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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] may we decrees as you increase [Music] as the deer pants for the waters [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll come on and worship Him thank you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] while we're waiting today I want to get an opportunity to have you and I think many of you that have been following this page for some time now for 5:00 a.m. prayer you have heard me say this and I've said it kind of Mac matter-of-fact issue but today is a is a very serious day and today I'm going to wait and ask you to hit that share button for real today this word is going to change your life I've never preached this before and I want to have an opportunity to have you to share this because it is going to affect your life as a Christian Thank You Ben I was going to start out by praying today and the Lord informed me to save my strength because I would need it in order to get me more I'm on eight I can't go any further in order to complete this assignment so hit that share button if your friends delete it that's them deleting it but today I'm telling you this word is going to affect Christendom you as a believer and then you I'll find out as well why in the last 24 hours I have been in excruciating warfare and I understand it I understand it not afraid of it and I'm not talking about warfare from without those of you that are watching like my sister my Nana my pastor's friends of mine just pray for me so we're going to go to the text and I want to go to the Book of Daniel the 10th chapter and I know that it's a very familiar place because we are on the fast but I said it before and I will repeat it that this is the real fast this is the real fast this is the real fast so Daniel is speaking and he is the reference I would say I'm going to be making some references from the 9th chapter from the ninth chapter here Daniel is speaking and he's talking in the 10th chapter he's talking to an angel but in the ninth chapter around the 20th verse that's what struck my attention before his visitation baba god help me help me Jesus before his visitation he was cream he was cream and so I keep hearing the Lord say these words do you want to fly or do you want to keep feeling do you want to fly or do you want to keep theory so he says here that he was praying and we hear people say that a lot I was just praying about it so then we got to ask ourselves about the dimensions and we hear people say that a lot that there are dimensions in prayer and there are levels in prayer and so with that being said we have to ask ourselves what is it that merited Daniel to have this visitation I mean people pray all the time but who are the people that get angelic visitations why is it that some have it and some don't and I'm going to help somebody today what merits me to get an answer from heaven and I didn't say the heavens I said from heaven from the from the throne of God what is it that merits me to get that take some of the high off a little bit what causes me to get that so here it is it says here in the 20th verse of the ninth chapter while I Steele speaking and praying and confessing my sin why I was still while I was still speaking and praying and confessing my sin sososo him him praying and confessing his sin is one level of Prayer that's one level of prayer that's one level of prayer when you pray and you confess your sin that's a dimension that's one level of prayer but then something happened right here he said I was confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel so then Daniel goes from one dimension of prayer which I'll be able to show you to a whole nother dimension a prayer because it's okay if he's confessing his sins but the minute he went to confessing the sins and repenting on behalf of a nation he broke the wall he broke the wall and he he went into another room and when he went into that room he activated something that was not just average because anybody can pray about their sins but the minute he went in on behalf of a nation he broke through to another place and he stirred up something in another round good lord have mercy he stirred up something in another round he stirred up something in another room Oh God how did he stir up something in another room people because I have to teach you this I have to teach you this where did he go and who was who was who was Gabriel and who was Michael and how did he activate them how did he cause them to come because it is only the realms that know when you are in warfare and I'm not talking about warfare like they talked about me and they hurt my feelings I'm not I'm not I'm not talking about that kind of warfare I'm not talking about that kind of warfare take some of the high off I'm not talking about that kind of warfare I'm talking about I'm talking about real spiritual warfare I'm talking about warfare when you are when you are in realms that is above the earth realm you are in realms that has nothing to do with people who am I talking to online who am I talking to because I can't see anybody I don't know the camera is not working I'm telling you that's warfare we've been in warfare all day for the last 24 hours for the last 24 hours because the gates of hell know what I'm getting ready to teach you today how do I know because the Rams would let me know when I am in real warfare because it has nothing to do with people it has nothing to do with you're not really in warfare when something is coming against you like that you're in an assault you're in an assault and there's a difference dr. Saroyan there's a difference between being assaulted by the enemy and being in warfare because warfare says that I have legal ground to be in watch this I have legal ground to operate in the second-ranked of the heavens God have mercy Jesus I I have legal realm to be here and because I am here there will be a demonic force that will try to kick me Oh God from being able to pass through that ramp and go to the third round watch this and go to the third round so then how do I know that I'm there how do I know that I'm there because I am now watch this I am now wrestling I am now wrestling I am now wrestling what is wrestling wrestling is I'm not wrestling because I know I know that I can get the answer I know that God has the answer