Level 15 Budget Kit Rogue NO HIDE | Solo Dark and Darker

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e e e e e e hey everybody welcome welcome I am just about ready to go just give me one second hey Christ overs how you doing man welcome welcome Hey clay how you doing all right fellas I finally got everything set up how you guys doing tonight hopefully you guys are doing okay I'm doing pretty well clay thanks for asking hey what's my least favorite class probably Bard I think I think B is pretty cumbersome to play all right so I got level 15 earlier on my rogue and I went ahead and did some Market selling vendoring etc etc after I hit 15 so I finally got myself organized I bought my third stash tab got some additional gear sets as well I am planning to run a no hide variant of Rogue some people have been asking me to play Rogue so I figured hey you know what why not let's do that tonight I am going to be doing the Stiletto dagger build with Cutthroat and rupture going to be doing dagger Mastery poisoned weapon thrust and jokester and of course the hand crossbow cuz we no longer need to use a perk for it which is quite nice uh that said I am using pretty budget builds I pretty much just used all the money I had to build just somewhat decent kits I try to get stuff that has additional speed Health total Etc and I did manage to get some damage items while I was in the dungeon and I do have a few spares hopefully these games go all right I don't really have a lot of extra gold I did get a golden key from skeleton Champion so if I need money I could always vendor that off as well well Market it off as well and I think that's pretty much it I don't think I have anything else to do sitting at 321 move speed 113 Health hopefully I don't get instantly killed because Rogue is very squishy and dies in one shot so good luck good luck just killed an all stat stacking Bard in my very nice Justin very nice wonder what my damage is right now 70 that's not bad see Rogue H cleric PDR oh it's trash it's like 16% basically not existent this is not a armored rogue build this is a speed and damage type build it's really easy to hit high damage on Rogue now since they buff these as soon as they buff the starting stat it it doesn't take much gold maybe like a th maybe 1,500 gold and you can get pretty good damage kits hey ranky how you doing man I haven't played on stream in quite a while little bit different for sure I'm used to being able to just kind of face tank everybody probably going to have to play a little bit smarter than I normally do you lost your roog K Happ I think for primar like primarily for looting probably going to go for chests mini bosses that's kind of the plan and then we'll kind of do PVP along the way yeah I think can crossbow is there's no reason not to use one now I think the change was a good one to make Rogue be able to not have to use a perk I think having to use a perk for a just worse weapon than the regular crossbow was a mistake I think the only reason they did it was because how oppressive the double jump robe was back in the day but we don't have that problem anymore at least not not without ruins being in the old that's for sure I think it was more of a map issue than a rogue issue I'm going to head up and do the set aede real quick what kind of classes are you guys seeing in your dungeons I'm curious about uh I'm curious if the if the Caster meta is still a thing because casters are a thing I've kind of been leaning away from my fighter PDR build and I'm kind of thinking the Cutthroat or the magic resist barbarian builds wow sick bat dude that's a damn good thing to get from a bat I don't even loot those things I no it's insane fighers quer warlocks I think this I think Rog is probably weak against uh CL at least I think if you catch a clad C well I guess we don't have though so our mag different rupture sucks against actually really bad digital magic that's not bad those are pretty decent rolls think a ton of warlocks yeah I'm not surprised I think you're right you have an MDR rogue build with Cutthroat really MDR build that's that does sound crazy that sounds nuts hopefully it's working out for you I don't play Rogue a whole lot so this build is uh probably not optimized by any means pretty much just kind of running it I do know my big weakness is being squishy here cannot absorb a lot of damage invis Bots if I get one more knowledge I can use invis Poots that's all I need is one knowledge honestly it's probably worth it getting that one knowledge to run those I probably should do that you have 50ish MDR that's not bad man for a road that's quite good you should be able to survive quite a bit depending on what your health total is of course [Applause] you were trying to use dissidence on Bard yeah I've seen some bards use dissidence but it's pretty rare I don't see very many of them do it most of them just run the 10 songs seems to be the meta right now for them makes sense so cuz songs are just so strong I really just can't get into Bard man I can't do it every time I try B I just I just don't have fun I really just don't enjoy playing it too much this gear isn't really sellable not really worth it could go for Royal cofin but I'm not worried about it right now you know I agree with you I do think dissonance is the right play I'm not sure why you wouldn't use dissonance or I don't know why you wouldn't use 10 spell or 10 song what I meant to say I don't know why yeah I really don't know why you wouldn't almost feels silly they bar but it's tiring yeah I I'm I'm inclined to agree with you there I do think it can be kind of a tiring class to play a fire through here yeah damn this Rogue is going to mess up my fight shoot that sucks I think I I think I could have K I think I could have killed that barb no creep nah n n I'm not trying to use creep my goal isn't to play stealthy in these games not with creep at least I'd rather have the raw stats damn I wanted the I think I I think I had that bar but I think I was out playing him pretty well but too late now he's going to get healed up I can't do it with that Rogue there I don't want to get third partied what stats did you need to comfortly play this uh I can go over my stats a little bit after this game uh both on basically I'm looking for enough additional damage so I don't hit like a wet noodle and I'm looking for like just enough Vigor and strength so I can actually play the game as well a little bit of mixture of both cow drops those are no absolutely not why would you ever use those make them unlimited use and then maybe I'll consider it and even then it's probably still not worth it even if they're Unlimited damn I really think I could have killed that Barb I think I had him down to at least at least 2/3 Health at best even with potion suger feels kind of bad well the rest of this game is going to be just trying to get out of this game I think great where the other roog go GG Barb all I know let's get Let's uh let's get get the portal dude I'm telling you guys people been people have been complaining about Rogue being so trash and I think it's just that people don't play right not to like dog on people for how they play the game but I think Rogue is actually not as bad as people say it is I just destroyed that barb [ __ ] wait what what happened I like I froze for a minute I'm getting like am I going to die because of uh game lag wait what do I do my game is lagging did you see that I'm going to die because of the lag no man did you see bro I'm actually going to die cuz of lag oh my God man dude I'm going to die cuz of lag I of all the ways to die dude come on I literally I he rubber banded like 5et in the middle of the fight what the hell am I supposed to do I I I I mean okay nice servers I guess dude literally rubber banded so hard and then I just couldn't do anything that's so annoying okay well I guess I guess that's how I lose my kit huh I guess it would have changed a lot I have armor pen I don't care care about his plate armor I literally I literally froze and rubber banded like he rubber banded 5T in the opposite direction I mean what am I supposed to do there no I could have killed that guy if I didn't rubber band like that that's crazy yeah that that's nuts yeah that's so unfortunate man what a what a dumb way what a dumb way to lose my kit man that's that's so lame I literally went to punish that guy after I hit him with cut throat and then I just completely just froze there was nothing I could do I I don't know what I was supposed to do there I got I got screwed by the game did he switch me I I probably not but damn it sure sucks I guess it's just the servers God damn man I didn't even get I I just I feel like I I feel like I just got screwed there I don't know what I was supposed to do well man if uh if that's going to be uh if that's going to be how the games are today that's going to be a real sad ordeal real sad indeed yeah that looks wild I don't that that was something was definitely wrong there something was definitely wrong with whatever happened in that fight I don't really understand it but it yeah something something was being weird yeah that sucks I feel like I played that pretty well like for the I feel like I played pretty well against the Barbarian and I just kind of got screwed by the uh by the servers all right well I guess we just go again huh yeah anything no I don't think so surge kit healing well hopefully I don't get five hopefully I don't get super crazy rubber banding like that again yeah dude I I thought I was going to kill him and he completely just teleported across my screen I have no idea what I was supposed to do there well I'll I'll work on some things on the uh twitch I'll try to get some bots in there so you can do some things I just haven't gotten around to it yet man what is I don't mind dying to PVP but I do dislike dying to what feels like just server problems also that barb has pretty good gear too man oh this is just like random budget gear man this is just stuff that I found in the dungeon I don't really have anything specific yet but I would say probably what that hit me I would say probably move speed move speed and damage on your gloves is what you're looking for I'm stuck I'm stuck on the that's how it's going to be today isn't it I'm going to get that this is how today's going to be isn't it I couldn't move I got literally stuck there well that's how it's going to be that's how it's going to be sick oh sick literally completely stuck on nothing I I had space to move and I just couldn't move oh this is going to be a fun day even killed him too but it doesn't matter I think his dark reflection did more damage to me than I even I I'm pretty sure the dark reflection is the most BS skill in this entire game Dark reflection is needs to be completely ripped away from this game it has no reason to be in the game and and no one can change my mind a a skill that activates and punishes you for melee combat makes no sense it just doesn't fit in this game it never has and it never will it will not be better till they remove it from the game not that it matters I killed him I just got stuck in the corner so I couldn't move so that kind of screwed me over all right well I guess we go again huh I guess so why did these get so expensive are people just finally deciding to use lockpicks instead of sell them maybe all right well uh good luck I guess good luck I suppose surely we can't die three times in a row all right so we got a rubber band death that was completely needless then we got a stuck in the corner and couldn't move death uh what's next what's next are we going to get spawn rushed Maybe I am I am impressed I'm genuinely impressed by uh by the BS man that we found already oh yeah I mean of course yeah yeah I mean that's just that that's just l roog just has low HP the amount you have to sacrifice I mean we we'd have to be more kitted like these are budget builds I I haven't gone to the market and sat and found Like Biscuits Rogue doesn't have good health unless you really build for it and you need way way more expensive gear if we're going to be running that that's kind of the point we even have uh Health rolls too I have health rolls on my attire I have reinforced blood I have a Vigilant cloak and leather cap but it doesn't matter now it all went downhill in the very first game when I had that when I had that warlock probably dead and then I froze and he teleported backwards by feet I I think it's all going to go downhill from that game it's like bad first game Omen right there especially after outplaying the hell out of that Barbarian completely destroyed him and he had gear and it didn't matter yeah know there's a reason Rogues get one tapped by like everybody in the entire game because we have no Health your HP total is very very low there's not a whole lot you can really do about it I mean I'm already running a bunch of vigor gear and it still doesn't matter I mean there's obviously more I could do but my Vigor is 19 it's not like it's zero no strength so a little lacking even I should probably try to I should probably look at my pieces and organize a little bit better get a little bit more damage with this kit preferably i' rather be it [Music] all right Mr Wizard what are we doing here uh he's gone oh he's getting the entire Lobby on him I hate this room I think this might be the worst uh room in Goblin caves you walk around a little bit and you have like 18 mobs it's so fun hey simul yeah yeah I'm on switch now as well all well I guess we can't fight that wizard yeah I've always hated that room I've hated it since I mean since it got added into the game that was like the bane of my early High Roller games I remember everyone used to just Camp their all game it was such a pain cuz the circle worked a little bit differently than it does now I don't know I guess we just have different ideas or same ideas I mean yeah yeah yeah we're this has been working really well for me off stream but uh I get I got really really unlucky in two games like the first two games we played was just stupid unlucky so H you know it just is what it is lag the first game and then the second game I got I killed the guy and then I got stuck in the corner by uh by the centipede that I was trying to kill honestly hide hide Rogue is just not fun it's a very unengaging like gameplay like it's just it's just I don't know why I don't know how anyone I don't know how anyone finds it fun like sitting in Corners all game and just like sitting and hide and waiting for free kills I just don't find it particularly engaging if I'm going to play Rogue I'm going to play it this way to actually like play the game I've never really been a fan of hide doesn't go through that apparently all right that's not anyway mooving on use dude you could do that yeah you could literally just run Ambush and hide as like a like a Sprint SL like damage dealer it's worth considering doing that but then you have to take all these extra perks to make height actually like worth using I'm to really show him seems like a pretty dud game do we just leave I guess yeah I just would to sleep I it really wasn't like that great of a game but it's too late in the circle to worry about it oh my God man has tumble that's fun let's get some additional physical damage gloves cuz right now we're a little bit negative I'd rather not be there I think you can roll three on gloves right W these get expensive these weren't these went up in price they weren't this expensive earlier but I mean it's not a big deal we have the money it's not a problem just be nice if they had better uh secondary stats but looks like that's just going to be how it is that's all right it's fine we need the we need the health or we need the uh we need the strength total so it's it's not the end of the world uh I made like I made probably like 25,000 gold from 1 to 15 it's super easy Rogue is literally a money printer in this game if you play Rogue you can literally make as much money as you want it's it's absurdly easy to do once you learn how to play the class I didn't even use hide I've been using cut throat and rupture for the entire for the entirety of my 1 to 15 just I literally just rush players and rush like the bosses like the bosses in the chest and that's pretty much all I do the moment you get out of starter here you can kill players Berg is not as bad as people act like it is just cuz I died twice to unlucky things doesn't make this a bad [Music] class you don't even need the lock pick per there's really no reason to use that I'd rather have a PVP per ha I hate the son of people poison it gets so it gets so hard to uh it's like this area it's so tiny all right we're Rogue and we can kill very very fast so it's not even a problem everything's a money printer I mean yeah every class could be a money printer how much do you spend on kits somewhere between like 1 to 1.5k nothing too crazy usually uh you know I've heard some people have been going like magical damage but I haven't personally tried that with Rogue but I am considering giving it a go cuz it could be fun how was Rogue I've been having a lot of success with Rogue man I thought that was a guaranteed lion's head I guess it's not that room is only good for one lion just and it's in a really inconvenient spot so I'm just not going to worry about it plus 16 was taking 15 poison when you say 15 poison what does that mean like every single hit does uh does 15 poison damage I've never really tried a magic road build so that's kind of uh out of my territory wait does oh sh Wait does it does it go one for one scaling yeah how does it how does poison weapons scale you get one damage and then it's over that 4 seconds so it would be what 16 damage over 4 seconds or four per second yeah maybe I'll give that a try at some point could be fun it's entire oh really I'm not really like a huge fan of the uh like the range only type gameplay but I don't know I could consider it I've always been more of a fan of actual melee in this game that's why I usually play like bar or cleric CU I don't have to worry about like spamming crossbow and rang all the game seems like it could be fun though maybe I'll give that a try can't believe I didn't kill him also a Miss like a he's probably one shot oh these are some garbage garbage drops wonder if I should invest in luck stat I I prefer to be better at PVP than stacking luck but I could consider it although the the thought it it it kills me thinking of like taking a stat over luck like why would you ever do that why why would I why would I take a stat in like why would I want like not move speed but instead luck it just doesn't even make sense I don't know why you would ever do that I'd rather be better PVP than find like slightly better loot you know it's actually possible I could kill that fighter uh I have armor pen kind of a waste of a PO but yeah I I could kill that guy but maybe not in a straight one one fight I just have to play smart wonder where he's going to go I think I need to catch him off guard to kill him but I do I do think it's possible question is which way is he going to come from I'm not sure yeah I well I know the ice Caverns yeah I know the pile on Ice Caverns is really good especially for money but I'm not really trying to on V2 people all day that fighter just didn't push at all did he he didn't like he didn't even I'm surprised I tried creep and people were still walking straight towards me like they had ESP so I stopped using it it happened three games in a row I literally went two rooms away from somebody creeping the entire way and when I the moment I got up closer to him and I was in viz well ahead of time he walked straight towards me and hit me I swear I swear people are esping and it it's not worth it I I don't know any other explanation for the stuff that I was seeing yeah where' that fighter go that I cannot believe he didn't chase at all he's just gone this guy's done oh my God are you serious that's so unlucky great and now we have the uh PDR fighter this is really annoying he bers I mean that warlock was I I I forgot about the static whatever at least