Pawn Stars: SUPER RARE Nintendo Demo System is a HIGH SCORE FIND (Season 18) | History

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I did see the episode, its just hard to get excited knowing it was all staged.. they even used it as a cheesy excuse to put chum in a game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tocaedit 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

So you’re telling me this thing is worth $50.000 bucks?

Best I can do is $3.50, and I’m taking a big risk with that

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BridgemanBridgeman 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
why are you wearing house slippers again  i'm not wearing house slippers these are   a mix between moccasins and house slippers  business on the bottom party on the top hey what do we have here this is called an  m82 unit that is a nintendo nes demo kiosk   so it was placed in retail stores and  you could demo 12 different games on it   so um in simpler terms you played nintendo  on it you could play intend to honor okay   i'm here today to sell my m82 demo  unit and nintendo entertainment center   the m82 was distributed to retailers back in  the 80s so that people could come in and play   12 different games and try them before they  bought them i am a little bit of a video game   nerd i'm a video game collector today i'm  looking to get about 4 500 for the nintendo   it is really interesting i mean nintendo 1983 came  out with a famicom it was basically an acronym for   the family computer was released in japan in 1985  they came out with the nintendo entertainment   system they did not want to call it a video game  that's right um because at this point home video   games were basically dead in the united states  because everyone got burned down on the entire   2600 that's right um so nintendo did something  that really wasn't done very often back then it's   not even done today they told all the retailers  in new york if you can't sell them we'll buy them   all back which would have probably bankrupted  the company that's why you would have needed   something like this because if you were able to  play something like this full of different games   it might convince you to buy a nintendo right  there this was only at a retail center only sent   to retailers themselves so to get one of these  is pretty pretty darn rare there's basically 12   nintendo's in this thing so how did you get this  somebody who was friends with someone who worked   at a retail center bought it and then resold it  to me so it works just like a nintendo just like   a standard nes you can just play 12 games that's  the difference so you have to blow the cartridge   out before you play it absolutely okay um how  much you want for it i'm looking for 4 500 for it it's super cool i'll give you that anything early  nintendo and certain rare nintendo things are   going for insane money i'm talking like hundreds  of thousands of dollars yeah but i don't know if   this is worth money i just don't i actually  have a guy that is in the video game business   like he deals in all this vintage stuff sure if  i can call him up and have him take a look at it   um we can go from there yeah yeah absolutely all  right i'm gonna go give a call hang out and um   don't break it jump i'm gonna find a tv  we'll test this thing out yeah absolutely so it's a m82 nes you don't see these every day  i love this kind of stuff as a preservationist or   someone who loves the history of this this this  is really something cool back in the day stores   that were selling nintendo games would have to  look through these things called merchandise   manuals and they would pick um different items  that they would want to put in their stores   to help sell their games essentially  something like this costs a store owner   a lot of money and what i love about this one  is that it's not something you just look at   this functions okay cool let's test it out is  it all plugged in chub yeah it's plugged in   you probably don't know how to do  it but you have to turn the power on what game is this so this is actually really cool  too this is kind of something different this is   called a homebrew people who loved nes games  and also knew how to program stuff they started   programming their own nes games it's something  someone crafted in their own garage or their   basement they weren't licensed by nintendo or  any official company it's just a passion project   someone just made this yeah this guy kevin  hanley program this game as well as several other   fantastic games i think this one's called nescape  and you got to kind of go through the different   rooms got to just kind of figure your way out this  is cool there's a very niche kind of aspect to the   video game collecting where it's not just about  the games it's about all the peripherals it's   about the display units basically if it wasn't  meant to be collected it's collectible okay um   so what's it worth i mean is it in good shape is  it you know yeah surprisingly it is on the open   market you know these used to sell for fifteen  hundred two thousand dollars so they've been   valuable for a long time but given that one hasn't  come up in a while and that they're they're harder   and harder to find i'd say this is probably closer  to 3 000 if it came up on the open market today   all right thanks man i appreciate it  happy to help all right see you later   thanks he says i can probably get three grand  out of it i'll give you two i could go to 3 500.   it would make zero economic sense for  something that has a current retail value of 3   dollars paid 3 500. i understand i just  i i think the market's higher than that   okay anyway thanks for bringing it in man it's  really cool and uh help them out here chum   there you go sorry my boss is a cheap ass  no worries i need to learn more about these   homebrew games they're cool but fun i didn't make  a sale today but i still have a couple lives left   and i think i'm going to hit the reset button and  make a sale somewhere else that was pretty cool   i didn't know that you could get a home brewed  game mate yeah these are like the next big thing   homebrew nintendo games have you ever heard of  home brewed games like for nintendo like with beer   no like you know how there's  nintendo games licensed by nintendo   well there's other people that make games  in a nintendo cartridge but they just make   it at home so people can make a nintendo  game now and play it in the old school nes   like if i made a game i'd be the character and  you could sell it here at the pawn shop you're   gonna make a video game about yourself sounds  like a good idea to me a video game character   that does nothing would not be a good character i  actually know kung fu okay you don't know kung fu   are you gonna make a video game about napping no  maybe about you know getting rid of my boss or   something like that taking over his empire no  one would ever buy that i'd be like a kung fu   master and i'd come in and i'd take over the  pawn shop first level i'd whoop corey second   level i'd run right through you and then  you will no longer be a part of my dynasty   that sounds like you have some issues corey are  you listening to this nope tuned out a minute ago   no one's gonna want a chumly video game why  not i'm badass there's pointless conversations   that i've heard but this is probably the  most pointless you know what the more i   think about homebrewed game the better idea  i think it is i'm gonna go drop a story plan so this is called a what this is a homebrew  game and you brewed it i had a maid yeah   what's the thing it's doing with his stomach it's  trying to like attack me with a stomach you know   that movie used to do when you were fat oh the  belly buster is that what you call it that's what   you call that right this is where you guys are at  yeah what is this this is the best invention known   to mankind so you made a video game yeah this  is the adventures of chun li the quest for pinky   why are you kicking old people because  i know kung fu chump and i'm in it too   wait till you get to me what's the whole concept  here though it's a game about a prince who has to   save his beautiful beloved pup from an evil evil  bad bad boss who runs a pawn shop in las vegas   the boss is bald and overweight so that this evil  boss is at me it does have a resemblance to you   but you know we don't want to pay licensing  agreements so it's not you is that supposed   to be you obviously doesn't look like me and  you're beating up customers at the pawn shop   these aren't customers these are your goons look  there i am there's your number one goon right   there see that see that thrust i'm doing it's  called the belly buster corey could you please   just get them back to work i want to see what  i look like in the game you look like a badass pops go to work you know what just go to work dad  get your five minutes and get over this all right   this is epic let me see what my dad looks like  i gave him a black goatee instead of a gray one   so he actually looks younger you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,318,378
Rating: 4.8988376 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 18, pawn stars s18, The Need for Speed, M82 Nintendo Entertainment System, Demo System
Id: BIK8ZF85b94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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