Pawn Stars: Cheap Items That Ended Up Being Worth a FORTUNE

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you came in here wanting 2500 bucks for all of them what do you think they're worth when I look at the signatures in here it's pretty crazy you're looking at anywhere from about $8 $12,000 wow I paid a grand a piece for him auction you're looking at 50 Grand at least all right $1,000 that's a deal so how much you think I can sell it for now it'll probably sell for about 160 to 175,000 a seller is trying to sell his collection of over 250 autographs earlier a guy came in with a huge collection of celebrity signed postcards I've never seen a actually quite like it so I called up my buddy Steve to come down and take a look that was like a pretty crazy assemblage here this guy has over 250 autographs from the 1940s and 50s from Babe Ruth to maryn Monroe it's pretty rare you see like a you know just a whole collection like this just the fact that they all they're all dated I mean actually I think that's probably the the more cool thing the dates on each one that's pretty awesome maybe you'll be able to recognize some of them the expert goes through some cards you guys know who this is Jimmy Stewart that's Jimmy Stewart Liberty bence yeah it's a wonderful life one of the most famous actors of all time do you guys know who that is Paul Newman we're talking about the dressing Paul Newman yeah the dressing uh the salsa one of the toughest autographs to obtain in person you guys know who that is Marlon Brando I mean this is about one of the strangest guys you ever going to come across I'm one of the best actors of all time if you were lucky enough to approach this guy in the street and even ask for his autograph he used to give you a set of trivia questions you have to answer and if you answered one wrong didn't matter you wouldn't get his autograph but if you got all five right he'd sign for you with Marlon Brando when he signed especially later in life it was like instant gold pretty amazing I just keep pulling more and more and more I think you've got a pretty phenomenal collection here if it all checks out want to be able to go through my examples figure out what's here you know by any chance if there's a secretary signing for somebody that day but the bad thing is is I can't tell you right now you guys got time today is that all right I got you my man whatever you need if you want to borrow chumbley or the conference room whatever you need Cory asks for an opinion about the cards so what do you think this stuff is all no good it was a big waste of my time to stand here and go through this stuff and that's the unfortunate part about it really no actually it it's probably one of the best collections I've ever seen I can't tell you how rare this stuff is I don't know if you guys have ever heard of Elvis Presley but he's here too did you know that no Elvis Presley made an appearance in here Frank Sinatra do you even know Frank Sinatra was in here see you're learning something new every day the expert discusses their potential value he came in here W 2500 bucks for all of them what do you think they're worth an amazing collection when I look at the signatures in here it's pretty crazy you're looking at anywhere from about $8 to $12,000 wow still on 2500 um no Cory negotiates the price what do you want for them now 8,000 then I'm going to be really honest with you I'm going to get a lot of money for these when I sell them but it's going to take years as great as it is to have Babu signature it's really hard to sell it on a postcard it's going to cost me two to 300 bucks for each one of these I sell you want a 2500 I'll give you six grand you going to take six grand yeah I think so okay that works a customer comes into the shop with an old sword a sword from Zelda it looks like it was in a pile of rocks I'm looking to hopefully get 200 bucks out of it so this thing is just in amazing condition some people would call this patina I call this rust okay so so how much do you want for this beauty thinking maybe 200 bucks let me call up someone who actually knows what they're talking about an expert comes in to share more details it's definitely a p from Afghanistan it was a one-handed sword could be either hand this end piece was created so that it wouldn't slip out of the hand while wielding it okay so when was it made the 17th century okay so what's it worth 500 bucks maybe but actually if I restore this for you it'll be worth on the outside five grand and how much to restore it 1,500 bucks okay thanks man I'll let you know all right well let me go get you 200 bucks dude 450 well there's not a lot of money to be made here dude I know I got to leave you all right 250 350 I'm I'm just I'm already cutting that low all right 300 bucks all right you you better you better hook me up on the next one man 300 I only paid $15 for this piece so I'm going to walk out of here with a good profit Rick checks out the sword after restoration I this came in the mail for you I don't know oh it's my sword you bought a new sword are you going hunting with it with your hat and everything or it's a 300-year-old Afghan PIR was nothing but a bucket of rust when I got it and he brought it all back to perfect well it looks cool enough it's worth 5,000 bucks it's an amazing sword it's got great history I'm not complaining looks like you did a good job we go put this in case put a tag on it Afghan P War Rick and Chum check out a Buddha a customer brought in now this Buddha that I'm trying to sell I thought Buddha was fat anyone who becomes enlightened is a Buddha so there's been hundreds of not thousands of buddas I'll tell you what I'm definitely intrigued you know much about it no they I think they they got it from a garage sale you got a bunch of little spots where the