Juanita Bynum - Camp Meeting 2003

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[Applause] why don't you put those same hands together for the lord come on put those hands together [Music] [Applause] we'll get your bibles open and we're going to see what it is the lord brought us to camp meeting for i wanted to say that i have been on what i believe in my own spirit to be a prophetic traveling of the lord and the reason why i see that is because beginning of the year i was instructed by the lord to cancel quite a few of my speaking engagements and he said to me that i'm going to send you on a journey and there was only going to be certain ministries that you were going to be allowed to go into because the next word that i'm going to place in your spirit it's going to be a word for those who have prepared themselves to hear it and so he began to in so many ways deliver me from the fact that i've learned every day lately in the last two years of my ministry that every big door is not a blessing and just because it's a major door does it mean that's where god wants you and so the lord began to back me up a little bit and just send me to hibernation and that's what you want to call it and he began to deal with me about this word and to give you a little history of how prophetic it is with me being here now i started out at pastor jensen franklin's church and and the lord began that second night he began to deal with me really the first night about the spirit of the shofar and when i walked out on the stage underneath the platform on the ledge there was a rams horn with olive oil in it when i got done ministering i said to pastor franklin i said you know i found this to be really a confirmation that this rams horn was underneath your pulpit he said well i just pulled that out a week ago he said that was in my office on the top shelf for four years and he said just last week the lord told me to pull it out fill it with anointing oil and sit it under the platform so that was the first part of god confirming the prophetic move the next ministry that i went to it wasn't on the schedule just like pastor franklin's it was a ministry that the lord picked up in the spirit and said go and so i went when i got there i walked into the pastor's office to make a long story short and i had been ministering on this word and uh went into his office and they're set on the mantelpiece of shofar and i said pastor i said how long have you had that he said i've been blowing it for a little while and he said and right then my mother witnessed that the power of god came on him and he began to speak in tongues and weeping he said the lord told me that i am to blow this chauffeur over your head because there is a new prophetic sound that is coming forth in your ministry so that night there was a young woman a couple of weeks prior to that at tbn who came to tbn and she handed one of my workers a bag and she said god said for me to give this to prophet is binding when i got to lansing michigan and opened it up it was a road and i don't wear ropes and i said this road wouldn't fit me because it's it looks like it's too small the shoulders are too small the road is too long and the knife that i went back to the service in lansing michigan uh i got ready to walk out of the door and the holy ghost said put that robe on and when i grabbed the robe it fit me as if it was tailored for me and so that night the lord ordained me to blow the shofar i did not even understand what he was saying to me it wasn't even clear the message wasn't clear the the prophecy had not been made completely manifest to me i move on to the next ministry and then i thought well maybe i'm just coming here because this is what god is doing and once again the pastor has a shofar i get to camp meeting the other night and i'm standing in pastor parsley's office and i look up on the shelf and they're set on shofar i come in this building coming down the hallway and mounted on the wall is a chauffeur and he said i told you as i began to walk down the hall coming into the building that your sex are divinely ordered by me and he said to me that this is just as prophetic for every person that is in this building and everybody that is listening by way of television as it is for me because this is the season that the true believers of god will hear the clarion call no no no what do i mean by the clarion call it's a call that is clear it is not tainted with man it is not tainted and mixed with religion it is not a call to denomination or traditions or customs it is a call into the presence of the lord and it is not a call into the presence of the lord because we're going to have an evil moment because that's where i sense as a prophet that the body of christ have been deceived by the enemy because we are used to events like many of you said tonight you know you got in your cars or got on planes and and you came to camp meeting and you said i'm going to camp meeting and when i leave here i'm i'm going back with something in my spirit and i came after something but this becomes the deception of the devil because the deception is is that the enemy always makes us think that we coming to an event for something to happen to us so that we can go back and say that when i went to camp meeting i really got blessed but what the lord has been dealing with me about is that the clarion call is for a call for a people to come permanently into my because the presence of getting high on the world but not having any power is over see it doesn't mean anything if you can speak in tongues and i was i was sitting in my seat earlier and the worship team was going and i kept hearing some woman yell out and every time she yelled out it hit my spirit the wrong way it was over here in this section and i said god why does that woman's