there was times that we would come to church on tuesday mornings and i would look at her and the holy ghost would give it to me and i would say open your mouth and all in her mouth would be sores no you don't hear what i'm talking about and i would take the anointing oil and pour it in her mouth and by the time service was over they were gone i'm telling you what i know i'm telling you what i know my god she would go to the hospital and the doctor would say she gonna die today and jesus would call me up and get on the phone and she said mother am i gonna die and i said not today and she would come out of that hospital and everybody on her floor would die you don't hear what i'm saying y'all ain't talking back in here i'm talking about when you promptly obey god the bible said he gives power to the physical body who is god preaching to and so teacher the last time she went into the hospital here in new york she was on the floor and they said you better come because she ain't gonna make it i said okay i got ready to get in my car the lord said no he said send the word of the lord and i stood in my living room and i sent the word of the lord and i said god not yet i said not yet and i sent the word of the lord that night that night everybody on that floor in icu died and the next morning teacher came home no no y'all ain't saying that and when the lord finally took keisha y'all are hearing this nine years later no age medicine i want you to hear this she lived nine years with no white blood count cells y'all are not listening to what god is saying when i went to the hospital i said to her she said mother i want to go to the threshing floor in waycross and i took her she was there on the threshing floor the next day she got sick and they said mother you better come because she in the hospital and so i went to the to to the threshing floor and i went to pick up one of the pressure and the holy ghost said you're getting ready to send her to me he said i'm ready now and i said yes lord and i took the pressure when i got to the hospital the doctor said are you her mother and i said yes i am see that's all that pretend stuff that people doing out there my spiritual mama my busy mom that's my spiritual mama come on i'm done with it i'm done with come on somebody cause when you somebody's spiritual mother you go to the gutter with them oh yes ma'am you got some mamas that's watching right now that their sons is in jail and that's still my baby i'm not hearing y'all my son is in prison for murder but that's still my baby but we over here in the church with this fake mother stuff and this fake father stuff and all you're doing is using people and taking their money and making them buy you stuff and serve you you don't hear me that's why when they my children i tell them don't bless me to blind me i don't want your money i don't want your gifts i don't want your presence i want to be able to look in your spirit and call sin sin i'm not hearing y'all talk to me somebody better say something right now [Music] i got spiritual children that's watching right now and they'll tell you now don't don't no no no don't bless me to blind me because when i get ready to call you out i don't want to have to remember your gucci purse when i get ready to call you out and correct your spirit i don't want to have to remember that you bought me a louis vuitton scarf y'all ain't saying nothing y'all ain't saying nothing y'all ain't saying nothin lord jesus i don't even know how i got over there no no no no no no no no we got to take the church back to this is old-fashioned revival if i'm your mama i should be able to tell you to sit down because you're not ready if i'm your mom i should be able to tell you put the microphone down you need to come and sit for a while i'm not hearing y'all if i'm your spiritual mother i have to tell you when your spirit is off and when you're preaching but you're not anointed you're gifted but you're not breaking yolks i'm not hearing nobody talk to me y'all ain't saying nothing right there y'all ain't saying i'm right there lord have mercy when i got to that hospital and the nurses was looking i wasn't ashamed i wasn't ashamed and the doctor called me over to him he said can i see you i said yes sir he said are you her mother i said yes i am cause i was the only mama she knew i said yes i am he said well can i ask you a question i said yes he said i did the blood work on her and he said you know she's not gonna make it i said yes sir i know that i said the lord told me that he said well can i ask you a question and i said yes he said how did she live how did she live for nine years i see here was the last time she took any medication and she has 17 venereal diseases and six of them should have been kilter i said because god had a purpose for her no you don't hear me you don't hear see y'all playing too much i'm talking about i'm talking about real miracles i'm talking about there were times i would lay hands on her and tell her body to operate like it's got white blood count cells and god would do it come on here saints who am i preaching to today who am i preaching to today but you got to be prompted by faith when god tell you to pray for somebody you can't get your mind in it when god tells you to speak something you can't get your mind in it who am i preaching to when the lord tell you to step out and do something you can't include your mind the bible said she received power in her physical because she only regarded god lord have mercy mercy jesus lord have mercy jesus lord have mercy jesus who am i preaching to tonight he spoke a word to me this morning about somebody and i got right up and went and did it i didn't say well i don't know about no uh prompt wait a minute prompt he said i want you to sow a seed to somebody and it was a big seed and i said okay i just got right up and went