Paying Foreign Brides $40,000 With Miniminter
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 1,116,143
Rating: 4.95436 out of 5
Keywords: satire, Paying Foreign Brides, russian bride, miniminter, imallexx, 90 day fiance, 90 day fiance reaction, 90 day fiance imallexx, Man Sent $40k To Woman He's Never Met, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, before the 90 days, my 600 pound life, tlc uk, 90 day fiance before the 90 days full episodes, comedy, 90 day fiance tlc, my strange addiction, catfished, tlc, first date, ukrainian dating sites, ukrainian dating in usa, funny, catfish
Id: 3GInCtBvXXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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