How I Made My First $500 From Freelance Coding - Using Fiverr

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hello everybody and welcome to another youtube video so in today's video i'm going to be talking to you about how i made my first 500 freelance coding on a website called fiverr now i'm making this video because a few months ago i made a video called how to make money from coding in that video i discussed five ways that you can make money from coding without being an expert without having industry experience and without having to work a full-time job now one of those methods that i talked about was freelancing and a lot of you guys had questions you were saying things like oh i'm not good enough to freelance oh there's too many people freelancing oh i don't have enough skills that are marketable whatever it may be you came up with millions of excuses now i'm here to show you today that it doesn't matter what you are good at if you are good at any specific coding technology or tool or package or module whatever it is you can market that skill and you can get people to pay you to do it i'm going to show you exactly how as i go through how i made my first 500 on this website so first of all fiverr for any of you that don't know is simply a freelancing website you can go on there you can pay people to do stuff for you and of course you can kind of market yourself create little ads they're called gigs and say i will do this for you and then people can pay you to do that now here i filled out eight orders on this website so i completed eight orders you can see you can add up all the totals here uh they add up to something around like 600 us dollars and i think after fiverr took its cut i ended up making something like 500 us dollars or a little bit over that but anyways i'm going to show you exactly what i did for these orders how i got these orders and how you can do the same thing so let's dive in i'll start by showing you the advertisement i set up on this website and talk about why i kind of formulated it the way that i did [Music] all right so i've got my gig here that's what they're called on fiverr when you set up these little ads or little descriptions of what you'll do for people and pretty much you write i will and then whatever it is you're gonna do so i said i will create a game in python with pygame so immediately i'm not making a full stack website i'm not doing anything super complicated all i was doing for this specific freelancing job was making really crappy 2d games in python using the module pygame now the reason i decided to do this was because when i was 18 i was in my first year of computer science the only thing that i was really good at doing was working with this module called pygame i pretty much only knew python i knew a few other programming languages but not well enough to sell my skills in them and i was good with this module called pygame which lets you make little crappy 2d games now the reason i did this was because in high school i was actually forced to use this module for a class so i learned how to do this and then i kind of fell in love with just making these little crappy 2d games well i thought there might be some marker for this let me put it up and let me see if i can make you know a few bucks a week coding out these little games i might already have the game done i could literally modify it and sell it to people anyways i'll give you an idea of what i did so here for my advertisement i just submitted some kind of images of the stuff that i created you can see this is a video of a really basic platformer game in uh in python in pi game and i was not making anything complicated anything crazy again super 2d super simple sorry 2d games this was an example of a mini golf game that i made uh this was like a running game like side scrolling kind of thing and then i had tetris right so basic stuff like that but this was enough to get people's attention then what i had was three basic packages so i had the small python graphical game that i would make for you i had the medium python graphical game and then i had the large python graphical game uh now it kind of says what the difference is between them the delivery time the revisions all of that source code comments all that kind of stuff anyways about the gig i'll just kind of read to you what i had here so need a python game completed for school definitely not marketing to finish people's projects i will create a smooth good-looking 2d game for you with python and pie game i have a ton of experience with python and pie game and make games all the time and then i kind of listed some stuff here of what i would do notice i also said i can adjust the price and almost every single person messaged me for a game ended up paying less than i was charging in these packages so they would try to kind of bargain me down and usually i would just give in and say sure you know what i'll do a few for 30 bucks or whatever it may be you can see i this is my seller rating or kind of profile on fiverr i'm from canada i was a member since november 2018. the last delivery i did was a year ago i don't freelance anymore and my average response time was an hour add a little description i'll leave this in the link in the description so you guys can check it out if you want to read through everything and then here are the packages right so delivery time you could pay more to have it delivered in less time and all this stuff is like default on fiverr like super simple i didn't have to code any of this out like you just fill in all this information and it makes this page for you anyways i have eight reviews from all the people that i did the uh the projects for or whatever it was that they were asking for and while i was five-star rated and obviously that's helpful people look for high ratings on sites like these so anyways that was the ad this is what i set up and literally this got like hundreds of views a month because i was one of the only people on fiverr that was actually making stuff with pygame now i'm sure after this video this probably isn't going to be the best thing that you guys could do to make money but my point is that if you pick something extremely specific and something that has a small market but a market where like you're the only person supplying something in it then you immediately are going to be a scene right people are going to find your stuff because there's no one else that's doing what you're doing and even today i mean we could probably look this up and check but i don't think there's many people that are making little crappy 2d games in python with the module pi game and well it turns out that people need that done so anyways that was the ad this is what i was doing for people let me now show you what i actually made because you're going to be surprised by how simple these games are and how much i got paid to actually create them alright so just as a refresher these are the orders right here i will try to specify how much i got paid for the projects that i show you i'm not going to show you all of them but i'll just show