Pawn Stars Do America: HIGH VALUE Pawns on the Road *Marathon*

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there's a guy in town I know through a friend who is supposed to have a very extensive Pokémon collection so I left the event for a bit to go check it out cuz I'm trying to catch them all hey Chum welcome to Florida how you doing it's nice to see you so this is insane yeah here's my vintage sealed collection that spans all the way from 1999 to 2006 wow I knew I was coming to look at this so I asked Matt Quinn to come down to help me evaluate everything that sounds great well let's have a seat and talk about what you got here until he gets here all right I know that you only buy from trusted sources and I know you from the Pokemon community so I'm not worried about the authenticity of everything here I just want to have a second set advice to help me evaluate this because I'm a little googly eyed right now fair enough I mean there's a lot of good good stuff here from original B set all the way to ex actually here also four Japanese boxes which are really really cool you couldn't get these in America and then I see a couple Charizards over here um what do we got here oh first edition Charizard this is where it all started right here the chase for the Charizard and then this Charizard looks let's see oh the Disco Holo test print I mean this card was basically a test print for this card and you can see the difference where they decided to go with or a different Hollow pattern that they used yeah I I think there's only maybe eight in existence that I know about wasn't really meant to leave the factory but somehow uh it escaped and ended up in my collection well I do want to show you the icing on the cake of my collection oh I love sweets uh-oh inside here we have Coro Coro Comics Pokemon illustrator card no way now this is actually the Holy Grail of Pokémon right here it's like half a million dollar card yep as far as I understand the illustrator was basically given out as a prize to kids who joined an illustrating competition to design a Pokémon card so a lot of them just probably got misused but now in today's market a nine I forgot you even have this whole seed collection here in front of me wow how much are you looking to get for this whole collection for the entire collection I'm looking for about $1.4 million okay um once Mac gets here I'll have him talk to me about prices and everything absolutely hey guys pleasure how you doing buddy good look at this collection so Alex I've heard about your collection but seeing in person is another thing this is impressive collection I mean it's mostly sealed obviously you have some really Stellar examples of single cards but you know these boxes were the ones that were in the comic shops in those little sports card stores where the kids would go in there and just buy one pack out of the box you know the display box so seeing these all sealed in intact together like this is very stunning I mean these aren't supposed to exist they were supposed to all be opened up and the product supposed to be everywhere fortunately people you know were wise be on their years and socked them away and kept them sealed so you have all these e-reader boxes up here these are very valuable wow you get a lot of history here obviously you're familiar with this illustrator he brought in as well I have seen this card before it has you know roughly 40 or so known examples and then high grade examples are very difficult to find when it comes to Pokémon this this is this is the car this is the Pinnacle the top of the mountain what every collector aspires to own so wow amazing piece right there now here's another car you don't see too often it's the Disco test Holo Charizard yeah seeing a prototype example of what would become first edition that's wild yeah this is this is really impressive all right well so what kind of value would we put on this whole collection so this entire seal collection I'm looking at here with the illustrator and the two Charizards I would say probably 1.2 million well 1.2 million doesn't seem too far off of 1.4 million but that is $200,000 that is a lot of money Rick might literally kill me if I was to spend anywhere close to that today I am interested in a few of these boxes alone though what value would you put on the Bas set unlimited uh the unlimited base set box I would put about $113,000 all right well thanks for coming down once again Matt of course CH it's my pleasure Alex it's always good to see you chum likewise um beautiful collection all right well it looks like you got a lot of money worth of Pokémon here as much as I want to make you an offer on this collection one I don't think you would accept my offer and two I don't think Rick would be very happy with me if you did accept my offer but how about the unlimited base set box would you take 10,000 for it how about 14,000 how about 11,000 you know what because you're a fan I'll do that all right well one Pokémon fan to another we got a deal $111,000 I'll get you that money wired over first thing in the morning thank you so what do we got here I've got a coin that's uh 336 BC before Christ ah the kingdom of Macedonia Alexander the Great one of the coolest guys in history I mean like this guy 19 years old and tries to conquer the world uh little bit of an ego I think but um was from Macedonia which is like just north of Greece and he's the most famous guy in the ancient world I mean forget Plato all these other guys you know there was I think there was a statue in Gul of Alexander the Great and when Julius Caesar saw it he wept because he knew he would never be the man Alexander the Great was I mean that's how much he was worshiped in the ancient world all right so where did you get this I got it with a box of lot of silver and gold coins that I bought okay and I actually thought it was fake because I've seen other ones and I never seen one in that kind of condition so I sent it to NGC and got it uh graded and certified okay these are very famous coins uh super collectible I think it's pronounced a terod drum or something like that I'm pronouncing it wrong but like coins like this were the basis of trade back then it looks pretty incredible it looks in amazing shape for that being that old it's amazing I would love with the coin so how much you want for this 100 Grand okay okay cuz I have no idea what it's worth the weird thing about these there's so many different variations there's different mints thousands of different images on them and it's a whole field on trying to figure these things out let me go find my buddy Dave the rockar of ancient coins he's helping me out here he knows more about ancient coins than anybody he will tell us if you've hit the lottery or it's a Greek tragedy okay I'll be right back all right well Dave here it is I don't know how rare it is I have no idea what it's worth and I'm sure you can comp completely nerd out on this yes Alexander the Great they don't get any greater it's it's really amazing so what can you tell me about that particular coin because there's like aaz zillion in one coins with Alexander the Great on the front of it right so uh Alexander obviously conquering much of the known world at the time struck a lot of coins and they literally were struck at mince everywhere from Greece to Afghanistan to Arabia to Egypt anytime there was a soldier that needed to be paid you know a Fortress that need to be built anything they needed money and lots of it what's interesting is this particular one was struck during his lifetime the macedonians continued to strike them officially a long time after he died it was like the US dollar I mean it was so popular everyone knew it you he ruled from 336 to 323 so this was struck in the middle period of his lifetime and it was struck at a Macedonian mint so it was struck in the Homeland rather than far a field uh now he was not in Macedon at the time he was out butchering people all over the world it's a fantastic piece so what would something like this be working well it's not rare it's a by standards of ancient coins it's it's common however this one is a little more collectible because it was struck during his lifetime it's Alexander's home people really like that everyone wants one that's the nice thing it's an excellent condition it's perfectly legitimate this is worth about $500 these are great starter coins for people who want to dive into ancient coins okay thanks man I appreciate it no problem pleasure have a good one all right thank you all right so we're way far off in a price big time okay but like I said he actually wrote the book on ancient coins uh I don't think you were going to be able to make a deal if you r100,000 I'm want to give you like 400 bucks for it yeah I'd have to pass on that okay I'll keep it but thanks for stopping by thank you okay have a good one you too sir I've been talking to a guy in town who has a bunch of vintage cars for sale based on our chat he's going to have a few muscle cars to take a