Michael Pavlovich - Pavlovich Workshop - Episode 16

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okay looks like rely bish like for this to start up real quick and come on refresh there we go okay so on if you go to let me just load up the website here so do this live stream Tuesday mornings 4:00 a.m. PST and then I do a live stream on my channel same thing Thursday mornings 4:00 a.m. PST to 6:00 a.m. PST and if you go to the pixologic youtube channel and you go to the pavlovic workshop that'll be the back up video on-demand stuff hey thanks for showing up actually know what I need to keep track of some stuff today here so I'm going to go ahead and load this up real quick ere we go oops so there was one comment on the last one I try and go through the episodes and just find the comments and see if there's anything I can help with sometimes I forget I'll be honest but there's one question I had to create some ornament on a flat surface and we did a little bit of that we can go into depth a little bit more on that hey guys thanks for showing up so I'm going to do a little bit of ornamentation today this that reminded me of an old helmet that I did I completely forgot I went over a long this is pretty pretty old helmet but we can kind of start doing this time at type of stuff as well and you can kind of see if I flip back and forth here this is the original concept helmet or I just kind of threw it together really quickly just to kind of get the shape the block out that I wanted and get my shapes in there and then just going through rebuilding where needed and kind of splitting this thing up where needed just to kind of get some seam lines in there and also doing a little bit of ornamentation and ornamentation sculpting and kind of doing these type of things to get that ornamentation on there and you know Matchmaker is a bunch of different ways to kind of do this type of thing it's been a while since I've done it so bear with me and yeah we're going to go over that today and and luckily so mr. fur onesie respondent he's got a lot of good techniques in there so we'll go over some of those till just go through his description will this kind of play around that a little bit hey Axl thanks for showing up okay so let's do a little bit of this so let me see let me say where do I want to start kind of an the easiest place to start I think for me anyways is this organic stuff up here so if you wanted to do something like this it would just be like I did here it's just a matter of we're going to sell them out here I probably just started out with a dynamesh shape and just kind of blocked it in like so and then I went in with my clay brush and just started sculpting out a basic lion head here so you know clay brush hold on preferences edit turn off align curse at a surface which is what I usually do and just going through here and sculpting now in order to make this look a little bit more hard surface while I'm sculpting while I'm cleaning up my concept sculpt is you can just hold down alt with the H polish brush you can kind of just polish this down like so and you can kind of start getting some nice surfaces in here and kind of indicating where you might want cut lines and you can do that with standard brush or Damian's standards so if you go on your Damian standard brush so B D s imma grab your Damian standard brush we don't have assigned to a hotkey you just go through and start cutting in where you might think those are where you might want to like you know either cut in and rebuild you could also hold down alt and kind of build up to an edge like so and then you can use your clay brush to kind of go through here and make these hard surface then again hold down alt with your H polish brush and you probably won't be able to do this with a mouse I get that a lot when people are asking why they're H polish brush doesn't see me working that well is it's kind of a feather touch brush see how big my brush is and I'm going over here and like just polishing these surfaces down and then control drag to dynamesh again and you can get a nice hard edged surface there let's go into our perspective off there good morning everybody thanks for showing up I don't know who this guy is specifically he's uh he's actually I do know who he is he's my base male model that I use occasionally he does have a very a Romanesque look to him I suppose but so we've got this here and let's see what else I did on this thing do we reconstruct oh I do have submission history on these so after doing that sculpt let me go turn perspective on after doing that block out sculpt the concept school that I'm talking about here I went in and just kind of broke him up and rebuilt him probably with zremesher if I had to guess and so you can reconstruct this stuff and now he has basics yeah this looks like a total zremesh basic set of vision history here and this subdividing up as I go just kind of splitting those pieces off and projecting and then getting those to kind of sit together nicely same thing for this trim this this trim is a little bit more specific so this one I probably went through and used poly Zee sphere Reeth apology so if I go back here I've got this one kind of sitting here and it's again this is just probably it first as the dynamesh with a little bit of clip brush so like ctrl shift go grab my clip curve and you can kind of just chop pieces out and kind of get the shape going that you want like this and you can see it's not detailed at all but you know clean it up as you want to here hold down alt and kind of just go through here like this with my H polish brush if you want it I like bevel some of these edges while you're sculpting you can go in with your trim dynamic and just go in here and just kind of pull right along there and kind of indicate where you want these bevel lines to be of course you can always rebuild this basic shape here and then bevel and later with zmodeler of course so so anyway yeah so yeah rebuild that was easy spheres and then you can crease it up and you know get to this this part here where it's just kind of the shape and then as you so divide up it'll be nice and crisp and you know creasing where you want and it's go ahead a solo mode so working our way back we'll go over we can go over some ornamental hair sculpting techniques and it'll actually come to play when we start doing the ornamentation so let's talk ornamentation and the best way to do that actually let's not talk about the best way to do that because honestly I don't really know this is again on the fly I was looking at this like literally five or six minutes ago going what questions did we have and then ornamentation came up and like wow let's see if I remember how to do this stuff if I had to guess we could use shadow box and we could use masking and extracting and we could also use some brushes and here some custom ornamentation brushes and there's also deco brushes in there so if you go for example hit B D there's a deco on here and these are kind of fun to kind of play with they'll kind of spin your alpha like so let's go ahead and crank up that the intensity here and if you go into your comma key brush deco there's some a lot of deco brushes in here - and these are deco I'm assuming short for decoration brushes and yeah this one will kind of spin through the mesh here I'm gonna sculpt that in like that but if you want a little bit more control you're doing something very specific let's start with I guess let's start with shadow box here let me drag out a cylinder make it a polymesh3d and okay so we'll go to if I didn't wanted to destroy this and I wanted to do another object or I could just duplicate this off and then hide my original cylinder here and then we could go to our geometry shadow box and just turn shadow box on now if it's going to be very detailed ornamentation I'm probably going to want to turn this resolution up so I'm going to change this to 256 and I'm going to change my polish down to like one oops not 13 because I can always control that later with polished by features probably depending on how it spits out my polygroups here although now I can always just extract again so well just we'll do turn polish down to one and we'll shot a box this and now we have shadow box here so I'm going to control drag and now we have if I go into my floor plane here you're going to see where's mozzie forward here it's kind of hard to see but there's the blue line pointing this way so this is the back here so I hold that control and start drawing with my masking it's going to go ahead and start creating polygroups here in first you hold down control all the nun mask you'll get this so if you hit X you can do X X symmetry so you can kind of go through and do some cool ornamentation that way and then you can do x and y symmetry so we're going to go to my transform menu here we'll talk about symmetry here so you can kind of do and this is just if you wanted to manually brush in ornamentation you can just go through here and start doing some cool stuff here um everybody's still good I'm going to come trying to keep an eyeball on the chat too so if I miss a question just keep hollering it I'll get to it I think so you can start doing this and now of course if you want to you can also pull from a textured library let me go to my alphas here and I can think under stencils I have some gist ornate looking stuff and this will save you some time if you have things you've already done an illustrator Photoshop any of that kind of stuff so we'll just grab this butterfly here so I'm just double clicking this and then as long as this was saved as a 16-bit grayscale it should show throw it right in your alpha by default so now I can turn that off let's go back to our standard brush and if I want to use my standard bar for something other than just like basic sculpting what I can do is just go to standard clone and now I've got a standard one brush if I hit B it's going to throw it right at the end here and I can just do whatever I want to this and then I can hit alt s which is my hotkey for standard brush and then I don't overwrite any standard brush settings as I go and yeah what brush do I use well a whole bunch of them actually so what kind of we'll go over that in a second so let's say we've got this here and we got our standard one and I don't want to sculpt with this one necessarily because we're using shadow box I mean you can sculpt on your shadow box but I'm going to change this to drag Rex I'm going to grab this alpha here actually not even for our standard brush what am I thinking we need to hold down control and that goes into mask pin and now I'm going to go to drag rect with the mask and then grab there ornamentation here now if I do it this way you're going to see number one it kind of fades out towards the edges so hold down control only change your focal shift in negative 100 and then I'll go ahead and that'll go ahead okay so yeah there's masks over there that'll go ahead and make it so it's nice and crispy all the way around now as I drag this out they're going to see I'm already getting some nice ornamentation in here of course if you want to you could turn off X symmetry and just drag out you know the one butterfly here if you want a little bit more control on placement one thing I try and bring up all the time is if you go to be T transpose smart mask let's load up our alpha in there so you're going to know that what transpose apart masks what you can do is you can hold that ctrl and drag and that'll drag out your mask and then if you hit spacebar you're able to move that around so it gives you a little bit more control then simply just drag rect account your mask there so there we got that so but if you don't want to use that and just use your mask pen so if I hit Q we'll go back to standard now if you want to use your regular transpose again you got to go back to BT hid transpose and then you're back where you started there and then not that way of course dragged out this will turn on X Cemetery here will kind of overlap some of these it's Amarna Mattei ssin going uh yeah so Alex X n terminus ax is I'm new to ZBrush why did you start out that with silver you could start it with um anything in fact you know if I was doing this guy's head for example that's probably a good thing to bring up I'm go back to this dude and if I Alt tap his head now if I just go into shadow box mode right now it's going to completely obliterate my head so if I want to keep my head let's let's say we want to put a pair of sunglasses on him I'm going to duplicate this guy off and then I'm going to go into my shadow box here and just if I hit shadow box what it's going to try and do is take the model and go ahead and give me project the side view and the back view of my head and then the bottom view of my head and this is what I end up and getting obviously I lose a lot of detail when I do that because it can only pick up some information from orthographic views here but what I can also do is turn on transparency mode and then I can go through here and let's go ahead and turn alpha off go back into drag here so I can go through here and I can kind of put in a little pair of shades and then we can go to the front view but we can kind of see through him and we can kind of dictate where we want the math to go from the front so if I hit X we can go ahead and plug that in here and now we've got pair of shades and of course I have stuck this back has to correspond to how far out these shades go something had to plug in a little bit more masking on the side here there we go so now he's got kind of ugly pair of shades in there but I mean because right now it doesn't go around his head so that's where it kind of gets into like well do I go through here and kind of like wrap his shades around a little bit but then it has to correspond to what I basically do at this point is hit shadowbox get my shades in there and then just do a