Iron Giant Barbarian Build Is Insane | 60% PDR & MDR Build | Dark and Darker

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hey guys how's it going Firebox here I want to bring you the Iron Giant Barbarian Build this currently sits around 60% physical damage reduction and magical damage reduction meaning that you're kind of like PDR fighter but you don't have the magic resist weakness this build is absolutely insane at times I felt like I was invincible the biggest weakness of this build is probably bards had a little bit of trouble but for the most part everything went quite well this is an absolutely broken build so sit back relax and enjoy all right uh he did 23 28 damage pretty good okay so how this fight goes is going to depend on how much true damage he has wow he he almost got me there I feel like I'm cheating uh so yeah you're looking for physical damage reduction and armor on your shield and then all of your gear you're looking for plus armor rating or I opted for some Plus to all as well cuz that's just a good stat uh so yeah like plus armor physical damage reduction plus armor you know oh I guess you're just dead do you see my health dude no he did five damage he did five damage I can't oh my God Nerf Rogue man Nerf Rogue sorry Rogue but this is the end of the line I'm not at 80 I'm at uh I'm at 60 I'm at 67 and 62 and then and then with my secondary Shield I'm at 6167 so the Viking sword Is for Magic users and then my primary is for other players I opted to go for a mix of both oh wow I kind of did that fight dumb cuz I wanted to see if I could face tank him the answer is yes you can just face tank Smite it doesn't matter that's fun he's going to be real sorry when I catch up to him okay well let's uh end of that [Music] [Music] one [Music] I might be dead I'm dead oh The Bard no my kit The Bard oh man it is the counter God how do you beat BS oh no the shriek oh no how do you beat these guys man oh man the room is too open oh no yeah D the bars this might that might be the counter to this the bars are a nightmare to fights it's okay I think I have a secondary kit ready go I haven't died in a while uhoh yeah we're just going to stat check them because we have armor we have magic resistance so we just can't lose he can hit us with as many spells as he want it doesn't matter oh fighting in this room sucks I don't want to do it not really I should have used my other skill but it's fine I'm at the Press q but I'm a dumb Barb player and I don't know how to press a button I can probably DPS check this okay by probably DPS check him I mean I'm going to completely obliterate him oh figuring out magic resistance isn't hard just go to the wiki o son go to Google type in Magic resistance dark and darker Wiki and you will find a chart for how you want to build out your kit because it'll tell you like the thresholds for how much you get at what points all right here you go that easy okay no I looted the centipede I got this ring off of him I know I definitely looted the centipede I know I did a oh hey man I had to go for it he's dead the [ __ ] man this build so crazy build is nutty when it when this build works it works all [Music] right all right well the mem be did 14 damage so GG there is a player I could just face tank this guy yeah yeah I I don't have to respect the B with this build in theory the Achilles Strike should let me kill most Wizards if they're really really geared [Music] it means you can't even count the wizard spells anymore which is scary holy crap that was close no [Music] please yeah I think I think speed Barb was a pretty not inherently fun way for the meta to be oh what the pretty long hallway I don't know if I can fight him oh well I I literally cannot fight him because the uh the poison puddle there's no way I'm not going to I don't want to take free damage from it you know what I could do I don't know I don't know if I'm fast enough to do this but I'm going to try it a that worked perfectly is there not more PVP now more deaths and less teaming uh I mean yeah there's more PVP but you're don't forget there's other Maps it's not just Goblin caves Ice Caves is super easy for PVE farming so I I'd say that's not quite true please holy crap I mean it's huge 50% to 67% is quite literally double or like it's it's your entire HP pool it's huge so I I would definitely recommend trying there's I mean hell this my build isn't even optimized either I mean I would much rather be above 67 oh God that's it that's how much damage he did to me keep walking man well they did just add it it wasn't like it was here before the wipe [Music] I didn't expect him to turn around like that we just win that though cuz we have PDR and he doesn't I was ready I thought he was going to shut the door I didn't even have time to like protection pot I'm loing this is what do they the multia to 30 uh SDF released a Discord General chat message saying that it was a mistake they didn't do an announcement I can't believe he pushed me come just eat the Parry we really just ate a Parry disgusting [Music] yeah oh I'm stuck on the party full health unfortunately as far as like the gear and stuff goes I feel like most GE it's really just not worth taking man unless I see really good stats I just just don't see much reason to take it anymore it seems like it's only good for early game selling like that blue quality type GE and stuff no the spiders gave me a boost did you see that the spider boosted me into him oh man I'm basically [Music] cheating all right Frozen cons list of builds I make I mean I don't make like an official list but I do feel like I try to go over the build like my general thought process of it but I I could do that oh my God he did three damage what up sh okay King for his life he did no [Music] damage hanky boy holy crap should I used the love that's why I don't use the uh Viking sword usually in like a straight 1 V one if you hit any limbs a biking sword does no damage oh yeah calling was first for sure I'm just saying I'm saying I played calling first and then move the Darwin project after calling died h the damage is [Music] um like I was trying really hard for a fight that was basically unwinable I was just waiting for my achilles to come back yeah uh warmal will do it penetration is pretty good damn does my cleric need to use Warhammer to get for the armor pen maybe not a big fan of it though but if people start running like big armor builds Warhammer might be the way to go they should buff waral back to 30% like it used to be and not be tied in armor pen to you know a one-handed weapon silly what you doing buddy these games are not even yeah I'm thinking Barbarian could really benefit from perseverance or protection from Evil would be very very strong thank you guys for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to like the video really helps the channel sub for future content and comment below what your thoughts are on this build and the current meta and I do want to thank kid brutal and B for supporting this video along some of my other members thank you all have a great day
Channel: Firebox
Views: 6,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oiicdGA6y0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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