look at and if they're as good as they sound I may be racing into a deal or to you must be Dan I am Dan you must be Rick that's me nice to see you you said on the phone you had some cool cars I got a couple so it's a 1968 Plymouth Road Runner one of the muscle cars that year this was the turning point when they started making these cars look badass yeah take a car lift the rear end up a little bit twodo huge trunk V8 under the hood didn't matter if it had no horsepower at all that turned it into a muscle car and that's what everyone wanted exactly and the O mobile 442 man what a car right yeah this is what a 65 or 66 65 fourspeed four barrel dual exhaust this was a hot rod I mean G made the Corvette right that was a sports car this was a hot ride absolutely and the super be what can I say about a 71 Super be it's spectacular just a little over 6,000 of these were made 745 I believe with a pistol grip fourspeed it's definitely a rare rare car they're all beautiful cars and everything but like this says you have arrived um we got uh the vinyl top the hood scoop right can have one without it it is pretty I'm going to pass on the other two but I really like this one so how much you want for it 65,000 so my buddy Misha he knows everything about cars so let me give him a call and we'll go from there gotcha what's going on guys you got some real American Muscle over here today wow so Rick what are you thinking here I'm thinking this thing is pretty yeah it's beautiful what is this a 71 right yes 383 superb it's a very rare car paint looks fantastic no rust great options with the top even the tips exhaust do you see those fantastic you want to pop the hood sure I'd love to see under the hood there she is boys all right that is clean and of course all the right original Hardware yeah it's fantastic I mean it looks to be in great shape so tell me about this did you restore this car I did not I happen to be at the right place at the right time and it was going through this random car auction and out comes this beauty and I'm going how why is this here and I have to have it well the car is fantastic you know I think we need to take for a drive take it for a rip and save me a little tire would you all right all right are you ready all right let's [Music] go I absolutely love this thing it doesn't look like it needs a lot at all that hood scoop is sick man it really is and it's such such a rare option I love that it [Music] works well guys what do you think right Dan this is a great car thank you very much beautiful she ran great I'm trying to find something to complain about yeah well I'm sorry no it's an amazing car I absolutely love it um what do you think it's worth well I think in the condition it's in with all the options it's in great shape it ran wonderful all the gauges work you know I always look for details like that I'd value it at 55,000 all right thanks man no problem man thanks for having us Dan thanks for pleasure me take care guys good luck so what will you take for it there's always that asking price and I get it you know the it's hard to find a comp like this with everything I know you know I think he I think I'm on the money at 65 let me get it for 50 Grand I can't do 50 I just I have more in it than 50 and I've never seen another one I'm going to cry when it leaves all right so 52 55 and it's yours 53 split it with me 535 oh that's not quite split 54 Grand done we got a deal we got a deal sweet I am literally a better person right now and and I'm a little sad but you know what it's going a great home well thanks man I guess we got an office over there we can do some paperwork we got it done all right sweet thanks hey how's it going hey good how are you what do we got here got a 44 Russian okay normally it's supposed to be the money inside the bag and the gun outside the okay um can I pick it up please Smith and Wesson Springfield Mass Russian model um did they make this for Russia no I don't know the entire history but they call it a Russian 44 I think it's a precursor to the you know 44 magnum okay uh that I don't know about the Russian thing's kind of weird but like I love the gun we got nickel plated uh it's got gold wash on it and the engraving is great Ivory handles um really cool gun everything about the old Remington's are great super easy to load these are still really highly collectible and this one's really cool because it was probably special ordered from the factory or something I imagine I don't know someone could have brought it back from Russia and then done all this I'm not sure the Russian models sort of is throwing me off right um it's an absolute beautiful G I mean where did you get it back in the the late 90s I was in the military and you know I bought it from a pawn shop years and years ago have have you ever been able to buy or Source bullets for it or anything well I was actually I haven't shot it um I'm actually kind of reluctant to do that you know for fear of maybe damaging it well if it if this actually is a Russian gun it's probably got have some weird ammo how much did you want for it I'm looking for about 10,000 okay um I'm I'm I'm kind of a lost it's the whole Russian thing one thing about like American cowboy guns in this time period the greater the story the more the money okay yeah so this thing went to the Zar of russan all you know fabra did all the engraving I don't exactly think that happened but uh my buddy Alex he's been my gun guy forever he knows everything for is to know about all this old stuff he's actually here helping me out oh great if I can go find him he'll probably nerd out for an hour okay that's okay all right right back guys hey what's what's up Alex hey how are you Cory hey Todd Alex nice to meet you nice to meet you the Russian anomaly oh wow that's a fancy gun can I pick it up please please do so this is a Smith and Wesson model 3 44 Russian in 1870 the military at from Russia went to Smith and Wesson and said that they would like to order a whole bunch of these revolvers for their military but the thing is that the atache didn't like the 44 Smith and Wesson round the reason he didn't like the Smith and Wesson round is it was externally lubricated and it would get a bunch of debris and foul so Smith and Weston went back to the drawing board and developed a round specifically for the Russian army and it wound up being much more successful and it was more accurate okay they shipped all those revolvers to Russia about 130,000 but it became super popular in the United States so Smith and Wesson started making these for the domestic market and the 44 Russian became the 44 special which then later on became the 44 magnum the other thing is like this is this is a very atypical model 3 one it's engraved okay two it's nickel plated three you can see the the remnants of gold plating or gold gilding on the on the cylinder and then these are ivory grips Smith and Wesson didn't do any of that though it was probably a special order okay do you have any questions what's it worth does it work well I would say it's it's it's worth a lot more than a normal model 3 and it's super desirable because of all these changes to it that are period changes this isn't done this wasn't done anytime recently this was done in the 1870s have you ever tried to shoot it no I was actually afraid to the 44 Russian ammo is still available I have some I like to show Rick that things can work is it something you be open to uh to go to the Rain okay so I mean could you check the whole thing out make sure it's not going to blow up maybe we could meet you at the end of the day at the range yeah all right we'll see you guys at the end of the day at the range great great sounds good all right there's a lot to look at out here what's up Alex all right we ready to shoot this thing we are ready to shoot it but before that I have a surprise okay I'm supposed to put these on yeah you got to put them on like a cowboy would wear it around your neck you know yeah there you go keep the dust out of your eyes the cowboy theme's important because we're in Texas Fort Worth and for targets I did cowboy hats under one of the cowboy hats is a special surprise and if I hit it you'll know what the priz is all right so you're going to see if it works it it looks very solid it is about as mechanically perfect as you could have for a gun made in 1874 all right let's load this thing up and get it done all right let's do it eyes and ears here we go yes that was great bye-bye cowboy hats everybody likes an exploding cowboy hat the exploding cowboy hat was amazing best surprise in a long time thank you okay fire great no problems uh it's a really nice firearm so what do you think it's worth I think it's worth $88,000 I really do okay um less than he thought it was worth yeah a bit less but it's a really nice firearm typically you see model 3's going for way less than that but it's such a cool piece of I would say cowboy history sweet I'll let you know if I get it awesome good luck see you man thank you for letting me