Pawn Stars: Rebecca RAVES over RARE Piece of American History (Season 8) | History

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nice to see you what's up what is it today oh i  brought you in a really amazing piece of american   history if it wasn't for this book we'd probably  all be speaking with english accents today   okay it was printed in philadelphia in 1779.  the book itself is called the regulations for   the order and discipline of the troops of  the united states this was really the first   drill book for the united states army  they taught them how to be soldiers   actually it's pretty amazing i keep coming back to  the shop because they have a genuine interest in   books and they pay fair prices it's hard to find  books that are so important in american history   in their original state this was the american  revolution who would have thought of saving a   book when you had to worry about your life i  mean these were a bunch of ragtag soldiers and   they're fighting a professional british army so  in 1777 washington withdrew to valley forge for   the winter encampment and they didn't know what  to do they were losing men they were very unhappy   general washington almost lost his position  as commander-in-chief so they brought in this   very famous prussian military officer to start  training the american troops baron von steuben   so you're saying this book was written by von  steuben yeah this was really a turning point this   allowed general washington to train his troops  showing them how to use things like bayonets   teaching them in weapons here's really one of the  first times you think of a modern army think of   attention at this word the soldier must be silent  stand firm and steady moving either hand nor foot   yeah he was absolutely amazing with the troops  and basically transformed you know the citizen   farmer soldier into a soldier exactly some people  say that von steuben just showed up one day   looking to get a job others say that he  was recommended by ben franklin himself   either way he whipped the american soldiers  into shape and we kicked some british ass   there's plates at the back of the book which are  quite interesting this actually shows the layout   of the camp okay you know one of the things that  he wanted to implement was where do you put the   quartermaster where do you put the surge in where  do you put the kitchen this wasn't obvious to you   know untrained army cadets very very interesting  do you know if it's the first you know how many   editions there were there were many additions  because it became such an important book it   really became what's called the blue book of the  american army it was issued to all of many of the   soldiers but this is the actual first edition  from 1779 first time it was printed all right so i'm assuming this is the original binding  the paper's right this is all handmade paper   sure i mean it looks rough but it's almost 250  years old i mean my problem is just figuring   out a price yeah i understand completely i'm i'm  looking for 6 500 for it i i don't know if that's   absolutely insane number or a fair number  you've met rebecca before let me let me   get her down here to take a look at it it's a  great number don't even bother calling her sir   that just makes me want to call her even more give  me a few minutes no problem i'm happy he's going   gonna call rebecca again i mean she really knows  her stuff sometimes she's come in lower than i   would have liked for books in the past uh i could  only cross my fingers you know and hope this time   one of my regulars brought in a book that was used  to train soldiers during the revolutionary war   if it's as important as he says it's going to  be worth a lot of money but i'm not taking his   word for it so rebecca is coming in to tell me  what she thinks you brought me another book the   original field manual from the revolutionary war  by von steuben himself the baron okay this is a   very cool book the baron actually is a really cool  character in himself he was in the prussian army   under frederick the great so he had a good amount  of experience in one of the world famous armies so   washington said all right here are 100 men drill  them show me so the baron did and proved himself   the barons regulations was essentially the  manual that standardized everything dealing with   military troops and discipline washington was  a brilliant general but that means nothing if   the soldiers won't follow his orders so now  is this the first edition listen there were   five editions published during the american  revolution alone 1779 uh steiner insist   this is these are the philadelphia publishers  it has uh the plates everything in place it is   a first edition okay it's miraculous that this  book would survive and i really like it okay i kind of want it okay i know different books  are graded on condition differently this book   was someone's name scrawled across the front of it  yeah rick here's the thing a book in the original   boards to the uninitiated often kind of looks  trashy but this is the original binding put on   by the binder robert aitken in 1779. okay that is  exceptional by itself any collector of americana   american revolution they're going to want this  and they're going to want it bad because you   don't see copies okay so i i mean i'd give it a  healthy price i would put the retail up at 18 000. yeah okay i would surprisingly high more than  i expected it this book completely deserves it   i should have never called you on yeah this  thing is incredibly rare it's not something   you run into very often at all so even for me  i handle rare books every day basis and this   is something that i haven't seen so she said  a lot of people really want it very badly yes   the only question is how badly do you want it so  i'll give you the 6500 well now that i heard the   experts evaluation i mean i want to be fair  to you and everything what about 12 000. you know how it is i mean the more expensive  it is the longer it sits this is a very   important thing it's a very important book  i i know that just the way rebecca acted um let me give you 10 grand for it i think  10 grand is fair i'll make it simple   11 right down the line that's  that's a very very fair price   you would be under british taxation if it  wasn't for this book you have to pay 11 for it i'll tell you what next time you're in here with a  book you're going to give me a little better deal   i'll give you 11 grand all right i was definitely  not intending to spend 11 000 on this book but i   have to admit this is beyond cool i might have  to make this a christmas present to myself you
Channel: Pawn Stars
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Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 8, Pawn stars s08, pawn stars se08, watch pawn stars, Season 8, Another Christmas Story
Id: eoPNqdK0SMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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