Pawn Stars: INFAMOUS Criminal Items

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back in the late 20s and the 30s alapon ran Chicago alapon was straight up nuts and artifacts connected to him could be worth a lot of money he killed a lot of people no witness would come forward to convict him or anything like that if anybody got possession of this piece until now there would have been Bloodshed and War within the families a customer brings the original jail cell keys to Al Capone cell have the original jail cell keys to El Capone cell at Alcatraz no C County Jail I got to admit these looks like some really difficult locks to pick which key went to a cell this is the main jailhouse key there were two outer doors that this would open up and then you went into the cell with the big door back in the late 20s and the 30s Kapone ran Chicago he killed a lot of people no witness would come forward to convict him or anything like that Al Capone was straight up nuts and artifacts connected to him can be worth a lot of money the seller makes an offer and how much did you want for him you know I have like 1,500 in my mind so you don't have any actual paperwork proving their pis Keys No I don't if there's a way to prove that they were to his sell we have no problem we can't we're like 15 bucks a piece so n it's not going to happen when we sell stuff we have to certify what it is but we can't prove it so we just can't take them I'm sorry thanks for coming in man I really appreciate it appreciate your time thank you thank you a customer brings a tie from The Sopranos to the shop an actual tie and a couple handkerchiefs from The Sopranos worn by uh James Gand alfini probably top 10 TV series of all time it's got to be up there we have a brony tie here we have some handkerchiefs were these worn on the show as far as I know uh yes for the card it says thanks so much for all you did for us Vegas I would like to send you one of my Tony Soprano's Bron ties James Gandalf's signature at the bottom of it it's interesting how much you want for I'm looking to get about 1,800 the expert takes a close look to verify its authenticity so the first thing I want to do is just take a look at the ink that's on here no doubt about that you can see right in here nice ballpoint pen nice live ink in here so what do you think you've got his letterhead the signature is definitely his this is a great piece okay so what's the note worth just the note itself I'd say is worth at least five or $600 I'm assuming the ties and the hacker Chiefs are hits yeah absolutely no doubt I I would really have a hard time believing it's not basic on you know the provenance involved with it I mean he's directly referencing at least $1,000 okay now what you could do you could photo match this or go back through The Sopranos and try and find the episode where he did wear that so thanks man I appreciate it good to see you nice to see you CH Rick negotiates the price um I'll tell you what I'll give you 800 bucks I'm taking a gamble here I have to get someone to find this in an episode in Sopranos I'll give you 800 bucks man uh could you do like closer to a th000 I'll tell you what I'll give you 850 yeah I'll do 850 that works for me all right sweet um I'll just start watching The Sopranos right now you can write them up he'll write you up right over there a customer brings a sheriff's Blue Book this is the Las Vegas sheriff department organized crime Blue Book it is all the high-profile organized crime figures that were in Las Vegas in the ' 50s it was distributed to a select handful of detectives and deputies gives their names their aliases their stats their mug shots and their Hangouts which are historical Las Vegas sites Lefty Rosenthal brought spalatro out who's probably the most notorious gangster in Las Vegas precisely you had Chicago mob bosses running casinos like the Stardust and the Henda and this would have been a cops reference point for all the bad guys working for these guys so how much are you looking to get out of it I've had it appraised by reputable auction house between 5 to $7,000 I would like to start negotiation around 4,000 okay the expert takes a closer look to check its authenticity so Cory what did you want to know about this well she said there's only one left is that possible or that's possible they were not tracked my guess is there's probably a couple of other old detectives that may very well have taken them home the expert shares his opinion on its value so Mark in your opinion is it more of a museum piece or is there a collector's market for this or I think it's a wonderful museum piece but my guess is yeah there'd be some collector's market for it just because you know it's sort of of Heyday of Vegas kind of stuff probably be somewhat narrow I think it's basically an historical thing you'd have to have people that actually read well Mark I appreciate it butd not a problem thank you after the expert's appraisal Cory decides on the offer he received here's where I stand on it to me I see the binder with photocopy paper in it with history on gangsters in Las Vegas you said that you had auction houses apprais it between 57,000 I don't see being able to sell it for half of that much well go I would run run run and go sell it to there is a lot of Insider information in this that is not commonly known do I think I can make a profit on it I don't it's something