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are suffering and they need a word from god and i promise you every single time i say in my own mind well i'm not going to play this tape again or you know what you are just don't play it i all of a sudden it's like a spirit of conviction come on me and i have to say to them play a message and sure enough somebody inbox me or somebody post right under the message saying today i felt suicidal today i just felt like i wasn't going to make it and when i heard this message it spoke directly into my life and that is the reason why it is important as prophets that we learn how to become god's prophet and not just the people's prophet in other words we must gear ourselves toward hearing from god and doing it god's way that's right my mom used to say to me all the time say what he said and so every time i make a decision about this page i want you to understand that i am hearing from the lord and i am doing exactly what he has commissioned me to do and so we're getting ready for some awesome things and and i'm telling you since the pandemic and i just got to keep it 100. you you got people that are out there pastors preachers prophets you know that are just filled with anxiety and we don't know the results all of the results of this pandemic yes we have seen death i have seen death in my family even the other day another cousin of mine passed away so that makes about 15 people in my family and no we don't understand but we don't question god because the bible tells us that the lord holds the breath of life in his hand and so when he decides to remove that breath it is his decision and so even though it it pains us and we don't understand it we have to go with god and if we go with god we'll find comfort and we'll find peace that's right and so i'm doing what god has given me to do and i am very very sensitive in this hour more so than i've ever been in my life because if you're watching the news you're watching the end times unfold and i heard the lord say to me during this last revival we're not in the end times we are in the end and so that means none of us prophets preachers evangelists we don't have time to play games and we don't have time to just render wonderful messages and stolen messages and and stuff that we get off the top of our heads we have to be sure of what god is saying because he's trusting us to speak into the lives of his people and cause some to be saved some to turn around some to be encouraged and some to get up and get in his will and be used mightily of the lord and so the assignment is heavy on me and and i'm very very troubled and perplexed in my spirit because i know that there's more and i can see what the enemy is doing but i'm telling you from up here from up here i can see what god is doing too and i'm telling you there's a mighty revival that is brewing and it is on its way and it's rolling in with force like i have never seen before and and i know some of you all have probably watched the revival and and people that came to this revival and i want to explain that they were invited by god he he specifically gave me their names and said call these people and tell them that i'm inviting them into my presence because there is something that i want to do for them and i promise you nobody that came left the same and it wasn't about money it wasn't about the prayer shawls it wasn't about any of that it was about the assignment of the lord and me not grieving the holy spirit by interrupting the atmosphere for anything else other than what god was saying and so i want you to know that we're getting ready coming up and i know you've seen the advertisement but it's just not an advertisement it's something that has been prayed through and and fasted for and and waited on the lord i told the people of god that i went on a three-day fast and came off of that fast and thought god was finished and four days later he sent me back again for another three-day fast and then i tried to do that one and i finished that one and that one led me into a supernatural experience with god that i would never forget and that was 12 days of consecration and fasting with water and juice and hearing from the lord that's right and we're going to be learning all of that coming up in august because in august uh it's going to be tremendous august the 3rd i want you to keep that and mark that on your calendar if you are watching today by facebook or by instagram or youtube we're going to be starting the 5 a.m prayer and not just that it's going to be a tnt day that's right it's going to be dynamite in the holy ghost because on tuesday nights at 7 33 and i think those of you that have been following my page i think you kind of got the concept of the threes because there is three that bear witness in the heavens and there is three that bear witness on the earth and so at 7 33 sharp we will be going live because that's the time that god gave me and so we will be teaching the word of god at night we will be praying in the morning on tuesday mornings at five o'clock and we will be bringing the word of the lord tuesday night and the lord has instructed me to go line up online and teach the word of god that's right teach it line up online and i think you're going to be pleasantly surprised at what you see god do and so those of you that have been following this page that's right it's going to be new it's going to be all new and i know that some of you are saying oh well maybe we're not going to get any more replays no if god tell me to pull up a message and play it that's what i have to do and so i'm inviting you and yes we're going to make room for try to get as many people as we can in-house yes and we've also been given an opportunity that if we have overflow we got an opportunity to have overflow but i believe that since the pandemic is lifting it's time for some of the people of god to come into the house of the lord for these tuesday night teachings and it's going to be powerful and i know i have already some of my spiritual daughters that are making their way sheila conway and others are coming by bus but i'm telling you god is up to something people and i'm not going to be out here playing church that's right i'm not going to be out here playing the church it's not about being in front of a camera it's only about getting in front of the camera when the lord has something to say and that's why you'll see me go into hiding because if god isn't speaking anything and it's not a fresh word that comes from the presence of the lord then i'm illegal to be talking that's right because listen everything that comes out of our mouth we're going to be judged by god and we're going to be a given a report card as to whether or not what you said save somebody's life and that's the reason why we have no time to be worried about how many numbers you got and how many people are on the line and and how many facebook numbers i got no no let me tell you one can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight which means somebody that is watching your program and i'm talking to people that go live now somebody that is watching your program they got thousands in them somebody that's watching your program is a world changer and you have to be sure that you are guiding them in the right direction well i gotta go but i just wanted to stop in here to let you know that we are on the move for god and yes some of you have been wondering well i pick up the phone i call and sometimes it's busy i can't get through we had no idea let me let me be very clear about this we had no idea that the prayer kit would explode the way that it did and we didn't have enough operators but after praying about it we made the decision through prayer to go ahead and offer the prayer kit on line that's right and it's quicker it's absolutely quicker you can go online now at or some of you you've been used to going to you can still get there uh in that direction as well but you can go online and get your prayer kit and i'm telling you god is doing something awesome people these these prayer kids that i've been praying over uh the prayer shawls that have sat in here doing that 12-day fast it it's not a game it is not a joke it is my assignment and i take it seriously because the testimonies that we have received i cannot begin to stand here and tell you all of them i would need time upon time but the miracles that have taken place from people who have obeyed god and got their prayer kit their lives have been changed and i know the lord wants to change yours too and so if you're watching today and you're saying you know i i don't know if i can pick up the phone you can go online again at and still get your prayer kit and i want you to know i'm not at a message but i'm out of time right now but i wanted to stop and just just address my facebook following to let you know that god is getting ready to move like never before the august coming up i i don't i can't hardly talk about it when i think about it my insides begin to shake because it is that intentional the eighth month no beginning the third day bearing witness in heaven and in the earth which means whatever god is already ordained and preordained in the heavens it's going to come into the earth realm that's right the miracles and the signs and the wonders meaning that a porter will be opened from heaven and you shall receive your just reward because the bible said seek him and you will find him knock and the door shall be opened unto you and if you abide in me in my word and my words abide in you you shall ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you there are some things that god is getting ready to do for you right here on instagram right here on youtube right here on my facebook page get ready because an explosion is coming and your life will never be the same god bless you jesus we just want more of you we just want more of you oh we thirst for you jesus we hunger for more of you jesus hey [Applause] [Music] over to your name hallelujah said that if any man if any man if any man thirst if any man hungers hallelujah and he will be filled hallelujah [Music] hallelujah if i lay behind the storm [Music] trampled on the ground come on you took the fall this is our testimony song and thought of me everybody come on can we sing it to the lord crucified laid behind the stone live to die rejected and alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] behind us [Music] hallelujah [Music] you came