PDR Cleric Cast Speed + Magic Damage | Dark and Darker

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e e e e e hey everybody I am just about ready to go just getting the last touches up and we'll be good hey Noah you know I meant also hey Jennifer and hey clay all right fellas I think we're good to go I'm going to start my recording all right so I'm going to be doing some PDR cleric today I have a pretty good build here right now I'm running 66% spellcast speed alongside a pretty significant amount of additional magic damage as well which is quite strong so the general game plan is hopefully our matchup against magic users Wizards warlocks are going to be less bad than they normally would be with PDR cleric the spell casting speed is going to make our holy strike significantly better and the additional magic damage that we have with our other gear from our Helm our cloak and our rings are going to make a pretty sizable difference I would say so that said I think we're pretty much good to go hopefully that works out well I have a feeling if we do die it's definitely going to be to probably a wizard that's probably going to be the hardest matchup but this will be fun I'm sure and I do have some extra gear sets and some extra gold if I do die it shouldn't be too hard cleric gear isn't really too expensive so I'm not overly worried about it all right is everything good on your guys end uh audio sounds good everything like that I think I set everything up properly join my Discord all right no sounds good sounds good awesome guys awesome good to hear also guys I do have a twitch Channel now and uh you know if any of you guys like twitch or prefer it over YouTube streaming feel free to hop over there uh I'm hoping to grow my audience a little bit over on Twitch maybe diversify a little bit where I'm streaming so hopefully that will come in time right this is kind of the first game practice you know know how that goes usually my first game is just trying not to die getting warmed up I think it's worth noting I think my Barbarian Build is better than this right now because there's so many Magic users I am playing this specifically to have uh I don't know just to do something a little different if I really wanted to try today I'd probably just stick to my bar build I improved it from my video today you know how you thought 6060 was good my build right now is 74% PDR and like 70% magic resist it's it's just silly it's I I don't know how else to say it it's just silly right this is the first uh test can we beat a wizard with plates cleric probably not in this room oh did he yeah so this is going to be a little tough but hey you know what maybe I can do it or maybe I die instantly because it's a wizard dude what is this wizard doing he is just AGG gring everything honestly the mobs are making it harder to do anything it's not even it's not even the wizard it's just he's aggroing so many mobs man I could fight him on even ground but but now it's all Agro to [Applause] me it's already like a counter matchup so yeah fighting counter matchup alongside you know four other mobs yeah probably not the best idea God I hate doing that man it it gives me Rogue flashbacks where the Rogue will just kind of aggro like entire rooms and then will hide right on top of you except he kind of looped around and everything loop back straight towards me I do think I can kill him by the way I don't think it's completely bad right now my holy strike and my judgment does pretty good damage also um if you don't I think just learned this judgment I'm pretty sure is affected by spellcast speed so we have 66 speed look how quick our judgment is that's not 75 seconds that's faster so I think there's I I didn't know this but there's actually a hidden benefit to leveling uh spell casting speed with judgment people are not going to expect judgment to pop that quick so that's interesting tell you what if I was on my Barb that wizard would have been danzo are there one or two people down here I think there's two people down here that was pretty gross that was really gross am I going to have to fight the wizard without for Holy strikes that's going to suck he just Fireball himself I need to uh I need a campfire I can't I can fight a wizard but I can't do it without a fire all right let's do it out here in the storm so yeah that's the problem with cleric if you come across two magic users in a row you need holy strike to win against magic users like we're never going to kill a CL we're never going to kill a wizard without holy strike it's not it's not going to happen it's it's probably not doable uh so that said yeah I have I have to campfire here uh no ranky I won't do a twitch only stream I I do my I like my dual streams because I have the uh cuz I have the the uh VOD that saves which is kind of nice it's convenience you know also there's a lot of people that been watching me on YouTube for a while now so it feels kind of it would feel kind of weird to do that at this point what is happening with these [Applause] mobs Dam this guy doesn't have anything [Music] power of atoms oh my God I can kill Wizards pretty dark yeah this is suspicious as hell I need to get I need to bring torches next game for this is my portal man find your own portal oh you're dead yeah you're actually dead wow I would have loved this ring wait are you not dead oh no you were so close oh man you were so close damn tough luck man it hurts a little bit seeing that right I'm going to try to stay on top of selling stuff uh if I'm going to buy like gear I'm going to try to keep it good gear like magic healing I'm also going for spell for magic penetration too in case we come across the Barbarian Build that I've been running uh Magic penetration will help me counter the barbarian's really high magic resist which is quite strong for all right are we good uh let me just store the potions grab a little bit of extra healing and I think yeah wow dude spellcasting speed is feeling really really good this is kind of insane I um I wasn't expecting this to work but we killed two magic users that game which is pretty good man all right uh I think we're uh probably about as ready as we're going to be oh gold bag that's it you'll say true magic damage is better uh it very well might be better but it's way more expensive so I went with uh I don't have a lot of gold on my cleric yet so I went with what I could afford and plus three additional damage on like rings and stuff was like 200 gold which really isn't that expensive getting gold seems a bit harder uh well you're slow so you're kind of moseying through the dungeon it's going to be harder to make gold and Barb Barb Smite not meta okay so here's the problem with Smite okay uh Smite is not good against casters like wizard how are you going to how are you going to hit a wizard with Smite as a PDR cleric you could do torch spam but I don't want my inventory filled with torches so uh I'm opting for this build instead hey mix R how you doing man good to see you oh my God look at the damage that Goblin did did it even hit me I guess it technically hit me feels like a lie oh man level 15's a grind and a half I ju I just got my cleric 15 so now I have two characters 15 my Barb my cleric nothing else is even close I wonder if Bard's going to be scary geared Bard could be scary now that I'm thinking about it yeah it's not that Smite is bad it's just that I'm opting to be better against casters no there's no leaderboard at all right now there's no uh there's no leaderboard or rank or anything it's just you know playing to play I'm not so uh I'm not usually a big fan of the flame mace but I really haven't been liking the Morning Star recently so I decided to just give it a go yes Divine protection will be Overkill we're already at 70% PDR so running one skill to raise our PDR by 15% is probably not worth it and it would make us it would make us it hurts against Caster classes I'm worried about casters not magic or not uh melee classes I'll fight a PDR fighter any day I'll fight a Slayer fighter I'll fight a barb you know just you're geared Wizard and warlock are the scariest classes to fight when you're playing PDR cleric so anything you could do to make the match up better would be great and also if I could not get hit that' be [Music] great well BS are really good with plus all stats I think uh I think everyone pretty much knows that at this point uh could go for centipedes that's not a terrible idea I should probably bring lock picks I really should start bringing lockpicks with me kind of wasn't really doing it on Barb because I didn't I don't know I didn't really need to someone was here [Music] I mean PDR cleric doesn't have Chase potential this is the difference between Barb and cleric uh that warlock if he doesn't want to fight me he doesn't have to fight me and there's nothing I can really do realistically to force him to fight me so it's just not worth it we'll take a centipede I guess we'll call that we'll call that a dub a decent ring at least it's not bad yeah Rogues are still everywhere Ranger I I keep seeing people crying that Rogue is weak and regardless whether it's weak or not uh I still see a lot of Rogues so I'm not really sure what to think about that I think rogue's base stats can be increased now that hide is not as oppressive as it used to be I think that's step number one I think basic starter kit Rogue is probably the problem is warlock going to fight me or no feel like he's not yeah yeah you you can't chase on cleric it's not an option you can look at them you can look at them and make fun of them if you want but yeah you're you're not uh that's the extent of what you can do it's one of those uh you'll be sorry when I finally catch up to you kind of deals oh gra the mace I'm not used to the short range a little shorter than the Morning Star is but it swings faster so there are some frozen cons [Applause] I'm not quite to the point I am like on Barb I feel like I have a lot of money on Barb but my cleric is I CL could still use some help so as far as collecting blue gear the vendor trash it's probably worth doing uh I really don't have there's really no reason for me to leave quite yet um it's not that I like the flange mace more or less than the club to be honest with you the only reason I took the mace is because it has 15% armor penetration instead of 10 and I'm a little bit afraid of PDR builds uh specifically the Barbarian PDR build that might count my magic so I feel like I should use a mace to help against that specific matchup that's kind of my current thought [Applause] process I will say the Morning Star as much as I like want to [Music] like that man dropped like a sack of potatoes for all right I'm full now we can head do the uh static exit do you see how quick I'm casting judgment did anybody else know that judgment is affected by spell ass speed because I've been playing cleric since like launch and I never knew that am I dumb or is it that I never stacked enough spellcasting speed to realize it I'm willing to accept both answers those a really fast boots I'm really going for PDR though so I'm probably not going to bother with them I don't know if they sell but I guess I can try well I mean I should try to sell anything I can at least big gear try to save space it's a lot easier to manage storage if I do it as I go than try to do it all at once I think I spent over an hour off stream trying to organize my Barbarian gear it was kind of a nightmare all right I think this is probably just going to be as good as this pair of boots is I guess I could keep it for a fast build but I just don't think it's going to sell oh that's not bad and mine's pretty good you know what I'll put it on the store if someone buys it great cuz I'm trying to do PDR right now W true damage really doesn't sell quite