quick like cleanup pass and just go in here with my move brush and kind of move the stuff around if I was to create a pair of glasses and shadow box which I probably wouldn't be inclined to do it probably zmodeler but this is a quick demonstration you can start with any object basically okay and then we'll go back here so again if this resolution isn't quite doing it for you you can back out a shadow box so if I turn shadow box off we've got our mesh here and we can go in here and we can kind of see we've got a front polygroup a side polygroup and a back poly group here and let's go ahead and raise that resolution like five twelve maybe and if we hit shadow box again I will get an even denser shadow box here there's a lot of really cool stuff you can do a shadow box you can project you can paint paint stuff directly on here let's just go ahead and make a ornamentation thing real quick and then we'll talk a little bit more about shadow box so um kind of do that here let's say we like that I'm going to go ahead and now you can make the this this thick as you want this is kind of just a default thickness it throws in there sometimes if I want to I can go back in here to my mask pin and I can go okay I want it to be and you can see the gray lines at the top and the bottom that correspond with where this side stopped so we can make it this thick and we can also go back in here and be like Illinois chop this part out and this part out to get that kind of thickness oops I make sure you don't drag over the back there let's try that again so what happened was I had my ornamentation here and then when I went back to my mask pin and I made the thickness it was fine because I'm not touching the mask over here now if I ctrl alt drag here it should yeah it should leave it alone if he ctrl alt drag way out here it's going to unmask all the way back through so be careful about that but anyway you can kind of do this kind of masking and then we go into our turn our shadow box off kind of see there's a profile we plugged in and then there's the front view we kind of plugged in there do you know if there's a way to remove or single insert measurement existing insert mesh brush do you have to create a new insert mesh but unless you don't want sort of gone figure you can't but what you can do is you can keep a library of basically what you'll have as a tool I don't know if I have one available to me right now but basically when you're setting up your insert multi mesh tool we can just create one real quick let's see we've got a star here so let's say we like this star and so I'm going to go to my sub tool here we made a polymesh3d right yeah so then we got the star we like I'm going to duplicate this off and I'm going to go to a brush insert so I'm just going to pick one here insert Multi mesh curve actually we're just going to brush insert industrial parts so I hit M here we can go and just pick any one of these like the pipe and then we can go to geometry modify topology we can do mesh from brush to the there we go mushroom brush here and then I can hit em and grab a spring do what I want to duplicate this off and then we'll do mesh from brush and I can just kind of take brushes like that that's just one way to do it so once we got our insert multi mesh set up we can do tool save as and you can just throw this on your desktop and say this is my IMM test and now that you have the Z tool available to you every time you hit you know obviously orient these things the way you want them to be drawn out on your object but go to brush crate insert multi mesh and that'll create your answer Multi mesh and since it's just a one button thing as long as you always have access to the sub tool if you're always like if I am you're like you know what that spring is really bothering me I never use it so I'm going to take the spring and delete it out of my sub tools here or I mean you could hide it if you don't want it to show up as well if you want to kind of keep it in your sub tools and then just go to be create insert Multi mesh and then you've got a new brush with just the two so not the greatest most elegant solution but one that you can maybe use anyway controlling depth using a graduated alpha um I'm trying to think I'm not sure if you have an example I could maybe go over that I'm not sure I mean you can you can always control the Alpha with these alpha parameters here so if we go here you can go to your modify settings and there's a mid value that you might want to play with as well as intensity that's kind of interesting you can also go to alpha adjust and change this curve to kind of get you to kind of get you a little bit more control so there's a lot of control in here it might take a little bit of back and forth but it should be doable I would think but now let's go okay just for this we're going to go back into shadow box here and really quickly I'm going to hold down control and lose one more time we'll grab this brush - you know what I'm going to turn off X and I'm going to drag this out now because I'm not using smart Transpo's mask I can't recenter it but that's okay we'll live so I'll go ahead and drag that out here dumb let me see if this is they drag this elf in I just want to take a quick look at it and see okay yeah so the reason why it is kind of splitting off here is because the Alpha itself isn't that high-res let's if we want to slightly clean a result I'm gonna go back in here and we'll just grab something that's a little bit sharper on the edges maybe let's grab this one here let's see how this one looks okay as one's fine hold that control and opes to plug that one in there we go and I suppose for this one we could go ahead and just do that and then if we want to clean this up a little bit here we could hold down control and then go back in here and then we could just hold down ctrl alt and we could do all sorts of flourishes or just manually go in and just add whatever we want to just with our masking here and then hold on ctrl alt if you want to sharpen these things up and of course we can clean this up later so once we have this if we like it let's go ahead and let me get rid of some of those here say shadow box off and now we've got geometry here now I could have gone through on the other side and made it as thin as I want I can also just go through here with transpose and make it as thin as I want and I can also go through here and see how we have the front the back and the side polygroups I can just isolate this poly group here now this is the same poly group here so if I want to I can go into you can go to your putty poly group menu hold on way down here there's a Auto groups option under polygroups which i have right here and now I'll have a front back and a side that are all different and you can also use polish by features to kind of clean this up you can go you can isolate just this middle poly group here and do a polished by features and you can kind of start cleaning that up you can also turn on open circle and that will kind of it'll lose a little bit of the volume but it'll clean it up make it really smooth so you can kind of go through there and smooth that up you can also zero mesh this if you want slightly cleaner geometry than just triangles here and if I'm am going to zremesh this I'm probably just going to take this front part here and do a geometry modify topology delete hidden for you guys will be in here and then now we can just zremesh we can hit across x symmetry here I'm going to temporarily just go back into X symmetry here and we're going to go to zremesher I guess we should do in the real menu zremesher here and we'll do an adaptive size of like 10 and then target polygon count of 5 and then we have X turned on so to be symmetrical we'll just very much that real quick the squares brush I would imagine would be claybuildup and now we can go over some of that hair sculpting technique to to kind of get that stylized sculpting hair I want to say we did a little bit of that in a previous pixologic video on the channel although we recover it again just because it's relevant to what we're doing and as we start ornamenting this thing out so now we have is this thing here now if you need to flatten this out you can go to the side view and you can just use clip and you can kind of clip it to a flat plane as well as if you want to you can just use your transpose and pick an anchor point and then just hold down shift with move and just kind of force all those verts back to a straight flat plane and now you can go through here and use your zmodeler we can do queue mesh or you can do to extrude polygroup ball or all polygons just pull this back now if I always pull back for some reason but if I pull forward that will go ahead and give us thickness and it won't flip over to there the normals but if we pull backwards what it'll do is you'll see it looks kind of flipped so we got to go back down here to display properties and flip those around and that we've got this piece here and of course you can crease by polygroup if you want so if I hit D that's just going to kind of subdivide these and that's just a preview here so if I go to dynamic we can hit D and then shift D to turn that on and off if you do crease by polygroups in the crease menu that will go through and keep your poly group edges nice and crispy as you subdivide up so you can kind of get that going um and you can also you can also go through and sculpt this thing if you want so you can guide and honestly if I'm going to be sculpting on this thing I would probably have just this thing massed or just be sculpting on this one here so if I go here let's just go ahead and do we don't have any real subdivision history so we can just go ahead and delete hidden and then shifty to turn off dynamic here hit X symmetry X&Y symmetry and then we can just go ahead and start sculpting on this mesh let's go ahead and standard brush here so you can kind of start pulling this stuff up and around and we can always give this thing thickness later or if we want to if we want to go ahead and add that it's not a big deal we can just go ahead and do extrude polygroup ball pull that back flip our normals isolate this one here and then we can go ahead and just start sculpting on this one just with visibility masking and then if I bring everything back oops look like it got a little wonky over there we can just use our move brush here we'll do shifty and let's use move brush to kind of grab these ones um if you want to move something and it's picking up too much stuff in here go into your move brush settings here let's go brush give me that there we go auto masking turn-on topological change that range to like 1.5 ish and now I can move these things independently of the other one there we go pull these back it looks like I went a little bit low with my zremesh so if you don't need to go this low I wouldn't but um it gets a little bit crazy around the corners of course you could do a little bit of zmodeler clean up if you want to we'll just kind of pull these things into shape here and then oh boy this is not staying stay up there thank you very much and it really doesn't want to here we go okay and then again like we like I said we can isolate this poly group here you can also turn off if you want to you can turn off line and you can still have the polygroup visible you just kind of go through and sculpt I'll just line on or you can turn polyframe off altogether and just keep sculpting up as you go and kind of giving some depth to these little curly things like so and then subdivide now in order to subdivide I got to bring everything back and if we have polygroups crease let's go ahead and do a quick mirror and well across the X so match these things up for some reason it wasn't catching on that side and then we can do a crease poly group here and then we can do a ctrl D that'll give us a new subdivision and that we can isolate this again and just continue to kind of use our clay brush claybuildup standard brush whatever you want or Damien standard brush to kind of detail this stuff out you can hold down alt and kind of just start pulling out edges and kind of getting these things to come to points and split off and follow these things around we're going back ctrl D isolate again hold down alt like so and then you can use your clay brush here to kind of build up to those edges and then you can use your h polish or smooth or pinch if you want to you can go through here and smooth a little bit and then if you want to you can use your pinch brush you can kind of pinch up to a pretty solid shape there let's see it's our way to render that into a flat mesh to be an alpha texture yeah you can just a couple different ways to do that if you want it to be perfectly square you can set up your document size you can like turn out proportional and go like 1024 by 1024 hit resize yes I would like to hit ctrl n zoom out a little bit so you can see the whole document especially if you go big drag out your mesh here and then use go alpha grab dock and now you've got your alpha saved here an alternative method if I go to you might turn on w sighs new document and that w sighs just fills up the space here and drag this out you can also use use mr gbz grabber so if you go out of edit mode to drop that to the canvas we can go in here and we'll use our mr gbz grabber and this one you can just pull out and use spacebar to kind of move it into place and then if you hold down shift that I can strain it to a to a square and now that's going to grab your texture information so it's going to grab em RGB material and your texture value which we don't need some let's turn around turn that off now we've got our alpha in there that we grabbed so there was our Z grab there's our mr gbz grabber and then at this point you would just be a simple matter of we go back to our head here we can just use this here so if we turn that alpha off for the pinch then going