Paul Falls In Love In San Francisco | Paul Hollywood's City Bakes | Tonic

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i'm visiting the baking capitals of the world uncovering the tastes traditions and the recipes are the world's best baking cities i love coming into bakeries from the historic streets of palermo to the multicultural city of san francisco welcome to city based [Music] this time on city bakes i'm exploring the cultural capital of california and its most vibrant city not my color really i meet a patisserie pioneer who's pushing boundaries this is one of my favorites violet really and discover a brand new bake that's a social media sensation i'm preparing in for a pound i get hands hands-on with some baking traditions what are you doing uh next week working here i meet a baking hero i love you chad i think we should get married and it is city fame for its bread look at the structure on that fella i'll be doing some baking of my own and cooking up a savory bread and butter pudding that's delicious welcome to city bakes san francisco san francisco has a lot to shout about it's the founding city of the hippie culture the birthplace of the gay rights movement and if the hills are ready to go by it's considered the second hilliest city in the world after la paz bolivia well the hills there you have it look at that for a view that is spectacular but there's one other view which i think will scream san francisco look at that down there that is alcatraz how cool is that but even more iconic than the notorious former prison is the city's public transport there's 40 cable cars that run all over the city and this is one of them you can feel the vibration of the cables underneath it's these things run on it if i go deep enough it'll cut it off i'm sure [Music] the cable car network is just over 140 years old and the city isn't that much older it was put on the map in 1849 when almost overnight it became the main frontier town for the great californian gold rush most of the fortune hunters arrived down the bay so that's where i'm headed to [Music] now i'm here at fisherman's wharf and this area here is all street food now the typical street food you get in san francisco is obviously the clam chowder which is actually inside a sourdough this one looks like the oldest one this is the one i'm going to check out trab brilliant [Music] right i think while i'm here i've got to try a chowder it tastes good it actually tastes a bit like chicken soup that's a hell of a hearty meal isn't it and it's that doughy bowl that makes the city a bucket list destination for me for a bread man it's legendary san francisco was known and is known today as the sourdough capital of the world so i'm on a saudo mission to find the best san fran has to offer and we're better to start than the city's oldest and original bakery boudin's which opened in 1849 during the gold rush boom the french brought their sourdough technology with them brought their baking skills and started making it in san francisco but you've got to have a look at this [Music] this place feels very much like a like a fairground really it's bizarre you got teddy bear sourdough baby turtles all this shaped bread it's fair to say that this isn't what i was expecting for one of the most ancient breads in the world sourdough is basically a bread risen not with the yeast that you buy in the shop the little packet it's risen with just water and flour blended together and left for ferment for normally about two weeks and you feed it with more flour and it forms yeast it makes yeast which is wild juice which comes from the air and it gives a very very different flavor to it it tastes a bit like initially vinegar so you get that sharpness then you get that depth of flavor with it as well for me sourdough should be made by hand whereas this place feels a little bit too manufactured when you look at that bread it's all uniform it's all perfectly it's almost taking the baker's hands away this is sourdough on an industrial scale but i can't come to the city's longest standing sourdough bakery without trying any now interesting loaf not much of a smell i expected more of a smell to be honest it's a nice bread although not particularly sour looks like cotton wool doesn't look as open as i expected it to be what i look for is a good chew a good crisp and a sow that lingers in the mouth but not too overwhelming but then again not so it dissipates straight away it's fine in that middle ground i'm a bit disappointed in that one buudins might be the oldest bakery but this just isn't the iconic artisan san francis loaf i had in mind not to worry i've got a bag load more to try from bakeries from around the city first off pam bakery look at the structure on that fella now that's what i expected to see big irregular air holes that would make fantastic toast in the morning i like that one next is josie baker bread again it loses the flavor almost immediately which is interesting sourdough tends to hang around so it's not particularly strong that's not a winner next up acme bakery funny name quite a tight structure not particularly open could do better last one tartines now i have heard of this bakery but it's definitely got a crust look at the structure of that wow [Music] that is a great sourdough it's big it's bold i love the color i love the caramelization i love the chew i like the sour that stays all the way through the texture is amazing that's the bakery i want to go and check