fire it thanks sir good luck appreciate it all right so you're not going to get 10 grand okay so I'll give you 5,000 for it I'm not getting rich off you right 5,000 is a fair price can we go up to uh 6500 I'll go 55 cuz anything past that don't make any sense can to go 57 no 5500 bucks sweet we got a deal um I'll get you paid okay we'll get it all figured out and um it's been amazing thanks for the deal man yeah thanks so much appreciate it all right have a good day you like the cowboy attire cowbo attire you have a cabie hat on it's not cabie hat it's it's called a flat top it's a cabby hat my friend Fred menic is the guy when it comes to Bourbon he told me about a collector who may be willing to sell some rare bottles that I can put my person collection so I'm taking a break from the event to take a look hopefully there's a smooth deal to be made [Laughter] [Music] here Clayton Rick how's it going Fred told me all about you you got a glass um yeah Fred said you had some uh whiskey you're looking to sell and I collect the stuff you know I'm out here in Kentucky and I might add to the collection true what do we got right here he hsh uh was distilled in 1974 at the old Pennsylvania mters Distillery before it was scuttled scuttled do a really great term for closed down that's the one this bottle is often thought of as the height of bourbon aging and taste and flavor profile okay and this right here this one this is a pre-prohibition bottle of bottled and bond bourbon uh it was distilled in 1913 when prohibition hit in 1920 this became a medicinal use only bottle and was released in 1921 I mean I love how they had medicinal whiskey back in the day it was way you got a r prohibition you go to the doctor and he write you a prescription for whiskey because you have some ailment that needs whiskey and then you find yourself another doctor on the other side of town and then another doctor and then another doctor next thing you know you're well supplied in whiskey love it love it so what is this right here that's not whiskey oh this is a conac that was distilled in 1914 okay it was distilled by the women of the estate while the men went off to World War I it was aged for 75 years in French limousine casks that's really cool aged for 75 years it's sort of crazy to think that like we're going to make this cognac we're going to put it in a barrel and my great grandkids are going to make a lot of money off it all right so prices conac $3,000 Hersh $5,000 prescription $15,000 $115,000 damn um that's pretty amazing so my buddy Fred who set this up he's supposed to be meeting me here any minute I'll be right back I'm going to go outside meet Fred when he gets here and maybe we'll make a deal if he thinks it's a good deal all right sounds good hi hey man nice to meet you in person first of all I can't believe you brought these three bottles here each one of them have a very special story so Pierre Fon uh it is a grand champagne cogc and it's where the creme Del creme comes from basically cognac is white wine that's distilled of course its age for 75 years this was distilled by women during uh world world I that was not their expertise but you wouldn't know it by tasting it this is one of the greatest cacs that's ever been made this bottle a CH 16-year-old is thought to be one of the most important Bourbons of the 20th century and basically the reason why these barrels were saved by a liquor store owner in Northern Kentucky and The mier's Distillery was going bankrupt he basically found out that the bank was coming in to clear out the Distillery if we were to open this up right now which I have a bottle in my office that I've sipped on uh over the years you would find it's probably one of the greatest things you've ever tasted so thanks again for bringing in the old Lewis Hunter bottle and bond this is a very special bottle this was bottled in very first year of prohibition the very first iteration of medicinal whiskey to be prescribed during prohibition it is an excellent condition for being in this bottle for more than 100 years okay so what do you think the prohibition whiskey worth so from a historical perspective as a whiskey fan this is something that should go for $100,000 however there's a few things that do cause me to have some concern now the cork they would have used back then is very different to what they would have done today today they treat the cork make sure that it can hold spirit for long periods of time take a look here you can see that this cork has been kind of like sing away over time it's just slowly given out you know we got to crack this thing open within the next 2 years or it's going to get worse uh my price for that is $4,000 now my price for the pierron 1914 $2,000 my price for the ah hsh $4,000 all right thanks man if I get them I'll let you know all right my friend I'm ready to drink them with you nice meeting you nice meeting you so your prices are different than his prices it happens so what's your best price in the coog I would do $2,000 okay and the hsh I would do 4,500 on the hsh and I think we're way off on the we're probably a little farther apart on the pre-prohibition bom I'll tell you what I'll give you your two grand for the CAC okay we got a deal sweet all right let's go drink a prescription how you doing I'm good how you doing I got something new and exciting to show you all right some VHS oh yeah and you have a couple graded VHS here I do so tell me what you have here this right here is a 1982 big box version of Star Wars yeah and this is the first one Star Wars New Hope yeah came out in um 1977 and did like over 775 million at the box office now Disney owns the Star Wars franchise and they're just doing all kinds of stuff with it it's not often you see VHS from this time period still sealed most of the time they get opened up what can you tell me about this I believe there are less than five maybe six known big box copies actually out there in existence that are still sealed okay and then I see another cool one here as well Halloween which came out the next year in 1978 this is actually a very very early print uh it came out in 1979 and it's the only sealed version of VHS out there I can see that being pretty desirable I mean Halloween is probably one of the top cult classic you know horror flicks oh yeah and then over here I see Back to the Future this is probably my favorite one it came out of 1985 but I remember watching this movie so many times I still watch it today you know just classic movie yeah Marty would get into all kinds of trouble and great theme music in it I'm a little bit older than you but uh was 10 at the time and we got walked out of the theater and we're whistling the theme music this is pretty cool stuff here um how much are you looking to get for the three of them I'd like $400,000 I'm not going to lie $400,000 sounds like a lot but I actually have my guy here who helps me evaluate vhs's I'm especially interested in the Star Wars one because it's not graded so I think he'll be able to um shed some light on how much he thinks it's worth let's talk to him all right uh give me just a few minutes I'm going to go grab gra them sounds like a plan all right here's Luke hey Luke how you doing doing well how about you I'm awesome thank you hopefully he can tell me everything I need to know about these VHS let's start with Back to the Future there uh Nine's a really good grade in this do you see examples graded higher than that um of this particular variant I only know of a handful that exist and uh this is one of the highest graded examples that I've seen now he says this one's a little bit special the Halloween one here um he says it's the only one known sealed have you seen any other sealed copies of it I've I've actually only seen uh this copy on VHS that's still sealed okay and then we have Star Wars here I mean tell me what you're seeing that would be great of course it's a recent pickup and I was going to be sending it to Becket soon too so this is probably the movie of all movies it's not graded so yeah this is a very clean copy this was the first commercial release that you could buy and and everything checks out uh the watermarks look good the seals look good I mean honestly if you're looking to get this collection this is kind of the crem to La Creme of of VHS all right now the important part he's asking $400,000 for this whole lot how much do you think back to the future is worth in this grade nine uh I'd say $75,000 75,000 and so what about this Halloween with a high grade of 85 Plus 990,000 all right well Star Wars what do you put on the value of this like just raw not graded like this this one here I'd say it's around an 85 uh so I'd put the value at uh about 150,000 for that tape okay um so total value of 315,000 that's correct Chum all right thanks for coming good to see you congrats to your collection good luck thank you appreciate it all right well that is a lot of money um I'd offer 50 on Back to the Future 60 on Halloween and 80 on Star Wars so 190,000 