to that standard clone brush we made which was this one here standard one will do drag rect will grab that alpha we just made and now you can just drag that on of course you're going to need lots of resolution this guy's triangulated here so to get a little prettier results we can go into our plain 3d go into edit mode make polymesh3d I'm going to turn off a smooth modifier just so I don't get averaged corners here and now when we drag this out against standard one grab our alpha we can just drag that alpha right out there an alternative to that if you want some kind of cool stuff I mean you can also hold on let's go to standard one here we've got this alpha if we go to a drag dots we can just kind of tie it we can drag this alpha all out now if you want to get into the deco stuff so if we go to B D the deco brush we're going to replace this alpha with our new one and that'll kind of spin our alpha through here I'm trying to remember where that spin is I think we talked about this last time it was it's not twist was it twist no it was orientation no maybe spin Center yeah okay that's orientation I think so the spin rate is set at 1 so we set the spin rate to 2 that will kind of make it spin faster as I drag through we can go to like 0.5 and you can change this from 2.5 to 1 and that will just kind of spin very gradually like that so you can kind of you know set up your own deco brushes here to kind of get your looking like it does of course all these changing or is the intensity or you can hold down alt if you want to dig in your details this alpha is a little busy for that so that's probably why they have a simpler alpha like those 3 dots that came in with it this one and we need to change this a little do spin angle and spin center if you want to offset that a little bit we can do offset of 1 and that'll kind of spin from the inside edge if we do negative 1 it'll spin looks like it spins from the inside there over time so a lot of really cool stuff you can do that another thing you can do is you go into projection master and we're going to do deformation we don't we're not going to paint colors here we don't need to do normalize just because this is a flat plane here and I can hit drop and then now what we can do is under this alpha well first let's go grab our simple brush here and we can do a drag rect like this and we can choose the alpha if we want to and we can kind of drag out our shape like this and the cool thing about projection master is we hit W you're now able to go in here and modify this shape here or you can change it from Z add to Z sub on the fly without having dropped it let's go back to Z add you can also do shift shift s to save a screenshot yeah you can save a screenshot did you shift f shift s and let's go ahead and pull these things down here if it'll let me there we go kind of move these things around and then when you're ready to go and you can bring in the object as well we'll do that a second you can go back into draw mode and then you can just drag whatever you want to let's go ahead and do that another thing you can do is change this from drag rec to line and then you can drag out a line nine of these alphas you can hold down shift just drag out a line and then if you go to your stroke menu here I believe is there a spacing yeah so let's do a spacing of like 0.75 now if you drag this out it'll be you know a little bit more of a repeating ornamentation and then you can change your if you w you can changes the intensity I think yeah and that'll update on the fly and they get a new shift oops shift s and drag out a copy here like so and then when you're ready to go back you can just go out a projection master here pick it up and that will have applied it to your plane just taking those things if we undo that go back into projection master I'm also pretty sure instead of doing an alpha we can just grab our actual Gio here so if I grab this one yeah we have actual geometry here so you can just take the geometry that you made and then you can still do W shift s and it kind of just treats it as kind of an alpha but it's also geometry here and what else can we do we can do the as line thing all that good stuff here so if we go back in the drop mode here and we'll just change that back to line you can drag that out and your you know get that look going then hit W shift s and then you can drag these things out or drag them around up and down having a hard time grabbing just grab what am i trying to grab here the middle one no it's going to straining there we go kind of drag that out and then go out of projection master here and that'll go ahead and pick that up now of course that's mostly going to work well on a flat plane more so than you know something on a rounded plane because it'll mean you can turn on normal eyes and it will kind of go around the object but you can do it as well yeah exactly grab dock yeah so move topology is basically so when I go into my move brush here and I go you know auto masking and then turn on topological all that's doing with just the move brushes if you go to BT I'm sorry b/w brush I'm sorry move BM there's a move topological in there and basically what that does is turn on topological for your move brush now if you want more move brush options I think there's also under our brush here but let's go - LM move yeah there's some more move brush options in here and they're all they are just turning on various options for your auto masking and some move brush stuff but kind of make those brushes interesting so yeah now if we wanted to we could take this ornamentation as well and we go ahead and show everything this one is the one that has thickness here so here's our mesh we can go ahead and do hit B this is kind of heavy you can decimate this down if you want it's up to you if you wanted to you could decimate this just go to Z plug-in drag that over here we'll do decimation master pre-process current mm-hmm and then we could just drop this down to like maybe 12 K and that'll give us a lighter weight brush we're going to do a ton of these things into a single brush it's probably better to keep it lighter weight so now we can go to B create insert mesh new and then we can go back to let's go back to our concept sculpt here and again just tap this one and now because it's an insert mesh brush when you drag this out it'll insert but it's not going to wrap around the object here so for that we're going to go over here to our brush transform alpha let's go back to our brush and under the brush modifiers here you're going to see there is a projection strength you crank that up to 100 it will take whatever's underneath it and wrap your object to that so that's one way to kind of get that in there that we can just go through here we could do a split mass points which for you guys will be under sub tool split options here and now we've got two separate so tools here's you got a little bit more control you can go through here and like move this in or out or all that good stuff Oh another thing if you want to control the height let's go ahead delete that if we go to so you can see we have our new brush here if we go to Z intensity and drop that down that will conform it as well as make it thinner if you have the intensity 100 it'll go put the ornamentation on there but it can only go so far if you go in here to your brush modifiers and take your strength multiplier will change that the two that'll actually make it even thicker they're going to see it's very particular if you start going around the object it's still going to want to wrap to those underlying surface normals there so just be careful when you're doing that and if you want to have it not going to solo mode when you're dragging out insert mesh brush I go out of solo mode and then if I just want to see this I'm going to turn the eyeball off and then select the nameplate and then that way I can just have this dragged out I can kind of see it there's one way to have your insert mesh brush play nice if for some reason you want to just append or you don't want to use projection strength you can change that back to zero you can grab your object here and then I think it'll work here if we go ahead and split this split mass points here I'm going to hit B M go to my BM m for my match maker brush now this one I can use to just kind of pull back through and then I go ahead and conform my mesh it didn't do it on both sides sometimes with X symmetry and things like Z project brush and match maker brush they can be a little bit tricky so what I'm going to do is go out of X symmetry temporarily control shift drag rect L down alt get rid of that other one go ahead and delete hidden and now I can use my match breaker brush here now this one's camera controlled so if I go over here and use match maker it's going to project straight back from the camera so it's going to do something like that so I want to kind of orient my camera where I want to project and project that back and you don't have to project that harshly you can change your Z intensity down to like if you want 25% projection you can just kind of slightly bend it but for this one we want it to conform completely so we'll do that and then if we want that on the other side again we can go ahead and just do a quick mirror mirror and weld and then hit X and then we're back kind of where we started here we kind of just go through and modify this a bit like so you can also play with your depth setting here so they go to B grab our insert mesh brush and our depth right now it's sitting at an embed of six if we change that to an embed of zero that should go right on the mesh here and we'll go ahead and change our strength oops starring multipliers fine I think but our projection strength will crank that back up so this is going to set it right on the surface here seems to be doing a little bit weird I guess maybe if we do want that to work a little bit better let's we can have it go out above our mesh a little bit no it still seems to be aware let me see delete hidden no that's fine that's fine mmm strength multiplier back to one projection strength down a little bit seems to be being a little bit weird here so I didn't really change anything and it turn on gravity or anything let me turn off X hmm not sure why strength multiplier isn't working anymore but you could go through and do that as well as putting this on here all that good stuff so that would be the insert mesh brush or you can append a do match maker and that kind of stuff that's a anymore questions I miss does the dynamic bevel work with such complex shapes it will but yeah your your may not let's turn projection strength off because use match maker later let's say so if we go ahead oh you know what I wonder if it's even projecting that's why so we have if I go into solo mode here it's using this thing so good and delete that there we go there we go that works fine it was projecting the that weirdo thing in the back that I had out what I didn't realize so now we're back to normal yeah match maker projection strength Z intensity trying to remember so many different ways to do this stuff yeah okay so we can go ahead and do split mass points here and then let's see if we can do a quick group by normals here there we go so we can do a group by normals and get our front and then back and then if we want to since these side ones are kind of broken up by the normals we can just get rid of all those hit ctrl W and now I've got our front back and side polygroups back and then if we want to make these both the same mirror is under your deformation menu so got to go to deformation mirror and then geometry modify topology mirror and weld some of my custom menu here I just have mirror married weld if you go to the pixologic classroom videos they'll have ways to set up your custom menu also on my youtube channel here if you go to this playlist we can go to I think it's an intro to ZBrush part 2 yeah this one has you can kind of walk through and do it'll walk you through custom hotkeys custom interface custom menu all that good stuff so very useful for that type of thing now if we're doing my Axel's asking the dynamic bevel yeah it should work if you were to like you know crease PG your results may vary because again this is a decimated mesh here now what you could do with crease PG you could go in here with your under the crease menu you could bevel those things but yeah this triangulated mesh it doesn't work that great so yeah would zremesh this thing just to get nicer topology because ya going through here and beveling all these triangles is going to be a nightmare I guess you could also frame this thing and then bevel with your curves but that would be probably another nightmare there too so yeah that's a tougher one but so now we got that we got that ornamentation here and I think that's how I did a bunch of this stuff let's bring this guy back and see if anything pops oh yeah we're going to talk about this type of thing as well there's a bunch of different ways to do this let's go back to our concepts sculpt here there we go it'll turn this all back on and if we were going to put some hair on here and I would probably die probably would just start out with a dynamesh here so the squarey brush I think that was brought up earlier make sure clay tubes there we go stroke lazy Mouse's on lazy step if you okay so if we go over here and we turn lazy Mouse off we're getting a slightly nicer stroke with our clay tubes let's do a B C B clay build up here that one might be a little bit better and you can kind of go through here and start just blocking out your hair here so you kind of want those intertwining helixes if you do a Google search for or at least you're going to find it for real a real a ZBrush fir there's a really good-looking grille ephra who posted this originally but if we view this image you can see if you want this kind of sculptural look here there's a cool little short demo