out but before i leave the waterfronts there are some lively residents i'd like to drop in on hello hello paul welcome to pier 39. hello well let me show you around in our uh our frat party here on the dock these californian sea lions first started hanging out here after the 1989 earthquake thanks to an abundance of local fishy food and pier 39 guide sheila chandor has been their biggest fan ever since so are they fairly tame they're not tame at all they're actually genuinely wild animals and yet some people will like throw a ball over and think they're gonna balance it out no we've had everything we've had people throw dog food over i know they look like labradors but that's taking the mickey a bit isn't it but do you know they're more intelligent than dogs a lot of people don't know that anything's more intelligent than my dog i'll tell you i've got a chocolate labrador that looks not too dissimilar to that one on the right-hand side what's his name rufus rufus he didn't mean that no he did right enough for the local wildlife i'm off to sample more of tartine sourdough and more importantly meet the baker behind the amazing bread i tried earlier chad robertson who i must confess is somewhat of a legend in the baking world chad's the sourdough king recognised throughout the u.s as one of the best bakers in the country but also he's recognised globally as well what he doesn't know about sourdough really isn't worth knowing and for me this is gonna be a pleasure tartines has actually been a mecca for san francisco sourdough fans since 2002 but just last year chad opened a second store the manufacturing chad good morning pleasure to meet you hey pleasure to meet you welcome to uh team manufacturing oh wait my leader yeah all 5 000 square feet of this place has been designed to put the bakery at the heart of the action straight away you can win you can smell it can't you you can smell the sour yes we're trying to take the bakers out of the basement they normally have no natural light they're like bats because they work all the hours in the morning yeah yeah and then when the day time comes they sleep oh pale and pastry exactly these boys bake 600 loaves a day and despite all the high-tech bespoke kit that chad has had designed himself it's still very much an artisan operation [Music] come on in this is our dough room that's not an american accent some english you're english where are you from london how long have you been here i've been at tartan for six years yeah and you said you're a baker before i was a chef i kind of like sidetracked into baking because i um tasted chad's bread and then after that i was kind of bugging chad every day to till he would give me a job like i wouldn't leave him alone i needed to work here yeah work for chad that's the kind of passion chad sourdough inspires in people and it all begins with his own unique natural yeast culture what us bakers call the starter the sourdoughs i was taught to use were more traditional like eight to 12 hours old and what we've kind of done over the years it's gotten younger and younger so this we use this about two hours after we feed it chad's dough is also much wetter than most which gives it that amazing air bubble structure but it needs some proper tlc it's not needed but folded instead so you're not knocking any air out of that you're literally just folding it in together and pleating it together it's a nice technique i've never seen it quite like that before and the idea is to put tension into it but yeah be very gentle yeah yeah but you can't rush bread like this each loaf is tucked into its own little basket a balaton and left to rise for a whopping 24 hours in the rolls-royce of proving ovens i love the whole idea and the ethos that you brought to this business now the way i say it is using technology to empower artisanal methods [Music] chad started baking back in the 90s when sourdough wasn't the fashionable loaf it is today when i first apprenticed for uh learning bread i mean i walked into this bakery on the on the east coast in massachusetts and i smelled like sourdough and i i had never smelled that just hit me and by the end of the day i decided you know this is what i need to learn how to do this not content just a school with the best sourdough baker in the u.s at the time chad hotfooted to france to learn from his mentor's mentor and brought back the artisan knowledge to the states transforming the entire sourdough scene what's this one though looks like it's burned but this is actually a um a malted marble ride we mix two doughs one is like the country dough and then the other one has like chocolate malt powder malt syrup some ground caraway that looks amazing i love that you have that sweetness in there as well but it's more of a malt than it is a sweetness yeah and i love the fact that you're not scared to put color on i agree i think it's it's it's essential i mean look at that yeah i like that what a great loaf but it's not just bread chad makes with a sourdough many pastries are also made with it this is a little brioche buns this one's a savory one so we basically make a little hole in the middle yeah and then insulate it with a piece of bacon crack an egg inside and then you bake it and it's got your perfectly sort of soft baked egg i have to get a bit of that yolk yeah that's that's a real baker's breakfast but i've got to show these guys who's not moved by that [Music] everyone wants to see uh savory savory for breakfast