DIVINE Cleric feels INSANELY GOOD - Dark and Darker

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hey there guys today we're going to be doing something a little bit different we're not going to be doing a Zero to Hero Of course my entire Channel basically is supposed to just been zero to Heroes but I think it's time to Branch out into other things and today we're we well today we're going to start a series on different kind of builds now this one was something I was thinking about as the new update here uh Firebox has actually released videos on something well basically the exact same build we both had the similar line of thinking all based around faithfulness this perk is actually very interesting to me and I think it's actually pretty good especially in solos maybe not so much in Duos and trios uh maybe in Duos you'd be okay with it but in trios you'd probably want to run the more supportive kind of cleric build and that is faithfulness gain 15% Divine magical damage bonus now this thing actually provides a decent bonus to the viability of spellcasting cleric for damage that is so holy strike is of course Divine magical damage and all the skills for cleric are actually Divine magical damage all the ones that actually do damage anyway so for example holy purification Smite and also judgment now Smite is probably well Smite is going to be more damage right however people don't fight you anymore this isn't like very early on just after the game released people understand what Smite does what it is the majority of people anyway and they just don't fight you while you have Smite up so I feel like Smite nowadays is not that good and judgment is actually coming back more into the mattera Judgment also got buffed um a little while ago to actually be pretty good now so we're going to be running that instead the general idea is we're going to be buffing up pre- fight with bless and protection and we're going to just be trying to Holy strike people to death and we have judgment if they get too close or if we can catch them like in a certain area and slap them with a judgment and of course we do have good melee uh there was two ways I was thinking that this build could be viable that the first one being full plate PDR just like tank melee stat tank forcing people to come into melee with your holy strikes otherwise you'll just kill them at ranged or full full move speed cleric with like um no plate at all just going like chapon and stuff the only thing with that it would be played more like a warlock to be honest than a cleric however the only issue with that is you only have four holy strikes to really kill people the Divine spells or just damaging spells in general from cleric are pretty terrible um earthquake is okay but locust swarm is the only other Divine magical one and it does okay damage but it's channeled and people just walk away if they slowed or something perhaps or if you could move it this might be useful but you can't so locust swarm is basically just completely terrible maybe in Duo maybe you could run like earthquake cleric and then have another cleric that run locust swarm and that could be okay but anyway guys I'll do a quick overview of the gear and we'll head in game this is mainly just um stacking plus one all attributes plus two all attributes of course the classes that can utilize plus all attributes the best are going to be spell casting classes with decent melee capabilities such as the cleric such as warlock such as Bon wizard so that's why we're just going to be trying it out with these new well I say new new old stats anyway guys I'll see you guys in game okay hey there guys welcome so this is probably the most geared I've ever been in one of the videos I've done uh this whole kit I believe uh it's okay I guess let's keep it for now this entire kit I believe was 2 something gold so it's you know it's not really a budget kit but it's not that bad feels weird actually having dexterity on uh claric usually I'm having very low dexterity on cleric of course H didn't bring any lockpicks unfortunate okay magic stuff but let's not worry about it now first of all um matchups what are we looking at pretty good I believe against Barbarian Rogue fighter [Music] Ranger warlock is probably going to be our number one bad match up and then probably wizard number two after that I'm not exactly too sure honestly um B I guess B would I don't know I think B would probably be fine as well so I think we're looking at five good match shops or um the majority of them are going to be good I believe and then of course just Wizard and warlock as usual are going to be pretty rough especially warlock cuz we have to kill warlock without him resetting cuz if he's allowed to go and reset and heal up off of a Hydra he's probably going to come back before we could have campfired because our um resourcefulness is so low it takes us so long to put it down and of course all he needs is to basically go and shut a door and then he's able to HDE your life drain back up to full and we're probably not going to kill him unless we only used one holy strike or something now our holy strikes are going to be hurting definitely going to be hurting um I changed our cloak I'm not sure if I show this in the thing but we actually went for this one which is like full damage uh let's take a CIT just in case and our magic barel bonus is 60% plus an additional 15% because of faithfulness that means you know we're getting a 75 bonus plus we've got a bunch of flat magical damage as well on some of our pieces I suppose not a bunch particularly but a decent amount this means that our holy strikes and our judgment are going to be hurting if we can actually hit people with them which should be you know generally okay it's a pretty big AOE it's decent range the only thing is is that only having four of them you can't really afford to miss any you know if you're playing against a class with like um low sustain then you can probably or like low sustain and decent magic resistance you can probably afford to miss one um if people are good at playing around judgment they can space it pretty well and if you use it a little bit prematurely they can just exit the range and it will count cancel it and it will go on cool down so that's not exactly what we're looking