video here it's a little bit a little bit older yes Fabricio torres and you can go through here and you just kind of just build up your fur just like this and then you can go through and you can like h polish it down and use your standard brush and Dameon standard brush to go through and detail it in this particular case another thing you could do is just sculpt out a few or a handful of these things and make them insert mesh brushes instead of trying to get these all to fit and kind of sculpting them side-by-side wicked you what you could do is just create a bunch of curls and just different you know ways to kind of frame the mesh here and do these kind of type of curls here and that'll save you a little bit of headache if you were just kind of going in there placing it and then what you can do is so we go to like brush insert I guess we could just do one real quick let's make some curls here let's go ahead and grab our cylinder here make polymesh3d and now we can just go ahead and dynamesh this turn object turn off projection off blur I'm going to make this a really low solution here will stand amesh this all those dynamesh settings are down here into geometry dynamesh by the way right in here so I turn off projector enough blur I crank my resolution way down and we just go in here with our clay tubes or a clay buildup and smooth brush here I'm going to change this to smooth stronger and just kind of smooth this thing down and then we'll use snake hook to kind of go through and kind of just curl this shape a little bit you can use the twist modifier if you want if you go into your deformation menu you can kind of use twist to kind of get you some interesting shapes as well you can do it in different axes so if we do it across the Y here you can kind of twist this around like so so if we start with our base shape here we can kind of start twisting this and these snake to kind of just pull this up and pull this back and then kind of use twist to kind of get some of that stuff going and then we can go in here again just dynamiting as we go and we can kind of start helix saying I guess you could use the base helix primitive as well if you wanted to but we're just kind of getting some basic shapes going in here you hold down alt and dig in and then clay brush build up to kind of build up these surfaces now as we go we can either increase our resolution of our dynamesh or just hit control D to add a subdivision history before I do that I'll dynamesh and then I'll hit control D if I'm not making any major changes here and then go in with our Damien standard brush or standard brush when you kind of start you know carving in like so and then we can hold down alt and kind of carve out and just kind of and I chord I'm going a little bit fast for the demo so you probably want to take a little bit more time and you can also use an insert mesh curved brush how we've done this before to where we said the hair stuff so we're kind of retreading familiar territory from earlier videos that we've done in this channel so I go in here with a CH polish and I want to make sure not to hit dynamesh unless I raise the resolution because I'll lose I'll go back to my original resolution if I do that so you can kind of go through here with H polish and holding down alt and getting these kind of cut in services like the and then if you wanted to go through and detail this up go ahead and do a quick smooth deformation or you can just use your smooth brush here and then we'll hit control D one more time and then we can either go in with our standard brush or Damien standard brush and we can just start adding in detail where it's appropriate and that looks a little bit harsh let's go into our standard brush here and we'll crank our intensity up just a bit and we'll make sure our lazy radius is up and that's under your stroke menu here you're lazy Mouse you can kind of go through here and kind of start pulling some of this stuff up or holding down alt to kind of dig in a little bit and now if we have this thing you could decimate it down if you wanted to but you can hit B create insert mesh brush new and of course you'd want to make a whole library of those things and put them all in one brush and if we go back to our concept sculpt here you could use this to kind of just insert as you go and you could rotate this thing around and you could flip it around and you could even do random you could cycle randomly through all that good stuff and if you want to you can also do we can kind of push this in here you can do W ctrl shift and pop off a copy and they use your move brush to kind of twist this around and kind of pull it up and move it around and change it then W control shift another one again use your move brush and kind of start twisting these things and then if you want to you can control drag control drag again that'll dynamesh everything together and then you've got a base in here to start working with so that you could go in here and just you know continue to use your Damien standard kind of feather these things in or your clay build up your clay tubes and kind of just continue those shapes in there if you want depending on how careful you were with your insert mesh brushes all that good stuff and yeah h polish and all that good stuff so it's another way so there's that and yeah just go in here and sculpt the hell out of those little sideburns there until I think all I did on this stuff was just kind of sculpting tiny kind of tell us a little bit sloppy it's not SuperDuper tight if we crank that up it's it's pretty basic but if you wanted to do a really nice sculpt you could certainly go the insert mesh brush route and really take your time and make that stuff really really tight and sharp um let's see sorry um okay so we got this thing here we do this thing I think this again was just a sculpt that I ended up dinah meshing out and this would just be a radial symmetry thing and actually pretty simple to do if you just wanted to do a bunch of stick-ons let's go to our cylinder just drag out a cylinder here make it a polymesh3d if we want to tighten up these edges you could go into your initialize when I was still a primitive and crank your divides but in this case I'm going to do is just go to your crease menu here by the way if you're new to ZBrush and this is all interesting but weird to you just go to the pixologic website and you can do those free trials like it's a 45 day trial you download it give it a shot piccolo the classroom has some really good videos on it too if you go to their YouTube channel or their website the pixologic website as well as if you go to my youtube channel there's a internet ZBrush part one just throw this here and that'll kind of walk you through kind of a linear progression of ZBrush or ZBrush core if you haven't checked that out yet it's kind of a simplified version of ZBrush so it doesn't have all these options but it's a lot cheaper and it's a little bit more straightforward as far as just kind of doing basic sculpting and basic techniques so there's a ZBrush introduced new brush core in there as well but anyway so if I want to decrease these I go to my crease menu and I can change my crease tolerance down to like a less than ninety hit crease that'll go ahead and crease those edges where that transition is really abrupt and now we can hit if we hit D that's going to give us our dynamic preview so I kind of make sure our creases are working correctly and then if I want to I can hit apply that'll apply those to actual study vision levels and then if I want to I can also turn off reject turnoff blur and then dynamesh this thing no I don't want to keep so division levels here and of course dynamesh is down here underneath the geometry menu now in order to make that cool-looking flower I'm going to make use transpose move to kind of move that non-uniformly and then I can go again back into our transform menu and if we activate X&Y symmetry for example it'll allow me to sculpt on the top and bottom of this thing let's turn on local symmetry and that'll make it local to this object here so they do top and bottom here and you know you can do XY and z if you'd like however what I'm looking for is I think Y symmetry with radial are turned on so now I can go through here if I crank that radial count up to 100 I can go in here with my trim and kind of trim this back and we kind of start making them a down in or any number of things here we can pill down you know use a clay brush and kind of dig in or use the standard brush and kind of pull out and kind of get some interesting looks letting go back in here with your trim dynamic or your h polish you can start getting some interesting stuff going on like this but if we're doing a more simplified shape I mean you can start with this kind of shape here if you want to you can raise the resolution to that dynamites just a bit there we go and you can use your Damien stander to cut in you can use your H polish to polish you can use your pinch brush all of that stuff is still available to your just sculpting your just sculpting and kind of like a potter's wheel radial symmetry here but then if you wanted to do a simplified shape you can drop this radial count down to eight now and then you can use your move brush or your snake hook you can kind of start pulling stuff in or bubbling stuff out or bubbling and wrapping stuff around and kind of getting some interesting shapes like that as well as you can use your clip brush and kind of go through here and start clipping stuff out around if I was using my move brush this is kind of you know kind of gives you a nice soft transition so I would use it for that type of thing or inflate is another good one you can go through here and start inflating around the edges however you can also go into your move brush here and I bring this up every time but it's useful so that's why I bring it up and then if you want to go to your sample now go to your curve here and turn on a Q curve and that'll pull into a point or pull out to a point as opposed to with a ki curve turned off it'll pull out to a rounded edge or pull into a rounded edge so in this case I can pull into a rounded to kind of sharp angle here on the insides and then I can turn off a Q curve and use just regular old move I want to kind of bubble these things out I can also go in here we can control drag as we go if it's still it's still a dynamesh here and then we'll go into our Damien standard brush and kind of just cut in if I want to cut this straight in what I'm going to do is hit W and I'm going to pull a transpose line the direction I want to go in hold on Rolland tap that white knob at the end and then go hit cue and now I can just hold down shift and just pull straight back out now it gives like nice pizza shape here like so and then if I want to you know go in here with our pinch brush and pinch these things down or use clay brush to sculpt it out or use our standard brush here and we can go through here and kind of just start divvying that up now I can also go through here and as long as I thank spring our transform back here we got Radio kind of 8 so it's changed out to like 24 and now we can still I think maintain our cut lines we can just kind of go in here and start detailing this stuff up a little bit quicker you know so let's change the intensity here and I guess it's getting a little bit weird because you as we go up here it's going to want to continue or stroke that way so maybe that's not going to work so well yeah we'll change that back to 8 and then just really quickly we can just go through here and we can like bump this stuff up like so I'm not making obviously anything in particular get get some reference out of some really good ornamentation you can just kind of match that they'll be far better than me just spitballing ornamentation ideas and then of course you can go in here with your clay brush and you can kind of just clay brush this out or if once you're done you can just do an insert mesh brush and put you can start layering in different objects together with this if you want that might be kind of cool so now when we're done with this we can probably want to decimate this down so again Z plug-in decimation master pre-process current and we will go to maybe 10k Polly's looks about the same and you know depending on where this is going to be seen it could be way out here or if you're going to be up here you probably want to decimate it a little higher this is fine so we'll go if we want to add this to our hair ornamentation we just click that one first and then click be create insert mesh append and skip that note so all that's telling you is that when you go to drag this out you go brush insert select your brush here and if you want to cycle between them just hit em is it Mike and then you can switch back and forth between this and this and then you're good to go so some more of those things here let's go back to that original there huh everybody's still good cool awesome okay so you can paint I'm just going back to the reply on the YouTube channel for my last video and we're going to talk about so you can paint enough I use the mask oh yeah we didn't extracted Lee you could do that let's do that real quick another option here is to go into our poly plane make polymesh3d geometry turn out some is modifier divide this thing up oh I hit the vitae many times hold on just a second I want to go too high here okay now if actually if I should be fine hit X and we'll do it go ahead and do X&Y area so now if you either mask this hold on dynamics turned off let's see all the sudden ZBrush is really chugging let me see if I can clear some of this out hold on to change your focal shift back to the zero here 60 1.25 million okay that would be why hold on just a second let me go drop back down to one here delete higher ctrl d delete higher okay for some reason when I brought in this poly plane I must have already been