I know that I'm legal to get the answer I could I can feel the answer I can see the answer I just can't get you the answer and so there's something that is invisible that is keeping me from getting to my answer I am I am fighting another force I'm fighting another force and I don't know I don't know what this force is because I'm fighting something that I don't see is that something is assaulting me that I cannot see uh-huh cuz watch this watch this watch this because when I look at my son oh I look at my daughter oh I look at my husband oh I look at my friends I know that's not there something is assaulting us something is assaulting us and we don't know what that is and we cannot watch this we cannot just say oh I'm being attacked by the devil not when you an airman not when you're an airman because it steeper then it's deeper than being attacked by the so so so so what is this what is this that activated Daniel why was that eyo activated he was activated what says because he would end he wouldn't end on behalf of another territory he went here and on behalf of a nation he left his person and he went in on behalf of a nation and when he went in on behalf of a nation he had to run into another rank my god because watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this there are demons and there are Devils watch this demons and watch this there are there are there are master demons arrived and they were Winx and there are and there are powers where doctor buy them I know that I know that I know that I know that there are ranks but let me tell you how those ranks got here let me tell you how they got here so Satan Satan they said well you know Satan is a power in the Prince of the air but watch this how did how did the enemy get their ranks how did the enemy get their ranks so this this this this being this this satanic beam that hates my guts this this satanic beam because I keep surviving him this satanic being coded ibaka seated at a table oh yeah what once the angel of light that watch this so what the angel of light he has the ability to beam his light which means he operated in a power but says he operated in a power he operated in a power and so because of this he understood the ranks of heaven and he knew how heaven operated he knew how I haven't operated he knew how God organized heaven are y'all hearing this he knew how god right heaven he knew that the rankings of heaven was in three different levels and they called these levels the quieter he knew the choir of heaven so many of y'all said where Satan was a worshiper no it wasn't just that choir it was the harmonizing of three different dimensions are operating together at the same time so if you're operating in one heavily dimension all of them are involved in what you are doing and so Satan not only understood the choir of music he understood the choir of rankings are you hearing this are you hearing this are you hearing this uniquor come here I need you to hear this I need you to hear this come quick come quick come quick cuz the enemy don't like this and I'm not stopping I'm not stopping I'm not stopping today his head comes off I'm not stopping I'm not stopping today his head comes off I'm sick of the devil I'm sick of him I'm sick of his deception I'm sick of his deception so he understood that heaven that heaven had a choir we're not just talking about singing heaven had a choir and the choir was like soprano alto and tenor it was that heavenly counselors and the heavenly governors and the heavenly messengers and so watch this the heavenly captioners was the highest rank of all the heavenly counselors were the highest rank of all they were the the rosters they were the sever film and the cherubims and the Thrones I want you to hear this the sever films of the cherubims and the torrents the several films were the ones that delivered the fire and touch the mouth of the Prophet with the clothes of fire the Seraph emza are the one that carries the fire God so when you're talking about the fire of the Holy Ghost when you're talking about God destroying something not fire watch this the seraphim's are are engaged in that warfare and so when the Prophet went to Mount Carmel the summer films had to operate up to send down fire from heaven are you hearing me so when you want to go after the enemy and you want something destroy them by fire you decree it and you declare but watch this I am requesting up the power of the several plans to sim the fire of God and destroy this thing are you giving God are you hearing God and so we have the several films and we have the cherubims and we have the Thrones which is the highest rank now watch this and then we have the heavenly governors and the heavenly governors is the dominions and the virtues and the powers let's go make sense to you in a minute and then they kevin the messengers we have the principalities the ark angels and the angels and somebody simmer wait a minute wait a minute because the book of ephesians let's go there ephesians 12 let's go there let's go there let's go there let's go there cuz wait a minute dr. bottom now now you kind of confusing me because because the Bible said here in any fees 12 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood now wait a minute let's see this let's see this we wrestle not Ephesians 6 and 12 we wrestle not against flesh and blood I'm going to the King James Version go to the King James Version I'm I'm reading from the King James Version many of you have the amplified version but I want to go to the King James Version it says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities when wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I just thought you said that that washes that the third ranking the third ranking which is the lowest ranking of of the angels of God I just thought you said it was principalities and it was and it was angels and it was angels but then the scripture says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against principalities so what am I talking about against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places well how is it now that one of the rankest principalities but it says now that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities because what the enemy did was a he set up his wrinkle according to the rank of heaven are you hearing that so everything that heaven had he