Pawn Stars: Rick BLOWN AWAY by WWII FIGHTER PLANE (Season 6) | History

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earlier chum spotted an ad for a world war ii  fighter plane that's up for sale so my dad and   i decided to check it out wow this is cool so this  is it this is our 1942 north american at-6 texan   you guys interested in buying this airplane  both of us been talking about getting our   pilot's license so the i bet i could do  a pretty good job of crashing this thing the guys came down from the pawn shop to look  at my 86 texan the reason i want to sell this   airplane is my wife and i would like to build  a house i'm asking 185 000 for this airplane   it's absolutely worth every penny of it so it's a 1942. it flew in world war ii and uh  the korean war this one did yeah it did so did   it ever get shot no but it actually was a gunnery  trainer they actually had a gun mounted right here   and the pilots could actually fire the guns so in  world war ii this was the airplane the government   used to train all our pilots the tuskegee  airmen all flew this airplane down in alabama   so it's a it's a very famous airplane dominating  the skies is one of the things that has made the   united states military the strongest forest for  over years it's pretty badass this plane was used   to train the best pilots in the world it has a  newly overhauled engine looks like a bunch of   harley motors put together it does and this thing  actually sounds like nine harley's all running   it's a nine cylinder 650 horsepower so how fast is  it well this airplane accrues at 200 miles an hour   and the structure inside is a roll cage so if  they ever flipped it by accident on the ground   it would protect you can we look at the cockpit i  actually can't wait to see what it's like behind   the controls of this thing this is bigger than  i thought it'd be inside here there you go the   person getting trained would be in the back of  the front the instructor would be in the back seat   it's fully dual controlled so there's the  throttle stick and all the flight instruments   are also in the back of the airplane as well  as the front so you could actually give me   flight lessons in this thing huh that's what it  was built for now go ahead and place your feet   on the rudder pedals there that'll boy that  steers the tail wheel that's on the ground   so what's this trigger for right here you  just shot the guns those 30 cows were blazing i mean it would definitely be cool to be flying  this thing in world war ii shooting nazis   i think i like the way i look in this  thing and who knows it might actually   make a great trainer for me and my dad  so how much do you want for it my man 185   000 i got a buddy who's a navy fighter pilot you  mind if i have him come down and take a look at   it you know if you think he's qualified i  think that's good enough let's bring it on   i have no question about the caliber of this  airplane i'm ready for this this is my buddy   matt i'm a marine corps f-18 pilot with 18  years of experience a graduate of the naval   fighter weapons school top gun and former u.s  navy blue angel pilot come on up have a seat uh he's got a clean cockpit set up this aircraft  is fairly basic to fly landing and takeoff is a   little hard with the tail wheel but literally with  the stick it's up down left right to maneuver the   aircraft you've got a pretty easy throttle so the  last thing to do here is to take this airplane   flying dennis and i should go airborne yeah let's  take her up all right let's do it do your stuff   i'm super excited to fly this aircraft i spent  most of my time in jets and this will be really   kind of a throwback it'll be fun to fly this  claire i've inspected the exterior and the   interior of the plane we've looked at the  log books so i'm really excited to fly the   aircraft i wonder what it's like to just hop  into any plane you see and be able to fly it   i don't know but i think it would  be pretty cool okay you ready to go i thought the aircraft  performed very well on take-off we did a bunch of aerobatics we did a couple loops barrel rolls oh my god maybe one day i'll be able to fly it   aircraft flew pretty awesome so now i want  to keep the nose straight here there it is   a little breaking action apparently  it works so how was it awesome   we had a blast good aircraft dennis you've done  a nice job restoring that oh it's actually a   lot better than i thought it was gonna be  all right so what do you think it's worth uh right now current market what we're looking  at you know i think it's fair value there's   about 170 000 on the spot okay so yeah i think  that's probably a fair estimate so what does   it cost to own one of these things first thing  is you need to hang it that's about 300 a month   then this aircraft needs to fly it needs to  get lubricated oil through the systems fuel   everything's about 275 an hour to fly it seems  like this thing is going to cost me a grand a   month just to own until i can sell it yeah that's  a that's a safe number all right well thanks   bud okay you bet great to see you matt you're  the man okay thanks a lot matt nice shout out so what is your bottom dollar i'd look at something around 165 000. oh you know we sort of came out here on a whim  uh-huh it's on a whim i'll give you 140 grand   yeah it's getting warm i mean if i buy it  off it's gonna sit around for a while it's   gonna cost me money to own it like resell it or  figure out what the hell i'm gonna do with it   well you know it's a vintage and a classic  airplane there's so much heritage with this and it   appreciates some value it's definitely something  i'm interested in you know what a 157 kind of   warm it up a little bit for you no it wouldn't  i mean i'd go like 140 on it if you take it you gave me 150 we'd probably have a deal  today yeah as a businessman i will go 140.   you know if you come up just a little  bit at 145 we'd be shaking hands i'll tell you what my man i'm gonna go back and do  a little bit more research if i think we can pay   pay you 145 for it i'll give you a call and we'll  do it but uh right now i'm gonna hold you at 140. boy we were really close so why don't we uh  just uh think about that a little bit and   uh maybe there'll be a phone ringing between  here and vegas have a good one man all right   thanks a lot guys for coming out i'm shocked that  they didn't take the offer i'm bummed we got that   close and couldn't make a deal but i'm glad  it was me and corey that got to check out the   plane if we had sent chum and the old man they  would have wasted the whole day playing around you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 401,711
Rating: 4.8701382 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 6, Pawn stars s6, pawn stars se6, pawn stars show, Wild Thing, Season 6, Texan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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