Pawn Stars: Rebecca’s Big Bucks Rare Book Appraisal (Season 6) | History

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what can i help you with well i've got a world  war ii book that was authored and also autographed   by dwight d eisenhower wow really he was in  charge of the biggest military operation in   the history of the world ever which is pretty  amazing to me i'm assuming it's not a comedy   so far i've gotten through part of it no comedy  i came to the pawn shop today to try and sell my   dwight d eisenhower book autographed by eisenhower  i purchased the book at an estate sale i would   like to sell the book because i've got my eye  on a richard nixon and gerald ford autograph   crusade in europe i like the title did you  know much about it it follows him through   his campaign in europe from start to finish and  his exploits of what happened during the war   here's a note from president roosevelt  appointing ike to command of operation overlord   storming the beaches at normandy okay eisenhower  i think is my dad's favorite president because   as far as my dad is concerned basically if  you're a lifer in the military you're all right   and if you didn't spend your entire life in the  military you're not during world war ii eisenhower   was basically in charge of all the fighting in  europe he was the guy in charge of planning the   normandy invasion hearing about d-day from him  would be completely different than reading it from   a textbook so it's signed by him yes to well i  guess that's pamela bird best wishes dwight yesner   it really becomes eisenhower's rookie card because  at the time he signed this he wasn't president yet   he was president of columbia university so it's  before he became president of the united states   yeah all right so how much were you looking  to get out of it i'm looking for a thousand maybe um let me call up a friend she's an expert  in rare books she'll probably know the signature   and if this is a first edition and all that fun  stuff so let me get her down here if everything's   legit um we'll talk money all right thanks i feel  fairly confident about it certainly hope that   there is a big payday at the end of this that we  can come to an agreement and i can sell the book   rebecca how's it going good i hear you having  eisenhower for me the guys usually call me down   here because they don't know a lot about books  crusade in europe this is all about world war ii   specifically the european front eisenhower was  involved in this from pretty much the beginning   he was the person who contained the  divas and that includes people like   patton who didn't want to listen to anyone or  general montgomery who is the same way on the   british side it's pretty common in a historical  event like this one of the major generals or   participants will write a memoir about it but  they're not common signed i have the same book   in the sign limited edition okay what we're  going to do is look at the two signatures   one thing that you have to worry about is that  eisenhower actually had an auto pen so there   is the possibility in in this time period that  he could actually have the autopin sign for him   the nice thing about this though is  you have this full inscription here   and since you've got a uniformity of ink  with the inscription and the signature   we know it's not autopin great but the  other thing that you might worry about   with eisenhower is actually that it could be  secretarial so from what i can tell here and here it's real sweet oh that's great awesome okay so  is this like a first edition this a second edition   it is the first edition how  do you tell how do you tell   you know it depends on the book with this  book it's pretty simple you're just looking   at the copyright date here and you don't have  any extra mention of printings okay awesome   so this is first it is a first edition and it  is signed these are all good things so what's   it worth well one thing i can tell you just  looking at it it does not have the dust jacket   it does not this was originally issued with a dust  jacket so it's not considered complete all right   if it had the dust jacket three thousand dollars  okay without the jacket this book is worth 1500. half price because of that that's right  the book is a collectible needs to be complete   as it was originally issued that means if it  had a dust jacket it needs to retain the dust   jacket if it was an original binding it should  stay in that binding you're losing a huge part   of its value how much you want for it now well  she said 1500 i'm thinking around a thousand   that gives you a little room  i'm thinking more like 800 bucks how about the difference 900 does have eisenhower's signature we know that  i know we're still talking about a lot of money   for a book but it's an eisenhower book 850. no  i've got to stay with nine it's really unique you know what i'll i'll go the night i'll go  the night all right we got a deal all right   thanks i'll meet you right up front this was a  total no-brainer a book written and signed by   a five-star general who later became  president i just hit the jackpot you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 536,574
Rating: 4.907115 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 6, Pawn stars s6, pawn stars se6, Cool As Ike, Big Bucks Rare Book Appraisal, WWII
Id: grn1L4TlaGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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