had ordered a book o shahe not ever the only thing that he could not have and I want you to hear this the only thing that he could not have he cannot ascend up into the third level of choir he could not ascend up with the sever films and the cherubims Allah he could not a sin where the throngs work because the Thrones consisted of the four faces up come on man the oxford eagle and the lion are you hearing me they were a representation of the christ-like nature which means no man cometh to the Father but by me so an order for Satan to get to the Towanda where the seraphim's are and the cherubims were he had to go through truth are you hearing that he had to go through he had to go through the works of Christ which means he just might get saved are y'all hearing this are y'all hearing this are y'all hearing it so then so then so then it says here he says here we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against principalities let's find out what a principality is Father I thank you Jesus I thank you Jesus for this what is what is a principality principalities is a nation's leaders oh Jesus principalities principalities as a nation leaders up it is the carrying out of divine acts watch this watch this watch this it is the managing of the duties of angels and it is a direct fulfillment of the divine of order of God now watch this watch this watch this it is the principles of of rules and other words listen to this listen to this the principalities watch over large groups watch this institutions including nations and churches are you hearing me are you hearing me so when we are wrestling against a principality we're wrestling against something that is trying to stop the nation that is trying to interfere with the divine order of God we're talking about something that is trying to come against the defunct in order and the assignment that God has released to the angels to put in your hand to put in your family when we talk about principalities err we are talking about the thing that is trying to come against the church that's the reason why they kept and liquor stores open and shut down the church are you hearing it forget the television are y'all Kevin it and y'all hearing it this is the reason why this is the reason why people we are wrestling them we are wrestling up against a principality what watch this what is trying to mess with the divine order of God are you hearing this are you hearing this principalities principalities so then if a principality is the governing is the angels that govern that govern nations and leaders and carry out a divine acts they Menace the duty of angels they direct the fulfillment of divine order washes and they are the fulfillment of the divine will of God then in order to interfere with these entities the enemy now has to call his principality he said if I'm going to have no men in the second round I have to have a demon that matches everything that heaven has called on Ibaka so yeah it's gonna make sense to you after a while it's gonna make sense to you after a while now you're gonna realize what the enemy is assaulting you what he's assaulting you because you have left the stage of Lord my light bill in my gas bill in my car no you are in the real mouth of my city and my nation and my family and so for that reason you have activated heaven the angels are coming your prayers are going up but there's an entity that is in the middle that is trying to stop the divine love God and keep you from communicating with God are you hearing that are you hearing that are you hearing that so then he says here lord have mercy Jesus lord have mercy Jesus passes away I can run right now so we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers and so what is it what is it that is making this thing what is it that is making this thing why why powers why powers what are we wrestling against powers Cordoba Casas what are we wrestle enough against powers because powers watch for demonic attacks powers ax is angels that have been assigned to sit on the cusp of heaven and watch for demonic attacks Oh Shia Naga so that means the powers of the enemy is his attacks the powers up is the ends of the greens are they have fallen from heaven that was thrown out with him that closes are attached to the people of God but guess what what the enemy has truck to assault us heaven has his matter you don't hear me what it's trying to us you I said Hazar here's a match powers the choir powers the structure the structure our powers it came from heaven and so in other words in other words God is saying to him you don't Oh God you're not the master of this okay Lord Jesus help me today God help me today God you're not the master of it you are the powers of a salt you are the powers of assault but you're not the maximum power because you can only assault what is stuck in Tomiko Sonya you can only assault businesses and people and and property Ibaka Sonia Harry do Shia power you're not the ultimate power because the ultimate power can shut the lights out in the whole wide world the ultimate power can shut down your power so heaven is saying I'm watching you watch this watch this watch this watch this powers powers powers meaning the Avengers watch these powers is the warrior who am I talking to let me put myself on I got to see who I'm talking to you today I got to see who I'm talking to you today Lord Jesus have mercy God oh my god I got to see you I got this it cuz you got you have got to get this today my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God oh jesus oh Jesus yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah your vet you're better off yeah I see you Rhonda Franklin Jennifer Lynch no no no come on come on come on we got to get this put some trouble on it we got to get this we got to get these powers powers powers is the Avenger powers is the Avenger ban are you paying attention uh-huh because this is what's going to set your life this is what's going to affect your children this is what's going to affect your marriage everybody are you paying attention call center people are you paying attention we don't have time not to pay attention to what I am saying today because watch this because of the end time the assault of the enemy is getting greater and if you don't know the rates of the spirit you're gonna be walking around talking about will you pray for me no