Paul is blown away by the quality at a Japanese bakery | Paul Hollywood Eats Japan

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in the uk bread is everywhere it's part of our lives when something's really good we say it's the best thing since sliced bread in the lord's prayer we don't say our daily rice or daily noodles we say give us our daily bread and we sing bread of heaven i could go on you know after a life of baking paul's got a good nose for sniffing out a flowery bath i noticed when i've been going around tokyo actually that they do have bakeries and i saw cues going around the block on some occasion early in the morning waiting for these bakeries to open then i discovered that the oldest bakery in tokyo is actually just around the corner from the hotel paul's hotel and the bakery are in ginza district the posh part where paul saw those expensive melons all the shops are up market here including tokyo's oldest bakery kumaraya opened in 1869 it's taken me aback a little bit to be honest because i thought this was predominantly a rice-based culture but i never expected to see that in japan and so we observe the hollywood in his natural habitat the quality here looks amazing it's precision it's the crumb structure it's the look of it i mean i'm really genuinely shocked and there's some stuff in here i really want to try actually because i've never seen them before this one in particular could i try this one please hmm we may be in here for a while now this is melon bread with cream now i've never seen anything like this but what i'm curious to see is melon really has no inherent flavor it'll be lost in a bread [Music] smells melon [Music] i am actually getting melon it's like um a gloopy blitzed up melon inside a bread that's light it's fluffy it's crispy it's very sweet [Music] a lot of the bread i saw actually was very familiar to me but it did have a slight twist now if you look at that there it's a danish pastry with cheese inside it actually i prefer that over the custard that's crazy can i try a scone plain scones bet they fly off the shelf now the secret is with a good scone is the shine on the top nice and straight to the sides and a decent amount of raisins in there i'm in tokyo i'm eating something that comes straight from the queen's afternoon tea menu i mean that is staggering natural split down the middle smells like it's gone i didn't expect this it's a fantastic scone and next up the star bake a holy home-grown japanese obsession it's called ampang and it's like a red paste thing but pan is bread it's like it is in france [Music] they make and sell up to ten thousand and pans each day in this shop alone and when paul asked nicely they agreed to show him the bakery yeah that fits [Music] the dough for anpan takes 60 hours to make now that's a slow rise then each morning they do the rest in here kneading rolling filling them with red bean paste and baking thousands of them the flour is wheat flour grit bread flour okay so it is basically an enriched dough and the bean paste is going in the middle it's a bit like a brioche and then you egg wash the top oh no you asked yeah and then in the oven all right how long in the oven eight minutes eight minutes the japanese eat around five million and pan every day and it was in this very shop that anpan was invented by a retired samurai yasabe kimura in 1874. and so to the tasting bit he's good at this [Music] about 20 years ago i was in this academy of bakers and we got offered jobs all over the world and jobs were being offered for me in japan and i was thinking they don't make bread how wrong was i i could have been living here now making amber [Music] this is gonna be interesting i'm trying to identify the flavors this is the red bean paste it's got the texture a little bit of a kidney bean remember fake biscuits when you're a kid and you got that chew that's what it's like inside there hints of cinnamon in there as well the bread is brioche like but it's also like the softest flowery bath that you've ever had in your life they're really tasty they're quite moorish actually to be honest i was gobsmacked i mean we've been making bread in the west now for four or five thousand years i think we're pretty good at it however the japanese have only been making it for 150 years or so and they've mastered it already the stuff in that shop was absolutely top draw i'm impressed whatever they touch they make the best of
Channel: Paul Hollywood
Views: 180,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Hollywood, Baking, Bake off, Bake-off, channel 4, cakes, bread, baking bread, Paul Hollywood eats japan, Paul Hollywood's City Bakes, cooking, food, Japan, Bakery
Id: 9XDdVlluxac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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