for uh they did actually just reduce amount of players on Goblin caves from Seven down to five so it might be a bit I mean it definitely will be a little bit harder to actually get PVP than it was although it was very very easy to get PVP so that's probably not much of an issue of course our biggest drawback is we are very slow very very slow let's have a look with our weapons out we are 225 we are disgustingly slow so basically anything can run away from us even the slowest like of P our Fighters is probably still faster than us um now remember with our Bookout we do only get a 10 movement sued penalty and we do also have bless which gives us five agility so we will go up to 260 and bear in mind we can unequip these things to gain I thought someone I heard someone opening a door we can unequip these to gain more movement speed if we're chasing someone and they're just a little bit too fast but we have the advantage however of course we are going to lose quite a lot of stats from unequipping these pieces so that's kind of we have to be very confident for that to actually work out and to be a viable strategy for us um some of our things do actually give us movement speed our boots are plus five move speed and also plate boots so we get seven move speed from those let's look at the top Helm oh that's actually decent I might keep that for another uh Clarity kit I've got a few builds that I want to try now I do think this spawn is probably going to be relatively uneventful so I'm not sure how much PVP we actually get into here of course for PVE you'll be absolutely fine the only thing you probably don't want to do is you probably don't want to bus on a build like this as um sorry the goblin cave solo bosses cuz you're just going to be too slow you'll probably get caught by things and it's just very risky um I'd much prefer to have movement speed to be honest all you need to really boss on Goblin caves is just a good weapon you don't even need a good weapon you just need a decent weapon a decent weapon and no one else trying to thr party you and you'll be fine let's go in here take a peek in here see if we've got anyone uh this is actually unclear which is surprising although however they would spawn on the other side if they did spawn in here um still got to see got to learn like how the new I do actually hear someone up to the north let's go ahead and see if we can get them [Music] [Music] okay I'm really surprised that he trying to magic Missile us from there that's a sketchy decision uh I assume this guy is yeah this guy is pretty much Base Kit which is what I was expecting to be completely honest um he doesn't really have anything of value maybe that will sell for a bit I believe we've already completed the a quest so let's not worry about that there were a few geared people in there I didn't really get to scout much though cuz the lobbies fill so quickly right now especially only having five players uh we could go down here and check if there is a royal coffin but our time is a little bit low for that as we'll have to run for the Zone soon so that's a bad hit I do hear a player outside didn't quite get to see what that is it's a fighter going to say he's going to go ahead and shut this door behind him but hopefully you can see how strong this is like this is a very strong uh setup here that we're running uh let's go ahead I would like to find a safer place to campfire but I think maybe here will be okay to just try and campfire gets the Spells back zero holy strikes is yeah we're going to have a very rough time in any PVP that we engaging having zero holy strikes unfortunately this um campfire is basically objectively bad to run cuz it's a different kind of lighting this one's probably only worth running if you're playing for like minmax on Goblin cave uh sorry Ice Caves just cuz the different kind of lighting will give you a away I'm hoping we can get at least three ideally we can get four holy strikes back I think I'm probably just going to chill but yeah you can see the idea of this we use judgment as basically another free little spell which casts very quickly it actually does more damage than holy strike by the way 20 base damage on holy strike versus 25 on judgment um let's have a look if this guy had any gear that was any I think we will try take that if we can um a lot of this pieces were pretty subpar to be completely honest so let's not worry about them too much let's go ahead pop some meds we did also bring Way Too Many Meds I was doing normal games before this on quests and you kind of just get lots of meds cuz uh cuz people bring them in but they don't really use them that much so if you're fighting people you get a lot of their meds so there could be a maximum of another two additional players in here in fact let's actually leave that open the goblin Mage is coming for us but let's not wor about it too much but yeah I'm not sure if you can um tell from watching CU I feel like it's harder to notice when you're watching rather than playing but my God we are slow like incredibly slow but I do feel very strong they did of course cap PDR at um 75% now so we did the build did get I think the top end of this build got nerfed a little bit cuz I do think you actually could hit that it looks like it might just be us left in this run so I think what we go ahead and just going to grab this Blue Portal and take our way out of here uh maybe we'll Lo a few more chests but we didn't really make much gold from this run or anything it feels really nice having a purple Weapon It's actually decent as well two additional weapon damage but the number one thing is we just need to play smart we need to not panic the only thing that really is going to be rough are warlocks Wizards honestly they might run out of spells before they kill us as long as we um Dodge a few and bait a few that's actually a very nice crossbow um I think I'll drop that cuz it's just a bit like luster let's go ahead and drop four gold as well grab the crossbow and let's make our way out of here open up these two portals uh this gives a little bit of AP a little bit of XP honestly I do want to do Builds on other classes as well it's just getting them up to level 15 to actually be able to afford the gear I want to move away from doing quite so many zero to