it's deeper than will I pray for you your enemies and the only way that you can resist the powers of a swamp from the enemy you gotta backslide you have to denounce Christ oh my god I can't believe this I can't believe this I can't believe this so now I know watches powers is warriors so anytime you saw in the Bible where a tribe warned a battle they were under the anointing of powers anytime you war and when you are under the anointing of powers are you hearing that are you hearing that my god I gotta help the people of God today we gotta get this because don't be deceived do not be deceived do not be deceived yeah ah he wants us to be deceived he wants us to try to fight him he wants us to sit up and blow our brains out and be depressed he wants us to depend upon the arm of flesh to get us to where we're going the enemy wants to trick us because he don't want us to get up here in the air well we can control the outcome did you hear what I said you have been given the power to control your because you are under the wrong powers powers what's it warrior what doctor bottom I just feel like giving up now I know what it means when the old people you should say they used to sing the song power power Lord we need more power power Lord and we used to say Lord send your power y'all we didn't even know we were saying we were saying Lord send your warriors whenever say Lord send the Avenger if somebody learning something right now watch this rushes and the powers watch this they don't just war for Humanity they want for the cosmos they want for the atmosphere they want for all of the spheres ha ha ha ha the powers is what causes you to live in peace the power was that is what causes our voices to stop in your head I'm talking to somebody the powers up is what ships down the books of the devil in your mind let's tell you to kill yourself let's tell on you it'll never work out let's turn on you you will never be nothing let's check on you you already be second fiddle know who am i preaching to who is got preaching to the powers up against the boys says I can never be the head the powers are against the boys up sir wouldn't work out I lose my children are you giving me the powers operate in this field in the spheres of the mad Lord um I gotta get that the spheres the different frontal thalamus cerebellum parietal if I opened up my brain it will look like it would look like meat and muscles but but but but in my frontal there is there was the brokest this little bitty meat looking thing and in my in my parietal it looks like a muscle if you cut my brain cut my head open and you look at my brain dr. Saroyan that's what you would see but inside of every last one of those elements is a cosmos it is a spirit coded a backup that can be governed by a demon a messiah if that life is not submitted to God and submitted to God and it is trying to walk the ways of God when the enemy of powers are come to attack that cosmos heaven that's looking out let's say you're trespassing take your hands off this is what gives us the power to rebuke the hands of the devil because we are under the auspices of the powers of heaven oh my god somebody go get help right now who is getting hip right now Lord Jesus Lord Jesus washes washes washes washes the powers the powers the powers has the power over the devil we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and and against powers powers powers of the enemy but the powers of the angelic choir has ruled and power over the devil okay so I have so I have take your hands off me power Lord I feel the Holy Ghost right there for somebody I feel the Holy Ghost right there I have I have second the Lord rebuke you power uh-huh and I don't have the question whether or not you ago Korra debacle SIA I don't have to bet you to go I don't have to plead you to cover I'm going to tell you to take your hands off of me and if you don't do it the next time I'm going to say I call him the powers huh the Holy Ghost up to assist me to do better for me to unzip me and touch you Abbi router who am I talking to her if we get ready to go another 22 days up you got to know how to play and God is not interested anymore in these men beeping beep riders up that he has called people to go into the air you got to now start with milking the enemy up and using that happens accessibility are you hearing me on match for the enemy saya you got a master devil that is whip in your head and you over here talking about leave me alone devil Satan you better stop Satan watch this Satan wait a minute Satan I rebuke you I'm finna help us Satan I rebuke you Authority yes God I just heard you I poverty is information our poverty is not feeling a poverty is not because you heard somebody else say it a poverty is information coded Adam ahaziah authority is you knowing they have only choir authority is complet Oh heaven to come and sing for me oh my god from Zion who has God preached it you right there he talking to somebody right there are you hearing this are you hearing this it says it says here that the powers powers powers watch for what they see the attacks of the enemy but wait a minute but wait a minute it says against powers against the rulers of darkness now let me help you with it so if we wrestle not against flesh and blood but we wrestle Saints against principalities then what is it that the enemy is trying to do well where is he trying to go where is he trying to go it's on your ways he trying to go was where he's attacking me he's attacking me because because uh he's a he's a he's a principality no no no no no no no no no no no you don't know the assault that I have suffered in the last 24 hours what is he trying to do dr. Saroyan if he if he if he if we are wrestling we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities then then where has the enemy infiltrated he has infiltrated himself into the heavenly area of the heavenly messengers which means his job is to make sure that he stops the ark angels and the angels which means I would never hear from heaven no good lord have mercy Jesus Lord a double hosiah it's not just a principality it's not just a principality are you hearing me he's trying to infiltrate because if he get in one area he is in all areas and that's the reason why when Daniel started praying the way that he he kept around because he was going to God for a nation are you hearing