Pawn Stars: Rick & Sellers COMPLETELY Disagree on Value!

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what do we got here well it's a little bit more interesting than their standard firearm wow a brass knuckle gun the gun is actually called the Apache sweet that's one hell of a pistol whip if you got small hands your fingers are just super [Music] fat my grandfather had it he passed away it was sort of a thug's gun I've seen where the value can reach up to $7,000 I don't want to go below four so we'll see how it goes has a knife on it too it's a knife brass knuckles and a gun oh wow the ultimate self-defense weapon I believe it got its name from a pretty famous gang that was in Paris my understanding is that it was pronounced aache which meant Ruffian awesome how did did you get it it's been in my family for a number of generations um you got some real gangsters in the family tree well I don't know looks like it when most people think of Paris they think of a nice place to take a vacation they don't think of it as a rough place but like most cities they've always had gangs imagine having criminals walk around with a gun like this back then pretty hardcore I I don't think anyone designed anything quite like this I mean it's only a 28 caliber but that was an effective round especially at Close Quarters this gun used pen fire rounds it's an really early form of modern ammunition so when you wanted to reload you literally had to this came out like this you would reload it with firing pin sticking out the side so when you put it back in here you had to be real careful not to knock the firing pins for the thing to go off in your hand sounds pretty dangerous and um when you run out of bullets all you have to do is pull the knife out you know you go to punch a guy like that and when you're swinging like that you also have a knife sticking out at the end of it this gun has a lot going for it it's got an amazing history tied to gangs in Paris and on top of that it looks pretty badass so at the risk of sounding really desperate I really want this for the shop how much would you take for it 7,000 no um it's got a retail value between 2 and 3,000 I would go 2,000 for it cuz I think it would sell real quick no I they're very unique the least expensive that I would let it go for would be about 45 we're too far apart i' go down to four but I can't do anything less than that best I'm going to go is 22 for that price I we'll keep it in the family okay I appreciate your time I'm a bit disappointed since we weren't able to make a deal I'll take it home and maybe in 30 40 years my kids can do the same thing and maybe they'll get a little bit more for it what do we got here original blueprints to the USS Main 1887 to 1889 before the ship was sunk that's really really cool these are the propelling machinery and also 10in turret mounts whoa um I have definitely never seen anything like this I came the pawn shop to sell my blueprints of the USS main I got these from an antique magazine I researched for over 10 years they're the only ones that I know of that exist I like to sell them because I could use them money the main was one of the first battles ships ever built it was over 300 ft long massive armor M yeah the amazing thing is rotating turrets was such a massive Advance 20 30 years prior to this I mean warships basically you had your guns sticking out the side and you had to line up next to each other these were like some of the first guns that could actually shoot over the horizon these things would shoot like 15 miles it's also the ship that um ended up blowing up in uh was it cahana blew up uh Havana Harbor Havana Harbor okay relations between the United States and Spain were already really stressed the blowing up the main basically was the excuse to start the Spanish American war exactly um the battlecry for uh the Spanish americ war was remember the main mhm when the USS main blew up it was most likely an accident but there was so much tension between the United States and Spain basically we wanted an excuse for war this right here appears to be boilers uh these I imagine would be piston driven steam engines yes this is the gun this is the touret it's on and they would rotate on this right here mhm um this is the back of the ship this is basically the way things were stored that is neat so how much do you want for them I want 9,000 for this one I want 6,000 for that one and I want 10,000 for this one okay um these are my big concerns here okay they're not blueprints okay blueprints are going to have measurements we have no measurements here right so these are the preliminary designs before those guns were put on the ship these were me all right I want to find out exactly what these are you know I I got a buddy who collects all this military stuff um do you mind if I haven't come in and take a look at it not at all let me give him a call all right sounds good this is an incredible find this is one of the most important ships in American history this inspired the battlecry remember the main the seeking of this ship started a war if these are the preliminary designs this could be worth a lot of money the USS main is uh is to me it's interesting because sort of cause the Spanish American war not cause it but give us reason to to go and get involved the USS main is important more for its political history the US government had sent it into Havana to sort of let the Spanish know we were there and it blew up no one really knew why the one thing we got out of the Spanish American war side from the Philippines was Guantanamo B and as we all know it's still around do they all say Isaac uh friedenwald yes this one also