we lived I didn't expect the I didn't expect to get third partied instantly from that fighter that was really really bad timing that like super wide open room I mean there there was literally nothing I could do to him that was like probably the worst possible location I could have ever had to fight him in it's okay well at least we didn't die right that's ultimately what matters look easy I dude I'm not even playing I feel like I'm getting destroyed in some of these games dude I don't know about that at least we live I forgot blue pots wow what a misplay this dude I think I think AR's servers are messing up everybody's rubber banding did you see like he's he literally teleported backwards a good like 5T just now oh what a misplay for getting a a blue pot that's so bad Rogue really needs that blue pot uh I might have to do some looting to find one you can usually get blue Pots if you search enough chest so we'll probably keep looking for them hey odd Pon how you doing man good to see it all right we're going to have to loose Stu on the zombie yeah yeah this is a speed bu hey Gordies how you man do these clouds follow you I swear they I swear they track players there's no way they don't right like they perfectly chase me I swear if they don't then it's a hilarious coincidence I can show you're after the scam they do follow up I got to figure they did that's probably not worth anything it's probably just vendor I don't think people buy I don't I don't know if people would buy that I think people are just looking for all stats convince you to play Rogue GG I'm still a little upset that the very first game I played I died to that rubber banding I feel I got to make up for that death now it's just it's just such a lame way to die I mean I guess it's about the same as crashing I I really get both of them gave me no chance of winning that fight stats you know made GE most gear worthless uh yes and no you have to know you have to know what kind of gear you're looking for if you know what gear you're looking for you can make a lot of money but yes there are a lot of there's less there's less bad rolls than there used to be cuz they squish stats they removed a lot of like really trash stats that were like redundant so I think it's actually better it's just that all stats is really good so if it's not all stats it's probably not really holy gold okay I'm I'm make a lot of fun with this way I really wish I had a blue pop man I I know it's going to screw me in one of these fights [Applause] can't hit it it was too close to the wall you can I can to uh I can to cycle this so it it doesn't do poison twice but you have to do to hit it enough times really convenient when it does and then you get really trash here and that it doesn't matter I don't even think the I don't even think plus two is necessarily as broken as people are crying that it is I mean here I am uh choosing stats that are not plus to all because I think they're actually pretty okay I feel like I'm doing just fine for not having plus all stats on my gear I think I think there's just too much gear man if if I can do it other people can too if if I can run around without plus all gear sets and still do well in my games then I don't understand why I don't understand why um also play playing the class that everyone says really bad I mean don't get me wrong like all stats would be great it's not like it wouldn't be good but I don't think you need it to play the game mid kits without plus all stats can beat kits with all stats I beat that Barbarian earlier he had all stats that yeah that barb haded quite a few all stat pieces I'm pretty sure and I mean I killed him shall play him I think people just like complaining I think there's people fighting above me is it even possible I kill this cleric without a blue poot give me a minute guys I think he was gear I think I just got a rogue kit yep J up you know what I don't even want these CIS daggers I like how that man really tried to come and loot my body he tried this guy doesn't really have anything does he oh four additional magic I think that's worth taking right all right time to get out of this game I got to I got a back up road kit to replace the one I lost get me out of here dude still I'm telling you guys St dagger is really good I love this weapon we got a dub we got a dub let's go we we finally made up for that damn uh laggy game and Bs game there you go look at that all right now I can organize my uh oh I guess I didn't grab his boots it's too late now though it's all right I can't believe he doesn't have damage on these it's still good though what all it's we still got some additional gear he had a lot of extra damage which is great true damage true damage true damage yeah it's great I mean this was like several hundred gold in rings alone which is fantastic I I can't complain about that he he deserved every bit of that for trying to steal my loot of my kill what a rogue thing to do yeah he he deserve that 100% I think I silenced him and messed him up I think I hit him first and then his whether it was this rupture or whatever just never went off I think that really helped me in that fight Rogue carries me yeah that's right not only does PDR and cleric and fighter Carry Me Now Rogue carries me too yeah that's it every class carries me in this game at least that's what people tell me you buy dashing boots now I think they I think they finally have a purpose I assume these will sell right 250 I don't know if anyone's going to pay that we'll do it on a little bit people don't understand that every class is viable yeah I think you can use gear to make every class all right so someone asked about my gear so I'm going to show it real quick uh right after I grab uh protection potions CU if I forget them again I will be sad so let me do that first okay uh so for rogue you don't need you really don't need a lot of gear grab four additional damage on your necklace it's really not that expensive grab additional damage on your rings and your cloak and then just try to stack a little bit of HP and strength to get you as close to 15 as possible with a stiletto dagger and all of a sudden you can kill pretty much every class in the game make sure you're using armor penetration whether that be through gear or the perk you need to be able to deal Armor pen to deal with the PDR glasses you have to now the meta if you come across like a PDR fight and you don't have armor pen you will actually do zero damage you either have to do that or you need to run true damage take your pick or magic you have to do one of those three armor pen true or magic um that said I find wander attire pretty good because you can go for health roll and it's pretty light gear loose trousers are pretty good as well they've always just been good cuz it's light clothing and uh that's pretty much it yeah that's it no I all right fellas I'll be back in a minute and then we'll keep going all right but yeah that's my GE silence did nothing but I didn't expect you to re-engage so fast figured you were hurt and I have time oh that was you Tam GG man for oh yeah I didn't say you were sniping man I just said I was just saying GG yeah the audacity you had to try to steal my loot he didn't hit me a single time I don't know what he was doing but yeah he didn't hit me so the audacity of you to just come in un invis and just sit there and try to steal my loot yeah you you kind of deserve that one man you you really really did deserve that how could you even no shame where is your shame apparently you don't have any you didn't kill that guy I did you can't you can't have that silly man silly man nice try nice try yeah no T this build is made for damage and we're doing 73 base damage and I have like a super mid kit right now Noah that is a wild thing to say but I bet it does I bet it best at least I have blue pods this time that's going to help uh for cleric kit I would recommend just watching the uh I I already did a video guide that kind of goes more in depth but you're looking for like additional magic damage and armor that's kind of the build that I like plus knowledge yeah man I like to play every class in the game I think it gets boring only playing one class all the time it also helps you improve with the game oh you're oh you were hitting 70 Chris yeah that was an even fight then yeah I'm stuck on the W yeah we were so we have we had very very equal kits I forgot there was a torch just chilling there it's a funny little spot yeah I'm like in the solet right now there's really no Rhyme or Reason for it but I'm just liking it I don't I don't really have anything to say besides I like it [Music] [Applause] damn that is a really fast centi kill is it hello that's pretty good is that better than two damage it's really close that's a really good ring it's also like three additional action speed too cuz it's just a will ring uh you know what I'm going to go down and through I don't really like the prison area the Mage forgot about you I oh shoot I also think this sett is just a really fun weapon to use I like the stab animation it's probably one of my favorite weapons for rogue hey all attribute that's pretty good that's a guaranteed to sell yeah if you ever find I think everyone knows this but yeah if you ever find anything with all oh always take it you it's pretty like except for padded leggings they will pretty much always sell for pretty good money padded I don't know why but they don't sell for too much you can still get like 100 gold out of [Applause] when last and true shot that's probably disgusting wi can do super good damage I believe you okay so this room is really large I don't know if I should go in here I have such a disadvantage if I try to fight him let me see what class that is yeah that looks like a ranger or something that room is a nightmare for me I'll probably just run into a trap stuck uh they're not even a waste though they're not a waste armor penetration is extremely strong right now and uh so is the 50% damage bonus yeah they're not even waste they're just good perks also I don't even like the short sword anymore after the Nerf they did a while back I just don't think it's very good oh thank God he died I didn't expect him to push I was sitting here talking to you guys not even realizing he was going to push if that Archer hit me I was dead thank God I dodged that Dam blue Fouch and yeah that'll do it that will do it two true damage on those that's really good we have to take that we'll drop the we'll drop that we don't need it okay good kill good kill you're on ambush poison lockpick man I lockpick is just such a waste of a perk to me I'll I'll I'll gladly pay the 40 gold price for a lockpick I don't mind isn't it crazy how much damage cins do they're so it's such a Nutty weapon it's like one of the craziest weapons that was rude maybe that was rude what was rude what killing a fighter what my Man rushed me that was you you rushed me you were the rude one I opened the I opened the prison door and I left you alone that's completely your fault man yeah that was close one you almost got me man you guys want to go to the secret room that I just learned about wait it's your right we're going to go exploring I just learned about this today I didn't even know it was here yeah new how well that's it pretty [Music] much and there's a chest down here too which is nice that missed well now you know yeah it's a nice little room hey that that's a good crossbow or a good hand crossbow better than mine yeah I mean I should grab [Music] that uh I tell you what if you ever trying to go to an area and you don't want to be F and you don't like you don't want someone to fight you just come down here no one will ever find you I bet you I bet you 95% of the player base does not realize this room is here if I didn't know it was here then I'm sure it's there's a lot of people that don't either I cannot be the only one who didn't know about it I refuse to believe it oh full inventory just need to get out of here now I man yeah up man it was Rogue day haven't done people have been asking me to play Rogue for a while because everyone says it's weak so that's the goal that's the goal I had a feeling someone might be in that room with that portal I'm glad I made the decision to go here instead I almost went to that portal but I don't know I just had a bad feeling about it was too it was too quiet too quiet indeed good decision I think I think one of the best feelings is when you're in Dungeon and you don't have to go to the marketplace to buy gear cuz you find the exact gear that you're already looking for it is so incredibly convenient he and it's happened two games in a row like these these gloves is I mean that's I'm pretty sure this is like 300 gold something like that and it's just there you go don't have to worry about it blue pots too if we can finding pots is is nice I hate I hate buying pots feels like such a waste of money like you have to buy pots but I hate doing it it's why I like playing CL cuz I don't need to buy pots on cleric there's no reason to all right what do I need surge kits and I think that's it I got pots I got my knives which I'm barely using of course got my lock piix arrows yeah let's go show damage yeah I can show damage numbers just give me a sec doing 70 total damage right now pretty good and remember we also have 20% armor pen with our perk too so we can go through armor which is pretty good I think an ideal rogue build uh would ideally get to 15 knowled total I think using I think getting access to invis bots is really good for rogue because this class really does want to Ambush players so if you can do it without hide I think it's quite strong so I think getting all stats just enough to get 15 knowledge is probably worth doing try to rank Rogue right now in class strength nah dude you think Rogue is last I don't know if it's last ver doesn't even feel that weak to me like yeah you die fast but you kill really fast too man what's [Music] last okay I think pretty much every class right now was viable I would put Rogue probably see if you're going for moneymaking then Rogue is not last Rogue is really good for making money it might be last for PVP I guess but I mean it's not even that bad for PVP it's I think every class right now with the current stats is actually surprisingly strong though it's like it's such a loaded question that's hard to answer you have pause fire I'm planning on spending 100K on a gold cleric kit what should you do uh I guess have fun with the pulverizing player uh kit man I don't that sounds like way past my money point of what I would normally spend on a kit but it sounds fun your name also checks out bton makes sense I don't even have my R my Ranger is level one guys it's so just not rer is just really not up my alley I mean I would make sure you get enough knowledge stat at least 40 knowledge minimum but if you're if you're spending that much gold then you better get 40 knowledge what are you even supposed to play with Ranger well yeah I don't I think Rog and trios probably isn't super crazy but I think Rogue is still pretty good in Solo cuz it's so it's such a fast class I think people watch a rogue with no armor penetration try to kill a PDR build and just immediately say that it's bad but I don't think that's actually the case did you get the golden chest in the Batcave wait did I miss a gold chest is there a chest here oh shoot I did miss the chest wasn't really good but I I think people might use spelling axe yeah thanks man forgot about that one where the heck did you come from yeah that's it I don't play wait wait a minute gorg you know what the problem is is that I played Ranger before and I slapped with it and then people got mad at me for playing Ranger even though I did really well with it and people made me delete it someone literally donated to me to delete my Ranger because they didn't want to watch me kill lobbies anymore that's what happened the last time I played Ranger which means I also get carried by Ranger weak is between cleric fighter and Barb I think I think every class in the game is all right in solos right now every class I think is doable is he going to push if that clerk pushes this door unbuffed I might be able to kill him I can't fight a Clark in an open room if he Buffs I can't fight him this is how you have to play Rogue like if you don't have hide and it's a like a PDR class you need to catch them off guard if it's a cleric you need to fight them when they're not buffed and in a doorway they're very likely to hit the sides of the doors and daggers do not this this would be like the perfect place the perfect place to hit somebody no no no this isn't normals you can't bring uh blue gear into normals come on is he going to open the door he's not now we live make him waste his BS yeah we can't fight that cler in the middle of this room I really want to fight him but you cannot fight a r you cannot fight a cleric that's buffed as a rogue you will actually get one tapped and you will die I want to fight him so bad I wish I was uh I wish I was also a cleric so I could just fight this guy all right I don't know where he went now he dipped he did not Chase he's smart oh yeah I love that PDR cleric build it's super fun where the cleric go I wanted to fight him where'd he go unlucky I have no idea well to be fair the PDR speed fighter is worse against Caster classes because you don't have Cutthroat the cleric's in here think we'll come through this door strategy to level to 15 fast oh dude Wizard's a grind Wizard's really hard to get one to 15 I I would say good luck good luck to you buddy I wish I had I wish I had better advice to give you but Wizard's really rough man I want to fight this guy so bad but I I know I can't do it not not on like even ground but he's not he's not pushing me at all if he was playing more aggressively I think I might have been able to get him that's true you could just do normals for leveling wizard probably better man I'm not going to get to fight that Clark this game am I he did not yeah he he never he never pushed my way at all kind of sad I want I really did want to fight him but I never really got a good chance to do it it's probably too late now damn reset probably reset not a very good game but it is what it is where were the other players I have no idea it was like just that one cler but I was trying to get him into a fight that wasn't in that middle Center area I just never got to do it all right well on the bright side that was such a low a low effort game that I don't really have to do anything I can kind of just go so hey at least it's a quick one you go Goblin caves with spells avoid fights to I get some knowledge yeah man I'm telling you wizard you really really really do not want to be doing much PVP to level 15 at least for my experience wizard leveling sucks maybe I'm just not a good wizard but it's pretty tough for me dude so this guy uh will actually one tap me I'm actually going to get one tapped by this Warlock I bet you I bet you that guy's dark reflection will hit me for 60 dam for like 40 to 60 damage I'm not even kidding I can't wait to lose 60% of my health because I I hit him with a weapon I can't wait it's going to be so fun oh man it's so it's such engaging gameplay I love it I love warlock I love fighting against scared warlocks with like 11 TR with like 11 magic damage it's so great they're good I think it's my turn to play warlock soon so I can just abuse dark reflection and make people take half their health by just hitting the in melee cuz I think I think that must be really fun to do it's on my list for sure I think my at level 10 by the time I get 15 I could only hope that IR would fix dark reflection cuz it's it's so busted the scaling on it is disgusting usting using hide Ambush as an active buff uh I considered it but I think um I don't know I think this is working pretty well a many ways to abuse warlock Oh you mean like abuse it as in playing warlock oh yeah yeah there's a lot of ways you can play Warlock and just completely abuse the glass yeah does silence cancel second so it doesn't cancel second wind but it