as much as it used to I feel like the stats have really changed man like this would have sold for way more before I feel like although I guess all the prices are lower cuz it's start to wipe too I guess it's not really a fair assessment yeah that's probably the case oh those boots sold instantly maybe I was wrong maybe I should maybe I just got ripped off and I should have sold those for more they were really good boots I just I didn't think anyone cared about those type of boots but maybe I guess yeah I guess shame on me what is it additional damage yeah uh we'll do the low end I guess we'll do like 149 that's fine all right we have our healing gold pouch am I missing anything I I'll bring a little extra magic or a little bit of extra healing but I think that's pretty much it yeah yeah we're good yeah that guy died really quick so here's the thing so right now my holy strike and judgment is doing somewhere between 50 and 60 damage but the spellcasting speed is letting me cast holy strike extremely quickly I mean it's it's damn near instantaneous it feels like so it allows me to kind of DPS check people in a way that I don't care about their PDR and most people don't have good magic resistance it's only the potential Barbarian player but I have 10% Magic Pen too so if someone decides to use that Barbarian Build that I was using against me it's not going to be as bad as you think it is because I have I have Magic Pen I think I have 10% so if they reach like a really high threshold okay that's fun thanks wizard thank you Jesus man oh my God the mobs good Lord all right I wasn't even out of the spawn and I'm already getting rushed there should probably be like minus one person PDR we're at 70 with Shield out I'm at 70% right now magic is my biggest weakness which is why I uh which is why I have holy strike and judgment to try to soften the blow make it a little bit better hey orphans audacity how you doing man hey you know what I know that wizard was kind of naked but it's a counter match up man any any any advantage even against nakeds is very important hey uh no joke a gray a gray spook wizard if I wasn't built with like decent holy strikes and judgment might just kite me and kill me so worth noting hey score streaks yeah man I uh I I've been wanting to do multi streaming on Twitch for a while I probably still have some things to do setting up wise but I'm glad I'm able to at least get that over they should make goblin games I think 4x4 would be good I agree with you you want to yeah I'd rather not I fought I think I fought nothing but Wizards and warlocks since the start of the stream uh which would be great if I was playing my Barb build if I was playing Barb I would just literally mow them down for free there I wouldn't even have I could like close my eyes and W ke and I would probably still kill them because it's just that's how stats work when you scale like that uh but that said I cannot do that on CL I have to genuinely try so not I have to turn my brain on a little bit more oh it's poke fish oh okay yeah sure up I didn't realize okay so here here's the thing Wiggles that I didn't realize until an hour ago no joke spellcasting speed is affected by judgment and judgment with magic damage scaling is not that bad and it's pretty good against like Wizards and warlocks so I'm using it as a way to make my match up better against those magic glasses because that's my hard match up I don't need to make my match up against like like fighter better you know I don't need protection to make me and myself a little bit better in physical I'm already good at physical damage the way you the way you play solos and you do well in the most matches possible is making a build that has the least amount of weaknesses possible that's how you have to do it so going for additional win conditions for physical damage is not the play I think and that's that's why I'm not running protection we need these mob kills for XP anyway I think I just saw a rogue yeah there's a player I know I did I'm not I know I'm not crazy what makes my mace glow honestly I have no no idea I was wondering that [Music] myself [Music] most of the damage was self-inflicted oh oh yeah but yeah he hit me in the and the bubble was still just chilling yeah absolutely oops I was trying to whatever I'm just going to leave anyway I don't feel like resting for my spells back wow that Holy strike hurt me oh my God that Holy strike obliterated myself if I'm going to use magic healing I'm going to go for plus three I I don't I don't think I'm at a point where I need to skim for gear I'm doing okay on Gold Plus I'm telling you every single point of magic healing and stuff you can get is good so I I would always opt to try to get plus three this is actually the reason I'm not I have this spook with six damage so I would rather have less damage overall and have better healing than you know vice versa also Magic Pen is not a useless stat anymore it used to be useless but it's not it's really not I think that I think that's true I think that trap does deal true damage cuz I don't think it would have hurt me that much if not additional damage not true uh Wiggles the only reason I'm using the strength Rings is because I just had them on hand they were just cheap additional magic rings to be honest with you I should go back into the market and replace them for knowledge it's just more expensive knowledge would be better now that you mention it maybe I'll do that after this game I also just didn't have a lot of money yet I I'm I was still trying to get a lot of stuff sold in the marketplace basically going a kind of budget kit style oh spider suck I don't know if that's super useful right now but I haven't seen it yet this swipe so I guess I'll keep it why is my M glowing very weird so here's I I thought about Mystic gloves but I want the armor rating oh Lord oh oh my God that's disgusting see you next game get an F in the chat for that Ranger who's about to go to Reddit and complain I think he died in less than a second holy strike judgment combo deleted one uh Sone magic man is not useless anymore because you can stack magic resistance really high that's that is the reason uh so my Barbarian Build is 70% magic resistance so having having penetration against that is quite good it used to be useless but I'm telling you it's not anymore about to take my word for it I suppose oh man I'm not I'm not used to this m range he needs Jesus true true and real well that's the thing senton uh Magic resistance or like magic damage is my whole builds like purpose so having magic penetration is is I'm telling you it's not bad man how did I 60% no no call it's it's better now I made my Kit's even better it's 74% PDR and 70% magic resist it's just better and [Music] better how uh stacking stacking magic resistance and plus armor rating that's kind of like the short of it you want me to show the kit all right I'll show the kit I'm not going to play the kit but I'll show it to you at least all right just for you claw I'll show you the kit yeah people are sleeping on Armor pen and Magic Pen right now absolutely as soon as people realize that pen is not useless uh armor resistance builds are not going to be as strong but until that happens feel free to dunk lobbies with it if I can find three additional magic damage yeah I think knowledge is probably better than will yeah there's no reason to get will will is basically just like one magical power I'm really not used to being this slow I'm so used to Barb so that's why I'm getting hit a little more than I'd like follow for the kit show hey Tech I will gladly show you that kit here just give me a little bit it's the new and improved Iron Man build or Iron Giant build Iron Man I guess it could be Iron Man so that's true Centon but it's not I'm not I'm not really sacrificing much to get armor pen I'm just I literally just got some on my spell book that's it but that's enough just a little bit is enough to knock out that really high resistance this guy's Dawn if I can catch up to him e go this be [Applause] it should probably campire or all hurts I think that barb was running a uh was running some kind of PDR uh MDR build that's what it looked like I want to load him but I I can't there's like there's two other people in that room that sucks too cuz he looked kind of I think he was kind of Ked too yeah the 20% armor pen really makes a difference oh also I didn't have my shield out so 20% armor pen and I don't have the shield that's that's why it hurts so much be [Music] because man needs Jesus and I helped them out dude Sol probably is back honestly that was pretty good [Music] okay oh boy oh boy I can't wait for people to start oh my God that's really good I'm so glad I looked at that that's super valuable oh my God I was going to say where the hell is the portal yeah plate fighter sneaking up on PDR cleric uh-uh oh no that ain't going to work man yeah I don't know why my Mesa is that glow but it looks pretty cool what level Am I by the way since I've not been getting XP I just hit level 15 very recently I will show the kit I'm not going to forget let me organize my gear first all right and then I will I will show my Barb kits do not worry promis is a promise right at least my stuff is selling quick oh no I needed more bags damn it all right Adventure cloak with move speed uh let's do like little like 298 seems good I don't know if any leather leggings will sell if they have movement speed or not because everyone kind of wants those all stats now I am not convinced these are going to sell but it's a good learning experience I'll know I'll know for next time if I should grab these the answer is not really not really worth it but I'll sell it since I have it anyway and I think this was like 144 I'm not going to worry about anything all right let me show you this barb kit and then we'll go back to cleric okay all right this is my God my B my best I've gotten so far uh Barbarian kit all right with Shield out I at 74% PDR 70% magic resistance with a base speed of 283 uh we have physical damage armor rating roll on our Shield I have physical damage on my BJ home two all and physical damage on my tunic two all and plus armor on my legs dashing boots with movement speed and armor runstone gloves with armor Splendid cloak if you don't know will gives you magic resistance I think it's 6% per will so this cloak is giving me 3% magic resist and 10 armor which is pretty good uh got a fox pendant with armor and Magic damage reduction and two rings with plus one all that both give damage reduction modifiers so this kit will just this thing is a menace to the caves man I this kid is super good I I don't know I don't have know else to say that this kid is super strong I'm going to I'm probably going to make a video or stream out of that kit I don't know hopefully I don't die instantly with it damage oh it's not too bad it's not like too high I think it's like 70 or 80 damage a swing the the focus isn't on damage for that kid it's on beefiness but it does have Berserker that will increase your damage as you take damage so the more damage you do to me the stronger I get which is really good when it takes you so long to kill me you know uh that said I think we're pretty much good right no no no no I wanted to check the Rings hold up give me one second let me see if I can buy oh what is it ring of wisdom let me see if I can can buy some knowledge rings with additional oh these are going to be expensive as hell but I have the money though so I could do it let's see how much money do I have yeah I can afford it I'm good let's do it uh oh wait did the I I think the ring I was about to buy got sold there was one right here it's gone damn that's really expensive for a ring but I'll buy this one I'm not buying these that's a waste it doesn't have plus