BARBARIAN IS STILL INSANELY STRONG (Zero to Highroller) - Dark and Darker

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hey there guys today we're going to be returning to a class I haven't played as in a while we're going to be doing the Barbarian of course for a little while and in the previous wipe I did actually play quite a bit of Barbarian before everyone realized how broken it was uh then it kind of got a bit meta and I sto enjoying things when I'm when it's meta usually I don't know why but yeah so what we're going to be doing is of course going to be running Barbarian we're fresh from level one uh We've customized our Base Kit a little bit we I really dislike the battle ax so we're actually going to be bringing the Quarter Staff we're bringing in round Shield just in case you could also consider bringing one of these chests but I don't think they're really worth it maybe you can bring the adventurers tunic or something but I just prefer to keep the speed for right now uh these gloves you might as well bring them they just give a little bit of resistances no movement speed penalty of course got some meds throwing X's looks all good now for our build um I did get inspired a little bit by um fireboxes like most recent video and I just he may he's actually the reason I wanted to try Barbarian again so we're going to be trying uh something similar to what he was doing which is of course if you haven't seen it I'll try and Link it in the description if I remember but it's Firebox he's way bigger than me so assume most of you've seen them uh Savage raw of course 50% physical damage bonus reduction uh also fears mobs you can use this for PVE and achill strike helps us to stat check people in closer ranges so pretty good option and then for our first perk honestly I think we're just going to go robust there is also like an option for Savage but I'm absolutely um down to use a chest armor if we get a decent one and now there's a lot more chest armors that Barbarian can actually use so let's not worry about that too much aside from that there are also a bunch more good options potion chug are very good crush is pretty good Iron Will of course there's a bunch of good options so we'll see uh when we get level five we'll probably swap it around we might even swch uh switch over to potion chugger when we actually have more potions to use one potion it's not really worth bringing it for but anyway guys I'll see you in game okay hey there guys welcome so uh we're actually level three I did just do like a bit of a quick run um we had a decent first run but then I died to something pretty damn stupid in the second one so oh my God okay did they change where those guys aim this is not a good start at all losing our health P like that early on Barbarian is really bad I thought it must be because I used to must I've blocked these guys before easily with the Quarter Staff it must be that you have to crouch and look at them or all I used to do was like look roughly level with their [Music] um oh those are some nice boots sh we can't use the morning star that would be a nice one-hander for us to use with our Shield um actually the Morning Star seems like a pretty perfect Barber weapon though I don't know maybe that's just me let's go ahead take these gloves a little bit of agility some extra armor rating oh did I not oh no we got another bandage um well we need these bandages for the quest but let's not worry about it too much let's go ahead and pop that one I'd prefer to just escape with a bit more gold and we won't really have to worry about meds in the next one um I'm really surprised by how much some people are no liking the game like some people are really like bringing in very crazy gear uh that's why I edited out the previous thing that we uh the previous run because we just died to a barbarian who had like full purple plus all that attributes it was full oh wow okay full blue and purple all attributes like gear like I don't know it's really rough now the fing X is an interesting one it's very high DPS however I think two handers in general just aren't that good in this game because the movement speed penalties on them is generally just too high especially certain weapons like the the Z sorry not the Zander the um the halir I really wanted to try and make the halir work but you're just too slow I think it's just at least in solos where speed is like one of the most if not just straight up the most important stat in the game you can't really afford to equip a weapon that has a minus 40 movement uh sorry minus 50 movement speed penalty um maybe in Duos and trios you can do something with it but in solos it's just I don't think really going to be a viable strategy but the falling ax is insane DPS it's just if you get spaced well and you ever Miss of course it's got a very punishing downtime like let's just do a demonstration like look at how slow that recovery time is it's very very bad um okay well now we have to make a decision do we want a double axe I'd say the double is probably worse than the fing Axe and also the fact that this weapon is the fing X is blue with plus two weapon damage oh man the only thing is when we prop that is cuz everything every mob is Elite they run away faster than us so it's a bit [Applause] awkward there is pretty damn good Lo down here though as I learned in like one of the previous videos there is a royal coffin um shame we don't have a lockpick so we can't actually use this golden chest right here we actually have got a bunch more meds we could probably heal up to nearly full health let's go ahead and pop them actually I've convinced myself uh this would have been pretty good progress for our Quest okay a better of helmet slightly additional magic damage of course doesn't help us at all we can't actually utilize that uh blue short sword sure B can sell that but the agility higher armor rating should be decent I think it might even have a lower movement speed penalty not sure blue crystal ball again we're just trying to fill up with whatever crap we can get really and hopefully find a few upgrades of course we've already found a few upgrades um some decent the boots are actually pretty decent fing XX is pretty good the rest of it yeah not so much wow that is like an insane Lantern okay that might be the best