will stop a fighter from using second wind so something to keep in mind so in my experience by the way if you're going to play Rogue if you can catch somebody in a doorway like if they're opening a door and you can just charge them most weapons have a wide swing and will hit the arches of the door if you have a dagger that hits Straight Ahead like a stiletto you have a really good chance at killing somebody cuz if they Bonk the wall one time you will win that fight unless you die to dark reflection that might be the exception of the rule I swear my are going through him try that again yeah the ladder you didn't know about that they added that recently I think don't teach door tactics bro I mean yeah I [Music] guess that was fun I love fighting warlocks damn it I I hate fighting warlocks so much G yeah GG I guess I I think I hit him and I lost half my health that was great cool y there you go I I hit him once and I lost 60% of my health total yeah that's that's a great time warlocks are not busted at all that's for sure that's for damn sure they're super fair and balanced yeah I actually just lost 50% of my health by hitting dark reflection that's legitimately what just happened that's pretty insane fun times fun times yeah his his weapon swing actually did less damage to me than his uh than his passive perk that punishes me for swinging my weapon at him so that's a br that's really great balancing I think dark reflection is the most BS skill I've ever seen in my life I I don't I don't know how it's still in the game it's crazy to me crazy I just lost half my health by just hitting I have no idea man I really don't know it's it's just nuts it's nutty damn man sucks what are you going to do and I feel like if I just the problem is I can't even use my throwables cuz if he hits me with one spell I lose like 70% of my health too so that's um kind of also a problem that's also an issue it's really unlucky I didn't expect them to just come running through that door thought I had some time I did not have time time I thought I did but I was wrong I was wrong well at least I called it I told you that's how I was going to die hitting somebody and losing half my health it's obviously busted they'll get rid of it uh you say Obviously but it's been in the game since warlock got released so I don't know if that's necessarily true yeah I don't I don't understand why warlock gets a passive perk that hits you for 50 or to 60 damage because you hit them in melee they could literally just sit still and let you attack them and and you will lose half your health I don't know why that's a thing um but that's probably the it's probably the worst game mechanic in this game I think is dark reflection doing that damage and scaling 100% And scaling with the uh with that whatever that 100% damage uh perk is it's nuts if I was by the way that guy would if I was on my PDR fighter that guy would have wrecked my world I would have I would have had zero chance at winning that fight no you're your only counter play is either build Mr or to um to kill him with only melee like play like Ranger and don't get hit by a single spell that's basically it yeah I think every everything should have a counter playay to it and there's no counter play to dark reflection because you can't proc it with range if like like if I could hit him with a range weapon and then go in and hit him that'd be one thing but you can't do it it's just a guaranteed like it's guaranteed damage for them which is crazy no soul collector works for dark reflection it it scales it by 100% it's [Music] nuts like I lost 90% yeah I don't know I lost at Le 50 by attacking him yeah man honestly it might be if if they don't fix dark reflection I'm just going to throw it on my cleric and it'll and my cleric will just be even more busted than it already is cuz dark reflection is insane can you imagine cleric that you get punished for attacking them that's crazy that sounds horrifying weak point be better rupture uh that's why I'm running uh thrust so I don't have to run weak point yeah multi class is uh yes you're you're probably right it is probably going to break break and things I'm a little I'm not really sure how what they're going to do yeah I'm kind of thinking of doing a PDR warlock with reflection yeah I still need to level up my warlock though I have five levels to go that hit me no shot all right you know what's funny if I went into that fight to kill him and I didn't have enough HP I would have died just by a attacking him there's a bug on me maybe it is time for me to abuse warlock it might be it really really might be time [Applause] you're right yeah B yeah I would have lost like 90% of my health probably from BC alone you're probably right you want to see Hydra build dude I I I honestly don't like Hydra builds I find it incredibly not fun to do I cannot stand constantly spamming Hydra on healing I I actually don't like that game play style I probably do life Ste cuz yeah constantly stopping to life train is just not it is just so not fun to me I'm done before just not a big fan we use warlock well I'll consider it you know I would say the only thing that I would say like the thing that counters warlock would be um Wizards cuz they don't have to melee you but but warlocks get the free 25% uh reduction in damage from Wizards so warlock has an entire perk to help counter Wizards what is warlock counter what counter is a geared uh lock is it just Barbarian with a very specific magic resist build I genuinely don't know the answer to that what like what actually counters warlock in this current meta more Barb I think that's it right but then you just get wrecked by um the fouin ranger I guess it's Ranger yeah probably Ranger cleric not PDR cleric maybe a maybe a fast cler but not PDR I to do a little in real life Dodge there I was getting real scared I was getting real scared of that pouching whoa oh my God he's scared how is that guy geared bro that this is like a 2500 gold plate piece wait what dude I I literally had this exact plate before and I sold it for like 2500 gold I'm not even kidding it's literally that's that's literally thousands of gold I just made if I can get out of this game I had the exact uh I literally had the exact chest piece that I sold the other day like the freest money I've ever made yeah it was like 2500 gold I sold it for oh damn it I don't want to fight him I want to get out of I want to get out with this gear oh I could go for static what up I'm going to go to static this chest past is worth way too much money to not go for this yeah I'll show you guys the market I'm I'm pretty sure 2500 was right oh was this taken damn it someone actually took this man damn it oh he actually let me have it what a nice fighter I was just going to let him have the portal I didn't want to fight him look there you go we got a freebie I'll take it yeah here let me let me pull up the marketplace and show you that I'm not I'm not lying to you I swear that's about what I sold it for before it's the Vigor stat The Vig the extra Vigor roll is what makes the difference all right so it has two all and two Vigor so so we search for all attributes uh sort for rare all right so two all attribute is only like 750 but we're looking for a Viger roll so unless the price has gone down which it's possible it has we're going to find out so we need Viger okay so one Vigor is 2,000 gold three Vigor but that's only one all uh two vigers more than that there you go oh this one actually isn't selling that's funny mine sold I I sold mine for 2500 and it sold perfectly fine that's really interesting that that's not selling maybe I'll undercut it a little bit just in case we'll do like $21.99 still good money yeah the the last one I had sold for 2500 almost instantly so I'm not sure why the other ones not but yeah we'll just go over a little bit no it's true few few someone actually will overpay for two Viger it's it's true Vigor is such a good stat for fighter I it's it's crazy yeah people they will someone will absolutely buy this as soon as it sells uh you'll see you'll it might take a little while to sell but it will sell eventually I don't think that I wonder if that fighter realizes how expensive of a a chest piece he was wearing compared to the rest of his gear I don't know if he did cuz the rest of his gear was trash it was just that chest piece that was insane uh fun fact if that chest piece sells for 2K gold it will pay for an entire Rog kit based on the gear that I'm currently wearing so just that gives you an idea of how cheap my gear currently is to run it's it's it's kind of funny to think about that like One Singular piece of gear will e yeah dude it's it's crazy it's so funny yeah you know what after it sells I'll take a I'll take a screenshot of it and I'll post it in my Discord just to prove my point because I promise you it will sell it just might take some time to do it I'll show you you'll believe me once it sells it'd be even better if it sold on stream but I don't think it will it'll probably take a little bit of time I out a lockpick no no no I'm just blind as a bat yep I am blind all right are we good yeah I think so let's go what are you looking for in your Rog gear oh man so in theory uh there's a lot of stats you want to get that I don't have but for my budget kit I'm currently going for additional damage and um basically just a true in physical damage and then enough HP and vigor that I'm hitting 155 that's basically what we're going for what are we selling oh so it's a dark plate armor with plus two wall and then also plus two Vigor uh it's a very very valuable chest piece because Fighters are willing to overpay for Vigor roll on top of dark plate armor if you have plus two all you don't play with orc uh I think the elf looks better so that's why I didn't you know what boxon the bill be the bill will be going way better if I didn't die in the first game to lag the second game to getting stuck in a corner by a mob and then losing half my HP to overpowered dark Reflection from a warlock but outside of that I've gotten some pretty good kills I'm just you know typical Rogue things I guess outside of that though it's been going well I've been even killing Fighters PDR Fighters too his armor penetration is really good yeah that first death was sad man there's probably better uh there's probably better Fighters than me man don't get me wrong like I appreciate it if you were trying to say I'm nice but I don't really play a lot of fighter I play a lot more cleric than I do fighter so there's probably better Fighters out there I'm all right but you know nothing like super crazy I should grab the chest before I leave this room if it's gold that's good [Applause] enough armor rating Shield will always sell always grab that you know what's sad I don't even think this is going to sell it's not all stats and it's not move speed so I'm pretty sure this is useless I could be wrong but I don't think I [Applause] am what's your lowend cost on a kit right now uh it's about 1K 1 to 1.5k is what I would consider budget kit for me personally that dude just got clowned just made that dude look like I'm not playing Rogue I don't even know is he geared he's geared dude this dude's way gear dude this guy's actually kidded wow what a throw what an actual throw that's insane I cannot believe I just killed that guy like it was nothing Jesus oh my God this guy's gear get there you go it's that easy I actually just paid that Slayer fighter to make me look like I know what I'm doing no my lock fix damn it my lockpicks you kid God damn it yeah that was actually insane we just that that guy just got that oh man that was a lot of gear Slayer fighter supposed to be good against us by the way supposed to be I guess it's not if they misplay like that can't even take this crossbow oh man there's too much gear first world problems I suppose it's fine we got most of it it's fine that was DiCaprio who is DiCaprio what what does that mean yeah that slayer's kit was probably like five times more expensive than my kit minimum probably more than five that'd be my guess though somewhere around there D that silence really screwed that guy man he couldn't second win I think he [Music] can oh Leonardo DiCaprio I got it it was out it was just out of context I wasn't sure what you meant I got I understand that rmt live oh good lord not again some had some dummies earlier comment on my YouTube videos trying to tell me that I rmt for my fighter gear that I literally live stream for more lock picks well the only reason my decks is so high is because of that Fighter's gear I just picked up my my gear went from budget kit to no longer budget kit because that man just graciously gifted me with that so gracious very very happy to get that hey Swan I appreciate the tier one sub man the gifted tier one sub thank you very much appreciate it now can we get out of this game alive that's the only thing we got to do and we're home free is there a where is the static exit on this map you think I would know by now but I'm dumb so I don't know you follow me for a few months on YouTube you never saw a video of dexterity Divine protection cler look strong you know I think Divine protection got a pretty big Nerf an indirect Nerf with the oh oh my god get me out of this game get me out of here please sick dude that is such a that was such a good kill on that fighter insane profit oh and we just isn't this exactly where I just was or was I on the other side I don't know but I'm glad I didn't have to fight him damn GG hey Swang Swang swagin I appreciate those tier one Subs man thank you very much I am probably going to hold off on using some of this gear until I can build like a full kit because I I rather I feel like I should I feel like I should probably do that still I'm probably still going to run budget for a little while uh and once I get like my full kit together I'll start running this instead I think that's the play I mean this whole this this entire stream was to like do like a budget kit build too so you know I guess I it almost feels it almost feels like cheating it's no there's no way no it didn't that'd be funny if it did though no I I wish it did just just to prove a point that it's really good but no it didn't sell yet it'll probably take at least a day to sell that that would be my guess at least probably about a day or so if it's sooner great if not I don't need I don't need the gold right this minute so I'm in I'm in absolutely no rush that fighter did give me some really good gear that I'll be able to build into like a full roog kit which is kind of nice I just wasn't really planning on making a full bro get this stream I I didn't expect to kill someone that geared I guess but it's say you know what I can't complain it's a good problem to have I tell you what if I missed that crossbow shot against that fighter I might have just died yeah I I can't stand rmt comments like that I actually completely agree with you it's it's so disingenuous to even to even have the audacity to accuse me of rming is just such a yeah it's just complete garbage don't do it just makes me have like so little respect for you if you do that all right fellas are we good I would say yes dark plate damn yeah I got to I got to check yeah that Amulet the fighter have was really good all you've been watching for a long time thanks keep it up hey man swagan I appreciate that glad to see you stopping by here on Twitch yep I know but with 25% physical damage and using frock leather gloves cloth pants is a fast build and no one expects it when they already commit to engage just wonder if you tried it I have tried it I just I I think the magic damage type variant is better no no they were not being sarcastic feval it was not sarcasm it was just it was just people being stupid yeah I'm carried by everything in this game also fellas if you are enjoying the stream and you do not mind liking the YouTube video I would very much appreciate that helps the channel and whatnot hey heavy game Heavy gabison with plus to all that's some value right there oh I love seeing Wizards if I can catch a wizard off guard with Cutthroat they're actually dead there's nothing they can do as long as they're not Bonk wizard if they're a spellcast wizard they are screwed if I don't misplay and I don't get screwed I I mean they could still kill me but I think if I play right I could probably kill him I don't want him to know I have Cutthroat I'm going to run away from him I have one 10% movement speed this is nuts why am I so so fast yeah right now with Caster meta it's kind of not worth it yeah I I I'm I agree with you there too why why would you want to run a build that's made for the the PDR when every single player seems to be playing cter between Wizards and warlocks man PDR is a really scary build to play man you got like uh I I'm brave enough to do it but it is really really scary a really good Wizard or a really good warlock will just completely shred your fighter and there it will make you it will make you look like you don't know how to play the game because of how much it counts you because of magic scaling it's crazy do I explain my build early in the Stream uh to be honest gorgar I didn't I don't really have like a build per se this is really just budget kits cuz I just hit level 15 Rogue I basically just got additional damage on multiple of my clothing I got it on my amulet my cloak and my rings and the uh the gloves just basic plus all like just basic damage and then I got the 155 Vigor and strength it's it's nothing wild I'm like 63 damage right now it's nothing too crazy this is a pretty budget kit you could buy this kit for probably 1,500 gold I would say somewhere around that range I'm fast uh it's speed it's just the most speed well some my gear is slightly changed um but Rogue is just naturally fast you can build really fast Rogue if you want to you just have to sacrifice other stats for it like my speed is fast but my damage is a little bit lower because of it but the speed's really good it's good in Caster meta though speed is everything against casters I really hope I can kill these Wizards that'll be nice what's kind of the benefit of playing Rogue you have the choice to basically engage and disengage any fight you want and that's why the class is so good movement speed is is really important in this game it's just that armor has gotten relatively strong now so it's not a completely one-sided fight but still having really good speed is really really important um I think as long as your Rogue is what speed would I say I'm going for maybe 3 total yeah I think anything around like 320 I would feel pretty confident what stat do you build to make your rupture do more damage uh I don't isn't rupture default damage I don't know if you can raise it I think it's it's always I don't think there's any um scaling it's always 20 damage I'm pretty sure armor penetration will make it deal the full damage but you can't make this higher unfortunately yeah it's it's just [Music] 20 if you ever need to know the cost of items just go to the marketplace and look for those rolls you'll be able to find out pretty easy how much that's worth just look for a double roll that's similar to yours uh I consider doing creep but I swear to you I don't know if I was getting ESP or what but I tried creep out and people were walking straight towards me with creep on and invis and were just just killing me so I it ended up like not working like I was hoping it would hey that's good I think that's probably going to be pretty sure barbes will buy that with speed rupture you can scale with additional damage wait really rupture can I thought rupture can I didn't think rupture could scale it's that easy it's it's literally that easy Cut Throat Rogue just just beats wizard he's probably geared too why no hide cuz I'm crazy oh right you know what maybe I'm just stupid and forgot that they could see me invisible I don't know oh this guy's scared yeah maybe maybe it was uh maybe I was just being dumb plus two wall plus Co sure damage true damage sure oh this guy's scared yep gg gg man GG good girl