voice keep hitting my spirit the wrong way he said because it's not a rock yeah in other words it's not a cry out of your spirit that the lord has broke out through purification it is [Applause] that they desire because right now the world is hearing a noise from the church but it's not a break out noise through purification it is a noise of religion and let me help you understand something everybody's going to church now everybody every every tom dickens every rap singer every 50 mouth of a rat singer is getting up talking about uh no no no no no no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because now it's coming in the [Applause] how do you know that the separation is starting to take place because jesus began to teach in parables and the disciples said in the book of matthew the 13th chapter why do you speak english and jesus says the reason why i speak in parables is because it is to you to know the mystery now if i tell the secret that any old nasty person can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because it must be revealed to you [Applause] [Applause] if i just say cause y'all know what i'm saying right [Applause] what do you mean that my spirit is not getting it go with me to the book of leviticus let me just show this let me show you let me show you something see there is a pattern see the old testament isn't just written for us to say oh look that happened they have never is going to come into the divine presence of god then there is a pattern into that place i'm going to show you something tonight because hallelujah shall be out of my heart [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] but we have no [Applause] [Applause] bumper stickers and badges and pens that says i'm saved but to you can you look at a person's life and see that they've been washed in the block i'm not gonna get in the way [Applause] and i'm gonna start reading at the 21st verse and i'm going to paraphrase this right quick because in the eighth chapter it talks about how god commanded moses to put tunics and and clothing and dressings on uh aaron and his sons and how moses stuck his hand into the breastplate uh putting his hand upon the human and the throne so that he could know the will of the father so he can get divine direction from the lord so then it goes on to say that god said okay now this is the next step here now now that the man of god knows the will now there is a process where we as leaders have to now bring the people into the will of god and so he says here in the 22nd 21st verse and he watched the entrails and the legs he was talking about a ram here there was two rams used he said that moses burned the whole ramp on the altar it was a burnt sacrifice for a sweet and satisfying fragrance and often made by fire to the lord as the lord commanded moses and he brought the other rank the realm of consecration and ordination and aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the rank and moses killed it and took some of its blood and put it on the tip of ends right here let me stop right there the first round that he killed the bible said he took his blood and he sprinkled the blood upon the altar for the sins of the people so first of all we got to learn how to respect the operation of the blood and what the blood does and what the altar does and [Applause] baby saints the altar is a place of brokenness the altar is for the person that recognizes that there is still some things in me that god wants to purify [Applause] when your soul is in trouble [Applause] so he sucks here now this is what i need you to do the second round i want you to take the blood of this ring and i want you to anoint the right ear the right thumb the right foot the big toe on the right foot well why did he have to do that so that your ears can become purified enough to really hear god somebody said i hear god i hear god you know people make me sick in this hour i hear them you know i said the lord said the lord said you know the lord told me the lord said the lord the lord how is god talking that much to you and he does not talk that much about you when you are really hearing the law the first conversation he'll start having is about you [Applause] [Laughter] you pray in the spirit so you can get your flesh out of the way i told my staff the other day i said you know what uh we going on a consecration this is what i thought i said okay god how many days so the holy ghost said 40 days all right 40 days so we got all happy all right we had it we hit it we had seven days now eight days so we in this consecration but we ain't we ain't eating no meat and we ain't get no desserts you know we there people to feel god feel god then the day before yesterday the holy ghost said to me you ain't there you haven't even started the consecration i'm not gonna get nobody to say them right there he said what you are doing now is you own a fast or denial so that you can get your flesh out of the way to go on the consecration okay i'm not getting nobody see when you stop eating you're not there yet you're in the process of removing your flesh so your spirit man can heal god because if god starts saying some stuff to you about you and you're not purified you will think it's the devil and began to rebuke together but the bible said that the spirit of the lord he knows all things he searches the deep inner parts of your heart and the stuff oh y'all some of y'all believe y'all practice cause you got your prayer partner telling you oh you're so awesome honey god's gonna use you you powerful and honey one day everybody know who you are when the holy ghost is saying die you ain't nothing get on the altar you're not finished your attitude is bad you still got a lie in spirit there's a lust even hiding y'all are not going to say amen tonight but that's okay