We Test the FEROCIOUS 4 Metal Super Slug from Wales

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see your weapon Trader for the super super perforator well hello this is Jeff of tough later mouse today we have a beautiful and yet complicated slug that came all the way from the country of Wales and designed by a machinist named sparksy 12 and trust me he's a lot cooler than that sparksy 11 guy the Prototype we're testing today is called the ssp-1bg or Super Shock penetrator big game that's easy to remember this experimental slug is made out of four different Metals the outside is made out of aluminum often called aluminum in certain prefectures of Europe but it also has a copper sleeve on the inside a brass sleeve and a hardened steel penetrator core with a Rockwell hardness of 62. on each side of the slug we have these slots milled in there are those for stability for better penetration well we'll find out this is definitely a beautiful Slug and we've never had a slug that was made out of four different metals like that before the slug was made to the exact specification of the outside diameter of 0.675 so that means they are a sub caliber projectile requiring a Savo to function properly now this Sabo is made out of a Winchester shotgun hole it looks like it fits but when we try to size it through this rifle choke you'll see that it it isn't quite tight enough we can just push it through there with our finger we need a much tighter fit than that and if the sabos are a little bit loose like this we get what's called Sabo slip the rifling engages the Sabo but it doesn't grip tight enough to transfer the spin to the slug now this Federal target hole is a few thousandths of an inch thicker than the Winchester we now have a very tight interference fit it's so tight in fact that you would need a hammer and a rod to drive it through there but that's what you need to reduce the chance of Sabo slip we'll be using an fs12 gas seal a Nitro card place on top of that just just because don't really need it but it's there and then our sabos which are now split go around that we'll be using 40 grains of long shot powder which is a pretty hefty load for a one ounce projectile using this powder load we should get velocities well above 1700 feet per second all those components fit easily into a two and three quarter inch hole I have roll crimped them nothing left now but to take them out and see how they perform welcome back top fader folks officer Greg and Jeff behind the camera bringing you a kind of a cool Contraption today or a cool round sent To Us by an anonymous viewer from Wales now this Anonymous viewer has contributed shells before under a name but now he wants to be anonymous so we are going to uh introduce him as Mr Anonymous Al Anonymous and uh he sent us this very cool four metal it's called the Super Shock penetrator big game or what he calls the SSP one BG that sounds like some kind of ammo from like Winchester or something Jeff this thing's got more metal in it than an AC DC concert you're gonna have to explain to us it's got a it's an aluminum round with a brass and copper core right or brass and copper plug and a steel core a heart it's it's and it's it's up uh super hardened steel tour that we're hoping that'll penetrate an AR 500 plate well that's why it's blue it's hard and it'll penetrate you know what I'm saying so anyway we're gonna give it a try Jeff's already explained it to you on a tabletop now you gotta say it twice because people skip over it and then they then it gives them something to comment about you know why'd you say everything twice well I got you the comment huh they fast forward until they see the clowns standing out there holding sure exactly yeah they start listening so yeah anyway enough clowning around we're gonna put this first through Jeff's Benelli and Jeff Spinelli has a rifled choke on it so it's just going to give it a spin on the way out the muzzle and then we're gonna try it through a Remington 870 that's got a fully rifled barrel what um shotguns have rifling can you believe it and it's not a rifle isn't that turn it into a rifle Jeff is it isn't it like a AOE or AOW or AOC uh anyway we're gonna uh try it through the choke and then the full rifling just to see if we can get any different kind of spins on it and see how stable it is we predict these things are going to fly pretty stable because they are rifled or because they are spun on the way out Brandon's waiting for us down range we don't have any worries that it's going to penetrate Brandon but we're going to try some harder targets here for you in a minute see what they do let's get to it ground yeah we're gonna fire it over the chronographer chronographer we get a speed okay I'm ready I guess I'm gonna go I'm aiming at the aim here hole okay wow got an error on the chronograph I got some uh recoil that sounds like a cannon going up wow my curiosity has been satisfied it looked like that thing was not it was it was spinning but not enough to stabilize it so was it flopping all around it certainly was it was somewhat accurate though you have a high-speed camera I have slow speed eyes right I couldn't see anything it was invisible I just know you hit it initially okay so what happened well this is the hole I was aiming for evidently it hit up high because this