try to hit level 15 fast yeah one wizard down uh literally scripted literally scripted I'm about dude what a godsend I'm about to just drop all my meds and grab this gear and leave wow what a portal that's insane that is I I cannot believe how lucky I am like the best portal I've ever seen let me let me give iron ma a call real quick and um thank them for giving me my streamer portal all right well there you go full full wizard kit I probably just made thousands of gold I don't even know all that true damage easy it's like Easy Money Man yeah plus two all movement speed on leather choss that's purple low boots with five move speed and three Vigor true damage wizard hat and vigor yeah dude all this is really good this gets easy this get this has got to be easy like 3K with uh with that and the true damage on the uh the items too I feel like I feel like it's somewhere around 2K that was like a that was like really easy money well that's him hello hello it's him door stuck dude's level 40 Man yeah I'm not giving him his gear back sorry it's it ain't happening gud kit boots are expensive dude this guy's trying to like Guilt Trip [Laughter] me GG's they're trying to Guilt Trip me into giving yeah dude's definitely trying to Guilt Trip me right now who what does he play me for a fool I don't know sure feels like he's trying to though yeah that's insane wizard kit we just got hate the yeah don't don't hate me hate the door that's it dark plate sold damn didn't sell Unlucky One of These Days one of these days it's going to sell I swear I swear it's going to sell I'm not I'm not crazy you're surprised how well I'm doing with Rogue man come on give me a little bit of credit give me a little more credit than that don't don't you trust me I swear I'm not I swear I can play like most classes in the game even Rogue even Rogue that sold really fast I probably just got jipped all right round shield with armor this should be a pretty quick sell and 19 armor too it's pretty good uh 19 200 gold so we'll undercut it a little bit just make sure it sells you think Rog you really think Rogue is that bad dude I'm telling you man I'm telling you Rogue is not as bad as some people are making it out to be it's just that certain things in the game right now warlock dark reflection 100% scaling deals 80 damage because you melee them uh that's what's overpowered that's that's what's broken if they could uh fix that that would be great no I I think rogue's in a fine spot personally Rogue does Rogue does what it does quite well which is assassinate players and Destroy magic classes it's just warlock gets like a free get out of jail card cuz they they just hit you for half your health without you having to do anything so it just feels kind of busted but you know it is what it is hopefully iron changes it and realizes how busted it is I really really hope they do I'm surprised as well I would only expect people with a lot of experience to work on Rogue I have a lot of experience in the game just not on rogue rogue is like one of my least played classes you just got off work if three kids get to play 12 hours a week and took all W to get Firebox please give your oh my God stop guys Jesus Christ stop oh man that guy was like oh my kid so good I I wonder I I was kind of I hope he was just trying to say GG it's just plus two weapon man my my gear is really not that crazy man it's literally just some random plus two or plus three damage and then just bigger and that's it that's that's literally the entire kit it's it's not as crazy as you think it is no creep yeah who who needs creep who needs creep hey you remember me from the calling yeah man the calling was great I loved it holy crap it's all play players uhoh well where are the cast ERS I don't know but they're not in this Lobby you worked three jobs for that kid oh man I have 99 kids and I can play one minute every single three week period Please give kit back now creep really isn't that bad I'm just not playing very sneaky so I'm not really sure if I need it those were a family guys stop calm yourself please oh my God family heirloom okay oh that's a that's a Barb I don't want to fight the Barb it's a little early to be be doing that I'm just going to I'm just going to do some looting I'm not going to rush for PVP in a match full of what we have right [Applause] now [Applause] [Music] yeah that hurt God damn it ah this stupid other fighter great it really do be like that it really do I was trying to get him to not shoot me all right well well well well all right fighter are you going to chase me let's do it yeah oh man oh man so sad couldn't kill that PDR fighter yeah I I think that I by the way I think that barb did like zero damage to him just an FYI I think he was like full HP I'm going to try to third party this he's got to be low we have to push this oh the centipede go get me out of here oh my God I think the centipede just saved me oh my God I think I just did it oh my my God I they're both dead uh I no shrine's not worth taking fellas I need I need to just get healed yeah I was puckered after that one I was getting real I was getting real scared I ain't got yeah I ain't got time to be oh dude tons of loot just got to I just got to loot them Yep this is my build this is literally my build and he just lost it to me wow if that ain't some unluckiness I don't know what is you think he's going to realize it was me that killed him I don't know oh man strong Warrior GG man unlucky oh that is so unlucky oh man no yeah uh strong Warrior I um I knew you were fighting him and I waited specifically to third party you like that I I had like that was the entire plan was a third party that yeah GG man I still got to get out of this game it's not even over yeah know I I saw you guys fighting and I waited up until the um I need to loot that other fighter but I really want to Depot this [Music] gear should I just leave guys this gear is really expensive well I guess it's not that crazy where did that fighter die is it through here [Music] I'm greedy I'm extremely greedy want this arming sword too yeah let's get out of here dude get out of here go go go go go go probably 3K oh man that means the Kit's getting more expensive strong Warrior that kit probably would have cost me like 1,500 before my video so it's already getting price gouged a little bit probably there is definitely some level of irony involved that you actually lost this I I I don't think I ever kill you if I'm not third partying you I also think you died to the centipede right I'm pretty sure the centipedes what got you yeah um I'll sell it to you Warrior what do you uh what do you want what do you think is fair for it I mean this kits do this I think this kit might be more than 3K now to be honest with you I um I think this Kit's actually getting pretty expensive like this like 20 armor 4 HP I feel like is pretty damn like like the the price of this stuff is definitely high so what are you what are you thinking for a fair price for this give I don't want your kids I don't want your kids I don't want your children that is weird that is very strange uh can you guys tell me uh hey can you tell me what the uh can you tell me what Rings you had I don't know which gear was yours and which was the other guys do you know was it necklace a piece and the uh these three you think uh how about four you think 4K I feel like that's probably a fair price based on what I'm seeing I think the price of it going up so I I I I feel like I feel like 4K might be about right maybe 3500 yeah I'll do 3500 if that's fine with you uh would I take gear to be honest I don't really need the gear I'd rather have the I'd rather just have the gold how am I greedy okay Cody anyway yeah so it's up to you man you don't have to buy it right now I'm going to go ahead and just kind of do some organizing but that's it uh I'll sell it back to you for 3500 all right so I'm not going to sell your kit um but that's yeah just let me know all right go weapons all right sounds good uh what's your in game name strong Warrior so I don't trade you the wrong person is it dimensional oh yeah I can do that yeah that's fine bro there's no strong arming what do you mean I won that fight fair and square you can't take this away from me what do you mean strong arming I'm not doing anything my rogue my rogue is not that I don't have that much money on my rogue man my my rogue is is not that Rich leave me alone there's no strong arming here get out of here all right so that's 1250 11 is 2350 so it's 1150 more you guys are so you guys are ridiculous all right yeah and just uh trade me on your fighter and I'll give you all the gear all right again just double check it CU it did get slightly mixed with the other fighter gear are you ready for the gear are we good to go three guys you guys are ridiculous stop you guys are stop you're not going to make me feel bad for this literally okay was that it anything else I'm missing have to have the dagger where's the dagger where's the dagger oh there it is oh my God I was going to say I was like where's the dagger I know I grabbed it dude I got scared for a minute I was going to say I am scamming I was GNA say I'm the biggest scammer on the planet oh my God yeah that would have been uh yeah that I that I actually would have been scamming damn this this this budget Rogue is doing pretty good man oh my rogue is Rich and richer oh boy all right well uh GG's man bro it's not a 2K kits it's more expensive now what are you talking about the kit is literally more expensive now on the marketplace the the price has gone up supply and demand I supplied you the build and then you supply me your gear back so I can sell it back to you for more money don't you don't you know how this transaction works [Laughter] yeah that's it that's it this is a this is not a me problem this is this is you are not going to make me feel bad for this I could have just sold it on the market place and probably made the same amount of gold though so it's not on me okay this hat a charity it is not even oversold you guys are being ridiculous that fine curas alone was worth like like 800 to 1,000 alone stop I'm not a rogue man okay am I missing anything you guys are distracting me for my from my gold making okay I have things to do things to sell all right crystal sword oh this will not sell for very much will it yeah I'm not this could probably sell for more value but I am just not really I just don't care enough I just don't care enough to do it they get ADV guys stop they can get advantage of casual players who have three kids and work 12 hours a day that's it you guys are ridiculous you guys are so ridiculous you have no idea anyway moving on GG's now we can move on to the next game all right 34 plus two all right without further Ado I think I am ready to go yep let's go yeah strong Warrior I I saw you guys fighting and I I I just figured it was probably it hey man you started it you came through that door was it you that came through that door with the wind last yeah yeah it was you yeah you had the wind last and you were at that door and I was trying to tell you that there was another fighter but then you shot at me so the the the the the sympathy was gone there was no there was no connection between us anymore it was all over the moment you shot at me it was on I I had the thought to kill you it was done yeah I don't blame you Warrior cuz then that happens you get third part in a fight by 1 10% movement speed yeah my road wasn't so oh Jesus where did the where did you come come from damn it and it hit me I didn't even [Applause] know that hit me all right whoa this has been a fun spawn the Mage somehow aggroed me and then I got hit by the dagger all right anyway before we die to mobs let's just keep going bro if I died to mobs I would actually just want to all4 out of this game I would be pretty sad that would be pretty sad Karma cuz there's no Karma I didn't do anything I won the fight fa and I can sell the gear for whatever I want I could say the gear cost 8,000 gold if I want to doesn't mean I has to buy it okay yeah are ridiculous okay hey ma'am if you're going to copy my build and then the price goes up you have to be ready to pay the Firebox tax okay it's it's the tax for for copying my builds and then dying to me with that build you're ever flowing with money so what was the problem you were good it was all good I was thinking he'd come through that door he did not oh did you did you kill me I was you killed me on oh you know what I think I know I think I know what which uh time you're talking about too I think I know what you're talking about I think it's a ranger I think I heard a trap I can't fight a ranger in here or I'll just die I'm not I'm not I'm not that stupid I'm stupid but I'm not that stupid this has been touched okay it's pretty rare that someone goes through this bottom area I feel like maybe it was the Ranger all right come on fighter you going to chase me or no that looked like a PDR fighter so got to be a little careful here all right I don't know where he went where' the PDR fighter go he didn't chase me that's crazy I just assume when someone sees me that they'll just chase me forever if they're PDR I guess that's not the case they have more of a strength than me that's for damn sure cuz I'm dumb when I have PDR I'll just Chase and I'll just die [Applause] I all [Music] GG and you all save Rogue can't PVP without hide dark captain I mean his gear wasn't that crazy though to be fair I mean let's be real here his gear wasn't that crazy still hard to win PDR fighter even if they're not geared I'm still proud of it you really do have to try very hard when you're fighting against PDR Fighters I wish he had more gear yeah it does make more sense now he probably still had like 50% PDR though just saying you can get really high PDR with just fine CES is this a game to you what do you mean of course it's a game of course it's a game what does that mean it's the best game I've ever played in my life I don't know well it it's pretty good no I think the diger perks are really good especially armor penetration man helps you kill PDR Fighters uh games streaming wise I played the calling primarily that was like my favorite game of all time before this game came out my favorite game oh man it's probably Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 3 take your pick they're both amazing games do we leave kind of a dud game but it's all right we live got to kill I'll take it man I love Fallout 3 I um I know just about everything there is to know about Fallout 3 like there's some like special unique weapons I'll miss out on every once in a while but I I know my way around that game pretty well I grew up on that thing man I mean heck I I used to play that game like with another player like we would take turns this was way back you know in the Stone Age when you would actually like sit on the couch and play games together you know uh we would play that game even though it's single player we would literally just take turns and play it it was fun I liked it all right uh do we need to do anything I don't think so damn you know what we had a really bad start to this stream but I redeemed myself tfold at this point so I am very content with how we've done looking for 35 Plus 2 590 uh we'll undercut that a little bit oh this is physical damage bonus though that's pretty good that means I can sell it for more uh what could I sell it for though I don't even see any that are equivalent oh I really do have a good arming sword here holy crap there's no shot right mine's even better than this I have a hard time believing someone's going to pay me this much money for an arming sword but I'm going to undercut it a little bit just call it a day we'll see if that sells I'm a little skeptical but we'll see there armor rating sell and leather caps not really not particularly not not those kind of rules I can't end the stream legally cuz my armor didn't sell it'll sell later yeah I consider creep I just really like just being stronger in melee yeah the couch Co-op days man those were the days uh fellas I will be back in a minute and then I'll keep going all right so be right back also I'm telling you guys I promise this dark plate armor is going to sell telling you it's going to sell for no you cannot have my entire stash sorry not allowed sorry all right are we good yeah all right let's see how long we can keep this going man this budget kits carrying me far I think I've made God I don't even know i' I've had to have made at least 10K 15K gold so far today at least the three kits that I lost were like 1,500 gold kits and I probably made 15K maybe maybe even closer to 20 if my stuff would actually sell pretty good Barb warlock scary not a lot of additional damage fighter well it's easy just wash your hands you know use the bathroom real quick and you're good to go how long does it take you my bathroom is like the closest to me it could physically be man it couldn't be closer I walk out of my door and it's right there man I've been sitting here playing all these like super slow tanky PDR builds when I could just play Rogue and just dunk on people with SM with move speed pretty fun man feel like I should I feel like I should be playing this class more often can you try black dude I I'mma Be honest man backflip just doesn't do it for me it feels very silly oh yeah the emote ranky true true true what if I used a lantern on this build what well I guess you can't use a lantern with Setta I guess it would only be if you used like a Chris dag or something primary so I guess I can't do that be kind of fun the thought's interesting though use a lantern and then get the additional uh damage buff too just add more damage can't do stilet though so it kind of breaks the uh the plan what are you guys talking about y are wild [Music] I forgot earlier I got that sick ring off a bat so I have to check these now I never get anything off goblins but bats I guess are okay what the hell did the dark bolt come from did you see that was there there must be another guy behind all right well uh I'm not fighting that yeah the dark bolt came out of nowhere I thought I was fighting a fighter not a warlock yeah that that dark Bol came out of nowhere the timing was very very good I think Rogue should be able to use a buckler who's with me come on give Rogue a buckler iron Miss do it let me play buler Rogue oh yeah 10,000% yes let's do it wh why why not why not give Rog buckler zero reasons it's cool that's number one uh it'd be really fun that's number two yeah this is common sense is like there's like no reasons not to let him do it I mean they gave a v they gave a viking ground Shield killed too oh they're fighting third party a Unlucky One 10% move speed is too fast GG sir d That's a beefy ring too man was just firing down having a grand old time and I've ruined it sorry man I got to go find that warlock he killed for me too that guy has three kids do you do I need to make an emote that says this guy had three kids or something stupid cuz sure sounds like I might need to okay anyway damn look at all this gear oh two wall okay hold up oh that's good too um uhoh there's too much gear that's got to be worth a lot right no it's just Mystic vestment it's not worth as much as I think you think it is whatever I I think it's worth a decent amount so I'm going to I'm going to sacrifice some gear to grab it I can't I cannot help myself um okay time to leave go to the static that we cleared earlier time to get out of here all right GG more gear perfect throwing ax enjoyer my guy only has oh he does have axes all right he is an ax enjoyer for sure damn my uh my gear is starting to stock pile I I have too much gold and it's not selling fast enough is going to become a problem very very quickly I didn't expect the stream to go this well I I I um after the dude after like the first two games of me getting just completely dumpstered I was like yeah it's going to be a dud night we're going to get destroyed every game it's going to be you know a sad life and then well things changed things I guess things changed not that I'm