yeah i love you chad i think we should get married that is delicious i'm not kidding either chad is my new baking hero i think what he is is a scientist a little bit geeky i think his passion for bed is obvious and i think he's a genius coming up hi how many cruffins are we doing today i discover the latest baking sensation so the people outside are all waiting for this yes they are and i do a twist on a classic comfort dish a savory bread and butter pudding that's delicious that with a glass of wine absolutely perfect i'm in san francisco for my very first time that is pretty cool it's 8am and i'm heading to a bakery that has people queuing around the block for just one of its bakes you've heard of the crow nut say hello to the croffin i'm intrigued but is it a great bake or just a gimmick good morning hi bridget the manager here at mr homes bakehouse is letting me in on the secret is it part croissant part muffin yeah it is so it's croissant dough that's baked in a muffin tin so it has the shape of a muffin so it doesn't taste like a muffin no it's just a croissant yeah [Music] bridget is keeping the recipe under wraps but apparently the dough takes three days to make it's shaped into muffin tins for its final proof gets baked cooled covered in sugar and filled with creme pat [Music] so every day they have a different filling today is matcha it's our most popular flavor matcha tea yeah you've got the flavor of the matcha tea going through it wow okay it's fascinating it's clever it's flaky it's buttery and it does actually taste quite nice although the bakery opens at seven a.m for general pastry sales the cruffins don't come out until nine and the sales are restricted to two per person that's a great ploy all for a coffin i wouldn't cure for anything time for me to get my hands on and help put this lot out of their misery okay guys start coming in hello how many crypts are we doing today two thank you very much hi how many craft friends are we doing today but what's obvious is these guys aren't just here to eat cruffins are you taking a picture with a crocodile yes why yeah because why why do you want a picture of that i don't know i guess because everyone else has a picture of it that's what it is isn't it that's what it is because everyone else has got one this i can't knock it though especially as we're in the motherland of computer tech and social media instagram google facebook and apple are all san fran bay innovations so it seems right that the city has a baking internet hit all of its own infra penny emperor pound at the end of the day no matter how cool or trend setting it is anyone getting people excited about bakes and baking is no bad thing in my book it's fascinating it's all about the internet it's all about that feeling of we're getting something special we're getting something that no one's gonna get and that i think is fascinating to see i'd be selling tea and coffee up the line as well making a few quid [Music] now one of the things i like to do in any new city is to get up high to get my bearings thank you and at 210 feet you can't get much higher than the coit tower on telegraph hill [Music] this is the lift it that's good thank you [Music] this is high look at this wow you begin to realize actually that san francisco is known as the san francisco peninsula so three sides of it surrounded with water is essentially just sits on its own this little finger popping out and then around here is the main city in 1906 there was a big earthquake it was 7.8 on the richter scale that's a whopper and it flattened most of san francisco the whole thing had to be rebuilt from scratch just thinking about earthquakes now it's probably two for one in california i think it's time we got down [Music] the next bakery i'm visiting was built not long after that seismic event it's been a north beach neighborhood institution for over 100 years it's liguria a family-run italian bakery who said i can lend a hand hello mike hey paul nice to meet you buddy how are you doing hi wow just just in time to help us uh get some of these okay mike siraco and his family bake one bread and warm bread only and it's not sourdough but an italian classic forgatcha just making focaccia makes life a lot more straightforward when it comes to baking but you see all the different ones here the herbs the rosemary the olives the mushroom tomato they're great for caches i love focaccia the family came over from liguria in the early 1900s with their traditional recipe and mike has agreed to let me loose on his dough what are you doing uh next week working here well i have done this before we used to do it this way to make the holes in it but this way we just roll in the pan all right get it makes makes life a lot easier oh that's fine yeah wow whatever makes holes you have to have the air in there absolutely once the dough is proved and risen twice it's ready for one of liguria's 11 traditional toppings you just pouring this on yeah onion and tomato followed by a handful of sea salt this is secret i can only touch this finally a liberal dousing of olive oil and it's baking time there's a couple of things in my life i get excited about cars and ovens this one is 105 years old 1911 it was built um it is an amazing bit of kit you're just gonna you're you're just gonna line four of them up down the bottom there then are you going to the right there yeah well you start there the oven holds 14 trays at a time where do you want this one far right