Pawn Stars Expert "I Can't BELIEVE You Have This"

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I know this sword this actually it's like a historically significant sword these things go from anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 there's 500 B for every real draft of Star Wars The Script this is something that I never could imagined existing a guy brings in an antique sword that belonged to his grandfather do you know what it is I'm actually not too sure I know my grandfather got it at an auction it's got some very cool detail like the head of Medusa what looks like a lion right here ooh that's nice careful it is sharp that's Arabic writing it's got Arabic on the blade it's got Russian writing right here I'm just kind of little a loss here without any idea of its value the owner makes an offer and how much are you looking to get I was looking for 40,000 I'd like to have someone come in and take a look at it I know this sword this is actually it's like a historically significant sword so this sword belonged to a Russian prince Ivan Ivanovich adki and he was killed at the Battle of Brienne in France by Napoleon troops wow this guy gets killed with this sword on him the expert takes it in his hands to examine closely this Arabic writing means it came out of Persia built with the intention of being like a head of state sword what kind of value do you think this has I would imagine you're talking 75 100,000 thank you for letting me see of course hearing everything Chum needed he wants to negotiate on the price I'd buy it for 20,000 the problem is it's too big of a risk for me now that makes me think that I should find the right auan for it thanks for coming in I appreciate it after knowing the actual value on this sword kind of glad I didn't sell it a customer walks in with a coin hoping it's a very old and rare one I have what I'm hoping is a very very old very rare coin how didd you get it from my understanding it was purchased an auction 30 years ago I got it in a will there's literally hundreds if not over a thousand coins like this you know they put their own faces on it and everything else like that but basically the same amount of silver same weight so it made trade really easy between those cities Rick shares of his concerns that's one of the parts that gets confusing with these coins is dating them and figuring out which city it came from these things go from anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 there's 500 fakes for every real one how much you want for it completely honest was hoping about 20 grand you know my big concerns are is like it's in really good shape it's struck really well most of these coins the figure on the front and these figures on the back are way off center there's a chance this could be real but I'm assuming it's fake so do you have any paperwork with it I do not know not personally let me have someone take a look at it rick decides to call an expert if this is real this is a home run what year 400 to 360 BC this is a chariot scene crowning the Victorious charioteer so who's the person on the front this lady is a arthus a water nymph so is it real okay I have news it's absolutely genuine all the features line up it has great metal quality the strike is excellent how much money we got here uh $50,000 wow I might hug you Rick offers a price I'll give you 35 grand for it I mean 50,000 down to 35 we can meet in the middle somewhere I'll tell you what I'll give you 40 Grand anything more than that makes zero sense for me and 40,000 Fair okay all right cool man this is great Rick heads to London to see a collection of Star Wars memorabilia this is where they filmed a lot of stuff for Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back that we see on the big screen now seven is the one where a lot of Star Wars history went down this is where Luke gets the lightsaber so this right here is where they film that at but what I want you to see is some phenomenal stuff and that's why we're really here they discussed the collection I've never seen anything like this this is one of the movie posters that was signed just before they released the film so it's all been signed by everyone so what else is in the Box Luke Skywalker lightsaber from Return of the Jedi how did they make them light up they put in a rod and uh it's a 3M reflective material it reflects back and then they animate in the color afterwards the seller shows more Star Wars items what we have here is George Lucas's original handwritten draft of Star Wars The Script this is something that I never could imagine existing our plan is to open a museum ourselves so that people can actually see it the poster is something I would consider letting go Rick asks about their potential value what do you think the posters were I'd put the value $50,000 on this R I'll give you 25 it's a significant offer I'd let it go for 35 would you do 33 do it 34 and you got yourself a deal you got a deal thank you very much a seller brings in a Star Wars Lego set so this is a special edition Lego set so my cousin in Connecticut sent it out to me who I was a huge Star Wars fan all right well it's got the original seals still on it Legos are very collectible Star Wars is very collectible how much are you looking to get for it, 1500 I don't know if that price is legit or not the expert discusses Star Wars Lego sets this was uh the employee gift from uh 2019 probably around 15,000 of these floating around Lego produced a series of 20th anniversary sets and this was the last one that got released and obviously you couldn't buy this at store so probably most important thing that makes this thing valuable is this guy here the U tie Squadron