playing around I think I'd already subdivided that one let me go ahead and grab a fresh poly plane because I think I grabbed the poly plane and continued to subdivide it when I deleted lower here I need to clean some of this out but okay make polymesh3d control D control D control D control D okay now we're fine of course we want to turn off the smooth modifier sorry about that get messy and then of course activate symmetry X&Y now I can hold down control change our focal shift back to zero here and now we can continue to do this and we can also if we need a little bit of help go back in here and grab this one here and I guess for this one will turn our focal shift back to negeb so we can start with this and then we can go back to drag dots and then we can make any changes that we want for our alpha here now at this point you could use you could fill this with a poly paint and you could mask by intensity or you can just use your mask that you're using if you wanted to poly paint this off what you could do is invert this and then we'll just fill that with a red then unmask and then you can just go to your standard brush let's say use RGB and you just go in and paint out so if you sample this color here you can kind of paint out what you want and you can have your lazy Mouse either on or off we're going to turn that alpha off obviously and then yeah we can sample this color here we go ahead and paint in what we want and sample this color and paint out what we want and then once you have that you go to your masking menu and you can do that's my color mask my intensity hue/saturation all of these should still work we mask my intensity we'll do a fair job I believe and then go to sub tool here we'll turn off our poly paint we might need to do ctrl alt tap to go ahead and sharpen this mask up and that's also under your masking options here so we go down here to masking there's sharpen and blur if you hold that control and tap that will blur out of course you're going to do that just tap inside here that'll blur it out ctrl alt tap will sharpen it up that's pretty cool looking so once we have that we can hit ctrl W which is under poly group group mask clear mask which is here and now we've got this one here so we just polygroup this basically and then we can isolate this poly group here we can delete hidden which we might need to go up here to delete lower on your subdivisions delete hidden and if you wanted to zremesh this what I would do is polish these poly group borders one easy way to do that is go into your mask here mass by feature border control tap to invert that and then use your deformation like polish my feature or just a polish and then I go ahead and smooth out those borders a little bit and that will make your extractions well your extractions will do the Polish automatically if you just keep the default settings but if your doozerium match it would help it a little bit go and delete hidden there that'll work so let's again it'll do another mess by feature board or invert that and we'll polish my features that up so zremesh this if you want to you can also if anything that's just visible you can go through here you can you can extract a mask so if we go here to sub tool extract here if we were to just mask in something control turn off RGB for a mask on Ally that was on you can just mask something out and hit extract and that I'll go ahead and extract a mesh from that it's just a preview so until you hit accept it's not going to keep it if you go back to the videos that we go through a bunch of extraction techniques and hard surface techniques using extraction or you can just extract the whole thing and if this is looking good to you you can hit accept now you're gonna have your original mesh and your extracted mesh the original and we probably don't need so going to delete that so now I have our extracted mesh front polygroup side polygroup back poly group and now you can use this as an insert mesh brush or you can go through here and sculpt on this thing if you'd like isolate now of course you're probably want to turn on X symmetry X&Y again if you wanted to sculpt and symmetry here and just go through here hoops turn out ziad and just kind of start using inflate brush or clay brush or whatever and getting your ornamentation and all that good stuff going through here to make it a little bit more interesting um cool everybody still good um so Axl asked would you ever use fiber mesh to create fur alphas sure yeah yeah definitely I haven't actually done it yet I might be doing some creature stuff coming up that would require some fur techniques that I might have to look back into hair oh yeah you could definitely do that just in if it's an alpha for a card which you'd probably want to do is do su hair for on a plane and then capture that alpha depth you know we can just play you know alpha grab dock or mr gbz grabber I have this thing tilted so it's not going to grab perfect let's see aerial so there's our depth grab you can do that with fur as well as getting you know you could do a key chroma key off the background color if you wanted to yeah budget of a ways you could do that kind of stuff yeah so we'll do we can do some creature stuff cuz your stuffs a fun I need to get back a swing of the creature things I've been doing too many weapons lately been wiping it up let's go back here and see if we missed anything so yeah these are just created using those same techniques oh yeah so we're going to do if you wanted to do like this type of thing dynamically we could just really quickly go through here let's create you know what this one doesn't matter let's just create a poly mesh primitive doesn't matter make it polymesh3d because I'm going to go down here to initialize and make it a cue cube anyways and it's going to have a resolution of 2 on all sides so we've got the split down the middle so let's make a quick insert mesh brush that we can kind of drag out and do ornamentation with so I don't do this I'm gonna hit W and I hit X to go across X symmetry here if we pull this out now we have this a little bit length and I'm going to use my zmodeler brush bzm hover over this edge here we're going to do bevel edge you look complete and we'll just kind of make this three equal parts so when I'm doing an insert mesh brush it's going to have an anchor and end point and a middle point here so if I go to brush insert curve and then hit em there's a couple of different types in here so if I just drag this out there's going to be a hose so you can just dynamic you can go through here and just drag these hoses here and of course you can make your own custom one which is what we're going to do if you wanted to change this just hit em and you can change that to a different type of hose or stitches if you want or change this to like a bracelet link or these the stitches or planks or shoulder straps whatever you want to do makers are smaller here and that'll make it a little bit smaller here so you can see what that's doing now again if you wanted to see how they made that brush just have it selected in here and then go to geometry modify topology then do mesh from brush there we go and now you can see if we turn on poly frame we've got this top poly group here which is red this bottom poly group which is purple and those middle repeating poly group which is orange so when I drag that out this is our anchor point this is our start point let's do this anchor point start point and then a repeating middle right here which is this part right here so we'll go ahead and do that I do that and now we're back to here so let's go ahead and make again our custom brush here and so what we're going to do is mask this control tab to invert that mask I'm just going to pull these with transpose straight down here and then I'm also going to since we're working cemetery I can just mask this back corner invert that W and this pull this down so now we've got kind of a Ridge built-in let's go ahead and unmask there we go so if I hit D now it's going to kind of just melt you know the windows go to subdivide this later it's going to kind of melt so what you can do is you can either crease this thing so go again go back to your crease menu that we're talking about earlier change that crease tolerance turn that down and it'll go through and just crease those angles for you so now when I hit D it'll keep all those angles nice and creased if you don't want them as harsh you can go into dynamic and kind of play around with the crease smooth so division-level so he changes to four and then our crease level like down to two and then we can do a shift D to turn to dynamic off and then D again that'll go through there and kind of it's basically telling it you know crease everything - so there's level three and then on crease all and then continue to subdivide up to that smooth subdivision level so that'll just kind of tighten it up if we change crease level to three suit Musa beta for that type of thing or if you want to skip all that altogether you just put in control loops so in this one actually this one to probably work with if we go to dynamic and will change our smooth up to down to two you can also q grid so you can change turn our Q grid up and then our coverage so here you can kind of just dial in a little bit more hard surface II look like that or like I was saying skip this dynamic completely and just go in here and uncreate and you can just put in control loops here so what I'm going to do is go to insert single edge loop and we can just tighten these up and again what I'm doing is if I hit D that's going to give us our dynamic preview and if I put in edge loops here as I pull towards the middle just going to tighten those edges up so I can just manually go through and just kind of let I hit shift D to get rid of that so I'm just going to tighten these corners up just a bit here and then this bottom here I can go ahead and do this and if you also wanted to I could go to the back here and I can isolate that's just control shift drag this whole back piece here hit ctrl W I mean it already kind of did this but if you wanted to inset this back piece even more I can do ctrl shift s to shrink ctrl W to make that a polygroup and then I can use my zmodeler to do something like inset polygroup all-region and then I could just inset edge loops back here but we don't need to do that now this did mess up my polygroups here because I want three equal poly groups and now I've got like one two three four polygroups here so I'm just going to isolate this top one ctrl W isolate this bottom one ctrl W isolate this middle one ctrl W and ideally you want these all about the same size so now when we hit D we'll kind of get that look so now we can do is we hit brush B create insert mesh new and now I've got an insert mesh but we want to make it a curved brush so we're going to go to our stroke no.not stroke yes stroke I feel like I'm having a stroke now where's my brain at there we go curve functions and we're going to go to our turn on our curve mode and now when I drag this line out it's going to make this a dynamic curve and again if we wanted to we could hit you know BC brush curve tube or bi brush insert whereas our old let's see multi mesh parts brush insert we go our me curves and then we can hit em and we can turn this into like a bike chain or string of bullets here and then we can just use that as our inter multi much curve but we already have one here so anything that has curve mode enabled you can just go through and apply that curve to it now you're going to see these things aren't welded so we got to go over here to our brush menu we've got to go to auto man modifiers and we're going to turn on weld points and now if we touch to update the curve it'll weld our points together you can also turn try turning on stretch and our curve resolution to kind of smooth some of this stuff out but it's a little bit resolution dependent but of course we're going to be using dynamic subdivisions and smoothing this so it's not a huge deal any other curve options I want so you can do as line if you want to just kind of pull that out to a straight line first and then kind of go in and bend it so Bend is where all that stuff comes in if you want to make a duplicate of this if you turn off bend and snap we can hit five and that's going to save a where we add curve curve curve so here's snapshot which is five smooth is six that smooths your curve out but with snap shot saved you can just hit five and we turn off Bend and snaps so it's not bending or snapping you just duplicate out just keep hitting five if you hit six watch the curve here it's going to smooth that curve out then you can tap to update it and then we'll hit five and move this out and now you've got that kind of it just smooth that curve out you can kind of do that if you want to space those out exactly what you can do is let's say we like this shape we're going to tap off to get rid of that curve just tap anywhere on your object away from the curve there and then do or you can just go into curve functions and hit delete and then if we want to we can hold that ctrl shift and pull up or and that's just constrained so you can also just hold that control and just pull out in any direction that you want to and then once you've done that just hit one and that's going to go stroke replay last is one so we can just kind of replay your last one and kind of get some morning like that but basically what this allows you to do is it all the other is one more thing we want to do so we're going to go into will turn on intensity and size I forget which one it is and I'm going to go so right now with intensity and size on and we have as line on let's go to turn that off it's going from thin to thick so I want to change this from thick to thin and it doesn't have to go to a point you can go to like just kind of a nub and kind of do that it's probably a little bit better and also depending