me and so the spirit of principalities intercepted the angels of that was going to bring him the message my god from zalien and what the devil want us to do is to keep praying without an answer he wants us to keep asking God and never hear from heaven possible kesariya but today the Lord releases up and he reboots the enemy by sending the principality of heaven which is your water up ha just spend God kill watch this watch this watch this holy goes he help us today so here Daniel was he watch this so here Daniel was here Daniel was here Daniel was he was praying he was praying he was praying my god my god you know I'm standing here talking and the devil said i'ma kill you but you can't because you can only kill that belongs to you the breath of life God has it in his head and this is his threats I want you to hear his threat you know what you get me to tap something cause he starts threatening you about what he think well if you say that i'ma kill your mama if you say that I'm gonna take her life if you go that far and god i'ma kill your children if you go that far and god I'm gonna take your breath you gonna end up with cancer but you got to come to a place as an airman that says do whatever you wanna do and that's what happened to joke haha boku saya he had to shift to another dimension are you hearing me you got to be willing to say I would die for my intercession you don't because your pleasure is moving to me that you know what power oh sorry did I just help somebody that I just helped somebody did I just have somebody well you don't get cancer but God is a healer wait wait wait well you gonna have a heart attack but God is a healer and if he's not make my day so I can get out of here anyway and go be with Jesus cuz you lose anyhow oh that Abajo Shia let's see that ever hook yeah do you wanna fly or do you wanna keep walking and fear do you want a flyer above circumstance do you want a coffin the earth ax instead of the earth covered in you so he says so he says here watch these people Pastor sir oh yeah so Daniel starts to pray and he's praying because he is repenting for his sins and the sins of his nation that's why he called us to this 21 days touch to because because the nation itself probably won't repeat but Daniel was a prophet and he says the prophet has a legal right to repent on behalf of a people do you hear what God just said I don't think you I don't think y'all just heard your family can be heathens but you can rip it home baby have and that's God for my sake god I love you today Jesus somebody let us say some up in here yeah watch this Daniel was brave and he asked God he was repenting and then then the Bible said and Gabriel he finally broke through and he said God heard you watch this the first time you pray but we got oh my god but we got held up I've had the message from God are you hearing them but in order to get it to you I had to pass through the governing grammar of the satanic process and he's quiet the Holy Ghost is teaching us today the Holy Ghost is teaching us today I get him I I am of the choir of messengers lord have mercy I had to pass through the RAM of one of the choirs of the lower rank do you see this is it just me today is it just me today I got to pass them I just said something I'll know if y'all call it I had to pass through the lowest rank the only rate that he has to operate in I just wish I had a broom for the people right there listen listen I have to pass through the high guess right I have the pass pass is seraphim's cuz he ain't got none the pass passes cherubims that all-seeing eyes because he don't have one I didn't have to pass through Thrones because he don't know the truth because he's a liar that he is in other words the writings that he has is the lowest-ranking Ivana the injure that breathe till I get to pass through there and they gave me a fit they didn't want me to pass they didn't want me to pass but guess what I'm not gonna even bother the third way of Hajj so I'm not gonna even bother the third way I'm not gonna even bother the second Rama God Claud but my called the earth angel to help me fight these demons watch this and he said he got him held up I don't think y'all heard what I said one angel got his demons held up and he's he's holding him up while I come and give you this message because it he said the Prince of Persia the Prince of Persia is a falling angel and the Prince of Persia is a territorial demon and that's the one that don't want to let your family go that think he owns the territory of your lineage and of your bloodline lord have mercy Jesus God is talking here God is talking here and that's why none of the men and your family there's never made it any further than they have no I'm talking something right here that's why you gotta break that thing off of your off of your children you got to call for the Principality of heaven that's the reason why we always add Pisco we almost doin it you almost successful but you ain't successful yet that's why you always keep coming close to it and somebody else lat you out the way good lord I'm talking to somebody right here that's why you almost get the job and you almost get the promotion and you almost have wealth but then something happens it keeps getting taken from you because you are dealing with a territorial spirit you are dealing with a spirit that have sex your bloodline up in the poor section of the spirit realm and it has the climate that you and nobody else in your family will never be nothing so can I ask you a question can I ask a question what territory have you been setting okay okay and that's what you got some people watch that's why you got some people and I have to say this that's why you got some people I don't care what happened to her I'd okay it can look like they done lost a job and then angle happen all of a sudden God just open up another door have you ever seen no people well you said my god what is it about them it's like and this is what we say they so lucky it's like I don't care it looked like they going down and after a boom they didn't popped up somewhere else you know why you know what because somebody in their family have removed a life from a territory and have introduced them to a ram that can take them anywhere they want to go Arabic Oh Sonya there was no stopping a person like that see ya love you today Jesus up you can't stop