to the bay i hadn't been out of this room just about since the revival stuff i got up i said i gotta go to the bank god told me to do this god told me i did it and somebody that i had owed some money to called me back and said i want to give you a large person of the money back see i didn't include my mind come on somebody when you're moving by faith you don't include your mind all you know is i'm being prompted and urged by the word of god called out of the messiah the result of what i do is in who has prompted me oh god i feel why am i why do i feel like i'm really preaching hard tonight why do i feel like i'm preaching hard tonight oh god why do i feel that way urged urged earth i'm talking about i'm talking about the power of god could i tell y'all something see when the lord said to me i want you to do this prayer kit in 2018. i said okay god i i pray listen to me i promptly designed it i promptly didn't when i got through with it pastor stefan i said okay god here it is i did it promptly i said here it is and he said now set it in your living room by the window and don't touch it okay okay i'm being prompted i'm being urged i'm gonna do what he say so i said it there when the time came he said now it was during the pandemic when the pandemic first hit then he said i want you to sleep on this floor you don't hear this with the prayer shawls and i said okay so everybody say well you not going to your place in that land are you angled i said no i said the lord told me to stay right here he told me to stay here so i came over here and i laid the rug down and i laid these pillows down and they came from my prayer room and i obeyed god he said now i want you to set up the sabbath table right here and i set the sabbath table up and he said i want you to do the sabbath every week i did the sabbath ha yadav josiah prompted by god urged by the lord i did it and one night i had did the sabbath and i had it sitting there candles are lit and i said i'm gonna get up in the middle of the night because the candles had gone out and everybody had gone to bed but i just felt the presence of the lord and i felt like i just wanted to just stay in that present because it was like the friday evening and so i came back gerard and i i i re-lit the candles and i began to pray in the spirit pastor stephan i was laying here i began to pray in the spirit and while i was praying in the spirit i went off and went off to sleep and when i went off to sleep i was in my sleep and they said you kept speaking in tongues okay all of a sudden a bishop that have gone on to be with the lord that was a prophet and operated in missions came to me in the dream and he came to me sis and he shook me my head was laying this way and my feet this way and i was this far from the table he shook me and said dr bynum god is going to get the glory out of this and he shook me so hard tasha he woke me up when i woke up and turned around the whole sabbath table was up in flames the flames was taller than this partition you don't hear me don't y'all y'all no no no let me give you some statistics here let me help you let me help you with some with some real statistics here about what the power of god will do we're talking about a plastic table we're talking about a plastic table that the fire was supposed to ignite the table now we're talking about polyurethane all over this floor i was supposed to catch on fire the fire was dropping on the floor and it was burning all around this table on the floor and flames was coming up but they did not engulf this floor no you don't hear me who am i talking to y'all ain't saying nothing when god tell you to do something and the enemy come to try to attack it the lord would lift up a standard against him who am i talking to how is it how is it that the table burned through but the banner that's on the pressure which is the blessing didn't burn up the bread didn't burn up i don't think y'all hear what i'm saying i don't think y'all heard what i'm saying the week before the fire department had just came in here and did the brand new inspection and recharged all of the sprinklers that was a sprinkler two sprinklers right over this table which means the water should have come on and wiped out everything in this building for days you don't hear what i'm saying i'm supposed to be dead not standing here preaching i was supposed to go up in flames not standing here preaching but when i am prompted by the lord the lord gotta keep his word good lord have mercy somebody give god a praise right there i said he gotta keep his word how does plastic burn all the way through to a hole all the way through here wait wait wait how was it that the flames was all the way up there and that never burned no i don't think y'all hit me this never burned there is no warping in it or anything but god in the realm of the spirit sent a man of god to tell me that god was going to get the glory out of this and that's how i woke up y'all ain't saying nothing who am i talking to everybody with sleep but i know in whom i believe that's why he said he that cometh to god must come believing that he is and that he is a rewarder to those that diligently seek him and this is the reason why we can't have believe god we can't have trust god because the bible said i will trust in the lord with all of my heart and lean not to my own understanding but in all of my ways i'll acknowledge him and he shall direct my path my job is to say yes to god and defy my mind oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god here it is here it is here it is i close with this tonight i'll close it urge to drive with excitement to speed to press to push to hasten the cause the thing that he has caused me to do my job is to hurry all up in it god i can't get nobody to say no right there my job is to tell you to get in a hurry about what he told you to do i'm