Heroes as that's obviously the core of what the Channel's been built on and I absolutely will continue doing them as long as people still want to see them it's just there's only so many times you can do zero to Heroes right so I'm going to go ahead and put these things on the market see how much gold we're looking at here okay hey there guys welcome to the second game now I'm not sure about with this build um in the sense of I thought last season cleric was one of the worst solo classes um if I'm being completely honest I'm not now I'm reassessing whether that was actually whether I was correct on that or not because this feels incredibly strong but maybe this only feels strong due to the changes they made such as having all attributes of course spellcasters are some of the hardest scaling classes with all attributes as they can use every single um stat there is like we gain benefits from literally everything I think Cris dag is actually relatively matter so we'll keep that um and melee being good is nice for us really nice our bloody spell casting being as good as it is like with this High spell casting along with the magical power bonus is very very solid as well honestly I can't believe he didn't die from that that's cuz mobs have um most mobs actually have some magic resistance they have negative physical damage resistance in the sense that they take more damage from physical damage but they actually do have a little bit of magic resistance in general so that's if you've ever like used spells to kill mobs as a wizard except for magic missiles I mean like um you know if youve tried zapping goblins to death and stuff yeah that's why it takes so godamn many zaps just to kill like just an average Goblin and that's why it doesn't feel that bad when you like look two two tapping those is great uh quick PDR check okay we're at almost 60% with our Shield out uh with our Shield away we actually only have 48% we did have 50% when I had the um other cloak I'm not sure if I even showed the other cloak but we had one with an additional uh with 10 armor rating base plus an additional 10 armor rating but this one first of all I chose this one just cuz of the drip honestly this one looks better having um Red Cloak with the like black and red armor before this we had a blue cloak a knowledge one now this room here is pretty scary to be completely honest and I think what we're actually going to do is just not go that way that's I was going to say I hope he doesn't destroy the door that room is I think one of the worst rooms you can be a cleric in you can be kited basically forever um people can outrange you it's just a horrible idea and this I think is one of the um under respected parts of dark and darker at least in solos is picking fights on your terms now this area is still not ideal for us cuz people can kite us decently well here but this is considerably better than that in uh than in that big massive open room where people can just run around forever chugging potions and stuff um one of the reasons why I don't think the the variant um that I was thinking of having really high move speed and just kiting around Hol striking people is going to be that good is just due to running out of spells that's kind of the core problem with like damage oriented cleric you only really have four damage spells cuz the other options are just very poor judgment the range is just too high of it it's more of like a I I don't even know to explain it but it's you can't use that when people are when you're chasing people basically because they would just outrun it I would really like to loot this I'm honestly considering just tanking a few hits if I have to to kill this guy quicker because he's not going to do almost any damage to us we have the um half duration of negative ailments on us the um protection from Evil we also have a decent amount of will which again reduces them I believe we also take three less damage from all sources flat perseverance this guy does almost zero damage with his poison we can just pop one potion I think I prefer to just kill it [Applause] quicker especially when we have this Many Meds right one health potion will overheal Us in fact so let's not worry about that Ro pendant three physical damage okay sure damn we got both resource oness pieces that's quite unfortunate after we've looted this we'll probably go looking for a bit of PVP we did get a few good Treasures here um I guess we'll take that but it's not particularly that useful that's an okay crystal ball and by okay I mean actually it's pretty terrible so I'm not sure why I said that I guess it's just the fact that it's blue is okay honestly this Ring's probably not even worth taking out but anyway let's actually go the other way so this way we're inside the Zone like pretty much immediately and we can actually get a bit more looting done and then we can probably get into the PVP uh those are decent plate pants for this build but I just don't think you can really afford to lose plus all attributes honestly the flung mace when you're not like running Base Kit claric feels pretty good I did think about using a Morning Star instead cuz I I always just liked the attack pattern of the Morning Star however basically it breaks Barrels in one hits oh sorry not barrels boxes in one hit which feels like really good the only problem with the maces is it's really easy to hit with not The Sweet Spot which of course means you're doing like quite a bit less damage um that's something to be quite cautious of when you're actually engaging in like really close melee is you're probably not going to be hitting them with the full maximum damage from your weapon so you are taking like a pretty big damage loss in that sense well a lot of weapons don't really have that issue uh it's kind of just a thing that happens with claric cleric weapons where they are just quite vulnerable to that the only real exception I believe well actually I believe it's just the flange Mason morning star that had that issue the club and the Warhammer I actually don't think do have that issue at all really by the way guys I just want to say um if you've been enjoying the video and you want to see some more different things I'd appreciate likes on the video I'd also appreciate subscriptions if you'd like to see more