cause he's not coming out [Applause] purified by the blood of jesus so you can be able to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to them see there is there is what you call ironious doctrines you know the bible call them you know doctrines of demons we got to be careful saints right y'all i'm going to say something sorry it's going to get me in a whole lot of trouble right now so i'm just going to turn my back to everybody and lord help me with this because see the end time message is not money it's coming the endtime message is jesus [Applause] i got me a new house but your spirit ain't wrong you're looking for prophecy prophesied to me i'm not prophesying no houses of course there is no spirit of the prophet that's a gift of prophecy the spirit of prophets bring you into the knowledge [Applause] oh [Applause] there's a beautiful siri that's just waving over you oh you getting ready to be blessed jump up and run around the room three times you can run around the room a hundred times but the bible said god i have you who do i feel the holy ghost in here that we got to seek first the kingdom of god [Applause] because anybody that's in here tonight we read all behind schedule oh yeah when the last time you raised the day when was the last time that somebody walked up to you with eyeballs missing out of this pocket and you spoke the word and the blinded eyes opened oh yes we're here entertaining each other [Music] [Applause] getting no remains right there because see that's why we can't hear god because we're hearing our favorite preacher and the reason why they're your favorite oh i'm not gonna get nobody [Applause] um [Applause] okay same man right there you know i think it's strange how people pastor was standing out there in line since four o'clock so i can get a front row seat they will wait three hours to see 15 minutes in the presence of the lord [Applause] [Music] us because he makes us yearn to give a person rather than hearing god so because we cannot hear god and the blood it's not applied to my ears and it's not applied to my right thumb because if you cut the thumbs off you can't grip nothing that's what we can preach on sunday and you lose it on friday can't hold the word it's difficult for me to hold this bible with no sign don't have hands stick with your hands to grip it one of my god sisters got one of her baby toes cut off and ever since she got a baby toe cut off she she walked funny she said i can be walking and all of a sudden i lose my balance feet are not consecrated under god so you walk funny so you're out of balance you always need prayer you always need hands laid i'm not getting nobody to say nothing i need to be counseled no no you don't need no countenance listen can i just can i just make this statement you cannot cancel a demon and then what they say and then what they do and then what and then this is what happened and this is and what i feel you know i really feel like i need what first of all me i should say was you at church sunday were you there at bible study did you come to sunday night prayer oh god did you come to the intersection meaning the reason why you need counseling because you're not obedient because when god oh god when the lord sees that you have a need he will feature so that something is said in the service of the lord seeking him god what can't i get a lot of people to save man right there i'm going to consecrate this i'm consecrating because i want god to say peter and mary alice and [Applause] and anna marie and buki bonkishan tequila junebug and junior uh uh watch yourself i'm i'm consecrating because i want god to do something see this is us this is us can i help us i'm consecrating because i want god to do something for me not in me [Music] when was the last time you went on a consecration and said god i'm not gonna break it until you start speaking to me and telling me everything that's in me that does not please you i want you to send me on the consequences and i'm not gonna break it until you dig up everything that displeases you until you're able to tell me to my face that i got a deceptive spirit and i receive it with joy and i put it on the altar and i give it up so here we go i can't give up you don't understand it's hard for me to give it up you don't know how i struggle with this see i struggle with some stuff and you don't know how hard it is to give okay let me just ask you one question and this is this this is as simple as i can be you i went into the doctor's office one day and i was sitting there past her they had me waiting for about an hour i walked in at the same time another lady walked in she was sitting outside smoking we went in there and we sat down for an hour the sun said no smoking baby girl didn't smoke for an hour so see see you guys you got that smoke in here you know you got folk that's got lust demons that's got fornicating spirits you ain't for the game now you know why because you made the decision that i'm in church so i'm not going to do it in here which tells me you can stop doing whatever you want to stop [Applause] you don't hear me you're not doing it because because you in church you're not doing it because we got you know this is a poor pity and the choir is here and the pastor's here and the preacher is here and what are they going to say which means that [Applause] of god [Applause] [Music] that's why we can't get it to happen all right yes in the land but that's why we can't get it to happen because we're like lay dab in the bay who we we want to come and offer god some strange fire see what you bring to god if it didn't go by way of the altar what i'm not here nobody if it didn't go by way of repentance then it's strange god i can't get anybody to say man right there see all that that we call that we call worship see worship