you a few examples to give you an idea of kind of what people were looking for and how simple these projects really were so anyways all of them were completed all of them were rated five stars and again like the most expensive one i did was 200 i'll show you that one but even that one was only like 800 lines of code probably took me like four or five hours to program it so we'll close this up let me head into vs code and then i'll be right back all right so i'm here in vs code i'm just going to show you a few examples of the projects that i made and how much i got paid for each of these uh so the first one that i'm actually going to show you is called ui or that's like what the folder is called that i submitted i just downloaded all of the deliverables that i actually gave to the people so i could show you in this video but this is a really basic user interface in pygame and i remember that what this guy wanted for this specific project was he needed something that he could run on his raspberry pi uh that he would be able to use to grab a user's phone number so he just wanted some like nice looking ui that had some buttons and like an input field and that's literally all this guy wanted so let me go into ui and let's run this code all right so we run this you can see this is what i created this guy paid me 75 bucks to do this and while all you need to do is literally you know type in your phone number whatever it may be you can obviously type more digits than is a valid phone number he didn't ask for that so i didn't implement it you can clear digits like that you can add the pound sign the star sign and when you press ok boom it prints out the phone number right there that was literally all he wanted i don't know what he was using it for but i remember clearly it was like something to do with his raspberry pi anyways 75 bucks for that looking through the code it's literally what 180 lines it's really basic i didn't use anything in advance this took me under an hour to make i remember it because i was like pumped that he was going to pay me so much for literally such a simple project anyways closing that one let's move on to another one let's go to tic-tac-toe i think this one is pretty straightforward this one wasn't even pie game so this guy saw that i made like 2d games in pie game and he still messaged me and said hey can you make me tic-tac-toe it needs to be like two-player or like something like that he had a bunch of requirements anyways i made him tic-tac-toe this isn't even in pi game it's like 300 something lines probably took me a few hours to do and i'll look for the price after but i think this was probably again like 75 bucks or something like that uh but this is actually running in the console because it's not pi games let's zoom in here it says type s for single player and m for multiplayer and v to view the top high score so let's look at v no high scores to display okay do you want to play again yes type s for single player m for multiplayer let's go s enter the player's name tim you can see we have this little board let's put a 1 in there and there we go now we have an x the computer makes its move there's an o there okay let's put in a 2 or let's take the center square maybe so we'll do go with the 5. there he actually blocks us so now we're gonna have to block him that is in square eight okay decides to go up there to block us and i mean we can keep playing and so on you get the idea it's just basic tic-tac-toe this works with single player and multiplayer and well that's what i made now i'm going to say that i got paid 75 bucks for that although let me look on the thing because i don't remember yeah i think it was 75 i'm pretty sure it was this guy right here who paid me for anyways that's that project let me show you another one so this one was actually the most advanced one that i did this one definitely took the most amount of time probably like four or five hours uh and this was uh what was this this was tetris so this one i got paid 200 to do i'm just gonna cd into the folder here so i can do it and let's run this bat file so dot slash run dot bat okay uh let's just have a look at this so this is tetris you can play single player two player single player versus ai i'll show you the ai even though the ai was like not really an ai it was just like somewhat random so let's go three and you can see that we just have tetris i'm on the left hand side as the player and then player two is actually the computer and you can see it's kind of automatically moving i'm not doing any movements with my other hand but anyways this is the idea this is just basic tetris i'm just going to intentionally lose so i can show you the other version but this i remember clearly like not taking me more than a day to finish and getting paid 200 us dollars to do that so not bad whatsoever and this was definitely like the cleanest project that i did it worked the best but obviously i got paid the most amount for it so anyways the point of this video was just to show you that you can make money freelancing to give you kind of an idea of how to do that to give you some like concrete steps or points the first thing you want to do is you need to pick something that you're going to do that's super specific that's pretty easy for you to do that you're decent at and that not many people are doing right if you're not an expert freelancer if you can't build out full stack websites you need to make yourself attractive in a different way that you're cheap that you you know work well with people you have a high rating and you're doing something that not many other people are even willing to do on the freelancing site like creating crappy 2d games in python with the module called pygame so anyways if you guys have any questions please do leave them down below i will leave a link to this gig if you want to take a look at it for yourself but i hope this video was helpful i hope maybe it gave you guys some motivation to start trying to freelance i will tell you that this stuff does not happen overnight sometimes it takes you know weeks or months for someone to reach out to you to get a project but if you're just looking to make some quick side money there's no harm in putting up a little advertisement like this seeing if it gets any traction if it does you know being able to make a quick 50 bucks or like me your first 500 freelancing so i hope this was helpful if it was make sure you leave a like subscribe to the channel down below and i will see you guys in another youtube video [Music]
Channel: Tech With Tim
Views: 565,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech with tim, freelance coding, freelance coding jobs, how to start freelance coding, coding freelance, coding freelance jobs, how to freelance code, fiverr coding, coding fiverr, how to make money freelance coding, freelance coding salary, software engineer freelance, software engineer freelance jobs, freelance programmer, freelance programming jobs
Id: yrqyol4B1RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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