not hearing y'all my job is to tell you to stop dragging your feet and stop making excuses when god speak to you who is who is god talking to and he woke me up this morning when i woke up i woke up with that thing in my spirit about the wheel of god about the will of god and i said my god monica that thing that that thing took me down this morning and he said to me he said the wheel he said the wheel is the formal way of the man and he said when you deny your will and accept the will of god you send the mind into a different direction you don't hear me and he took my mind and he said even jesus and let me help some of y'all let me help some of y'all that's watching tonight let me help some of y'all that's in this room we always want company uh-huh but when it's your turn you're going by yourself see i'm not getting nobody to talk to me because we always got to we always got to look at what god is doing and saying well god why you ain't calling them to do that and why it's so hard for me and why am i going through all this and why do i have to deal with this and i'm a good person and i give to people and i love people and i serve people and god by why why does it seem like this is my plight right here the lord why do i have to go through this and don't nobody know how much i don't gave her don't nobody know how much i do for people don't nobody know how much i don't pull people out that don't nobody know nothing about how i'd and went behind closed doors and help people and don't nobody know nothing about it and i was saying all of that to the lord today and oh my head out of and then he took my mind to the garden of gethsemane and i can hear jesus saying all these people had unhealed all the people i didn't raise from the dead all the people i don't cast out devils what about the man that had legions of what about the girl that i raised from the dead what about all the people that i failed and what about all the miracles and secrets that y'all don't know what i did that they could not record why must i drink this bitter cup why me i'm not hearing y'all but nevertheless not my will but fine will be done and before he got there he kept on going saying is y'all gonna pray with me cuz y'all gonna help me cuz y'all gonna support me is y'all gonna encourage me is y'all gonna come to my revivals is y'all gonna tune into my life if y'all gonna support me and they were sleep and they were sleep and god said to me when i get ready to call you to do something i'ma put everybody around you to sleep they're going to be sleep in your purpose i'm not hearing y'all talk to me they're going to be sleep during your trial who is god prophesying to they're going to be sleep while you're going through the hardest season of your life i'm not hearing god talk to nobody with me they're going to be sleep when you need somebody to pray you through when you need a word from god i'm going to put everybody to sleep they're going to want to wake up but they can't they're going to love you but they're going to be drunk under my spell i'm not hearing y'all they don't want to give you a word but they can't stay woke y'all ain't saying nothing y'all they saying nothing i controlled the body i put them unconscious while you were going through because i got to make sure jesus that you're not going through because you was encouraged i got to make sure that you're not saying yes to me because your friends helped you because your disciples thought it was a good idea this is between me and you so i got to put everybody in a coma i got everybody not to answer their phone i got to let them turn their back on you i got to let you go on alive and only 20 people show up you don't hear what god is saying i got to paralyze everybody that you can get help from because now it's time for you to say not my will but that will be and i can't and i can't even be mad because you went to sleep on me i can't be offended because you went to sleep on me i can't hold it against you because i paid your bills but now you won't even buy me a sandwich but lord i feel the holy ghost right there i felt the holy ghost right there i felt the holy ghost right there i can't even be offended because i sent you seeds and i gave you my last and when i called you and i knew you had just got a big check you wouldn't give me nothing i can't be offended because this is my cup the lord had mercy i felt the holy ghost right there i can't be offended because this is my cup it's my time to drink i saw you somebody better say something up in here i'm being prompted to move while he want me to drink a bitter cup he's causing me to move in the destiny by swallowing a bigger cup i gotta drink the cup all the way to the cross i gotta drink the cup white people lie on me i got to drink the cup while they gossip about me i got to drink the copper while i'm sitting outside with no place to live i gotta drink the copper when i lose my house up and lose my cars up i got to drink the cup and i got to be willing to save i don't like this but nevertheless oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god yeah oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god that word i just gotta let it go down just gonna let that go down gotta let that go down because when he got through healing the sick raising the dead casting out devils bringing sight to the blind oh jesus his destiny required a cup my god you you're powerful jesus but you're not all powerful until you lose the flesh until you lose your support system i don't know who he preaching to tonight you're powerful you're powerful but you're not all powerful until you let me rip at your thing till you let me rip at your image kobashan da da da da da oh sire until you let me rip at it willingly until you give it to me don't make me take it because i didn't ask them to kill you i asked you to lay your life down and