all though I feel like if I want if I'm going to pay that much for a ring I feel like I'd rather have plus all right I'm not sure if this is worth it I feel like I wonder how how expensive do you think a plus all with additional would be probably really expensive right probably really very probably very very expensive we'll do it we'll buy that one I was hoping there would be another one but I guess I could just buy the green one it's not the end of the world I'll do it for the content all right we are now at 76% spellcast speed instead of uh 66 not bad and I think that helps way more than uh two extra damage plus some extra armor and armor is good armor is very good all right uh good yeah let's go sometimes PDR reduction doesn't work on Shields it's a bug wait really I had no idea uh yeah Miss they added an auction house uh what like a month ago or something like that yeah probably the best thing they ever added to this game for sure trade chat was so unbelievably bad there's nothing else to even say about it more speed this build isn't Made For Speed it's it's plates it's slow yeah I don't I don't think we're going to be getting a whole lot of speed on this build man although let's be honest here speed would be nice where would I even get the speed though I already have it on my boots I don't really know where I would get the speed oh more casting speed I me 76 is pretty good man it gets expensive when you're trying to build a kit wait is it um is it faithfulness I think it's faithfulness guys I think that's what's in but why is it why is it glowing it does it when it's not dealing damage I don't know it's got to be the perk okay someone should be here gates are open yeah I think you're right I think it's faithfulness cuz I've never seen go out before it BL set a heater could do that I kind of I really like the buckler for blocking though and I'm already pretty slow also buckwar are honestly more expensive dude the goblin came and helped me in that uh 1 V2 that I took like five damage in rewarded for cheating yeah that's it I'm cheating that's it my guy did five damage yeah I know I know Joe mama I'm sorry I know typical streamer gameplay that's me this guy's kid is uh Wild for the barb kit dude I feel like that barb is nothing but I have to check that's kind of what I expected can't get me up here how I fighting warlocks uh with holy strike and judgment Bo speed slow uh 261 it's kind of early to take that portal yeah locks are pretty tough one cleric it's a it's a hard match up I'm basically just telling you the way that I try my best to not die to them why am I bring the surge kit cuz I forgot to take it out of my inventory to be honest The Surge gets basically useless [Music] I guess that first ho strike didn't hit him that judgment probably hit him for almost half his health oh I love that uh well I like the champion or the Crusader armor drip but I also like the uh the white armor drip too hey Mustafa how you doing welcome welcome why don't they do damage because we have 72% PDR ipdr has been a thing for a while it's just primarily been a fighter thing but now it's not a fighter thing now it's a every class thing every class can do this I think okay I don't really have time to well actually I do have time well I I don't have time if he runs that's what I really should say oh I could go for the didn't I have a portal before that I just didn't take yeah yeah no are you serious God darn it unlucky what the the heck no way oh wow that's tragic I guess I don't have a portal you stopped running PD because of warlock that's why I stopped running it too that's why I'm trying out a new build that involves around spell casting speed and damage with the new stats added where is that I don't know but I would like to find it I prefer not to wait for the ve yeah okay we're good like how fast we cast bless protection isn't this crazy that is so fast most people are not going to expect you to be casting this fast as cleric it's like a different game it really is yeah I'm going to I'm going to sell the surgic KS I really don't need those as CL it's just it's a waste of space to be honest with you oh my God these barely sell like barely even worth selling yeah I probably won't even bother looting these if that's the case it almost seems like useless I should start bringing uh explosive bottles too could create a wall to help me to let me heal if I need it or prevent people from running we have a lot of magic damage and I my understanding is explosive bottle scale with magic damage which means this is not bad at all if you see a cleric buff himself that's that fast you turn back it's kind of is it kind of the same thing as the when you hear a Bard play songs really really fast and you know that they're absolutely Juiced so you don't want to fight them cuz I've heard some BS play songs like it's like like I've never heard them before would I recommend getting would I recommend level one level I'm sorry would I recommend leveling your first character to 15 and then starting it's up to you I don't think there's any benefit or downside to doing that it's really just up to what you want to do you can't transfer gear until you're at level 1550 anyway so you know there's really no there's no advantage or disadvantage honestly if anything it might even be better to level up multiple characters early because you have less of a chance of coming across geared players right now cuz a lot of people are still pretty ungeared I think he might be under I haven't played this map in so long I had to think about where I was going gone well he's now aggro the entirety of the room all right I guess I'll just rest for a second and get my strike back that I just lost that's fine you can transfer gear well you can transfer gear using friends or using the marketplace are you going to fight me now what are you back to running no all right he can deal with that on his own correct you can buy your own gear to transfer item this is the downside to not playing that barb build if I was playing Barb I could have easily killed that guy with a Killy strike and kept them in place qu doesn't have that utility also qu has to constantly rest after using spells which is a pretty [Applause] big oh that's pretty good all right well we have to take our our little coffee break I don't really have a choice I think it's faster to just sit and rest than it would be to place a fire down with for only one strike you were trying out move speed Divine protection with warm all and smite before wipe was pretty strong yeah I know people have said they like running the no spell variant of cleric I just don't like it I I I've tried it I think spells are just way too good not to take yeah gear is super cheap once you at level 15 you can pretty much build whatever kits that you want annoying I really am not used to moving this slow I mean even my Barb was not that slow damn plate Armor Man spells are just so good how do you not use spells I just I don't know how I don't know how you do it they're so good it's like five free blue pots that you can use instantaneously and then holy strike does okay damage that's not like super great but it's okay I tell you what if a barbarian doesn't have armor penetration they basically can't kill you like they they can but it's really hard you have a huge advantage over barbs but again it's only it's only if they don't have armor pen or if they're not like PDR K themselves they like a if they're just like a squishy kind of Barb without that it's kind of [Applause] whatever sometimes I swear my blocking like doesn't work properly I swear I blocked that very strange uh the maze is going because of the perk uh [Applause] faithfulness [Applause] is my audio bugged what do you mean in game no my audio sounds fine does it sound weird on stream or something I'm not going to find anybody this game we found that one Barb he just got to ran the whole game and now though I mean the lobby is going to close I I don't really have a choice here [Music] my God no I didn't expect him I don't I should have known the Barb would do that a good thing this guy's gear wasn't better cuz that guy could have countered me good have luckily he did not show off stats at the end of the game yeah I could quickly show you stats if you like let me just sell my stuff real quick all right so we have armor pen magic resist on our shield and everything else is focusing on either additional magic damage or armor rating so armor rating plus all additional damage damage uh damage physical damage reduction plus all magic power plus all on these is really important I think and then additional speed on our boots just to make us not quite as unbearably slow seems okay it's a quick run through hopefully uh hopefully that answers your question or hopefully that helps you I should say would I run meditate no no I would never run meditate cleric I I think meditate is terrible so far it's been good I haven't died yet with this kit so that's a good sign it's a little hard to fight people sometimes but outside of that the the big downside of the build is that we're slow we're slow and we don't have any move speed you know there's no there's no catch-up mechanic you know we don't have Sprints we don't have rage I don't have a Killy strike to keep people in place so I'm really reliant on either someone running out of space to run away or someone being willing to fight me and most people do not want to fight me most combat in this game usually ends up with the other person running away from me the moment they see me no matter how geared I am that's just how it usually goes which is why I usually offer fast builds that can fight people that you know do not fights I don't think it adds magic damage to my melee but the uh the little effect on my mace I'm not really sure oh shoot are people doing troll yeah some people do troll Dam I almost feel bad for killing this part but there's not a lot of portals man I don't know if I can let this guy live I feel so bad when I see a naked Bard but like I'm not going to chase him I see him later I'll fight him but I'm not going to chase him across the map with my blade I'm justo I'm very slow to be chasing someone like that he's never going to fight me he'd be a mad man to fight me [Music] oh all right well he did that to himself you see how fast judgment's casting by the way kind of crazy well yeah I don't have BL Mastery on because I'm using the damage for Magic that guy found out real quick do you see how quickly he turned around after the holy strike judgment I bet you that got him down to probably 30% something around that range yeah C speed's really nice I think I've been sleeping on cast speed but stats weren't good enough before to really stack without being super Juiced now that anybody can be decent gear it makes a pretty big difference it's not bad well I mean it doesn't have all but it's not bad I guess Smite damage is low well yeah that's true Smite damage is low but judgment damage is not and holy strike isn't too low [Music] either you Jesus this dude call this the nuclear I don't even know what what do you guys want to name this build dog day does loc does locust swarm work with magic damage I thought it was bugged does it actually do anything the wrath of God pretty much posi Tim I mean I can't control who I fight you join the stream to see a guy go to heaven yeah that's that's it man that's the build I'm not sure I've ever been down there in this little room this isn't I think this is okay I'm glad I didn't run into that when a ranger existed yeah I don't think I ever really went down to that little area you watch this guy take Locust storm over Sanctuary but he runs full Ms uh question arms does does it do a lot of damage like does it actually do anything cuz every time I see Locus form do damage it's like it tickles