pilot what kind of value could you place on this could easily get $1,000 for it good luck thank you would you take 700 for it no I can't go that low I mean anything under under 1100 too little yeah I could probably push it up to 800 if that helps sorry I can't do that if I change my mind I'll come back and look for you the expert suggests Chum take a look at some other Legos this is Wayne and carow hey and they built everything you see here this isn't something you're ever going to see in a store I'd like to if you're interested well yeah let's take a look at them tell me about that wall back there because there's light coming through do they make transparent Legos yes everything in there is LEGO brick even the translucent one so how many hours did it take to build this 400 hours spread over an entire year what am I looking at over here we basically said hey let's build a bat cave mean you got the Batmobile in there it looks like it's on the little parking garage there are a couple of battery operated items like lifting of the Bat Plane the builders offer a price what are you asking for each of these individual so for Cloud City we would would like to get $188,000 and for the Batcave we'd like to get 20 if I break them it leads me to believe that there's only two guys in the world that could rebuild these and I think those two guys could charge me whatever they wanted to fix them so I don't think I'm going to be able to make an offer on them um understand thanks for bringing me down here the man brings in a large set of Topps collector's cards this is Star Wars set Topps they were the baseball card company at the time and they said well we'll do Star Wars cards that's Hamill Fisher Ford the heroes as they call them but they're all signed or it's like 300 out of 334 this is the next part of it this is signed poster what you have here is probably one of the most complete cast sign pieces in existence Kenny Baker's R2-D2 there's Anthony Daniel C3PO John Williams that's the opening score to Star Wars right there all the key people are here oh my God Rick asks for their value so what are all these worth I would want in the ballpark of$ 75 to $100,000 for this set you will pay $150,000 that's the Jedi mind trick I guess I mean I'll give you 100 grand for him it's a multi-year process yeah I can't do it I've got something else I think you'd like it's really spectacular too trust me the seller returns with another set so what's this like a board game basically this is a screen used uh Death Star section but you're still a gigantic nerd this is one of the coolest things I know they use this to film the Death Star sequence uh this came directly from someone who worked on the film to his house to my collection Rick tries to negotiate the price to make a deal what's something like this worth this one I'm asking 25,000 for I just can't see it ever looking like 25,000 no no no it's not that give me 15 no I couldn't take that sure you don't want 15 no I'm good he we have lunch yeah we could do that okay good idea thanks Chum receives a call from a guy to check out some vintage toys so I'm going to check this place out and hopefully I can find some treasure here's the stuff wow this section over here I got vintage tin toys and of course the rest of all this is Star Wars before I dive into this massive Star Wars collection Chum asks for an offer what are you looking to get for the tin toys around 1,000 would you you take 300 for him I wouldn't go that low for that maybe seven all right I think I'm going to pass on the tin toys for now what are you looking to get for uh the set of all three of them I was looking maybe a 100 a piece I'm thinking maybe that's probably right about what I'd get for him if I sold them 200 for all three of them 250 I can go 250 on these then moves on to Star Wars toys that is the mother load of the collection Luke Skywalker here that's pretty cool and then Han Solo we got Yoda right here and this is my favorite Boba Fett he was one of the coolest characters I am noticing a lot of the guns and accessories are missing here though 2500 would you take 1,000 bucks for them 16 I would love to buy them for 1,200 I about 1,400 all right I think I can work with $1,00 $1,400 for the Star Wars collection $250 for the MEO toys let's go find a box and put them all in and I'll get you paid an expert evaluates the items at the pawn shop what do you think of my new haul there's millions of these figures made and hardly any accessories available what about this Rick that's the ranor keeper and he's pretty incomplete that looks nothing like me these are some toys I bought for $1,650 and so far so good how much is all this stuff worth so overall I think you guys would expect to get a little over 1,700 bucks for everything here at least we didn't lose money see you guys but I had to take a risk on this one Rick I mean one little variation in here could have brought you up to a few thousand bucks a guy hands Rick an old coin to check got a 1922 proof High Relief matte finish coin where did you get get this I wanted at a poker game this is like one of the Holy Grails of American coins the 1922 hyb Rel Le piece dollar is one of the rarest coins in American history how much you want for it 20,000 what you want 20 for it yeah sure no problem let's go this is worth a lot more than 20 grand do you mind if I call a friend to take a look at this Rick absolutely wants it but he has to make sure if it's the real deal it's always nice to get called in on an exciting coin this coin is particularly interesting historical and it's rare as hen teeth these were more or less unknown and They carried over the high relief of the 1921 issue all of which