there's a difference the only way that we would feel like this is killing me is when i'm not willing to just lay it down hold on that little shire to kill it is painful to lay it down is grateful because he picked me he picked me to be prompted by faith he picked me to do things because of faith he picked me to walk by faith and not by sight this is not a punishment it's just your turn somebody better say something to me in here somebody better say something here it's just your turn it's just tagged you it called out about you before i can take your family to the next level there's some things that i need you to do you oh my god it's just your turn everybody is going to get one though god have mercy you ain't got to look around and wonder why somebody else ain't going through this and somebody else ain't going through that they gotta turn to it's just your turn oh my god who i can't get nobody i got to go what are those for you do you know what noah went through can you imagine can you imagine him being out here building something that nobody's ever seen before lord we just thirst can you imagine i'm telling people it's going right and they saying what is that is anybody really thinking about what i'm saying out here can you imagine the persecution his family went through your daddy crazy he out there building himself got y'all hauling wood and he got you a hole in the kind of wood that don't even flow y'all ain't saying nothing who is god talking to he got you hauling wood that don't even float and noah was probably saying you want me to build it with this kind of wood and it don't even float but god wasn't talking about floating he was talking about what can stand the story good lord have mercy jesus jesus the storm is going to keep it afloat god i just felt that i just felt that i just sitting still it will sink but because of the thrust of the wind and the storm it needed to be light enough so that the storm can keep it afloat and you crying because you're going through the storm you better bless god because that's how you go get to destiny for your whole family god i appreciate you jesus somebody better get god of praise right now who is god preaching to right now it's the storm that's in your life that's going to get you to destiny that's going to get you the promise that's going to get you remembered oh my god how long god stay out there high of us stay out there well how long god stay out there well god can i come to show you stay out there well when am i gonna know that this getting ready to bless you jerrod this getting ready to bless everybody in here let's get ready to bless everybody that's watching because this just downloaded in my spirit this very second how do i know when i can come out of this storm behind what i built because i was prompted by faith he said when i send you peace somebody better praise him right there somebody better praise him right there somebody better praise him right there oh i'm about to send you another branch but i can't give you peace because you're not printed by faith i can't give you peace because you won't build the ark in your house you won't operate in obedience you can count money you keep looking at something like this material and i'm trying to tell you that there's a storm out on the ocean and it's moving this whole way and if your soul your mind your will and your emotions is not anchored up in jesus you will surely drift away somebody better give god a praise right there somebody better give me my praise right there somebody better give me my praise right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and worship him come on and worship him oh come on and worship him come on and worship him he's right there in your house he's quickening your mind the spirit of quickening is in your mind right now and he's quickening you to divine obedience come in the house come in the hunt [Music] my god my god my god oh i feel this presence for somebody i feel this presence i feel his presence yes lord jesus yes lord jesus yes lord jesus i feel this present come on somebody come on lift your hands yes lord jesus come on he said he that hungers and curse after righteousness he shall be filled my job is to urge you tonight my job is to plump you tonight not my will but i will be done yes god oh my god the studio is telling him yes oh in your home tell them yes oh god i praise your name jesus i praise your name jesus thank you for putting everybody to sleep because it's helping me to get to know who you are thank you god for giving us an opportunity to have communion with you and this is why we praise you and this is why we give you gloria because we did not understand that and some of us still don't but god nevertheless we will trust you up when we cannot trace you up because we know that you are in control because we're following the pattern of your word we're being prompted to plague us we've been urged to face up and because of our faith we know tonight that we're going to be able to stand up in the day of adversity when you god have given us the bread of adversity and the water of affliction because you're changing our destiny and for that we give you praise and for that we give you praise and for that we give you praise up we praise you god because of the promptness of our answer to you uh you're strengthening our physical body you're giving us power that we did not know we had and so we glorify you and so we magnify you god we praise you up because there is nothing too hard for you to do we praise you god because with your word all things are possible to live that believer and tonight we will leave you up and tonight we trust you up and deny god we will not go contrary to the truth of your word and we give you praise tonight god oh rebecca yeah we praise you god because we're not a lost people we praise you god because we're not a wandering