Ann Coulter Clashes With Ben Shephard Over Anti-Muslim Tweets | Good Morning Britain

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anti-islamic anti-immigration anti-abortion it's the the twitter feed has been banned in Germany they've been involved in all sorts of scuffles and offenses and is widely condemned across all the aisles of British politics are you comfortable that you retweeted a video which may or may not be a real video by a group like that well sure absolutely I mean there are two issues one is I'm Twitter I mean Twitter is just as like watching things going by on a river and you're saying here look at this another one is when you are retweeting these things oh look at this are you doing investigation into the group moreover Germany and I don't think you has a First Amendment but being anti-abortion or anti Islamic isn't a crime in this country I mean I'm sorry if I could just not show up because you're saying it's just like watching things go by and then retweeting them and putting them out there but also putting them out there often can be seen as condoning what you're looking at whether you're saying look at this because you're then putting it out to more of your followers and the video that you retweeted yourself the video that you retweeted yourself which was supposed to be of a Muslim migrant beating up somebody on crutches was actually nothing of the sort it was a Dutch national who was born and bred in the Netherlands he wasn't a Muslim Michael and at all no he was the child of a Muslim migrant and look these are videos it's not like I'm swearing to the veracity of these people though I'm not as you know horrified by someone who's like you should be do don't you think that you actually have have a duty to make sure you can swear to the veracity of these these people well what I was going to say is looking for this or 1941 and someone produced a video of you know from Germany of Jewish men with their bones sticking out I wouldn't really care if one of them oh that's not really actually a Jew in a concentrate camp that's an argentinean in in something else and we're in the middle of a worldwide jihad these are important videos of the ones that Trump that Trump tweeted yeah they were all all Muslims and the big claim is oh but this one was born born in the Netherlands as Dutch as van Gogh no come on this is what the issue is this is Britain has become a cotton with all of Western Europe a cautionary tale I think for the United States if you're just going to keep dumping these people from very different cultures some of whom are part of this worldwide jihad you're gonna have big problems and that's what was being pointed out in the videos yeah yeah you are comfortable with these actions and as you say you have a right to other is quite extraordinary you compare your retweeting of this video with highlighting you know the situation of the Jews during the Second World War but that's for you to make peace with let's talk about Donald Trump because he is the president of the United States and indeed has directly tweeted our prime minister who wants to distance Britain from these actions saying she should leave him alone and look to the problems in her country now is it for him he of all people who's been so critical of fake news to be retweeting unverified videos which are at the very least inflammatory well you keep talking about these unverified I don't know what you mean by verified it's it's photos and don't just brush off oh comparing that I'll make peace with it comparing this to the Nazis to people fighting arguing it's a video do beautiful roses because you challenged me about my questions let me explain you can film two people fighting and it's a video two people fighting you can then layer it as Britain first does we're turning into a political thing that it's a Muslim attacking a white person who was presumably non-muslim and then it becomes a whole different thing so yes the video does stand but what is surrounding it and what is being pushed out by this group means something very different I think we're really losing the plot here if you're not understanding what I'm saying and very seriously and consistently comparing it to to Nazi Germany and the threat of Nazi Germany and oh boy Teresa may is no no Winston Churchill I don't know if you guys still like him but we love him over here and I think we need to sound the alarm what these are videos of our people who are maybe not migrants themselves but the children of migrants there are a lot spicier videos of tubes blowing up and and you know gang rapes and people being stabbed on the Linden London Bridge on Paris and Brussels in New York and Orlando I mean it's just one incident after another and and to say that there's something offensive about showing what the truth is and a news organization saying it's unverified well ok verify it I mean you make it seem as if this was all just a put-up job and it was two kids fooling around and creating a fake video what we can't verify though is the truth of those videos like you say the videos can in many ways speak for themselves but as Kate says the origin of the videos and what originally started as opposed to what's being pushed out by this far-right group they're originally tweeted them and then other people changes the context that aside though if we can just talk about President Trump and the fact that he has directly criticized to reason I our prime minister where do you think this leaves our so-called special relationship do you think President Trump will still be welcome here in the UK because he's slated in to have a state visit shortly do you think he would still sort of be as welcome as perhaps he would have been before this whole incident well I don't think he's ever been welcomed oh it wasn't there a big petition to keep him out right after he was inaugurated I mean personally I prefer that he'd stay in this country his campaign was to put America first and we we need a lot of work I'm getting a little tired of these foreign trip you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 820,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, Ann Coulter Interview, Ann Coulter Debate, Ann Coulter Guns, Ann Coulter Donald Trump, Ben Shepherd Good Morning Britain, Good Morning Britain Debate, Good Morning Britain Argue, Heated, Argue, Ann Coulter Good Morning Britain
Id: eKHA5rhe25Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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