a person up let it move to the third dimension you can't stop a person that is depending upon the Sabbath Hamza and then walk with fire who am i preaching to you cannot under their wings you can't stop in the full phases of heaven you can't stop that person they can do anywhere now I know what the scripture says I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me why because my life have penetrated the thrones operating I'm operating under under the Thrones maybe I'm talking to somebody and I don't know who I'm talking to you today I know I know this is this is a this is this is much somebody said powers powers powers not against blood but against principalities against powers against rulers against rulers and rulers and principalities is in the same category so so principalities principalities and rulers rulers is the ranking spirit of the principality okay it's like it's like having to have it a soprano section and you got that one soprano that is just dope on our levels so when you get ready to teach a song you bring your your top alto your top soprano and your top tenor and y'all said we gonna have a little rehearsal and we're gonna teach you we gonna teach you this and we're gonna teach you this part well when you get in then you start teaching a part when somebody off that soprano can look over so no no no is this is that is that that's what that's what a ruling spirit is a ruling spirit tell the other principalities you're doing that wrong get her harder than that push her harder than that touch her harder than that touch her body make up break her down put fear in her come on somebody he governs the attacks come on y'all I'm not here nobody talk to me but heavens heavens heavens principality stands up and meets their principality and that you Michael the Archangel is he said no I'm after your Ruth uh-huh because if I can destroy your ruler I got your hope and that's what the Bible said you got to destroy the strongman you got to come after the thing that's got a hold in your life you got to put that finger on the altar because that is a finger that gives the principalities access into your life God he just preached I'm done come on give me some music I'm done I gotta go he says he says him he says he says against principalities against rulers of darkness against spiritual wickedness in high places so so we have yeah yeah yeah this is why we're doing this this is why we're doing this Lord Jesus this is why we're doing this this is why we're doing this this is why we're doing this this is why we're doing this we're doing this because the Bible said that we are not to be ignorant concerning Satan's devices and we are we just beaten in the air where we're own Lord we don't understand what it means we don't get the fact that we must engage the choir in our affairs good lord have mercy Jesus did you hear that we must engage the choirs now let me tell you how that operate let me tell you how to operate when one realm is activated watch how I do this when one way on this activated when the Rama of the third realm when the angels and the principalities and the guardian angels when they are activated become how were they activated because of what I pray wait a minute a guardian angel is called to protect your life in Archangel and a principality is called to protect what you are praying for that is larger than your life did somebody get that did somebody get that did Lord Jesus there's somebody get that you don't need no no principality and no Archangel and you tell my lord I got a headache just touch my headache no no but the minute you changed from a footman to an airman and you are called to oversee the project of Nations heaven on another level is activated God Lord Jesus do you hear that do you hear that do you hear that do you hear that it's activated and you are protected like I was laying there poignant today and that was I was I was just in her scene and all of a sudden I saw three different heads stuck together and three different sets of powers and that's when the Lord said to me you you you you what I have called you to do you have activated and engaged the choirs of heaven which means when one is there goes all the way up are you here are you here in Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus [Music] I gotta I gotta I gotta give you this why why the his helpers to take Dominion why does he teach others to take Dominion this is gonna bless you that close with this because the dominions in power I heard their song don't make it inhale the minions are this is why we are called to pray for those who are marching this is why we're me because of dominions they determine the success in the failure of a nation good lord have mercy Jesus I just felt that I just felt that and if God don't get some Saints in the air a nation is going to fail if we don't pray the kind of prayers that would activate the angels of Dominion our nation will fail are you hearing me are you hearing me but this is the part that I love this is the part that I love it says that the dominions are they keep World Order and they keep it in proper order now this is the part that's gonna bless you about dominions the reason why God has to have Airmen playing for Dominion because your minions are are the angels are that deliver justice to the unjust this is the angel up that goes into the courtroom this is the Warner that we send to the Supreme Court and say oh no justice no peace huh are you hearing God today are you hearing none we wrestle not against flesh and blood marjina is taking a stand but going into the era taken to menu now it's ruling from another dimension are you hearing God talk today if you want justice help me [Music] so somebody said what are we gonna eat what are we gonna need what are we gonna need what do we need what do we need what do we need if they don't float what do we need if I'm playing it with my family and it looked like they'd not change it out what do I need if I'm praying for my body and if look like I'm not be in here or what does it mean when I'm playing for a financial breakthrough and it look like it what , then you need you need the second rail of the choir you need to tap into virgins up because produce is the miraculous a that's what the woman touched her that's what came out of Jesus up when she touched the hem of His garment up you left his body what you mean