and uh singing a song worship worship is that worship is when you make the decision to submit your life under the authority of god then i worship him which means that the praise team don't ever show up i'm washed up in god you don't get what i'm saying i'm acknowledging god when i'm at home in the midnight hour when temptation comes up and i tell the devil no [Applause] the entire week [Applause] see because pastor we're trying to have revival we're trying to get god to do something here we go oh god do it god said okay let me show you my pattern he told joshua he said i want you now this is this is this is this is this is this is going to be one little twist right here he said i want you to get seven priests put the shofars in their hands tell them i said we gonna march around the walls of jericho [Music] you said you march and you wait on me two things gonna happen he said he's gonna blow the shofar the seven priests he said i want you to take them and i want you to put them in front of the ark now the heart of the covenant represents the word of god and so the so far lord have mercy jesus is not just something that was plucked off of an animal's head that's twisted that we say oh when you blow it it makes a funny sound there is a process to make that sound thank you god come out of that shofar thank you god don't worry it drops walls and it opens gates you don't get what i'm saying that's why a ram is a this is a male 1 and that's why in the new testament god said if the walls and our lives are going to be dropped then i'm going to take jesus the lamb i'm going to put him on the cross i'm going to offer him a sacrifice which means every time jesus opens up his mouth and blows the trumpet the world in my life he said he said what is this what is this generation trying to do what are we trying to do what we're trying to do we trying to get some good music some pretty churches a lot of people and he'll go to lie we're in the move of god [Applause] we win a move of god well what this bible says that that that the making of a shofar when i when i when i looked this thing up then i realized this we're not as far as we think we are i'm going to help some of y'all right here it says here how to make us so far first of all in order to make that faith that the sound comes out it had to be cut away from something that had already been offered as whole see when you open up your mouth and you say hallelujah but the sound that's coming out of your mouth has never been attached to the righteousness in your spirit then you're just making a lot of noise so many of us i said oh the devil when i pray now here here's this here's this christian cliche praise him because when you praise him the devil the devil is just laughing at himself what did you do what did you do i mean he already had a meeting with all his demons she just pulled out here she think cause she crying and sometimes tears are speaking in some kind of tongues and hollowed out that she's scaring us she ain't moving us because because because we're only shifted by righteousness [Applause] [Applause] [Music] has to be cut cut cut cut miss that hurt my feelings but what he said like that that hurt me had offended me we can't take nothing i'm not giving nobody say nothing my god [Applause] somebody has got to speak into your life that's not your favorite preacher somebody got to be able to speak some truth to you and you not get offended you don't give me the book of revelation said in the third chapter he said those that i love are chastised and i reveal their fault the reason why god is exposing you don't get mad rejoice you know what you know what let me just say this rejoice because there are some things that is attached to your life that are some real victories that's in store for your family that god is saying the kind about you it's about what's connected to you it's about what i have called you too we've taken the move of god personally we take correction from god personally but god said the vision is bigger than that do you know how many people i have ordained us for your spirit to break through i'm not thinking about your feelings that hurt my feelings i'm leaving the church i'm going to pass the water in the church because why he said like that why she some of y'all in here saying that wow why she's saying it like that you know you know some of y'all was the same people that was in the bar cussing busting bottles busting bottles getting put out the bar cuts out next week you're right back at the same body you got women out here pastor that have lived with men that have slapped their brains pure twisted and they stayed with them i'm not getting nobody saying that you got men that have suffered abuse from girlfriends and they stayed with them and and you know what they didn't complain they stayed there but why is it as soon as they come into the body of christ and we start trying to correct your spirit everything hurts your fears [Applause] you all did not expect this tonight so just bear with me if you can't say amen just say out where is god headed god is on his way of getting a sound out of you so wait a minute wait he said then after you're cut you're boiled have you ever known what it feels like to have a cut and then put it in some boiling water it hurts but see it don't stop there sister and brother lord use me [Applause] and then you're suffering because you're too mean because you're too arrogant because you prayed one headache out of somebody and now you think you're all that [Applause] don't you believe your press [Applause] he said after you are coughing you're gutted out they take a knife and an instrument and they dig down into the snorkel of that thing and they dig out all the excess flesh all of the mucus everything that's in it that's been collected over the years you've