I'm just going to pass on all together all right thank you fair enough thank you very much a man brings in a ring that belonged to a notorious Mafia member oh I have a piece of antique heirloom jewelry that my mother passed along to me it was the signant Ring of the mafia boss Lucky Luciano if anybody got possession of this piece until now there would have been Bloodshed and War within the family there's an individual whose name I cannot use that gave this to my mother my mother was a woman who did special services for these people because she had their personal uh confidence and she was given it to protect it the rubies are set as the eyes but there's even the tear I mean Luciano was a mobster he killed people you got any paperwork on this you won't find any paperwork on it I've gone to as many archives as I can come up with if it really did belong to Lucky Luciano it could be worth some huge money to the right collector have an idea what you want want for it going to be six figures after hearing the seller's offer he decides to call in an expert for help wow lucky luchano is a very big deal if this is lucky lano's ring you'd be looking at something that would be worth tens of thousands of dollars I was told it probably was manufactured in the late 1800s but I don't have any way of proving that you're the curator of the M Museum I'm sure you've seen thousands of photos of Lucky Luciano you ever see any of them with that ring or anything like that this particular design is not something that I'm familiar with unfortunately I just don't think we can conclude that this is lucky lano's ring it's just a story thanks Jonathan at this point I'd keep on doing some research maybe you can find a picture maybe you can find some evidence there's nothing I can do this one falls into the category of an almost ripoff since the seller Diane didn't part with her item I have a script of The Godfather it came with a picture of The Godfather and an autograph inside signed by Al I believe is signed by alucino I'm hoping it's worth $10,000 this actually came in a donation to Catholic Charities I don't think this was an original script that was used in the movie because the ones used in the movie aren't bound they're torn up they have scribbles all over them one of the problems here you only got half an autograph collectors love anything to do with the godfa but it just says Al let me call someone in here let me have him take a look at it see what we can do that's great after Rick's handwriting expert John verifies that Diane's leatherbound screenplay is indeed signed by alpacino Rick offers Diane $500 for it it could be from the '70s but this is nothing that I think was used in the production of the movie my big concern is is that signed by Al Pacino most of the time Pacino only signed with Al didn't sign his last name unless it was a contract what I'm looking at here is signs of forgery is a really good flow all the signatures that I've seen of Pacino they have that little extra Loop and the way it connects to the L consistent with his known signature so I would say this is alucino signature I'd say you know a high retail would be a couple thousand I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse 500 bucks 500 not 1,000 huh 500 bucks I think it's a fair price I'm I'm going to have to hang on to it for a little while partially based on John's suggestion that it would probably only bring in $1,000 at auction she simply leaves so $500 is the best you can do you can't shoot any higher than that the best offer I can do it really is okay thanks thanks for your time all right well thanks for bringing it in we have a customer with a very unique War item I came down to the pawn shop today to try to sell my World War II grenade I really have no idea what it's worth it's super rare so hopefully it's worth a lot well there's no um boomy stuff inside of it so what do you know about it it was either made by the OSS or the CIA 60 years ago well you got a lot of balls for buying a grenade and then taking it apart I've never seen a design like this the only thing I know is ekc means Eastman Kodak company let me call it Tony down at the gun store until I get it checked out I have no idea what it's worth Rick needs some help so he called and Tony this is a grenade that was made for the OSS it was the 4Runner to CIA this would normally be filled with TNT this screws on us like that and then this goes in like this 43 people were injured during the testing three people died how much did you pay $5 you did real good good so I got some gas money coming you got you got car money coming it turns out Rick has something a very oneof a kind item in his hands the last time I saw one of these for sale was in 2007 and it sold for over 2,000 thanks for coming in Tony I appreciate it this thing is beyond cool and I definitely want the damn thing so how much do you want for it well um I'm thinking 16 now I can do that all right let's go WR it up sounds good psyched I got this grenade it was a great B it doesn't get any cooler than that cold war item has Rick amazed this is known as a infrared heat seeker for The Sidewinder missiles I'm coming down to the pawn shop to sell my infrared heat Seekers for there's a lot of collectors out there would love to own one uh no we've never had a guidance system for a missile and we used to guide the side Winder missiles so where did