by the way were stuck in a onewe period at the end of 1921 so I assume your main concern is is it real yeah it is in an NGC holder which is wonderful the holder is completely intact and genuine and the coin is perfectly legitimate what's it worth one of these sold very recently that brought a touch over 100,000 this coin is worth something north of 50 but less than 100 Rick has no more concerns about the coin so let's find out if he makes a deal should have just gave you the 20 grand and I called in Dave I'll give you $65,000 what about 90 I think 90 is fair you're willing to take 20 grand for it I think 75 is fairly meet me in the middle at 80 and you got a deal it's a deal all right okay all right let's go up front I'll write you up Rick is shown a letter signed by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I have a photo of and letter by Henry wodsworth Longfellow is it a poem no it's a basically a letter this dear Madam whoever she was wrote to him for a photograph and some autographs to use in Affair and he's sending that to make some money for the fair Rick discusses the item he was really was a superstar back then when he passed away they put a um it was a statue or a bust or something like that I am assuming this is all real the ink looks like from the period how much were you looking to get I was hoping to get like 300 bucks for it it wouldn't surprise me if this guy got hundreds of letters every day sometimes they would have a secretary write the letter or he might have done the whole thing himself this might have been went to a secretary you take care of those give me a couple I'll take care of those myself Rick calls in an expert it's got great potential and all honestly this guy's really sought after so I'm going to follow the signature along here kind of looks like it starts off pretty strong but the more I'm moving along here you see how it gets very faint towards the end so he's using a quill to write with Nate's running out of the qu no doubt about being gun here so that's one good sign okay the expert checks the item's authenticity is I want to pull up the examples that I have on file here you see yours very truly I mean we looking at live Inc it's all legit absolutely there's no question about it what do you think it's worth right around $1,500 what you want for this I don't think $300 is going to do it for me 900 bucks for it I'll give you 700 bucks and I'm offering you more than double what you were asking yeah let's do 700 original GI Joe nurse Action doll comes through the shop I have a doll here that's GI Joe actually from 1967 they're very rare she's the only female GI Joe doll that was ever made where did you get it in EST estate sale how much did you want for it I'd like about 2500 for the doll I don't know enough about this thing Rick calls in an expert this doll right here came out with a green medic bag and a white medic bag the white medic bag is the rare of the two which makes this one here more valuable this doll right now as it sits looking anywhere for 12 to $1,500 in today's market even with this white bag even with the white bag Rick negotiates the price pretty good shape but there's no box holes in her stocking this is dirty I can understand it I'd like to get at least 1,000 I'll give you 600 bucks for it no how about nine I'll go seven on it how about eight I'll give you the eight for it all right all right thanks a beautiful lady comes into the shop to sell her Pottery duck we have a pottery duck from khma Mexico you know anything about ducks from kma Mexico um a little bit it looks old it looks like the pottery they made you know like a couple thousand years ago Rick shares some history regarding the item so I mean what do you think it was used for were you're supposed to drink out of it or something it's probably something ceremonial they truly believe that the animals after you pass away they would guide you to the next World what religion is the duck in probably an ancient religion that doesn't exist anymore some weird things have been happening around the house things like fall off the shelves I hear weird noises the craftsmanship is amazing you can still see there in the Kil burn marks and everything on the bottom so it went into a Kil like this and it came out with those beautiful finishes on it I mean how much you looking to get out of this about 4,000 it could be very very old but I'd like someone to look at it if you don't mind I don't know Rick decides to get an opinion from the expert 2,000 years ago they made animals took go into a tomb and they'd lay the body and they'd place these animals around they'd be companions they'd be Spirit guides but most of them were to be eaten in the afterlife it's got the burnishing lines so they would use a stone and they would polish this extensively before it would go in the Kiln I see a repair here they're almost invisible so whoever restored this they did a fabulous job the valuation by the expert shocks Rick and the customer 100% real yeah 100% % real 300 BC to 300 ad ancient so what's it worth 8,000 so you want 4,000 for it okay awesome please you want to go WR her up all right I'll me you up over there all right an old man brings in a Soviet Cold War era General's uniform got a Soviet Cold War era General's uniform so what are you a communist I I just like the uh that's very good I I like to get $900,000 I could do $800,000 not 900,000 or or a thousand we're going to start at 900 okay you're tough I'll tell you Rick decides to bring in an expert most of these medals are post World War II you do have an order of lenen here right there the first one the order of lenen is the highest civil award for a contribution to the