like this more from me like I said I'm going to be expanding out into more kind of different builds rather than probably doing as many zero to Heroes cuz just doing zero to Heroes you don't really get to experience um as much as the game as I'd probably like to I will probably also eventually expand out into doing some Duos and trios content however I'm just not too sure how I'm going to work about that yet um I've also got a few questions for you guys first of all if you have any interesting build ideas that you'd like to see flushed out that or tried out that at least have like a a bit of a theme I'd be happy to try and um try and test out some of these suggestions in the comments if they're seeming like interesting or anything and also I'm thinking about making a Discord for a community um where you know you can meet up with people who also watch me I suppose and hopefully play together get some Duos some trios in um maybe eventually maybe that's how I'll handle the Jewish andri content like I said I'm not too sure there's a lot of things to figure out anyway but if you'd like to join that let me know in the comments below and if I get enough people saying that they would like to join I probably will make a Discord uh don't want to make one if there's only going to be you know a few people joining I understand I don't have the biggest Community there's actually a dead Goblin there and that doors open so there's likely someone to be there this area is actually surprisingly not the worst because there's quite a lot of line of sight blocking things such as these pillars and things which you can use to your advantage as a cleric to get that downtime to met up or sorry to heal up let's quickly just buff up I think I doubt we're alone but I haven't heard anything for a while so I'm not exactly sure where The Other Place could be there's a dead player here so I'm pretty loow Tier gear yeah uh let's actually upgrade our campfire I guess oh another campfire is actually nice I would kind of like to take another campfire let's do that let's quickly check out these dark leather leggings pretty terrible right let's not worry about them I think we basically got to the fight so late there's possibly no one left but either way I'll probably leave this one in just cuz I've asked those few questions and I've yapped a fair bit about the viability of things and stuff so I think it hopefully it still poses an interesting thing um this still are my first few games with a reduced player count of goblin caves I'm so far I'm surprised by how it's feeling this feels perhaps more like the dev's intended to have where it's not just no there is [Music] someone where though there okay let's open this let's quickly kill some mobs that are on us and then try and loot him see if he's got anything of any value uh he looks kind of naked so very possible that he has basically nothing let's first of all take a look though um okay he has a lot of treasures okay wow he has a lot of high tier Treasures as well okay wonder what this guy was up to all right honestly let's just drop all of these we'll be able to take High two Treasures out um is that all we want uh oh my God okay um drop that uh that will do us I guess Unfortunately they got had some really high tier Treasures but arry is basically full of treasures anyway so well I I'm glad we found that guy that's going to be a bunch more money for us anyway 1,16 AP the AP also so now notice you get 90 well we got 99 for this player um I think this depends based on like Rank and stuff so I'm not 100% sure how that works yet for thing to know they actually missed spell early I swear this used to be correct oh no that it was preseason wasn't it and now it's called Early Access season but just something to know hopefully they can fix that not it really matters and one thing to know is the um AP costs to actually enter the dungeon are significantly higher than they were before to enter Goblin caves Exemplar one so if you're on the demigod grind it costs 1,200 to end the dungeon now which is insane I I think it was about like 600 before or something like that so maybe 500 anyway it is significantly High I know you get more from killing players now but I don't believe you get anything more from Loot and stuff and loot also to me does feel a bit nerfed so I don't know if this is even possible like very possible that it is I'm not sure obviously there are a few uh uh what are they called exemplars Already there's no demigods yet but that will probably change soon enough okay welcome guys to the third match I wish I could do um different map content as well like just as a solo but unfortunately for now at least until they decide to add uh other map options for solos this is unfortunately it's just going to be Goblin caves I guess uh took a bit of unnecessary damage there but let's not worry about it too much let's I'm hoping we can maybe look for a little bit more PVP this run uh I should have dropped off one of these campfires three is probably a bit much but let's just we have the inventry space now let's just go ahead and save that I also didn't even oh no we actually found that ow uh okay now we are doing pretty good damage to be honest um we are a bit low on meds so maybe I should have brought in a few more than this we kind of went from one extreme to the other was checking to see if there was going to be the hell Shrine in here oh one thing which I wanted to comment on as well is um specifically for cleric well actually not specifically for cleric but happens with like Warlock and wizard is to but one thing to note is we actually got magical power on this and while that doesn't help us out too much it does help us out cuz we're most likely going to be judg menting with our melee weapon out if we are actually in any kind of dangerous situation so that is just like another little um bonus thought to think about there's someone there I'm not exactly sure what that is it looks like some kind of fighter or something there was a Slayer fighter in this game with yeah that's definitely a fighter um there was a Slayer fighter in this run with a crystal ball which makes me think he could possibly be relatively geared the only thing is if this guy doesn't want to fight he can just like tell us he doesn't want to fight and