190,000 can you come up anymore I just I can't go that low yeah you know I don't blame you I wish I could come up more knowing I have to put these in auction and hoping that they go over what I paid and also covering fees I just got to leave a lot of wiggle room in there I understand I just I can't go down that this was a really cool collection i l looking at it I appreciate it and uh it was awesome talking to you all right have a good day thank you thanks next all right what do we got um we have a an ancient Roman ring okay it's a lion carved into it I believe it's Jasper where in the world did you get it my dad was a collector he collected a lot of Greek Roman Egyptian items he's got an antago ring you know U signant ring this was basically your signature they were really super common back like in the Roman times because people didn't sign their name back then yeah they put this into a piece of wax um I think it's really really cool I mean did your dad get any paperwork on this unfortunately for that I do not have any paperwork okay all right so how much you want for 3,000 all right it's really really hard to tell if these are real okay but my buddy who's here helping me out Bob he deals in the stuff for a living and he'll probably know more than I do Bob he's known for his loud shirts hi I'm Bob hi Georgina nice to meet you nice to meet you what do we have today um yeah she's got an ing ring that is something so Roman you're thinking I think so Roman maybe in Rome jewelry was a sign of your wealth so you could show a lot of bling and based on the size very small probably a woman's ring so now I'm going to irradiate it so it will tell me the metal content all right so the first element gold 95% silver 3.6% so no zinc uh no chromium no modern element in here also look at the shape so it's a little bit oval in form mhm that was common for the Roman period we have got a Roman ring second to Fourth Century okay and everything I see absolutely spot-on so what do you think it's worth perfect in taglio little bit of wear and tear to the ring itself but after 2,000 years you kind of expect that I think I would put a value on this at 3,000 bucks okay it's a nice piece see I told you know a little bit just a little bit yeah I like it all right thank you thanks man appr pleasure thank you so much congratulations thank you do bet all right so how much you want for it 3,000 no I mean that's what I could sell it for okay you know uh I had to ask it's a really cool item it just it's not a quick seller okay I mean I'll put it in my shop I mean it's not going to go like the wedding rings do yeah yeah down to Brass tax I'll give you 1,500 bucks for it I don't think I could do less than 22 no I'd go I mean I'd go 1,600 bucks I'd be it can you do 2,000 I'll go 1,700 bucks ah I don't think I can do 1,700 sorry now that I know it's real I think I'm going to hang on to it okay sweet maybe you can start signing your name with it maybe a thank you what do you got so I don't really know too much about these I was hoping you can tell me a little more I'm thinking that these went on dog collar maybe well they're all Bells I mean the art form is like pre- Colombian whether they're reproductions or not I have no idea so where did you get these uh my cousin found them in this little antique shop in Arkansas okay and does your cousin collect antiques or anything like that she does yeah they're really really interesting yeah that's right I mean there was Bass civilizations in South America and they're highly skilled in this kind of stuff and a lot of it has been brought to the country over the years but then again once people start collecting stuff they start faking stuff and it's really difficult for me anyway to tell the difference so how much you want prod this I was hoping 600 in total 200 a piece um I have no idea if that's a good price but my buddy will um I mean this is this is his thing this is what he deals and he deals with ancient artifacts he can probably tell us if they're you know if they're old or not for the reproductions and he might even be able to tell us like what tribes and things like that they're from okay let me text him need help my table um I'm sure he'll be here any minute got your SOS okay so you got your fancy gun of course okay this is Bob this hi there Bob this young lady has some Bells I think might be like Colombian stuff the things that come to these shows just boggles the Mind these should not be in Rhode Island I mean this is crazy you want to know what they are they don't go on dog collar uh well they went on collars absolutely so you can imagine 500 dancers wearing these on in costumes there was a culture that existed into the valley of Mexico they were called the Mish Tech fabulous copper and silver Artisans these are probably right around that period from 1450 to, 1500 so these are killer mind if I zamp them with a little bit of X-ray go right ahead okay so these are all Silver Bells no modern materials these are rare I've got to Value these at 2,000 bucks oh wow okay it's great cuz she only want 600 bucks for them buy him can't go wrong thanks Bob of course congratulations thank you all right so how much you want for him I think in 2,000 now um well that ain't going to happen these are really interesting they're really cool and I you know if I do buy them off you I will probably get somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 but there's a big difference from someone coming in my shop and buying a wedding band or buying something because they sit for a long time you got to find the right customer for them that falls in love with them so I'll give you 1,000 bucks for sure sounds great thanks um take them right over there and they'll get you paid thank you so much I got a lead on a large music collection from Warwick our music memorabilia expert he says there's a guy in town that has everything from posters to autograph photos and much more that he's looking to sell how are you good man nice to meet you I'm hoping I can find some items and make a deal that's music to my ears all right man this is it wow what said he had a couple pieces but this is beyond the scope of what I even imagine there's probably 10,000 plus pieces probably close to $8 million worth of memorabilia just in here alone it really is like touring a museum um everybody in here from Steve Winwood to Adele to Brooks and dun we got Aussie next to Axel Michael Jackson right above him yeah this is pretty cool right here uh them Van Morrison that's a special one it's them which was believe it or not his kind of boy band as a young Irish lad they had the huge hit Gloria and it looks like an authentic concert poster that you would see hanging up around town to promote it yeah all right well can we take that off the wall and bring it with us all right I was really intrigued by this letter because I noticed Johnny Depp's name on here Johnny Depp's a part of it but what's special about this Believe It or Not these are Madonna's notes from probably the late 80s early 90s but at the end of it was her list of who she was actually interested in dating Johnny Depp not really interested she's seing Christian Slater tomorrow morning and then K Reeves is a probably her bar is set pretty high with this list right here do you think it's possible to take this off the wall as well yeah I've got a couple more pieces I think are going to be worth showing to you and I've already pulled them off yeah let's check them out so this is obviously related to the Eagles so let's start here great guess this was a jersey Don Henley wore during the hell Freez is over reunion tour okay that's pretty cool and the only way to make it more special these are the drumsticks that he used during the entire Tour all right well these items are super cool definitely interested in them I'm really intrigued with the skirt right here it might be too small for us but you know to play off the madas you know before Madonna before Taylor Swift before the real performers there was Janice Joplin okay Janice Joplin was a legend and when you think of Janice Joplin you think of pants you know you don't think of a skirt but this does feel like a Janice Joplin Piece that she would wear if she was going to wear a skirt it's long it's colorful it's got that psychedelic vibe to it yeah this to me is one of my favorite pieces all right well why don't you give me prices on everything sure Madonna note I do $7,000 Van Morrison them $5,000 the Janice Joplin skirt 25,000 and then I would do 25,000 for the drumstick and Jersey okay well that is a lot of money so it's going to all hinge on what Warwick says and then if we can come to a price here yeah thanks for coming by welcome You' been having fun with chumbley I don't know yet well Warick these are the few things that we pulled aside for you to take a look at some nice stuff here this is a handwritten note by Madonna she is detailing down some of the guys that she would be willing to date is that some kind of spin the bottle game apart from