guilding came off and you have U I'm assuming it's brass underneath how much do you want for this uh $10,000 I saw it online uh it was a similar item going going for that price Rick decides to bring in an expert upon hearing the offer we have 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 that is perfect to the mythology because this avalo tesar has so much compassion for Humanity he's listening in all the 10 worlds well we we know it's a real Buddha I mean how old is it what's it worth looking at this the condition it's in I'm going to pitch the age about 175 I'm going to say that you know I have seen these on The Auction Block going from 10 to 15,000 bucks because Rick tries to make a deal it's so old and it's in such good condition what's your best price on it 2,000 I'm thinking closer to six he just said I can get maybe 10 grand in auction I give you 10 grand there's no money to be made I will give you 7500 I will not give you a penny more okay all right I I'll accept that take it to $7500 and I'm going shopping Rick receives a call from his friend who repairs helicopters and his customer wants to sell one so this is it huh no actually this is it it's all there yeah I know you said it was in a crash but looks like a pile of junk to me it was just involved in hard Landing did the pilot die in this thing the pilot and passenger are both fine so why in the world did you buy this in the first place I wanted a challenge I thought it would be fun to be able to buy it and rebuild it myself just didn't work out I don't have the finances to to rebuild it I just don't think I can do anything with this this is much worse than anything Larry told me about an expert in this field to answer Rick's questions what kind of helicopter is this the model number is a schweer 300C now this aircraft was originally designed for the military and they did all of the flight training in the Army uh with this actually designed to crash and be able to be fixed in the field this whole front cab I can typically rebuild within about 2 to 3 weeks so did the motors survive the crash they did these pulleys these are $20,000 a piece these are all okay the expert states that the helicopter could be fixed and gives Rick an idea of the costs so how much would be just to rebuild the whole thing estimate would be 100,000 I I just don't see where there's any money to be made the retail value of this is about $150,000 bought this off the insurance company for $10,000 so that's what I'm looking to get out of it I mean I can't really afford to take anything less than 10 all right 10,000 that's a deal man thank you thank you very much even if I don't fix it up I can always sell for parts and I can make like five grand when the repairs are finished Rick goes to check the helicopter this thing looks amazing it's like a real helicopter a month ago this thing was a scrap he basically everything on here had to be rebuilt it just took time and you know uh knowing how to do so I think I've made the $100,000 Mark you were looking for so how much you think I can sell for now it'll probably sell for about 160 to [Music] 175,000 a seller walks into the shop to sell his illuminated books got uh some illuminated books bibl manic edition of The Works of Charles decock and I hope I'm saying that right where in the world did you get these an uncle book collector left them for me all the drawings and the paintings in the book are hand done they're not printed limited to 10 numbered registered set of which this is number six do you know when these were printed I believe in the 1700s copyright I mean the print's small but it looks like 1903 even though my book expert is not around today I still feel confident making an offer on Rick asks for an offer how much you want for $6,000 sounds good I can't go six you got to come down from that the problem is they were sold as collector's items to begin with how about 3,000 they're special these aren't quite perfect 1,500 bucks H I don't think I can take that I'll go 2,000 I'll take it I'll take it all right I'll meet you right up there and we'll write it up an expert checks out the book They're illuminated books they're printed right around 19900 I paid a grand a piece for them wow this is beautiful that these Pages here these are all printed on Vellum and it is very very expensive very hard to work with takes a lot of skill and a lot of effort this is two volumes the 48 volume set and if you had all 48 volumes at auction you're looking at 50 Grand at least but you don't have the entire set the volumes themselves don't have a lot of value on their own so $500 each however these volumes have original artwork many people do know John Sloan he was an artist who did a lot of the drawings in here I'd say that they'd probably fetch 2500 to 4,000 at auction all right sweet they didn't hit a home run but I'll make a little money when she said 500 bucks my heart skipped a beat a customer brings two thrifted items into the shop where'd you get this so Margie died and I was at her estate sale so I bought a bunch of her stuff she was some type of stewardess back during the Vietnam early Black Sabbath when they were on the vertigo label that tear right there is going to affect the value what do you want for that $ 800 for the pair I'd like to be in them at 250 each together oh no $300 I'll meet you in the middle all right how much did you want for this thinking 40040 I'll do 140 Rick arrives and inquires about the items what is this this right here that's going to be the Big Money Maker it don't look like any Airline I ever seen Snoopy patch loan is worth some money how would you pay for it 140 bucks I bought these for 300 bucks the records yeah you're definitely not an album expert Chum meets with an expert to evaluate one of the items even though I don't need