lantern I've ever seen at like a blue raring like rating like that might actually just genuinely be like absolute [Music] B but of course you can use Savage raw to make PVE easier than it usually would be for a barbarian I feel like Barbarian at least when you're starting out barbarian's probably one of the um rougher classes to do PVE on like PVE is mostly pretty damn easy in this game huh but when you have like short range weapons that are pretty damn slow and slow you down by quite a huge amount so interesting this Royal coffin isn't a guaranteed spawn by the look of it cuz I believe the Royal coffin was there in the previous run or sorry the previous video so good to know it's not guaranteed at least so maybe this place isn't quite as good as I thought it was it would be nice to find some lock picks uh that's pretty decent but honest let's drop the chis dagger uh we still can't take this maybe we can sort ourry out a little bit um uh how are we going to do this that gives us another two slot there okay well we can't quite let's drop that four gold okay okay there's got to be some way to do this I've just need to sort it out um let's not worry about it too much we can probably hopefully find some Treasures anyway to fill up these um empty slots or just gold gold is I don't know about you guys but I feel like I've been finding a lot of low tier Treasures on um Goblin caves recently not many high tier Treasures it's already dead actually okay um hopefully we'll have a relatively uneventful first run of course in zero Heroes when you're very low level you've only got one perk you okay wow we have found some really crazy gear so far like this Lantern is insane those are pretty damn nice they're not plus two all however so that's you know something to be aware of let's drop these torches cuz and take these Franciscus cuz with the Franciscus um well obviously Franciscus are always good but the lantern allows us to see where we're going anyway oh wow man damn bad hit to take there no reason to take that and that's missing the low range falling axe let's go ahead and pop these bandages um our health is getting very low it would be nice to take an early extract hopefully we can go out get some meds maybe hit level five probably not but maybe get a second perk equipped would be really good for us there is a ton of loot oh there is a rooll coffin down here two hits and then we probably okay that sucks I was going to say two hits and then we probably can't greed the third but he just hits us anyway okay some very nice um pieces in here uh let's just drop some gold thought I heard another player yeah we definitely it's honestly very possible that I'll die to a trap if I'm not careful so let's try and be a bit more cautious than I normally would uh one of the new helmets for the Barbarian seems pretty decent pretty good defense and also some dexterity and Agility o oh wow those are actually really good as well okay let's drop some like random pieces that aren't very good that's not very good that's not very good then let's like do a little bit of Shifting around grab that grab another bandage let's pop this bandage so I guess there is a May probably always a roofin down here it just changes positions a little bit glad I actually explor this a little bit more I always knew there was a bunch oh man what am I doing all right this is was a pretty rough first run okay we're taking that portal and we're just leaving if we can we might be the last person in the raid but I'm not willing to risk it because I want to escape with some of these pieces some of these pieces are really good no okay so there is one more person there a bonk wizard who was getting pretty close uh he's looks like he's starting to panic a bit but should be fine as long as they are aware of how the guaranteed spawn works with the portals again I tried to say this in every video but the um little white circle that you can see on the map is a guaranteed portal spawn for the end uh but they'll probably find it anyway they'll definitely be able to hear it let's do a very quick gear check some pretty good pieces uh very poor staff but the rest of their gear is generally pretty good of what they do have equipped they do have a lockpick they could actually go for the golden chest down there I'm pretty sure the port is going to spawn below wasn't able to spectate to see so unfortunately we didn't hit level five we are pretty close but we did get a bunch of good pieces of gear we're actually going to be pretty damn fast as well surprisingly um let's go ahead and vendor a lot of these pieces I didn't unfortunately pay attention to how how much gold we get got there but we did earn quite a bit but we won't be able to spend it all anyway unless we just bought like 500 meds so let's just go ahead and buy three stacks of potions three stacks of bandages I think we have enough growing xes although maybe I should just buy some more anyway I think we honestly will cuz why not as much as I'd love to use this Lantern we don't have a one-hander to use with it I guess we could buy no there's not even any in shop we couldn't even buy one okay he guys welcome back same spawn so little bit of a boring scenery I suppose but let's try and handle this spawn a little bit better this time damn he literally kept that the entire time until it would hit us that's unfortunate but I just want to say guys if you enjoying the video I'd appreciate likes a lot I'd appreciate subscriptions as well if you'd like to see more like this uh let me know what how your wip's been going in the comments what you've been up to what classes you've been playing i' love to read them and see what you've been up to go how do you feel about Goblin Caves at the moment if you're a solo player I I assume most people watch my videos are probably solo players um maybe not primarily but at least a fair bit maybe I don't know not sure if people really care about to see um solo content if they don't really play much solo content not sure but anyway okay well there's a r Shield R Shield is nice of course uh PDR got buffed massively this patch um not so much PDR itself but like you can get the armor rating rolls and the PDR rolls are significantly higher than they used to be so someone's actually fighting up there to the north so it's much easier now to