was an undisturbed piece of t-shirt and by the way why does Brandon look like he was at a Elton John dance party look at the thing white stuff under his nose I haven't cleaned that off what have you been doing on the weekends I'm gonna pull this shirt up here I don't think we got super perforation on that one no we didn't oh look at this did you find it boy did I it's shiny hey oh it's really shiny he polished him like a wow yeah jewel it's still hot okay it collapsed it just a little bit you can see it's not true round felt kind of bad for kind of wasting that round out of this rifle choke putt that tells you all you know well we always start with Brandon yeah look at that carp copper slot see I haven't seen this oh that's right yeah you haven't I haven't seen it it's you guys get this it is a lot of cool stuff he has no plans on selling these of course but that is a shiny shiny uh aluminum case yeah so it uh because I guess it was wobbling it did not super penetrate or perforate yes it burrowed itself in there sideways therefore of course we're not going to see any new holes on Brandon's back those are already okay anyway let's okay we're done with the rifle choked in let's try and perforate something a little harder yeah that was a lot of power though we didn't get a Chrono reading yet we'll eventually get one oh we got one it just said error oh yeah that's the same speed that most of our rounds fly at all right all right let's try one of them through the fully rifled barrel see if we can't get a good chronographer reading reading and uh try everyone's favorite the lead plate which is newly minted yeah I just I had to go buy a five gallons of propane and then my torch the one that Danny gave me the weed burner thing it had like two or three holes in the hose and I'm lucky I didn't burn myself to death well you know the Human Torch was denied a bank loan oh okay all right here's first you know what time it is Greg I don't know what time it is Jeff it's time to get the lead out oh my god oh sorry it's it's never gonna work we all became Dumber all right downrange at the star that has the circle around it the lower star yep the thickest part of the plate okay uh I'm ready here we go negative is something moved Yeah in our second shot using full rifling we should have much more spin when we do have a little bit of spin but it's not much it appears we have what I feared that Sabo slip and it was so bad that it actually really screwed up the accuracy and let's try another shot and see if we can get better results okay I'm ready here we go that one I know I pulled Direct on what do you mean I'm just saying I know the pole was solid on that one oh okay in shot number three again we have a little bit of a spin but just not enough to stabilize that projectile and I'm starting to kind of freak out because I realize how much time and expense went into making these things and we're just kind of wasting them and the only person to blame at this point is me with my load recipe okay we're a little closer now here we go at the star wooden Circle [Applause] oh reading that one hit well this is just getting ridiculous now they say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results and with the you know using the exact same powder recipe the same precise slug the results are exactly the same okay I'm ready I must Steel [Applause] seems like we got an impact now what you usually have at least one failure in a video but not this many in a row but at least this one the slug did happen to hit nose first on our ar-500 plate okay well it wasn't accurate it's definitely we got some problems with these things and it's it says sabos or clearly not accurate but it did hit nose first I think it did yeah you can see well first of all it cut a nice Circle in there indicating it was either nose first or butt first because if it if it was to hit sideways you'd have a long oh that's true yeah that's a good and then if you look in that hole there there is a little bit of there's a brass ring and a little bit of a I don't know if you call it a steel mark But indicating that the nose did hit there it did not make it through the ar-500 steel plate okay I'm ready oh okay shot number six uh another unstable projectile but at least a pretty decent impact this is not what we set out to do uh this is not what the creator of these slugs wanted us to to do and we started looking around the ground we found some of the sabos in its important clue here you can see how really melted and mangled up they are now we have used these types of sabos before with excellent results so I'm starting to think that I just loaded these things way too hot and the option was to just stop shooting go home reload all these things with a lighter power load or we could try just see what would happen to do a little field uh modification here reduce the powder load by about 25 percent get it down to about 30 grains of long shot now if we had stopped production at this point it might be a couple weeks until the weather is good enough where it's below 100 degrees to go out and film before we could come out and film these remaining four shells so let's see if this simple field modification actually fixes our problem okay it's okay so in case you don't get to see the process this has been reduced by 25 about yeah it's by high