motherland this guy was not the military when he wore these uniforms because he was a member of the KGB reason you can tell is they've got red pipe in so this is not a guy you want to cross and make upet jackets I can probably tell you exactly when they were made look at the buttons they are often dated this says 76 more or less at the height of Soviet power Rick asks for an opinion on their value so what are they worth for the pair 650 to 750 it seems to me that it would be a heck well lot more than that makes me even want to get more money for it uniforms like this don't attract the excitement that for example World War II era uniforms attract thanks for coming in man hey Rick thanks appreciate it well I'm not really happy about it I thought it'd be worth $1,000 at least give you 400 bucks for them and I think 400 bucks is a fair price can't go 5 and a half I'll tell you what I'll give you 4 and a qu how about 450 I mean I just don't know if they're going to sell um we'll do 450 man appreciate it all right he'll write you up meet me over there a customer brings in a guitar amplifier to the shop I've got a 1947 Moscow guitar amplifier uh belong to Hank Williams Senior the Hank Williams Senor the Hank Williams Senor father of country music and to me it's just amazing January 1 195 3 gift of mother Miss ww Stone I'm Wan $450,000 for it doesn't even say it was Hank Williams amp on it right the expert comes in to test if it works I'm very nervous right now because I'd hate for it to not be authentic we got to plug it in make sure it works cuz that's going to affect the value of the amplifier making some [Music] noise some definite work it's immediately distorting that h that it's making right now that means it needs capacitors really bad but it works the customer is left speechless after the expert's appraisal all right so do you think it's Hank if so how much is there any other proof or well on the inside it's it says number 133 of 254 yeah I mean the cereal number really wouldn't the company doesn't exist no more so I doubt if there's record see my thing with it would be I could go to the mall or a trophy shop and get something like this made today and stick it in the yard for a week and then bolt it on any old amp it's not like you see tons of pictures of him Hank Williams masal amplifier if it was Hanks it would probably be 30 grand but without any kind of definite proof that it's his the amp itself probably worth 4 or 500 bucks if I'm going to ask six figures for that I'm going to need to see a lot of proof man there's none out there if I was making an offer on the way it sits right now it'd be 200 bucks I'm going to go and keep it for that the guy brings in a set of guitars featuring some of the DC characters Batman and Joker guitars this one's even more impressive Joker cool thing about The Joker Is it also has a little chip in it and if you push this button when it's all hooked up to amplifier you push that in the Joker L what are you looking to get for him I want to get 15,000 for this is a little out of my realm I got to tell you man it would make me a little more comfortable if I called A buddy of mine the offer made by the seller is out of Cory's realm so he calls in an expert John bowan you John bowlan I am wow looks like a couple of my guitars here made these 26 years ago wow looks to me like they're unplayed this was to celebrate the Batman movie we did the Prototype and at that point we make a lot of guitars for zezy top and the word got out to Billy we were doing this and he was like oh I have got the perfect design for the joke kind of curious to hear the Joker Laugh I mean you're the guy to ask are they legit oh yeah yeah absolutely I really appreciate you coming down thank you very much he makes a point in his negotiation using a lowball offer so you wanted 15,000 bad news is I can't have uh John bowling give me the price of the guitars cuz he built them and I'm sure to him their price okay probably retail for about 7500 for the pair you want 15,000 I mean I'll go 7500 for them I definitely would not sell them for $7,500 but I really appreciate it man it was fun thanks so much in this video we have a gunm smoke brought in by a customer to be sold this was used in Gunsmoke in 1957 and 1958 gunm smoke the TV show yes sir this holster the cartridges sit in the back this one has an extra two up front which makes it very unusual and rare in the late 50s it was the highest rated show on television the owner shows Rick the paperwork so it has the movie prop numbers on it yes sir these paperworks came directly from Steam brdge gun rental this holster was used on the series at that time Rick takes the gun in his hands to take a closer look why are you so nervous about just prop gun why's it got a firing pin in it you need a firing pin to shoot blanks yeah if you try to put a bullet in this thing and fire it it would blow up in your hand BS right here are a lot smaller than the holes in the back this gun won't fire at all how much do you want for it 1,200 you know I'm thinking more like like 500 bucks I mean I have to resell this thing I need at least 800 for it 700 can we split the difference and go 750 700 D thank you for watching and as always like And subscribe for more content
Channel: Trend Set
Views: 17,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, tv show, movie, entertainment, movies, hardcore pawn, pawn stars, deals on hardcore pawn, deals on pawn stars, hardcore pawn deals, pawn stars deals, best of hardcore pawn, hardcore pawn customers, seth gold, les gold, chumlee, rick harrison
Id: vImTGdpcy94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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