says it and this one also says it so he is a lithographer in Baltimore he's a publisher in Baltimore this is exactly what Publishers do they're going to put their their name on the document I don't buy these having been printed by the US government they had private sectors that uh did work for the government point taken but I've never seen government doc ments that have like a private publisher they have entire buildings devoted to printing stuff the ship was finished I think in 1889 and it was launched in 1890 what's the date um 1889 okay that doesn't make sense why would these be preliminary designs if they would had to have designed this years earlier I mean this wasn't that's what I'm thinking to design and make a gun like this would have taken years at least right Rick I know what these are I think these are propag Ganda documents I mean after the main sank the United States government used Publishers to make a big deal about the fact that the main had sunk and that God us into into the Spanish American war these are definitely not construction documents I can tell you that I think they're old I think they have some history but this these were probably printed after after the main went down I I disagree if you check the date the ship had not been launched yet so I believe you're wrong to say that these were propaganda or made after the main was sunk why would a government take their top secret design for a new Battleship and send it off to a printer in Baltimore doesn't make any sense they're interesting looking I mean imagine framing these and putting them in your library if you like Naval History this would be great other than that I don't see a lot of value here tops tops if you really want to put something classic looking you know up on a wall framed 3 or 400 bucks a piece yeah am I close no no I want 25,000 for it yeah see it's like totally different planets these are not what you say they are these are what I say they are because these were made before the ship was sunk that may be true okay let's just say yeah they outsourced these for some reason and these did have a preying relevance mhm they're still not construction documents I mean they're to me they're one of many copies made and they were made for something maybe they were made for an official purpose but I still think they're worth three or 400 bucks so that's just my opinion thanks Craig you're welcome if anything these were copies they could have been copies made During the period more likely in my opinion they were made after the USS main was sunk well guy may be expert on a lot of things but he's no expert on this I can tell you right now cuz I am 100% positive these are not propaganda nor were they made after the main was sunk okay I mean it's just that's my guy I mean I got to go with what he says I don't think someone's going to pay that kind of money I just don't I just believe that there was a lot of these probably printed up if there was a lot of them printed where are they that it's the only one they might be the only ones but I still don't think they're going to bring that kind of money okay um thanks for coming in though right we weren't able to make a deal because the expert's opinion was different than mine I'm going to keep trying to sell them somebody will buy them eventually I know they will hey how can help you good how you doing I have a clock lighter that I found at my grandfather's house every lighter should have a clock on it you could really burn some time with that I decided to come down to the pawn shop today to try and sell my great-grandfather's lighter I didn't need it so I just came down to try and make a little money I'd like to get $22,000 for the watchh if I could I'd probably would be willing to walk out of here for a thousand so do you know anything about it I don't know a whole lot about it at all no this is neat this is a 1930s Dunhill lighter Dunhill is an English company but I believe their lighters were made in Switzerland yeah Switzerland and the 1930s we had a depression going on not a lot of these were sold and you had to be very well off to get one it was like1 in the 1930s which right now is like $7,000 go Grandpa Dunhill is a British company that's been making high-end accessories for men since the late 1800s and their lighters have always been their most popular item of course now they make a gold lighter that sells for over 13 Grand it's a pretty good idea something like mcgyver would have it was made in the 1930s oh James [Music] Bond let's see if the Clock Works it [Music] works it's 80 years later and everything still works on it as far as collectible lighters go Dunhill is it this is the one to have it's really rare this that's great just this lighter by itself in really good shape without the watch in it they go for like $11,000 and in really good shape they go for like 2500 bucks super okay now we have this problem right here it's beat to hell that might just look like a little Dent back there but it's a really big issue it's worth like 1,500 bucks in this condition I get antique lighters in here all the time but I love Don Hills they're known for their quality and collectors love them I just wish this one was in better shape what were you looking to do with it I was looking to sell it how much did you want for it I was looking two grand uh two grand is not going to happen it's more like 1,000 bucks uh we just said it was 1500 you go open up your own store and you know hire some employees do a little advertising sell it in your store for 1,500 bucks um Welly I really would like to get 12 for it I disagree with you the D just gives a character my best price is $1,100 that is the best