there's not really anything we can do to actually force a fight cuz he will just out run us so far that's why I think cleric is um cleric and PDR fighter are not the best for solos because people only fight really on bad terms oh sorry on yeah well on bad terms on bad terms for you specifically if you have an advantage and they are faster than you why would they have a fight they're just going to run away now of course there are certain situations where you can for a f force a fight like we did with that Ranger in the previous game um mainly you know towards extractions and things and perhaps if they've got mobs on them you can and if they need to go through a certain door because of the zone or something like along those lines but those situations all I'm saying is are just not particularly common I'm looking for ideally green Treasures or better here uh gems I guess are fine white but a Cultus robe it's actually a decent aulus robe for green but I think we can do better without inventry space than a green Cultus robe that won't really sell for anything on the market lots of things are not really selling for uh lots of chests and legs right now aren't really selling for too much just cuz if you don't have all attributes it feels very bad to be spending too much money on something that doesn't even have all attributes um I think after let's go and look for a little bit of PVP the only thing is of course we don't want to be third partied but that's probably much less of a an issue now that there's only five people in total in the lobby obviously four excluding us does that mean going into the middle of the map immediately at the start as a plate as a slow plate wearing character yeah probably still not but let's go ahead and stick to the sides for now we'll probably be pushed towards the middle anyway it appears for now at least we're kind of on the correct side of the Zone there is still this guy that I would like to try and fight but almost certainly will not let us fight what we can do is try and cut him off through these boards he's not actually going to fight I'm aware he um we're we probably outar this guy massively yeah he's never going to fire so let's just not bother um let's just pretend that we're going to continue fighting at him and just open this door and do whatever we're going to do in here right okay we need to um well doors fight around doors is pretty bad for us in general I guess ideally we'd like to start buffed up so we would from that point of view like to start near a door so we can like guarantee the buff up it's a shame I forgot to bring the bloody coin purse let uh R by the look of it would have had a lot of gold already but anyway let's not worry about that but then of course after that Holy strike takes quite a while to cast and people can it generally takes longer to cast than it takes people to shut doors so you're just going to get the door shut in your face every single time judgment however is a pretty decent one because even if you lose line of sight if they stay within range it will actually continue to um do the damage anyway so judgment's pretty good at doors just not so much holy strike and holy strike of course is kind of your main thing um down here there is actually pretty good loot there is a health shine as well so we could have saved on a few meds but I don't think we need to worry about it too much it's just now maybe let's try um I mean this guy's never going to want to fight I did hear something else to the South though some one else that guy is going to just be annoying the entire game he's he basically has zero chance of killing us which is's whereare which is why he's just running it's just um he's going to be a nuisance and try and third party us when we actually do ever get into another fight so I guess for now let's just continue down where we were going to go um I was going to take out the centipede oh there what's that I think that's the um Slayer fighter that we saw with a crystal ball now whilst we do have pretty good PDR if that guy has armor penetration the amount of damage he's going to be outputting is going to be quite scary so we don't really want to be um basically we don't we need to make sure we don't disrespect him cuz if he has built correctly to deal with PDR which right now there's a fair few people running PDR it's probably one of the most popular it's been basically just cuz okay this guy did kind of want to try and catch us off guard there but that's not going to work um he can just run through the doors forever let's just continue pushing him I guess for now what we can do is we can just get him to stay out in the zone and while of course he can heal out inside of the Zone um he will at least be running out of meds and he will have to eventually push into us a bit further I think even perhaps maybe let's try this okay I don't really want to waste another holy strike on this guy when we've got people that could actually be genuine threats so all we're going to do is just be annoying to this guy and just try and keep him outside the Zone I don't like I say he could third party us he's going to do a very little amount of damage to us it's unfortunate that this guy's kind of spent our entire game just fighting against this guy I probably shouldn't have opened that cuz now this gives him an out hello okay well we did kill him with that his gear is going to be I imagine he's not going to have like anything for Value okay let's not even read that let's let's just grab a few of these pieces that might be decent some of the higher tier things another campfire is okay all right un for we did spend so much time against that guy it's weird cuz whenever it feels like whenever I come in with gear people don't come in with gear and whenever I don't come in with gear people do come in with gear it feels like it's never really a fair fight one way or another let's go and see if we can quickly find that warlock however I imagine he's already left or he's about to leave yeah I'd imagine he's already left at this point then it would be really nice if Goblin caves had a second layer so then you could actually go to like a higher risk higher reward area then possibly people would actually be more convinced to stay in um actual Goblin caves like look at we got such a little