actually get better or higher numbers of PDR and if you're unaware with how like PDR scales so 50% PDR doubles your effective hit points right okay we actually do need that for the quest but then if you go from 50% PDR to 75% PDR your effective HP is doubled yet again so it's you know for how much you stack you um get more and more Effectiveness from each point like the more you have so it's it's really good to like Stack Up and here something fighting over to the east as well fighting a centi I believe don't want to Greed the hits oh my God man that's what you get when you haven't played Bar bararan for a little while I guess should honestly just use my um abilities to not take some much damage but whatever let's not worry about it for now this is why we bring meds unfortunately though the um of course we do need to use a lot of meds cuz barbarian's Health pool is so big you get like less of it back per Med um let's go ahead and check down here we do have a lot of throwing X's this is a decent baru to helm doesn't slow Us by quite as much but honestly for a green we have a pretty good helmet right now I going to say did someone hit this guy or what but uh I forgot to buy a coin purse after taking a bit of a break from dark and darker I forget to do that basically every single run as well oh okay this probably be a bit grey I didn't mean to swap that that's a annoying what we're going to do is we're just going to wait out his blue potion I don't know what class that even is it's a barbarian he's using cool Downs for some reason is this blue potion not going to end soon [Music] yeah oh come on brother okay if we did eventually kill him took a bloody while but we did get him there let's go check what goodies this guy's got for us I do see he has a cloak at least wow okay this guy's gear was pretty damn crazy he had a fing act as well interesting um let's go ahead drop the r Shield take that oh those boots are nice yeah those boots are really nice more throwing axes for us as well tons more potions more meds more meds thank you thank you blue potion of healing will take more potions o better Helm as well very nice Helm legs as well good legs we already have good legs though let's go ahead drop that salot someone's coming yeah I was going to drop the surgical kits and just use potions but let's go ahead and just use one of the surgical kits I don't know how loud we are right now it sounds like we're pretty damn loud for ourselves maybe let's just stand still whil we surgical kit which of these is actually stronger uh probably his with the um so let's put that in the one slot let's go take a look at this guy see what class they are at least H let's go head swap over to these boots I don't know where they are where this person went I heard a step over there wait there's another dead body here this gu's this guy's Base Kit okay right I'm pretty damn sure I heard a step over this way somewhere I hear a portal I think I'm hearing just goblins walking around yep yep yep okay nightmare Goblin his combo attack will do three hits okay we two shot headshot him that's crazy we have no damage perks on at all I know our fing ax is kind of crazy right now right yeah yeah I think we're fine let's go let's pull some mobs we want to make sure we're getting level five from this run okay that's already opened and looted I do want to go and see if there's another raw coffin I think let's oh player what is this is that cleric it's a warlock are we going to fight or what you know let's fight I want to fight he's run pretty far okay nice barbarian's still feeling very very strong very very strong um right uh let's drop some meds we don't need this Many Meds let's drop that treasure there grab that um oh wait we have Med space here graub that grab a bit more gold anything good here not really I I think let's just go ahead and take our potion uh sorry our potion our um portal is this way right maybe possible someone could have taken it yep someone took it okay so we need to head this way is this going to spawn down below or up above up above it spawned I believe we have enough Health just to tank everything anyway so it's not really that big of a deal suppose we could have um made it handry a little bit better there but I think we got a lot of the good pieces some very good PVP there run actually did finally hit level five as what I say finally yeah it's bit a little bit quicker than intended cuz of course we did die early on um let's store this fing ax very nice ring man good cloak very good gloves we got those good boots we can store those we did already get these other good boots this Helm's pretty decent as well that guy had a very nice Helm uh good legs as well good move speed legs these are kind of whatever we can probably just sell those let's go to The Woodsman let's sell all these items we're not going to be using any of these go to The Collector the ceremonial dagger is a quest item but because it's blue I'm just going to sell it anyway feels a bit bad giving him blue items for a um Quest reward or for a quest we did get a bunch of lockpicks which is nice uh we are going to need way more throwing axes though unfortunately we're probably not going to actually be able to buy any cuz it hasn't reset yet so we're probably going to have to go in and fight without any which kind of sucks um they're still pretty broken even after the um change to like it actually takes time to equip them now still broken for our perk I think we will probably run I'm thinking probably just potion Jugger very strong perk makes your meds just a bit more effective and you can of course use it to like regen midf fight there would be a few options that are pretty good like ax specialization would be okay however I prefer this with one-handed xes twoand is okay Savage is okay but the thing is they've added a lot of chest pieces that Barbarian can use this patch um so I think this isn't really worth it anymore like of course we don't have a chest now but if we do find a good chest we're then playing a perk down and I don't think Savage is that much better than other perks even though it has the um requirement uh pretty terrible neck we gain two armor rating POG all right anyway let's head in I think we have enough meds I think let's just go ahead and head over to the fortune teller and buy a