people it doesn't really do anything cuz I could consider I could take it over bless if it if it actually does something oh uh M glow is because of faithfulness show that Fighter the wrath of God huh show them the light I didn't even know the CTI was here head there space j [Music] I rather not have to sell stuff to the merchant if I can help [Music] it I need to be quick too those are pretty good I got to I need to I need to move I ain't got time to be be wasting I don't want to lose my portal but good enough does luck sell well in the market I think luck only sells well if it's rolled with other stats I haven't really noticed a lot of my luck stuff selling sometimes you can get a little bit of value but people seem to be valuing like the actual PVP stats more right now but that could change reason I'm using FL base instead of the clubber Morning Star uh yes there is a reason the club has less armor penetration and I'm a little bit scared of the Barb build that I've been playing so I'm playing armor penetration to have a better matchup and not to mention uh Morning Star I've just really have grown to dislike I don't even like the flange mace that much but it seems like the best of the best of what cleric has I guess I do think the club is good I just want the armor pen to be honest with you that's really the only reason I'm taking it I really don't like the club that much like I I the club's okay but it's no fouin the fouin is just so so so so much better any stats uh nope yeah I I uh I need to stay on top of this preferably I just I don't want my inventory to become super crazy it's going to take a while to sell Rings though so maybe I'll do that later at least as long as I at least sell like the gear here that's I think probably the most important part yeah any pendants and rings that like look trash are not even worth selling to me like look at this this ring of Vitality I bet you is just not worth selling at all it's probably worth like 30 gold it's it's not like before where just like a ring was good like yeah like I could sell it for 39 gold right but it's like barely even more value it's almost not even worth the time it takes to sell it I'd rather just vendor it and move on so and lock stats don't seem to really sell either not on stuff like that fellas I am going to use the restroom and I'll be back all right give me a minute braid my stash while I'm gone I don't think you can do that because of the build I made on your melee cleric you run the warmal you mean the uh the Barbarian Build yeah I don't blame you having armor pens pretty important to me right now I think all right good yeah oh you know what what we'll test locust swarm we 38 I have not used theud I swear this is a meme I I swear it's a meme but I'll try it does the damage work on Dummies can I actually test it I don't really have time it doesn't even show the damage I just wasted a locust swm oh it doesn't show the damage why iron mace why can't I test the locus swarm damage oh my goodness Ma'am why all right well time to take a squat I'm getting my locust swarm back God damn it oh man okay while I'm sitting here resting does anybody know know exactly how Locus swarm scales damage wise does it scale like okay so it says it does two damage per one seconds so per 0.1 seconds so where exactly is the additional damage being added on top cuz it doesn't add it per 0.1 seconds is it per 1 second so does it do like three damage over one second instead of two very good scaling with addition Ure damage I'll take your word for it I I've I've just I've never seen I've never really seen any cleric legitimately use it dude that would be so funny if if Locust SW was not a meme anymore we'll find out how would be I would love it how much damage do I have uh damage on what Oh you mean at Magic I think I'm at 13 magic right now I could have 16 but I opted for plus two wall stats instead I think plus all is I think plus two all is better than the additional damage but it's debatable so with 10 true it's an extra 10 well true is the same thing as additional it just doesn't go through armor so the 10 additional will still do that 10 extra damage right I went to use my bless and forgot I didn't have bless okay oh good take a little sit uh here's a question though so locust swarm it seems like when you cast it it goes by really quick does it do more damage if you have a a shortened timer or does locus swarm just only work for a very brief amount of time CU it makes me think that Locus swarmm is not going to like scale at all we could like is earthquake even is there any value in earthquake in solos do you think or is earthquake just really bad it used to be good but because people used to not know what earthquake did but I think people have wised up on that it attacks the same but attacks faster so you don't lose damage by the shorten timer oh it does go through door okay that's good to know oh God oh God what the hell no [Music] shot how unlucky can I be wow that was just perfectly horrible in every way BR imagine losing a kit because of that nonsense I would have been very sad good thing I have armor cuz I sure I should have died [Applause] there it's another wizard yeah I'm I'm calling cap too I don't think look I think Locust storm is a complete and utter meme I can't imagine any real scenario where it's I think BL probably better wouldn't mind getting my spells back what are you doing what is this guy doing what are you doing I don't I don't want to I don't even want to waste my spells on this wizard Fus I'm thinking about it well I want to but there's a guy above you think this guy will leave me or is he going to follow me like a guinea pig oh my God this wizard oh it's a oh it's two people oh this will be it'll be a 2v2 okay well that's fine I guess that's fair oh my God it's three pe oh my God it's three people should I just leave I'm out of here what the hell is this yeah I'm out of here I'm not fighting I'm might fighting three people playing Hello Kitty island adventure I suppose they can't all live they they're going to die to some of them are going to die to portals so excited yeah honestly I I would I think watching them die to portals no portal would be very satisfying I kind of want to try earthquake I'm going to be honest I don't really like swarm I mean earthquake's not too good either though yeah I'm going to try I want to put on Earth quick I I'm going to be honest with you guys I think locust swarm is really bad I I really just think it's complete garbage the cast time like the the bar is so short and the damage just doesn't really scale better think of it as two extra holy strikes yeah but it's just a worse holy strike I'd rather I holy strike does more damage than Locus swarm does I'm not cooked without holy strikes I got judgment right uh I think it's viable I've been doing pretty well with it oh my God the the spawn it has been a while since I literally yeah can you still uh judgment and invis Rogue does this work I don't know if it does I don't know if it was a rumor or move speed is is [Music] slow oh I guess if you just yeah sure that's fine T this you filthy casual oh man so funny it's oh my God the casting speed is just so fast man I'm not used to it dude just wait until cleric can multi and then maybe get like a wizard spell change this out for for like Fireball or zap or ice bolt oh that would be so good weapon Mastery no I don't want weapon Mastery I think there's better things not for cleric pleas are dominating solos this match hard to say The Meta isn't The Meta isn't defined yet so it's it's got hard to give you an actual answer to that question I've seen a lot of uh there's a lot of Fighters right now a huge amount of Fighters and wizards so something tells me it's going to be those classes but it's hard to say I can only speak from the class that I generally see when I'm playing you know what would be really funny if I could manage to earthquake somebody who has mobs aggro to them and then I let and I make it so they can't move and the mob just kills them that would be so funny I don't know if I'll be able to do it but the idea is there it's like the big I think that might be like the primary use for earthquake is trying to hit somebody while they have something so they they have to move oh yeah warlock will probably be nutty when they're fully geared get agree to that it's going to be a really long grind to level 30 or 35 whatever you need for Master Class [Music] ma'am true warlock could take Advanced healer you stop playing for a day and you feel behind no you should be fine man honestly I mean I I there's still a lot of people running like starter kits hell I think most of the people I'm playing are feel like starter kits so I wouldn't worry about it too much no they changed it it used to be 100 but they changed their [Music] mind [Music] w it's not even worth taking all right real quick I keep I need to move this I keep going to the left to use my uh like my bless and I don't have bless it's it's catching me off guard so I'm going to move it over here oh I'll get used to it eventually my my muscle memory is is too great for cleric but I'll get used to it and I move protection it's also going to mess with me so I I guess I have to take take my pick is this a solo build yeah yeah Sammy we're playing solo right now god dude it's always when I stream the trolls come out do your parents teach you nothing when are you like 12 Jesus Christ dude amazing hello yeah this P probably is good for teams the extra knowledge really helps for casting you know for healing teammates I imagine for dealing damage too if you wanted to run holy strike you could be a pretty you could kind of Be a Menace oh this is this is what I was talking about that's so silly I haven't used earthquake in so long yeah so the thought process is if you catch someone having mobs on them and you earthquake them they can't move and they might just die because they're going to take a ton of damage by either moving or they're going to have to sit still and eat mobs there's really no good option I don't want to get I don't want to get third partied I don't really well These Guys these guys do not like each other that is for damn share all right I'll let them fight I don't like getting third party myself in the middle of a fight so I'll at the very least let them finish I'll Farm some XP while I wait maze is going because of our uh our perk the uh damage perk looks cool though doesn't it I don't know if it's intended it's probably not but I think it looks cool there's a lot of people here there's one guy here I heard another guy like under or nearby [Music] wow that um I'm hurting myself more than he can hurt me wow my my holy strikes hurt me dude oh my God they hurt all right I can just do this guy [Music] right PVR is so strong there you go it's just crazy Move Along iron mace nothing to see here nothing can see it's all good hey guys uh I try not to ask too often but if you don't mind liking the stream I'd appreciate it helps the uh helps the channel you know I uh that that fight went extremely textbook I guess they W keyed me and then they just died because we have armor rating that's kind of how it is man when someone fights you and they don't have armor pen or spells they just they just crumble it's it's almost sad to watch but that's what this build is good at it's bad against magic but it's really good against PDR you know it's sits the tradeoff that's true yeah I think I think I'm ahead of the curve on the uh the armor penetration stat I think people don't I think you're right people don't realize that armor Pen's actually a really good stat now it's not like it was before uh it's not that I got bored to bar but it's more that I want to level up my cleric a bit too and you know it's nice to take a little bit of a break I think