Pawn Stars: BIG PROFIT on RARE First Edition of Paradise Lost (Season 7) | History

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hey how's it going good i'd like  to sell my copy of paradise lost   paradise lost yes sir you should  check the lost and found man i came to the pawn shop today they sell  my paradise lost book i'd like to sell it   because it's way too heavy to keep around the  house and moving around i'd like to get 500 for   it i think the least i'd probably take is 200.  paradise lost yes sir where did you get this i   was driving home from work and i was stuck  in traffic and instead of staying in traffic   i decided to pull up the highway i saw an  auction going on so do you know anything   about this from what i've looked into it the  illustrator is a pretty famous guy he did some   illustrations for paradise lost for dante's  inferno for the bible his name is gustav dory   and some pretty pretty awesome pictures in there  so what is the paradise lost it's a book of poems   about the fall of you know man with adam  and eve and the battle between satan and god   this is probably the coolest engraving  i've seen in the book so far we got a   satan here with adam and eve in the background oh  yeah i never noticed them back there paradise loss   was written in the 17th century by an english poet  john milton his poem about adam and eve and the   fall of man is considered one of the greatest  works of literature in the english language   so saying he arose whom adam thus followed with  benediction since to part go heavenly guest   ethereal messenger sent from whom the sovereign  goddess i adore gentle to me and off to return   what do you think that means  sounds like adam got a girl   um so how much did you want for it i was looking  for about 500 for it you know if the book was in   good shape i could see a lot of money here but  it is pretty rough because there's water damage   on this book the binding's screwed up but the  engravings intrigue me yeah i mean engravings   are awesome let me have someone take a look  at it okay i'll be right back all right great   i'm excited to see what the expert has to say  about the book i know that the illustrator is   you know well known so i'm curious to see you know  how that plays into things hey how's it going hey   rick nice to see you paradise loss is about two  major events the war in heaven and the fall of   man and both of these concern the concept  of free will it's probably safe to say that   this is the most important poem in the english  language okay wow and john melton is someone   who ranks almost as important as shakespeare  okay i like this quote right here the mind   is its own place and in itself can make a heaven  of hell or a hell of heaven it's really beautiful   here's the thing about this book it is actually  a first edition of sorts it is from the 1860s   but it's the first appearance of the gustav  de rey illustrated paradise lost okay the   truth first came out in 1667 so this is much later  obviously but gustav de rey was a really important   illustrator of the 19th century and he's collected  on his own terms a really beautiful copy of this   in a really beautiful binding that didn't  have these condition issues could be worth   up to about two thousand twenty five hundred  wow okay in this condition you're looking at four to five hundred dollars okay that's  that's kind of what i was looking for   good thanks girl you're the  best no problem jump all right   if rick does make a deal on this book i think you  should look into getting it rebound or restored   somehow because that will add value to the  book as a whole because the condition is so key   so how much you want for it well i mean she said  four to five hundred so maybe 350 no no okay   did you look at the book i i see the book  yes did you see the problems i do yes okay   um i'll give you 200 bucks it seems like  there's a big base that you know would be   interested in at least the illustrations of it  though can you do 275 i can give you 200 bucks   it's going to be a tough sell it's going  to sit for a long time i want 250 for it i'll go two and a quarter all right i can do two and a quarter  all right all right write them up jump   i mean overall i'm pretty happy with it  i only paid 50 for it so i really can't complain you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 319,059
Rating: 4.8705034 out of 5
Keywords: history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, pawn shop, rick harrison, pawn stars episode pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawnstars, pawn stars show, Pawn Stars Season 7, Pawn Stars S7 videos, Watch pawn stars s7, watch pawn stars, RARE First Edition, Paradise Lost, RARE First Edition of Paradise Lost, Putt Putt Pawn
Id: czfN_qSf2aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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