people we praise you god because we know for a fact that your word says that you are the wake up you are the truth and you are the light and so glad we praise you for life we praise you god because there is no failure in us and there is no shadow of turning within and so we bless you up we bless you for spiritual stability we bless you god for spiritual steadfastness we bless you god for having that in us which is your word that can stand the storm that can stand the wind that can stand the rain god we know that because of your word having the lord to stand up we are yet standing up and we are yet trusting us and we are yet believing us and we give you glory and we give you gloria and we give you glory and we give you glory and we ask you lord to quicken us to quicken the culture of the former lord that we used to have for you uh we ask you god to quicken our heart that we god may be happened on your neighbor and god that you would ignite us and set us on fire we asking you god to quicken us and we will call upon your name so that we may be saved oh save our souls jesus we thank you for the word that saves our souls we thank you for the word that saves our souls god i give you praise i give you praise i give you praise i give you praise yes lord jesus i'm giving glory somebody give him glory in here somebody give him glory oh i know what he gave me i know what he gave me he said it's time for the people of god to walk by faith and not by sight i got to call these names of the people that have obeyed god he spoke to me and he told me 100 people i'm calling 100 people to walk by faith and not by sight i'm calling you to this 1 33 seed and i will not let it go up because my thing is this if god didn't say it then nobody would have moved but not 45 people that means god is waiting on you don't listen don't allow the enemy to argue with your mind because you don't know what god is doing it's the prompt obedience to his word that brings about supernatural change oh somebody worship him oh god i bless the lord and i pray god that every open portal that you would open it up god wide and that you would show them a mystery and that you would reveal to these people that their divine obedience is in order and they have allowed themselves to qualify to not just get a miracle but to walk in the miraculous to be a partaker of that era in the name of jesus not just a spurt and not just doing something for them but mantling them with the mantle of miracles of torture howard deborah rivers up shawana brooks mavis parker chelsea celestina cassandra davis elder d florida christie chaod samantha grindlich prophetess tiffany up harrison spurlocker tony richardson reese affair lalice white terry revenal bobby fields up maxine clacia angela carter joyce canyotano rhonda samson paul mckinnon evangelist hard enough anitra johnson gave two thousand five hundred and eighty nine dollars and five cents that was an empty and out that was an empty announcer oh my god james ia k.s white porsche farley tammy court tammy corta dontrell jones uh shell robinson debbie paul louise ross angela carter michelle rush latricia ferguson anosca thomas linda fossa andrea biola teresa mcrenona angela carter debbie paula yolanda corniper chernell bush and dakota rolling and tammy text us up and inboxed us and said i gave the 1033 and she said i gave it up and she said in the lord the same day bless me with that and more i'm here to tell you that when you obey god oh my son that idiot he said i'm trying to quicken the body of christ back to this posture of them becoming believers who is god talking to and you're watching tonight you're watching tonight and that's what god is saying he said 100 people would give it and he's not just talking to 45 don't let the devil talk to you about money because you can get money back but what you cannot get back is when god opens up a portal and he said this is the hour that i'm going to do exceedingly and abundant and above for you and all you can ask or think according to the power that is working in you and that is the power of obedience and while you're watching right now the cash up is right there the cash up is right there or hit that tidally link because god is talking to you god is talking to you this is not the season to count this is not the season to count this is the season to obey god this is not the season to wonder i've had people to call me and said dr bynum i tried not to give it but god told me to do it god said this is the season you're watching right now he said people would sow 333.33 he said people were so 1 133 he said people were so 33 but he in fact said to me plainly that 100 people were supposed to sow 1 33 and 100 people were supposed to sow 333 dollars i didn't say it god said it because he knows what he's doing and he's trying to rebirth in you your first posture of salvation he's trying to take you back to the posture of giving because he said i gave you that that you you i'm talking to you that you might advance the kingdom he said something to me pastor stefan that was so powerful when he told me to give that seed this morning he said i gave it to you so you can advance the kingdom i said yes lord [Music] he said but do you know that if people don't advance the kingdom and they hold it they have held themselves back because they are a part of the kingdom [Music] for you to resist is for you to put fetters on your feet you're not given in the flesh you're given in the spirit i told you that the other night that when you give in the spirit when you give when the lord says to do it he transforms it and it's no longer money but it's a miracle good lord have mercy it's no longer money it's a breakthrough it's no longer money it's what you need god to do since the tammy didn't need money she needed a miracle she didn't need money she needed a miracle in her body she sold it