my I think my Barb could continue to run lobbies but it's nice to do different things you know it's nice to do you know to not play the same class every single day I know some people don't mind doing that but I'm not quite in that in that boat I like I like variety true that's actually true people people weren't even taking armor pad when yeah but that was a long time ago though when people were still relatively new to the game people are better now than they used to be so I don't know if that's fair damn I need a portal I hope I hope I oh there's a portal in there I hate waiting for the very last word I hear somebody too I don't like fighting when I when like I don't like I hate dying to the circle now like the worst way to die could have thought I mean I probably could have killed this guy but it's all right hey man do like variety but maybe a different ways hey our Gold's starting to pile up maybe we can get our third stash tab this stream Maybe all right quick and easy quick and easy what are the other good multi class options for cleric besides wizard spells bar iron will Iron Will could make up for the Magic The Magic weakness you could uh yeah you could throw iron well on get some extra magic resist and then build like a hybrid magic resist PDR build kind of like Barb but with cleric so that could be pretty good I think that's the that's the idea at least W new mic oh good I am glad that the mic is good yeah I was struggling for a little while I'm glad it sounds okay took a little while for it to get here but at least it's good I don't really know exactly how the overheal expiring works I thought about doing overheal instead of faithfulness yeah does anybody know if you pop a red pot does that heal your over healing Health like can you red pot up to 125% HP cuz if that's true that's really good and I might take away faithfulness maybe oh the extra mic damage is really nice that's what I was thinking Doom like cuz I'm so slow I feel like people are just not going to fight me you're probably a rogue your little pitter patter of Feats I think every class has access to boots from the squire so I just I assume that when I hear people with no shoes they're either new or I guess they just haven't figured out the Squire yet this room sucks man it's so hard to find people like I hear them but oh it's a wizard Wizard's not great TD Fighters take their boats [Music] [Music] off I don't know where that wizard went I got to take Wizards really seriously I don't trust them wait what m this room is so not great this sh [Music] all right we're good right out of uh holy strikes wizard was super deified holy strike blood bath is the right answer I need a long rest here yeah he needs to stay right where he is I took eight arrows Jesus I don't think this stuff really sells [Music] man yeah a little stressful I was getting a little worried there when the when the wizard pushed me with no holy strikes I thought I was going to die glad we didn't but I was worried you think there's anyone left probably not right oh there has to be someone here there was a gas cloud it didn't make itself I should just leave too late in the game to be looking for players did that was a crazy crazy game all right everything stored I think so yeah I think we're just good to go man this knowledge is really good man this is making these games so nice this is great I love this build oh my God could you imagine spell over load with this cleric build oh man the thought of spell overload oh my God six heals eight holy strikes 10 blesses or uh protections oh man that sounds so good maybe someday I'd have to level a wizard for it though or sanctuaries too how much magic I think I'm at 12 magic right now I opted I I was at 16 but I took away four for plus two all I'm not sure if that's technically better but plus all really is good for cl so I also I got some armor rating out of it too yeah you have to get lucky and get it right that's the [Applause] problem W that's pretty bad unlucky I don't think there's enough room for weapon Mastery I think that might be a mistake I mean yeah it's true there are some better equipment items you could get but oh sh I don't even know where he came from I I just didn't expect him to just pop up behind me like that what is he he's gone he took one shot he ran I can't blame him speed with book out slow 83 yeah this is not a fast build anything but fast but that's the price you pay for plate you're not going to be super quick with plate you can get some Plus movement speed but you know you can only go so far ow I swear that does true damage how are you going to take a bow how how are you going to get a bow man you you already have a spell book and a weapon I I think you I I think I don't think you're I don't I don't think it is man you that was cool hey lowkey no vendor Karma anymore uh I don't I don't really know what they're planning to do with vendors I haven't really done anything with them so I don't have an answer for that you know SW swell for bow honestly man I don't I don't think it's I don't I just don't think it's going to be worth it because of the way that uh things scale your holy strikes do pretty good damage man that earthquake was pretty sick oh plus two all one of like the actual good stats in this game for [Music] better to get Smite on Ranger I've seen some people mention that that could be pretty disgusting WE adventure tunix good yeah I probably you know what you're right wish should grabbed that that was a mistake you're right I'm pretty sure those do still there's a ton of builds man there's so many build options it's crazy I really do think this wip's going to have so many different options like build wise like you don't just have to build damage and speed like it's been so long since you've been able to build builds that weren't damage and speed it's it's kind of nice I like it at least thought I heard a portal but I don't know where it is now I just know that thing's got a diig grow I know I heard people down here that is disgusting that is actually so gross oh my [Music] yeah I I'm taking this portal it's the only portal left I cannot let anyone steal this or I will be screwed I don't know if it's top or bottom I need to I need to be ready for this thing man I really do not want to lose out I don't have time to rest for extra holy strikes either GG's GG's oh wow crossbow sell for a lot of money more than I expected tunic oh you all right this does sell for pretty good money I'm glad I picked it up I don't know why I was thinking the cuz it didn't have good stats it wouldn't sell but it's not bad not a bad at all wow no one cares about padded leggings do they that's so cheap I make cleric look unkillable I am absolutely not unkillable devious I wouldn't worry about it man I get a lot of money from uh from PvP I'm not really sure what what causes or stops theow from happening and stop happening but I want to see what my judgment is there's no damage why is it bugged why don't we get to see the damage okay it's kind of lame I don't really know why it's not working I have no idea damn I guess I'll have to make another uh another cleric video cuz this build is this build is really good I didn't expect this to be so good I was thinking I was going to die by like a wizard and I was going to go back to a bar but hey I mean if it works it works right yeah the only like the only way we can test damage and it's bugged it sucks I want to be able to test damage man I mean I already have to waste my spells in the lobby to test damage yeah yeah my cleric has some pretty decent gear why are you stuck well heck with PDR cleric I don't even have to keep doors open anymore poor Rogue you know that head shot hurt too man this is the downside of cleric vers Barb it's the sitting how much did this cost you um honestly I don't know the exact amount that I spent on this kit most of the money was probably these Rings because the knowledge Rings were just really expensive for the damage with the Rings probably somewhere around 2 to 2.5k maybe it's hard to say I don't really keep cuz some of it like some of the gear I got on my own I didn't pay for it so like it's hard for me to tell you like exactly how much I think it's worth or not worth I can I can kill Wizards it's not like an issue but I'm not sure if I want to chase a wizard like all RIS no W but if I leave them alive then I might get third party by them later it's like a little rest break after every time we kill somebody all right well I need to get a little coffee mug yeah the gear it's self isn't too crazy it really is the Rings the Rings is like the like the really big ticket item and plus to all is pretty the trinkets the trinkets is expensive the gear is not too bad did I loot the Rogue oh I didn't loot the Rogue I forgot oops that's okay he probably didn't have anything I guess I could go back I got sidetracked I'm wearing the Crusader armor you wish you could have fun this way but it's not if you're bad uh gamer believe it or not I think it's not as bad for new players as as it might seem gear is really cheap like you can get the top type gear like the plus two all type gear for like 100 gold on the marketplace it is by far the cheapest good gear I've ever seen compare that to last wipe where plus all stats cost like 4,000 gold minimum I I don't think uh I don't think it's nearly as bad as people think it is The Game's learning curve is an entirely different thing you're looking at Market on your gear probably 1 to 1.5k except Rings yeah that sounds about right my stream was Bor on YouTube it's a YouTube issue Mike if the YouTube stream isn't working for you I am also on Twitch in the uh pin comment so you're welcome to use that if the stream is messing up for you completely up to you twitch sometimes just has buffering issues I I don't know what causes it but I can't fix it there's nothing I can really do on my end that's true gamer I think the leveling might be a little bit too slow that's probably the one thing that uh I would that might be better if I like the old leveling better personally I think it's too slow why is gear so cheap I think it's cuz it's easy to find plus all is not it's not rare to find plus two all it's everywhere it's just how it is you know so with that in mind I mean it's just it's not going to be that expensive so if if plus two all stats cost 100 gold and everybody can build it for like the cost of like one or like between one and three good high roller runs it's I don't think it's that bad man I really don't I think people are exaggerating and I think it's the uh and I'm specifically talking about the people on like reddits that cry all day about every little change iron ma does I think the game is actually in a pretty decent State it's one of the first times in a while where we have been able to build PDR and it's every class it's not just fighter you know it's not fighter building 95% PDR and just destroying everybody cuz no one else can do it everybody can build PDR now and I think that makes for way better gameplay than just everyone building move speed and damage and po shotting literally the entirety of the lobby granted I'm killing people quick but it's because I'm using magic and no one and it's the lack of magic resistance but like for physical damage I I absolutely think that's that's my thought process right [Applause] now so I know some people have asked me the Mesa is glowing because of faithfulness I don't know why but that's the reason for it I wish I had an answer well gamer 30% PDR sucks I I um gamer I'm asking like it's a genuine question do you understand how armor thresholds work like like when you're like when you're leveling like when you're when you're increasing your PDR do you understand the difference between like 50% versus like 70% like do you understand how it scales as you