on let's go ahead and turn bend and snap back on so we turn bend and snap will actually snap we can probably loss snaps is going to snap the online service so now we can kind of move this around now I can coil these pretty tightly where that is controlled is down here under the brush modifiers I think no no no yeah it is max Bend angle so if I change this that 90 that's going to make it so I can really coil these really tight if you're doing a like railroad tracks or something you probably want to change this max Bend angle to zero and then I'll keep these things it'll only allow you to kind of bend it so far before it kind of magnetizes and pushes out away from you so we've got that going and now we can probably change that back to 45 there there we go now we can use this for ornamentation as well so if we want if you want to save this brush for later you can just go into your brush here go hold down alt and say select icon Inlet or you can just select your own that kind if you want but that will capture what's on your thing here you go to brush save as and you can just throw that into your zbrush 4r7 if you want to always show up every time you started ZBrush up go to Z start up brush presets and then you can assign a hotkey to it and it'll always be there time you start up but if you're only going to use it every once in a while you're going to go to your Z brushes and just throw that if we have an ornamentation or a decoration you can just make a new folder in here if you want we'll place it in deco here we'll call this test so then if we hit the comma key here and go to brush ABC deco there will be a there's our test brush you always have that available to you so go back let's grab our plane 3d here and let's make sure we do have here so we already had five subdivisions on them SOI was slowing down tremendously we don't need all those so let's go ahead and delete higher here so now if we wanted to use our new brush to turn that alpha off you can drag that brush out and then again you can just tap off if you want to or before you tap off you can go through here now the blue radius is what's controlling how much of this curve you you change so if you if your hovered over the curve and you hit s that'll make the blue size bigger if you go away from that and now your brush size and you hit eat a pass or you go up here to draw size or you hit spacebar and go to draw size that's going to increase the thickness of that um another thing is yeah so we're dragging this off we can continue to make this longer just by see that curve snap distance that little rubber band sticks out as long as that attaches you can do that you can also go through and update this shape I think if you just kind of drag through maybe not let me see sometimes I can get it to work sometimes not so much a thing maybe I'm dragging to to drag it through too far or maybe I need to go to the Terminator here there we go anyway you can go through here and modify this change your brush size change your modifier size if you want to do more or less your curve resolution might update that your size will update that and basically you're just going through here and doing ornamentation so if you're doing ornamentation stuff if you want to set that in deeper as well you can go to your depth and just drop that down to embed of like zero and then if you tap that that'll update that so now it's sitting right embedded perfectly right on there you can tap off and then start doing more ornamentation here tap off and then just do more again if you wanted to use this curve that you have and you already kind of like it just hit 5 that'll do a snap shot and then you can go through here and just kind of modify this one slightly from it hit 5 modify this one slightly foop so forget the change the brush side over here there we go modify it slightly or if you want to turn off Bend all together you can just go back in here turn off bend hit five and then you can just drag out copies like so and then when you're ready you cannot you can hold down so all these are separate groups here is you can hold that ctrl shift and then go ahead and split hidden or you know split the similar parts or whatever you want to do under your sub tool split menu and then when we isolate that here you can hit D and then I'll give you your dynamic preview and then you can see you're getting a much nicer result here and you can go back in with your move brush or whatever or go in here with your inflate brush you can dynamesh this down you'll get inflate these tops here and we can dynamesh them together if we want or if we don't want to we can just apply those dynamic subdivisions and then you can just go through here and start sculpting that alpha there and go through here and start sculpting this stuff and kind of cleaning it up or H polish any of that stuff you want to do to make make it as fancy as you want um oh let's see let's see easy way to do cutaway environments like this basically totally that's just doing a bunch of prop work and then for your bricks you would do just you know like we talked about last time I think it was last time was it this is it that I might know it was my channel we did a bunch of rock stuff you could tile I mean honestly it's just you would do the back walls and just kind of have them sitting there you could also do like a whole room and then invert the normals but that's kind of a pain so um yeah this would just be a ton of prop work and then just make two walls put them together make a floor make a little demon pig and then yeah that would be would be pretty fun and easy speaking of yeah so we did a bunch of rock that we can go some rock so fun on this channel if you'd like and we can do some of that so yeah we can do that what tablet do you use I'm using a Wacom Intuos Pro medium tablet here I prefer the tablet to the Cintiq just because it's a little bit more portable so when I go do demos or go to class and teach it's it's a little bit easier on me and some for some economic reasons but um yeah and then this price or not they're not expensive we're relatively speaking I mean they're not cheap but you can also buy them use they're pretty robust so maybe if you find a good used one that'd be good any tips for character creation up so many there's a ton here and yeah and I mean we have a character I kind of go off on tangents on this channel I need to go back to or our character that we're making here I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna give ZBrush a little rest and we're going to go ahead and just shutdown ZBrush real quick and we'll just fire it back up you can also do preferences initialize I think in that Allah let me see I'll kind of clear it out as well area initialize the brush that let's bring it back your initialized state but that can kind of clear it out but for the room it would basically just be like dry got any primitive here and again make polymesh3d go to initialize Q cube and then it would just be a matter of we can go ahead and we'll do use our zmodeler delete polygroup all or polygroup island and we'll delete that one that one and that one and then we'll go ahead and flip so there's our room here and then we can just do Q mesh all polygons and Q mesh that out and then we'll go ahead and flip display properties flip there and then we've got our back walls now of course if you wanted to do these as separate walls it'd be pretty easy all you would do is before extracting this go ahead and do a sub tool split group split and now each one of those polygroups is now an individual mesh here so then you could go through and do well first let's do a quick save and then we'll go to quick save and we'll load that last one up and now we can do a qmesh polygroup ball we can pull this back and then flip now because we just did that we can just apply we can just tap to apply that like so and then we can just do a quick flip and flip so there's our walls in there and then if we wanted to make these rocks they just point you guys to that oh I have a whole separate playlist so here's a bunch of stuff about rocks in this one we basically go through a bunch of different rock sculpting techniques and we use bunch of different techniques that you can do to kind of get that and brushes to kind of get that I'm trying to find it where to go oh there we go yeah to kind of get that rocky look and if you wanted to do like bricks underneath plaster we could do that a little bit so let's go ahead and do a trial projection off blur dynamesh resolutions a little bit low so we'll crank that up a bit and then we could do mega tile bricks in here somebody did so many different ways to do this stuff really quickly or you can use surface noise and get some bricks in there I'm going to do quick and dirty here so I'm going to turn up our lazy radius and then turn it off and we'll do actually maybe should use damn standard here so I'm going to go through here well I guess we can't turn lazy radius back on it I'm just tapping l to turn that on and off so we're going to do some bricks for this wall and again depending on the final result if it's just going to be seen from a distance or you're just doing concept D stuff you know you could always make a brick wall and use it later it's kind of up to you we can just kind of go through here and I'm just dialing in some bricks here super quick and dirty obviously and you can use nano tile that we've used before the Nano tile plug and the Joseph dress made it's really good that's also on my youtube channel there I just linked if you go to the playlist there's a nano tile playlist I did and we made some birdseed so I've got some brick here oops I guess we need to do the other offsets here and if you wanted to in this case here you could also go in here to your morphs Target or Target store morph target and then you can just go all the way through here and here and then I guess the rest of this way here and then you go to BM o to get your morphe brush here will turn on z ed up to 100 and then you can morph out what you don't like so that's another option you can do so here we're going to skip and then we're going to skip then we're going to skip and then we're going to skip look about right okay so we've got our brick sitting there and then we can take let me see let's show everything else and actually before I did this I probably wanted to duplicate that off so I'm going to do is duplicate that off and I'm going to take so here's my brick sitting there I'm going to take this one and drag this all the way back to where we first just dynamesh this thing so now if I go out of solo mode you're going to see we have bricks sitting right underneath this I'm going to take this brick sub tool here and I'm going to and deflate this like negative - maybe or is that a bit much going to transparency my dad's about right and then we can just go through here on this one and we can use this like we can use clay tubes claybuildup we can kind of just go back to the brick there you can also use your layer brush BL layer brush and let's go ahead if we don't have a morph target stored we can just kind of slowly chew if going to sell them out here you can hold down alt and that'll just kind of build up in layers and just kind of chew back through there you can also if you store a morph target with a layer brush it'll just maintain that one single distance there so in this case we're not going to store we're going to delete our morph target we're going to change our is the intensity down a bit and now we can just kind of start digging through here if you can also change this to a square alpha if you want although a layer brush that might not be the best we'll change it back to a circle I'm going to start digging back through and kind of flaking through to the underlying stuff here also if I go to my brush here we have some cool brushes that let me make sure if I have this set up here at say Twitter make sure I'm not giving you guys misinformation so I got some rock brushes here let's go to the detailing miscellaneous polish brushes here and where I got these ones these are just a collection of rock brushes I got from Pablo Gomez here I can send you guys to his let me see let me see where's it at where's it at there we go so I got these rock brushes these are really cool brushes too it's Sun from ZBrush guides there's a bunch of free guides and stuff on here and then those those brushes that I have here on there if you want to check those out and you can do like we double click not the pngs but the actual brushes here you can kind of go through and just kind of start stamping in detail leave the comma key here I haven't gone through a lot of these just yet I don't do a ton of rock sculpting at any given time but there's some really cool brushes in there if you want to check them out to kind of go through there and kind of just give you some kind of rockin looks and stuff like that I'm you can also use just a regular brushes like if we go to our brushes here and we use like our it's like mallet fast is always a good one to kind of go through here and hold down alt and let go of all you kind of start chewing this stuff up and then dynamesh as you go as well as my other favorite brush trim yours trim trim Smith border with a square alpha you can hold down alt and this that'll really kind of go through here and start chewing up some of this stuff and you get there's tons of crack brushes you can do I tend to just do like a standard brush with a high intensity with no lazy Mouse on and then you can just again if you have a tablet you can hold down alt and then let's go ahead and I know it's just slightly higher resolution there go through here and kind of start just making cracks and you're going to go and thick to kind of thin and kind of spider webbing that out if you to make your own custom one we did this on my channel too it's kind of a fun one just real quick playing 3d make polymesh3d we need