Paxman v Ann Coulter - Newsnight Archives (2006)

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um your Publishers gave us chapter one ancter uh I've read it does it get any better apparently a lot of people think so well I mean I simply don't understand some of the premises in this for example you describe Darwinism as the Liberals creation myth um yes you believe the world was created in six days do you uh no that is not the only alternative to your sharing a common Earth yes it's just what what is is that Darwinism um I'm I'm a Critic of Darwinism I I I think I could be a restaurant critic without having to start my own restaurant um I'm describing Darwinism and um the only problem with it is it's um an illogical tological Theory uh the evidence Darwin said would be there is not there and in fact a lot of evidence contradicts it other than that it's a fine Theory do you have an alternative no I think I just said I'm just talking about Darwinism not being true and yet it's taught as if it's science um in the public schools it is a a a belief a faith belief um without any evidence to support it now you say that liberalism has become the state religion of America and yet you're looking at America from this side of the Atlantic and you look at you know your government's ban on embryonic stem cell research for example or we look at the uh postures of the Bush Administration or matters like gay marriage and so on that is not how it seems um well in the public schools for example the government schools uh a reformed Rabbi can't stand up and give a nons sectarian prayer at a high school graduation um just this weekend uh the valedictorian of a high school was giving her valedictorian speech uh and and the moment she mentioned God she wanted to thank God that the microphone was yanked from from her hands she couldn't continue the audience obviously was upset by this but but that is the official policy of the government we can't have even moments of Silence because the children might pray um but at the same time you have recycling global warming safe sex uh taught children being baptized in it through government paid teachers they are baptized in the religion of liberalism four six hours a day 12 days a week um in in Los Angeles uh just recently a friend told me that his kindergartner came home crying angry at his mother after his first day of school not even a couple of weeks into it first day of kindergarten uh asking his mother why she had put garbage in her his lunch pail why did she send him to school with garbage um and the teacher had instructed the students that the plastic that the sandwich was wrapped in goes into landfills so it's garbage um and only children whose lunches came in in tupperware uh would get little smiley faces for being friendly to the environment that's just a crazy Rel religious belief uh well on this question of the environment you have a a remark here environmentalist energy plan is the repudiation of America and Christian Destiny which is jet skis stake on the electric grill hot showers and night skiing yes you honestly believe that did you have a question I'm asking you whether you honestly believe that yeah I believe everything in the book you can you can set all those questions aside do I believe what I wrote yes I do so you also believe there is some sort of liberal hegemony in the mass media do you um yeah that's three books back yes okay and I won that debate yeah well I don't know I mean you're appearing on ABC NBC now you're on the BBC I just don't see how this argument Stacks up no you're right and with a warm introduction like you just gave me no no liberal hegemony there um all right let's talk about warm words let's talk talk about your description of the widows of uh 911 do you want to withdraw any of those comments no I think you can save all the do you want to withdraw questions but you could quote me accurately I didn't write about the 911 widows I wrote about four widows cutting campaign commercials for John Cary and using the fact that their husbands died on 911 to prevent anyone from responding though I suppose you can say I'm I'm wrong about that cuz there you have it I've criticized and there hasn't been a peep about it but what what uh do you make of the comment of someone like Bill O'Reilly of Fox News who says that kind of vital is as he put it mean and counterproductive to the right-wing cause obviously I think he's wrong or I wouldn't have written it like I say I believe everything I wrote in my book and I'd write it the way I wrote it um even even with the strong encouragement of Bill O'Reilly his own his own Latin American poll showed that most of his viewers certainly certainly most of the people who responded to his poll poll you kept open for a week um agreed with me with 72% supporting so you have much higher in other polls you have no anxiety that uh many people will just look at this and find it so extreme and so absurd that they won't countenance a more reasoned critique of the liberal establishment as you see it um the more reasoned critiques as you put it aren't the number one book in America and mine is so I think I'm doing just fine okay and cool to thank you
Channel: BBC Newsnight
Views: 196,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newsnight archives, newsnightarchives, 1980, ann coulter, anne coulter, Ann Coulter (Celebrity), Jeremy Paxman (TV Personality), politics, US, conservative, Godless: The Church of LIberalism, godless, 9/11, darwin, darwinism, evolution, newsnight, bbc, bbc news, bbc newsnight, bbcnewsnight
Id: mbt86Phtv0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2015
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