got it out now watch this while you're being gutted out in the midst of you being gutted out you are put under pressure i can't take no more you better take some more [Applause] mix up here so why are you praying for god can i have three more minutes why are you praying for god to get you on the pressure something that i read that just baffled me it said while the shofar is under pressure it's drawn through the fire now here you are saying i can't take no more lord help me get me out but i prophesied here can i prophesy can i give this i felt a prophecy come up in my spirit can i get it you ain't coming out right now this is the thing that god has ordained to birth and anointing in you oh come over here somebody pressure everybody wants comfort now can you can you pray for me i'm going through something so heavy can you just pray that people somebody asked me can you pray the lord lift it i said no somebody else came to me and said prophecy can i have your black tie i said can you have what can i have your black tie let me ask you something i got mad let me ask you something do you honestly think that god is going to let me go through a nervous breakdown a divorce anorexia be enlightened being cheated being dogged out being sad outside being aware and then take everything that i've been through pulling a handkerchief and you're gonna care i don't think [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] because [Applause] i got the i gotta have the sound why because eli summons got in the battle israel got in the battle they said well we're going to get the ark religious people you know they've been raised in a temple all their life but they're no good unconsecrated daddy they sleeping with women in the door of the tabernacle and he go eli i heard what y'all been doing and this is not good the things that people say about y'all they just come up in my ears but you ain't never read what he said and i rebuke you and i strip you of your priesthood because you have desecrated the temple he just let us laugh and so here they go because they've been in the temple all them years because we're getting the better they said we're going to get the ark because we know the art got some power they went and got it said oh we're going to take it down to the battle got the ark down to the battle lost the battle not only that they lost their lives don't hear this then they took the ark said we're going to take it to equity took it down there boilers broke out people started dying took it to another nation boils broke out people start dying i said god what is this he said you want the revelation of this he said any time of people grab a hold of something that is holy and try to use it without consecration it will backfire on you it [Applause] you better watch yourself because you know what we've taken something that is supposed to be sacred and now we've made it saints and we got bumper stickers and we got notes pinned up in our office but god began to say to me don't you quote nothing you ain't birthed out don't you dare use nothing that you haven't pressed out on your knees for don't you dare think you're walking in an authority that you haven't prayed through he said when you when i told you that you can speak those things which be not as though they were i wasn't talking to an unpurified person i was talking to somebody that was consecrated and sold out to god positive statements do not release power i'm gonna hear some i don't care nobody can see now we don't got in the new age stuff just quote say it name it but i speak it and i say this seven times and this is my declaration with your unalone and unconsecrated unpurified self and that's why you're gonna keep saying it and ain't nothing gonna happen and so now we're walking around here with a bunch of people who then got false prophets prophesying the bibles in the book of ezekiel woe unto the prophet that bring pillows into the sanctuary for the efforts of the people one to the prophets that say i say and i never say go unto the prophets and tell them be at peace when they are about to die hello somebody so he says here as i close tonight he says here god i hope somebody i hope i'm helping somebody [Applause] anything that's meant to be processed by way of the altar you can't move it in your flesh [Applause] anything that was meant to be processed by the altar you cannot move it in your flesh so then what is the purpose of the shofar what is the purpose of all of this that i'm talking about he said here that when they got ready to come and they got ready to march around the walls he said when you march around seven times and you blow the trumpet he said i'm gonna give you the victory he said the wall is gonna fall oh god have mercy he took pull them all under consecration put them all in the consecration and see the thing that really got me is when he said to the priest now that we adopted him to the royal priesthood he said to the priests now after they get through burning the sacrifice there is a portion that i'm going to put in a basket called the basket of consecration and i want you to eat that and when you eat that you to remain in the tabernacle for a process of seven days if you break the consecration you're going to die let me tell you this if you break it you're going to die what is he trying to say there he was getting them ready in a seven day process for an eternal lifestyle he said now the way you're going to operate in seven days i'm gonna burn this lifestyle into you and when you leave the temple this will be your lifestyle for the rest of your life nobody didn't get that did you when you came in the camp meeting this year you didn't come for a good time this word is telling you tonight that when you leave out of here this better become your life who am i preaching to right now