Pawn Stars: MEGA MONEY for LUXURY 1918 Buick Coupe (Season 6) | History

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what can i do for you well i have a 1918 buick  sitting in the parking lot waiting for you to   drive it corey let's go look at the 1918 buick  what do you need my help for get your butt in gear   come on cory needs to have a little  more appreciation for the classics   especially something like this car this  thing is almost as old as two of us combined now that is nice what's top  speed on one of these things   40 45 corey to get it up to 50 you had to push it  off a cliff i came to the pawn shop today to try   to sell my 1918 buick i like to sell it because  we can use some cash and hopefully i can get 24   000 but at least i'll take probably it's 20.  this is what is known as a buick touring car   back in 1918 corey this was a very innovative  car it's got a six-cylinder engine back then   99 of the roads were dirt roads it's high  enough off the ground that it can travel those   this is a car that you would take out on sunday  afternoon and take a drive who has a car that   they only drive on sunday people with money these  old buicks were the electric cars of their day and   unlike the cars today they were worth every penny  this one here is so rare you just got to love it   it's definitely not my style but i can appreciate  it do you mind if i take a look around absolutely tires are all rotted a little bit yeah dry rod  will get to them corey painted the dashes off you got chips everywhere what's this  about over here man i've never seen this   back in the days there was not many gas stations  so you have to carry gas can water tank is your   car overheated and a little bit oil okay cars like  this are definitely a part of american history   it's in good shape and the old man's really  into it but i'm just not totally sold on it yet   so what do you want to do with it ponder  it or sell it we'll like to sell it okay   how much do you want for it i  would like to give 24 000 for it   do you mind if i have a buddy of mine come take  a look at it tell me what it might be worth   yeah absolutely i'm very proud to own this car  i want to see an expert that really appreciates   history hey danny how you guys doing guys  usually give me a jingle and have me come   down and check out either a car or a motorcycle  or something with wheels and an engine sweet got   ourselves an old buick here today this is always  a pleasure for me because you know you get to see   automotive history when this car came out this was  a pretty high-end vehicle this was something that   your upper class would be cruising around in  back in 1918 these cars were selling for about   13 to 1400 msrp brand new and uh that  was a whole lot of money back then   your everyday man he was dealing with the  model t's out of ford they were probably uh   three or four hundred dollars a car like this  buick can see these cars parked at the polo   events do your magic danny it doesn't look like  the car's ever been abused uh at all it looks   just absolutely beautiful but she's got paint  issues everywhere the upholstery looks beautiful we need tires all the way around but paint that  seems to be that seems to be the biggest deal   can you open it up can we see the engine  please you ready for a treat absolutely   look at this that's beautiful  can we hear it run sure yeah you can shut it off it certainly runs  just beautifully i think this car is is really   beautiful you can get uh you know reproduction  tires for this that's not an issue but the whole   car needs to be painted you have to disassemble  it and repaint everything and put it back together   you're going to easily put anywhere from 10 to  twelve thousand dollars into this car i know to   make it to make it that museum quality piece but  let's take it let's take this thing for a putt   let's see how it runs and drives 10 to 12 grand  is a lot of money for this paint job but i really   like this car but before i can pull the trigger  there's one more thing i got to check out i can't   wait to ride in this thing now this is gonna be  fun this is class absolutely all right here we go come on danny crank this damn thing up i'm  trying trying my buddy danny is helping   us check out a really old buick but the  test drive part just isn't going that hot   i don't think it's gonna happen let me hop  out here and take a peek see what's going on   you better fix this damn thing  danny there we go oh goodness well it's flooding really bad common problem in  these cars it's just one of the personality corps   of old cars like this every once in a while they  get in the mood to dump too much fuel and this   one has dumped way too much fuel in the canister  there in other words we can't drive the damn thing   yes sir i still think i want this car but if  danny can't test drive it the price is going   to come down a little bit you just rent my day  danny yeah it's not my fault i can't help it   that it just does that okay so what do you think  it's worth man you're probably looking at about   about 10 to 12 000 worth of restoration to put  in this car off the top of my head i i would say   uh 17 18 000 right now is is where i'm  at with it hey thanks a lot danny yes sir   this car is really sweet but it needs major paint  work and the engine just flooded so even though   the old man wants it i'm really not quite sure on  how things are gonna turn out obviously i'm not   gonna pay 24 000 for it give me a better number  i think this car can go when it's fully restored   and you can get close to 40 for it look i'm not  gonna beat you up i'll go 17-5 and that is it wow i'm not gonna argue with you well for me  at least 22. a 17-5 guy or you haul it home   if you go 17-6 you'll haul it home i'm  not going over that in the story done deal deal 175 it was a fair price the  economy is not the greatest so   17-5 probably i can double that money myself
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 569,947
Rating: 4.8775225 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 6, Pawn stars s6, pawn stars se6, Stalled Deals, Buick Touring Coupe, rare car
Id: rhUk-q8HB0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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