it's not the most scientific measure in doing that ditch Bank surgery we had to remove the crimping so we're going to very carefully place it in the shotgun I don't know if it's gonna even work very very discouraging okay I'm ready noticeably less recoil yeah [Applause] and just like that we now have perfect stability and it's a an important lesson to me it is very possible to try to push a slug too hard too fast and end up screwing everything up I hope you were able to see a little snippet of Jeff's ditch Bank shotgun shell surgery because we were able to cut open the round take all the components out he very scientifically poured out about one-fourth of the amount of powder because we were kind of theorizing that these things were going too hot yeah Jeff says it is possible to push them too hard and we kind of proved that and when it's time when you're pushing too hard it's time to back them off a little bit so we poured out a quarter of the powder rebuilt the shell look at that we did we hit the hit the finally wait what do you know what do you have there oh so first thing I found underneath the table was the little aluminum capsule a little okay cup or something so item number one first of all the fact that we captured this is a big Improvement but look here at the at the lid plate we plowed into the lid plate not too far away from where the uh intended point of aim was you can see the big copper I don't know what that is the copper core I don't know it's not really the core it's just another it's it's a part of the core it's a copper brass and a copper and brass plug of some sort that is holding the core but get this let's this is what's cool this was a brand new lid plate minutes ago that is a steel core exiting out the back finally something happened that we were hoping for finally so we had core penetration with that hardened steel yeah penetrator core because the round worked because it flews straight so it was over gassed it was too hot yeah I it was 93 octane I was thinking no problem get these things up to 1700 plus feet per second well you loaded 700 grains of uh of Chernobyl 500 in there didn't you 40 grains of long shot was too much for this one ounce load for this one but I'm really hoping you guys can see the little tabletop surgery because that was that's fascinating now I got to do it to the last three of them we got to get a gel shot yeah so we've got to get the gel shot that was through full rifling so let's go back and Doctor up the last three and see if we can't get those three Anonymous guy from Wales that was the key yeah it wasn't necessarily around I I knew it was me I knew it was me it was my load you know how much ass there's nothing you could have done to make it around I could have pulled the trigger straighter oh okay come on we all know that all right surgery time powder recipe now we doctored up the final three so hopefully we've got four working projectiles that'll work we put the hydro melon out here with a piece of vest behind it so the anonymous donor thinks that this thing will when it hits fluid will peel back kind of like a hollow points uh slug to put a soft body armor panel behind it you might want to tuck it under there just so it doesn't slip you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go see if we can't catch it and then of course to prevent skin cancer we've given Hydro melon and it's not going to hold okay given the um we'll figure something out Hydra melon a little cap here but let's go ahead and put it around in there and see if we can get it yeah I want to see if they'll expand okay I'm ready here we go on the news [Applause] Now Greg used the same exact point of aim again the slug went a little bit to the left which is a good thing because now we have stability and consistency now that was the biggest Mill and I could find at the store and it really disassembled that thing quite well now hopefully we captured something in our Kevlar and we'll be able to see what happened to the slug the round I guess hit just a little bit left to the nose I found first this little uh Shard the anonymous viewer thought that if this hit um you know like tissue that it would peel back okay so wait where's the copper part we're missing the copper part there's the brass I found the brass there's a little black uh what's that little black plug in the back yeah the pen is still pin core so we have those three we're still missing a little copper tube yeah there's a cut the little copper parts we'll look for those so um we were cleaning off the watermelon off the table Jeff noticed this shardo copper you have like a tool a multi-tool to pull that out which tool are you talking about Jeff of course [Applause] um we thought we'd lost all the copper shards but we found this one Dolly I don't know how you'd lose it that's a massive piece of copper that would hurt that's from the watermelon yeah still got watermelon on it that's uh that's what I call a BFC right there watermelon and a watermelon seed yeah it's like a homicide investigation Jeff I'm Gonna Save that and see if I can reconstruct it sure or stamp it into one of those souvenir pennies okay I'm ready here we go on the frowny face [Applause] broke your brick into so oh [Music] wow Greg made a tiny adjustment to his aim and is now right on target the slug is now