AP for this run cuz we just didn't really do anything cuz that guy was just being a pest to us the entire time of course eventually we did kill him we have finally hit Level 20 not that that really changes anything but let's see how much money we ear hey hey there guys welcome back um I'm not sure how longer we want this video to be so we might only do a few more runs I suppose maybe with these um actual kind of build videos perhaps maybe I should edit these down a lot more and maybe they should be um not as long as the general zero to Heroes I do I understand that a lot of people enjoy how long my videos are which is kind of why I made them so long um it wasn't the original intention but I'm not sure we're just trying out new formats and stuff testing stuff out see what you guys think see how the Fe back like see how the analytics are um as I say we don't want to be in this run particularly uh sorry this room I assume that another play oh I didn't realize there was a guy this close I don't know where the closest spawn will be now obviously previously there was someone who would spawn either here or possibly over in that room um but due to the reduced players it's probably changed the [Music] spawn H Dynamics I suppose um let's get potion ticking we're okay we don't need to use our heals even though you do get heals back quite quickly uh light uh sorry lesser heals that are that is you get them back pretty damn quickly just from resting anyway let's try and do a bit more looting um I'm not really doing too much looting cuz I'm primarily looking for some PVP to try and show off the build a bit more I suppose a PVP Montage would probably be a bit better for that but um I know a lot of people appreciate seeing like how to um just move around the map properly and things not to say I'm the best at that or anything but for the new players there is thought process that goes into things um that you might not expect with just picking your roomes like I'm saying if you're you know a long something that excels at long range for example like a wizard or for [Music] a uh Ranger of course you want to try and stick to the more open areas where you have room to kite you have space to actually get some shots off meanwhile if you're a relatively low ranged um class such as Barbarian or cleric or I hes aate to say fighter because you know with a crossbow you can absolutely get quite a few kills from range however it's kind of rare as a v you're getting kills solely from your ranged weapons unless you're running the um weapon Mastery build with like a windless crossbow and you know a Reco bow or another crossbow something along those lines that one's a lot more deadly at range just cuz the windless does such insane damage especially if you have quite a bit of physical power stacked up I don't I know there are signs of there has been a player here but are they still here yes they are it's a wizard that's not [Music] good okay yeah Wizard's not as bad as warlock uh especially if they don't exactly know what your class does um he probably wasn't expecting the just high amounts of damage that we do with our spells from a distance which is honestly an easy mistake to make it's never really felt oh those are actually pretty decent it's never felt like warlock has sorry clar has had such crazy good ranged uh examples I guess it's just cuz you don't normally run this much magic damage on a um cleric especially with the Boost to faithfulness or sorry the faithfulness boost to your Divine magic spells but yeah as soon as he um missed that first fight I was feeling relatively good one thing to not is protection only blocks physical damage it's just like a a blue pot and I do believe it actually does stack with blue pot and you can of course use the anti-magic potions it's just you know quite often you're not going to be running those people don't really tend to bring those that much people have done a bit more recently cuz people are actually running a lot more magic damage classes in solos there's a lot more cleric Wizard's a lot better than it historically has been in solos warlock is a lot better uh well I'm not sure about warlock actually maybe warlock's like best moment was when tortum Mastery first released and it was really good with just even like plus three magical healing and you could feel like a crazy good amount of healing from your dots did hear a portal open up very close normally I did set the resting but because I'm yapping I think we'll just continue for now um I don't really want to take an early extract I would like to try and get a bit more PVP in ideally against people a bit more geared I thought that guy's gear wasn't as low as it actually was CU cuz um he has a chest I don't know it feels like in this patch it's difficult to find chests and I'm finding much more other pieces specifically gloves and um gloves boots and helmets especially I feel like I find a ridiculous amount of those compared to chests but of course not always the case I'm honestly curious if we should try and boss I have killed the boss solo basic kit as Rogue but that's a very different Beast to doing it as cleric now of course you'll have much more health and PDR and stuff as cleric and we have much higher damage output however I believe the cave troll does Still oneshot You with certain attacks okay that's opened up so someone has been here let's just have a little bit of a listen see if we can it's a mob well there's a rogue there he's dead I guess he died to a mob a trap maybe this trap let have a quick look um he's been looted actually so now he died to a player lot these pieces aren't very good so someone's going around killing people or at least one other player anyway let's see if we can do a little bit of hunting see if we can come across him this room again is not good for us there you see that no it's Goblin never mind thought that was a player [Music] H right well let's not go this way anyway there's no point of unnecessarily risking stuff let's just go ahead and head this way okay there's actually another portal in there so someone could go and take that out easily so there's a maximum of two other players right now of course five interesting thing the fact that those goblins were there perhaps someone went down to the South H I'm not really too