you get this thing well my father used to do military surplus bidding in the 70s and ' 80s he bid on empty shipping containers 400 of them sealed bid he won it for $25 as he's loading them into the truck he noticed some were heavy and these were inside do you have paperwork from the Department of Defense saying you can own this thing yes and this is all from the Department of Navy it looks like it's good to go in 1964 this was so Hightech it was unbelievable is this thing what she says it is or if it's legal to buy what in the hell are you going to do with it I mean are they worth any money I mean let me go give someone a call out what's going on with it great the expert is left amazed I'm a US Marine Corps fa18 pilot with 17 years of experience now this is a very interesting item I'm really surprised that you own this do you have documents that say that you can have this it's actually a A9 heat seeker head very rare to have that outside of a military base let alone in a pawn shop in Las Vegas this item is basically the top foot and a half of a 9ft heat seeking missile uh probably came out early 1960s this was leading technology he has some more unbelievable news but also some bad news uh back in the 1960s actually this missile was compromised a year later the Communists had the exact same missile so that Advantage we had initially in Vietnam was gone by the late 1960s so you're not like a Russian spy or anything are you it's in good shape on a 1 to 10 scales a fighter pilot I'd give it about a nine Rick goes into negotiations and gets the better out of the deal really commercial value nothing I'll be honest with you thanks man you bet I appreciate you coming out good to see you so how much are we looking to get out of this about $3,000 no I'm thinking 500 bucks you don't think this is worth more money 750 is out of the question 750 out a question I'll go 550 bucks okay well we have more I'll take by 50 okay even if I don't sell it I'm just as happy having it sit on my shelf up next we have a Japanese weapon from World War II I came to the pawn shop today try to sell my Japanese knee mortar I'd really like to get 2,000 for it my dad served her in World War II and he brought some stuff back that I always had an eye on this was responsible for quite a bit of Carnage it's got a lot of history behind it and that's what World War II collectors want there's been militarized after the war cut here in the barrel and then if you look in the front end you can see that there's a bar that's been welded across there as well okay so what did you want to do with it I'd like to sell it okay and how much did you want for it I'd like to get $2,000 Rick is interested however he needs an expert to help him I know absolutely nothing about the value of this thing I got a buddy who knows about all the stuff built in 1929 this was a very very deadly weapon main thing you'll find with a mortar a big heavy base plate guys would run up on the field they'd get down they would hit it into the dirt scoop it back they drop a grenade in and then they would pull this trigger and off it would go are they legal to own the answer is yes this is 100% legal to own so what's it worth let me evaluate the piece four digits so it's an early production piece uh which makes it more valuable people will ask crazy money for it oh $5,000 it's but uh in reality when these things do trade 2000 if I was selling it I'd ask 1995 the negotiations begin but will Rick be able to convince the customer and this is one of those rare items that doesn't come up too often I'd give you like 1100 bucks for it that's a little low I think could you go 1,500 no cuz I'm thinking that's probably close to what I'm going to get out of it I'll go 1 12200 and I won't go no more I mean 1,00 bucks I think is more than a fair price 1300 I'll meet you in the middle at 1250 sold okay I'm comfortable with the $1,250 I can use that money well in my collection they got a very good piece this incredibly detailed antique pistol has Rick amazed pirate pistol of some kind I at the pawn shop today to try and sell my antique pirate pistol I am hoping to get at least $50,000 for my antique pistol how did you get it um my father collected Firearms Rick is not sure how much the pistol is worth so he calls up an expert to know more about it so how much look you get out of it I'm thinking 50,000 I have a buddy who really specializes in antique firearms like this absolutely I'd love to know more about it the expert is imp impressed and shares his knowledge this is beautiful I would call this a Caucasian pistol this would be called a miget lock a miget lock has the main springs on the outside of the lock the traditional flint lock the main springs on the inside all this silver is hand etched do you have an idea of how old it was I think it's the turn of the 19th century because of the silver because of the fire gilding this is one of the highest detailed full Caucasian pistols I've ever seen they decide to put it to test and are you able to know if this gun would fire or not there's no question it would fire and it's it's one of the nicest examples I've ever seen I would love to see it fired I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that we can actually fire this gun the result is very impressive so for a Target I set up this pin wheel thing all right Tracy if you come on this side of me so nobody's downrange