an expert's opinion I'm going to have my man Clint look at these Black Sabbath records it's pretty impressive cuz you don't see these every day this is a first pressing there's one other thing I hope it's in here picture oh you know about the poster I only know about it cuz it is in there somebody had hung it on their wall at least you still have it yeah you're pretty fortunate individually five on Master reality and seven on the self-title as a whole you'd be looking at $1,200 another expert examines the other item I've got one more stop on the proving Rick wrong tour though I think it's a stewardess dress it's not one of the things that you would never see on a stewardess dress is patches that don't laate to an airline I thought these patches were really cool that's one of the reasons I bought it she had a Phantom 2 patch which is a fighter I think you have a very interesting piece value is in the patches that are on it Chum returns to the shop excited made you some money Black Sabbath albums I paid $300 for the pair 500 for Masters of Reality 700 for the black cbath self-titled I think that's 1,200 you did a good job Chum can I get a pat on the back just a little pat on the back a little one why can't you be more like Chum a customer walks in with a coin hoping it's a very old and rare one I have what I'm hoping is a very very old very rare coin how didd you get it from my understanding it was purchased an auction 30 years ago I got it in a will there's literally hundreds if not over a thousand coins like this you know they put their own faces on it and everything else like that but basically the same amount of silver same weight so it made trade really easy between those cities Rick shares some of his concerns that's one of the parts that gets confusing with these coins is dating them and figuring out which city it came from these things go from anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 there's 500 fakes for every real one how much do you want for it completely honest I was hoping about 20 grand you know my big concerns are is like it's in really good shape it's struck really well most of these coins the figure on the front and these fig F on the back are way off center there's a chance this could be real but I'm assuming it's fake so do you have any paperwork with it I do not know not personally let me have someone take a look at it rick decides to call an expert if this is real this is a home run what year 400 to 360 BC this is a chariot scene crowning the Victorious charioteer so who's the person on the front this lady is a arusa water nymph so is it real okay I have news it's absolutely genuine all the features line up it's has great metal quality the strike is excellent how much money we got here uh $50,000 wow I might hug you Rick offers a price I'll give you 35 grand for it I mean 50,000 down to 35 we can meet in the middle somewhere I'll tell you what I'll give you 40 Grand anything more than that makes zero sense for me and 40,000 fa okay all right cool man this is great A girl brings in a print made by a famous artist she doesn't know much about this is a mark shagal print that I have do you know who Mark shagal was sort of very famous P you know the difference between like a impressionism and post impressionism not really where'd you get it oh I have a wealthy aunt and she gave it to me but I just it doesn't go with the decor of my house Rick starts explaining to the girl some information regarding the print and the artist there's probably like two dozen artists in the world where you just look at their art go that's Picasso right or Renoir chagal is one of those people 500 years from now they'll still be talking about his paintings and they'll still be worth money if you ever get a chance to go to Paris Paris opera house painted the entire ceiling oh wow how you want for it I don't maybe around $1,000 or so did you get any paperwork on it I don't have any paperwork Rick brings in an expert so it looks shagal that is an image by shagal this is Captain Bri ais's dream in fact it's one of his most famous images this particular image is from a work called dhus and Khloe 2 Century Greek poem you look very closely you're going to see a bit of a crease here this is a double panel so it's a little more valuable and it's the only double panel that was in the overall set the expert reveals how much it's worth what's it worth it's worth at least $88,000 awesome so you still won 1,000 bucks um no obviously I'll tell you what I'll give you three grand for it kind of low he just said it was eight what is your best price lowest 6,000 I'll give you four grand five $4,500 not a penny more I'll take 45 deal a guy brings in an antique sword that belonged to his grandfather do you know what it is I'm actually not too sure I know my grandfather got it at an auction it's got some very cool detail like the head of Medusa what looks like a lion right here ooh that's nice careful it is sharp that's Arabic writing it's got Arabic on the blade it's got Russian writing right here I'm just kind of a loss here without any idea of its value the owner makes an offer and how much are you looking to get I was looking for 40,000 I'd like to have someone come in and take a look at it I know this sword this is actually it's like a historically significant sword so this sword belonged to a Russian prince Ivan Ivanovich adki and he was killed at the Battle of Brienne in France by Napoleon's troops wow this guy gets killed with this sword on him the expert takes it in his hands to examine closely this Arabic writing means it came out of Persia built with the intention of being like a head of state sword what kind of value do you think this has I would imagine you're talking 75 100,000 thank you for letting me see of course hearing everything Chum