enough the power of miracles up and if you're watching janilla and you said I need a miracle up then you need to pray in the spirit ER until you activate branches up who am I talking to the Bible said if my people up for themselves and pretty huh seek my face and turn from their wicked worries are there no will I hear from heaven messengers are coming there no would I forgive their sins up and teared up when I release the spirit of that - up may Allah they're light enough somebody give God worship right now [Music] and the power and the glory [Music] for thine [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right there I'm Phil Webster right there come on help me say that one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] ahem today to create an accord and we are changing the peels of lemon today come on and worship Him we are Jada the choirs of heaven [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no hay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] have you prayed the kind of prayer that would activate the choirs are you praying the kind of prayer that remains just in the second in the third dimension of the choir I'm going to do an email blast out to all of the people that are not listed maca maca I've got an email blast you out these notes cuz we're getting ready to go to Rams and you need to have this I'm gonna email blast out these notes and as you can see many of you in a matter of a day or so is gonna be receiving your prayer so if you could see the altar the altar but the first phase is just about empty they're all gone we worked all through the night they're all gone and I told you if you pick up the phone and call now the numbers on the screen there would be no wait they would be sent directly out to you I'm telling you we get it ready to engage in something and the revelation that God showed me that screen behind me this screen behind me I didn't just buy the screen for decoration this screen behind me can hold up to two thousand zoom members and in a minute we're going to be posting the zoom and everybody's gonna have on a t-shirts and they press on and we're gonna make a sound that's gonna come through this screen no ain't nobody over here playing with it this whole screen is gonna be filled with faces and we're going to make a sound a sound that transcends past the first Ramba all we need the earth angel macro to do is to hold the portal open up wakasaya what the second and the third stage of the choir give us a break room Poornima kasaya we call me from the sevens a-- to destroy the wall to the enemy by fire are you with us today do you wanna fly but did you want to stay in fear this is probably the hardest message I have ever preached in my life I didn't just walk up on these notes for a while if some of you can remember I can tell you exactly when God gave it to me and that was the same time that the Lord that God took it took a photograph for me I would walk around my house and there were times and I would brush past my angel and I knew that he was huge and one day I said to the Lord I want to see him I want to see who's guarding me and I laid the phone down and went to the bathroom or when I came back and picked it up there were two photographs on my phone how long ago did God give me this that I have been operating in this I said the reason why I've had a fighting chance to survive what the enemy throws at me I know you can remember during the 10th was it two years ago maybe two or three years ago when I preached the 10th in the day that I drove off of the 10th property in my car that's the day God gave that to me so I didn't just cook this up but the Lord said it's time and I didn't want to do it because I knew that the warfare would be heavy I knew that he would mess with the sound he would mess with my television he would mess with everything but I knew that I had to persevere and deliver to you the choirs I got to deliver to you the choirs to help you to understand that you have sufficient help Cannavaro Sonya you just have to know how to activate it cara de bajo saga that's what the bible tells us and it what says it labels all of the things that we are to pray for that wasn't just to tell you pray for your nation and pray for your leaders that wasn't what that was about dr. Saroyan it wasn't about that it was so God was giving us an assignment to pray for the nation and pray for our leaders so that we can be distorted into another dimension so that we can be guaranteed the help of the choirs Lord Jesus did you just get that did you that wasn't about you come on somebody that was about you being obedient so that you could have all three levels of the choir assist in your life come on somebody you married that when you engage and praying for the country when you engage your in plane for your city when you engage in praying for your church up when you engage up in praying for your pastor you open up here we go here we go we say this thing and we say it carnally know the portals are open this is how the porters come open this is what is meant by opening the pores of heaven a portal gives me access [Music] Angra did you did you understand them right now in a matter of seconds you can start praying for yourself and then pray for the city then pray for the nation and then pray for the country and then pray for the president and then pray for your pastor then pray for your church every you got a photo Oh y'all come on somebody you got a portal we require no y'all didn't hear what I'm saying you got a Poteau with a choir code Arabic Oh Sonya now you have accessibility to go up and ascend and descend now you can go up in Rams and do business on their behalf of God now Oh y'all use that word cute stop using it if you don't mean it now you become an ambassador for Christ now you become an agent that has the ability because I have a passport and the reason why I have a passport is because my city is stamped in it my nation has stepped in it my country has stepped in it my posture is stepped in it my president is stepped in it my truck is stepped in it and now the security of the table cannot oh god cannot inhibit me from having access into heaven I get to pass him you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like it's like God do it for me Lord touch my body touch my sister touch my family God do it in the mighty name of Jesus Lord