small potion of luck just to continue progressing the quest 111 head shot okay hey there guys welcome 111 headshot is crazy an interesting thing about potion Cher as well is actually makes your lock pots a bit more effective so we rolled 50 luck there but because it's 20% more effective we got an extra 10 quite a nice little bonus I'm thinking maybe this is why people kind of like the um Battle Royale style of um dark and darker they just if you're playing like Barbarian or something I don't know this class does not feel balanced still I guess that was mainly due to how many throwing axes we had there that we were able to do such work but damn that felt good broken good but either way um I mean our kit from zero is pretty damn nice those are actually a pretty good pair of boots those would be really nice for like a warlock or maybe a wizard something like that cleric Maybe I do want to go back and try more of the clerk as well I'll probably be I mean as usual I forgot the coin pouch again whatever my bad I got into the habit of doing that pretty well at one point but yeah not when I haven't done it for a while I guess I need to sort these meds out actually oh I should have given this campfire in as well I only took that cuz it was cuz of the Quest Auto is actually a very solid item look at the defensive stats for how little it slows you this one even has magical damage as well very nice one unfortunately we're not going to be able to sell it for a long time so it's probably just getting vended um that's one of the main things right now that kind of feels bad with um how much you have to play to get characters to level 10 or sorry 15 I don't even have one yet even my main classes aren't level 15 yet and it doesn't take that long I haven't been playing that much dark and darker but it's like you're at such a disadvantage if you don't just grind out the game with the current like trading system and stuff let's have a look at this helmet it's okay will is a little bit of magic resistance and stuff knowledge is I think literally 100% useless to us I I guess if we got 15 of it we could equip um or use potions of invisibility but to be honest who cares right so this place doesn't feel anywhere near as bad to go down now there's this ladder here uh I think we're going to just not worry about that for now though that's looking like a lot of mobs I think let's go to the East and look for the centipede we do still have we have a terrible neck let's keep this open though we can use this to run if we need to we have a terrible neck and we have one ring slot open that ring is very good as well though the one ring that we do have very very solid ring let's go ahead do a little bit more looting um we've got some pretty decent pieces already I probably shouldn't stop taking then again any blue piece I take is most likely going to the vendor it's either going staying in our stash or going to the vendor so I guess I can just take whatever mid tier blue okay decent Treasures sure why not uh R shield now average Shields are now like considerably worse than very good Shields very good Shields are like crazy right now with PDR and armor rating and like blue plus especially if you can get like magic resist on them as well like the rolls are so high it's really insane like they're very very strong probably maybe a bit over powered but I'll admit honestly it did feel a little bit underwhelming to me having a shield last patch stat-wise of course blocking is still very nice but that depended what you were against but maybe they did go a little bit overboard and the Buffs to it I don't know we'll see right it's still very early days although you wouldn't feel like it with some of the gear that people are bringing in oh my God can I really not hit this guy cuz he's slightly higher up I'll just have to not go for head shots I [Music] guess oh my God this guy is tanky some of those must have been limb shots must have caught them on his arm right this is a lion's head huh I didn't know this could be a lion's head I thought this was only the like a big like large Oak chest or whatever it is oh my God that's crazy H do we want that I mean let's check how much health we lose 168 we'll lose two health I think that's going to be worth it for us oh my God I'm a perfect thing okay um drop those wow we've got some very good gear I'd like to just extract cuz I'd like to store these um legs let's what's our move speed right now with our weapon 303 with our weapon slash away that is solid has someone turned a lantern off there I swear that's darker than it usually is which makes me think that someone could possibly be ratting down there go ahead and chop this guy it's going to take a fair few chops but H especially when he does that come on suppose if you like reacting really fast you can ail strike him there it's actually interesting that it's like a noticeable slow even on PVE it's going to be close to die let's not worry about taking a bit of damage we've got the health Shrine it doesn't really matter that much in fact the health Shrine even gives us XP for using oh my God always there one hit move Speed Max Health bonus will uh let's honestly just drop that necklace cuz it's so terrible okay so even more move speed so if we putting our weapon away now we're now 30 five with 170 health I have curiosity 172 so we only lose two Health that's absolutely going to be worth it I think we're just going to take the static although I do want to do a one quick test I want to use like one I've never actually used this potion chugger I want to see how much we actually heal or like how fast we actually heal okay yeah that's kind of crazy like that's insane why we're healing two a tick that's insane okay yeah potion jug is a bit crazy and that will even make like a potion of protection like protect us for more I do wish we had a better like a one-handed weapon as well let's just extract let's play it safe we've got a lot of like good items on us some of these I'd like to store mainly just the boots uh sorry not the boots the legs there are only two other people in the lobby at that point actually and most of them are actually pretty okay I was going to say low gear but that is a kind of crazy Longbow two additional weapon damage almost 10% his damage bonus like 9% plus some Max Health as well on