needed he wants to negotiate on the price I'd buy it for 20,000 the problem is it's too big of a risk for me now that makes me think that I should find the right auction for it thanks for coming in I appreciate it after knowing the actual value on this sword kind of glad I didn't sell it a guy hands Rick an old coin to check got a 1922 proof High Relief mat finish coin where did you get this I wanton it at a poker game this is like one of the Holy Grails of American coins the 1922 H relief peace dollar is one of the rarest coins in American history how much you wanton for it 20,000 what you want 20 for yeah sure no problem let's go this is worth a lot more than 20 grand do you mind if I call a friend to take a look at this Rick absolutely wants it but he has to make sure if it's the real deal it's always nice to get called in on an exciting coin this coin is particularly interesting historical and it's rare as hen teeth these were more or less unknown and They carried over the high relief of the 1921 issue all of which by the way were stuck in a onewe period at the end of 1921 so I assume your main concern is is it real yeah it is in an NGC holder which is wonderful the holder is completely intact and genuine and the coin is perfectly legitimate what's it worth one of the sold very recently that brought a touch over 100,000 this coin is worth something north of 50 but less than 100 Rick has no more concerns about the coin so let's find out if he makes a deal should just gave you the 20 grand and I called in Dave I'll give you $65,000 what about 90 I think 90 is fair you were willing to take 20 grand for it I think 7 five is fair meet me in the middle at 80 and you got a deal it's a deal all right okay all right let's go up front I'll write you up a beautiful lady comes into the shop to sell her Pottery duck we have a pottery duck from khma Mexico you know anything about ducks from khma Mexico um a little bit it looks old it looks like the pottery they made you know like a couple thousand years ago Rick shares some history regarding the item so I mean what do you think it was used for were you supposed to drink out of it or something it's probably something ceremonial they truly believe that the animals after you passed away they would guide you to the next World what religion is the duck in probably an ancient religion that doesn't exist anymore some weird things have been happening around the house things like fall off the shelves I hear weird noises the craftsmanship is amazing you can still see for the Kil burn marks and everything on the bottom so it went into a kilm like this and it came out with those beautiful finishes on it I mean how much you looking to get out of this about 4,000 it could be very very old but I'd like someone to look at it if you don't mind I don't know Rick decides to get an opinion from the expert 20 years ago they made animals to go into a tomb and they'd lay the body and they'd place these animals around they'd be companions they'd be Spirit guides but most of them were to be eaten in the afterlife it's got the burnishing lines so they would use a stone and they would polish this extensively before it would go in the Kil I see a repair here they're almost invisible so whoever restored this they did a fabulous job the valuation by the expert shocks Rick and the customer 100% real yeah 100% real 300 BC to 300 ad ancient so what's it worth 8,000 so you w 4,000 for it okay awesome please you want to go ride her up all right uh me you up over there all right a customer comes into the shop to sell a rare coin like to sell this gold coin if I could eight escudos this is a Spanish stamp here this is like the Royal crust of Spain I got that from my grandfather when he died he left a safe full of contents do you know much about this I don't know much about it at all Rick shares a few details regarding the coin ad escudos um it was from Lima Peru they had like the worst mines in the world but it made a fortune for the Spanish when the Spanish occupied Latin America and South America they used forced slave labor to work the mine coins back then were weird the size didn't have to be exactly correct when they stamp these coins out you didn't always get a great strike like this it's almost too good to be true what were you looking to get out of it i' like to get 2,000 this coin isn't really great shape but this is easily counterfeited the expert comes in to verify its authenticity it was one of those things that looked a little too good to be true that's a Lima ad scudo and in this corner there's an L that means Lima Peru mint biggest gold coin the Spanish made there was a big Scandal on some counterfeit that's why I wanted to have it checked out it's 27.0 G that is right on very rarely will they be right on most castings are underweight from everything I can see on this one I'd say it's absolutely genuine do you think this is woring I would put a price tag of1 18,000 on it okay that's like finding treasure what do you want for it sounds like1 18,000 to me no it don't why would we give you 10 grand for it how about 12 how about 10 grand no I can I could take it somewhere else how about 105 I wouldn't take anything less than 11,000 11,000 11,000 okay got a deal I'm shocked at how much the coin was worth I had no idea thank you for watching and as always like And subscribe for more content
Channel: Trend Set
Views: 426,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, tv show, movie, entertainment, movies, hardcore pawn, pawn stars, deals on pawn stars, deals on hardcore pawn, pawn stars deals, hardcore pawn deals, best of hardcore pawn, hardcore pawn customers, chumlee, les gold, seth gold, rick harrison
Id: G2JB845v0mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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