and my church and the president of this country God do it for our nation God do it for our country in the mighty name of Jesus God that kingdom come that will be done on earth in earth as it is in heaven God do it for the universe lecture will be done just that quick I didn't have to shout I didn't have to yell I didn't have the groan I got access I was able to walk up into the levels and now I'm up here with a table full of ammunition now I'm up here on a table that has my help are you hearing what God is you listen listen listen you are praying a void of your help you are praying void of your health they're asking for justice but we have to be there help good lord have mercy they're marching in the streets for justice but we have to be there help are you hearing that they're marching for justice but we have to call for Dominion God a vocal saga we have to call for virtuals for them they fight on the ground we fight in the air and we sandwich the image are you hearing me lord have mercy [Music] the numbers on the screen pick up the phone and call now he said these were for resurrection power we give me to reload to alter Kenyon we get rid of reloaded again Khurana Maharaja he said if you call today it's going out it's going out today you call today it's going out today normal waiting because we gotta feel that scream we got a job to do we're not just waking up in the morning just because we're high we're waking up in the morning may I introduce you may not introduce you that between the hours of 3:00 and 6:00 is the hours of the spirit help it is an hour of the miraculous it is an hour that the spirit assists your prayers this is why we pray and fine we don't pray just because it's cute we're praying according to the egg want to support we're praying because this is the hour right here that the Holy Ghost helps us to get through the portals this is what we pray in father [Music] it's the abbé of the miraculous if I was doing this I wouldn't fool with nobody that don't want it I wouldn't fool with nobody that don't want the miraculous I won't for what nobody that don't want the Rams Micah operators are standing by right now [Music] your prayer kid is going out today why because men are always free I gotta be something somebody said I gotta go somebody said somebody said I could feel you in my body today that's why the warfare was so heavy [Music] that was so powerful he said I was speaking and I was praying he said I was I was watching about this [Laughter] [Music] he said I just I just opened up another mouth opened up see I see a pipe and this pipe is about as wide as mine as my baby finger and its energy yellow and I see a pipe going down the middle of your your right lung and the Lord has opened up a new airway it's opened up a who SIA he's opened up a new airway Caracas aaaaa and that's what virtues do virtues also show you the reality they show you the reality of what on what God's divine plan for your life so when you have visions of the reality that's that's the virtues that I hadn't worked on another who see ya I wasn't even thinking about her she won't even in my mind a Dodger that that that thing yeah-hoo-hoo shaking her Adorama hiya Cole Rambis her real Messiah but the Bible said the Bible said that David and that that Daniel was exhausted somebody said but when is God gonna show up he showed up when Daniel got exhausted which means your answer is right there if you're watching the game and you said I'm sick of praying for my son I'm sick of pray for mothers but I'm sick of this I'm so tired of pray for my body I'm so tired the Lord is about to show up ha ha that means the messenger is on the way but thine is the kingdom for thine is the kingdom you may hear that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel great I feel great cruise the Lord said that which women I know people have said it before what I'm telling you it's for real that was just held up the portal the portal is open the portal is open and you're gonna hear in 24 hours you're gonna hear it you're gonna hear it that is open you're gonna hear it that is open ibaka Sasha here we have engaged Michael the Archangel because of this floor he said Michael has had been engaged because I have you know llaha Shia because I've been obedient to combination two prior he said we are operating under a porter huh a porter that is wide open a portal that cannot be shutter Coote a messiah I see the enemy walking away like this I see him walking away like this I see him I'm trying to close up [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god somebody give me worship somebody worship [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] raise power we shall never never be defeated [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we god bless you operators are standing back complicate in the air and you will never be defeated [Music] is the greatest power we shall never never be defeated [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the enemy has powers but he the greatest power that enemy s principalities but he the octopus principality [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to tell you [Music] [Applause] it's gonna be greater hatch that show it's gonna be greater thanks the show is gonna be greater it's gonna be greater let's shall be no laptop it's gonna be playing on it's gonna be great on the unwanted on us gonna be querida but I want you it's gonna be greater [Music] if you're watching this video [Music] never beat feet [Music] here's the greatest power we shall never never be defeated [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if the line is busy keep trying we didn't fit in line to get in clubs along with the net keep dialing keep down we got over 30 some lines back there if they're busy keep going the numbers are right there on the screen it's time to get in the air are you gonna fly or are you gonna walk in fear two different dimensions are you going to fly or are you going to walk in fear you go with God and you never be loved [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless you [Music]
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 10,772
Rating: 4.8231292 out of 5
Id: GbVrzbF_Hvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 6sec (6426 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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