I can do the best not the nothing more nothing more not a nickel more not a nick more I'll let you walk for a nickel okay I'll take it okay all right go write him up Chum and don't play with it when he first offered me $1,000 for it I thought he was being a cheap ass but you know we we set on $1,100 and I'm happy with it what do we have well obviously it's a mace um put that down gently we'll do okay do you know much about it yeah I think it's probably from about 1550 1560 this is really intriguing this is like one of the oldest weapons there is and it worked remember we're talking the 1500s I mean they still wore armor just swinging this on someone's I mean you feel like braveart just holding it the price just went up I've been here before so you know I felt comfortable bringing something back in here I collect medieval weapons a real mace that's 500 years old is very hard to come by I think that this pond shop will recognize it for what it is imagine it's like what like 5 6 lb yeah so it's light enough that the guy could carry it right when you swing and hit somebody with this thing it puts the whole force of impact on one point that's what they were for I mean this right here is the equivalent of a bullet hitting you in the head it's hundreds of thousands of pounds of force right there you hit someone in the chest on the ribs they're going to break ribs hit someone in the leg they're going to go down you hit someone in the head you're going to kill them I love when old weapons like this come in the shop they not only appeal to weapons collectors but just average guys love these things and buy them they're just awesome what do you want for it yeah I was thinking about 3,800 do you have some paperwork on this unfortunately I don't have any provenance other other than you know as it sits here okay you know I know it's real I like it but I would like someone to look at it that knows a little bit more than I do so I'm going to call my buddy Craig oh no h let can we just do a deal we don't need Craig do we this guy and Craig disagree on price a lot both of them know a lot about weapons but I always have to side with the guy not trying to get a lot of money out of me nice to see you yeah good to see you too nice um pretty amazing though um I I'm assuming it's an old mace I don't know if this is 200 years old I don't know if this is 600 years old very interesting I will tell you when you look at a piece of armor or a weapon like this there's always going to be a chance that it's very well-made Victorian era reproduction so is this one of those or is it a weapon number one thing to look at is that this is hollow you can tell it's not solid and why is that okay a heavier weapon you think is a better weapon but no a weapon you can swing faster is a better weapon it's why big swords medieval swords are light the faster you can swing a weapon the more damage it's going to do it's physics do you have an idea where it was made it's probably Italian or Spanish and I don't think you're going to find a a proof Mark of any kind here because remember this was mass produced another thing too when you look at this piece look at this pitting you've got big pits little pits pits within pits so this has been around and it's been cleaned a lot and yes this is old I would place this 1500s this is a weapon not a wall hanger and that's what you want we agree for once we going to like bury the hatchet and go clubbing so what's it worth all right um I can tell you exactly what it's worth 2500 bucks I I disagree it's worth more than that it could go as high as 4,000 I mean you're right I'm still going to Value it at 2500 doesn't mean you're not going to get 35 you might not be able to sell it for two it does display really well it's a nice piece here's the real story Craig's not coming in to help me make money he's there representing the pawn shop you know what's the difference I show up with my friend he says it's worth five grand okay thanks man Rick pleasure I try to say what's this going to auction for on a reasonably good day uh and in this case I've seen several mes like this go for right around $2,500 so in this case it's easy all right I mean what's your best price on you know I'd like to get about 3500 for it give you 1,800 bucks for it that's like my top top dollar you know it might go for more it might go for Less I think it's really really cool I really like it do you want it oh I want it let's do 2900 and call it a day I'll give you two grand 2750 I'll go two grand 27 2 Grand I got to have more than two grand you know the number one thing you have to learn when you're in this in this business if the price ain't right walk away well give in a little bit we got a deal tell you what I'll give you 2100 I won't give you anymore 22 2100 22 no 20 okay all right got yourself a mace let's walk up front and we'll write this thing up the only reason I could sell it for 21100 I don't particularly have that much in it if he's just buying it for resale you know I understand the man's got to make a little bit of a profit hi how come I help you I have this really cool piece this was a prop in The Godfather the movie the movie The Godfather it is literally one of my favorite movies of all time unlike most people I don't like the movie because when I saw the horse's head I was horrified and stopped watching it I have to say the horse head in the bed thing is a real good way to get a deal done I almost threw a horse's head in your bed when you wouldn't give me a percentage of the [Laughter] business I buy storage lockers at public auction it was in one of the lockers that I purchased I'm not a fan of the movie but I know that there are a