the Beatles in the80s Prince Michael Jackson Madonna were the only ones that were sought after and it's still those three wow so what else Van Morrison autographed them poster I I love this poster this is signed to John do you know who John is no I don't there was a record store called mil Valley Music and John Godard was the owner and he was the major collector of boxing style posters but he wouldn't sell anything wow uh I don't know how this got out of there but it's a great piece wow and then Eagles jersey and drumsticks the drumsticks I love he's got the handle wrapped on this drumstick but the top end wrapped on that drumstick yeah he plays with one the upside down yeah unique but that gives it that authenticity that I like a lot yeah so my eyes is caught by the skirt Janice jlin yeah the thing about Janice Joplin is she she wore the pants in the family you don't see skirts very often very period it's glorious it's in really good condition yeah well Warwick what do you think let's uh just start with the Madonna letter I think the best I can do on Madonna's uh notes there is uh 3,00 ,000 with the the Oster with the Providence from where we know it came from uh you could get 5500 for that now the skirt from Janice Joplin with a photograph that's a $25,000 piece if you could get a photograph you could get that much well what do you think about the Eagles stuff one more thing to go so as a pair maybe 16,000 got it well I think that's everything I need from you I appreciate you coming down and I appreciate you hooking this all up all right and I got to get back to the ballroom all right thanks for coming thanks buddy apprciate see you too man have fun with him all right well the Eagles stuff are you considering splitting these up at all or is that a package deal I do think that it's more special to have them together okay I'm just going to pass and not make an offer on it I absolutely love the Madonna letter would you take 2,000 on the Madonna no25 500 no it's a special piece and you know I'm a realistic seller but that's not a realistic price for me all right but I got to be conservative and listen to Warwick all right as much as I'm interested in Janice joffin skirt without the matching photo I'm just going to pass all right then Morrison I think 45 would be a little fairer and then I would look good for my boss how about we meet at 4650 all right I could do 4650 that sounds good Don it's yours shaking on it you got it man this is Texas we got to all right a good old Texas handshake yeah well I appreciate you inviting me down here um do you mind if I look around for a few more minutes before I pay you for this yeah you might give me some time to rethink it but yeah take take a look around please or I might find something else to add to it no keep shopping I've got a very exciting book for you it's a John Adams defense of American constitutional government published in 1787 okay and you just have the first book yeah okay I've perused this book before John Adams was the ambassador to England when he wrote this he's over in London and he ended up writing a series of books in defense of the American Constitution that they were debating when he wrote the first book this was written we were still under the Articles of Confederation which did not work at all right basically the federal government was way too weak we needed some needed more of a central Constitution more of a central government but this whole idea of a constitutional republic it was new thinking back then the whole idea of checks and balances and everything was very very new people were scared of it but this particular book though it was well sold do you know if this is a first edition second edition it's the 1787 so it's the first edition of the first volume okay how much you want for it well as I think it is one of the most important books ever written by an American president I'm asking $5,000 it isn't rough shape I mean just hasn't been stored well but then again folks almost 250 years old let's hold them together so I want someone to look at it okay Rebecca I've worked with her for years knows more about old books than any person I know and I deal with a lot of people so I'm going to go find her she's helping me out today and I will be right back sounds great thanks hello hi Rebecca how are you good John Adams can I take a look at of course yes thank you all right we've got our 1787 so you know Adams was in London when he was working on this so it came out in London in January 1787 the Constitutional Convention of course starts in the spring in Philadelphia he had to rush it out because he wanted to make sure all of his arguments about why you needed to have the separation of powers in framing the Constitution was in people's hands before the convention all right so we got first edition yes first printing yes what do you think it's worth so the thing that is really swinging me here is the Contemporary binding contemporary meaning to the period not like today it was done by an expert book binder restorer who specializes in 18th century books so there you go it is clearly very well done and the person who did it saved as much of it as they possibly could uh which we like to see that so in a retail environment I would put $110,000 on that okay thanks you're the bestest she corrects me on my grammar I did not correct you I just paused thanks Rebecca really appreciate it sure okay so how much did you want for this thing well it sounds like I've underpriced it I was asking for five um but uh perhaps I should do more if it's worth 10 I I will make this very very easy simple I'll give you give you the 5,000 not a penny more because it's long-term inventory that's just the best way to put it I was asking five you're offering me five you've got a deal sweet awesome all right take this right over there and they will get you paid wonderful while I've been here in Providence I got a tip about an amazing collection of Abraham Lincoln items I'm headed to check out a few items the seller might be willing to part with I'm honestly very Psy hi Rick retired chief justice Williams how's it going it's going well I'm glad you're here um yeah this is the first time I've been at judge's Chambers and I wasn't scared oh good good so looks like you got some real special things on the table here yes this is part of the Lincoln collection I've been collecting books and other artifacts since I was 11 years old so there was a lot I love what you have here we have a curio card the image is like probably 1861 1862 that's right and it has the clip signature and people believe that just the signature alone would be valuable not realizing that if they left the document alone it would be worth more yeah now this one right here is pretty incredible this is a copy of the early photograph of him correct this is an early photograph done in 1860 before Lincoln was president that is incredible and that's the rare thing cuz you can tell this is from the glass plate negative these spots right here sure that's because the plate wasn't prepared perfectly but they never were prepared perfectly but it's an amazing image of them now this right here is probably the most incredible Lincoln thing I have ever seen this is rare very rare that's a Leonard vulk bust it is from the original casting and 1860 that's why it's beadless that's worth a lot of money yes that is amazing that you have that these things just are not left in the public I mean museums have snatched all these up this is um this is exactly what Lincoln looked like cuz it's a casting of his face Leonard vul was a really Innovative sculptor at the time and Lincoln agreed to be lay down on a table have this plaster of Paris put over his face straws stuck up his nose so he could breathe it had to stay still for like a half hour without going insane I I couldn't do it I would scratch my face off probably so how much would you be willing to take for this I think if I were to get somewhere like $50,000 I I might do it okay little out of my price range okay understood and these two right here how much did you want for well the photograph 2500 and the clip signature is 2,000 would you take 2500 for the pair no I mean the price you're asking is fair but it's right around what I would get for them so I'm going to thank you for an amazing day coming here okay rck thank you for coming I mean this right here it was worth a trip just to see the bust anytime how you doing good how's it going pretty good okay what do you have here well I have my issue of The Avengers number nine the very first appearance of Wonderman and Stanley signed it himself it's pretty cool Wonderman he was kind of a bad guy but ended up switching sides to help the Avengers and he ended up actually dying to save The Avengers but his brain was still preserved so he could come back in later issues which it's kind of weird but it's the Marvel Universe yeah so how did you get this well I actually was at a garage sale this woman had a box of comic books and I came across this issue I