go up 30% PDR is really [Music] bad I think that guy have my build he ate a lot I think I just beat my bu hold up did I oh my God I did that's literally my [Music] [Music] build the final portal is here right or is it under I'm I'm worried about my portal okay it's here oh my God I did it I killed I literally killed my own Barb build that is so funny that is so I I I just it's so it's so it's so [Laughter] funny oh man do you guys remember 30 minutes ago when I told you that I was maybe an hour ago when I told you that magic penetration I specifically got this stat to counter the Barb build There It Is Magic penetration and then armor penetration told you told you man makes a big difference that's that's actually that's so cool man I was so scared as soon as I realized what build he was I got really nervous look he's even got the plus armor rating on his uh rings and pendants and stuff too oh shoot oh my God whoa B oh that's so good um I mean it's it's I guess uh two knowledge or two true damage probably the damage right slightly lower cast speed but extra damage and more armor holy crap that barb had so much gear oh man oh man uh yes basically if you have anything below 50% PDR MDR it's like your naked absolutely that is that is the point uh gamer it's really easy to hit 50% PDR now I I think you're underestimating how easy it is to get the to get the gear and how cheap it is on the market place oh here I guess before I sell it I'll show you his gear set uh in case like what you're looking for cuz that barb was very very tanky uh you're looking for all attributes on your tunic and your Lea and your leggings and additional armor or magic resistance is helpful too uh and for your like armor and your cloak and stuff you're looking for armor rating armor rating also this is a literal B Shield three good rolles uh runstone gloves with armor is really good and damage that's really nice uh tatter cloak I think he just had that that wasn't his gear and then he had the uh armor rolls and physical reduction on his rings and pendants as well so that's this is the kind of gear you're looking for if you want to play that bar build uh gamer once you get used to the game you can make 1,000 gold easily in like two runs I mean how I I I mean heck I just made probably 2,000 plus gold maybe more just from this barb kit alone you know it's uh all I can say is don't all I can say is don't give up like it takes time to learn this game I uh I I don't want to discourage you or anything you know I'm not and I'm not trying to say you're bad okay um just my best advice I could give is it just takes a lot of practice man read my YouTube chat uh what did I miss uh wait what did I miss over 40 knowledge yeah so I'll do that Holy St going to slap harder I hope iron M doesn't Nerf it swing speed and Pen beat plus damage this is meta yeah I think penetration is really good maybe even better than plus damage can agree sell it back to him wait shall was this your barb kit did I kill you uh I could use the shield from the Barb oh oh oh ranor that's you oh this is you're them oh shoot okay do you want to buy this barb kit back I don't know exactly what it's worth but if you want to offer me a fair price I'll sell it back to you right now just to save me time selling it up to you uh let me know uh if you can sure if you want to sell it honestly most of it's relative cheap cuz no one prices armor well uh yeah that's that's perfectly fine just offer me a fair price um I I don't really like the round Shield I think the round Shield is just not a better Shield it is really good it's man do I use it just for the armor that is a lot of armor maybe I should do that that's like what that's bringing me from like what 71% to 76 I think that's pretty darn good maybe I will do that yeah yeah I don't like the round Shield very much I think the heater Shield's better but just for the purposes of the stats and it's a little bit more move speed yeah I I think that's fine yeah so you fig that's what plus 15 16% plus the magic resistance is kind of nice too that's hilarious you bought it for that cheap that's crazy all right um rankor I'm going to play another game if you want to tell me what you want to buy this kit back for uh let me just give me a price and uh I'll do it after this game if you want 500 is definitely too cheap I mean the the ring the tricket are pretty decent as long as it's a fair price I'll sell it back to you I don't really care it's really just to save it's really just to be nice if you want to get your kit back quick and easy it's a very punishing game yeah very true toas the uh this game is very punishing and it takes a while to learn how to play it yourself by the way it's worth noting uh when I built this kit I had the thought process that this might counter that Barbarian Build it is really cool it's really cool to see really I'm glad I was not wrong oh my God 76 Jesus 76 oh my God that's good good Lu th000 gold that's probably okay rank cor 1,000 gold but not the shield and that's okay all right as long as that's agreeable with you I'll I'll trade you the full kit back minus the shield for 1,000 yeah um how much damage did those holy strikes do to you Rancor it had to do a good bit cuz I have I have magic penetration all right sounds good RT just don't go anywhere as soon as this game's over I'll trade you all right so I don't know like 5 10 minutes holy crap no shot you had you had 70% MDR and I was hitting you for 30% each hit oh my God that is nuts Jesus nobody ever nobody tell me that Magic Pen isn't a good stat nobody can tell me that one it's all Magic Pen baby makes a big difference oh my God please I hate when the like they like walk away just slowly enough that I can't kill them oh I didn't mean to bring these I don't need them as play I ran you know I got to know did you uh did you try to get into my game or was it a was it a coincidence uh staff is glowing because of uh faithfulness any death yet nope I have not died yet ranky i% coincidence I said it when you weren't reading chat 4 you inspired you to play oh no you played one game and ran into me unlucky that is so unlucky ranor I am not exaggerating when I say that if you didn't run into me you probably could have ran that kit for hours I I I'm not even kidding that kit is so good against most players because they don't because they don't it's either they don't have the the kit to they don't have the kit to protect themselves and be able to kill it or they don't like understand or realize how strong it is [Music] you no no no the black skeleton is minus magic resist ranky J it might be faster to just rest for Holy strikes back I had to you can't let Wizards win man Wizards counter this build like do you there is absolutely no way no it's not evil he counters this class no dude it's not evil at all you're uh you're nuts it a naked wizard will do almost full damage to this build I have 22% magic resist I'm I'm not exaggerating Wizards are really scary it's not like I'm playing Barb and I have 70% on both resistances I have a very big weakness [Music] take I have to rest anyway oh oh that's really good like I haded oh well we have 76% PDR guys right do you guys understand so so back to the old topic of how armor scales uh 76% PDR is four times effective HP okay so my health total at 119 multiply that by four so we have 476 effective Health in just PDR that's that's how that scales it's it's crazy man not even considering the fact that people are hitting limb shots and whatever else was there a portal oh wait I think you're right wait a minute hold up thank you for reminding me I I forgot oh shoot thank you yep good call good call good call yeah this gets about 2500 gold a big part of the sunken uh a big part of the cost is the Rings just the gear itself is only like 1,500 gold if you if you didn't have the trinkets for the damage uh it would be cheaper but of course it wouldn't be as good that b had some really decent gear all right uh are you ready to buy your uh Barbarian kit back I'll sell it to you here in a second all right yep all right rankor sounds good let me just let me just clear my uh space a little bit or you know let me just sell these three things and I'll be good okay all right uh utility poo okay sounds good oh I guess I don't even have to search there's like no one here Paul po I tried to do hey dton I appreciate that man thank you I'm glad that you enjoy the game play I haven't used try chat in so long it feels so it feels so funny to me all right I kind of wanted that pen then I didn't realize that was yours keep the clo is payment and we can call it even all right this clo is probably worth about the same it's pretty good you've been watching all your bar videos and started trying to level up your bar but the XP is abysmal yep yeah it is it's abysmal all right now you keep living my dream as a cleric hey man I uh I like to play what I like to play I don't I don't like to play meta I make my own builds and I can tell you what this build feels very good yeah no problem ranker it saves me time too so I appreciate it yeah I didn't realize the necklace was yours this thing is it's way too good to not use for claric it's like you know how hard it is to find a a trinket like that very hard way harder than it should be judgment seems really good if you don't know uh judgment scales with spellcasting speed so judgment works like that it's so quick I Missed The Dashing boots with armor oh oh oh you mean I didn't grab them yeah sorry I didn't I yeah I would have G I would I didn't even realize I didn't grab them but my bad I'm sure you'll find a cheap pair though no one yeah people aren't pricing that stuff properly so it's not a huge deal right uh guys I'll be back in a second and I will keep going all right yeah I don't think I looted on Rancor uh I don't go to hell C2 because solos it's it's solo Trio now I can't go to Crips with other solos and I don't want to fight trios I want to fight solos that's why for all righty um I think we're pretty much good right I don't think I have to change anything I want to see if I can see my exact damage in this uh Lobby the game start real quick yeah I I can't even I can't even test up my gear like I guess oh yeah no ranky different different rankor I guess pretty sure someone can spawn right behind this door don't know if it's guaranteed but I know I've seen people spawn there oh my God oh my God look at my health no no did you did he do one damage no oh my god oh no cannot believe damn I ate the shot just to try to get in here before he left I can I can eat the damage he's it's okay I tried isn't that crazy how much damage you can eat I I you don't even have to care about mobs they're basically just non existent there's still room for improvement [Music] too I can't hit [Music] him you [Laughter] oh my God [Music] oh my god dude I don't know what was happening I couldn't hit him I swear my hits I don't know what it is with that damn demon form but it is so hard to hit them at least with the flange mace so funny he didn't even have that good gear man what did you watch um yes why I kill yummy wait was that yumy wait wait no that wasn't yummy right oh my God that was yummy oh my God that's even better rest in peace saw me it's even better oh [Music] man yeah uh what was I what was I saying yeah demon form I don't know I feel like they're really hard to hit I I don't know I did I killed him yesterday but he wasn't geared at all like he was literal starter kit he was talking about how cleric was terrible for solos oh that's some justice right [Music] there I'm just thinking about what I want to take here oh no I have too much gear I I I can't I want this thing but I I I can't take it hey yummy GG man I have never had a fight like that in my entire time playing this game I don't know what it was but