some subdivision geometry center now smooth divide this up and then we're going to make our own custom alpha here so we can kind of just do standard brush to kind of dig in and then you know we can kind of feather this out and kind of get a like a todd mcfarlane bullet hole going in here maybe like a comic book kind of bullet holes we're just kind of going to go go through and like something hit this thing and had an impact left an impact crater behind to kind of go through here and do this and kind of again just feather these things out and criss cross them over and then what you can do is you can grab this alpha so again we'll just use our mr gbz grabber it's easy enough so go out of edit mode is to drop it to the canvas mr gbz and then yeah use your spacebar to kind of move this around hold down shift to constrain it to a square capture that alpha we don't need the texture here and then we'll go back to our room here and then again standard brush clone so we're just working we don't change our standard brush settings and we change out the drag rect grab our alpha now by default you're going to see number one it kind of fades at the edges or change our focal shift down to negative 100 and number two it also has a really distinct edge around it so we're going to go to our alpha modify and our mid value here if we had gone up and down in our alpha we'd probably have to dial this number in a little bit and you just basically you know change this number until it goes from out to in in this case since I just went down I can just change the mid value to the zero and now we have you know a little alpha or instead of drag rect if you want all the same size like they were bullet holes instead of trying to go like okay bullet bullet oops I made that one too big just change this to a drag dot and I'll make it your brush size so then you can really quickly go through here and just pull that up of course you're going to want enough resolution to maintain your detail so you can hit control D or so divide it a higher resolution and now you can kind of go through here and do that kind of stuff cool cool yep it's another good one and we're good we're good okay so exactly little bullet brush here and you know okay so that's another thing you can do so if you wanted to drag out a string of bullets what you could do is change this to a dot stroke and then go over here to a couple different options you can go to your lazy Mouse turn that on your lazy step if I change this to one that's going to kind of go through and kind of start putting bullets along a line here you could also possibly we can try doing up maybe turning a roll on under modifiers and now I kind of roll through the alphas this is something I would use more for stitches being kind of just kind of all that good stuff you want them closer together at just a simple matter of changing your lazy step to like 0.75 or if you want to space them out more obviously make that make that a little bit different they're cool everybody good let me close some of this stuff down here okay okay okay and let me look back through here okay so we talked about alphas and extracting we split the ornamentation on to its own sub tool we did that matchmaker brush projection brush we kind of fit that out redder already you can't okay that's another good point so also I've and I kind of did this for one of my channels too so if you go to I can just link you guys there really quick so I did a and it's kind of buried in here is the only reason I'm bothering to go and find it centers telling you where it is because honestly I'm not exactly sure where it is it's under gloomy questions that's right I did a decorative wail using this technique so I'll link you guys that there we go so here's a decorative wail so now this whole thing is basically if we load in okay we'll just hit the comma key here and we'll go to brush I'm sorry tool and we'll just grab default head here actually you know let's grab the dog got the dog here and then if we subdivide this up and it's get it controlled D a couple times and then hold down control go to drag rect and we'll drag in let's go ahead and go back to our alphas here stencils and we can just grab a point on one of these stencils here and then hold down ctrl and drag that out oops put the stencil on there not on my standard brush there we go it's like we need a little bit more resolution there we go again hold vocal shift at negative 100 so it's nice and clean and now you can go ahead and extract on X yeah let's turn on X symmetry here that's going to drag all the way through now you can hold down control go to brush and then turn on auto masking and turn on back face and that way it'll ensure it doesn't do any it doesn't go through your back face here so now that we have this on there you can hit control W and then I'll go ahead and pop that off if you wanted to I mean I guess it's on polygroup you can also just either mask that so we can mask that bring everything back and you can do your sub tool extract through masking and that'll extract those shapes off you can also do it through visibility so if I isolate that and then extract that'll do it through visibility and then if you hit accept that will go ahead and throw out your own sub tool here and then you can clean that up any number of ways for example we can do polish by features and that will just kind of keep those edges nice and crispy so now I've got that shape kind of extracted off the dog if you wanted we can bring the dog back here and the dog still has the polygroup and the masking here so we'd want to unmask and then you still have your poly group available to you if you wanted to inset this into the dog there's a couple different ways to do that you can do it through dynamesh and just do a dynamo subtraction you can also go through here and we can do a delete lower and we can do we can isolate this thing I'm going to just do a quick we'll go ahead and mask the border on this one as well little masking border invert that man going to do a Polish by features is to kind of clean up those edges there so now we can isolate this mask control click the mask bring everything back control tap to invert that mask or you can hit W control tap a poly group and then I'll go ahead and do that and then you can do ctrl shift drag in and then I'll bring in that will drag in edge loops so that's just a little bit of transpose modeling and then you can kind of just stamp that through the dog if you want that kind of thing so yes yes yes all that stuff you can also bring it in with noise as a surface noise here so if we go to actually let's bring our alpha back here and I guess we could tie all that through there we don't really I don't know if we have UV zone there let's do this really quick export this to our desktop here and then if we have this one we go to surface noise we can grab our own custom alpha here and then we can go to alpha scale and we have a noise scale we have noise turned on that kind of rocky noise or mixing that in so we're going to go ahead and turn that off and then let's go ahead and crank that down maybe it's taking the strength yeah this one might not work so well because we're again we're doing 3d projection so you can kind of see the alpha kind of coming into the object here you can also use the noise plug-in so you get a noise plug-in even tile snakeskin and cheetah's spots and checkerboard and camouflage all that good stuff there if you want to or bricks bricks is in there as well it's kind of up to you and you can just apply that a surface noise it looks like I turn off the noise below there we go if we like this we can hit okay and again this is just applied via it's not on our mesh if we turn noise off it's kind of adjusted that's displacement preview so you can always go back in here and edit this and change the strength up or down like so and hit OK if you is if it's in a place you don't want it too big and just hold down control and mask it out and that way I won't apply it to your surface but again it's just a displacement if you do want to apply to your service you have to hit apply to mesh and then I go ahead and apply this to your mesh here and then before you do that actually it might be useful to go into your layers here make a new layer make a morph target and then hit apply to mesh so that way what you can do is you can take your layer here and you can kind of dial in if you want it to like really over crank it or really kind of maybe do the opposite under crank it as well as you got to dial that in and then once you're happy with that unit bake all and then you can also go through here with your morphe brush and you can do again B M o you can either morph this out or you could do switch and then that just switches your morph target with the deformed mesh and they can just morph brush in where you want it to go it kind of is more facin that's another kind of way to do directly on your object that kind of stuff yeah yeah it did today yeah so I don't know that's a couple different techniques and if you wanted to also well know we talked about that where you can you know do your custom brush and do the ornamentation on a flat plane and then you could either capture that as an alpha you can bring that in rejection master and you know tile that however you want you can make it into an insert mesh brush and then wrap it with all those techniques we've already talked about so how we do not talk about 20 minutes left any other questions it's not really enough time to get into anything too too deep but I think we covered ornamentation pretty well we can also go back let me see you know this preference is initialize speaking of the character stuff let's go ahead and go back to our streaming ZBrush female I think is one organ on so we have this text suit here we're working on periodically so if I go out of solo mode here drag her out hit F and turn all this stuff back on you can kind of see where we're at with this character here so we're kind of getting or concept it in and we're just basically going through and rebuilding all over TechSoup stuff so I hit D here that I give us a dynamic preview so we've got all of this stuff kind of rebuilt and going we're kind of detailing this glove out so if I go here turn this off and now this is our original concept sculpt which I'm pretty sure we don't need anymore but we'll keep it around I guess just in case and then we can start turning some of this stuff on here area yeah this is the glove we're working on right now it's kind of going through and we rebuilt this and detailed it out and now we're kind of just building this stuff up and around and let's see autumn mass by polygroups RGB ziad and oh yeah I have a mask on there I always forget so whenever you're doing something and it seems like it's not working just turn on view mask and I actually mask this out so I could go through here with inflate and there we go so I can inflate some kind of piping along the edges here you can also just do a frame mesh here so if we want to we can control shift click this and we'll go into our stroke menu and we will say actually is it going to let us because we have do a subdivision history I'm going to temporarily delete lower and now I'm going to do curve functions I'm going to frame this border and now I can go to BC brush curved tube now you just click right along there we can make the brush size bigger or smaller that's actually pretty good and I'm going to just tap off away from our mesh here and then we'll just do a quick split mass points I'm going to alt tap this one and hit reconstruct to get our subdivisions levels back and then we can all tap this one and now we can do like an inflate or deflate we'll do like negative one kind of thin that out maybe a little bit or you can just manually go through and all that shift and just kind of thin that out as well just by averaging the vertices there if you want a little bit more control I suppose and that will just kind of give you your piping along that border edge there like so and you'll feel free to sculpt that in you add little wrinkles to that if you'd like all that good stuff to kind of get get your details going and then go through here with your Damien standard and again we have set a vision history so we're able to go back up and down through our subdivisions here and on this one let's use our standard brush here crank up our Z intensity hit L bring that down and now let's turn off premises edit line curves at the surface there we go and kind of just start dialing in our details like so and making this whatever kind of material that we want and building the stuff up as we go and you know if I am doing fine detail cloth work I'm probably a weight tell them at a higher subdivision level before I start doing stuff like seams any kind of seams I want to cut in because if I do it now and then hit control D I have to go back in and kind of clean this up and then maybe going with my pinch brush and then maybe going with my standard brush and kind of do that kind of stuff it's kind of a pain and also if I want to do like micro wrinkles along the side here I can make our own custom alpha and just kind of roll that along the surface which we've talked about before and kind of do that and let's go ahead and fix this a little bit just use our move brush there and just kind of pull that down in there there we go that'll work and if we wanted to put that piping in set a little bit it would just be a matter of doing that visibility shrink control shift s and control shift X to expand and that will and then you could frame that border so if you want to do is one of the things we did on if you go to the pixologic classroom I did a video on panel loops and that's basically a way to kind of inset rivets because you don't want rivets right on the panel border you kind of want them inset a little bit so you just you know take this one here and then do to control shift s to