complaining of course but well heck I mean why even changeed my kit it's what working so we'll just keep running it till we die I guess yeah sure man I need to start building fast speed more often 11% goes crazy I forgot what it's like to be this fast in these games people can't run away from me it's great what the heck are you doing there's a wizard in here every class should be allowed some kind of Shield like Rond Del yeah know I agree I I do think every class should have some kind of Shield especially if you're going to give Barb a round Shield then just just do it just give every class a round Shield at this point I don't know why you wouldn't cleric is probably one of the scarier classes for me to like to fight cuz perseverance makes them pretty tanky against my quick attacks but we haven't really been seeing cleric so it doesn't really matter they could be scary all they want but if they're not my games who cares you like cre yeah I think it's way better than invisibility in terms of like game mechanics I like it f ow that hurt a lot of damage you think go push through this door that was a lot he I mean he hit me for half my health I need to be very very careful this I can't fight the wizard in an open area or I'll just die where'd he go all right he's dead it's why I don't play it's why I don't like Caster wizard in solos because all it takes is one Rogue like me and you just can't do anything and you just die and then that's it GG what ises he going to do I'm at I'm at 107% movement speed with weapon out he literally can't do anything he's deaf I mean that might be true but he's still dead that might be true but doesn't really matter if only it worked that way for warlocks instead of getting killed from Full HP by a damn dark reflection yeah I think Aus could work as a skill for fighter honestly and it would even be op anything to get Fighters away from using second [Music] wi I was wondering myself how do you close difference on people with no hide or creep well there you go that's it just got to you just got to play smart wolf you don't even you really don't even need creep you just got to I I I mean really there isn't much other way for me to explain it besides just try to predict where people are going to be coming also even though you're not completely silent when you are Crouch walking it is a little bit harder for them to hear you if they're far enough away and there's mobs near them they might just not hear you at all play smart I'm donezo yeah that'll do it I'm going to Depot this Wizard's kit it's it's we got some decent stuff out of it probably like a th000 gold or something like that we Depo the th000 gold for sure we don't got to be greedy Good Portal too very very convenient portal uh these don't really sell I feel like pretty sure that won't sell at least not for anything that's worth selling for and I'm running out of space to store stuff this is um I'm going to have to start like vendoring stuff or making room by like selling stuff for cheap here pretty shortly I if I don't die soon it's going to be a problem almost almost wish I would die just so I can make some space and actually have to spend gear I haven't died in so many games I'm just it just it just keeps working this is like my last full gear set too I don't even have another stiletto with damage this was like my last Harrah and I just haven't died so yeah I guess it works sometimes huh so you still play Ambush Style Just without the skills I get that but what about when people rush me oh I I can defend myself when people rush me I I do very very high DPS wolf I can defend myself 100% in uh in fights even against PDR cuz I have um armor penetration yeah I absolutely can best Sol a warlock build I don't really play warlock but just go additional magic damage with dark reflection and people just can't attack you so that works pretty well why do you always get a portal on me it's CU I messaged iron real quick and ask them tell you what based on the classes I've been fighting today Rogue absolutely was a better choice than playing PDR fighter today been killing a lot of wizards and wizards would be destroying me if I play fighter today so I'm content oh my God we actually got a good drop from a it's not it's not that good but it's it's better than average most goblins just don't have any loot at all you also love creep with Ambush and invis even crouching you do yeah I think creep is good I'm I'm opting to go for full PVP skills but you absolutely could go creep I don't even think it's bad I think it is good I'm just opting not to do it one part is that joke that jokester is giving me like that little bit of boost to get one 10% move speed as well normal is that true are normal warlock all my buddies how they love hey well I appreciate that man and it's a little it's a little funny to me to think that people are sitting around talking about my videos Co [Applause] [Music] stuff you have any ideas for a multi class build I have a couple cleric with Staff Master is one of them yeah blue yeah blue Fon for uh a goblin is pretty damn good crankie one shot I knew it I knew that was one shot magic heal not bad it's all [Music] right I do love that there are more viable ways yeah know I think I think this meta is really good right now I think warlock needs to be uh fixed and not be broken as hell but besides warlock which I think is the most broken outside of magic Missile wizard um I think if those got fixed uh this game would feel I mean it still feels pretty good but it would feel even better I think magic Missile just has too high of scaling personally like when I use magic Missile and I kill players I think I'm just going crazy I feel like I'm cheating it feels so funny it's why it feels so good killing geared Wizards with Cutthroat it's such a good counter you don't yeah I try I try to like the Chris but I I just like the more after [Music] suspicious and solo feels like it could maybe use some love see I've been saying for a while now the moment that you take away barbarians uh throwing axe spam which they kind of did with the inventory change that barbarian was not going to see as much play anymore and I think I was absolutely right because I don't know I do not see that many barbs at all anymore throwing barbarians literally viable oh my God that's good that's like an extra I'll take it yeah know I absolutely think that's probably the case hey old man gray I appreciate that Prime subscription man thank you I need to set up a uh a notification on Twitch with Bots for like Prime subs and stuff I'll get to that soon S I was literally streaming to five viewers like less than a week ago so I wasn't really expecting my twitch to catch on so quick I think yummy definitely helped me out there a little bit I do appreciate that cuz most people know that I'm on YouTube not on Twitch I think you're right I think I really do think stiletto might be just biss the worm yeah dude the worm's gone I don't really know if it's coming back well also with how much armor there is right now like PDR fighter just kind of dunks on Barb but there's also a lot of magic users right now so in theory Barb should be more popular cuz if you play bar with magic resist you just auto win Wizards and warlocks I think kind of kind of kind of feels amazing I'm not a big fan of the cast dagger but I know some people like it there's a player under me for messed up one that it's all right yeah I messed up on the uh if I got the triple hit I might have killed him where the hell are the arrows coming from man I know I don't have a clue yeah I messed up the uh I messed up the sneaky kill man oh well oh well we didn't die so matters hey Roger yeah ma'am rog's rogue's fun rogue's way better than people are giving it credit for I could have killed that fighter if I didn't whiff those those first two shots 100% someone's in here someone's actually in here interesting oh reload true good call thanks I didn't know anyone else knew about this room damn I really had the like perfect opportunity to kill that fighter and I whiffed really upsetting cuz now I got to win probably like a harder fight let's go through storm yeah knowing when the back away from a fight is also a skill that you need on Rogue if you just try to commit every fight even if you think you're going to lose then you're just going to die you you need to learn how to commit and when to commit properly like that Fighter the moment I whiff those first two shots it it was over it was over I just had to leave I lost my uh my surprise and uh it's time to leave not a not a great game but we lived and I'll take that dub I would love to kill that guy but I don't think it's worth it it's not worth it I would love to kill him but oh no they're going to fight I could have third parted this actually I might have been able to fight this wow he's kidded no one dude this guy is geared as hell well you know what unlock you know what I don't think I was supposed to kill that guy he was way way way more geared than I was that guy was super super geared yeah I think I was supposed to lose that fight running away was 100% was the right call there thank God I ran he would have probably just dunked on me and I would have been done it's all right man if I got that I'm telling you man if I got that triple hit off as soon as he opened that door he absolutely would have died I think I really think I could have killed him the triple hit with the armor pen I think I could have got him but should I could have W can't win every fight what matters is that you live to fight another day right hey Merlin how you doing man can I show you know what I will show my gear uh so the start of this stream my entire point of this stream was to do budget kit cuz I was literally when I started the stream I was level 15 and I had like no gold I was broke well uh I died like three times and then I got this kit which is weapon damage weapon damage damage uh true damage damage and just kind of like some miscellaneous health and speed I have been running this kit for at least 2 hours I think and I've probably made 20K gold maybe more at this point uh you don't you don't need hide to play Rogue all right you don't need hide and you don't need creep either stiletto and move speed with damage and Cutthroat rupture is so strong I think people are sleeping on this build personally I see all like all the time people tell me that Rogue is weak and people have been asking me to play Rogue for so long and I'm telling you man Rogue is so much stronger than people give it credit for it's crazy it's crazy cuz it's you're you are so mobile being like having the ability to re to disengage and engage fights that people don't want to take is so strong you no not very many people can outrun 110% we can choose pretty much every fight in the game except for like another Rogue or very brief periods of time with Rage or Sprint but barbs are almost not existent so they're kind of a non-threat and Fighters we have armor pen I can kill Fighters you know I so I don't know I feel like this build is pretty good our damage isn't even fist by any means either like this could be way higher than 60 it's it's it's good but it could be better Clark yeah it is a Clark look at that haven't seen a clerk very much today 340 move speed that sounds insane that sounds nuts guys I think tumble is a meme I'm not I'm not buying it uhoh uhoh uh uhoh that looks pretty good that's really scary that's a geared Barb all right well uh remember when I said that barb wasn't really in the game well he changed his mind that's going to be tough I'm not really big on uh classes that I have to kite all the time though I kind of prefer melee fighting so that kind of doesn't really go with my play style oh I know yeah I know I know creep is uh creep is quite good I'm not using it because I wanted to opt for better PVP stats but I believe me I considered it why are my hits missing oh it's is it like the elevation yeah like I'm like touching some very slight elevation here and it's messing up my thing her me Yapp it maybe possible he might kill me I think I think Barb is favor against me I I killed a Barb earlier but I I I still stand by that yeah I don't think tumble is super great but maybe useful maybe does Repose legitimately used tumble was that true hey extra how you doing man good to see you having the most fun on man I'm having fun with like every class I play so far the cleric build is really fun fun the the race car fighter build is fun Rogue is fun because I'm not sitting in a corner with high all game everything's fun you my content well hey man I appreciate that glad you enjoy it yeah I don't I don't know if tumble is quite my taste sorry so goop at the very beginning of the stream I was getting to the point where I was getting a little frustrated with Rogue but things changed very quickly uh I got over the the laggy first game I got over the Unlucky second game of getting stuck in a corner I got over being insta killed by dark reflection but besides those besides that uh everything has been going very very well can't let a few bad games uh take away from the bigger picture which is I'm winning most of my fights today so I'd say going yeah warm up helps too keep in mind those were like my first games on too and I always play a little better as the night goes on war up games are the worst man just imagine if I was genuinely kidded I'm not even that kidded I could be so much more geared at like all stats more damage better weapon like you name it do wals even sell I have no idea I don't I I've heard those are becoming more meta recently I did want to give armor Rogue a try but I'm having too much fun with speed Rogue so those plans have changed there is a Rogan here I think remember I mean Rog V Rogue If he if I get land mined I'll just die that's just kind of how the match up goes like Rog V Rogue is who who can who can hit the other person first and then two tap the other player that's pretty much all it is it's it's not incredibly engaging if he has stealth and he happens to catch me off guard he might just win creep jokester that might be true maybe I should try creep out jokester just feels so good though like plus two wall I don't have a lot of two wall stats right now my Gear's so mid I feel like the two wall is pretty good it's helping me get that 15 threshold too which feels really strong yeah I saw that too 50% Rogue is a thing well my stash will be cleaned up when my stuff starts selling my market is uh is is just being a little slow yeah my gear is mid enough that I think jokester is good but if I was more geared I would get rid of jokester that's kind of where I'm ataur as that go interesting I feel like there's no one around I'm a little scared to go I wanted to go through Center where the uh staircase exit is I think the Rogue might be there though just a sneaky suspicion and I don't want to get L mined so I'm going to go around I really don't feel like getting landmines this game dude that's so true people do not take me seriously at all they see me and they just think free kill and then I kill them and they they probably don't understand what happened does feel like it you got to try really hard but it's it's undeniably strong weird like the lobb's empty this is very very strange lmin basically like someone from invisibility and then you get instant killed so a rogue gets you from invis and you don't really get a chance to react it's a land mine This is Wild where is everybody like that Juiced up Barb is nowhere to be found and and he's scary to fight he could just completely dunk on me if I have to fight him in like a very close space it's scary I'm not sure what the play is here genuinely [Applause] and I just got hit what a oh my God what bad timing wow I I don't know if there could have been worse time in to get hit by a skull right as I see him I don't know how I I this is going to be really really scary am I going to die I don't know I don't know what to do like he I need space to kill him and I'm not going to have space I'm going to be in like a very small enclosed area do I need to run for static I might need to run for static this game yeah I think think I do I don't think I can fight him yeah let's just it's if it's taken then I'll fight for it but he is very very scary damn we're going to have to fight him no choice all right well good luck I mean it is what it is I I don't think this is going to be a good fight at all I think it's actually going to be a nightmare to fight was he left did he leave already Poss I guess oh there's a portal oh I'm out of here I'm out of here for sure yeah gg gg I'm good that barb is way too geared to be fighting him in this little circle I mean guys he's like yeah know there's he really came he came to try to third party me at that last portal thank God I found another portal he might have I'm telling you man I might have just I might have just crumbled here I don't think could have out DPS this guy in this little circle yeah unlucky unlucky on that one I mean we didn't die so I guess it's lucky but oh my God something finally sold and it's the cheap stuff all right does this war all sell I have a feeling it doesn't but I keep hearing that the waral is becoming more and more used in Solo play so it could be worth selling now hey you know what that's not bad but the stuff isn't selling so is it really worth it any is it really worth anything I don't know I'll undercut it and just hope it sells I guess I'm just going to vender the rondelle I don't really plan to use this weapon and I don't have the space so store random junk I I really don't all righty uh is there anything I'm missing I don't think so lock picks potions plenty of heals yeah let's go yeah I think he killed everybody else in the game how is the stat physical power on Rogue so what I'm what I usually try to do is I try to get myself to a base of I would say at least zero I feel like being negative Fizz power just feels terrible so if I can get to zero or 15 total strength and then add dagger Mastery for 15% damage I feel like my damage is enough and then I just try to stack damage totals why don't you upload a video on how to building CL why don't I upload a video on how to build any class well that's kind of hard to do it's it's hard to build every class in the game and make a guide on it cuz I don't play every class I play a lot of classes but not every class and everyone's different you know cleric is a completely different Beast for building than Bard or warlock is so making a video like that would be almost impossible I already have guide videos out there for building up certain classes so those you'll have to use those to kind of help build your kits I don't have anything for classes I don't play cuz I don't play them I can't even give you a Bard guy because I don't really know what I would even say i' I have so little time played on Bard like what's the point you know yeah I think true damage is true damage on Rogue just better than additional I I'm wondering if you build armor penetration if additional is even still better or if you should just go true damage and ignore the armor pen oh you survive three hits yeah I do think B is probably really strong I'm just not a big fan of it but I know some people really like B I could swap rure for weak point but I feel like rupture has been doing pretty well cuz I'm fighting a lot of non-armored classes like like like Wizards and warlocks so it's kind of nice to have it I know it's only 20 damage but 20 damage can change a fight man it won't always change a fight but it can Drew I do play a lot of solos although apparently the lore and youth uh might be trying to Doo with or Trio with me I guess I don't know I'm not sure if that's going to happen or not but I guess they were talking about [Music] it uh yeah no rupture has no scaling it always does 20 damage that's why it scales less later in the game but I'm still pretty mkit so it's decent I think yeah 20 damage can change a fight for sure and if you proc it twice 40 it's a lot man someone's been here there's a rogue in this Lobby so I'm a little scared of that armor pen and additional