corner all the way right yeah watching this spin so yeah i know and trust me getting them all in is no mean feat that is tricky that one okay it's in with customers waiting i might have to leave it to the pros ten minutes and they're baked [Music] total respect to these boys they make it look so easy mike can i try uh a little piece of the tomato one please yes or tomato tomato sure paul for yourself well [Music] great real tang coming from the tomato it's got a lovely flavor that texture is amazing what you're tasting is a little bit of baking history tradition it's all around us the equipment's still the same feels untouched by modern san francisco this is old san francisco my city visits always inspire me to get baking and mike's for catcher has got me thinking well would you like you want the plane probably then huh actually i wouldn't either one with the onion and this looks perfect what are we gonna do with this i've been allowed to use the kitchens of a local community cooking school because i've got an idea i'm going to show you how to make a bread and butter pudding but this one is savory with mushrooms and cheese so simple but so satisfying okay i have my focaccia this is the focaccia we got from laguardia bakery i'm just going to chop it up now this one's the onion one i particularly like this one because it actually it gets better with age as the audience sits inside the bread the flavors get stronger and stronger you can use any bread you have going spare just keep those slices nice and chunky next the custard i want to make this quite rich so what i'm going to do is initially put three eggs straight in [Music] and two egg yolks i'm going to add a little cream and some milk as well and whisk it all together no obviously there's no sugar in there this is a savory custard it's very quick to do and actually once you've soaked it all in with the bread and sitting it down if you've got a dinner party you can actually prepare it in the day pop it in the fridge and then bake it it is absolutely delicious a little bit of pepper a little salt give it a final mix and you're ready to start putting it all together first liberally butter an ovenproof dish lovely now i've got some garlic i'm going to roughly chop like a bit of garlic in this dish then you get your bread and start layering it all up inside the dish a little bit haphazard now i've got some mushrooms here just chopped up which is going to push in between some of the bread again this will add another flavor to it and add a little bit of moisture to the dish as well you can't beat a good mushroom next a little chopped rosemary just a sprinkling and then i've got the custard mix which i'm just going to pour in nice and gently and this will soak with the bread [Music] make sure all the bread is covered with it finally top with a good grated parmesan spread that all over the top and that's it [Music] bake for 30 minutes until the custard is set and the best way to serve it hot out of the oven [Music] that's delicious now that for me actually you could eat for brunch or indeed for lunch if you've got a few people around that with a glass of wine absolutely perfect and actually it's got the texture of a bread butter pudding but then you've got that beautiful cheese the grape focaccia the onion and then you have the mushrooms in there as well and then a slight back flavor of garlic it is absolutely delicious kamingo i meet a rebel baker who's rocking the patisserie world oh very clever thank you and i uncover some oriental secrets did you know fortune cookies are not chinese no i'm in san francisco exploring the best of the city's bakes bakers and bakeries so far it's been an amazing mix of tradition and innovation that looks amazing i love that but there's plenty more to explore packed into the city's 48 square miles are over a hundred different neighborhoods giving san fran an almost villagey feel so today i'm going to pound the pavement and explore some of them starting with an unexpectedly risque cookie shop it tastes great all being made in there as well there was a couple of shaped cookies that i can't actually show you welcome to the castro the castro district was the birthplace of the gay rights movement you'll notice on the cross in here that it's the colours of the rainbow this was invented in the 1970s in san francisco to represent the gay movement in this city today the flag has flown proudly the world over and the rights fought for here have changed lives for many gay people around the globe [Music] what's really struck me about this city and its people they're pioneers whether here in the castro or in the neighboring hate ashbury where flower power started back in the 60s they pushed the envelope and changed it for the rest of the world it's very much a san francisco thing next up i'm headed a few blocks east to the mission district this is where the first settlers who came to san francisco based themselves it's been known over the years has been a bit of a downtrodden place you know there's been a lot of money injected into it nowadays it's quite hipster as well so be fascinating to see what sort of interesting things they have around here oh there's an interesting thing right away nice bike shiny wheels aside i've been told i had to visit a bakery here called craftsman and wolves when it comes to patisserie apparently they've ripped up the rule book stuff looks really good flavor combinations are very unusual they use flavors like hibiscus