shrink and just back that off and then frame that border and then it'll be inset there and kind of do that go away Thunder bunny thanks for showing up and yeah we're just kind of winding down here we've got about 15 more minutes left and we're just kind of going through and we're back to our glove so we've kind of gone from ornamentation to a little bit of character stuff here and anything else we want to do here we kind of went through and did some of this stuff here which I'm probably gonna end up deleting that I don't know about that but I we kind of put these buttons in here last time with zmodeler brush and let's go ahead and just pop in some of these wrinkles here and I do have some reference I was looking at some glove reference so I'm going to go back I'm going to launch up Quadro if you want to use this it's just a reference viewer that um so you run as administrator' here and then I should be able to just load up yeah I can go in here and like I always have preset saved so I can open recent so here's some preset reference that I have and then that just pops it up on my other screen here there's hotkeys for that and then I got all this stuff up on my other screen I can kind of just dial through and just kind of look at that stuff that I have are already set up there like so and yeah just kind of looking at that so this stuff has kind of piping on there if we want to flatten this piping out we can go in there with a trim brush our trim dynamic I should say you just go right along here you could also put a curve strap in there if you wanted to it's kind of up to you sometimes I can get a little bit twisted here but I'm going to kind of go through here and kind of flatten this out just a bit right along that surface here and again if we did want to kind of crimp these edges here and they can also go into solo mode just kind of get the other stuff out of the way if it's getting in your way along these tight spots here and then I guess we'll do a custom Alfa real quick and we'll go through and kind of maybe pucker along the seam border here that might be kind of a fun thing to do and somebody done a bunch of times too so it won't be anything new for you guys if you've gone through the channel before but it's still useful so we'll go in here and use our move brush here so now let's go ahead and really quickly just make a quick pucker brush here and I probably should have one saved by now so make polymesh3d double u-turn on polyframe we can just shrink that down just a bit and then I can go into my zremesher so geometry zremesher and then we'll just do like half adapt to size down to zero I'll just keep hitting that and then I'll get us nice even quads here and then we can hit control D to another smooth modifier so divide that up a bit and then I get our standard brush here with our lazy radius on we can just kind of just go through actually drop that down like so those little four maybe even three there we go let's kind of do like a crimped pucker brush here like a smooth stronger oops there we go and then if you want to subdivide up as you go to kind of just dial in some more details here you can you can use H polish and all that good stuff as well and now when they got this ready edit drop it to our canvas and then we'll go to our em RGB z grabber and we'll just grab that height information here you're using spacebar to kind of just pull that around so our texture we don't need our alpha we do need so now we can hit ctrl N and then go back to our glove here now this one's going to require a bit of details I'm going to hit ctrl D one more time just again you just increase our subdivisions here and then we'll go to our standard brush and we'll clone it off so we don't mess up our standard brush settings dot stroke is fine if we put in the alpha now it's just going to drag that alpha through so we're going to need to go to stroke and turn on a roll and now it will kind of drag do that puckering here that will decrease or the intensity there and now we can just kind of go through and you know what also let's see if the intense it's still a bit much and also it looks like if we go to stroke lazy step of one maybe there we go let me just kind of dial that in along the sides to get something like crimping on the sides you can also do it to the actual piping if you wanted to kind of wrinkle that up as you kind of went across there so kind of dial that in actually let's go back to our lazy step put that down just a bit and we'll decrease or is the intensity here like that so you can kind of just roll through some kind of wrinkle detail here but I mean I guess we're not really ready for that level of detail just yet on these particular gloves although I know I get we're getting close I don't know how fancy you guys want to go with your gloves here at this point probably is going here with a means standard and again just kind of start putting some of this stuff in here and wherever you know things oops let's go ahead and not turn hold on all other daming standard there we go you can kind of dig in and then use our standard brush our clay brush to kind of pull out you can kind of just put in seams and wrinkles and all that stuff where you might see the fabric kind of compressing through here especially through the piping area here and if you don't like the piping you get rid of it you can just be a you know you can always just turn off the visibility there and kind of get rid of it and see if you want just a cleaner look because the piping does make it look a little bit clunky I think I mean it's kind of an interesting detail but maybe doesn't quite work in that particular formation so I'll go ahead delete that and it's just a little bit cleaner there and then again as we're subdividing this thing up we can go through here and just kind of indicate that you know cloth is bunching up around these things here and if you need to you can always go into transparent with ghosts on and that will allow you to scope through the object as opposed to if you have ghost off it'll kind of hit the object there or transparent off completely you can kind of see it's affecting our mesh just a bit so go back to so there's a little four here and kind of just start building this up a bit and you can also just mask it inflate too so we go into transparency mode whole deck control you can kind of go through here and mask underneath this term in ghosts as well get a little bit easier in ourselves like this and then ctrl alt and then you can tap to invert that now in this particular case here if we hold down ctrl shift and isolate this do control shift a you're going to see this is a pretty thin double-sided mesh so if you want to make sure that you're not sculpting through your object and really just kind of pulling through make sure you go to your brush auto masking here and turn on back face and now when you're doing and it's not Global's you have to do it for all your brushes but now when you're brushing through it'll leave this alone same thing if you hold down ctrl turn on back face and now when you're masking this out it's not going to go through and then you can invert that mask go out of solo mode here and now you can just kind of use our inflate that's going to be in your deformation menu and you just kind of inflate that up a bit if you want to soften that transition again just ctrl tap that'll kind of blur that out and you can also inflate decimal point points so like 0.25 you can go through and inflate or like I was doing earlier just use your standard brush there we go it's smooth and let's change that intensity down just a bit and I'll turn that back on that's our concept sculpt here oh yeah control shift tap to bring everything back so again these are all just panel loops here control shift a so we've got those different pieces kind of set up and our concept sculpt I don't think we really need I kind of just keep this in there for reference until I really don't need it anymore if you want to kind of look at what you're doing just do a shift s that'll save a polygroup or I'm sorry it'll save a snapshot you can kind of go through here and kind of look at that and then we'll turn that off and now we've got our glove we're working on here so you kind of have our reference sitting up there of our original mesh we don't need that area so we've got this here again I'm not sold on this necessarily but I guess we'll leave it in there for now and we got that kind of embedded going here with our move brush pull that in just a bit and alt tap to select those sub tools move those in and just go through here and just use our standard brush unmasked area yeah drop that the intensity down turn our lazy Rays back on and if we want to do more fanciful things so this one is just zmodeler with dynamic so they just turned on so there's no actual subdivision so I can use this one to go BTO or topology brush and then for like the finger nubs we can go through here and you know if if you're in a space tech suit you want to use your smartphone in space you're going to need to have it know that you've got a little rubber finger there so we go ahead and put those in there we can go ahead and just go through here here and then we'll just cross over here to here and then we're just going to drag through and get some really quick topology going here you can kind of just dial in that little thing here now if we tap it's going to give us a geometry thickness based on our brush thickness so if you make our brush size really big and then tap away make it really thick if we make it really if you turn it down to one it should just be a flat plane so I'm going to keep it at like two and then we'll do a split mass points and now we see if we do shift D there's our actual Geo D gives us our dynamic preview and we can just go through here we could sculpt it or just kind of move this thing around now we've got like a little finger pad here if we wanted to we could also say we want to like do a do a pattern on here so we can go through here and again like split a point and go through here and split this one one's going to be kind of a pain isn't it here I probably should have put in another one here now once you hit split you can just go in here and just dial in that split difference so if we go back to the back here we can go split split and then you can just use qmesh polygroup ball pull those back and this one might behaving a little bit weird because it's catching some weird stuffs I'm going to do polygroup island and we'll just push these back one at a time this one's have a little bit of problems let's go there we go so now we can hit D and now it's got holes through it of course if I wanted to save those what I could do first is do qmesh polygroup island pull these out and hold down ctrl and then pull out copies of these so now that these are separate meshes here I can do ctrl shift select lasso ctrl shift a go ahead and split those and now I can go back here to this mesh and now we can just do polygroup island polygroup island hit D and now I've got these things which will fit directly in there and now I can just kind of move those back in here and those can kind of be our like little rubber nubs I'm working at a very small scale so you might see zmodeler do some interesting things as far as it might get a little warbly around the edges here we can also just go through here and these might be a little bit low resin see if it'll work that we can bevel edge look complete now so let's instead of beveling what I'm going to do is do inset polygroup all-region will kind of pull these in and now we can do a qmesh polygroup all and then just hold down shift now to kind of pull along so yeah it's kind of warbling I'm working at a really low resolution so that's having a hard time a really small size scale I should say so but you know when you go back here it's not a big deal just little rubber pods there so now you can kind of go through here and move this stuff around as needed I'll tap this one move this one around as needed and you know what let's take a look at this shift D looks like I accidentally inserted a line here so we go to insert single edge of the pulldown alt now I'll get rid of that just kind of give me a weird pinching on the side there something like that you could do or if you wanted to you could just dynamesh this thing down and do all that stuff um we do it on time alright we're about done I've got to go hit the gym before I go to work I've been skipping the last couple days so I've been getting a little low energy so I will see you guys next well actually that's a good point let's look at the calendar here so today's the 23rd I am going to miss next Tuesday on the pics larger channel and next week on my channel as well so I'm going to be out next week but then starting up in June be right back to where we started thanks everybody for showing up and next week or the week after I should say I'll probably just continue to go through here get this things cleaned up and yes this will be recorded on the pixologic channel let me go to the link you built before I leave YouTube stream copy copy copy copy and I just go there problem thanks for showing up everybody there's the pixologic stream their link and then if you want to go to my youtube channel there's a bunch of stuff in there we have my stream backed up as well as a bunch of other stuff so there's my stuff so you guys have a good day I'll see you next time and I'm going to go and sign out
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 23,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pixologic, zbrush, zbrushlive, zbrush live, sculpting, modeling, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, digital, 3d, character creation, michael pavlovich, workshop
Id: InYVsX4jVQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 24sec (7224 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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