a purple that's a very lucky find if this guy came in base kit which presumably he did this guy also probably came in base kit gear is pretty good on well some of it's pretty good some of it's obviously not but I can imagine right now you can probably make insane amounts of money if you just do these fast little runs that you can get uh I think unfortunately we're just going to have to go ahead and vendor the Stitch turn shoe just cuz we're not going to have the um thing for so long the um Market luckily from The Woodsman now we can actually buy a few throwing axes not too many but a few let's go ahead and store this campfire um it's a shame we didn't hand that in when we actually needed it for the quest cuz uh yeah now we don't really need a campfire as a Barbarian so I don't know it's a bit awkward oh well let's just go ahead and get back into it another run okay hey there guys welcome back again um this spawn I don't really like too much I'm not sure if the the fact that the fing ax doesn't one shot those feels really bad but whatever right okay ooh another ring plus one dexterity it's something it's not that amazing um there are some pretty decent chests over here one hitting these does feel good though I think those might even be nightmare ones or maybe it's just making them darker cuz of the water I think there's a spawn like pretty close though so we might have to be a bit cautious I need to remember to utilize that potions like the potions seem so insane on Barbarian right now so apparently someone let me know in one of the comments that apparently there's a lion's head down here now so maybe it is actually worth checking now surprised that he didn't die from three head shot honestly so first of all let's go ahead and get this blue potion that was lucky ring of resolve will magical power okay that's a warlock ring or something Lantern normal White Lantern who cares right should be unequipping the FX here just to get around the map a little bit faster but whatever let not worry about it too much I supp I probably should be destroying every pot that I come across just for XP if nothing else H I'm surprised by how good the gear we've got so far is I suppose we did kind of outplay that Barbarian a little bit again I forgot the gold pouch I apologize Jesus I don't know how I forget that every game please okay perfect through let us through Dodge here cuz the spike traps lock pick uh couldn't quite get in range yeah need to remember with the fing ax you can't really run backwards you kind of just have to run forwards cuz if you when you miss obviously very very punishing okay perfect L head beautiful okay so that's how we fight skeleton axeman good to know what is our dexterity honestly 17 okay it is quite low still I I guess it's just cuz we have the fing ax but it feels pretty good um that is a pretty good quart staff I think we just dropped the shield The Shield's very mediocre so it's not that big of a deal and this is a pretty decent Quarter Staff if someone's trying to run from us we can kind of try and utilize the Quarter Staff those are pretty okay boots as well that's quite a bit of move speed 13 move speed basically light foots um because we only have two lock picks I'm not going to actually pick this uh small bronz on eight or bronz onate chest I don't think bronz onate chests are really oh wow look at how tanky that is that's 50 armor rating with four Vigor out of curiosity check our PDR 15.6 versus 20% yeah so the way armor scaling works as well is um I think it's like actually I shouldn't say this because I'm not 100% sure so I won't actually say what I was going to say I think what it is is like early on 10 10 armor rating is like and by early on I mean it low armor rating levels I believe it's like 1% PDR and then I believe the higher you go it actually gets more effective which is kind of like the opposite of how you'd expect it to work so I think it's like it at higher levels it might be um 10 armor rating is 2% PDR I wish I would check that cuz it doesn't sound right to me but I thought that is what it said but let's not worry about that I'll check it again and maybe I'll remember in the to leave a comment uh wow those are good heavy boots as well are those better than our in fact uh probably not just cuz of the movement speed very solid boots as well though Dam we've got pretty lucky so far infighting the players they've had pretty decent items for us in the items we found we found some very good items I'm hearing the go someone spawned the um skeleton Champion by the sign of it okay I mean we can fight it it'll probably be a bit annoying I've never really fought it was Barb Aran see that guy there's a lizard man it's like some kind of spellcaster what's he doing is he coming towards us kind of yeah does he want this okay I mean he's running out of spells like I don't particularly care even if he direct impacts me like who really cares I'd like to get my throwing ax honestly that's the only reason I'm kind of like running back towards him now what's this guy doing where'd he go um through there yeah there he is okay okay a little bit close there um closer than it probably should have been let's just go ahead and pop a surgical kit I mean we counter him I can't believe he went for that he should have realized that he did not have enough poke to actually win that all in even though I missed the fing ax here I probably should have used the qu staff against that guy to be honest but I don't know closer than it should have been but he didn't really stand a chance like not with how he played it at least oh this guy had some pretty decent gear for us actually um o handled Exquisite oh well that's not better than as but let's take that anyway let's take more potion can go wrong with more potions God goblet sure we'll take that as well oh purple aarst Hood um sure let's just drop like any random blue we're just going to vendor anyway uh let fine ring I guess two true magical damage spell casting speed only well we can hold on to that I guess it's only one slot and one thing to note as well is this extra I believe actually works let's try it it does work it's not lit up it's not marked on the map or anything but you can still extract through it it's kind of weird um was there anyone else in the lobby looking like a no either that