Pawn Stars: Isaac Newton’s RARE Book DEFIES the Odds (Season 3) | History

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how you doing son fine what do we got here   this is a book that belonged isaac newton it  was printed in 1546. sweet that's pretty cool   did you know who isaac newton was he  said everything goes up must come down that's one way of putting it i guess i decided to come into the pawn shop today  to try and sell my book that belonged to   isaac newton's library amazingly enough i found  it wrapped up in a box in bubble wrap that was   in with my father's things i don't know what the  book is worth but if it did belong to isaac newton   it should be worth thousands everyone has heard  the story about the apple falling on newton's head   and that's the way he figured out gravity that  never happened all he saw was an apple fall off   the tree somehow the story got changed over the  years what's the book about uh it's about geology   and mining that newton was very much into it  doesn't look like it's in english it's in uh   latin it's very interesting piece isaac newton  was one of the greatest thinkers of all time he   figured out gravity improved the telescope figured  out a funny type of math that we call calculus   the man definitely knew a thing or two how come  you think i was a newton on this boat well if we   open up the front cover this is the book plate  for isaac newton it shows the case location   and barnsley park which was in england where  the book was stored and these turned corners   are a thing that isaac newton did to a lot  of his books when he wanted to save a page   i imagine a book that's old is pretty valuable but  if eyes and you'd known it the sky is the limit   you want to punt it sell it i would like to sell  it do you have any idea what it would be worth   i having a clue i can assume that it's real  but i'm not that knowledgeable on books   what's your god tell you boss what my gut tells  me don't count when it comes to something like   this to me so i'm going to call an expert in  and we'll go from there for if this book is real   it's worth a lot of money it'll work all right  thank you very much thank you i'm really excited   to hear what the appraiser says to find out  what this book could be worth what's going on   i own academy fine books here in las vegas i've  been in the book business for over 30 years well   what would you like to know about  this book i need authentication and   did it belong to newton well we can see the  book was published in 1546 by george agricola   a scientist he's known as the father of mineralogy  in this day they were very interested in changing   different minerals into gold how can you mean  right yes isaac newton was very interested in   alchemy back when this book was written  people thought alchemy was witchcraft   so only the higher educated people knew about  this book now there's a little bit of bad news this is not the original binding this  book was restored it was re-backed this   was repaired probably done in the 1700s  the book play is from newton's library   this number here j9-s7 is newton's shelf number  where he would have stored the book so this book was owned by isaac newton great   that's good news that's just phenomenal you do  not see this book every day this is a classic   that's all great but what kind of value do we have  on this thing well i think this book wood retail   it has a value of twenty thousand dollars wow wow  yes very nice find your father had very good taste   yes he did well thank you for coming in this book  was owned by isaac newton what more can i say   one of the greatest scientists of all time  so what are you trying to get out of this huh   how about 15. ain't no way if you could  live with 5 000 that's what i'll pay ah that's that's too low you can't do 10. no 5 is  where i'd want to be in this could you do seven i'll split it with you at six i can't take less than seven you know  if i give you seven for it i won't have   money for dinner tonight if you give  me seven for it i'll buy you dinner sounds like a plan thank you come on  over i'll get somebody to write it up   i made seven thousand dollars on the book i think  it could be worth more but it's a great price   i'm glad that they're gonna enjoy it you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,078,791
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Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 3, Pawn stars s3, pawn stars se3, Isaac Newton, Deal Odds, Rare books, newton
Id: lbBcNXGNe5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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