and now she's going up and down stairs good lord have mercy good lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord he said three people three people i'm calling to give ten thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars and one of you are watching right now right now you have already sold one thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars he said i'm calling you to do this because what you don't oh my god oh my god you don't need money you need a miracle in your house oh jesus oh jesus the woman that made room for the prophet she didn't need money she had a barren womb she needed a miracle in her body she made room for the word and the spirit of the lord caused the prophet to pick up what she needed and the word of god inquired concerning her need and it wasn't money and god caused her wound to open up because she obeyed the lord you're watching tonight yes lord he said two of y'all he said two of y'all you're watching now ten thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars he said your time to trust me is now your time to depend on me is now no it's nothing you've never done but what i'm about to do for you you ain't never seen it what i'm about to do for you you have never seen it yet the rest of you that god is calling to give that one thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars the day you hear his voice don't hurt your heart because you don't know what god wants to do you don't know what he wants to do or you can pick up the phone if you don't want to do it by that you can pick up the phone and call 914-810-709-0 operators are up there 914-810-709-0 if you don't want to give it back buy cash app you don't want to give it by tidally pick up the phone and call now pick up the phone and call now if you're that person that's showing that ten thousand dollar seat you call because i know what god is saying my god my god my god 914-810-709-0 i have to urge you if you were a person and you said i want to sow the thousand dollars i i don't want to do it by credit i don't want to call i don't want to do it online call the phone because god's getting me to do something for you i have to do this this is the most uncomfortable position that i am in right now i don't care who criticized me i know that we have to return back to being believers before we go back into a building the lord have mercy we got to become believers again we're losing the church in the house oh i just said something right there the church is dying in the house your church building is not what has the power when the people get in the building the people bring the power so we got to have power restored back to you we got to put you back in the frame of securing the hand of god we got to put you back to walking by faith and not by sight we got to call you to be the believer again the cash up is right there 133 33 do it now do it now he's talking to you he said three of you overdo it and two is watching right now well i don't know if i should do you have it he talking to you i don't know if he's talking to me he talking to you do you have 1 33.33 well he's talking to you do you have 333.33 he's talking to you do you have 133 he's talking to you do you have 33 he's talking to you he's not calling you to watch this like it's entertainment he's calling you to come into a position so that your posture can change so that you can become a real believer and secure the hand of god on your life and on your house will you obey god will you obey him tell the lord yes oh somebody worship god in here somebody worship god in here somebody worship god in here somebody worship god in here before i leave i'm going to call some names on this screen come on somebody worship him god i feel the presence of the lord what a word what a word what a word what a word what a word my god alanda herbin alenda herbin i'm going to sew for you 333.33 cents alonda herdin she just posted and said can somebody please sow for me i'm going to show for you i just felt that i just felt that i felt like god's coming in your house the lord have mercy somebody give god a praise somebody give god a praise somebody give god a praise that's right her name just went up on the screen my god i felt i felt the quickening in that i felt a quickening in that good lord have mercy somebody worship him that's right tell your neighbor i'm going to obey god i'm going to obey god i'm going to do what god is calling me to do god have mercy even in this building i'm going to do what god is calling me to do even in this building if the lord is prompting you in this building obey him lord jesus i feel it i feel his presence he's not calling 45 people to do it and nobody else he's not a halfway god i know what he said and i'll stand on what he said good lord have mercy i trust him when i cannot trace him somebody give him praise somebody give him praise oh somebody worship him i gotta wait i gotta wait tonight i gotta wait tonight i gotta wait tonight shawanda three hundred and thirty three minor weighed 333 kathy bynum 3333 sheryl walker 333 no i know what he said to me i know god listen god is breaking debt off of people i know god is cancelling debt thousands of dollars worth of debt with one seed good lord have mercy i feel that i feel that thousands of dollars of cancellation god i hear the holy ghost saying that is going to be thousands of dollars of cancellation of debt somebody give god worship somebody give god worship somebody give god worship mercedes naboo said i obeyed god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it he told us to show our way out he told us to show our way out he told us to sew our way out i'm telling you you don't know what god is going to do i'ma call the few more names you don't know what the lord is doing he's doing a mighty thing jacqueline wandered on turn 1033. i know what he's saying