or it's bugged we'll keep these heavy leather legs I think the rest of these things will honestly probably just vendor maybe we'll keep those as well cuz good mve oh those boots are really good as well okay we actually had like a bunch of pieces are actually bad than I remember uh let's keep all the Rings and Things as well one slot is like doable we can absolutely keep that hopefully we're well on the way to getting our 3,000 oh wow I did not see that ring where did we get that ring from I think maybe let's just equip that ring instead uh we got a bunch more lockpicks as well that's nice to see so from that let's vendor these pieces I wish we could get just a few more franciscos cuz even though we are quite fast it's still going to be a little bit oh we're actually really fast now that we got this ring as well plus our dexterity is not likeing that bad either well it's only 18 actually 18 is still quite low but I mean look at our health 173 health and we actually have like a little bit of armor on PDR very low amount but still probably more than like we should have um a chest piece would slow us down a decent amount but honestly I think we'd probably be fine although let's remember um let's drop the Quarter Staff again we don't need two two-handed weapons they still F similarish roles although the quarter stuff is definitely better at chasing people than the fing axe we need to be a bit conservative without throwing xes because we can't actually buy any more right now so yeah let's go ahead and get into another run we'll probably do a few more and that might be the end of the video we'll see how it goes okay herey there guys welcome back again I think there is a pretty decent chest down in this water below but it takes a very long time to it doesn't take a very long time but it's kind of annoying to loot so I'm not sure if we'll actually bother with that uh why we're actually not in range to aggr this Goblin some here I'm kind of surprised I think we could head south uh it's pretty decent fune I guess I'll take a blue fune I say pretty decent it's blue with like one stat I guess so it's not amazing I suppose the fing ax is probably quite low damage just due to how fast it hits like it's an interesting weapon with whenever I play Barbarian I end up using the fing ax I didn't even want to use the fing ax here I wanted to use a one-hander with a shield but this is what we were given uh I should have used my to probably cancel his gas cloud there but honestly it doesn't really matter it's just a bit annoying we're hitting for like 112 head shots those are a decent green par legs but I think we can be a bit stricter with what we're looting I don't think especially see as it's just going to be things we can use or things that we can vendor we do have like a full set draw what we're looking for is a chest piece maybe Savage honestly was okay okay he's smart he knows to run away all we're going to do is we're going to wait for our Savage Roar we're just going to delay the more time we delay it's better for us at this [Music] point [Music] [Music] no we heal faster than this guy will so this isn't actually that bad for us we're going to have to use Archilles on this guy unfortunately but that is what it is again just keep more potions ticking we heal faster than this guy will just through potion Chugger he's going to be waiting there with a cross one when it immediately Crouch Dodge ah man it's so frustrating fighting against Slayer Fighters okay we dident get him though pretty good fight against this guy um he did play it pretty well let's have a look at his gear uh yeah his gear is not very good he did a very good job honestly at almost killing us with how um out geared he is here realistically we have meds to continue going he doesn't he did do pretty good spacing like well played to this guy what's his name shy yeah well play to that guy good try good try good fight if I was a little bit less geared he probably would have won that honestly very good spacing that's the thing with the fing X very easy to space very easy so against these faster classes it unironically is kind of harder than like like a PDR fighter what can PDR fighter do he can't run cuz he's slower than us we have a kill strike to make sure it's even slower than us he does half damage cuz of savage raar like slay fighter has a much better chance against barbarians than um PDR fighter espe esally if you have like a club even know like a maybe a Walmart like I don't know it'd be interesting all right anyway good fight yeah they got the heart pan in a bit oh there we go there's the chest we've been looking for some throwing X's as well if we had more throwing AES that guy would have uh had a much harder time against us honestly I guess that was the main thing uh amount of throwing AES we had was so low that he actually um we could just couldn't catch him I said we need needed to be more conservative with them and then immediately like just threw them I needed to wait until he messed up and then used one with an aill strike to finish him off pretty annoying like dodging these guys over and over right we don't really need any more jewelry at this point so we're just getting whatever we can I mean I suppose you know if we find better of jewelry that's always good but I feel like it's pretty unlikely that we're going to find any better jewelry for us shame those aren't blue Franciscus that would have gone kind of C kind of hard for us right now water pot should have took the bandage we'll go back and grab that just for the quests be nice if we could kill some like death scores or something something that has like a drop chance like a pretty high chance of dropping some more Franciscus suppose we can destroy the pots as well I think you can get them from the pots uh let's get some more stuff to sell our inventry is relatively empty supp we could could have come and got this health Shrine instead of using that surgical kit but honestly it's not the end of the world I still can't believe how crazy these legs are we now of course will be a little bit slower uh 260 with a weapon out is quite slow but I feel like there's not really any reason to really um I mean how much damage incre what's that physical power bonus honestly that's still quite low but how much strength we have it feels 34 I