from [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you took [Music] grateful in this place [Music] the tonight [Music] my god my god my god is something about that song that blesses me every time i hear it you may be seated in the presence of the lord and thank you for joining us i'm on seven i don't want to go high then thank you for joining me tonight and i'm telling you we are in what we have classified as an old fashioned revival that's right we want to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying we honor uh pastor stefan for being here and we honor uh sister monica and her husband and and those of you that are visiting from out of town and people have been asking can they come to the revival and we're going to be opening it up i would say thursday and friday but i keep telling you i don't i don't need a whole lot of people to do what god has called me to do because i believe that we are we are embarking upon something because it is time for us to not just be entertained but it's time for us to know that we know that we know the word of god and because of where we are and the times that we are living in and what is about to happen good and for the bad we want to be ready somebody said i want to be ready somebody said like you mean it i want to be ready and i'm going to i'm going to let her use my ipad because i want to see the comments tonight so you can put that on for me because they were telling me uh about the comments on last night and um i want to be able to refer to some people while we are ministering tonight well let's go to another house my god somebody get god to praise for another house yeah another house we're getting ready to talk to another house why because it is time for faith to come in my house i don't know about nobody else but i need it and i want it today i was studying something that became really interesting to me as it relates to faith in god and we were talking last night about it and i told you that when service is over with we usually sit in the back in the cafeteria area and we we start to dissect the word of god and we started to to hear and finish listening to what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church and so as we begin to listen the lord began to revelate some things to me thank you so much he began to revelate some things to me and and i began to speak as the spirit of the lord was giving me utterance and he started talking about the simplicity of the word faith as it relates to language and i want to ask a question to some people that are in the room tonight you know we ask ourselves well how did you get saved and somebody would say well i went to a tent revival and i got saved and some people will ask well how did you get saved and some people would say you know well i was in a in another revival at the church or it was on a sunday morning and somebody preached and i got saved and then somebody else would say well how did you get saved they'll give their their story of how they got saved like my story of how i got saved i i got saved on the on the on the street corner i didn't get saved in the church i got saved because my sister kathy wanted to go hear r.w schambach preach at the regal theater in chicago and i was going through that stage where i had a big old afro and i was wearing one green sock and one red sock and a black leather jacket and and i had angela davis on my wall in my bedroom y'all ain't saying nothing and i was gonna be me a muslim and i was eating at the muslim restaurants and all of that so i was in the black power movement and just crazy bottom line just crazy big old afro and so i had already you know pulled my little twigs and braided my hair up you know you braid your hair up and you twist it and you tuck it under i was in the bed for the night and here's she coming here talking about neither can you go with me to r.w schambach the preacher i said no i'm not going to i don't braid it up my hair i'm not getting ready to take all this down and so she left out of the room and she came back all crying mama said i can't go unless one of y'all go with me and janice's sleep and and you're the only person that can go and so i said to her i will go but you gonna give me ten dollars so she gave me ten dollars and i took my braids down and i turned my head up and got my pick and when i put my head back up stuff on it was this big what wasn't the cat they had a big old afro and so we went to the went to the regal theater when we got there she was going in the door and she said you coming in i said i didn't say i was coming in i said i'm gonna go with you i didn't say i was coming in now i'm gonna be right out here and if you don't see me out here come across the street to mcdonald's because i didn't said i was coming to church i'm just gonna come with you so on our way there i i stopped and and got me a wine cooler and i got me a nickel bag or weaver and y'all ain't saying nothing and i rolled my little reefer put it in my side pocket while we was on the bus and she went on in the church and i went on up the street and i said i'ma go get me some some mcdonald's from across the street and i'ma buy me some salem like cigarettes and i'm gonna eat my mcdonald's and smoke my cigarettes and then i i had a little respect so i walked up two blocks from the church to smoke my weed and drink my wine cooler and while i was there on the corner i heard the spirit of the lord said if you coming with me come now and i turned around i said i think i didn't gotta hold to some bad weed or something because i started hearing voices and stuff and so i i turned around and i said my god what was that and i thought it was somebody walking by me and all of a sudden i heard the lord say it again he said juanita if you're coming with me you better come now and the tears start coming down my face then i threw my weed and my cigarettes and my wine cooler in the gutter right there in the streets and god came on that street corner and he saved me y'all better give god a praise right now so i i i believe that i heard the word of god was preached in the sanctuary but the word of god became magnified the word of god became magnified and it came down the street lord have mercy i don't know what schambach was preaching that night but it came down the street it came down the block and it got me so that has something to do with how i got saved i heard a voice talking to me i was i was i was i was redeemed and my soul was saved because no matter what story we tell we were saved not because we felt goosebumps i got to really really break this down tonight i wasn't saved because i felt goosebumps that's not what saves us that's not what saves us we had an appreciation for the world y'all please listen to this tonight cause this was eating me up over there we have an appreciation for the word and we have an appreciation for jesus you somebody's not telling you about jesus you have an appreciation for the church but before you get saved you just appreciate what you're hearing you appreciate the fact that he died on the cross and all of that and somebody is telling you about jesus but watch this that that that that's not what saves you what saves you is the word of god okay watch this watch this the word of god which means a language is what saved me good lord have mercy something was spoken and it wasn't just spoken i want you to hear this it wasn't just spoken the word of god was spoken and the word of god in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god the word became flesh dwelt among us the word of god then becomes jesus christ now watch this watch this he told me to really really really tonight break this all the way down jesus christ then became the living word now watch this if jesus christ became the living world then how he got in my life is by the breath of his word that's that's that's how i got saved well somebody said well i don't i don't understand that dr bynum because i just thought something came over me okay well let's let's let's let's break this down to the language what is the importance of a language he said language is a vital part of human connection humans are the only living species that have mastered cognitive communication as it relates to language what do you mean by cognitive humans are the only ones that have mastered what they hear they are able to do it humans are the only ones that have mastered monkeys would do it but humans have mastered it they have mastered that when they hear a language they can do the language they understand the language they don't cathy they don't understand it like yeah i understand that that's impossible when a human being understands a language he does the language if a human being understands what a chair is he sits in it if he understands what a car is he drives it come on somebody if he understands what a cup is he drinks out of it if he understands what a plate is he eats from it when he knows where the is he use it and he knows the difference between a fork and a spoon because the human beings have mastered the cognitive communication of language so this is the reason why jesus saves a human being because a human being has the ability to cognitively do what it has been told to do good lord have mercy whoa jesus jesus and and then watch this a human being is the only other specie lord jesus like they said we have we have we have we have acting so so god made the human being in a way that the human being can be transformed like a monkey kid is just a monkey a cow is just a cat an elephant is just an elephant y'all following me y'all follow me an elephant can be nothing but an elephant a a tiger is a tiger but if there is a word that enters into a human being a human being has the ability to turn into what it has heard oh y'all ain't saying nothing this is the reason why he chose to save us that's the reason why he said let us make man in our image because there's going to come a time that we're going to be able to transform man and man is going to be in our image i'm preaching too fast already oh that thing got me oh somebody said gerard said that's good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm going to talk to y'all tonight i'm going to talk to y'all tonight oh my god i can i can i can i can i can turn into what i have heard wait wait wait wait wait wait and how was that how was that how was that because language is designed to enter into a thing okay i'ma say it again language is designed to enter into a thing