in the muzzle so I'm going to pull back on this hammer and I'm going to let it go we ready and that's a day off I mean that went about as well as it could possibly go all right so the big question is how much is it worth if it were mine I wouldn't sell it for less than 15,000 thanks man I really appreciate it all right so what do you want for it obviously 50,000 is not going to happen how about 14 I mean it just that makes z00 Z sense I mean the most I would go was $10,000 not a penny more I'm going to say no for now and kind of just think on it thank you so much for your time I no problem this customer brings in a very sharp item these are my Freddy Krueger fingers didn't they used to kill tigers with those I came to the pawn shop today to try and sell what I believe is a scissor AR I'd like to get about $500 for it at first I thought it was like maybe a World War I bayonet or something but uh could use it in one hand like catch a a sword or something like that and you can stab them with it too I don't see it as a real realistic weapon I mean this metal is very thin can be bet really easy as the conversation goes on both parties seem to know a lot about the item but is the value of the item a jawdropping one I think someone really prized it at one time so what do you want to do with I want to sell it I'm assuming I'm going to get 100 bucks out of this thing okay I'll give you 50 bucks I've got two kids can we do 75 60 bucks 65 all right 65 bucks go write them up Chum don't play with it and of course Chum has to test it [Music] out Chum put the thing away before someone gets put in the hospital these guys just don't give me the respect that I deserve Chum and weapons do not mix I'm getting that back right if you do I'll cut you 6 ft wide chamy last but not least item used for some of the deadliest weapons this is a b57 tactical nuclear weapon this is a composite nose cone and behind this was a radar altimeter so basically at this cover fits this bomb it's authentic yeah try it let's let's try it out and see okay well it fits perfectly I'm going to try and make a deal with this guy good let's do that that was the Leading Edge of our defense against the old Soviet Union Rick is a amazed but he still needs to find a way to get this item it's hard to ascertain a value how much do you want for it 800 I got to find someone who's going to buy it you take 300 bucks for it it it's got to be worth 700 we just meet in the middle at 600 that's even above the middle we go in the middle 650 6 and A4 6 and a qu we got a deal all right thank you for watching and as always like And subscribe for more content starting things off we have a customer with a mass destruction item I think I have the deadliest that's ever walked through your door what is it it's a Russian ICBM launch key seriously it would launch a thermal nuclear weapon I usually describe them as the keys to the end of the world as we know it how much do you want for somewhere along the lines of 10,000 my concern is is how simple they look I could make these in my garage out of aluminum so I called in my buddy Mark to authenticate it Rick has his friend Mark come in and take a look these are nice they're launch key have you ever worked with titanium if you made this out of titanium you've got a bigger garage than than I know a lot of folks tend to think that they were used for like icbms and nuclear missiles and that sort of thing but no they were used for launching spacecraft okay so they're still probably a pretty rare item yeah they they are rare because there were a lot more ICBM keys out there Rick still wants the item so they get into a negotiation war with the customer now that I know what these things really are I got to admit I want them you know I would give you like $1,500 for it 1,500 huh okay um I'll keep it okay well thanks thank you in this video we have a gunm smoke brought in by a customer to be sold this was used in gunm Smoke in 1957 and 1958 Gunsmoke the TV show yes sir this holster the cartridges sit in the back this one has an extra two up front which makes it very unusual and rare in the late 50s it was the highest rated show on television the owner shows Rick the paperwork so it has the movie prop numbers on it yes sir these paperworks came directly from Steam brdge Gun rentals this holster was used on the series at that time Rick takes the gun in his hands to take a closer look why are you so nervous about just a prop gun why's it got a firing pin in it you need a firing pin to shoot BL yeah if you try to put a bullet in this thing and fire it it would blow up in your hand holes right here are a lot smaller than the holes in the back this gun won't fire at all how much do you want for it 1,200 you know I'm thinking more like 500 bucks I mean I have to resell this thing I need at least 800 for it 700 can we split the difference and go 750 700 D thank you for watching Ing and as always like And subscribe for more content
Channel: Trend Set
Views: 36,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, tv show, movie, entertainment, movies, hardcore pawn, pawn stars, deals on pawn stars, pawn stars deals, hardcore pawn deals, deals on hardcore pawn, hardcore pawn customers, best of hardcore pawn, seth gold, les gold, chumlee, rick harrison
Id: j7rlHdyJFRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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