persimmon buckwheat yuzu it all sounds very weird but looks seriously high-end sometimes the words don't say enough it's all about the taste as well can i try some of your pastries place of course any particulars i'm going to leave that entirely up to you will werner opened craftsman and wolves two years ago having spent 20 years honing his craft in hotel kitchens around the world wow thank you very much my pleasure well looking at this this has got a strong french influence yeah i really kind of adopted that that french style like patisserie and like the classics but i really like kind of to juxtapose it with a little bit of asian influence middle eastern influence anything that we can kind of get and look at some different flavor combinations that seem unexpected and then obviously we like to make very pretty things this one's screaming at me yeah this is a good one this is one of my favorites it's a violet cheesecake with vanilla and we create a nice violet meringue wow the violet meringue is delicious thank you i love that jelly and actually i was a bit violet really but actually it works together well and the next coffee whipped with yuzu and coconut yuzu this is a type of asian grapefruit oh confusion with that cream is so delicate very clever thank you your flavour combinations are just spot-on thank you whether it's japanese flavors or runny eggs hidden inside his muffins will is baking outside the box obviously i've always thought of san francisco as a bit of non-conformist which is actually what you've done in your bacon it's non-conformist yeah i think what's great about san francisco is it welcomes diversity and it welcomes modern craft and pushing the envelope it's a very european town you know there's a lot of uh people coming overseas and working and coming here so the palette there's customers are tough like they they know they know when it's not quality and they know and it's not executed right and what you're doing here is very french but very san francisco cool thank you that's that's exactly what i set out to do they look stunning and i'm honestly surprised by the flavors hidden inside the final neighborhood i'm off to explore is probably the most recognizable the usa's biggest chinatown are these look interesting look like uh actually look like eclairs oh i hope they're eclairs i love eclairs i bet they're not though and that's the thing well i know my chow mein for my chop suey when it comes to chinese baking not a clue so to give me a taste of the neighborhood good to see you nice to meet you buddy i've enlisted the help of local foodie tour guide andrew this is one of the first places where the chinese really came to america yeah and so this is the original chinatown of all of north america so when was that when did the chinese start coming over to san francisco the chinese started coming over during the gold rush didn't always look this chinese though it was rebuilt after the 1906 earthquake as an oriental fairytale land to attract tourists and talking of tourist attractions obviously when you listen this man remember the voice is not a chinese man okay but but do put in a dollar okay or more if you want it's not going to make the fortune any better neo step up and hear the great wisdom of confucius to hear more ancient wisdom relieve yourself of more monetary burden nice try billy yeah so go and check that out so that's your printed fortune now you seem to be very impetuous and outspoken me me really me outspoken i know what my future right now holds because andrew has promised to take me to chinatown's oldest bakery let's see if there was one thing here that you would want someone to try what would it be moon cakes moon cake famous in britain we have pork pies it looks like a book oh yeah it does and so what is the filling made out of lotus tea and this is traditional thank you this is the loaded sweet paste and this is the egg yolk egg yolk you know the more egg yolk it's supposed to be luckier and tasty it tastes a little bit like almond paste the pastry is a little bit like a conventional sugar crust pastry actually and you're still the only bakery in town that cooks the filling yeah only it's really hard a lot of labor and eight hours for giving eight hours wow i've never had anything like that in my life before i'm sure they're delicious if i'd grown up with them but sorry moon cakes i'll leave you to the locals so we've gone to eastern bakery and we've experienced some things that are traditionally chinese yeah now i'm going to take you to something that's san francisco they're very chinese-american okay this is going to be interesting it is okay apparently it's just down this alleyway let me ask you right away does it look familiar to you no no so this alley has a few names among some of the main ones ross alley and the nickname is hollywood ally that's a good name yes not for you but because it's been the site of many movies things like uh big trouble in little chinatown oh really yes oh i love that movie that was fantastic and here we are the main attraction ah it's bakery yes golden gate fortune cookie company now did you know fortune cookies are not chinese no they found evidence that fortune cookies are like some pretty old japanese religious wafer and it was in the japanese tea garden here in san francisco where allegedly makota hajiwara changed up the recipe and then folded them into the shape and started passing them out as palette cleansers during japanese internment