guess we don't have like what was that bandage was in here right this time of that one okay pretty good fight I don't know my mind's thinking about a lot of things right now uh those are pretty good as well strength agility this would be move speed how much health do we lose 180 we need lose five H I'm not sure we'll take the emerald cuz Emerald's are pretty good um just the gems in general are pretty good like one slot value anyone in here no this is where we spawned I don't really want go down there I think let's just go around this way see if there's anyone in the middle area yeah there definitely is can hear them what are they there's two people actually let's oh let's do a little bit of ratting the sneaky Barbarian this is I actually haven't done anything like this before who's over there yeah I don't really know what's going on let's just go in here where did this guy go you're attacking me I thought you going to take me to him honestly he must be he could have went down there no he can't be here okay that's a barbarian down oh wow those are good that's fine that's fine those are good as well what is that it's a warlock okay shame that we a to use our throwing xes on that guy I want to continue looting this other Barbarian uh Barbarian is feeling just incredibly strong right now jeez I'm just surprised by how strong it is feeling oh that's a nice chest as well let's drop those light foots those light foots are good but unfortunately there's just other things that I want to take here oh my God man there's so much good stuff okay potions [Applause] potions sure okay let's go unfortunately we're not going to get to loot that warlock at all I should have just done a brief check to see but he was almost naked right so I doubt he's got anything of any value now at level seven we did get a very nice yander of course this yander did get nerfed because of how oppressive barbarian was for a while so it lost like five flat weapon damage I believe at every level so it's a bit weaker than it was um still has very good range it's still probably viable but I never really liked it that much anyway I did respect it a little bit but the um the mov speed penalty is just a bit rough ah it's a shame we did have to use our throwing X's very very nice chest piece we got off that go though even though it's green it rolled the best attribute it could possibly roll so and again legs uh oh I meant to take the cape unfortunately we didn't actually bring the cape out uh that kind of sucks oh well we have a bunch of good gear here anyway so let's not worry about it too much I stash is getting too full like I think I'm just going to have to start selling some of these things uh let's check our rings I think this ring is marginally worse than what we've already got some pretty decent Rings we're going to have to start focusing more on Treasures I think cuz we're just not getting enough money um to actually buy the stash tab from bringing out gear it's a real shame cuz I'd love to bring out more gear but we're just running out of stash space anyway let's h both of these Into The Woodsman fom raid bandage it's a shame we don't have any blue potions getting some blue pots in this build would feel really good right now um I know there were some on that guy's body but we were running pretty low on time so I didn't really have time to completely minax the loot we were getting um let's go ahead and go to the fortune teller buy one more potion of luck is this this is the final one we need so that's pretty perfect and let's also go to The Woodsman and pick up another two stacks of Franciscus I'm actually thinking we should buy torches as well because we can utilize the Torches just for Achilles purely just for Achilles um because obviously you can pick these back up and it doesn't really matter you can have basically infinite easily applier of Achilles strike so I'll see you guys in game again okay hey there guys welcome interesting spawn haven't had this one in a while so this has been an amazing start to a Barbarian so even if we die here um I'm proud of what we've accomplished here this has been very good start let's just make sure our imry is set up correctly there um I think people do quite often rush over to here this is also a quest location apparently this is a cave alter in the goblin caves so possible we'll have um someone coming over here soon it's also just like a pretty good room regarding loot so generally it's a pretty high traffic area we probably should focus more on clearing out mobs rather than looting right now so let's go ahead and clear out these mobs up here so we have free rain to just kite up here if we need to so I should just go ahead and loot up here as well boot of Helm gem ring okay perfect I'm not sure if we B is Barbarian still overpowered guys like what do you think this is feeling insane but I understand we have had some very good luck with the items we found here um I'm not sure what would even count a barbarian particularly like maybe Bonk Wizards if they're very geared or if they're like similar gear levels perhaps Slayer fighter but Slayer fighter was that guy only had as high of a chance as he did because of we have the fing axe the fing axe is very strong in certain situations and very terrible in other ones it's one of those weapons where it's like it's like high risk High reward but your opponent actually has pretty good um like a pretty pretty good agency in the fight from the sense is like if they space you well the fing XX is like just horrible it's like one of the worst weapons in the game but of course it's also maybe the highest DPS weapon in the game again sorry excuse the dogs don't know why he's bloody barking let's play it safe I mean at this point as well like the fact that we're the potion Jugger right now is feeling insane as well like it doesn't even really matter if you take much damage from mobs just because of how fast you heal like it felt like with Barbarian if you ever lost like the chase before you were kind of struggling but due to the fact of How High your health regen is now compared to basically every other class in the game I don't know what could possibly beat you really like at like even is gear levels maybe Ranger maybe Ranger if they kite very well I'm not sure I don't know it's something to think about