Ann Coulter: I've Been Dying to Be Hated in Europe Again | Good Morning Britain

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we know Donald Trump's stance on this we know that in the state of Union he said that he signed the executive order that Guantanamo Bay is going to stay open despite what we were expecting after Obama had his say what do you think Donald Trump would like to see happen to these two well what he said on the campaign quite famously was we were lied in to the war in Iraq and then he won the most Pro military state in the Union that was the South Carolina debate everyone thought that was gonna be heard through music he's standing onstage with Jeb Bush attacking the Bush administration's war in Iraq he won even South Carolina overwhelmingly so why why are we sending troops to Syria why are we still in Afghanistan I cannot understand why he's not keeping his promises on this I mean I think the military is kind of busy on a lot of things in generals I mean it's the old line from Sidney hook to a man with a hammer all the world it's a nail in he has all the generals saying oh no we gotta send more troops oh no America wants the whole point of his campaign was a little more me time don't get me wrong I'm all in favor of catching jihadis yeah and he's very tough on that idea okay so what what would you do with them what do you think his mindset would be would that be a better solution though than to seeing them put on trial you think a due process why would that be better um well because our trials and I think since we got most of our procedures from you your trials all kinds of protections for the defendant that's not what you want for combatants I don't know the details of these guys you say they have British accents and they're called the Beatles so that's everything I know about them right now but yes there should be some form of military child we've always done that we've done it back in World War two now they were pretty quick trials and there wasn't there were no Miranda rights but yeah I'm gonna keep him wanted on ammo open is a fine idea I just think overall we ought to be winding down and not spending so much time talking about what's going on in other countries so so I daily4 man's perspective she doesn't want to see us going to these wars anyway or the American troops being sent there at Kevin Betty in terms of what the representation of these to the final members of this of this group that were nicknamed the Beatles because of their English accents sort of in terms of the Americans having at the moment you'd like to see them come back to the UK to be tried as Kate was saying publicly or would you rather they were kept in a military sort of environment and tried like that or trial in in Syria if that was possible but Guantanamo is condemned around the world it's kind of ridiculous holding people without trying and what if they're guilty you have some people would think that the unspeakable crimes that these two have been accused of conducting means that all bets are on yeah absolutely unspeakable crimes they we believed they were involved in the beheadings if that's so try and for that get the evidence and then you punish them appropriately don't believe in the death penalty but they would be locked away probably for the rest of their lives but not Guantanamo Bay if it's condemned around the world it's a stain on America it doesn't do marikar any good in the Middle East where people talk about double standards how can you go around the world preaching democracy and tolerance and treatment with people with respect and they're not doing it yourself that is a point isn't it and that that what what I'm assuming the Trump administration like other governments wouldn't want is for these two to be turned into kind of martyrs and figureheads and and people that could lead to more recruiting um yes being condemned around the world I must say not really a mark against the policy as far as most Americans are concerned well what's the Europe they'll be condemned around Europe yeah that's all we were when we were strongest was when Reagan was president and oh my gosh this entire continent was protesting us all the time I've been dying to be hated in Europe again you wish FDR I mean these are standard these go back hundreds of years there are military procedures for trying people there were there were German German boats that landed in Long Island very shishi area the Hamptons during World War Two within one week FDR had secret military trials they were executed within the week this is what we do with with enemy combatants this these are the laws of war these are the laws we follow one of the things that we've been hearing is that Donald Trump is seemingly quite keen to have a big military parade imminently he's trying to plan and whether he could have a big show of military support other a lot of support from the military in itself it's something that we tend to identify with some of the more dictatorships and more fascist regimes around the world particularly North Korea we understand you know Kim jong-un had one just on the eve of the Winter Olympics it's not condemned brilliantly with everybody I know that the the the guy that killed some of bin Laden has tweeted saying that this is absolutely the last thing that we need to do it's not for America to be doing that something is it a sound political move do you think I don't have Trump's do something like this does he need to do it um well first I think we should have the parade to celebrate bringing the troops home from these pointless wars that would be a great time for a parade and point to this Donald Trump I don't care what you think of me is so good at trolling liberals and to come out for this and then have the entire Democratic Party going on TV denouncing a military parade I don't care if it's a good idea or a bad idea the opposing party looks so bad attacking this why why do they look bad attacking it um it's the same thing you know you're often are interviewing me from Palm Beach there was a big fight a few years ago when he at mar-a-lago he had an American flag that let's be honest it was way too big it looked like a car dealership he gets in a big fight with the town of Palm Beach over he sues them that's why he was given the property for his golf course as the settlement in that but he looked he made Palm Beach all of these like old-school patriotic Americans he made them look unpatriotic he's going on to be one of the issues I'm for the American flag I think one is that your governments in shutdown again this real problems with resources and yet it's seemingly this is going to cost millions and millions of dollars purely as a show do you think he'd never even plan to do it he's literally just no I think he actually does want to do it and when you look at the billions of dollars our government spends this would be there I can cut a lot more before I'd cut it I said once a year a nice military parade on July 4th I think it would be nice you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 572,014
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Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, ann coulter, ann coulter trump, ann coulter good morning britain, british jihadi, british jihadist, donald trump, trump, politics uk, politics, president trump, news today
Id: jI7z0HbVpko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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