this ain't no seven day consecration this ain't no 21 days this ain't 40 days this is a lifestyle you ain't got seven days worth of problems do you you ain't got 21 days worth of problems and if you want the walls to fall [Music] [Applause] is i didn't know didn't know this until i read this he said he said do you know that was probably do you know what i'm giving you and i was like lord so do you understand this i'm saying father i think i understand he said do you know how many people the body of christ is bringing their situations to an altar that they have built in their flesh i said okay god that's okay explain this to me jesus let me help you with something when abraham put it up god ready to open up his skin jesus had mercy and he walked him up and lay him on the off of sacrifices the voice of the lord spoke out and said save your hand he said why god why he said because there is stuck in the bush by his horns you don't hear what god is saying he said whatever it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you don't just find the right you have to locate the consequences but you got to unlock the horns the consecration can get out if you unlock the horns who am i talking to tonight i'm talking to all of these sophisticated and and that's the way i praise the lord and trust that the lord is in death no he ain't but he ain't nervous either i don't praise god right there i said glory i just didn't and i given my holy wave but the bible said to me that the lord be [Applause] is [Applause] see my paper said right here that in the book of judges the seventh chapter that when uh when gideon went to war he had too many people he ain't saying nothing he said give me 300. put some trumpets in their hands [Applause] when oh god when it is blown it requires a response a sofa when it is blown watch this it is a sound that brings everything into oil you don't hear what i'm saying you do not hear what god just said when you begin to shout while you're walking in consequences [Applause] [Applause] i don't know is [Applause] one more thing and you know i believe i see some people now i may be mistaken but i think i'm looking at some that don't care no more i think i see some white folks that just don't care no more i think i see some spanish folks that don't care i think i see some mexicans they're saying so what look at me [Applause] that changed my whole life when a sofa is gone it is an indication that the seasons have changed [Applause] is [Applause] i'm waiting on god to do something but i just heard the holy grail you ain't waiting on me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] out of your spite [Applause] wow [Applause] tell your neighbor excuse me for two [Applause] minutes [Applause] oh [Applause] but when i found this i went crazy when i found the scripture i said god and i'm telling you it works in the numbers you said when you've gone to war in your life [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god and you shall be saved from your enemies [Applause] oh [Applause] restaurant restaurants don't sit down just quiet i want to ask you you have heard the word of god in this building tonight you have heard it clear i want you to let the holy spirit look in your soul and ask you there's sin in your life where you do not have the right to shout victory because it is a flesh experience and not a spiritual experience that's what dr bynum has spent an hour here saying the kingdom of god and his righteousness you can scream out of a vile spirit and you're not any different than the cheerleader cheering for the university of texas but when you are calling out of your spirit from righteousness and purity all of the devils in hell shake with fear i enjoy the shouting of victory but what i want to ask you right now let the holy spirit look inside of you and say there is sin in my life that does not give me the prerogative of having that kind of shout out step your hand up if that defines you hundreds hundreds no thousands raising their hand this is the core of this message this is the core of this message i want you to pray this prayer with me everybody in the house everybody in the prayer chapel everyone in the gym pray this prayer lord jesus christ forgive me of the sin that's in me purify me make me holy that i may cry unto you with a holy cry of righteousness that i have been purchased and purified by the blood of the cross from this day forward i am not religious racket but i am a righteous voice because the holy spirit is speaking through me and in me and to me in jesus name let everything that does not please you be removed from me now now lift your hands up and thank the lord for a new day of consecration in the lord a new day of holiness without holiness no man shall see the lord without righteousness there is no kingdom of god hallelujah to the lamb of god give the lord praise now give him praise and glory the lord is in the household [Applause] [Music] we're so glad you've been with us for praise the lord tbn has a worldwide ministry we need your love gifts large or small to help keep the gospel of jesus christ going around the world so write today praise the lord p.o box a santa ana california 92711 or in canada right tbn po box 768 station b ottawa ontario k1p 5p8 if you haven't asked christ in your life call our prayer partner now and pray to receive jesus as savior and lord now until next time remember to praise the lord [Music] hey [Music] this program has been brought to you through the
Channel: 440Steel
Views: 19,514
Rating: 4.8559556 out of 5
Keywords: Prophetess, Bynum, Juanita, Camp Meeting, The SOUND, 2003, John Hagee
Id: krcS6dwP_tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 25sec (4225 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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