okay okay here we go the monkey is out there and he just who and then you go and then you go cracker cracker come on eat this and he he eats it and he go to reese's farm you say cracker and if you do it often enough after a while the the monkey will say cracker is the monkey a human being no but a human language has entered into the monkey and caused the market to talk like a human y'all come on y'all better stop playing with me and that's why that's why i have a problem when people say that you know what i really can't live save because what has happened is you have heard the word with the phonics of the ear but the word have not entered into your spirit and you have not meditated on the word day and night which means you have not devoured the word day and night and because you have not meditated on the word day and night you have not rehearsed the word you have not practiced the word the word is not a poem of your of your actions you don't know how to do it because you haven't practiced it enough if a zoologist can take english to a monkey then why can't god teach us how to live right now okay y'all y'all sit down i'm preaching too hard oh jesus who am i talking to yeah tamara latavia said talk about the language tonight yes ma'am i am so he says sit down it says language language allows us to share our feelings and our thoughts and our ideas it has the power listen to this to build societies or tear them down not not not no not now this is where it gets interesting language plays a role in social semiotic systems what is semiotic systems interpret as a sign so when a language is spoken it is not just letters but language know how to be translated into a sign that's why the original text of the bible was in hebrew and hebrew uh every letter is a picture because god was intended for the language that he would speak that we would be able to see the split listen the picture of it and have a sign of what it's supposed to mean oh god i'm not hearing y'all i'm not hearing y'all lord jesus this is this is it and so watch this and so and so and so language plays a role in sign given oh jesus i'm finished and sign giving which means it is not to be considered as a language now here it is here it is if i can't see what you are saying okay okay if i'm not the person that it is supposed to be communicated to i'm not supposed to see it okay that's why ii peter second peter uh uh one says to us that that that to every man was allotted a measure of faith as unto righteousness in other words if i'm not righteous i'm not bound to understand what he is saying because my carnal man can't comprehend it okay okay so if i can't comprehend it i can't do it i can't do it y'all ain't saying that y'all ain't saying nothing y'all ain't saying nothing here it is now here it is y'all watch this it plays a key role sarita and human information and interaction as well as construes information consumes information means a mean mean when the word is spoken when words are spoken the language is supposed to have the ability to not only give you what it is saying but also to relate to you its intent so that when god speaks to us i'm telling you something and i'm telling you what my intent is for you so when i talk to you through my word i'm not telling you what i'm gonna do for you now i'm telling you what my intentions are and this is what we shout on we don't shout because we see it we don't shout because we got it in our hands when god gives us a word we dance and we shout because we know his intent somebody said he's intending to do it and when he said i know the thoughts that i think of you and they are good and not evil and i'm ready to give you your expected in that it is his intent to do me good and that's why i hear what he has to say because every time he speaks to me he's intended to bless my life buddha can't do that y'all ain't talking to me ain't nobody saying nothing right there i said i said buddha can't do that language i'm going somewhere with this tonight language is not only a key component of communication it is also a key aspect here it is now this is where it changes it is also a key aspect of identity oh god so my language is my identity if i if i walk up to you and i was and you didn't know me and i started speaking chinese you would say i'm oriental if i start speaking french like like like miss miss ingrid right here miss ingrid looks like a black woman come on somebody she got brains like a black woman come on and somebody would look at her and they would they would mistake her identity and they would just call her black but she's french is she french because of her color she's french because of her language okay y'all y'all y'all y'all gonna make me run all over this place tonight you're gonna make me run all over this place tonight you're gonna make me run all over this place tonight she's french because of her language her language determines who she is and so if language is identity come on somebody and god is the one that gives us faith and the only way we can get faith is we got to hear a word then what we are receiving is not a thing but a person okay okay so i'm receiving i'm receiving the person of the language because you cannot separate the language of the person from the person because now language is the identification of the person so when i read the bible i know who is talking to me y'all ain't saying nothing i don't hear nobody talk to me right there what is my people saying today charisse lewis said lord have mercy yes lord barbara jones says lord i hit lady bolton is running yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah why should why so then people so then people watch this if my language is my identity and faith coming by hearing watch this and hearing comes by the language of the lord then who came by hearing and hearing comes by the word of god then who came watch this then god didn't give me words to believe he gave me himself and he said use me come on let me live because i watched it because you invited me to come in and i came in by my word y'all ain't saying nothing then will you just let me will you just let me have a belief system in you you're trying to do this with your mind and you don't have to you're trying to do this with your intellect and you don't have to i'm the one that's going to do it i need you to move out of my way and just use my word because when you use my word back to me talking [Music] sickness and disease is not going to lead because you say so it it's going to leave because of language wait a minute wait a minute it's going to leave because there was a language that was created to combat every every other language that will come against the knowledge of god okay come over here there was another language that was already in place watch this that's already prepared listen when he made man he said let us make man in our image he shaped him formed him gave him cognitive communication until man was introduced to an opposing language because that's what we fight against now we fight against another language okay okay wait wait wait wait wait language also gives insight to who we are and how we think as individuals language gives me insight to who's talking did you get what i just said language tells people who's talking the bible said that they wouldn't know that you was a fool if you just be quiet come on somebody language gives you away language testifies what you have i'ma keep looking up and i'm gonna keep saying this so you can get this language testifies to who you are language tells on you you speak in tongues and you shout and you run around the church but it's your language that tells us who you are wait wait wait here we go here we go i didn't write this this this is straight from a dictionary i this is i'm addictioning language transmits information from one person to another language transmits information from one person to another so what that means is is is when a person is talking to you and you all can testify to this if you've ever had anybody to say something negative to you and you and that one in your ears and it seemed like you can't shake that thing and you can't shake that thing and it's like that thing just keep following you they just keep following you and they keep following you he's like okay i just can't i can't i i just can't shake that because they said i would never be nothing they say i never have not they said i would never be successful whatever and you can't shake that thing see the violation of that thing is that those persons that spoke that to you they are now in you because they've transmitted themselves into you listen listen language is the person language is the identity i'm not hearing y'all talk to me who is somebody talking to right now this is how we are saved because when jesus speaks his word he transmits himself into us now it's no longer i but it's the christ that liveth in me i'm sorry i didn't get no music right there but i felt a turret in my spirit oh my god wait and if he if he spoke to me if he spoke in me now i know what it means when they say if you abide in me and my words abide in you watch this watch this let me help us colossians colossians 1 colossians 1 when you read that book it talks about how jesus christ is the creator it says all things were made by him all things were made for him come on somebody and all things have their amplified bible said their cohesiveness in him cohesiveness which means let me break it down if i make this plant the reason why i cannot snatch this out i don't try and i pull on it and it won't come out the reason why it won't come out is because they used an adhesive glue on the bottom of this plant to come off somebody so i can't separate the plant from the vase if i want the plant i got to take the vase too if i want the vase i got to take the plant too so the plant and and this this beautiful image is held together by a glue cohesiveness uh-huh so what am i saying to you so when god promises us something and we are praying and asking the lord for something all things are made by him so if we use the faith of his words y'all they say he made everything come on you got the maker in your mouth no y'all i'm not hearing y'all talk to me i haven't seen god create kidneys i don't see god give people brand new lungs y'all they're gonna talk back to me i got history with the lord i don't see him raise the dead with my own eyes who am i preaching to and i don't have to be an african for it to happen i've seen god do it why