lot of fans of that movie so I think I'll be able to do okay it was one of the greatest dramas ever made it really was I mean up until that point movies weren't this dark and the characters weren't this Rich it was number one in 1972 it was the number two or three movie of all time up in that point how much it grossed it is considered by everyone an absolute Masterpiece it was a career building movie I mean alucino dairo I mean there was just tons of actors in those movies that got their start and stayed famous for 30 40 years because of it I was right around 20 years old the first time I saw The Godfather I was blown away it's got everything great writing great directing great actors what else do you need do you have paperwork on this stuff I have a certificate of authenticity from the Ellis prop company that says it was sold at an auction they had in 1999 and I have a letter with a picture of the jewelry box also indicating that it was in the movie This Deco style valet jewelry box was issued to the set of The Godfather for using in background scenes now do you know what scene it was in no I tried to figure it out but I couldn't watch it and it doesn't say anything in the paperwork either so you want me to make you an offer you can't refuse correct and how much would you like me to buy it for I saw other people selling props from The Godfather and they were asking for about $1,000 if you ever go to a movie set okay especially big Productions like The Godfather there's thousands and thousands of things on set now if you were talking about the movie The Godfather I'd want vetto coron's hat the the gun that was taped behind the toilet and the end of the movie uh you got a $5 jewelry box I mean this is just such a small prop and it's almost insignificant this is the jewelry box sitting in the corner of the room that you got to see on set for maybe 3 seconds I don't see this worth money okay I disagree I think that there's a large fan base for The Godfather I think that you'd be able to sell this for a good amount of money trust me if I thought I could make money on this thing I would snatch it right up from you I don't think I can make any money on it period okay thanks for coming in though thanks for your time I appreciate it after they talk so much about the movie I was really very surprised at they didn't make an offer but I'm pretty positive I'll be able to sell it on my own hey how's it going hey there I have a authentic sign Dan Fouch Jersey okay this is the greatest quarterback of all time period And I know there's a million people that argue with me but I really don't care I grew up in San [Laughter] Diego I picked up this jersey about 10 years ago at a sports member bilia shop in San Diego I think Dan FS is one of the most underrated quarterbacks in NFL history street I'm going to ask $500 for the Jersey I'm not really sure what it's worth maybe a little less we'll see I grew up right down the street from the stadium he was my idol as a kid I mean he really was me and my friends we weren't the best of kids in the world okay me and my buddy we had a paper route and occasionally for a little extra money we'd stop by the 7-Eleven we'd put 50 cents in the machine we'd take all the papers out we sit them right there on the sidewalk in front of 7-Eleven and we'd sell them for 50 cents a piece and lo beh whole dad F went away once and bought a newspaper office and uh it was just like the highlight of the Year oh nice I was I think 13 or 14 years old and he was cool to me and I remember it to this day absolutely if he was playing today Dan FS would be one of the best quarterbacks in the league no question this guy threw for over 4,000 yards 3 years in a row as far as quarterbacks go I can't think of one that was ever better gosh that is one Blobby signature if you didn't know who Dan bounce was would You' be able to read that I know it's real how much you want for it that we can start around 500 um you have to realize I'm telling you of all the jerseys you find out there especially on the internet and a lot of sports shops 90% of them are fake I would like someone to look at it I got a buddy he works right down the street he's got a sports shop let me get him down here real quick you look at the signature if it's legit we'll talk price okay all right thank you be right back I believe the signature on the Jersey is authentic and I welcome him bringing in any expert uh he may choose to do so Rick what's going on man I just living the dream looking at like the greatest quarterback there ever was greatest quarterback in the history of football debatable best quarterback statistically in the late 70s early 80s I'll give you that man I mean there was nobody better than Dan fou in that foure span okay this was arguably the best offense ever assembled not to win an NFL Championship so you know for a Chargers fan you don't really have a lot of historically great things that happened to root for so you're looking at the late '70s early ' 80s this was the time to be a Chargers fan well yeah a lot of my buddies say what's the smallest building in the world the Chargers Hall of fan you got to understand I mean when Dan Fouts came to the team they were a losing franchise Dan Fouts was the prolific passer of that time on average their offense would put up about 30 points per game which was just unheard of back then when the game usually focused on defense and running I just want to make sure it's legit good okay this is what I have here this is from psa's website directly this is an example of a damp out signature so what I'd like to do we'll turn it over we'll compare the two the characteristics of the autograph and