sure how did that hit us very little damage in coming onto us though especially from mobs like oh there is a player H looks like a relatively low geared player nice Dodge there actually okay now he was pretty low anyway not sure what we hit this guy with let's just do a quick damage check oh sorry not damage check gear check those are okay those will probably sell for a bit bunch of treasures for us oh those aren't that bad either that's not very good that's I'm not sure about the fine curus last patch the dark play armor was selling for a lot no matter how good or bad it was that's okay as well I might sell now we are completely out of prob strikes again so we probably will want a campfire or perhaps just take an extract there could be what one other player in here maximum now and if we come into them now when we don't have any holy strikes we could very possibly be in for a bad time um oh the last guy was actually a barbarian that I saw I remember seeing him he had like a he had a bit of gear he wasn't Base Kit he wasn't particularly geared but he had some I think let's just go ahead and look for a portal the fact that the mobs are still alive in here makes me feel like he's probably not in here um there's of course a portal over there I think I might still need a goblin Mage for my quests so let's actually just go ahead and kill this guy as well go ahead grab this hell of course we grab these things very quickly due to um it being based inter magical interaction speed is based on your will we do actually have higher knowledge than will at the moment which is a bit unusual for a cleric but uh it's because of these pieces actually these things these two pieces give eight knowledge combined okay that's pretty good uh let's go ahead and take that and let's grab that and then this looks like a pretty good load out for us pretty good amount of loot well I don't know I suppose nothing can go wrong with just checking a few more of these chests we've got another extra portal here even if someone comes and injes this portal we'll be fine I would like to fight someone a bit similar in gear to us like our gear isn't crazy good but it is pretty solid like you know a 2 to 3,000 gold kit is hardly B at all in fact two to 3,000 gold might not be enough for a single B item but it is still a pretty solid kit I will absolutely admit that I do see a lot of people recently complaining about the um holy strike it does have pretty good AOE it does do pretty solid damage it does take quite a while to cast though and I feel like half the reason it's so powerful is just due to how little actual other useful damage spells cleric has I would absolutely be fine if they nerfed holy strike if they just gave claric another spell which was actually usable in combat to actually deal damage like earthquake this is only really useful if someone if there's like another threat so if you could use like an explosive bottle and then somehow earthquake them inside of that but that's not very realistic if they have a mob on them that could happen but even then that's still quite specific as well so it's not very useful and local swarm just sucks straight up the fact that you have to channel it is just awful if you could move it like I say then it might be okay but you can't okay welcome back guys I would like to there is a pretty geared fighter in this run which I just um scouted which I would like to try and fight uh this one will probably just be talking about my thoughts really on cleric and first of all I don't really think cleric is that oppressive as a class cuz in general it has that glaring um drawback of just being disgustingly slow like even you know fighter has Sprint to try and carry it when it's wearing plate and stuff but cleric doesn't have a crossbow doesn't have Franciscus doesn't have throwing knives and has no way to boost its own movement speed except from bless which is five movement speed so you know not going to be the most impactful but yeah those are my thoughts holy strike I could understand if they nerfed it a bit um perhaps it could get the lightning strike treatment however I feel like lightning strike honestly may have been a little bit overnerfed with the AOE reduction cuz it feels oh I actually need the giant spiders for Quest I actually haven't really used it much but I know one time it was decently Messer and I was actually running it instead of Fireball although that to be honest I was just kind of feeling lightning a bit more than fire at the time so there's someone here let's buff up just in case they get the jump on us down below I can't tell what class that is let's kill this giant spider cuz I want my quest first of all please don't oh my God okay right it lasts half as long cuz we're a cleric that's a nice little bonus about cleric I guess okay we did kill it very quickly but I can't see anything in these do I'm a just can you please I'm just chilling dude M okay you're good what quest you are what's that what quest you at you still the starting ones or the one where you have to go to the goblin prison a but I can't maps are online yeah it's if it's on this map I have no idea honestly I know what it looks like I don't know where it is which one does it look like I have curiosity that has like the static Blue Portal in the middle of it but I don't know if it's on this map or not right okay I don't think it is I think this is the map that doesn't have it okay I'm going to go this way so good luck what a nice guy I know some people always want blood when uh whenever I see someone who begs for the life but I can't you know I felt too bad he said he's just a I don't know he look to be honest he didn't really look like that much of a noob but it's fine maybe I should disable vo I'd have more kills if I just disabled vo but hey anyway um I Rec respect someone just wanted to Quest that's fine Ln no not really oh look there's a player what's that looks like a warlock no it's a cleric uh that guy was like an early basee kit I guess by the look of it yeah unfortunately for this guy um gear Gap is just too crazy there yeah this guy was basically Base Kit although honestly let's take a few of his meds take his gold coin Pur as well take his lunch money blue pots can never go wrong with more blue pots yeah that's fine um I think we'll