I could not hit your I could not hit you it I don't know what it is with that damn hit box but the flange mace it was it was rough GG though man I I didn't think I'd ever see the day where I sat there and healed through somebody attacking me it's just oh man that's I just I can't get over it I think it's just the Rogue left so it should be pretty pretty easy you know it's terrible but I swear they're so hard to kill between the health they get the armor they get it's so hard yeah demon form gives me a lot of trouble I don't know what it is but I I swear even like non-gear demon form players it feels like I can't kill them sometimes man I I need my uh I need my extra stash tab ASAP man block their claws you can trade one for zero yeah that's true I don't really know what I yeah I don't really know why I didn't block I think I just got in the zone of like I'll just DPS check him I probably should have blocked though you're right you're you're you're probably right there I just I just I I thought he would die I thought he he just I don't know I just I thought he would I I don't know man stop dude who the hell wasted a million gold selling some dude what what are you doing that me all right so mine is about the same as this but this is not selling I guess it's obviously too high I'm going to do like half we'll do like 299 wrong one man hate when I do that well stuff really does not sell does it unless it's a good roll nothing sells all right let me grab my healing I should be pretty much good to go I think for that's true when um as the fight was going when I realized that he was still hitting me and he wasn't backing away and my health was getting low I had the realization that my PDR was probably that things were not going to go well for me I considered using the I'm considering using the Warhammer instead I really don't like the I don't know man CL weapons just kind of suck what ring is he want oh I'm running uh knowledge rings Master uh knowledge rings with plus three magic damage dude spellcasting speed makes your Sanctuary kind of nutty you heal so fast it's almost silly you're running blues and purples with 51% no Shield yep y well gamer that's that's how it is man you just got to get you get some okay rolls and it's really easy to build uh p man even 51% is really good though 50 is kind of the thresh where it starts to feel like a pretty big difference have I tried no spell you y I have not dope I don't like no spell personally not a huge fan uh I can't see no I can't see it oh it's okay we took one damage I guess I'll use a pot whatever [Music] [Music] this guy's not going to fight me is he oh he's stripping well I can't uh whatever Lord he's stripping naked oh man can't catch that that's for sure first day you managed a 36 STX melee cleric recorder staff and got two tapped yeah I think PDR is uh the best thing to build right now the resistance is just too strong not the Run yeah 57 to 60 is a pretty good point gamer I I promise you that threshold will make all the difference compared to 30 30 is trash 30 30 PDR is is so bad that it's barely worth the move speed [Music] loss [Music] [Music] am I going to die just from lack of like all these people [Music] no [Music] holy crap that barb was running my build that was the that was like the big juicy MDR PDR build I wanted to kill him but things are crazy I need a campire like ASAP dude I just want to fire why is there one single spider in here please don't let that wizard come that wizard will will destroy me if I don't have holy strikes I I actually need that wizard to not mosy on over here for about one minutes right side I think if you have extra if you have when you have a lot of knowledge you uh get your spells back relatively quickly that was a that was insane at least they didn't all team on me but that damn wizard man I was hoping the wizard would not go for me but I had I had the that's just crazy that was crazy I'm I'm so glad that wizard didn't Focus me I was so scared I would I was I I was I was ready to die there I think the campfire skin looks pretty good though oh that was you Ranger or you did you die or did you leave cuz I was trying to kill you man MAA Vista [Music] [Music] Le I can't do this that guy was one shot yeah [Music] why do this guy do so much damage dude did you see the damage he did holy crap did he have like armor pen wow there you go anyone telling me that this that PDR is op just use armor pen holy crap that did a lot of damage no dude I think it's all I don't think it's I don't think it's damage I think it's all armor pen man that wizard was so he is so lucky if I Was a Race Car type build he would have been dunzo but I I was not unfortunately I don't think well Rings really sell just going to vendor it that was a crazy game man at least we didn't die I got really close I was getting I was very worried we were going to be gone that game that wizard had plus all in all pieces holy crap man that would have been nice to kill that guy that's unfortunate I wonder if that barb was running Reckless strike you know what I bet that barb had Reckless strike I'm almost positive I'm thinking about it and I he did too much damage even with armor pen to make sense the only thing I can think of is is reckless which is crazy cuz I no one uses it but I can't think of any oh I don't want to fight all I forgot this they never reduce the map the counter for those mobs on the normal [Music] map there's nowhere to go yes Reckless is like Max armor uh so it yeah you will uh you'll just completely ignore the effects of this build that's why I was saying like the amount of damage he did it makes me it really makes me think that he had a reckless I I mean there's no way for me to check but I have a pretty good gauge of like how much damage I expect people to do and that barb was not it that's true but uh he I don't know he was not dying L ma is really not that great of a weapon I I should probably change it but I don't know yeah no I think Reckless attack is really bad but it's good against this build funny enough we're doing magic damage not uh physical so he doesn't even have like the same he doesn't even have like the downside but I'm not hitting him at least oh my God please these bats hitting like their wings constantly favorite cleric weapon none of them I don't like any cleric weapons to be honest with you uh the it's like the best of the worst kind of deal probably the club I probably should put the club back on I might do that after this game I think I'd have way more walk and melee combat I just wanted to give the flame a try but Club really is just so much better really all right after this game I'm going to put on the club decided how are you still alive you're on the Trap he's in the Trap why how are you not dying and he's gone I'm not going to chase the wizard no I think you're right hard [Music] probably true too I probably am better with the club than the blange ma it's also a lot easier to hit players I should go back yeah I probably will go back to Club after this game you guys convinced me where's this body uh oh no I didn't mean to throw that I don't see his body I must have wait I killed him in a different spot didn't I oh my God I'm so dumb it's right there I thought I killed him I thought I don't know why I told I killed him on this little area I was wrong oops my throwable uh well I'm using the great Helm because the knowledge has been really really good oh man man oh man unlucky oh my God okay that was fun I didn't think I'd actually get him with that I think that might be the first molly kill I've ever gotten on this game I almost never use him I'd be so mad if I were [Music] him clip that uh I can't clip it you all are welcome to clip it you can do I think you could do a twitch clip if anyone if any of you are on my twitch chat right now you can clip it if you like oh my God [Music] GG don't y'all ever tell me earthquake sucks in solos dude there's two clips of one match beautiful that was fun all right if that match doesn't help me convince you to like the stream then I guess nothing will so if you don't mind doing that you know i' appreciate it there you go that was so good like genuine that was actually so good I can't believe earthquake actually came in handy I've been wanting dude I have been wanting to use earthquake successfully so long no I didn't kill Glock but I almost did unless he died in the storm I got him one shot but he he ran off I couldn't catch him cuz I had PDR PDR is very very slow I I'm going to be able to get my third stash tab here soon more luck I don't need luck most of my money comes from PvP anyway oh hey Roxy thanks for the clips appreciate it man would you multi class with so here's my thought is the multiclass to get Iron Will and become more sturdy against magic I think that would be very very helpful personally I don't even know how much this would be worth looks like a good bit but this stuff isn't selling all right am I good I think so my my tab is going to be real full real [Music] soon man oh man I need this tab hopefully we can get it soon all right I think I'm good right you know what I should do I should change this Splendid cloak for a knowledge cloak it might be expensive though but that would be that would be a good upgrade oh the club no I forgot the club I forgot the club oh it's okay i' I've made do for three hours what's another game damn it what's one more game it's fine surely we won't die because I don't have a club right the problem I have with weapon Mastery is I don't think um I don't think it's worth a perk slot man there's too many good perks there's too many good perks that cleric needs and I don't think weapon Master is on the list of uh things that I would want to take Mall no no we need the shield uh this whole build relies on the on the armor coming from our Shield so that wouldn't be worth it do need a club though I'm I'm a little upset with myself for forgetting that what are you going to do [Music] I'm not friendly sir you're not going to fight me are [Music] you dude what is up with these demon locks eating all this health I I I swear these demon locks are are scrolling with me I I must not there maybe that maybe dem's really good I might have to give that a try at some point he does have plate on but still dude I feel like someone pops even form him and I just can't kill them that feels at least like their hit boox is wonky so it's hard to head shot them they gain all that armor and health the only bright side is I always have the option to just tank the melee and just Sanctuary myself but still how come I never fight troll uh to be honest with you it's because I like the PVP I think if I um if I was someone who if I if I did or if I did troll a lot more than I did now I feel like I wouldn't be as good at PVP and I I value I value killing players more maybe at this point I could probably learn it but the reason I never did I just didn't I'll let them fight started Leathers I'm not even sure what sted leather is to be honest with you [Music] you be [Music] I did not expect him to have more Fireballs that caught me off guard new bar bar iner um I think that oh you know what maybe I do know what that is isn't that the armor I think it only has 15 magic resist instead of 25 which was the reason I didn't use it every little bit of extra magic resist you can get feels pretty helpful for oh my goodness man yeah I think that's the first wizard I've ever seen with the uh over at least at least the first one that I've noticed has it the uh the old spell counting method doesn't work anymore that's I I I need to consider that for future fights I I didn't even it wasn't even something I thought about oh I couldn't [Music] block uh spells holy strike earthquake protection sanctuary and lesser heal I I thought earthquake was a meme but I got a kill