because the maker of all things is in your mouth do this thing in the house tonight [Music] the maker of all things he's in your mouth y'all ain't saying that why is it in your mouth why can you decree and declare that the maker of all things is in my mouth how can i say that with an assurance because if i've abided in his word and this world is about it in me that i have his language then i don't speak of myself but i speak as the articles of god no y'all don't hear me y'all don't hear me y'all don't get what god is saying if you are professing that jesus christ lives on the inside of you that when you open up your mouth you're supposed to be an ambassador you're supposed to be a person that speaks on his behalf oh god i said i feel it i feel it that night when when uh when the lord sent me to that hospital and watch this i didn't go to the hospital to pray for asia till i saw it in the spirit y'all they're saying that until his word was formed in me till i saw the vision of what the word was saying come on somebody you can't have it because you can't see it and you can see it because it has not materialized in your mind and the reason why it hasn't materialized in your mind because you don't have enough scriptures to put it together uh that part right there because it's supposed to come out as the body of christ against the hand of the enemy y'all ain't saying that you can't just read your bible every other week and think you got power you can't just read one scripture and think you got power you got to devour that thing up you got to eat it day and night you got to eat it until like the bible said until christ be found in you to christ be formed in me wait a minute until christ come back when i got to the hospital that night oh my god and the natural eye i think she got them pictures put that picture up put that picture up for a second i got i got to set a miracle before your eyes tonight oh my god that's the way she looked that's the way she looked and she couldn't even really talk and she was slobbering out of her mouth and couldn't talk and the doctor said in a matter of days she would be dead go to the next picture and her mother was was was sending me pictures and and she was saying to me that she wasn't going to make it and the doctors were saying she wasn't going to make it and i gave her mother one instruction i said stay over her bed day and night and quote the word i said quote the word i said cause god got a timing when he's gonna heal her come on somebody come on somebody god got a timing when he was gonna heal her who am i talking to i'm telling you ain't ain't nothing too hard for god because if you get his language up you can speak as him you can speak on behalf of heaven i'm not hearing y'all it ain't time for you to speak your emotions up you in a situation right now god don't need your emotions he needs you to put him in remembrance of his word up he said remind me of what i said hold my second of a messiah somebody being healed right now i can feel it in the holy ghost somebody give god a self [Applause] go to the other pictures i prophesied and i said god was going to do it and then she sits every day teaching the word of god he said not only was she gonna walk she was gonna run and she was gonna preach the gospel who am i talking to putting my house back up because god is bringing that kind of faith into your house god is dropping the anointing of he's igniting every word you have ever read in his bible all by some he's forming himself in your mind right now and you are going to prophesy to your family i remember holding music holding me i remember who who am i talking to yes lord gayle johnson yes ma'am yes ma'am barbara jones yes ma'am leticia meals yes god jackie coop yes ma'am vivian lee yes lord oh put god in remembrance watch this y'all i remember i got to tell you this i remember i was preaching i was preaching about it's got to be now about eight or nine years ago and i got on a series and the series was entitled catholic going to remember this he's doing it in the spirit y'all ain't saying no he said you got my work out and gave you my work now i'm getting ready to show you how my word can be translated into spirit i said my god he said i want you to get on this and i want you to preach it and it was about six weeks i was preaching he's doing it in the spirit he's doing it in the spirit i would preach the gospel and then i would make the people in my church i would make us praise god and we wouldn't dismiss the service i said praise the lord and go in the praise and i don't want you to leave out of here until the spirit lift off you i said because what god is doing he's empowering his word why why she and like that cohesive glue he's gluing it to you you know like the paper dogs they had some paper dolls when i was little where you cut the little humps off and you hook it over the shoulder and you can change the clothes y'all ain't saying nothing but see i knew god was gonna use me different back then cause i got the elmer's glue and i glued the clothes to the people y'all ain't saying no because every time i tried to play with it the little dress kept falling off so i glued it on there y'all ain't saying that and then i wanted to change your clothes and i glued something on top of that come on y'all cause when i was finished with it i was finished with it i wasn't one of them that wanted to go back to the pink dress and now i want to go back i'm tired of looking at the pink dress i could just glue it down and that's what i see god doing for people tonight oh he listen he tired of you switching and changing now when he give you his word he gonna glue it to you come on somebody you're gonna be his he gonna be the cohesive glue that's gonna bind the word to you who is god talking to how about 20 21 it's gonna be a different year because you're not going to vacillate in and out of god he said i'm a glue my lie to your spirit it's going to be your permanent outfit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like when the sons of skiba tried to rebuke somebody they said jesus we know paul we know we don't know you because the devil know you he know you when he because he know jesus come on somebody and i was preaching he doing it in the spirit and so that day that sunday the last sunday the lord told me he said i want you to get some handkerchiefs and i want you to cut them up in little pieces you remember that guy and i said okay god he said and why are you preaching he said when the anointing get high i want you to throw him all over the pulpit and i started preaching cause sometimes i'm telling you he'll tell you to do something foolish when he getting ready to give you a miracle because he'll tell you to do something foolish so you will know it wasn't your intellect that got it he said i want you to throw him out and when i got to preaching and the anointing got high people i just stopped tossing them and they was flying everywhere and the church was looking at me and i said before you leave out of here today come by this altar and grab a handful i said when you pick it up i said he doing it in the spirit and they was like yes ma'am and i said don't pick it up unless the presence of the lord is on you i said cause your spirit got to connect with what god is saying and that's why some people can't get no miracle because they got away and god got away sometimes you got to do what god is telling you to do to come on somebody and i said y'all come on do this and they picked him up service was over kathy and that one in the back we were sitting in the back and for some reason i couldn't change my clothes and kathy said neither do you change your clothes cause you're gonna catch a cold i said i know but i still feel the anointing on me i said let me just sit here for a little while longer and so we were sitting there and all of a sudden somebody ran in the room and they said dr biden they said sister tammy bird her daughter they just found her daughter dead in her apartment and they on their way to tobacco wherever they live it's about an hour and a half drive and i told kathy i said well let's go and so we got up good lord have mercy we got up and got our stuff all the way on the highway neither one of us said nothing we didn't say one word we just wrote we just wrote and there was something that came over me i was i'm gonna finish preaching this tomorrow night because i got a long way to go i was confident sarita i didn't feel shaky come on somebody i felt like this is the only way i can describe i felt like i was ready to fight i didn't i didn't feel that oh lord feeling i i felt like okay now what is this and so when we got to the hospital and we pulled up to the emergency i got out and we stopped walking and i said to kathy he doing it in the spirit and so i had to turn around and get my purse and she got it ahead of me so when she started walking she was walking and she stopped and i ran into her when she turned around she said i'm gonna ask you one more time where he doing today i said he's doing it in the spirit she said you ready i said i'm ready she said and let's go we walked in them the doctor said the machine's just keeping her alive i said kathy what we gonna do cause she got an anointing to raise the dead she said i'm gonna get at her feet and you're the prophet and i want you to prophesy in her ears and she said and we gonna bring her back to life no no you don't hear me you don't hear me you don't hear me and we started prophesying and i started telling her i said you a woman of god and god's gonna use your life and you're not going out without a yes in your soul who am i preaching to i'm talking to some mother right now who the devil got your children and it looked like they did in christ but god told me to tell you that you better start prophesying you better start speaking life you better tell the devil up i'm not taking no for an answer somebody give god yes i said okay i said what we gonna do with that i started talking kathy grabbed the bottom of her feet and i was in her ears and the doctors looked at us both of the doctors and they shook their head you remember the captain they walked out and they walked out like these people so stupid and watch this we had to put her mother out we said you get out too i said cause you and you you you all and she did you sit outside the curtain you can't come in here we started praying kathy looked up at me she said neither what are you doing today i said he