I'll let you know what it is okay the signature is really really Blobby ah the old paint pen yeah looking at a damp fous signature you just want to focus on a couple of the key characteristics it's a very small compact signature starting with the D and Dan all of his signatures I've seen it's a pair of stacked loops with the top Loop being significantly larger than the bottom and then the F that's the main thing you want to look at it's a standalone letter and the lower bar in the f is always going to be symmetrical with the cross in the T based on my experience I've seen a lot of damp out signatures out there comparing it with the template this one's easily 100% authentic okay sweet so what do these jerseys go for unless you're from the San Diego area grew up watching them there's just not a lot of new collectors out there looking for damp fouls you're looking about 150 bucks here okay all right so 150 bucks yeah so he's one of those guys where if somebody wants one they typically already have one okay well cool man thanks hey you got it man thanks hey good luck to you all right good to meet you if this jersey was game War we'd be talking completely different numbers you know game issued equipment doesn't come up for auction too often and when it does with a player like Dan F's career it would go for thousands of dollars well you heard him I I I disagree but I'll give you 150 bucks that's what it's worth I want it for myself but uh that's what I could give you I mean if I if I if I can go go get another one on the internet for right around 150 I'll just go there I mean this was just in front of me right now and uh just brings back a lot of memory so if you want 150 I'll give you 150 and I never pay people what it's worth yeah just think about it no one's going to pay you more I guarantee you I'm going to have to bring you something else back to okay we'll bring me something else I mean if it's Chargers related I'll pay more I might have something else for you so all right thanks man all right I appreciate it thank you all right 150 bucks sounds like the experts a Broncos fan to me what do we have here um we have an Old Clock here um I was over at a friend's house and saw it in their closet and my friend ended up just uh letting me have it I can see why it was in a closet I decided to come down to the pawn shop today to sell my antique clock it has six beautiful silver dollar coins in it and it's just been sitting on The Mantel collecting dust but anyone would want to have it so I know I'm going to be walking out of here today with a lot of money hey Dad come over here and look at this what this is you this is your style right here probably one of the ugliest things I ever seen what I think makes the value in the clock are the antique coins in there um these look like they're in great shape you have four Morgan silver dollars the reason they called Morgan silver dollars they used to name coins after the person who engraved the design okay uh there was a guy named Morgan he was one of the best coining rers the United States ever had he designed these right here and the other two are Peace dollars and they came out right after World War I mhm in 1921 they started making Peace dollars and those are the ones worth money but when it comes to coins it's all about the condition the coins are very interesting they can be worth over $1,000 a piece wow um they've been polished mhm usually when you have prices when you look in a book or something like that there's there's columns okay okay you know the very last column where it said good uh-huh it's one grade below that oh no yes polishing a coin takes away all the numismatic value numismatic value is the value of a coin above its pressure metal content why does that destroy the value of a coin when you take a buffing wheel mhm and take the whole top surface of the coin off uhhuh yeah youve destroyed the coin plain and simple and you can see the hair right above the face there yeah see how it's worn down MH I figured that was just from circulated use okay all right now if it was circulated would it be that shiny no this happens a lot people clean and polish old coins they think it's going to increase the value in reality it's the exact opposite but there's some good news here the silver dollar has got 77 o of silver in it and with the price of silver nowadays we're talking some money the clock is one of the most htest things I've ever seen in my life basically what you have here is you have six silver dollars there's $150 worth of silver there mhm and I will give you 10 a qu and you say it's worth 150 I got to pay someone to take a hammer to this thing 125 that's what I can pay no more no less that's it I think I'll just take it back home and stick it back up on the mantle where I have you didn't really have this on a mantle in your house did you yes I did better you than me all right have a nice day sorry we couldn't do anything thank you very much sir I disagree with them I've had lots of people over at the house and they've all commented on what nice clock it is I wish I could find the guy who took the value away from these coins it really bummed the heck out of me today
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 735,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, Rick, Rick tries to sell, 7 items, tough sells, pawning, pawn stars sells, rick and the guys, struggling to sell, pawn stars buy, buy and sell, full episode, Rick & Sellers COMPLETELY Disagree on Value, best of pawn stars, pawn stars top moments, pawn stars highlights
Id: 7cM555Tnhyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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