with it just last game that was pretty cool so maybe it's not as much of the mem as I thought okay I think I'm going to just V I need to I need to I cannot just hold on to all these green things that barely sell they need to get trashed absolutely I'm going to just Fender this well do these sell you know I'll check first that's fine I need the this stash tab but so bad man I'm so close I don't I don't know how I ever made do with one stash tab back in the day I think the answer is I didn't oh wow this gear ises not I'm good wow this gear really doesn't S for too crazy either does it I feel like if it doesn't have plus two allall people just don't care at least it feels that way plus to allall or speed or any of you know any of that combination like this doesn't sell either I don't even know why I took it it's pretty good too whatever maybe someone will buy it pretty good stats too all right right oh Club oh man I almost forgot again okay I'm not is 37 Max no it's 38 kind of stat should I be looking for here I don't know but none of these seem overly good most of these stats seem quite bad oh you know what that's not bad cuz I I'll use my uh I'll use judgment sometimes with my with my weapon out so this adds a lot of damage that's good let's say that's a win I did it I got the club don't worry I remembered I almost forgot but I didn't that's what matters yeah I need to go through the jewelry a lot of it's probably going to get vendored ranky but it takes time to sift through jewelry so I kind of figured I would just you know I figured I would just do that off stream after I'm done uh where do I want to go go this way is Club good yeah I think the club is better I tried the flag ma but the club is just so much better man I tried I really tried to make use of a different weapon but oh my God it's a magical Club oh oh it was a magical Club there we go me m you'll be [Music] honestly I I just figured I'd save the holy strike so I don't have the rest I didn't really feel like it as soon as I saw the naked B I just kind of like I don't know I just didn't feel like I needed to waste the spell I do have to still sit for the protection though but it's okay I get protection really fast with knowledge gear I mean he came after me I didn't even I wasn't even like being like overly aggressive at first but he's the one who opened that door he found out damn is this build going to end up better than my Barb build it seems really hard for me to say that's the case cuz I feel like my Barb build is just so strong that would just go to show how absolutely insane gear is like builds and gear in general I can make a build better than Barb build gross this guy's probably gone a he I considered the Warhammer specifically because of the armor penetration but I really hate that weapon you're super Lake to the party can you explain how PDR Works haven't looked at all so basically they introduced a bunch of additional armor and armor resistance rolls on gear like you can roll higher amounts like for example this Shield 25 Armor Plus very high physical damage reduction because of that armor scaling you can get to very high armor periods that make you feel immune to damage if I I actually think cleric build beats the Barb build but I think the bar build is better against magic users so take your pick far better cuz it requires less skill yeah the Barb probably does require less skill and less downtime too you don't have to sit there and constantly campfire or anything which is which is a win for a lot of players I do like the club so much better I don't even know why I tried to reinvent the wheel whatever you want to call it I I I tried to use a different weapon but silly me well stat-wise it's better to have a it's better to be even on MDR and PDR but cleric has more PDR and I feel like just in general because of the healing you have is just better oh yeah I'm sure yeah demon locks I should be easier I dude I could not hit that I could not hit the demon locks to save my life man I don't have to kill this it's not even in circle well it's that easy I guess he's a brave soul though give him that I think most of this gear is not worth selling you know what I'm going to I'm going to stay away from most gear because I just don't feel like selling it until I get more space unless it's really good stats yeah like I don't know I I just don't I don't know what I feel like most stuff is just so hard to sell right now man oh shoot I almost forgot that that would have been a Mis play I think I would say this is probably good enough all right let's get out of here yeah yeah the fou will yep that's the bar boy Viking for squishies and club for everybody else pretty much I'm growing one hell of a jewelry collection over here probably open my own shop oh and it has plus damage that that should be a pretty easy sell so it's 40 plus 2 H that's not quite as good as you think it would be there's probably like a little under that 500 away how's the games uh great clay haven't died a single time killed some pretty geared players too can't complain oh my God stop making fun of my jewelry I have to I have to organize it man it's hard to organize when I don't have a third stash tab okay okay most of it will just end up getting vendored if it doesn't sell if it doesn't sell for at least I don't know like 70 gold plus I just it's trash I'm not going to I'm not going to put a green Jew on the market for 30 gold it might not it it's just yeah most of it is going to get vendored yeah unless it has good stats do you play Barb after cleric what do you mean I play both classes [Applause] just stole my XP Skelly you destroying stats uh 76% PDR and then plus 12 magic damage is what we're running right [Applause] now I told you yeah PDR is really good you know what though I don't think PDR is busted isn't that what everyone wanted doesn't everybody want fights to be longer like if everybody can build PDR doesn't that mean that every fight becomes a longer fight like isn't isn't that a good thing don't we don't we want to get away from the move speed damage meta you know and how do you get away from that meta by making it so people don't die in Two Hits if everyone can build PDR then I I think that's good I think that's better for the game but I agree and the reality is that running anything under like 40% PDR is garbage and all it does is make you slow and then you get kited by people who build move speed and damage you you are not tanky enough to eat damage if your PDR is anything under like 50 even 50 is like the baable sometimes if they have really high damage and any amount of armor pen will completely negate it anyway I think I think I don't know man I I'm oh Bard I don't want to Agro the [Music] Mage I don't know if he's going to ever push I don't know I guess I'll just loot oh he sits there and plays like 18 songs I'm not going to push across the Trap and then Agro the Mage I don't have magic resist so that's probably not a smart idea maybe I'll go maybe I'll go down and around maybe that's the play oh yeah win last Ranger could be tough for sure only takes one shot you're dunzo it's just armor pad in general really have no idea where that bir went my club sinky oh it's glowing because of faithfulness oh that bar yeah that bar absolutely just ran off and left these mobs true penetrating shot also counters there are a lot of counters right now just it revolves around like ways to it involves a way to play that people aren't used to doing such as building armor pen Magic Pen or using or like armor penti weapons you know well the thing hopefully it's not as bad as the uh stinky stick is cuz that's like one of the worst uniques in the game man the effect on it is not great wow parked all the way around I never found that bar I really thought I would oh that's only strongest class not be in right well there you go [Music] oh oh oh portal or Rogue or Rogue man casting speed want us that fight without cast speed he shuts that door and we and we don't get the that's it yeah I think I'm just going a vendor it didn't sell it's okay yes I did it Dash tab there you go oh no ly are you serious I'm sorry what do you mean fix cleric you were running ma booty you were running Ma you were running minus magic resistance gear man it you're you're literally running the you're running the class that gets countered by Magic it it has nothing to do with the class it has everything to do with the fact that you have a fine curas on that loses you magic resistance so you're going to get you you know that's just how it is it's like it's like it's like playing PDR fighter and going why do these Wizards kill me so fast but it's because it's magic damage man as a fighter you have access to a build you know you have access to the PDR build that makes you extremely hard to kill in you know a melee you know just just like cleric does oh there's more uh there's way more Fighters than there is clerics true yeah you you have access to one of the most broken builds in the entire game playing uh playing fighter and complaining about another class is um I don't know man I think Slayer fighter with armor pen would be pretty good yeah I think so with all the because with all the PDR I think it makes like normal Slayer fighter probably worse on the higher end when people start getting gear but armor pen can make a really big difference and you can build it so easy too grab like 30% magic or uh ohow I was hoping this guy would push [Music] that was a fun little Captain Mouse SK I think someone's fighting the uh troll I'll go for a counter after I rest for a minute yeah so that entire fight I was just praying he would just walk you know straight towards me cuz with earthquake if he's getting attacked by a mob he will quite literally just vanish cuz he won't be able to move and he'll either get hit by the mob or he'll get you know insta killed by earthquake take your pick so that was the plan I just he just he he he was smart enough not to do that whether he knew it or not that was a could play I don't I I don't think he knew I had earthquake he was be scared a holy strike that would make more sense you think it looks better than Barb I don't know ma'am it's I don't know [Music] [Music] there he goes yeah damn it man I don't have time for troll I'd rather kill the fighter damn it man I had that fighter man man I got one judgment off he was done I don't think we're going to come across that fighter again are we I don't care about him to be honest with you yeah man I'm telling you that fighter got super lucky damn man he's gone he's long gone that sucks so much I don't know if that was him or not but [Music] damn hey look at that there he [Music] is C me off guard I didn't get a chance at least I got my protection off but I didn't have a chance to use my other stuff hiding in the darkest corner bad close but doesn't matter a lot of the stuff isn't going to sell like these these items I don't think sell not no they don't sell well enough at least I'll organize this stuff uh off stream a little later there's a lot of organizing I'll I'll have to do here and it's going to take some time probably most vendoring all right ranor I'll catch you later mant yeah The Shield's been pretty good I don't know if um I don't know if the shield made enough of a difference in that fight or not but it might have 76% PDR is no joke man also man I really do like the club club just seems way better pyen was that you were you the fighter I was chasing you the I tried so hard to get you before you got away I didn't I kind of thought you left I
Channel: Firebox
Views: 2,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hLP4S5UtzOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 258min 40sec (15520 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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