during world war ii the chinese came in took over the gardens and then they were like whoa these are cool let's put little notes from confucius in them and hand them out at our restaurants and uh by the time the japanese got out the japanese wafer became the chinese fortune cookie right okay that makes perfect sense so this right here is the last fortune cookie company in america to fold their cookies by hand yes you can see this machine is just it's very old they're made from a simple batter of flour sugar sesame seed oil and vanilla it reminds me very much of a waffle machine so what you've got you've got the liquid being pumped in there exactly coming round heating up and then bang let's turn into a fortune cookie i had no idea this is how it's done well this is the last place where it's done like this you know other than that it's all fully automated that's brilliant and then i cannot let you leave without writing your own fortune um what you write your own yeah you can write your own and they'll put in a cookie for you this seems a very easy way to make my dreams come true [Music] shock surprise my son passes his exams [Laughter] sorry josh i couldn't resist it right i appreciate that mate of course thank you very much andrew for your tour i'm glad glad you enjoyed it i love it love it sanfran has more to show me that's got a lovely kick to it i discover what it's like to work at a bakery collective we pair ourselves very well because we have no boss and then my crust by doing some baking of my own that smells amazing it's wonderful it's really delicious my time in san francisco is nearly up but i can't leave this city fame for bread without baking some of my own i've heard of a place in berkeley on the east side of the bay that's really peaked my interest i'm going there to check out a bakery that's ran in a very different way a very san francisco way it's called the cheese board collective founded in 1971 it's a delhi com bakery coffee shop and it's run and owned by everyone that works there all 55 of them hello hi are you kathy i'm kathy hello captain this is armory hi hello nice to meet you hello this whole idea of being a cooperative we're a democratically run cooperative where uh everybody has a voice yeah we try to reach consensus when we do decision making you know everybody's on board and it's just the most remarkable place to work it sounds incredible as its name suggests this place started out as a cheese shop where are your american cheeses do you want to come around to this yeah yeah absolutely yeah yeah these cheeses are all artisan what have we got this is a cheese called terran taste which actually won um best in show at the american cheese society competition uh two years ago i believe that's got a lovely kick to it that is lovely so it's all made here in the states right give me another one so from california since you know we're here if i'm here this is from cowgirl creamery it's a cheese called wagon wheel it melts really well so it's got a melting quality to it as well yeah it makes a great grilled cheese well that's delicious um and it's given me an idea can i have a nice wedge of that place sure that'd be fantastic thank you in true collective spirits kathy and her co-workers have agreed to let me loosen their kitchen and i'm going to bake my own californian loaf loaded with this local cheese and green olives this is a very basic white dough but it works you can make this at home and it's great for pizza bases great for plain dough and great actually for flavored breads now i've got some salt in there i've got some fast action yeast add a little splash of olive oil and then some water and get your hands in there give it a good mix around to incorporate all the ingredients into the strong white bread flour a little bit more water and when it's in a lump like that it's good to go and it's quite a soft dough so i'm going to work that now with a little bit of oil gently massage and knead massage and knead until it comes together it's about speed on a bench the more you press it and try and work it into a bench it'll stick so it's all about stopping it from sticking you end up with a beautiful smooth dough like that i'm gonna pop that into a bowl while that proves i have time to find out a bit more how does everybody get on who makes the decisions we have a million meetings so we make decisions mostly by consensus things as simple as like are we going to take credit cards or are we going to open an hour earlier because there's a demand this is not how i've seen bakeries run before but here the bread is fantastic you have a variety of different breads here yes we do which ones are your most popular irons well i can tell you the one we love to make the most is the baguette we roll each one by hand they're sourdough and they're delicious shine on that's incredible i know it's beautiful and it's delicious and you should take it because now you've touched it but besides that i can't help it now it's yours thank you very much indeed that's great i've got some cheese i've got cheese i'll get around touching the lot that'll really wind you up [Laughter] it looks great the quality of the baking here is amazing yeah well we work really hard at it we try really hard it's obviously paying off my bread will have a lot to live up to but i've got my very own cooperative kathy to help me now all i'm doing now is just stretching it out a bit like focaccia so i'm going to do is put these green olives in here