Fizz for high base that's kind of what I was thinking yeah cuz you can scale more additional damage than you can true so I was thinking like if you built armor pen and then use like you know physical power to scale more I feel like that'd be better yeah I did see that lore played with Yumi I've never talked to Yumi personally but he raided me yesterday so he obviously knows who I am and I did get a GG from him uh through chat at least I did message him through Discord but I don't think I've heard back from him yet I don't know I I thought I was sitting there waiting for the Rogue that isn't here I have no idea I really thought a Rog was here but I guess I'm wrong what key do I use for Crouch I don't use a key on the keyboard I use it it's my uh my mouse button that's why I can do it so easily seems to work pretty [Applause] well okay this is looted signs of life but no players I think there's somebody standing right on the other side of this store what GG that was close thought I was dead yeah those barrels I ran right into them didn't I that was scary to wall to wall that's a lot of stats oh he killed a uh oh shoot yeah he k a warlock look at [Music] that oh man um he has a lot of gear hold up this is a little bit insane I didn't realize he had this much stuff um okay this is getting difficult do I drop the bolts I'm going to be greedy I'm dropping the bolts I don't care I can't grab that all right time to leave time to go yep time to sit here in a corner and be a true Rogue I'm not fighting anybody I'm leaving this game well I hope I hope I can leave this game cuz this this there's a lot of gear here to sell no there was a rogue oh man look at his he had no health oh oh it hurts oh man he had no Health oh man oh man oh man I almost got him too almost got him man damn it man so so so so close damn sad oh that's sad oh F in the chat for all that slayer's gear that I work so hard for rest in peace it just be like that sometimes should I commit it dude I guess guess I guess man I I I I had a feeling there was a rogue like the whole game and then I got I got got oh that's magic damage I thought that was damage unlucky what are you going to do I guess cry I guess be sad that is pretty tragic man what are you going to do though huh all right yeah F I mean yeah I mean that's Rogues week though yeah it's I mean it's good man it's it's uh it's it's strong land mine is absolutely still a thing I don't know why people I don't know why people think it's not it's still very good then I still almost killed him though so sad I even I even hesitated too I hesitated cuz I was I was I don't know I just had like that Rogue feeling cuz it was so empty and quiet I just thought maybe if he was there he would have been closer to the uh the static damn should have known should have known oh these are getting more expensive it seems I was buying these for like 150 earlier guess I should have bought extra I guess 24 the damage is like the same they're both 24 I guess I'll just save 100 gold and not buy those it is some justice it is it is I don't even know if it's justice but it is something that the way I lose my kid is to L mine Rogue really it's it's it is pretty funny it It's very funny to me that that's how we lose it I can't help but laugh at that well our Health's a little low now um here let me do this let me go static let's find a better necklace with um base of vigor that's fine I don't feel like looking for gear right now to be honest all right are we good let me grab some bolts and we'll go in uh need anything else he I feel like oh yeah I guess that's just a little I usually bring extra heals with me that's what I'm missing 100 100 HP should be okay we're a little bit slower than our other kit but it's it's fine I'm sure things will be fine why two rapers what do you mean two rap did I miss something oh try two Rapier with both hands uh yeah I don't know why I would do that why would you use to rap Pi dude yeah I don't know like I I was looking at that door and it just felt so suspicious to me I should have trusted my gut that's what I get that's what I get for not trusting myself for tble yeah I'm personally not really interested in Tumble build but I hope you I hope you can have success with it I think ghost got that right on the head I think tumble is a meme it's just that a good player can make anything thing work well there was no one in that room I I have one protection pot left I think I I I wasn't planning I didn't want a protection pot in empty room I just I really didn't expect the road to be right there guys what kills me is that I almost killed him man he was so close I think he had like seven HP or something stupid tumble feels like a meme it might not be a meme but it sure feels like it a pretty Speedy setup uh boots not bad stab tumble repeat I have never had a Rog come up to me with tumble and legitimately kill me but I don't know maybe someone maybe someone will show me the way at some point and kill me with tumble would be funny that's for damn sure so you know what I got to do now since this was like a budget Rogue stream I'll have to make some actual good kits and all right that guy just got just class Jesus oh that did a lot of damage oh man imagine me dying to the Mob that would have been embarrassing wouldn't be the first time I've died to a mob Pig geared oh my God he's more he's more geared than me all righty hey guys remember when I died and lost my kit it doesn't matter anymore because he has more gear than I did so um GG's I guess except for the shadow Hood I don't know why you would use that okay some of his gear isn't as good as I thought but the some of it was pretty good some of it was good that's not bad do all to it's not bad oh better stiletto dagger too uh well actually debatably it's worse but it's just purple oh GG silence I think you're right I think I did scroll with the silence all right well it's like we didn't die I just I just got like an extra Rog set I just got to get out of this game alive now all right um anyway as I was saying Cutthroat rupture telling you it's really strong I wouldn't lie to you oh time to go loot the other body he wasn't really geared but all hey van I'll take it I'll still take it looking at his gear it feels like it should have been a freebie I know he tried to use the tree branch or guy doesn't know tree bance really is kind of just a meme weapon in it tragic I mean he did I mean he just held W I mean I mean I mean that's his fault okay well two are dead so there can only be yeah well there's the four so there's only one other guy besides him it's probably safe to go to the extra to the uh itic try dual wielding the speed though man 10 entire speed for a little bit of damage and I'm not buying it I think 10 speed is better oh so out of this game [Applause] get my backup roog kit hey GG oh darker darker take it away but we got something in return just took one game to get it back so not even a big deal I do think that this is probably too slow even though it's plus two all I'd rather be faster as stupid as that might sound so I'm I'm probably not even going to use this to be honest with you also this is also slowing me down a little bit so as great as the old stats are I'm probably going to save it for a different build I'd rather just be more Speedy for the time being for now at least probably change it a little bit um I think 100 health is okay I really I really like having um I really like having a lot of speed kind of sacrificed my health a little bit doing it but it just kind of feels nice wow my uh my Marketplace stuff is not selling today why please all right well hopefully it sells overnight sometimes I guess it just be like that huh I guess all right am I missing anything I think the answer is no right let's go how does how does that guy get in Pathfinder I mean all Pathfinder is loot I'm doing 70 damage this get's actually stronger than my other one was damage wise just a little less health I mean don't get me wrong man hide is very strong because L mining somebody and killing them instantly is good but oh man does rupture Cutthroat just feel really strong to me personally 20 Health's a big deal man that's a lot of HP I mean one one bger is 2 Hp right so it's kind of like giving them minus 10 bger kind of and it just makes your crossbow so much better your you know your hand crossbow cuz if you do hit them with rupture you're just dealing so much more damage and you can kind of kite with it too feels good I mean to be fair ghost I don't have a lot of money in my kit my kit really isn't that expensive I've been running budget kits unless you consider like a th000 gold um unless you consider like th000 gold you know decent money I consider that pretty budget personally is he going to push are you going to push if he does I might be able to just get him kill I might just be able to get a free kill if he does he's too timid I don't think he's going to open this door I think the answer is no all right I'll fight him later I'm not going to run into that big open room he's going to get like at least two free hits on me if I do so I'll fight him later Jesus well that's unlucky that was really unlucky I didn't expect him to be over there I really wasn't expecting that one Chief unlucky I should be [Applause] faster I wish there were stairs I think I got him off me I think that rupture got him away I absolutely think that rupture just saved me yeah that was such a good rupture dude wonderful yeah R yeah that was that was a yeah he got yeah I think he took like 40 damage and got scared didn't die okay let's reset that fight ow okay this guy's being kind of a pain in he wow how do I uh how do I fight this guy I am in such a bad do I just have to sit here until he gets bored well I think I just have to sit here until he gets bored and he pushes one way or the other I'm in such a bad spot I can't go anywhere what what do I do there's nothing I can do I'm just going to have to sit here and wait this guy's being a pain maybe can can I get like a third party that comes in maybe like a Barb just runs up to him and kills him I can't do anything what oh my God this guy's annoying I don't know what to do I don't know what to do here this is the dumbest fight I've ever had in my life well I guess we're both just going to have like the worst game of Our Lives huh my God this is so dumb um what do I do this is the yeah dude this is so dumb yeah get out of here I getting right again D was hitting me so much that was a pain in the ass I thought you what tell you what I really want to kill him now you think he's still here is that him all right maybe maybe this Rogue will help me maybe he'll go and then I can third party go get him Rogue go get him go get him this damn Fighters get me I can't I can't push the fighter now cuz of that Rog in here too I don't know what the hell want to do this game fellas might just have to go for the static and call it a game H that's a tough one I also can't push without AGG gring the entirety of this room like this is this is completely forbidden if I if I push I get aggroed yeah I think that fighter just screwed up this entire game and this is just a dud I'm almost out of heals too yeah I think we just call it GG that was just that fighter just screwed up literally that entire game man yeah it's it's fine I'm that was just such that was a nightmare that was not at all fun or engaging oh wellow at least we lived I guess I guess all right well we didn't do a lot that game so I think we're just good to go yeah we'll just go immediately it wasn't even a survival it was a long bow yeah he had me in like a perfect spot that I yeah he had me in a perfect spot where I could not push either way and I I must have wasted like 3 minutes fighting that guy yeah I think it was a longbow right I think it was Longbow rogue's op that's funny yeah that's it go to Reddit and say Rogue is op and see what see how many down votes you get I bet you you get 95% down votes and 5% off votes go ahead do it yeah I'm pretty sure that was Longbow he was just really Ked he had a lot of plus all gear and stuff makes sense he also did a lot of damage so there's that too I'm getting flashbacks to this room I need to get out of this area hey I know you're right to SW to shoot as fast as he did I think you are right yeah rog's weak cuz of double jump that's it that's it a GG I really did play that like a rogue huh oh no on lucky he's actually oh my God look at that pendant that's pretty good um well shoot I don't know if I want the damage or if I want the uh I'm not really sure that worked out pretty damn well though oh Rogue does one thing well third partying cuz you're so fast must be frustrating to be on the other end of that cuz I feel like I deal with that all the time I mean I picked like a per I mean I picked a perfect spot to just sit and wait cuz I heard him shoot I didn't expect him to have to fight though yeah unlucky for him and I get two for one bodies two for one man pretty good I want to take this for gear um what do I drop I think I'm dude I don't even know I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to take like it's all so good there is a lot of good stuff here he the other do I drop these for what the cloak or the wander or Tire do I drop the crossy it's purple though do I drop that for the water tire I could you think the do you think the tire is worth more money than or you know is worth more than the uh you know that drop crossy for Wanderer I feel like the cross sells for really good money though that attire is really good though truly it is I think I'm going to drop it I think I'm going to take the attire feel like it's really good crossies I know it's really hard I think it's really close I think I but I can use the wander and my Marketplace is full so I think it's fine cross better trust all right fine I'll I'll trust you no no no no no the grand brigade's amazing no this is literally like perfect no you don't drop that you do not drop this ever plus do all grber Gade are really good money drop the pants and take the chest I don't know it's a pretty good pair of uh loose TRS though counter troll there's no reason to man I'm already full on loot why would I why would I risk a why would I risk a PVP encounter with the troll when I already have a full inventory with some really nice loot there's no reason to I'm not that greedy yeah Dynamic uh that I believe you GG man I I wasn't even trying to kill you I was waiting for the Rogue uh that was killing the spiders and you just happened to come by at the worst possible time so sorry man GG's I do have your kit so if you want to buy your kit back you're welcome to but it's completely up to you man you don't have to by any means I have I have most of your kid at least have I thought about stack tank Rogue I did consider that big Scotch I just haven't done it yet but I did think about it yeah I didn't take the legendary head but it's all right I got the important stuff dude rug's been doing really well for me tonight extremely well got to say it got to say it man oh I know man I know I had a feeling you were one shot and then you got hit by the by the ax traps I was like you're done I knew you were done and then I and I hit you with the crossbow I I I had a feeling you were one shot but the moment I watched you hit like two traps and the rupture I knew you were done I knew there was no chance I feel a little bad because it was a third party but I'm playing Rogue like that's literally the point of this class you know so I think it's more of like blame the class kind of deal if I was playing like my cleric I would have been probably would not have been playing like I was that's for sure yep pretty much game's the game man pretty much D when did I become so loaded what's happened how much gold have I made this game how much how much gold have I made since the start of the stream I had like no I had like an empty inventory and this is insane I cannot believe how much money I've made from PvP alone people people tell me that Rogue sucked in PvP y'all were just y'all were just lying to me so I didn't play this great class all right GG Dynamic man I CCH you later I think I think you guys were just a liing I think so or maybe every class to me just feels good I don't really know all right are we good oh yeah this is going to yeah I need to if yeah if someone's going to buy that instantly then I will gladly get some more get some more stuff sold I don't know how you're having so much success with anything besides MSO Rogue well played to me I don't know man it's just working I've just did I really I have 1K at the start of the stream okay well not even just the gold involved that I have but the amount of gear that I have to sell is easily probably 20K gold at least probably more honestly but it takes a while for that kind of stuff to sell maybe 30k honestly with the with some of the stuff we've gotten it really could be if only if only I could expedite the selling process Nerf Me Maybe I don't know I think rogue's just strong I think people just want to W key with Rogue and win like face tank trades with like PDR fighter and they don't want to play smart and then they die and they're like oh this class sucks when in reality Rogue is really fast and pick and choose fights really well and then you just make tens of thousands of gold in a matter of hours and there you go GG hey I got to I got to make like whole kits man I just need to sell my stuff oh Jesus where did you come from it'd be so fun to make like super roog kits and play with those but I'm sure I'd lose them instantly probably how any deaths three or four four I died four but oh you didn't hit me you didn't hit me nice try buddy oh man nice try Pune cleric I don't know why you play Pune cleric need to get my rupture back I didn't expect they could spawn rush so damn quick I didn't have rupture up yet I just dealt so much less damage oh I can just make him waste his blue pot sure oh you think he'll get impatient and push me I'm going to wait till this wot goes away oh god um I can third party again all right I'm going to wait for them to finish fighting I guess h fire is coming third parties are brutal today I'm just I'm basically just cheating that's Rogue though third party machine pretty sure he killed the fighter I don't know I don't see his body but where's the fighter body though he had to kill him right did he get away oh he died I thought so this guy wasn't geared at all oh GG man I've got level 30 Rogue what perk dude I have I have no idea what you multi class that might have hit him Deja Vu isn't it the same exact spot where I fought that Rogue earlier and died in typical Rogue fashion he's probably never going to push me yeah this this door is pretty sus I'm not pushing that you know you know he's hiding there like 1 million per and it's a rogue he's not going to push most Rogues are not bold and will not push just found out about you and been watching a lot hey man appreciate that man glad you like the content yeah pretty much we we could be at a stand still all game if I stand there I'm not going to bother I'm just going to go to well oh I guess I have to stay here I could just stay in this uh big middle Zone I have I have gear like it's not a big deal I could leave comfortable with what I have if I wanted to yeah if I yeah if I ran through that door and died just shame on me at that point hey that's uh not bad not bad at all I feel like Rog on Rogue PVP is the worst it's actually really bad because it usually ends up being who who gets the first hit off and who landmines the other person first that's basically all it is and it doesn't feel too good to me personally Maybe maybe some of you like that but couldn't be me yeah I'm not pushing that Rogue he can sit there if he if he's still there good for him he he will he will have to fight me in this big open room before I go pushing blindly into him uh first perk level one what did I take level one I don't even remember I think it's jokester because your stats are so low yeah getting land mined is probably one of the least fun ways to play I like playing aggressive Rogue more