doing in her spirit and she said we're not gonna look at those signs she said we don't keep talking until guys show up and we kept praying by about 20 minutes and all of a sudden the machines are going dude and the doctor stopped running they said wait a minute the machine the machine is back on she started breathing she stopped breathing again the doctor said well we can't get no blood out of her arm call by kathy walked over there and told the doctor excuse me she slapped her arm hard she said now check it again and the doctor was able to get the blood then they said to me that the machine is telling us something that she doesn't lost too much oxygen now watch this they said the machine is telling us that she doesn't lost too much oxygen and her blood level is too low and what did i tell the doctor i said there's something wrong with your machine and i went over there and i hit that machine and all the numbers changed who am i talking to you got to be willing to defy the devil up you got to be willing to call him the liar that he is up you got to be willing to stand stand on the word of god somebody give him a child they said okay they said okay her oxygen levels is back watch this but she's still in a coma and they said she brain dead they said she she was in the apartment for 24 hours dead she brained it i said to kathy we're not going nowhere until god gave a complete miracle i went in the waiting room and i was laying in the waiting room and stefan we were both in their sleep and i woke up out of my sleep speaking in tongues i said the cat that we can go home is done she said it's done neither i said it's done i said i just saw it i said i saw her sitting up it's done i said she's sitting up talking we can go home see you can you can't have it till you see it okay i'm just who am i talking to you you can't have it till you see it and you can't see it watch this you can't see it until the word of god formulated into a picture so if you can't see it yet you need some more scripture so he can finish the picture okay i'm just saying something yo i just i'm just talking about what i do i'm talking about what i do when i'm praying and i know that something is god's will and i don't see it in the spirit yet i keep reading come on somebody some of y'all start crying i keep reading i keep reading until this formed in me who am i talking to because when it's forming me up then i have the right to activate it now i can walk like i got it now i can talk like i got it who am i talking to now i can lift my head up now i can stand strong in the holy ghost because i don't seen it who am i talking to right now because i seen it and i said okay god i said it's done i told him i said i called her mother i said come here i said did you grab one of them little handkerchief things from off the altar and she said yes ma'am i got a few i said take one go to the front desk and get some tape and tape it to her stomach she said yes ma'am i said don't take her to the gown tape it to her stomach it wasn't no bigger than that they was little bitty squares and she taped it on her stomach and i said i'm going home but god said at four o'clock she coming out okay okay okay see i ain't got to prove that i'm a prophet i don't know how to i don't have to prove that and i said four o'clock and tell me if this is she on here and then sequoia them on here they will tell you gerard is on here they'll tell you i said four o'clock 2 30 they called me my phone rang she ain't not the coma yet prophetess i said all right round about 3 15. they called me again she's not the corner call me yet prophetess i said okay about 3 30 somebody else called me and i called her mother i said don't nobody else call me to this four o'clock i said cause that's what he said he didn't say three fifteen he didn't say 3 20. he didn't say 3 30. he said 4 o'clock they said yes ma'am at 4 o'clock when my phone ring we was at home i picked the phone up and said what's she saying they said she just said she want a hamburger and she hungry let me tell you something i know god his credit is good with me i know what this word can do if you trust in the lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding but in all of your ways acknowledge him and his child direct language the language is the identity of the person are y'all hearing that the language is the identity of the person if you got his language you got him oh god let me get out of here where's my time what does people say tell me i hear you hey samantha a pastor binder yes god yes god i'm talking about watch this i'm talking about real living miracles and i was going through the worst of my transition we didn't have no car oh god people had came and took all the cars we had no cars then we kept we had no cars i was laying on the couch and the spirit of the lord said get up and go to the dealership the day is the day see i'm i'm gonna help you i'm gonna help you what did i say the other day that when it's a real word from god it comes with built-in activation it automatically make you move into something while your brain's still trying to think about it your your body is just just moving into what he said you ain't got time to think about it why because when the word comes the bible describes he describes the temperament of the word it is said that the word of god is quick which means quit is quicker than you it's powerful meaning powerful is more powerful than you sharper than the two-edged sword he knows how to cut away from you the old spirit that don't believe and put in you a new mind that can trust him and so when he leads you and guides you and tell you to step out on something he's oh my god he's telling you to step out on his word not on your intelligence so i said i said to kathy i said i said i got up and i got dressed i got dressed put on a t-shirt it was in the winter time so i had got my coat in my hat and i headed out the door and the lord said to me he said do you believe me i said yes sir he said you trust me i said yes sir i'm standing at my door while god talking to me he said then go get kathy and take her with you i said okay i came to the steps i said captain i said the lord told me to tell you to come go with me to the dealership she said neither i don't feel like going away it's cold i said i don't i don't feel like putting no clothes on and i i said kathy come on not only down and i yelled i said the lord said he told me to tell you she said well all right she put on her coat she came on with me we got us a ride my god my god my god i get to the to the to the place and i said this the car i want right here and it was it was it was a range rover and the man said well ma'am sometimes you coming for this car because cause the doctor bought this car not even six months ago and now she being transformed to hawaii and and she brought it back to the dealership and he said it's practically brand new and i said okay well this is the one i i i want to get he said well you got to go over here to this credit bureau that we deal with so i i get over there and i walk to the front desk and the girl said may i help you i said yes i said i'm here to see the credit people that the car people sent me over here she said yes ma'am she said what's your name i said i need to bind him so she went back then she came back she came back she said man what's your name again i said wanted to buy them she said okay she left and she stayed going a long time she came back one more time she said you did say juanita bind him i said yes i did she went back and she stayed gone a long time she came back she said okay that the loan officer will see you i said yes ma'am i mean i went in there but i want to just get this little testimony right now my credit score was 392. you know because mind you now i hadn't lost everything i ain't got nothing come on y'all ain't nobody listen that's what it's called a testimony okay if i show you some of y'all shame or your transition but baby when god takes you through a transition all he doing is teaching you how to take your faith to another level cause what you had and what you thought you lost that wasn't good enough cause he gonna give you your expected in i'm preaching to somebody right now i'm preaching to somebody you better hold your head up you better not be what no no no no no no i'm callous right now but when the time comes he gonna give me the kind of car i want and the reason why he put the world in the pandemic so he can bring the prices down you don't hear me you gonna drive and you're not gonna pay what other people pay you're gonna live and you're not gonna pay what they pay y'all better open up your mouth huh that bible said he is tilting the world in your direction you better praise him and receive it right now my god so here i am here i am here i am here i am i'm in the place they come back and they get me and me and kathy walk back there and we had our little coats on and i'm sitting in the plates i'm sitting there and i'm going oh wait a minute lord here i am right here jesus i said i'm sitting in this place i know my credit score is at 300 and something and uh we really ain't got no money i said but you told me to come here and i came the lady walked in she said can you fill out this me and i just start filling out the application she said i don't need a lot of information just give me an address in your social security number phone wrote all that down she left out stayed going a long time i'm just sitting in there a few minutes later she came in her and two other ladies i said well okay well what's going on they came in the office and they shut the door and the office door had venetian blinds and the lady closed the venetian blinds and i said well what is going on she said i got one question to ask you i said what is it she said are you the one i need about him that preach i said yes ma'am all three of them started speaking in tongues they said we asked god to give us a word and we needed prayer because of what we're going through will you pray for honey i took my coat off and me and kathy with the laying hands and prophesying you don't hear me we got to giving people the word one lady just slid on down the hall wall on the ground when they got through they got up and said whatever y'all came in here for i'm going to give it to you she said wait wait wait wait she said doctor bottom you came for a car and you know me listen listen when you got faith you master guy i said she need one too she walked out with an