deborah 1033. yes i know what he said nakia p 18 honey that that right there is a widow's might he coming in your house you gonna see a testimony come on here somebody i want people to inbox me your testimonies so that i can read them because i know they're there i want you to inbox me your testimonies because the lord said many of you have testimonies yes yes yes maria holmes 33.33 i know what god said i know what he does i know this way i'm not a novice to this i'm not a novice to this but we must have our faith increased in god we must go back to believing god sarah got what she got because the bible said she believed god lisa carter 133 the trend of murphy 133 nikki johnson 133 tania 33 katara 33 because she trusted god because she referred to what god said god i feel that in my spirit she got strength in her body to push out a child to conceive because she conferred with god and not with man oh lord jesus surely 45.65 yes yes yes joyce baines 333.00 angela mccabe 33.33 that's right you can post it right here and i'll call it here beverly burks 133 33 grace 33 julie 25 mary 133 julie he coming in your house you can post your seat right here and i'll call it to zach 33 yes yes that's what you have to do i don't know who told us that i don't know who told us to stop giving who told you to save and not so i don't know where that concept came from i don't know who preaching that this is not a prosperity message it's what we do it's what god did for god so loved the world that he gave not saved okay okay okay but god so loved the world that he gave and watch this watch he gave his only you're not in the god level of giving you've never experienced it at some point in your walk with god you have got to experience the only good lord i just felt that in my spirit no believer no believer is a real believer unless he comes to a place in his life where what he releases to god is his only now you in the god level of giving good lord have mercy jesus lady chappelle 333 denise 33 because we're the church and that's what we do we're the church and that's what we do and we let the enemy shame us how to give it we let people talk about us on the radio we let people talk about us in the secular world i'm not hearing y'all talk to me but you're never going to shame me out of giving you're never going to shame me out of sowing i'm not hearing y'all talk to me because i know it's the christian way i know it's the christian way we are christians we are christians y'all they saying nothing julie brown 3.51 said he gonna do it for you cordario 20 he gonna do it for you that's the widow's mic lisa and central 25 he gonna do it for you because that's the widow's mic mary's 67 corey harris 40. jayla allen 30 brenda davis 14.96 faith smallwood 333 he gonna do it for you runners say turbine 1333. i know what he said to me and i won't back up i won't back up and i won't be ashamed say whatever you want to say i'm a believer i'm a believer well i don't think you should tell people what to give well i guess i guess we wouldn't have had a temple i guess we wouldn't had a tabernacle because they told them what to give they said we need silver we need silk we need gold we need purple come on somebody we need scarlet we need white i'm not hearing y'all don't tell me that don't you ever say that to me that you're not supposed to tell people what to give yeah they did it in the bible and the bible says when it was time to build the temple not for preaching but for worship now that'll preach right there the biggest budget in the bible was for worship and when they got ready to build it the bible said that the offering line was 12 miles low to moses all of them had to back these people solomon said please stop stop giving but they were given to the glory that's why they couldn't stop and that's what god is talking about when you give to the flesh you got a problem with it but when you give to the glory you'll start finding everything you can find you will start asking your grandmother for money [Music] oh my god kiara three dollars he gonna do it vicky carr 333 jasmine 20 kathy and noel 1 333.33 i know what i'm saying where's out of harris 133 renee 119. uh-huh that's empty out renee monica 33 k michelle 3.88 i know what i'm talking about we give to the budget of worship we give to keep worship alive i will not stop i will not stop until you are restored back to your place in god as a believer and a faith walker oh my god my god tara king 133 i got to go alexis 3.63 you can call the number you can call the number right there on the screen be obedient i feel the love my god i feel the weight of god i don't want to do this i don't want to do it because i don't have to i don't want to do it because i don't have to but he said you have to you have to because i told my people that's how i was going to bless them and i told them in the book of ecclesiastes do not regard the wind or you will not sow [Music] do not regard the wind or you will not sow but confer with god and do what he is telling you to do people would never understand it kenya crime 33 angelica 23 sabin station 133 lakisha liggins 133 carolina garrett 33.33 i gotta go i gotta go lord jesus somebody worship him i gotta go i gotta go somebody come on and worship him my god i will see you tomorrow night and the old-fashioned revival it continues until god says stop somebody give god a praise in this house somebody open up your mouth and give him a praise somebody open up your mouth and give him a praise fire in your house pray in your house because the victory is coming in your house somebody give god
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 8,173
Rating: 4.9186993 out of 5
Id: RUp2XusxSoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 25sec (7165 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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