spinning at over 30 000 RPM we have excellent stability and all it took was just getting that powder load right now I had loaded these things hot hoping these things would penetrate the AR 500 plate and that was my downfall I just screwed up in there well Jeff one of these under gassed rounds seems to have finally made it accurate and hit nose first right on the face right on the face it you can see it's little uh steel penetrator core actually came pooping out the back because it did not make it out this side the slightest hint of a we tried everything we could to get it to go through that plate here's what's cool though some of that uh deformed metal uh case that it's in trying to make it out through that splatter coating right there okay look at that just curled it around there maybe we can cut away and see what it looks like sure we can so as I'm cutting and peeling away this rubber splatter coating not small coating um check this out look at that big one wow look at that it's like a little bird okay wow that's the best recovery yet yeah you've got a made a decent little divot down in here okay but do not in any way make it through that's really interesting splattered the brass in fact it didn't bounce back at us or anything just stayed in the once again we don't have the copper we lost the copper on the watermelon shot oh you're right it's got to be underneath the underneath yeah where's the copper going but that little it's going back to the U.S treasury where it's being made into pennies oh okay because everyone needs pennies Jeff look at that it's like a little aluminum bird I'm gonna put it on a chain and make it into a necklace yeah nose ring man cool okay any bits on whether the block will stay on the table I'm betting the block stays on the table but the vest goes flying we'll see okay okay I'm ready here we go walk is on the ground wow all right let's look closely at the high speed of the jail block shot here it comes and boom it was like a hydrogen bomb blew up inside that gel block the slug completely fragmented sending pieces of aluminum Copper Brass the penetrator continued on as well as the base of the slug all the way through the block but what a tremendous energy dump that's just absolutely impressive what happened that was tremendous so we can trade it as you can see you can sue aluminum Wings the the bottom piece we can't find top little aluminum pedal came off exited up here you can see in the high speed camera really slow I found it right there on the table it made a tremendous little wound track there yeah so did the bottom piece look at that yeah it it opened up like uh Anonymous person said it would and then the core as it was designed to do made it all the way through the block exiting over here I found these two pieces in the vest this is the brass uh surrounding the steel where's the copper Jeff we live in central California where copper thieves are uh abundant so I think the Copper's already been stolen by Tweakers and recycled the high-speed video might be all revealed the Tweakers sneaking in there and stealing it because somehow we're missing copper and almost all these shots except for that watermelon shot there's one copper pedal yeah yeah there it is finally well yeah that's half of it so excellent expansion as the anonymous donor and as he predicted in soft tissue those pedals break away and make almost like a I don't know fragmenting round but it's copper core plunged right on through capture looks like a big Arrow yeah that's that's crazy just two um this shows you the the expertise in making these things the Precision the Welsh Jeff the whales don't mess around never underestimate the Welsh no they make grape jelly and uh shotgun slugs very well well we uh this was an interesting test because we started out with like six failures it was so depressing it's like a little tabletop surgery reduced the rounds and now we've had some pretty uh pretty good luck so Anonymous donor from Wales we congratulate you we finally figured out the right formula which is basically like take some of the powder and dump it out it's very very scientific yeah so we appreciate you guys stopping by we hope you guys liked it as much as we did we were bummed at first oh that was I was very depressed it's like I spent so much time making these things and it shipped it over here Jeff almost drove his drove his truck down this slight little embankment into the muddy water down there yeah I was just like a attempt to end it all yeah we were gonna like the last four we're gonna go like oh we're gonna film these on another day and it's like wait a minute maybe I can do some uh you know field surgery here yeah he transitioned them right here right here on the table top and he turned them from men round into women rounds all right anyway we appreciate you guys stopping by hope you liked it found it interesting give it a thumbs up down here if you liked it if you didn't like it keep your mouth shut who asked you and until the next video we'll see you guys later
Views: 298,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exotic 12ga, sabot rounds, apds, world of tanks, tank round, smartereveryday, taufledermaus, hunting, dinosaur, 4 bore
Id: QUldrg5gBfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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