escalade i walked out with a range rover with no money down messed up credit why because when you can see it [Music] somebody better give god a shout up in here [Music] listen you ain't waiting on god god is waiting on you to see it [Music] down i got i got eight minutes sit down sit down yo i got eight minutes good lord have mercy i got eight minutes i got eight minutes you ain't heard nothing you ain't heard nothing to stop lying you ain't heard nothing the lord said when when did he say it god said god said god said god said i'ma keep on saying that god said god said god said okay let's let's let's let us help ourselves god said let there be life and light didn't take three weeks to come and there was light i'm not hearing y'all i'm not hearing you god said let the fishes and the fowls fly in the air and roam the ocean and it just happened god spoke and the firmaments came and they just happened come on somebody and god said all that and built the whole wide world in six days no you're not hearing me in six days he built the whole wide world and then he made an extra day just for him to sit himself in it and now he then gave you all his word he then gave you a conglomeration of everything that he is and we walk around here to my god said and can't produce nothing god ain't saying some of this stuff come on somebody come on somebody you got to use his word you got to go back to his language you talking that ain't god talking when you use his language his language contains power to manifest itself i don't think y'all heard what i just said didn't nobody hear that did nobody hear that i said when you use his word it will manifest yeah yeah yeah yeah it will because because watch this watch this watch this yeah i i i got six minutes language language defines our identity and watch this stefan you can use this song it defines our identity and our history y'all they see it it does three things in this next group and i gotta go it defines my identity watch this it defines my history this is what the dictionary says y'all play too much it defines my identity it defines my history and language defends my humanity so what i when i when i take in the word of god it defines my identity watch this watch it and it defines my history y'all ain't saying nothing with dr biden but wait a minute what you mean by it defined my history no no when i take in the works when i've taken the word it's supposed to tell you what i've been and then it gives you the plan of what he brought me from come on here somebody i'm not here nobody talk to me while y'all scared of your testimony cause i'm not scared of mine because the word of god defines my history when you got the word it should be able to sit on you and people need to be able to look at you and said i remember way enough i remember when they was a sinner wretched and done but look at them now because of the word of god somebody give god a praise right now [Music] y'all playing with the praise tonight y'all playing with the praise tonight i hear the song look where he brought me from somebody need to give him a praise because he brought me from the money give god [Music] here we praise and enlighten because of the word of god he brought me out because of the word of god he heals my body he's a mind regulator he's a heartbreaker that's why i gotta pray that [Music] i feel it y'all sit down i gotta end i gotta end i gotta end hope i shall somebody give god a shout come on somebody give him a shout somebody give him a shout somebody give him a shout somebody give me my shout out language i got i got i got two minutes of language we'd be trying to let the saints out in the revival by 10 but language it defines our identity it expresses and defines our history and it defends wait a minute wait a minute our humanity as well as our human rights koba shah yeah watch this and this is this this i'm leaving with this and it causes us y'all this thing took me out over there it causes us to be able to participate in all the aspects of the society that i now live in okay okay okay so when we say i am in this world but i'm not of this world come on somebody y'all y'all ain't looking at this thing see people coming across the border they're coming across the border because they want to leave where they came from and they want to come to america couple somebody but one thing they do know if they're going to try to survive here they got to speak the english language this this this is what y'all don't understand the english language is the greatest language in the world it has over 171 000 words it has more words than any language in the world come on somebody but here we are i have the english language and so then the hebrew language was designed for those that would come into the area of being believers and being converted are y'all gonna hear this right here but see some of y'all act like y'all from sweden cause i learned something about the swedish language they said the sweetest language serena is the only language that you can make up a word and it's legal because they ain't got no real standards for language they said you could say tsunami and you can cause you make a language and you can call it a necklace and they will legitimize it y'all ain't saying nothing and that's what's happening in the body of christ we turning swedish in here and we're making up stuff up instead of using the word y'all ain't saying nothing we got smoke in the house now we got disco lights in the house now y'all not gonna help me preach tonight we're trying to change the language but i'm gonna tell you what's gonna raise the dead it's going to be the word of god what's going to heal the sick it's going to be the word of god what's going to catch the devil out it's going to be the word of god what's going to raise your children up out of the decadence of sin it will be the word of god the word all the things that set the captive free [Music] i gotta go i gotta go march yes tamil slims silver yes god vivian lee nicole harris my god darwana alfred yes ma'am come on yes ma'am yes ma'am i gotta go i gotta go lord the word of god the word of god the word of god it's the language that have been designed it is the only language the word of god is the only language that have been designed to do everything okay why does it do everything and we only use it for some things why is it that the word of god can do anything and everything and we only use it for some things but we only use it for some things because we rely watch as we rely on the operation of where we heard it from no somebody didn't get what i said somebody didn't get what i said because somebody's pastor's preaching it but you've never seen them work a miracle lord jesus i feel the holy ghost right there somebody's pastor is preaching it but but watch this by people they say they're getting saved but the church is like a revolving door they watched as they coming to jesus and you're giving them a track but they're not being purged out and that's why now they coming in their own version of what saved it god i'm not here nobody i'm not hearing nobody come on somebody we're not we're not we're not using the word to plow out the people of god so that they can be able to operate like this because when he said in the book of second peter the first chapter when he said that that this faith has been allotted and given to all of us he said he said yes yes all of us have it but watch this it's as uh it's as your righteousness so in other words the faith that god is trying to give you you will never be able to operate in this language because this language is connected to righteousness and so if you're not righteousness you can learn it you can learn the language but you can't perform in the language and i just said something right there and i'm quitting right there come on give me something i'm going home oh jesus come on come on come on give me something lord jesus lord jesus some soft give me some stuff i'm going home my god my god my god my god my god my god i want to be able to use it give me worship i want to be able to use it i want to be able to use it i want to be able to use it i want to be able to use what i read y'all not hearing me tired tired of seeing people suffering tired of seeing people weary and they don't have to be kobasha r.w schambach is going to be with the lord but the power of the holy ghost is not come on somebody a.a allen is going to be with the lord kathryn kuhlman is going to be with the lord come on somebody but the anointing is not go by they were able to use it i knew r.w schambach i set up the table as a little girl with him he came to my family's house to eat up i've watched people get up off of stretchers of i've watched him have services where they invited ambulances up and they were lined up outside i saw this with my own eyes up and the people got up off the stretchers had never walked before i saw them get up and walk when i got that email from a lady that got this prayer kit and she said i got it and my little boy was sick she said he has never walked he has never walked at all the doctor said something was wrong with him and that he wouldn't get well and she said when the prayer kick came i took the oil and i started anointing his legs and i started anointing his body and she said the first few days nothing happened she said but i went to work and the baby said to call me screaming said he's standing up she said standing up where she said in the living room she said facetime me she said she put her hands out and the baby started walking he had never walked in his life i don't think you hear what i'm saying to you he had never walked in his life now he's walking all over the house because somebody believed in the language of the lord i believe in the language of the lord i believe in the language of the lord i believe in this language i believe in this language i believe in the language of this pressure i believe in the language of the handkerchief [Music] because the language of the lord told me told me that i was legal to get handkerchiefs and pray over them he told me i was legal to get the anointing on and he said if there was any sick among you he set up any sick among you i didn't tell you to rush them i didn't tell you to be fearful i didn't tell you to be so fearful of covet you won't even come out of your house i said anoint yourself i said anoint yourself and cover yourself and believe god who is god talking to tonight who has got we got to activate the language the