asked her what she wanted for it she said what's the cover price and she said give me a quarter so I fished a dollar out of my pocket as fast as I could said keep the change and that's how I ended up with it well that's a pretty good deal and so did you get it signed by Stanley yourself I did I went to a convention where Stan was signing autographs and I had the cgc witness the signature and then send it off to be graded yeah it's graded at a 9.2 which I imagine is probably one of the top grades of this comic exactly to get Stanley to sign this particular comic is pretty cool especially since Wonder's getting his own series now exactly and anytime a character gets a series or a movie things spike a little bit right at that point so it's a good time to sell it I don't know if it's a good time to buy it but it's a good time to sell I I think it would be a good investment well how much are you looking to get if I got 6,000 for it I think I'd be happy okay well do you mind if I take a few pictures and send them to my comic book expert yeah absolutely before I even make you an offer I need a second opinion on pricing I really would like to get him on a video chat and see what he has to say about it do you have time to go in the room with me and do a chat absolutely all right we'll just go back here to the video conference room all right hey how you doing I'm doing good so I thought this was pretty cool Avengers 9 first appearance of Wonderman Wonderman of course appears once and then dies and doesn't appear again until issue 151 with the new series coming out I thought you know possibly could have a big it here yes and what's special about that book is that it's signed by Stan and the fact that issue 9 doesn't seem to be popping up a lot with signatures it gives that book a little bit more gravitas in my opinion so what kind of value would the book have cuz he's asking for 6,000 I did some due diligence looked up some previous sales retail in my store I would be able to sell it I think for 5,000 okay well if I get it I'll come down to n out with you when I get back to Vegas you're always welcome thanks a lot all right thank you all right well I mean that's not horrible news for you he came in asking for 6,000 he's valuing it at about 5,000 I would love to buy it from you um would you sell it for 3700 well I think you made a fair offer but I'm I think I'll just yeah go ahead and pass for now yeah it's only going to go up in value um unless something crazy happens in the comic book world there you go all right well I appreciate you coming down and I'll walk you back out to the front what do you have here I have a Harpoon Gun that is amazing where in the world did you get this got it in Cape Cod I was looking at some real estate and it was on the wall and I made an offer to the guy and he sold it to me as is that's kind of incredible I've seen pictures of these I've never seen one in real life I don't know when it was made but I'm assuming 1860s 1870s up until the 1850s whaling was the number five industry hisory of the United States it was hugely important you know before electricity and before kerosene whale oil burned very very bright it burned a white light which nothing else came close it was an incredible light source but the second that came out with kerosene in the 1850s the whale industry just started falling synthetic oils eventually replaced all that and we need conservation we need to quit killing whales but stuff like this you just don't see I mean tell me have you fired it I have not fired it so um how much you looking to get out out of it you I'd like to get $7,500 for it okay um it might be worth that I actually have my buddy Alex he's here helping me out he's been my go-to guy when it comes to anything antique firearms so let me get him over here and get his opinion MH I've got Alex he I'm Alex hey Alex I'm Jay nice to meet you oh cool Harpoon Gun do you mind if I pick it up you may okay it's Hefty too I imag mention the pressure that builds up with that Barrel has got to be insane well it has to because the way this Harpoon is designed on the back that's pretty much the exact size of the boore so whatever black powder you load in here the idea is that you create enough of an explosion that it is going to thrust that Harpoon out at High Velocity carrying the line and then go into the skin of a whale well back then they literally tied this off to a boat and you went for a ride so do you know anything about the gun itself I see the markings on the barrel it says new Bond Street 98 new Bond Street London all right so this is Holland and Holland that's that's actually really good Holland and Holland was basically the premier gun maker in London and England in the 1880s on here you can see these are proof marks so it was proof marked in England it's got a serial number here that matches the serial number of the barrel that's great means it hasn't been messed with it's got the original Harpoon which is really important because many times those get lost have you ever fired it I have not fired it if it's functional it'll have much more value than if it's not I carry my tools with me I have black powder this would be very simple to fire if I can inspect it and it checks out would you allow me to fire it oh let's let's do this oh you would oh yeah let's do this we need a suitable Target so I really would need to fire that Harpoon into something soft to not damage it I'll put Chop on that I think I can find a Target all right cool I'm going to take this over to my spot and start inspecting it all right sounds great okay and just hang out have a good time I'm going to go look at some other stuff all right that's great nice Target you know it's the best I could do I mean it's a good size I have a higher chance of hitting it I was trying to put the odds in your favor I like it all right you going to shoot it yeah I inspected it it looks great it's ready to fire now because of the Harpoon I'm going to use 60 grains of black powder in reality this would have had at least double that but there's going to be a lot of recoil and I just don't want to damage it put on your ear protection you've got eye protection already and I'll get it ready to fire okay let's do [Music] this oh yeah where' it go you hit it but you didn't pop it it bounced off of it you got a good shot there Alex but I think that Harpoon needs a little sharpening it really went out there here it is it's in good shape that was awesome thank you that was great that was great that was fabulous what do you think it's worth well one it works great two it's Holland and Holland so it's essentially the highest quality Harpoon Gun you could buy from that era I think if you were going to try to sell it you would easily sell it for 5,000 maybe more okay well thanks man pretty amazing thank you thanks guys all right thanks Alex thanks Alex really appreciate that that was fun okay so super cool gun yes I'll be honest I kind of want it for myself really Alex is saying would retail for like 5,000 so I'll give you four grand for it I I'm I'm practically paying retail which I never do in my entire life would you do would you do five no I know you want this Rick can we meet at 4500 and call it a day it's a deal beautiful that's great thanks r i really apprciate it um this is great let's go get you paid let's do it thank you very much I'll clean the gun up for you Rick thanks job how you doing pretty good what do we got here got an autograph from Frank Sinatra back in 1987 old blue eyes old blue eyes chairman of the board it's really cool I mean you know this guy was absolutely incredible I'm from Vegas so there's a million in one stories about him oh yeah I'm sure you got a bunch like and when the Rat Pack in Vegas could get away with anything they'd be hanging out like the desert end and stuff like that and they would just just like walk behind the blackjack table and Scoot the dealers to the side start dealing cards face up to people and stuff like that so Frank SRA was in town here yes yeah loville Gardens which is about 4 miles from here Broadway series the loville orchestra was putting it on and they brought him in to sing I actually did security back then Bodyguard come in said I need four guys they brought him off the limo we escorted him there back to the dressing room and he told us said like that's all hang out bodyguard he come back and he give us all one of these okay that's how I got it definitely pretty cool the guy had an amazing life he was 19 or 20 years old when he first became a real big hit M you know right after that he went into the movies everything else like that and um till the day he died he was a living legend before the Beatles before Elvis Presley this is the guy that drove the girls crazy all right um you want to sell it yeah I want to sell it how much you want for it I was thinking a thousand okay I have no idea what his autograph is worth and um I have no idea if this is his signature um do you mind if I have it checked out by way no please