while i'm doing this you know i'm going to ask you want me to grate it can you grate it your mind thank you very much indeed and the reason why i want to grate it actually is because i want it to infuse all the way through as much as possible so you get cheese in every bite any time today kathy it's fine there's no rush okay no worries see i just can't help being the boss how does the rate of pay work does everyone get paid the same we all get paid the same per hour we work so anything from a kitchen porter to a baker to someone working in the shop everyone's saying that's incredible and so what happens with the profit side of things once a year we do share all the profits and we pay ourselves very well because we have no boss okay you can see what i've done here i've got the cheese on the top now i'm going to fold this up roll it up now the size of this will make two chop this in half did you add this do you know what i could use a banana ah perfect perfect perfect okay i anticipate you thank you very much this is this is very cooperative yeah that's right a balaton okay you can buy these in a lot of the shops really you should try bacon and these these give a very different look to a loaf you have all the ridges on there what you do is you get a bit of flour and you coat the inside with flour a it stops it from sticking but b it creates a nice pattern on the bread pick up your bread drop it into the banana do the same thing again pick it up drop it in there job done after another proof they're ready for the oven [Music] i'm gonna close this up now steam button that's pushing steam that's going to give my loaves a really good crust and sheen if you haven't got a steam button let's be honest most ovens don't what you do is you get a tray in the oven underneath heat up a little metal pan or a cake tin and then just before you close the door on the bread pour water cold water into that tin it'll instantly turn to steam and that'll give you the same effect in your oven those bake i'm going to find out a little bit more of how this place works hello hi you're doing your work here i am everyone kind of fills in whatever roles kind of fits with their passions and their interests so sometimes i'm here at the cheese shop sometimes i bake the bread sometimes i go upstairs and like work on the financial report and pay some taxes [Music] hello how long have you been uh i've had the pleasure of being here for almost three years wow um there's some people that have been here since before the disco age and all that but yeah it's no it's great it's a good feeling to wake up in the morning and and knowing that you're contributing to something kind of bigger than yourself i just find it totally alien for me to get around the head that everybody's paid the same everyone does the same job because in my arena i was always known as the one with the mouth the boss you know giving out the orders oh i just find it how the dynamics of that work you know you know it's kind of cool to like you know to kind of know that you're still kind of like all the same footing the responsibility exactly exactly i get that's it yeah okay that's it exactly it's brilliant i was quite puzzled probably on how that sort of system works but it seems to be really happy it's a good vibe in it you know you feel everybody gets on everyone's cracks on with the job everybody knows each other's jobs and everyone just sort of swaps over and it it works there he goes living brief been here 50 years what a genuinely fascinating place and there's one thing left to do share my bread with my new co-op co-star oh look at that the alice oh they always popping out look that smells amazing actually it does but you can see all the way through it's quite a light dough it's very soft then you have the cheese that sits in there and binds the whole thing together and i live in every bite it's terrific [Music] it's really delicious with the olives actually and the cheese kind of kind of fries the olive oil it does you know it does you like it is it good it's terrific thank you [Music] thank you very much indeed kathy i wish you every successful next 50 years thank you thank you come again and see it soon bye-bye [Music] my first ever visit to san francisco hasn't disappointed if anything it's exceeded my expectations the people of san francisco don't sit back on the laurels the people of san francisco are forward-thinking people yes they appreciate the history but they want to make it better not just for people in san francisco but for everyone in the world and that translates to their food too the bakes the bread from the castro to the fisherman's wharf to berkeley the bakeries here celebrate tradition and innovation in equal measure but above all it's about quality yeah i fall in love with san francisco great city great people
Channel: Tonic
Views: 1,383,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Hollywood, paul hollywood's city bakes, city bakes, city bakes full episodes, city bakes paul hollywood, full episodes, season 2, tonic, tonic channel, best of, best of city bakes, city bakes best moments, paul hollywood best moments, city bakes compilation, City bakes san francisco, baking in san francisco, cruffins, cruffins with puff pastry, cruffins near me, cruffins san francisco, cruffins bakery, cruffins receta, cruffins youtube, what are cruffins
Id: NCu3dQj4dl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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