bible can no longer be something that's just on your lap it's got to be something that you use that says oh my god that is activated in you how dare us say we're christian when you say i'm a christian you say i speak another language some people speak spanish some people speak french some people speak portuguese some people speak italian i speak bible i speak bible because i still believe that jesus christ is alive and well [Music] i still believe i'm telling you i got history with god i got history with god i've seen the lord do the impossible i've seen the doctor tell people i went to london and the doctor told this couple they had been married for about two years that she had no eggs and she would never have children and they walked up in the prayer line i was finished i had finished praying for people and they walked up in the prayer line and they said will you pray for us the doctor said we can't have children and i went miss ingrid to just lay my hands and the lord stopped me he said take your prayers y'all and tied around them he said you're gonna have to buy you another one but i want you to tie yours around them and i took that pressure and i tied it around that couple and the minute i tied them together in it they hit the floor i went back to london nine years later and she walked up to me and she said let me introduce you to somebody who's a concert protege of the orchestra of london nine years old this is the baby that you prophesy oh you don't hear me they said three months later we got pregnant and she came out a genius i'm telling you i know what prayer can do i know when you touch and agree and you obey god i know it looks foolish i know the pressures the perkins looks foolish but i've seen it work the testimonies i've seen it work every night in this revival god is going to call you to activate something he said now that the revival is hit he said there's a different level of the anointing and i'll let you know when it's time but the weak is not going out before they go out but some of you that are watching right now let me help you with this when god speaks and he does what he is doing in this revival it's because your situation have been trapped [Music] your circumstance is trapped and you can't get it unlocked but god said you got to activate the word the book of james tells us that faith without works is dead lord have mercy lord have mercy now that i know what that means for real oh that's like somebody that's like somebody having english and won't talk that's like somebody having a tongue and got a voice box and know the english language and they won't tell you that they're hungry and they won't lose the language and so they're dying of starvation when all they got to do is open up their mouth and activate what they know come on y'all that's the way it looks like to me and people won't do it they won't activate what they know the bible said whatsoever a man's treasure is there also lies his heart come on somebody we won't give god our heart and i want you to understand something this is not about what i need it's about what you need i didn't come to do a revival because i needed anything go god i give you praise i'm gonna say that again i didn't come to do this revival because i personally needed anything i'm all right i did it because god said he is ready to let you out of the cage that religion has had you in you are a believer and you're supposed to release something in the spirit [Music] i gotta go lord i thirst for you i hear that son again lord i thirst for you i hear that song again god i thirst for you i hear that again i hear that again you watching tonight i'm getting ready to go i'm getting ready to go i'm looking at my time i'm getting ready to go because coming up in these next few days the spirit of the lord i don't know when this revival is going to end good lord have mercy come on i'm not rushing god but let me tell you the miracle the miracle is i'm not weary lord as hard as i'm preaching i don't feel fatigued i don't feel like i'm about to drop but every time i get through preaching i feel energized i feel god do something else because i know he got me on a journey for you and i don't want you to miss what god is doing and i won't stop speaking what he's saying the people that god is talking to for this 333 i'm not going to stop because guess what when the lord is requiring that you do something he won't let the voice of the prophet go until you obey him those of you that god is calling to give 133 and 33 and let me tell you something let me tell you something there was times that i was in church and god was speaking to me about caesar and i took the envelope and i'm telling you i pieced it together but i made a vow to god that i was going to give it and the lord is oh my god he's impressing upon me tonight that he said i said do it and you're counting you're counting and god said i said do it because you don't know what i'm about to do for you i'm trying to activate you to the language i'm trying to acclimate you to the language i'm trying to get you used to connecting the activation with the language you've been sitting in the pinches in the church and you've been hearing the language but people have not pushed you to be activated in what you are hearing that's why he said don't be just a hero but you got to be a doer of the word and tonight the lord is changing your language and how do i know he's changing it because the language changes when you're activated to do good lord have mercy that's when you know it's changed you don't know it's changed because you praise him you don't know that it's changed because you glorify and you know that it's changed when you're activated to do with those of you that have your bracket already get that all and anoint yourself again tonight because the lord wants to activate something in you friday night friday night those of you that have your prayers saw have it near you have your anointing oil near you the oil that god is sending out of this place was oil that was underneath that pulpit for 17 plus years and we didn't know it so this ain't no little parade over oil this is something that god has ordained and this is something that was my inheritance we didn't even know that the man of god had stored oil away for us i'm telling you we're in an hour now where the word of god is getting ready to blow your mind the minute you agree with the knowledge and the wisdom of the language you're going to see stuff you have never seen before i'm here to tell you i know what i'm talking about i know what i'm talking about somebody said well i gave yesterday but you was hungry again today so if you ate yesterday you shouldn't be hungry today every time you hear the word you stick a seed i don't care if somebody walk up to you in a restaurant and give you a prophecy don't you dare let them walk off without you sticking something in their hand i don't care if it's three dollars you sow into the world you sow into the word the bible said when god began to speak to abraham and abraham believed god the bible said that he calls him to make sacrifices in the figure of an eight and the bible said and the lord put him the sleep and the spirit of the lord walked through his sacrifice and that's what we want tonight we want god after he gets to speaking we want him to walk through our sacrifice but when he come through your yard what is on the ground did you plan anything and he said when you do it don't you worry about how it's coming up the bible lets us know that we don't know the shape that the seed is going to take when it comes back up it goes down as 33 but it can come up as a house good lord have mercy thank you jesus it can go down that's 133 but it can come up as a full scholarship to college for one of your children lord that mercy jesus i'm saying something right now good lord it can go down that's 333 but it can come up with free rent for a whole year you don't know what god is doing he said i'm ready to activate that's the reason why the world is convulsing right now he said because the world now is yearning for the manifestation of the sons of god and this is our season and this is our time and that's why we're not to judge like the bible said in the book of ecclesiastes he said do not regard to win or you would not show he got me right here he got me right here he got me right here do it now hit that shot button out i got to stand right here i didn't last night but he said tonight do it he said tonight do it it's something that you need to release out of your house and you watch the testimonies are going to flood in because you don't know this way money sign j-a-i-3 b-e-e is right there on the screen or hit that title button i'm standing right here people that's supposed to show 133 do it now people that's supposed to sold 333 do it now people that's supposed to sold 33 you got to activate the language i'm waiting for your names i'm not going anywhere i got to call some of your names before i leave this air my god if you know the language if you know the language then activate the language then activate the language i feel the worship in here somebody worship him oh no i can't go nowhere right now i can't go nowhere right now i can't go nowhere right now because the people of god are backing up come on turn the worship up talk about the people of god are backing up they're backing up saying why should we have people to give and everybody ain't got no job that's why that's the very reason why well why should we have people to give cause people losing their jobs that's why the bible said isaac sold in the midst of a famine and while the famine was still going on god blessed him he got a return in the same year [Music] why should we do that because you know people are struggling people are struggling because we haven't taught you the faith walk imprisoned 133 say 33 jackie white co-pastor god bless you 333 toria brown 33 because we haven't learned how we haven't learned the faith walk we don't know that language we know the language of sitting in church and watching you preach to us we know the language of running around the church three times and slapping high five but we don't know the language that we got to pull something out of our person and stick it in the face of god so he can remember us because the bible said that the lord shall remember all of your offerings give him something to remember you by curling am 133. 