do let me go grab my autograph expert he's walking around here somewhere I'll be right back all right you're right here here we go how's it going good how are you good well this young man has what he claims to be his autograph of the chairman of the board oo Frankie Frank was not the easiest guy to get near I mean usually if you want to get near Frank Sinatra you'd have to go through like four or five bodyguards about 64 65 and they look like they could just Smash in ass I mean he was one of bodyguards when is here too oh cool okay so okay so you're about yeah about that about that height all right so I mean did Frank Catra have one of his guys sign these did he sign them what was typical of Sinatra and I'll just tell you this much they're all over every Italian restaurant in the United States has one he's wearing a suit and it's usually signed in silver he never signed them they secretarial so he was known for that now if it was something from that period and dated by him especially uninscribed you know you're looking at something ,200 $1,500 so is it real you know let's have a look first of all I'd like to even see if we're dealing you know maybe a a print or something like that and just under the loop wreck there's no doubt that's that's ballpoint pen so ballpoint pen yeah it's ballpoint pen which is a good thing and that means the signature is live now moving on to how Frank Sinatra sign kind of dated ' 87 you know Frank didn't have this uh particularly neat signature but it was kind of cool looking you know so here's a few examples a little Sinatra sloppier but same period as this and then this is kind of typical of what you could get for a nice one so the similarities here Rick in my opinion at least I'm not seeing the same thing here and unfortunately this is one that somebody signed for him and even on the road he had a secretary sitting there sign a stack of them hand them out to everybody and unfortunately it's just a nice collectible and really not worth anything well like I said the gag brought it up I didn't see it her hand so that's all I can tell you absolutely so okay well better luck next time and that's show business right there you go have a good one man appreciate it all right you have a good day Cory check this out thank you all right pulled out the muscle car today so what do you have here this a 69 Camaro it's pretty cool the 69 Camaro is probably like like the Pinnacle of muscle cars I don't know well it is it's a definitely Pinnacle of muscle cars I just it's just you know like are you a mustang guy or a Camaro guy or sh guy definitely a chevel guy are you a roadrunner guy like there there's just so much competition during that era like I I don't think anybody really won you know my dad had a Camaro yeah my dad was had like a 67 um which is funny cuz you're what my dad thinks he looks like I can see that it looks badass first off so what model is this it's the rsss okay I think that's like the luxury and the kind of fast version of it yeah so where did you get it uh I bought it off a a personal owner and how long have you had it about 2 years okay have you like had it gone through by a mechanic or is it running Tip Top yeah everything's great everything's perfect I actually redid the uh all the wiring in it it looks like the interior was all redone mhm is that a tape CER I see in there it is so what are you looking to get out of it 60,000 that's a strong number bad enough but yeah do you think we could take it for a little Cruise yeah absolutely all right you're going to be sitting shotgun on this one big hos all right why don't you get in I'll even open the door for you thanks very much if you crash it I'll kill you it's pretty [Music] badass all right all right hold on no no no no no no no put Drive I mean it looks really cool but do you hear that noise going to hear it clanking and rattling and stuff like I mean it's the definition of lipstick on a pig it looks cool but that's all it does that's all I do is look cool it is a cool car but it's just not a good car for I can't hear you my engine's too loud there you go there you go we're roaring what do you think Bigos well you know man you got a really cool car here and I'm fairly convinced you got it for a really good price but the engine sounds like it might need to work How firm Are you on that 60 pretty firm it's just not hidden all the checks and balances for me you I'd offer you about maybe 18 grand for it it's way it's way too low unfortunately man 18 is going to be the best I can do I got to have at least 45 I just don't see much money to be made all right well it was a super nice car I really enjoyed driving around thank you thank you appreciate it you have a good day my man you too what do we got I have an ancient Roman coin that I think you'd be interested in let's take a look at it you know much about it I know it depicts Noah's Arc or a scene from Noah's Arc on one side of the coin and a Roman Emperor on the other side and it's from I think the 3rd century ad third Century believe so okay um so you sure that's Noah's Arc on the back yeah it's odd because it's it's a smaller version of The Ark but it's definitely Noah's Arc and that's Noah and his wife once they get to land okay um that is definitely interesting cuz this time period there is very little coinage at all depicting anything Hebrew or Christianity I mean Christianity was becoming more popular at the time but still I it still wasn't the official state religion of Rome how much you're looking to get out of this I like 50,000 okay do you mind if I call someone and take a look sure let me text him get him over here he should be here any minute where in the world did you find this so I I did buy a private collection less than a year ago and this was one of the coins okay howdy Rick Dave this is my buddy Dave he is the rock star of the coin World believe it or not how you [Laughter] doing so either it's something amazing or you're going to burst his bubble oh okay wow the emperor is Philip the he ruled from 244 to 249 ad right in the middle of the thirr century and it's just great it shows Noah and his wife in the ark um you have waves underneath the ark it's just fantastic why would they be on a Roman coin with a Roman Emperor on it well it was struck in the city of Pia which is in today's South turkey and what's interesting most of these Roman provincial coins they combine Roman Authority and local culture and in this case the city of pamama it was a very Cosmopolitan place and so they had a large Jewish population they had a Christian population they had Greeks they had Romans and somehow it had developed its own association with Noah and the flood because a local myth had developed that the ark had come to rest on a hill nearby okay and they took full advantage of it are a lot of these faked oh yes I need to know whether I'm really happy or really sad my God this one's real that's the great news okay what do you think it's worth cuz this guy wants 50 grand for it anything biblical on a Roman coin it's exceedingly rare there aren't more than maybe 20 or 25 known total the best one of these these to have come to Market uh brought over A4 million dollar oh okay and then there's another one that brought over 100,000 now those two were a little nicer than this but this is wonderful I think it's absolutely Fair 50,000 is a good price for it I wish I could save you some money but I think it's fair thanks for the knowledge all right best of luck congratulations thank you all right um he says it's worth 50,000 will you take 30,000 for it you know after hearing all that I'm going to stick with my $50,000 I mean when you're talking this really really rare stuff I mean it's you never know what it's going to go for at auction but if you want 30,000 I'll pay 30,000 I go to 45 but that would be 31 45 would be the bottom bottom line uh thanks for bringing it in you change your mind offer's open you know unless there's like some world changing event like a flood or something thank you have a good one you too how you doing good how are you pretty good what do you have here I have the finest most well-preserved copy of Houdini's book autographed by the man himself Harry Houdini Harry handcuff Houdini that's pretty cool yeah so this book is actually really interesting it's actually Robert hudin is the dude he like named himself after MH so this was kind of like his Idol growing up was this guy Robert hudin is actually considered to be like I guess the Godfather of Modern Magic but Houdini is actually the person who brought it to the masses and made it as popular as it was so what Drew you to this book are you a magic guy yeah I'm actually a magician by trade and uh I've always been a fan of Houdini he been a huge inspiration you know all right and I'm guessing this is the certification yep that's the letter of authenticity all right it's got a picture right in there that matches the cover page that Houdini signed so that's good this book was printed in 1908 so it's like 120 years old and