Pawn Stars: DEADLY WWII JAPANESE KNEE MORTAR (Season 7) | History

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hey how can i help you i've  got this japanese tiki danto   a taki danto i've actually ate  at that place it's pretty good i came to the pawn shop today to try to sell  my japanese world war ii techy danto also known   as a knee mortar it has just been a part of my  collection but maybe i could find something cooler   i'd really like to get 2 000 for it  i don't think that's unreasonable   where in the world did you get this  my dad served her in world war ii   and he brought some stuff back that i always  had an eye on and when i got old enough they   became mine this would launch fragmentation  grenades like the ones the soldiers threw and also   a little more high explosive bombs up to several  hundred yards okay the pacific we saw some of   the worst casualties in all these islands i mean  they had really really thick jungles i imagine it   saw a lot of use too i would guess that this  was responsible for quite a bit of carnage   mortars have been around for hundreds of years  they are originally used to lob large rocks over   castle walls during a siege the modern ones can  throw a grenade hundreds and hundreds of yards   it's got a lot of history behind it and  that's what world war ii collectors want   has it been deactivated yes it's  been demilitarized after the war the   cut here in the barrel and then if you look in  the front end you can see that there's a bar   that's been welded across there as well  okay so what did you want to do with it   i'd like to sell it okay and how much did you want  for it i'd like to get two thousand dollars for it okay i know absolutely nothing about the value of  this thing at all do you mind if i have someone   come in and take a look at it i got a buddy who  knows about all the stuff okay thank you very much   i'm very confident and i think the expert will  give me a very good price and valuation on it   craig how's it going good rick how are you oh  living the dream as always the guys usually call   me down here when they need help placing a value  on an antique gun firearm or piece of militaria   it's a tucky tikidanto tucky taco i prefer to use  the word type 89 knee mortar it was built in 1929   this was a very very uh deadly weapon it was  highly mobile if you look at a mortar usually   what's the main thing you'll find with a mortar  you'll find a mortar and a big heavy base plate   okay so you'll have one guy in a  mortar team carrying the mortar   okay and one guy humping this big fat base  plate well the japanese made it a lot more   simple and a lot lighter guys would run  up on the field they'd get down they would   hit it into the dirt scoop it back would adjust an  inner rod here that goes up and down which would   affect range okay they drop a grenade in and then  they would pull this trigger and off it would go   the knee mortar was quick to set up and quick to  break down and that was really important for the   operator because they could run out they could  shoot at you with it and then when you started   shooting back they could get up and leave okay so  rick what are your concerns are they legal to own yes the answer is yes this is 100 legal to own so  what's it worth let me evaluate the piece uh see   first we look at the serial number which is well  it's four digits so it's an early production piece   uh which makes it more valuable i think  they made about 50 70 000 100 000 of these   you'll see these on the internet people will ask  crazy money for it uh i mean i've seen him oh five   thousand dollars it's the japanese knee mortar  even it's the only one like it but in reality   when these things do trade 2000 if i was selling  it i'd ask 19.95 okay probably get it all right   you're the best man rick it's a pleasure now that  i know it's legal to own i would love to buy this   there's a lot of world war ii collectors out there  and this is one of those rare items that doesn't   come up too often huh i thought they sold for  a little more than that um i mean that's my guy   and he's got no skin on the game so i understand  completely um i'd give you like 1100 bucks for it that's a little low i think could you go  1500 no because i'm thinking that's probably that's close to what i'm gonna get out of it  you know um i'll tell you what i'll go 1200 and   i won't go no more i mean 1200 bucks i think is  more than a fair price i have to retail this thing   i understand you know i mean you can put them  on the internet auctions but anymore it's just   so much of a pain to put it on there um yeah i  understand you have a business to run yeah um 1300. i'll meet you in the middle at 12 50.  i mean there's just not a lot of money here sold okay uh i'll meet you right  over there and i'll write you up   sounds good i'm comfortable with the 1250  dollars i would like to have gotten a little more   but i can use that money well in my collection  and i think that they got a very good piece
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 713,893
Rating: 4.9002209 out of 5
Keywords: history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, pawn shop, rick harrison, pawn stars episode pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawnstars, pawn stars show, Pawn Stars Season 7, Pawn Stars S7 videos, Watch pawn stars s7, watch pawn stars, Wouldn't It Be Ice, HISTORICAL, JAPANESE KNEE MORTAR, DEADLY WWII, Mortar, Knee Mortar
Id: xRGjA3V2oHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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