33. i know what i'm talking about we gotta activate the church back to giving that's how the church is going to survive how dare we say churches are shutting down [Music] how dare we let the lights go out in the church how dare we let buildings shut down [Music] because nobody has taught us how to show allison harris 33 michelle wall 33 timothy flowers 10. he coming for you timothy bertha sanchez 33 corinthians 3 he's coming for you i'm telling you we got to teach the people of god you got to sacrifice and you got to show the bible said it he said if you do it he will open up the window of heaven [Music] and pour you out a blessing that you won't have room to receive everything i have ever done in the kingdom i started with no money turn it down for a minute listen to this [Music] i started with no money i started with no money every project good lord have mercy i stepped out of faith and i gave first when the enemy said you don't have enough money that's when i gave i didn't listen if they said i needed 10 000 and i had five the language of the lord taught me this you don't say all i need is five more that ain't what you do you say god take this cause i ain't got enough no way i might as well show this if it can't meet my need then there must be a seed i can't get nobody to come over here and say that if it can't meet your need it must be a seed if you're sitting there talking about my rent it's 700 and you got 50 that's a seed that's not rent i'm not hearing y'all i'm not hearing y'all that's god trying to set up faith in your house good lord have mercy good jesus have mercy i just feel this thing i feel this thing i feel this thing i know what i'm talking about i know what i'm talking about listen i got a testimony coming that's going to blow your mind i know what i'm talking about it must be a seed it must be a seed why are you sitting there talking about my electric bill is 99 and you got five dollars show it good lord have mercy are y'all hearing this let me tell you something and i want to go all the way down here sharia 33 jaleesha 33 alicia 33 sheryl ryan 33. shawnee hamilton 33 cynthia yazi 33 rednon hands 133 that's it spurlock 33. kianda parker 33 alex 33 colleen 33 tijuana gardener 33. tina claus that's right you gotta activate the language you don't know the language you don't know the language i've been to holland i've been to portugal i've been to all those places where they speak another language and i don't care how much holy ghost i had i don't care how much i got up there and dancing shouting and all of what i was saying the people looking at you like this but i had an interpreter come on somebody that right there would preach i had an interpreter i didn't know portuguese but i had an interpreter and the interpreter the interpreter started interpreting what i was trying to say and the people begin to receive it and that's what we're doing tonight when the lord speaks to you it is your seed that is interpreting to god what it is you're trying to say and it's speaking to god on your behalf i know what i'm talking about who is god preaching to good god have mercy like he told the man of god to take his son up and he listened he's the bible said that he considered isaac already dead before he even got him up there who is god you don't know what god got in the bush for you and somebody said well dr bynum you can say that you can say that you can say that you can say that because you didn't have a lot of money but i remember the day when i was on welfare oh y'all they don't say this [Music] i ain't saying with my testimony i said i'm not saying with my testimony i ain't saying my testimony my first marriage i was on welfare didn't have nothing didn't have nothing went to the welfare place and the lady said to me she said ma'am you gonna have to leave out of here she said i i kind of know you she said but somebody already filled out paperwork in your name and she said they already got you in the system they got you in the system for welfare fraud i said well that's not my signature god have mercy on jesus i left out of the building crying and the spirit of the lord i was in that state where i was given i'm telling you i'm not ashamed of this i was in that state where i was given food stamps in the offering [Music] i ain't getting nobody to talk to me right there if they said twenty dollars i would tear out twenty dollars worth of food stamps and i would put it in the if they said 50 stuff on i would tear off 50 with the food stamps and put it in the offering because that's all i had i remember i was sewing shoes i was so in purses y'all don't hear me because i became radical about the language of giving oh you don't hear me that's the rea people say all the time when i need to buy them can raise offerings no i cannot the bible said if i cast it out there it'll come back to me no i'm not a big offering razor i'm a big giver and that's why i can call it in who am i talking to who am i to i give till it hurts i give till i feel it i give what i say i can't afford to give but i keep watching god give it back and i gave it i'm talking to some people that said they're struggling i gave it and the lord told me two days later he said go back i went back to the welfare place and i walked in there and the lady said ma'am i told you don't come back in here she said now i'm obligated to call the police because there's a warrant out for your arrest and i said yes ma'am i got to the door monica to leave and i broke down crying and the lord said to me what did i tell you to do he said sit down i went over in a chair by the door and i sat down and i saw the lady from the front desk look up at me and shake her head like you so stupid a few minutes later a caucasian man came through the door and he saw me crying he said man what's wrong and i was crying so hard i couldn't hardly talk he said come go with me he grabbed me by my hand and took me in the back when he got in the office he said what's wrong and i started telling him that my gas was off and i was cold and i didn't have any food and i picked up the phone to call my parents and the lord said hang it up he said if you call your mom and daddy that's what you're gonna call it for the rest of your life he said i'm trying to teach you how to walk by faith and not by sight he said what's wrong and i told him my whole story he said do you have any id i said yes he said i'll be back the devil said you better run cause they're going to get the police the man came back he said across his desk he said ma'am he said i didn't paid your rent up for six months he said i don't paid your gas bill up for the whole year y'all don't hear me he said here is a thousand dollars worth of food stamps he said adam signed you up he said and here's a check right here and the check was for seven hundred dollars and so i looked at him and i said but they said my name in the system he said i just wiped it out and he said they can't fire me because today is my last day advocate let me tell you something i said i got history with god i've got history with god i know what god can do my god if you only can learn the language he said you don't see my balloons he said today i retire and he said i've watched your name out of the system he said i did this for you i've wiped you out of the system and i listened and i was getting twelve hundred dollars i was getting twelve hundred dollars in total a month on welfare and when i bought my house and they sent me the little book the amount of my house was exactly the amount of my welfare check to the t to the t one thousand two hundred and thirty four dollars and god said i transferred you so where i used to get it on welfare now it's my mortgage you don't know god you don't know this language i'm trying to help you with this language i said the lord said give i said the lord said release something i said god should release something because during this revival i'm going to teach you another language i'm going to teach you how to be the interpreter of the language you're not just going to sit and shout and praise god i'm going to teach you how to be activated in it that's why when i go out i buy people coffee when i go to restaurants i reach over and get a table and say bring me that check over there why because i understand the language of the believer and the language of the believer is when i release something i know but i got something coming so i live a life of expectation are you hearing that i got to go angela young 133 beverly burks 3333 tasania bryce 3.33 i got to go and gordon three dollars and thirty three cents carolina garrett thirty three dollars k michelle 33 camille jefferson 33 aisha 33 cameron washington 133 tamika 33 sram the douglas 33 trina hetting hethington 33 this is what god wants to do virginia young 33.33 katima wood that's what he wants to do right there that 3.33 cents it's about to bless your life tyler johnson kakita b 33 yolanda macleod 133 i'm telling you god is up to something darling turner 33 sylvia talley 33 yep 33 said listen right 333 lashonda carroll 166 god is up to something somebody got to teach us the language somebody got to show us how to interpret this language oh my god this generation have got to know the power of giving and showing up melissa twanza three dollars he gonna do it for you latoya harvard you watch god that dollar is going to turn into something that's going to blow your mind oh my god erlina shade thirty three dollars pastor twoset clark three dollars and thirty three cents pastor he's about to do it for you deborah early thirty three carolyn smith three dollars and thirty three cents god is up to something come on somebody worship him i'm about to go i got to go you don't want to miss the rest of this revival god is about to bring faith into your house he's already started by helping you to understand the language of the spirit that is just not words that is a person that is operating in you and all you got to do is open your mouth and speak on his behalf and watch him do with his hands what he has spoken with his mouth good night and god bless you somebody give god a praise oh come on [Music] jesus we just want more of you we just want more of you oh we thirst for you jesus we hunger for more of you jesus
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 863
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Id: ijUybBsCbNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 32sec (7232 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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