um it's definitely got you know quite a bit of issues with it but doesn't seem to be missing any page is now every page is there and in remarkably good shape so what are you looking to do with this book I'd like to sell it and how much are you looking for like to get 8,000 okay um I'd like to talk to someone else about this book I have a magic expert Murray uh he knows all about Houdini I actually know Murray okay magic Community is Small World well just like you he you know idolizes Houdini so I'd just like to get him on a video chat talk to him about this book and see what he thinks about itol sounds good man all right let me give him text right now and see if he can be ready he told me he'd be on call while I was out here so well Murray should be ready for that uh conference call so why don't you take this stuff okay and follow me back here and we'll have a video chat let's do it muray should be ready by now okay Tada or should I say Abra Kadabra what's up guy how you guys doing over there he mentioned that he knows you do you know him personally yeah believe it or not Evan and I he's probably one of the top social media magicians in the world believe it or not sitting right beside you super cool guy well he's already cooler than you I'll tell you that much that that's not saying much come on now I mean I'm all hair no talent but all hair uh so what can you tell me about this book maray but this book thanks for sending the pictures and the book looks super cool you know udini is one of those magicians that will never go away you know when you're in the dictionary as a name uh you're there for life you know and he did anything for attention and the cool thing also the signature if you noticed he always add in that he's a magician or the king of cards or escapes or handcuffs he always add that in his signature uh but he's very good at making sure you knew it was only him and this book he wrote it because he was upset because he couldn't meet his mentor you know or his Idol Rober Dan's Widow and it's one of those things if he didn't get his way he's like a whiny little kid at times um so this book is really no different he was disclosing Robert Dan secrets so what kind of value would you place on this book marray well looking at the condition of the book and um the real signature I would say the value of this book you're looking at about $5,500 all right well I appreciate everything and thank you good luck Seaman if you do get the book I can't wait to see your Escape show maybe me and EV can help you let me show you a magic trick right now Murray Tada all right well uh you heard everything Murray had to say m so I mean I'm going to go conservative and offer you maybe like three grand on it it's like a punch to the stomach I don't think I could go as low as three five at five I don't think there's any room for me to make a profit on it so I think it's probably just a better fit for me to pass and I also have a feeling that you can probably sell it easier than me you might be right well I do appreciate you bringing in it's always cool to see Houdini's autograph in that condition I mean absolutely that truly is a rare autograph find for sure was was a pleasure thanks man my pleasure thank you I'll walk you back out okay how's it going man pretty good how you doing doing well got a few bats here from Louisville Slugger so we have four Louisville Slugger model bats the top three here are all player editions from Louisville Slugger with Christian Yelich Cody Bellinger Vladimir Guerrero Jr and as you can see the bottom one there is signed by the great Bo Jackson yeah Louisville Slugger is the bat maker for the MLB and they've been making the bats for a very long time and not only do they make them for the MLB they make them for recreational baseball play and little league and uh minor league and everything so when it comes to baseball bats Louisville Slugger is like the best bat kind of not arguable and it's pretty cool to see this here in front of me I do see Bo Jackson signed right here did Bo Jackson actually use this bat no this one is not game used it is a signed model bat okay well Bo Jackson is the athlete of all athletes I mean he played baseball and football at a top level I mean he played both of the games better than most people play a single game he played them simultaneously so how did you get these bats so the Bo Jackson obviously the best one out of all of them was actually a gift to me cuz I collect bats somebody gave me that one the top three have a little more sentimental value because I actually used to work at Louisville Slugger and I just thought they were really special so so I heard you can customize your own basss at Louisville Slugger is that true oh yeah absolutely you can get your name on them all types of colors different things in their custom shop you can get names and colors on them yes maybe I'll have to check it out yeah so how much are you looking to get for the bats so for the player editions probably 200 a piece and then for the Bo Jackson 300 so 900 for the whole lot yeah that would work for me okay um I'm really interested in the Bo Jackson bat but I need to have this autograph authenticated Lucky For Us My Autograph expert is here today so hang out right here for a minute I'm going to go grab them perfect sounds good all right so the legend of Bo Jackson is really something else and really when you get down to it he's one of the most exciting players in in all sports ever he was a tough guy to get an autograph from but obviously one of the great players of the game so tell me a little bit about the history of the bat the provenance where came from somebody gave it to me as a gift for my collection and it's just something I've been looking to move recently well CH let's have a look at it thank you and I'm just going to take a loop on here just so I could see and that's thin fiber tip marker nice overlapping on there so we're thinking this is the real thing absolutely yeah no doubt about it I mean it's really a nice model bat of his um perfect signature and the bat's in great shape what kind of value would you put on it this is just a game model bat that was manufactured made and then he signed for somebody so this value chumble is about $300 okay well that's exactly what he's asking for so maybe we can work out a deal here awesome perfect good to see you thank you yep I'll talk to all right well after hearing Steve had to say um he values the bat at 300 that's what you're asking for it I'm going to need to make a profit on it though um would you take 150 for it probably couldn't do 150 if I if you could come up to two I'd feel comfortable with that I'll make a deal on the Bo Jackson bat for 200 and I'll just let you keep the other bats sounds good appreciate the deal all right thank you chum what's up guys what's up what are we doing Louisville was great it's time to close it out with a bang I thought maybe we could do a little Home Run Derby I've got our bats here I've got a pitcher on the field I doubt any of us can hit a home run but it should be fun I mean if anyone can do it you can Rick um I don't know I mean it might happen you guys want to go check out the field sure Babe Ruth was a big [Music] guy here we go I had jerseys and hats made as well oh you went pretty all out sh and I probably paid for these correct no the pawn shop did I mean I look look like a real baseball player you look like a third base coach it definitely looks like a baseball manager you know what let's see what happens when we put these bats in action all right what do you guys think did I do a good job on your bats number one Pond broker a big hoss I like it you are a big hoss and what is yours the Harrison Crusher okay we each get five pitches whoever hits the ball the farthest wins hopefully one of us will be able to hit a home run all right sounds good to me get down there and show us what you got all right guys we show you how this is done all right here we go it's been a while one practice SG two three four there you go all right it wasn't bad you almost made it as far as the pitcher mound looks like I might win this there you go Bigos is winning all right hold my hat for me big hos all right let's see how chub does Hey Batter Batter Batter Chum don't hurt yourself buddy oh oh oh oh I think he might have beat you son I think he just did all right nice job pitcher nice job if I don't have a career as a baseball player I think I got one as a bat boy well thank God I'm a pond broker let's go that was a lot harder than it looks
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 584,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, rick harrison, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, best of pawn stars, pawn stars top moments, pawn stars highlights, pawn stars negotiations, pawn stars do america
Id: bJGyi_sh_o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 33sec (4593 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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