as soon as you get Iron Will which will probably be our next perk um of course you're going to be taking significantly less magic damage so that doesn't feel like a counter plus you already have such a big Health po anyway we have 175 Health right now surpris this been so quiet here quite often when I spawn here I pretty much immediately get pushed by someone I can't even tell what I'm hitting either by the way guys it's pitch black I'm just going off like muscle memory um anything in here we want campfire kit that's another Quest item right let's try and let's drop any like white Treasures I think we can do better okay gems are pretty good let's keep white gems but everything else can go like it has to be like green or above dashing boots they're okay again just more vendor money let's go ahead take the lion head down here there is a nightmare Goblin Mage um I think I'm not sure if they're like immune to fear or anything I don't know why they would be I don't I know some mobs actually are immune to fear right they're like the um demon berserks and stuff in hell I would imagine a goblin Mage probably isn't even though it is a nightmare one no I am hearing someone over there yeah there is that what is that really tell but let's go I guess what did I shot what am I doing what is this this is a fighter I think oh he he went he chose the wrong area to go to poor guy I actually feel bad from there uh let's have a look at his gear H some okay piece okay oh those are the bloody default ones let not even bother picking up the default ones handled campfire torch honestly I think the torch I guess click click the potion and see if we get anything what potion did we Dro all right well let's go ahead and go back and loot that line said that we were going to loot knowledge and spell castings man these are crazy this would be so good if we could actually um sell on the market uh we should probably start dropping potions honestly we have a huge amount of potions let we ped a nightmare Goblin there's also a liance head in this room so uh if we remember let's come back and go ahead and loot that there's also a centipede that we could kill get a bit more XP hopefully uh some good some more good jewelry was that door open ouch ow man oh God okay let's not die to this okay okay uh yeah that Ro uh that not roaming that uh like heat seeking homing homing that's word God why could I not think of that I believe there's a health Shrine down here but let's heal up a little bit before we go to it cuz I don't want to die to any mobs like an idiot you're not an idiot for dying to mobs but when we're this geared we probably shouldn't be dying to mobs let's be real okay well we did get a portal right there on the plus side head shot head shot perfect okay take the hell Shrine High base will is uh um sorry will is now how you get magical interaction speed and Barbarian actually has good base will we have 23 will right now so Barbarian can even open portals and things fast now which is so weird I don't know why they changed it from knowledge to um will it made way more sense as knowledge to me let's open this up did we no we almost died to the nightmare Goblin right okay also going to say why did we not loot the um line said that we were intending to I remember why now right come here you bloody thing come up here oh no come here okay they actually don't change their angle they're really not that scary but they're just a bit scary when you disrespect them I suppose yes the moral of the story is just don't disrespect them and it's fine um right we yeah let's drop that this why handle I guess we'll take it we can just sell it it's fine let's go check the room where we killed the fighter there was another portal here let's just go ahead and open that get more XP gives us another Escape option if we are in a bad situation that we could possibly utilize um lots of big chests down here flat chests are pretty good as well uh yep I mean no this W hand is probably going to be better I don't know if we really have time to kill the centipede if you're unaware in here there's a centipede and usually a pretty good chest as well it might even be a guaranteed good chest I did actually hear someone just opened a door up above us we just going to DPS raise this guy man that's annoying right let's check this guy oh my God okay uh crazy okay let's drop that there was probably something better to drop but we don't have time let's not worry about it no we don't have time let's just leave let's just leave it's time to go shame we couldn't quite loot that if uh we didn't almost die to that nightmare Goblin nightmare Mage nightmare Goblin Mage we would have but no worries good enough run anyway there was a fighter still in as well let's check his gear player fighter damn pretty pretty well geared from the bits that I could see as well so that's another roughly 300 gold plus we got a few more pieces that we can sell or keep whatever we decide to do I think we might no let's be more strict with the gear now um just to show you the item we did get there at the end seven Max Health Plus two all attributes mes three physical healing absolutely insane and then we did also get this as well which again is like another decent piece as well not quite as good as this thing this thing is crazy so our gear right now is just insane guys like I'm very proud of what we've done today uh let's go ahead and hand in the final quest items that we have completed that Quest so we went from the 500 gold that we started with cuz of um the previous season's rank to almost 2,000 some very good pieces of gear in here St saved up a very solid set we've got on us we can even vendor this yander as well it was a very very good start to a barbarian I thank you guys all for watching if you enjoyed I'd appreciate likes on the video if you want to see more like this subscriptions will help you out they'll help me out thank you very much for watching this far in guys I'll hope to see you in the next one we'll probably do maybe we'll revisit a class we've already done in the next one I'm not entirely sure we'll see anyway thank you guys bye-bye
Channel: Esomn
Views: 3,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z8J519md0gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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