without hide personally oh man quests need to be account wide I'm so tired of having to do quests on every character it it's why I haven't been doing quests because I play every class in the game except for like too I like do I really want to do quests all these times not really I'll probably do it for one class but that's it there's no shot I'm doing it for every character I play I just hadn't decided what main I wanted to like stick to for quests that's all yeah it's incredibly annoying Ivan I hate I hate having to do Quest on every or on every class man it sucks I think that Rogue is gone to be honest with you all I think I just heard someone looting below me I'm almost positive I heard a jewel drop supposedly weapon Master will be a locked perk wait like you like you physically won't be able to get weapon Mastery ever interesting I didn't know that that gives classes more identity because it means that you can't just play whatever weapon you want yeah I wasn't willing to go find the lamb mine Rogue I I I can't my heart can't take it twice in a row my uh my stuff I have to sell is starting to leak into my my clothing uh section that's a rough place man that's a rough life I'm about to I'm about to cancel some of this stuff and just not sell it like do I really need 100 gold for this survival ring I could live without it I'm I'm I might start like I might start deciding on which I might have to start deciding on what stuff I want to sell it's I have too much stuff I I can't uh it's just not worth it at a certain point Yep this this is getting vendored I'm I give up I might even just vendor this too if it's going to sit there for this long yeah we'll vender that too I I ain't got time to be waiting for it it's enough is enough I need I need the space yeah I didn't see anything about weapon Mastery being locked I'm assuming it was probably the devil on Discord I just haven't seen it myself personally damn 500 gold it's insane um sure all right three oh this is crazy I didn't realize three magic healing spell books sold for this much yeah at a certain point like stuff just needs to get vendored I I can't I'm not dying enough to like I I just I can't I have too much junk to sell at a certain point I'm just going to have to start vendoring stuff it is what it is it pains me to do it but yeah I mean it I I I can only sell stuff so fast the marketplace restricts me pretty heavily so and yeah if stuff sells instantly I just need to keep selling oh hey look another three magic healing it's easy uh let me grab some throwing knives and we should be good to go all right let's go r r 70% that's pretty good can I kill a 70% uh PDR cleric with thrust all right let's do some math 70% minus 20% is 14% PDR loss so he'll be at 54% I can kill 54% but it's it's going to be tough I might want to just avoid that cleric player I'm not sure if I want to fight him I think I'm supposed to just ignore him yeah I I think honestly I don't think I'm supposed to fight that guy unless I have to if he gets one holy strike I die even the judgement will screw me I think although if I can catch him off guard maybe maybe I can do it but it's going to be really really hard yeah I can dodge that fight if I really want to he can't chase me unless I get stuck in some like weird corner I should be okay oh man I don't really know prices but that is a good Z I don't know if people are using z a lot right now Barb is kind of an underutilized class at the moment I don't see a lot of them I just don't have anywhere to I don't really have like a way to price it man I just don't know prices too well sorry man no did he just die you on me can't loot him but he's dead actually I might be able to loot him someone just said troll think it's the cleric think it's clar did you uh you know what I'm going to go for pile if that cleric comes down here I'm so screwed I'm a little I'm scared of being down here that cleric will actually annihilate my life if I'm down here holy crap that that money damn man I don't even have to grab gear I can just grab those I don't even have to use the marketplace if I don't want to he's mad yeah probably I don't feel bad though it's a war luck chest chest come on give me a chest do it how's games play I I've probably made like 30k gold today seems to be like a recurring theme when I stream as I make like 30k somewhere around that range been pretty crazy that warlock killed that boss so quick there's a chest here come on I believe I'm praying right here with you [Music] all one more come on my fingers are crossed please please please give me a chest it's not going to happen in tragedy we all knew there was no chest in this pile I ain't that lucky I'm not that lucky I don't even know if these get [Music] used I think I'm going to not take that chest cuz I just don't have the space to sell anything anymore it really is a space issue at this point it's not worth it all right time to go cool purple Chris well I don't have a purple Chris though I got a blue one two damage is pretty good tell you what I was real Brave against that warlock I mean I jumped right on in there didn't care at all dude dude hit you with one spell and I'm like half HP I just prayed I dodged it and it work so there you go sometimes things work out yeah I didn't want to fight this guy I'm perfectly fine with perfectly fine not fighting this guy in the we're we're good 500 gold and just treasure good deal good deal not even including the all ring that's really good oh yeah that was good that was a very good run I might have to start buying uh gold coin bags here you know what screw it gold coin bag time as long as they're not like 8K gold or something yeah I need space so it's about there that time wow these are pretty cheap aren't they man I might as well just vendor this get for that I'm I'm just going to vendor it cuz I I don't I don't even know how much those are even being used right now I don't have time to be waiting for stuff to sell at this point I really really don't I mean yeah losing like a little bit of goal but who cares literally who cares well I could just label this I could literally just label this stream Zero to Hero Rogue like or something like that because this is absolutely insane I cannot believe how much money I've made today this is just stupid and you told me Rogue was bad you all just weren't playing Rogue right that's it Rog was sleeper good the whole time you don't even need hide it's all good it's just good no matter what all right are we good yeah I think so uh so I know some people have been asking uh my kid is budget kid uh we have additional damage on a decent bit of my gear I've been basically just throwing on random ass gear as we've been in the dungeon and yeah I mean it's pretty much just stacking like 15 or close to 15 stats like base strength and bigger and then just stacking weapon damage uh that said I think we're pretty much good to go let's go keeper to craft them if you care uh oh is itap cheaper to craft them I don't have um I don't have them unlocked to craft but I didn't realize why not start upgrade your kit honestly Wiggles it's just because my I was hoping to get like some Marketplace stuff sold I usually try to not buy full kits on stream I try to do it off stream cuz I don't know like do people really want to sit here and watch me like build like roets I don't know I killed him twice I didn't even know I killed him twice I've been popping off in solos recently man every class I've played I have been just I I don't even know I don't know what's happened but I've been doing good in like I'm good on Rogue I'm good on fighter I'm good on cleric and I'm good on Barb I've been doing good on all those classes it's been a lot of fun I must have at least 150k gold between all my classes at this point probably like 150 if you include like the stash tabs that I purch and my Gold bags and stuff easily oh I know I know Goblin C is like the back of my hand I could I could draw you a map of uh some of them maybe not the new ones but like the OG Goblin caves yeah it's I I mean I played this so much back in the day spat takes his good old time doesn't he yes he does what do I think a true damage versus additional I think it depends on how much armor penetration you have I think that is like the real big deal breaker I true is probably just better for armor but I think additional is better vers squishy targets so if you build enough physical power bonus and additional damage it'll just be better you know [Applause] I'm being pushed out of the zone yeah those not great unfortunately you feel that against squishy is even the TRU yeah no you're right even against squishy classes the true damage still does very very strong no disagreement there not at all I'm just not sure which one is technically better I think it depends on how much physical power bonus you have if you're stacking true damage then you know you're not benefiting as much from the physical power bonus I think I heard of player I'm almost positive I heard of player and someone might be fighting troll too I'm going to go around okay so the spiders are here so if there was a player in that hallway he hasn't kept moving yet true that's true knives and bolts will do just good damage but but true even if you hit him in like the legs it is a really good benefit and it goes straight through armor too of course which is which is a really good [Music] benefit three vager actually pretty good that's yeah that that's going to make me way faster that just increased my speed by like multiple by like I don't know quite a bit should probably get ready there could be a player here maybe invis I don't know it's always suspicious to me when I see empty rooms like this even though it's most likely nothing I mean all it takes is a all it takes is one Rogue I walk past them and I'm dead doesn't take much no idea really hard to say circle's pushing me though too yeah I don't buy luck Poots cuz most of my money comes from PvP like 90 probably 90% of my money comes from PvP as soon as I hit level 15 so I don't see the point in buying luck Poots luck poot doesn't increase my chance for uh PV here unfortunately so I just don't see much reason it's basically just a waste of money I think if you're looting more it's worth it but I don't know for me personally I just don't bother I think I do more PVP on Rogue than a lot of other people might do so it's worth considering I'm so worried about a rogue man man I just I just have that feeling this game it's too quiet and it makes me think there's a rogue somewhere in this area dude honestly it feels that way luck Poots are just a scam to get you to spend money for nothing sus portal too dude like what just it's just a free portal it just happens to be here perfectly placed no Rogue in sight lies and a red pot look at that what you're telling me a red pot just magically appeared in front of this come on lies I don't believe I don't I don't buy it I'm not buying it I'm being scammed right now literal pot bait I don't I don't buy it I'm not I'm not I'm not doing it I'm not being a guinea pig it might be nothing but it might be something oh my God that did a lot of damage Jesus oops yeah don't get hit by that don't don't get hit by mobs as a rogue dude oh my God it's nothing like cleric I could just eat mobs all day on cleric it's like free whole different game man $20 B on the ground oh shoot let me go back I should probably go grab that real quick wow I'm back here huh someone just left in that portal someone literally just left I think pretty sure I saw like the after glow for a very brief second I mean come on dude that like that red pot was literally on the portal like how how dumb could I be to walk and try to there's no way I refused to believe there wasn't a road chilling like behind some that dude was waiting I don't believe it this is this might just be a dud game to be honest with you I it's okay though not every game's going to be yeah that Dragon hurt too man I'm so used to my perseverance perk where I take zero [Music] damage GG that slow is just just slow enough oh Ian he wasn't really geared but I'll still give him the GG either way he didn't really like swing at all though he didn't I feel like you didn't try I don't know I guess I'll just vendor some of this trash oh well it's fine at least we lived yeah like I feel bad when I kill onar players but like at the same time there's one portal and well I'm trying to take it I have no idea what he was trying to do I don't I don't know what his all process was but it was please please let me get away from this Rogue even though I have nowhere to go I I really don't know suspicious I don't know what ever happened to the uh I have no idea what ever happened to the uh the red pot sitting at the portal probably some Rogue that left empty-handed probably was sitting there all game and then it didn't matter that' be my guess at least yeah I'm just going to start bending some of this stuff it's really just not worth keeping uh so what is it seven move speed total that's pretty good man it's always harder to sell double rolled stuff I'm never really sure okay so that's better than mine so we'll sell it for cheaper we'll do like 279 maybe that seems fair I could price this higher but again I'd really rather just churn through my stuff quicker the better uh armor rating does anyone care about that no but it has magic damage bonus which is okay that might that might raise the price a little bit I don't think anyone cares about armor yeah they don't what's it 2.3 I'm going to just undercut this a little bit all right bag bolts lock picks potions good maybe an extra throwing knife just in case let's go it should make the B damage songs viable yeah I'm not sure if that's really super great I think it's probably just a meme I was watching a lore video and he said he wanted the one V one me did he really that's funny I don't really watch a whole lot of YouTube uh dark and darker but that is funny to hear him say that what do I think would be a best Warlock build uh additional magic damage and then use dark reflection to insta kill people when they hit you it's probably the best build I had no idea people respected me that much I I thought I just kind of figured I don't know I was just kind of around yeah I mean I never play Rogue I haven't played Rogue in I don't know your guess is as good as mine months sure feels like it I don't know I think I'm too humble to own being cracked at the game be honest with you uh I don't know additional or true I don't really play warlock so I'm kind of just spit ball in here I I just know that warlocks destroy me with reflection the special disc oh yeah the special Discord yeah that's it that's it we'll get private matches one day right well I don't even know if that's guaranteed yet the trio thing I I know it was in the in the TS but Ian who knows that may or may not also like never play trios I don't even know if I'm good at trios I'm good at solos but trios is a different game what the hell is this get out of here trash literal garbage okay oh that's a pretty good Shadow mask damn someone's down here no no I don't play Rogue I haven't played Rogue in months come on you coming up maybe not I hear him running around there with Mobs I thought maybe he'd come up maybe not could have fooled you yeah dude I literally haven't played Rogue in months I don't play this class play cleric and Barb all right there's two people in there the guy running around mobs and there was a rogue just chilling I play every class except for Ranger cuz it's boring uh barred because it's too much micromanaging and it's harder it's kind of hard to stream it and that's pretty much it I mean I play warlock too just not too often wow like I don't know what these guys are doing there was a whole [Applause] train things are going crazy easy in here yep another successful stream hey you you guys might see another how I made 30,000 Gold Video cuz I am like 99% positive that I've made at least 30k this stream once I get all my stuff sold maybe even more to be honest with you which is hilarious I I didn't think I could even have a stream this good but here we are I thought I was going to get just destroyed all night hey you too yeah maybe maybe did the dark blade sell probably not it's it's probably not it's probably it probably won't sell till overnight these guys are still fighting over these damn mobs yeah since I start started stream I've probably made about 30k but I'm still I still got to sell all my stuff how long have I played this Rogue uh when did I start stream I don't know whenever my stream started is is how long you're looking at I I made but I remember I did lose like I probably lost about like 5K in Rogue kits too though I don't know come on Mr Rogue what are we doing here chilling huh bro this guy's definitely chilling for sure he's chilling uhuh I'm not pushing that 4 and a half hours yeah so I guess that's about it I didn't know how long I've been streaming for yeah I'd say I probably make about like 7K per hour maybe something around there I don't know the exact numbers just spit ball in here oh what happened to that Rogue I have no clue see if I can find them I'm going to open this just to have it open I just know this rog's going to be chilling somewhere I know it I don't know where I went yeah that's what I thought by the way that's why you always jump around and do movement while you're playing I've seen some people complain when people play and they constantly move their character and like jump and do whatever but that's why you do it because if you don't you're just playing worse because if someone's invis they will just hit you for free so the more you know I guess if there's one thing you can learn I would recommend learning movement I'm I'm just going to leave this is just a dud game there's no point in staying had one guy but yeah he just got a ran oh there was a there was a rogue left oh shoot I didn't know that damn I wish I had went down to the I wish I had realized he was here unlucky I mean who knows he might have killed me for all I know but I should have checked I should have checked down there I didn't it wasn't even a thought wasn't even thinking about it he trolls blood too which is pretty good it's all right it's not the end of the world we'll just reset I was so I was so focused on the Rogue up top that I just wasn't even considering that that Rogue is in general chat the guy wait that Rogue that I was just spectating are you serious that' be really funny how do you play Rogue and complain about Rogue really does feel pretty strong I don't get it have I tried creep did I answer that already I don't know I have tried creep though in case I didn't answer it but I kind of prefer just having PVP skills when you're standing still and open I'm worried about eating yeah all it takes is one guy with an inis pot and a wi last and your game is over it's all it takes I'd really recommend always moving Dodge weave do whatever don't sit still it's not worth it that's really funny I'm to the point where I'm just not going to take trash anymore I I I just wow um he has no interest does he that man could not have ran any faster BR is [Music] terrified you been seeing true shot yeah man that'll get you that'll get you wind last goes straight through that Armor man I don't see it really in solos damn that is such a fast kill wow that is garbage and that was waste of a lock tick perfect I'll check the uh lion's head real quick maybe we just go for um troll counter maybe that's the play kind of missed out last game or I guess it's Cyclops counter but either way I hear somebody fighting I think I'm going to open this immediately and go for the immediate I think I'm going to go for the counter as soon as it dies in case he's hurt use gr BR heavy Gauntlet crusader what's the Rocks I think someone asked me if I ever do troll or Cyclops the answer is no I just counter it is he dead did he die damn he's dead no counter today [Music] is there going to be normal leaderboards oh I have no idea man I iron base don't tell me nothing you know as much as I do about this game I'm going to assume if he