probably do a bit of resting to get some Buffs back and stuff here might as well you pop another heal make sure we're at four holy strikes so yeah um I'm not a cleric main or anything but my opinion on cleric right now is it's pretty damn good in solos it's very enjoyable to play I personally always for some reason enjoyed the like I thought I heard someone there for a second the spellcasting plate um kind of fantasy which wasn't really so much in dark and darker you know it was just as a support healer as a cleric this feels much more like a paladin kind of thing which is very awesome I really enjoy it is it problematic I'd say no just cuz it's not so fast that it's like impossible to deal with like um a barbarian won't just chase you to the edge of the Earth of course maybe they don't so much anymore after they got nerfed but it was an option right and I feel like Rogue as well if Rogue is a class that's ever strong Rogue feels very oppressive to deal with so I think it makes sense on why the general Community uh or why it's kept in a state where most of the community thinks Rogue is bit underpowered underwhelming um especially due to how lamb mine works of course slam mine did receive that little rework and Rogue got a few Buffs here and there on this patch um no idea how much this has shifted the community's perception of Rogue I don't think Rogue is as bad as people were saying it was particularly um Rog has always been a class that scales very well with gear but at like low gear levels is very underwhelming and I think that's fine to have classes like that you know like um if you get like a the thing is all right so uh pretty L cluster pieces honestly again let's take another campire if something attacks faster it's going to scale harder with weapon damage true physical damage additional physical damage that kind of stuff right and Rogue I believe is the fastest hitting base kit in the game however it could possibly be Ranger with their short sword or perhaps Bard as well I think it's either Rogue or B I don't think it's actually Ranger but I'm not too sure uh especially when it has the ranged option of the hand crossbow not that the hand crossbow is that insane or anything uh hly a lot of mid tier loot I'm really surprised by how quiet this map is now I don't want to open this um cuz we open it quite quickly as a cleric it's of course based on your medical interaction speed which is currently based on your will used to be based on your knowledge so let's leave that open or not open I guess closed um perhaps we can bait some class with like a low will into actually trying to open that and kill them while they go for it ideally we're looking for a proper fight I wanted to try and find that final fighter that has like a good is load out he looked like he was in almost full Blues so it would be a pretty decent fight I think we're definitely favored I think claric just um it's kind of designed to beat fighter although it feels like there's kind of a few classes that are built to beat fighter cler one of them um warlock as well is pretty damn solid against it uh talking about PDR fighter here and wizard as well sure we haven't really found any nice loot from any of these runs and I'm surprised that even running through the middle of the map here we're not really going to find anyone well okay that's an okay Hound skull I guess we'll see how much it's worth perhaps let's drop down here and kill the um centipedes hopefully they'll drop us some loot I'm really tempted to like whenever I have a good kit now after learning the um bites I'm really tempted to go down and try and kill the bosses but I didn't actually learn Cyclops yet I only learned troll troll seems relatively easy it does take quite a while though you do have to be patient that's honestly my number one tip if you haven't actually bossed before just be very patient it takes a while um the only thing to know is as well is the um troll does actually have regen apparently according to the wiki so like the longer you do take to kill it the longer it is going to take like even more so hopefully this guy's got some good jewelry for us it seems like they always do the second Dash away when they're pretty low on health well not really what I was looking for but not too bad let's pop a heal go back up there is another one but let's not worry about that we kind of need to go for the Zone that's not our gas clo I hear yeah a goblin just attacked to the southeast um oh look [Music] okay this look like the look like a pretty low gear um Rogue yeah Rogue just also I believe has a pretty bad match up against us so yeah that's B unlucky for him his best option was um honestly just to try and run don't think he really could have done much to us um again I'll say this dip again because the on the mini map in the bottom right corner where the final white circle is is like you know around here that means the final portal is going to spawn there it doesn't however give you an indication of um what verticality it's on so it could be if this is like a multi floor room it could be up here it could be down below however if it looks like it's kind of in the wall it's most likely just on a different um floor uh you know what let's drop these franciscos let's try and take can we somehow shift that inventry around four slots yeah let's go ahead and grab one of these blues and then make our way out of here that was the final game of this video guys um unfortunate we didn't get to fight against that long sword the guy who was pretty geared I don't know I went to the middle of the map he wasn't there I imagine he probably just didn't want the fight honestly because it's just a bit of a counter match up thank you guys for watching again I'd appreciate any likes on this video let me know if you've got any ideas for the comments below and any builds you'd like to try and see I don't have all classes at level 15 yet um I'm not sure if I am going to get all classes level 15 yet but we'll see I'll try and do some builds uh thank you guys for watching I hope to see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Esomn
Views: 7,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4JpdJ5Y3pLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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