died he's probably naked so I'm not worried about it most geared players aren't dying to Cyclops they probably already got it down I'm not going to go in there over some like naked loot am I fire yeah I'm Firebox of course I'm Firebox [Music] damn did how low is he he was so low GG slider it's very close very very close I even dodged his uh thing too damn GG tough luck tough tough luck I tried I really I really feel like I tried my best I didn't expect the throwing knives man the throwing knives caught me off guard Grayson tells me stuff to correctly uh no no he does not I don't know what stuff you think Grayson tells me but you would be mistaken sir I don't get told nothing I'm all my lonesome here man yeah unfortunate but what are you going to do it was so close oh it was so close close man Dam oh man trying to think of like what I could have done better there I'm not even sure I think I missed some Swings with the Stiletto that's that's probably what got me killed I think that's probably like the big the big downside or you know the mistake made I guess unfortunate but oh well give rap your tumble man I don't know about that I don't know about that man rap your tumble does not sound great you know what maybe maybe I'll consider doing a creep though although I don't I don't know like why would I do creep though like I I genuinely don't know why I would use creep cuz I feel like I'm like sneaking up on people just fine but I guess I could try it it might not be the like the worst thing in the world to give try it's all about move speed man plus all isn't even I don't think plus all is as good as just getting like raw move speed for rogue I really do think that's just better this doesn't even make sense it's the same damage as rares why are the epics so expensive it doesn't even make sense it's literally the same damage what that I don't know I guess I guess people just don't look at the I I don't know I don't know why you would ever buy a rare or an epic when you could just go here I just buy a better dagger for cheaper this is literally better than the epics and it's like a quarter of the price it doesn't even make sense I'm convinced people just only look at the Rarity of a weapon and they don't even look they don't even look at the uh like the actual ual stats like oh well it's purple it must be better but it doesn't mean anything at least it doesn't mean anything for the Rogue weapons it seems all right am I good well I mean good as in like my gear is good more throwing knives honestly more throwing knives better quality throwing knives too that would probably be better all right uh bolts and I think that's it I think we're good what's my movement speed right now uh 107 so I'll be at 107.7 with jokester I think that's perfectly fine not using lanterns well you can't the Stiletto doesn't let me use uh ster doesn't let me use a lantern if it was if I could I would for sure but it's just not an option unfortunately all right well we were we were we were destined for a death at some point it's all right wonder what my damage is right now see we're like back to like the same kind of kit it's all good tell you what I really really did not expect that fighter to pull out throwing knives I I almost think if he had Franciscus he might not have killed me because of the uh like because they throw differently another dagger for lantern I considered it but I think the Stiletto dagger is really strong you never see me go to two places in Goblin caves what in the world could those possibly be oh my God this one sucks so much [Applause] I have no idea what areas that you could be saying that I've never been to have no clue under the stone ramp I I went there earlier this stream for the first first time I didn't even know it existed damn it happen so fast to agility is pretty good how long ago did I start streaming I've been streaming on YouTube for I don't know somewhere between like I've been basically since dark and darker released officially I didn't really do it in the play test era but once the game rushed I pretty much started I didn't used to use a mic though things have definitely changed a little bit here and there didn't get rushed I never get rushed there I feel like pretty rare [Music] I'm pretty much to the point that I'm going to stop taking Watchman cloaks I feel like they just don't sell sometimes I can get like 100 gold for them but it's not even like that good MoneyWise unless it has like good stats really even Rush there a lot interesting haven't noticed I think the player reduction kind of changes the spawn rushing there's one spot I can think of that has a lot the one with the spider room thought I heard a player there I definitely did not hear a player there how do I clear this area don't really want to yeah honestly this stream has kind of convinced me that everybody currently complaining they can't play Rogue and PDP uh once you hit Level 15 and get access to Marketplace is just I think it's just a skill issue man I think this is perfectly [Applause] oh that's a third party hello delivery here we are get in solos though Aster on the solo part is a whole different game I I don't claim they know anything about team [Music] balancing yeah red lizard things Agro the whole room I mean I was third party though he was probably low anyway oh wait you're geared wow I didn't expect that oh cool sure um you died to a naked red lizard unlucky unfortunate for you Rogue the first character I made actually I think it was the yeah I think you're right I think it was the first character I made more you know more you know indeed I was second I want to kill the uh Champion but I I feel like I hear I don't know if I hear a player or not I got a golden key earlier from Champion first first Champion I've ever killed this WIP and I got a golden key out of it h that easy yeah rug makes uh Champion super easy to kill it's so much harder on like so much harder on other classes it's not like hard but it's harder I think speed makes a big difference is two all better probably little slower but it's too all if you have a bucker champ is free well yeah but Rogue don't get a bucker though but that's true that's fair I forgot about that I want to make a habit of killing the champion a little bit more just cuz gold keys I mean 2K is 2K man pretty good money hey Mary K good to see you I don't know how much longer I'll be on because I've already been streaming for 5 hours but glad you're here anyway I don't really know what to do I don't know if there's anybody like lingering around this area I'm probably just going to wait probably the better play probably the safer play oh I didn't check the uh back hold up yeah I think uh chest can spawn in that back area or not yeah or not or not oh well I really thought there was a lion chest back there maybe it's a random spawn my gear in perks yeah I can show it real quick oh there was a uh troll killer he's so far out of Spawn though I would have never known I got kind of busy over there anyway so it's really not the end of the world I tell you what once I um once I start organizing my gear and I start buying like you know more stuff I I don't know man I feel like I can build some really good kits with the money I have saved up and don't worry I will show my gear just give me a second I want to uh do some trading really quick I I oh my Army sword sold there you there you go 1 1400 gold easy peasy easy peasy there you go we just made like another 2K gold just off some like random gear that I have it's crazy it's so easy to make gold with PVP cuz people are people are wearing the good gear that's how you get it man like yeah you get good gear from like stuff every once in a while but I choose the leather cap just because I had it available I think Shadow mask is better I should probably now that you mentioned it I really should change it because Shadow mask is better I yeah I should probably change that I just wasn't thinking about it all right 45 physical damage though it's pretty good oh wait I don't have additional damage it's physical a little different 45 uh this is Health to which is pretty decent I don't know how much people are really looking for well this is really similar to mine and they just posted it all right I feel pretty confident I can put it for a little less than the should s should be okay blue recurve hey Justin Dube hey man thank you for the level two sub sych man I appreciate that wow this doesn't sell at all I was thinking this was like good money but yeah it's it's uh it's like a little money it's a little bit it's really not a lot though you sold the 3K no I'm still waiting for my dark wait to sell sadly it'll sell I swear it'll sell though just give me some time it'll sell eventually and if only I feel like I need to get uh what are they called fences I feel like I need to start fencing again I need to find somebody who can sell my stuff again because I can't keep up oh my God that's sold instantly there's another 650 I guess I guess fions really do just sell all the time really easy uh 330 let's undercut this to make sure it sells the last one did not sell at all the worries you're my favorite streamer hey man I appreciate that I yeah now that you mentioned I don't think I've seen you talk like at all man but I appreciate it guess you just linger here let cool man whatever way that you like to watch is perfectly fine with me okay so gear since you guys asked nice haircut yeah I um I've been cutting my own hair since Co happened like forever ago cuz I I mean I used to go to the Hair Cuttery like everybody else but you know I I felt like I was kind of confined to my house so I started cutting myself in and now I'm just lazy and I just do it I just I just buzz it anyway uh yeah so my gear is random uh it's not it's just a bunch of random pieces I have additional damage on my Rings cloak uh my necklace and then I have a leather cap that I'm about to trade out for a shadow mask because well I I think the shadow mask is better cuz it's more speed okay yeah so this is going to raise our speed by like 1.7% which is nuts uh yeah and then we have the gloves that I should probably look for additional damage for which we have right here and stuto Dagger with additional damage uh Wanderer attire with health total loose charers was plus to all that we happen to find I've been using Mo speed but we found these so I figured I'd just use them anyway and rugged boots with a lot of speed so I just figured wear them anyway this is still a pretty random BS go kind of build uh like I'm just bring I'm just using stuff I find in the dungeon just for fun you know who cares all right that said I think we're pretty much good let's go yeah 45 vs do just sell really quick I upload Mary Kate the full streams are right on YouTube you never noticed if you just go to my YouTube channel and you go to the live tab every single YouTube VOD I've ever done since the beginning of time is there so yeah you can watch every VOD all you want you copycat no he's not copying me because he has a heater Shield but the idea is here the idea is there not quite copying me but it is a Rondell if I jump in game oh it's um it's tactical if you're constantly jumping and moving and somebody inis it's less of a chance that they can get like a crossbow head on you or something like that my damage should be about 74 I would assume because of the uh gloves I just put on I meant to grab that blood exchange Achilles I don't personally like it but I know other people use it I personally think Savage Roar is better just my own personal opinion though you know I've considered creep it's not that I think it's bad per se I just wanted to use all like PVP perks I'm not really playing stealthy with this build so I just didn't bother but believe me I I considered [Music] it uh there you go that's that's good it's not like good but like four damage is four damage 100 gold true magic is pretty good blue crystal swords will [Music] sell that's good for this cuz are easy money yeah I guess that's true I could grab the frannies they are I mean barbs are just constantly buying that right it is kind of funny the AI yeah when like something hits something like they'll turn around and they'll just hit their friend for free oh the cti's easy man once you learn the uh attack pattern centipede is like a 15sec kill if you have a good weapon or you cheese it it's even easier I actually just learned about that cheese not too long ago well that like specific Barrel that is yeah my damage is getting pretty high I'm two shotting these now the big difference dude I oh man my full kit Rogue is going to be crazy it is funny what you can do with budget kits though isn't it you really don't need like Super C crazy gear you can do so much with [Applause] budgets don't you have access to the marketplace you can build like whatever help we can build like whatever build you want you have any advice for when centi does the poison Trail I don't know I don't really any advice it's just annoying I don't like it I just deal with it roll weird are use poison weapon uh it's just extra damage extra damage is extra damage we have 16 will so it's doing full damage at least something you win a fight by like one HP man one HP is one HP it also helps against PDR as well a sorry [Music] buddy GG's man dude missed like every shot those oh man guys missed every he missed like everyone man what are you watching uh him missing like eight dagger shots because he can't hit me dude I'm going be honest if I got one V1 as a PDR fighter and I got one hit off for three damage in a straight 1 V one I would be a little sad I'd be a little upset damn oh he had troll loot too dude you think dude imagine if he had a chest and he just ran for it cuz he had that he ran like he had some really good loot damn forgot to reload my crossi well I play um I play fighter with Rondo I dude he had to have something he was running like his life depended on it like he was geared he had to have something good from that troll to run like that for sure it really isn't bad for Boss farming no R is use if it is happening I didn't notice but it's possible I won't say no but I haven't noticed personally also fellas uh those of you on YouTube if you don't mind liking the video I'd appreciate it helps the channel and I got to self advertise myself every once in a while so there you go here it is one of these days I'll have an actual what's up buddy what's up buddy that's close Timothy almost dismantled me little Timmy over here hit me with two good shots I was just going to leave but he wasn't he wasn't interested I don't it doesn't matter oh shoot I should have grabbed the rusty sword I I looked at it and then I just didn't grab it oops oops it's fine whatever there will be more Rusty swords I actually thought that was a long sword not as why G up for a little bit I don't even know if I'm going to really be doing much I just smacked Anthony Kong pan and called him a Timmy wait who's Anthony Kong pan who is that did I really just did I really just dunk on wait what do am I supposed to know who that is damn well uh tell him GG I guess onek view streamer and I just called him a Timmy well Well turns out turns out the 70 view streamer is uh I don't know I guess I'm pretty good I don't know tell you I really didn't know I just thought it was a Timmy not even bragging I just I thought it was Timmy sorry I guess that's funny GG yeah his load out did look tamish I mean yeah in my defense it really did look Tim I I just assumed I thought that was a fair assumption personally sorry I just bought a francisa instead of a throwing knife cuz I'm dumb minus 20 gold I guess how will I ever recover for my 20 gold I just lost I don't know all righty we got bolts lock picks uh PR potion sewing knives looks good yeah he looks good oh yeah Timmy is just like a new player newbie kind of deal D my damage is getting beefy and I'm not even like full kitted yet I guess I do have a pretty okay kit though I mean yeah of course like he he looked like he looked like he had ROM garbage on so of course I thought he was a Timmy man the way he was standing there it looked like he wanted to like not fight so I was going to just take the portal and leave but he pull out of Francisco so damn I can kill those fast now did I transfer money or did you already play all of it did you already what do you mean I don't know if I know what you mean I haven't transferred any money from Rogue and that's ask my rogue is all my own money I have not transferred any money from other characters just to be clear oh he tried to vo me yeah I don't use vo that would be it that would be it wait so he didn't die for 5 hours I'm the first person that killed him that's actually kind of surprising if that's the case a yeah there's a lion head down there now you know dude damage makes such a difference on clearing time for rogue it's amazing you like retap every mod with a dagger the best thing in the world it's so much better than like four or five hits like you can just you can just clear rooms like it's nobody's business I called wait you call me sweaty I am I mean I guess of course I'm sweaty I'm streaming what do you want me to do just like let people kill me for free sweat box I mean I guess I mean man maybe my game play is sweaty but my gear isn't I I'm still in like random gear that I've been fighting in the dungeon I have like so much gold and I'm not even doing it a Chad box emote Maybe didn't you guys make one on the Discord I feel like you made one on my face but it's not really Chad box it's like WTF box look silly yeah poison weapon will do that for sure for sure they look like they're teaming it's going to be one of those games huh haven't had teamers I think all stream so I guess we were due for one so you what I'm not going to just take a bunch of damage randomly you feel like the Joker perk is number no I don't think it's number one it's just a perk that I'm taking just for like a little bit of extra speed and damage cuz I don't I don't have like a super like crazy plus all kit I'm still running pretty mid- tier GE so jokester makes a pretty decent difference for me personally that's the reasoning I told myself at least what you doing buddy I would kill this guy but I don't know where his Road player is I'll kill him later when he's not like right next to his uh his his his teammates no no no no no ranky just to be clear I didn't say my kit was weak I just said it was a budget kit there's there's a difference I want to fight this guy but if I do I'm going to get rushed by this Rogue aren't I oh man I I just know I know it's coming I'm not sure what to do I do want I want to fight him but that Rogue look pretty that Rogue look geared your next Rogue all guy ain't fighting me bro he is not interested [Applause] did that do what did way more damage than I thought it would have damn that guy did a lot of damage he he would not fight me yeah we're just why is he doing so much damage all I don't know I have no idea I feel like he's doing like a really large amount of damage I he just he wouldn't fight me man man oh man I I was trying to fight him in melee and he just wouldn't do it oh man that sucks I mean yeah unlucky I guess he just wouldn't fight me I just wanted the melee fight and he wouldn't do it yeah I I don't know man maybe his knives were better I have no idea oh GG I guess yeah he did I think he was dude I feel like he literally did half my total HP actually you know what guys it's like 1:00 in the morning I think we're going to call it a night I think that's probably a pretty good time good night fellas it has been real it's been fun I I would say this has been a very very very successful stream even though we died I've I'm sure I've made like 30 40K or something stupid I have no idea so GG's everybody catch you later all right have a good night thank you all for stopping by
Channel: Firebox
Views: 4,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w2mp_h8guyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 339min 43sec (20383 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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